Burden Sentence Examples
You don't carry this burden alone.
I'm sorry I have become a burden to you.
I don't want to be a burden to you or our family anymore.
Don't ever say you're a burden again.
There are such words as joy and sorrow, but they are only the burden of a psalm, sung with a nasal twang, while we believe in the ordinary and mean.
Like Alex, she had been overwhelmed by grief and burden of finances.
She pinched his cheek, "It must be such a burden to be so gorgeous."
This capacity he never abused so as to burden his conscience or depress his spirits.
The company should insure its workers because if uninsured workers end up in the ER, the burden falls on society, not the company.
War and reconstruction threw upon them the new burden of the black children.
AdvertisementIt is universally used as a draught animal and beast of burden.
Don't make keeping your journal a burden.
He tried to convince himself the reason was the burden she carried with her mother's illness, but deep down, he knew that was only partially true.
He managed to draw down upon himself alone the burden of the condemnations pronounced.
When too heavily laden the camel refuses to rise, but on the march it is exceedingly patient under its burden, only yielding beneath it to die.
AdvertisementTheir aim, he said, was nothing less than "the lifting, from the backs and from the hearts of men, of their burden of arms and of fears, so that they may find before them a golden age of freedom and of peace."
Dieu," of 1000 tons burden, making an epoch in its history.
Accordingly, it was henceforward governed by a proconsul (appointed by the senate) and freed from the burden of troops, while its local government was assimilated to that of Italy.
He was thus led to consider the misery of the people under the burden of taxation.
He and Jefferson were both imbued with the idea that government could be carried on upon a priori principles resting on the assumed perfectness of human nature, and the chief burden of carrying out this theory fell upon Gallatin.
AdvertisementIn 1869 the maximum burden of the vessels which were able to ply on the upper Elbe was 250 tons; but in 1899 it was increased to Boo tons.
Great part of the burden has been borne throughout by the "City Extension Fund," realized from the utilization of the ground formerly occupied by the fortifications and glacis.
The burden of the new prophecy seems to have been a new standard of moral obligations, especially with regard to marriage, fasting and martyrdom.
John Albert's second diet (1496), after granting subsidies the burden of which fell entirely on the towns and peasantry, passed a series of statutes benefiting the nobility at the expense of the other classes.
Bezukhov got off scotfree, while Fedya had to bear the whole burden on his shoulders.
AdvertisementThe Lord of the Rings ring bearer is the person who bears the burden of a ring of power.
He could have gone to a nursing home so he wasn't such a burden on his daughter.
I knew I'd have to talk to you about it sooner or later, but I didn't want to hold the financial burden of an unplanned pregnancy over your head like a club.
Cindy, our baby wouldn't be a burden to me even if my financial status was shaky - and it isn't.
The collection of a part of the import duties in gold has served to give the government the gold it requires for certain expenditures, but it has complicated returns and accounts and increased the burden of taxation.
In its fourth year its training as a beast of burden begins, when it is taught to kneel and to rise at a given signal, and is gradually accustomed to bear increasing loads.
The chief domestic animals are the camel, horse, ass, ox, buffalo (used both as a beast of burden and for riding), sheep with a short silky fleece, the goat and the pig, which last here reaches its southernmost limit.
He supported the king's administration in parliament, but opposed strongly the unjust measure which, on the abolition of the court of wards, placed the extra burden of taxation thus rendered necessary on the excise.
There the procession was received by the priests, who led the ass and its burden to the sanctuary.
There is an important fishery in the river, and the harbour is accessible to vessels of loo tons burden.
The administration of the postal service throughout the empire was taken over by the state, and municipal officials were relieved from the burden of maintaining the imperial posts.
Those employed in workshops, whose overseers were themselves most commonly of servile status, had probably a harder lot than domestics; and the agricultural labourers were not unfrequently chained, and treated much in the same way as beasts of burden.
The burden of maintaining it, however, proving too great for the society's means, appeal was made in vain to government for national support, and the station was closed in 1904.
This was contained implicitly in the ordonnance of 1439, which at the same time suppressed the seigniorial taille, as competing too closely with the royal taille by imposing a double burden on the taxpayer.
There were no longer church lands available with which to conciliate the nobles, the burden of taxation was heavy, and Albert's rule became unpopular.
In 1864, in a debate on a private member's bill for extending the suffrage, he declared that the burden of proof lay on those " who would exclude forty-nine fiftieths of the working-classes from the franchise."
In the cities and towns horses used as beasts of burden are now shod with iron, but in rural or mountainous, districts straw shoes are substituted, a device which enables the animals to traverse rocky or precipitous roads with safety.
Indeed, but for the unceasing simultaneous struggle with the Teutonic knights, the burden of which was heroically borne by Kiejstut, Russian historians frankly admit that Lithuania, not Muscovy, must have become the dominant power of eastern Europe.
The Ionians were naturally averse from prolonged warfare, and in the prosperity which must have followed the final rout of the Persians and the freeing of the Aegean from the pirates (a very important feature in the league's policy) a money contribution was only a trifling burden.
From an early period of his life in London the condition of the poor pressed upon him with consuming force; the enormous magnitude of the social questions involved was a burden which he could hardly bear.
The Lamb that was slain has taken upon Himself the burden of the world's history.
The imports consist of manufactured goods, beasts of burden and corn, for the island is too mountainous to grow enough corn for the inhabitants.
Under the act of 1892 this shifting of the burden of proof only occurred if the circular had been sent to any person at any university, college, school or other place of education.
Economic disturbances are caused in great measure by this system of excessive armaments; and the constant danger involved in this accumulation of war material renders the armed peace of to-day a crushing burden more and more difficult for nations to bear.
But he was crushed by the burden of his inheritance.
Work was stopped, in 1840, before the system was completed because of the intense popular discontent arising from the burden of debt which had been assumed and because the success of competing railways was then fully assured.
The act of 1891, has, however, altered this method of recovering tithes, and substituted another intended to shift the burden of responsibility from the occupier to the landowner, by making the latter directly and solely responsible, but giving the remedy against the land.
When the time for eclosion has come, the male enters the water with his burden; the larvae, in the full tadpole condition, measuring 14 to 17 millimetres, bite their way through their tough envelope, which is not abandoned by the father until all the young are liberated, and complete in the ordinary way their metamorphosis.
The result was that the income from customs and excise rose from about 230 million marks in 1878-1879 to about 700 millions in 1898-1899, and Bismarcks object in removing a great burden from the states was attained.
But the colonizing genius which, with the British Isles as centre, has taken up the "white man's burden" in all quarters of the globe, is universally recognized.
Amongst them are homilies "on the burden of Babylon in Isaiah"; three books "on spiritual friendship"; a life of Edward the Confessor; an account of miracles wrought at Hexham, and the tract called Relatio de Standardo.
Temporary financial embarrassment followed, but when the Federal government had taken upon itself half the burden and established the economic administration of the commissioners, the problem of beautifying the nation's capital was solved.
Helen expressed a great deal of sympathy, and at every opportunity during the day she would find Pearl and carry the burden from place to place.
It's a burden to him, and Bory's life is only just beginning....
He will drag about as a cripple, a burden to everybody, for another ten years.
Here, the Islamic governments shoulder a heavy burden of responsibility.
The program is aimed at easing the burden of skyrocketing gasoline prices.
While home maintenance may seem like a burden, there are many ways to help lighten the load.
A life insurance policy can help your family by alleviating some of the financial burden that will inevitably result after your death.
Worrying about finances will only add to their burden.
Then again, if matching your bra and panty has become something of a burden or a source of stress, then it may be best to go another route.
Not allowing the tragedy of her mother's death or the burden of taking on a maternal role for her younger sisters, Rosie O'Donnell was very active and well liked in high school.
When tax time comes around, these businesses often need to be fairly creative to come up with fair deductions to reduce their tax burden.
Why had it never occurred to her that wealthy people carried such a burden?
In the debate abolishing the court of wards he spoke, like most landed proprietors, in favour of laying the burden on the excise instead of on the land, and on the question of the restoration of the bishops carried in the interests of the court an adjournment of the debate for three months.
The great rivers of Australia, draining inland, carve out valleys, dissolve limestone, and spread out their deposit over the plains when the waters become too sluggish to bear their burden farther.
Charged with all this matter, the Semliki, as it emerges from the region of forest and cataracts (in which, often closely confined by its mountain barriers, the stream is deep and rapid), becomes sluggish, its slope flattens out, and its waters, unable to carry their burden, deposit much of it upon the land.
Above Spires, however, the river craft are comparatively small, but lower down vessels of 500 and 600 tons burden find no difficulty in plying.
A bridge, like a highway, may be a burden on neighbouring land ratione tenurae.
Its object, like other Jewish apocalypses, was to encourage faith under persecution; its burden is not a call to repentance but a promise of deliverance.
But their rule was troubled by continual wars and insurrections; the support of the Beduin Arabs was imperfectly secured by pensions, which formed a heavy burden on the finances of the state; 1 and in later times the dynasty was weakened by family dissensions.
The llama was the only beast of burden known to the South American natives before the arrival of the Spaniards and is highly serviceable on the difficult trails of the Andes.
This contract relieved Peru of its crushing burden of foreign indebtedness, and turned an apparently heavy loss to the bondholders into a possible profit.
It was this which made him add to his labours the burden of delivering every year from 1831 to 1848 a course of gratuitous lectures on astronomy for a popular audience.
It had complete control over the Euxine grain-trade; the absence of tides and the depth of its harbour rendered its quays accessible to vessels of large burden; while the tunny and other fisheries were so lucrative that the curved inlet near which it stood became known as the Golden Horn.
Fifty per cent of the retail industry's turnover is spent on the cumulative burden imposed by the Government.
But then a gypsy curse gave him a heavy burden.
Pete Leaves Smallville - Clark's best friend learned Clark's secret in the second season, but the burden of keeping the secret after being tortured multiple times was overwhelming.
It was the first time Clark realized that not everyone was strong enough to carry the burden of Clark's identity and origins.
It is Frodo who carries the burden of the One Ring throughout the trilogy, traveling to Mount Doom in Mordor to destroy it.
Most associate the position of ring bearer with Frodo Baggins who bore the burden of the One Ring for the duration of the Lord of the Rings cycle and contributed to its destruction with the help of Samwise Gamgee.
The burden of the Ring finally fell to young Frodo Baggins.
The Army has changed the uniform numerous times throughout history but its streamlined, modern version ensures less of a clothing burden on the soldiers themselves.
These benefits, in most cases, far outweighed the one burden of having to monitor and police the discussions on the forum.
By placing the burden of processing on the server-side of the interaction, this means that the first requirement is an ASP-ready server.
Downward the eagle and his burden fell, and in the epic of Gilgamesh we find Etana in the nether world.
A third experiment took the form of distributing over many backs a burden too heavy for one.
The Tavoy is navigable for vessels of any burden.
Here it need only be said that it was mainly due to his efforts that France was so early relieved of the burden of the allied army of occupation.
The angels supporting the world withdraw themselves from their burden, and everything falls in ruins.
The cities, towns and municipalities resort to it to supply their local needs, and there is a tendency, especially pronounced in Ontario on account of the excellence of her municipal system, to devolve the burden of educational payments, and others more properly provincial, upon the municipal authorities on the plea of decentralization.
He held his canonry at Westminster in conjunction with the regius professorship. The strain of the joint work was very heavy, and the intensity of the interest and study which he brought to bear upon his share in the labours of the Ecclesiastical Courts Commission, of which he had been appointed a member, added to his burden.
In a few years he had incurred a debt of 56 million francs, a burden assumed by the impoverished state.
Economic crises, due in great part to the existing system of excessive armaments, were transforming armed peace into a crushing burden, which peoples had more and more difficulty in bearing.
The burden of superintending these missions and providing funds for their support rested on Dr Coke, who took his place as the missionary bishop of Methodism.
Over and above the weight of political affairs, he bore resolutely for eighteen years the overwhelming burden of the presidency of a tribunal before which the whole of Europe came to plead.
The burden of taxation became more and more intolerable as the power of Rome decreased, and the loyalty of her remaining provinces was seriously impaired in consequence.
The expenses of a magnificent court led the duke to quarrel with the Landschaft, to oppress his subjects, and to leave a great burden of debt when he died in October 1579.
The theatre, however, was soon closed, and the printing establishment failed, leaving behind it a heavy burden of debt.
According to the fundamental law (Grondwet) of 1887, they are chosen by the provincial states, not only from amongst those who bear the greatest burden of direct taxation in each province, but also from amongst great functionaries and person's of high rank.
The numerous converting mills which treat pig iron made at a distance will now have the crushing burden of providing in other ways the power which their rivals get from the blast-furnace, in addition to the severe disadvantage under which they already suffer, of wasting the initial heat of the molten cast iron as it runs from the blastfurnace.
The whole burden of government weighed exclusively on the shoulders of the new king, a young man of seven and twenty.
Even women were used as beasts of burden to carry ammunition and stores, and when no longer capable of work were left to die by the roadside or murdered to avoid any ill consequences occurring from their capture.
But these gods have not on their shoulders the burden of upholding and governing the world, They are themselves the products of the order of nature - a higher species than humanity, but not the rulers of man, neither the makers nor the upholders of the world.
The Ganges and its northern tributaries are navigable by country boats of large burden all the year round.
King Dagobert sent troops to repel these marauders from time to time, but the main burden of defence fell upon the Saxons, Bavarians and Thuringians.
It applied only to those occupations, mines and factories, in which the use of machinery was common; it threw the whole burden of compensation on to the masters; but, on the other hand, for the first thirteen weeks after an accident the injured workman received compensation from the sick fund, so that the cost only fell on the masters in the more serious cases.
In this way it was possible to increase the war establishment, excluding the Landsturm, by about half a million men without adding to the burden in time of peace.
Among those more immediately connected with the government his fall was accompanied by a feeling of relief which was not confined to the Opposition, for the burden of his Chane.Irule had pressed heavily upon all.
Every school, public, separate or high, shares in the provincial grant, but the chief financial burden falls on the local authorities.
They accepted the great burden of debt which the action of Hungary imposed upon the country, and rejected the proposals for repudiation, but notwithstanding the protest of foreign bondholders they imposed a tax of 16% on all interest on the debt.
Loans were needed for military and other purposes, and paragraph 14 itself declares that it cannot be employed for the contraction of any lasting burden upon the exchequer, nor for any sale of state patrimony.
By the end of the and century A.D., claims made by the imperial government upon the municipal senate are more and more changing membership of the order from an honour into an intolerable burden, and financial disorganization is calling on imperial officials in one place after another to undertake the business of government.
Horses are comparatively few, and are seldom seen outside the large towns, the camel and donkey being the principal beasts of burden.
The ordinary beast of burden, even in the desert, was the ass.
The new Egyptian army was so far improved that it gained successes over the forces of the Mahdi; the burden of the national debt was lightened by a successful conversion; the corve was abolished; 1 the land tax was reduced 30% in the poorest provinces, and in spite of this and other measures for lightening the public burdens, the budgetary surplus constantly increased; the quasi-judicial special commissions for brigandage, which were at once barbarous and inefficient, were abolished; the native tribunals were improved, and Mr (afterwards Sir John) Scott, an Indian judge of great experience and sound judgment, was appointed judicial adviser to the khedive.
Nevertheless during her lifetime the system worked fairly well; but her pupil and successor, Eric of Pomerania, was unequal to the burden of empire and embroiled himself both with his neighbours and his subjects.
In April Ethelred died, and Alfred succeeded to the whole burden of the contest.
The truth is that so far as the British effort is concerned, the main burden was borne by troops furnished from Great Britain.
Before the momentous issue could be decided, however,Alexander died at Taganrog on the 1st of December (November 18, O.S.) 1825, "crushed," to use his own words, "beneath the terrible burden of a crown " which he had more than once declared his intention of resigning.
On 26th April 1859 Morris married Jane Burden, a beautiful Oxford girl, who had sat to him as a model, and settled temporarily at 41 Great Ormond Street, London.
This, however, was not the lesson which was drawn from it by Goethe's contemporaries; they shed tears of sympathy over the lovelorn youth whose burden becomes too great for him to bear.
The Defence of the Realm Act and other war-time measures threw in these years a great burden of anxious work on the law officers of the Crown, including the prosecution of Sir Roger Casement for high treason at the Old Bailey.
Restrictions in church-building, in dress, in the use of beasts of burden, in social intercourse with Moslems, and in the use of bells and of the sign of the cross were enforced..
His bill for elementary education he regarded as the most important part of the code, but Virginia had no strong middle class, and the planters would not assume the burden of educating the poor.
The indigenous horse is the yabu, a stout, heavyshouldered animal, of about 14 hands high, used chiefly for burden, but also for riding.
Although essentially a fluvial district, it does not possess any river navigable throughout the year by boats of 4 tons burden.
That in areas where the State takes the land revenue from the cultivators, the proposal to fix the assessment at one-fifth of the gross produce would result in the imposition of a greatly increased burden upon the people.
His first care on arrival in India was to restore equilibrium to the finances, which were tottering under the burden imposed upon them by the Burmese War.
Ferdinand and Maria Carolina had continued to reign in Sicily, where the extravagance of the court and the odious Neapolitan system of police espionage rendered their presence a burden instead of a blessing to the island.
One clause, the operation of which was limited to two years from the close of the existing war, provided that American vessels not exceeding 70 tons burden might trade with the West Indies, but should carry only American products there and take away to American ports only West Indian products; moreover, the United States was to export in American vessels no molasses, sugar, coffee, cocoa or cotton to any part of the world.
In 1593 trade between the Philippines and Mexico, the only route open between the colony and Spain, was limited to two ships annually, the ships not to exceed 300 tons burden.
The sum total expended upon the buildings amounted to half a million of money, and the yearly charges of the establishment were a heavy burden on the exchequer.
The crash came just as Jackson was leaving office; the whole burden fell on his successor, Van Buren.
If not, the lord can follow him in fresh pursuit for four days; once these days past, the fugitive is maintained provisionally in possession of his liberty, and the lord has to bring an action de nativo habendo and has to assume the burden of proof.
Her son, spoiled by his mother and his step-father, became a wild young fellow, and added his debts to the heavy burden of Montpelier upon Madison.
It is in the Topics, 9 again, that we have hints at the devices of an inductive process, which, as dialectical, throw the burden of producing contradictory instances upon the other party to the discussion.
Aristotelians, the dialectical induction of the Topics, content with imperfect enumeration and with showing the burden of disproof upon the critic, is puerile, and at the mercy of a single instance to the contrary.
About 1716 they began to build sakturia (of from 10 to 15 tons burden), and to visit the islands of the Aegean; not long after they introduced the latinadika (40-50 tons), and sailed as far as Alexandria, Constantinople, Trieste and Venice; and by and by they ventured to France and even America.
If the unacknowledged debt be included (as it often is; and hence the necessity of reference to it), very few states - and those all western or southern - have a heavier burden per capita.
The principal rivers of Arakan are - (1) the Naaf estuary, in the north, which forms the boundary between the division and Chittagong; (2) the Myu river, an arm of the sea, running a course almost parallel with the coast for about 50 m.; (3) the Koladaing river, rising near the Blue mountain, in the extreme north-east, and falling into the Bay of Bengal a few miles south of the Myu river, navigable by vessels of from 300 to 400 tons burden for a distance 01 40 m.
Mingled with all these were the ancient legends of gods and heroes, accepted as inspired scripture by the people, and by philosophers in part explained away by an allegorical exegesis and in part felt increasingly as a burden to the intelligence.
The lake has been navigated from the earliest times, and about 80 sailing boats, carrying about 20 tons burden, now ply on it, chiefly with wheat and firewood.
But if all are lost the burden of the expenditure ought not to remain upon the interest which at first bore it; and the proper rule seems to be that contributions must be made by all the interests which were at stake when it was made, in proportion to their then values.
His progresses through the country with a train of a thousand knights were ruinous to those on whom devolved the burden of entertaining him.
In the midst of a burden of letterwriting, the minute details in his diaries of tree-planting and rotation of crops, and his increasing reading on the political side of history, he found time to entertain a stream of visitors from all parts of the United States and from abroad.
They felt that the great burden of this increased tariff fell on them, as they consumed, but did not produce, manufactured articles.
Taken together with the liturgies, the " eisphora " placed a very heavy burden on the wealthier citizens, and this financial pressure accounts in great part for the hostility of the rich towards the democratic constitution that facilitated the imposition of graduated taxation and super-taxes - to use modern terms - on the larger incomes.
Not only the nobility, but many others who had no legal claim to exemption, paid no taxes; the weight of the burden fell on the wretched country-folk.
They are not used as beasts of burden like llamas, but are valued only for their wool, of which the Indian blankets and ponchos are made.
The habits of life of the Assamese peasantry are pre-eminently domestic. Great respect is paid to old age; when parents are no longer capable of labour they are supported by their children, and scarcely any one is allowed to become a burden to the public. They have also in general a very tender regard for their offspring, and are generous and kind to their relations.
The Spaniards recovered possession in 1732, but found the maintenance of the place a burden rather than a benefit, the neighbouring tribes having ceased to deal with the Christians.
It acted on the principle that the titles of all private landed estate might be called in question, inasmuch as at some time or other it must have belonged to the Crown; and the burden of proof of ownership was held not to lie with the Crown which made the claim, but with the actual owner of the property.
The peasant proprietors, who, under the name of the " Landtmanna" party,' formed a compact majority in the Second Chamber, pursued a consistent policy of class interests in the matter of the taxes and burdens that had, as they urged, so long oppressed the Swedish peasantry; and consequently when a bill was introduced for superseding the old system of army organization by general compulsory service, they demanded as a condition of its acceptance that the military burdens should be more evenly distributed in the country, and that the taxes, which they regarded as a burden under which they had wrongfully groaned for centuries, should be abolished.
In these circumstances, the " Landtmanna " party in the Riksdag, who desired the lightening of the military burden, joined those who desired the abolition of landlordism, and formed a compact and predominant majority in the Second Chamber, while the burgher and Liberal parties were reduced to an impotent " intelligence " minority.
Wales was relieved from the burden of toll-gates, while the few rioters who were captured were only lightly punished.
The last years of his life were spent in comparative poverty and isolation, as even the Esterhazy-Forchtenstein estates were unequal to the burden of supporting his fabulous extravagance and had to be placed in the hands of curators.
After the conquest of Peru by the Spaniards in the 16th century the natives were subjected to much tyranny and oppression, though it must in fairness be said that much of it was carried out in defiance of the efforts and the wishes of the Spanish home government, whose legislative efforts to protect the Indians from serfdom and ill-usage met with scant respect at the hands of the distant settlers and mine-owners, who bid defiance to the humane and protective regulations of the council of the Indies, and treated the unhappy natives little better than beasts of burden.
Doubts were often expressed whether the capital would be able to bear the burden of empire, so enormous was the influx of new citizens.
The main part of the town occupies a hilly site on the left bank of the river, and is connected by four bridges, including a massive railway swing-bridge, with the suburbs of Lastadie ("lading place" from lastadium, " burden,") and Silberwiese, on an island formed by the Parnitz and the Dunzig, which here diverge from the Oder to the Dammsche-See.
The Brahmaputra and its channels, together with three minor streams, the Bangali, Karatoya and Atrai, afford admirable facilities for commerce, and render every part of the district accessible to native cargo boats of large burden.
This latter portion of the river's course is tortuous, but in spite of this, and although the depth varies from only 7 to 20 ft., and in places at low water does not exceed 4 ft., it is nevertheless navigated by vessels up to 180 tons burden and proposals have been made to embank and dredge it so as to increase this depth to 8 ft.
While he penned dissertations on the futility of fame and the burden of celebrity he was trimming his sails to catch the breeze of popular applause.
The machine advanced with its front edge a little raised, the effect of which was to present its under surface to the air over which it passed, the resistance of which, acting upon it like a strong wind on the sails of a windmill, prevented the descent of the machine and its burden.
Maine was in general well governed as a part of Massachusetts, but a geographical separation, a desire to be rid of the burden of a large state debt, and a difference of economic interests as well as of politics (Maine was largely Democratic and Massachusetts was largely Federalist) created a desire for an independent commonwealth.
Canning in Calcutta, John Lawrence in the Punjab, were men indeed equal to any burden; and the stress of the Mutiny, ending once and for ever the bad old system of seniority, brought to the front so many subordinates of dauntless gallantry and soldierly insight that a ring of steel was rapidly drawn round the vast territory affected.
During the reign of Charles the Bold (1467-1477) the Hollanders, like the other subjects of that warlike Charles prince, suffered much from the burden of taxation.
More than half the burden of the charges of the war fell upon this one province; and with Zeeland it furnished the fleets which formed the chief defence of the country.
Swift's grave humour and power of enforcing momentous truth by ludicrous exaggeration were next displayed in his Modest Proposal for Preventing the' Children of Poor People from being a Burden to their Parents or the Country, by fattening and eating them (1729), a parallel to the Argument against Abolishing Christianity, and as great a masterpiece of tragic as the latter is of comic irony.
Indirect taxes are those where it is recognized from the beginning that the individual who pays in the first instance usually passes on the charge to some one else, who may again pass it on until it finally reaches the subject who bears the burden.
In the case, again, of a long-established land tax or rate many questions may arise as to whether the person who is considered to bear the burden in the first instance really bears it in the end.
The trade fell into the hands of the millers on a large scale, who paid the tax out of their increased profits from larger business, while the smaller millers were crushed out; so that this was manifestly the case of a tax, so called indirect, where the whole burden really fell on those who paid the charge in the first instance, and who in theory were supposed to pass it on to others.
The land tax is quite unimportant, being an ancient tax upon an old assessment which has long become obsolete, and it interests economists most of all by the illustration it furnishes of what may be called a rentcharge tax - a tax, that is, which has been so long in existence and so fixed in its basis that it becomes in reality a charge upon the property, and not a direct burden upon the person who pays it, as the income tax is upon the person who pays it or for whom it is paid.
Logically they are apparently taxes upon the dead, as they limit the area of bequest, but they are felt by the living who receive the estate as if the burden of taxation fell on them.
The whole burden of taxation, it is maintained, should fall equally upon classes and individuals as far as possible, and, if necessary, taxes falling equally upon special sources of private revenue should be balanced against each other in order to obtain the desired result.
Along with this view has arisen the question whether the burden of taxation should not be progressive - the proportion of the sum taken by the state from the tax-payers increasing with the wealth of the individual; because ability to pay taxes is assumed to be not in proportion to, but to increase with the size of, the income.
A further difficulty is furnished by a question as to whether the employer of domestic servants who gives them their board does or does not bear the burden of the duties on the articles which they consume, and which he buys for their use.
Theoretically the burden falls on them as consumers.
There was another reason for his so doing in the heaviness of the burden of taxation at the time he wrote, governments exacting as much as they could, and being only desirous of finding the easiest means of doing so.
The conclusion that with good taxes long established the burden of taxation tends to become equal over the whole community was certainly not ill founded in the circumstances of former times, and may be accepted as true even in the present day.
The information thus obtainable may be useful as far as it goes, indicating the directions in which the burden of taxation may press, and forming a guide of some utility when changes of taxation are contemplated.
These varying proportions, however, mean different things economically, and it is of obvious interest that, besides questions as to particular taxes, the broad effect of the whole burden of taxation should also be discussed.
The streams, accordingly, deposit their alluvial burden in their channels and upon their banks, so that by degrees their beds rise above the level of the surrounding country.
It enters Backergunje near the north-west corner of the district, whence it forms its western boundary, and runs south, but with great windings in its upper reaches, till it crosses the Sundarbans, and finally falls into the Bay of Bengal by a large and deep estuary, capable of receiving ships of considerable burden.
Jorge Villalonga, Count de la Cueva, expressing his opinion that the maintenance of this dignity was too great a burden on the settlers, the viceroyalty gave place to a simple presidency.
He had proposed to double the tobacco duty, but on reconsideration came to the conclusion that with this burden it would be impossible to keep down the price of the cheaper kinds, and so reduced the additional duty to one of 50%.
In 1903, the year in which the railway from Mombasa to the lake was completed, a steamer of 600 tons burden was launched at Port Florence.
But the custom of England transferred this burden to the parishioners, and some particular local customs (as in the city of London) placed even the burden of repair of the chancel on them.
To meet this burden church rates were levied.
It had to face the same Whig opposition, led by Fox, who scoffed at the French peril, and reinforced by Addington and his friends; and the whole burden of meeting this opposition fell upon Pitt; for Castlereagh, the only other member of the cabinet in the House of Commons, was of little use in debate.
The distress inevitable in connection with such an industrial revolution was increased by the immense burden of the war and by the high protective policy of the parliament, which restricted trade and deliberately increased the price of food in the interests of the agricultural classes.
The first of these measures was carried in opposition to the views of the Irish, who thought that it imposed an intolerable burden on Irish property.
The acts, however, threw a grave burden on British trade and British shipowners.
In 1897 the whole tendency of thought and opinion was to enlarge the burden of which the preceding generation had been weary.
The study suggests the new penalty would essentially amount to a ticket, easing the burden on the justice system.
Such a move would hugely reduce the burden on external markers, he said.
This could lighten the administrative burden for businesses when accounting for VAT.
Plenty more fish in the sea Increase in fish farming relieves burden on the ocean's resources The aquaculture industry is expanding.
The sector should help funders to reduce the administrative burden where possible.
These coincidental hazardous drinkers represent the ' potential ' or future burden of alcohol misuse on hospital services.
Claims quot they're a huge burden yes drool over.
Mr Henderson suggested that the burden had been imposed to protect the environs of the church, and varied for the same purpose.
The burden of his argument is that there were small but significant variations in marital fertility prior to the fertility decline of the 1880s.
Email the Concordat hotline The healthcare Commission is committed to reducing the burden of inspection on frontline healthcare staff.
Some reaction was overtly hostile, with complaints being made that the migrants were a burden on the system of poor relief.
Today, twelve years after their imposition, the burden of sanctions remains immense.
This dispute, whether won or lost, will place an excessive burden on the already impoverished Tanzanian people.
There had been changes in the character of the land, but also other circumstances rendering the burden inappropriate.
Working Paper No 277 When is mortgage indebtedness a financial burden to British households?
However, with much lower inflation, the burden of debt will be hanging around a lot longer.
Saw a few cost online auto insurance rate quote burden on.
The patients at risk of tumor lysis syndrome are those with high tumor burden prior to treatment.
The prisoner manacled in his dark cell awaiting execution falls down under the burden of his helplessness.
The impact of HIV/AIDS is expected to more than double the burden of premature mortality by the year 2010.
Are you simply offloading a burden or seeking particular business benefits?
The main burden for small charities is not ongoing regulation but the process of registration itself.
Being overweight therefore places an increased loading bearing burden on the hip joints leading to premature osteoarthritis.
Populist nationalism must be a movement which aims to reduce the burden of taxation on the vast majority of the workforce.
The objections were that the evidence was not probative, failed to meet the authenticity burden and was unfairly prejudicial to the defense.
They will also have to face the prospect of being an additional burden to a family or community already suffering severe privation.
The main burden of McKenna's book, however, is the identification of the Vedic Soma with a mushroom containing psilocybin.
Only one air route (Gatwick - Glasgow) has a similar noise burden to high-speed rail.
However, I fear that the burden of too much red tape might force our universities into constructing more limited programs.
Accordingly, the burden is on the Respondent to show that the Domain Name is not an abusive registration.
Kaldor is merely rehashing Kipling's ' white man's burden ' in a new guise.
This was particularly reprehensible in view of the burden of proof, which lay on the Respondents.
The burden of proof for animal sentience needs to be on both sides.
An unexpected mortgage shortfall is a real burden, added to by a sudden hike in future payments.
On the plus side the batteries are tiny AAA cells so carrying spares is less of a burden.
Objectives The project aimed to reduce the burden of both cattle and human trypanosomiasis through cost-effective and sustainable management of the former.
It is a parade of wild animals Our world is now a pitiful weakling It groans with the burden of an elephant corpse!
Direct taxation must be systematically cut and some of the burden shifted to inherited wealth and gifts.
Is not Satan's service a terrible task, an intolerable burden, an iron yoke, in comparison to God's service?
The book on Morals might, however, have been written but for the heavy burden of the vice-chancellorship, which he was induced to accept in 1882, by the hope, only partially fulfilled, of securing many improvements for the university.
The commissioner reported that the service was adequate but not efficient; that the rates were reasonable but that the corporation was responsible for unreasonably withholding facilities, thus rendering the service inefficient; that it was inexpedient to grant the corporation a licence because the funds of a city ought not to be applied for the benefit of a limited class of citizens; that delay and waste would result from two systems in one area and would increase the difficulties of the government in 1911; and that the corporation had not proved it could work the licence without placing a burden on the rates.
But after the Armistice the unsatisfactory consequences of the peace negotiations, the heavy burden of suffering and loss caused by the war, and, above all, the intolerable internal policy of the Nitti Cabinet, which seemed prepared to hand the country over to the Bolshevist Socialists, brought about the return of Giolitti to the sphere of practical politics once more.
The charm of the Thames is indeed maintained throughout its course; the view of the rich valley from Richmond Hill, of the outskirts of London, is celebrated; the river is practically the only physical attribute to the beauty of the metropolis itself, and the estuary, with its burden of shipping and its industrial activity, is no less admirable.
The body politic consisted, after as before, of the king and the whole mass of Magyar freemen or nobles, descendants of Arpad's warriors, theoretically all equal in spite of growing inequalities of wealth and power, who constituted the populus; privileges were granted by the king to foreign immigrants in the cities, and the rights of nobility were granted to non-Magyars for special services; but, in general, the non-Magyars were ruled by the royal governors as subject races, forming - in contradistinction to the " nobles "- the mass of the peasants, the misera con/ribuens plebs upon whom until 1848 nearly the whole burden of taxation fell.
The whole burden of taxation rested on their shoulders, and so ground down were they by ingeniously multiplied exactions, that thousands of them were reduced to literal beggary.
Several other tributary canals were constructed during this period, and between 1836 and 1862 the Erie was sufficiently enlarged to accommodate boats of 240 tons burden.
The extent of the burden was greatly exaggerated by the leaders of the South, especially in the heat of partisan controversy; and the subject was closely connected with the controversy as to the rights of the states, and the endeavour of South Carolina, under the influence of Calhoun, to nullify the Tariff Act of 1832.
The reply to this indictment is that the British land revenue is L16,000,000 annually, whereas Aurangzeb's over a smaller area, allowing for the difference in the value of the rupee, was X110,000,000; though the Indian Civil Service is expensive, its cost is more than covered by the fact that India, under British guarantee, obtains her loans at 31% as against 10% or more paid by native rulers; though India has a heavy military burden, she pays no contribution to the British navy, which protects her seaboard from invasion; the drain of the home charges cannot be very great, as India annually absorbs 6 millions sterling of the precious metals; in 1899-1900, a year of famine, the net imports of gold and silver were 1 3 o millions.
When pursuing their operations of leaf-storage,' these ants present the appearance of a crawling crowd of leaf-particles, fragments of leaves being carried by the insects in such a way as to conceal to a great extent the insect underneath, of which little more than the dark coloured legs project beyond the burden.
A peculiar burden laid on the quaestors, not as an official duty, but rather as a sort of fee exacted from all who entered on the political career, was the paving of the high roads, for which Claudius substitiited the exhibition of gladiatorial games.
Sheep and goats are bred throughout the country; but the breeding of the beasts of burden (donkeys, horses, camels) is chiefly in the hands of the Bedouin.
Matrimony may be postponed, or, when entered upon, may be rendered a lighter burden upon the breadwinner.
Her chief function, however, was to see that the beasts of burden were duly fed, and to protect them against accidents and malicious influence.
Accordingly, the burden is on the Respondent to show that the Domain Name is not an Abusive Registration.
Kaldor is merely rehashing Kipling 's ' white man 's burden ' in a new guise.
The burden on nursing staff in the Hospital for Small Animals was proving problematic, which could not be resolved through renegotiating the agreement.
The constant repetition of work caused through lack of facilities in the house make them almost beasts of burden...
This reversal of the usual burden of proof only applies when the consumer is seeking a repair or replacement.
Clause 10 infringes the right to a fair trial by reversing the burden of proof.
The tax burden has been rising, in that stealthy way in which the Chancellor excels.
We are also streamlining data collections to reduce the burden on frontline staff, releasing more time for direct care.
This cultural preoccupation with personal salvation stymies collective reform, and places an onerous burden on the individual.
These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation.
However, I do not want to burden the Committee with a tedious repetition of the general points that arise under both amendments.
Traffic through many country villages is already an unbearable burden.
Our first reaction This looks like a unfair burden on business.
The unwieldy bureaucracy of the LIG program remains a burden to all involved, notwithstanding the accepted need for accountability and quality assurance.
A great burden was also exacted on the villagers in the region.
It is a parade of wild animals Our world is now a pitiful weakling It groans with the burden of an elephant corpse !
Is not Satan 's service a terrible task, an intolerable burden, an iron yoke, in comparison to God 's service?
Megan has a hard time being vulnerable because she doesn't want to burden others with her harrowing backstory.
For many parents, searching for clothes for their preemie is just one more burden during an already stressful time.
Those single parents whose children's other parent isn't around due to abandonment or death have an especially difficult burden.
Disposable diapers create a very real burden on landfills, not only because of their volume, but also because of the time it takes them to break down.
With purchasing a vehicle, once all payments are completed (unless you buy it outright), this added financial burden ends.
A trailer -- since it is in the back -- takes the burden off the bike and distributes weight more evenly.
Many have found the fellowship and resources of this organization lessens the burden of finding a way out of debt and provides ample support for achieving financial goals.
Experts evaluate a debt burden as 40 percent of household gross income.
Knowing how you can access all your personal finances can make an emergency less of a financial burden.
The program offers several options for your family or estate, so if you should pass, you will not leave your family with the financial burden or the question of what to do with the vehicle.
On the other hand, in some states, the burden of proof falls on the individual consumer to prove that the debt has exceeded the statute of limitations.
In theory, the burden of proof that a person owes money to a creditor falls on the shoulders of the creditor.
An attorney will take over the burden of dealing directly with the creditors on behalf of the consumer.
If only one part of the burden of proof for special equity is fulfilled, then the Court will determine whether the funds or property in question is marital property.
Talk to your lawyer about taking on the burden of preparing, filing and delivering some of the divorce paperwork.
Keeping matters civil and remaining thoughtful about your spouse's feelings can help lessen the burden on innocent family members and yourself as well.
The population creates a burden on the world's natural resources, food supply, clean water supply.
Electricity produced by your windmill will ease the burden on your local power company, reduce the need for gas and other fuel sources, and decrease the amount of pollutants expelled into the air by other forms of energy use.
If you're trying to ease the burden of household cleaning, washable area rugs can keep your home stylish and low maintenance at the same time.
This can take a lot of the burden off of players all around, leaving you more time to scheme about how to secure the perfect trade or ponder who you will be choosing and in what order at the annual league draft.
A college education is expensive, but finding scholarships can help ease the financial burden.
Instead, the burden is left to subjective interpretations of both the photographer and the viewer.
It's always best to look for certain telltale behavioral signs or changes that can clue you in on a child who's ready to free themselves from the burden of their daily life.Not all teenage runaway situations can be prevented.
Instead, try to carve a few hours out on Saturday morning or afternoon to alleviate the burden.
This will allow you to purchase more car for your money and it will remove the monetary burden from the shoulders of just one, so that it may be shared by many.
You can ease the burden associated with this task by seeking assistance from your loved ones.
If you allow yourself to worry about all the details and feel stressed or pressured from all the other events you have going on, you're likely to find the process more of a burden than as a special memory that can always bring you joy.
He also owns a recording company and is managing a band called Rocco Deluca & The Burden from Long Beach, California.
The celebrities to date have run the gamut, each with the burden of weight to lose.
A major roadblock for many adults returning to college or looking to go to college for the first time is the financial burden of taking classes.
For students concerned about the future financial burden of student loans, graduates with a bachelor's degree make 60% more in many cases than they would if they only had a high school diploma.
The benefit of a grant is that you don't have to pay it back which means you are not creating a financial burden for the family or delaying a financial burden to the future.
There is little graceful beauty about them, the stems being bent with the burden of a too heavy blossom, hence the greater popularity of the many lovely Cactus varieties.
Pockets are abundant but not cumbersome; instead, they provide just the right amount of space to hold essential items without creating a burden.
You don't want to have the burden of wearing a heavy rain suit for a dinner party, or wearing one that's too trendy for the outdoors.
Style should not be a burden, and big and tall men have every much as right to look great as anyone else.
Organic cotton is a good choice because the pesticide burden is high when growing conventional cotton.
For the consumer wishing to reduce their carbon footprint, these foods offer a sound choice which carries less of an environmental burden than other types of pet food.
Being a plus sized woman does not need to feel like a burden when in actuality it is just another form of being beautiful.
This takes the burden off of your family, but understand that your attorney will take a portion of your assets as a fee.
While having four bedrooms, three baths, and a private yard was an ideal set-up while raising kids and working full time, these amenities become not only unnecessary, but also a burden for many mature individuals.
Putting assets in a living trust may also help to lessen the burden of estate taxes.
Other families in similar situations can offer you hope or at the very least, understanding of the emotional burden that Alzheimer's disease carries.
Many senior citizens choose to take a life insurance policy in their later years to ensure that their final expenses are not a burden to loved ones.
If this arrangement becomes a burden or too time-consuming, try one of the other options.
Finding the ideal mask can be hard for sleep apnea patients, but this website eases that burden.
If the initial buy-in and annual fees are not a significant financial burden, the club's benefits can represent substantial savings in the long run.
Using discount coupons for theme park visits can help ease the financial burden of an amusement park vacation.
As one of the more substantial negative effects of video games, the sheer cost of the hobby can become quite a burden on a family.
Be sure to look for a pack with built-in ergonomic features that can ease the burden of carrying such a heavy load.
If you want to go camping without the burden of a sleeping bag and a tent, you can get by with a backpacking hammock instead.
The exclusivity deal with AT&T certainly helped to bolster its subscriber numbers, but this put an increased burden on the network and this may have led to some of the issues related to dropped calls and poor coverage.
Also, given the large financial burden leukemia treatment entails, parents will want to make sure they are aware of what and what is not covered by their insurance.
The burden of diabetes is much greater for minority populations than the white population.
For those children and teens who feel stigmatized or self-conscious about their depression, arranging psychotherapy sessions outside school hours may lessen their burden.
In the case of a child with Menkes disease, parents should seek genetic counseling, as the grim prognosis of this illness places a heavy emotional as well as economic burden on a family.
The parent may bear the burden of obtaining background checks and providing ongoing supervision.
The full burden of finding responsible childcare, earning a living, and parenting falls on one individual.
Even in nonfatal cases, pneumonia is a significant economic burden on the healthcare system.
During the early 1970s, when the government's financial burden grew as more and more women turned to welfare, the U.S. Congress began to call for even stronger child-support enforcement provisions.
Cyclic vomiting syndrome can be a heavy emotional and financial burden on the families of affected children.
For those children and teens who feel stigmatized or self-conscious about their diagnosis, arranging psychotherapy sessions outside school hours may lessen their burden.
Parents may also believe that children who are ill should not further burden an immune system already committed to fighting an infection.
Atopic dermatitis is a major economic burden on families with children affected by the disorder.
For some families, a complicated pregnancy and birth may be a financial burden, and the hospice social worker can refer to local or national organizations that provide financial or other practical assistance.
Whether you're tired of the length of your leg hair or find the coloring unattractive, to rid yourself of the burden, you'll need to rely on a hair removal technique.
In 1999 my article, "His Burden is Light," was published in Bill and Diana Waring's 50 Veteran Homeshoolers Share.
One reason is that the burden of proof for homeschooling has always rested securely on homeschooling parents' shoulders.
Another reason that Florida property is so desirable is the limited tax burden for residents.
If more than 30 percent of your income is spent on housing, the government recognizes that your burden is beyond what should be expected of you.
For individuals who learn they are already pregnant before they purchase maternity coverage, the overwhelming financial burden of prenatal care can be frightening and stressful.
If your company's maternity leave policy only provides a portion of your salary, having savings to fall back on will ease the burden somewhat.
This method of financing was the standard practice for bridge financing because it reduced the burden on the taxpayers - a real selling point during these depression years.
Remember, you may have to walk in the sand for a while before finding the perfect spot; your chair shouldn't be a burden.
To add to the burden of modesty, these suits were heavy and confining.
Soon, electrical appliances began to ease the work burden of housewives across America.
Your car goes to a charity that needs it and you get tax benefits that can help you reduce your tax burden and earn more back on your return.
Although we have heard opposites attract, this it the result of someone putting the burden on the other person for character traits they themselves don't have.
What a heavy and unfair burden we put on the shoulders of someone we say we love.
What makes your breakup more difficult is the added burden of not knowing the reason.
In the end, that kind of relationship will become a burden or self-destruct.
If you're always doing all the deciding or planning it can become a burden to both of you.
Couples can take advantage of layaway options to help ease the financial burden of the engagement ring if necessary.
Don't burden the couple with something inappropriate.
Ultimately, the burden of avoiding plagiarism rests on the writer.
If you are endeavoring to grind dry rice, make sure you do so in small batches as not to burden your grinder.
It's a lightweight purse, so it won't add bulk to your burden, and it's spacious enough to accommodate the essentials - and then some.
Bear in mind that all bags will eventually carry the burden of your wallet, books and other items, so the end weight will be something considerably heavier.
In some instances, the company will cover the entire monthly premium for employees, and in other instances the employees carry the majority of the burden.
A policy must be sufficient to cover the potential financial burden which accompanies a lawsuit.
There is the option of putting more of the monetary burden onto the employees, but this does not make for an attractive benefits package.
A dental discount plan can either be used alongside dental insurance coverage or instead as a means to lessen the financial burden of dental care when no insurance is available.
Instead of simply taking on the financial burden all by yourself - or ignoring the problem and allowing it to get worse - you may want to consider looking into purchasing a dental discount plan.
An Old Republic home warranty can give homeowners comfort because they don't feel the full burden of paying for necessary repairs.
By being diligent and doing your homework, you'll make sure that the insurance costs of having a teen driver in your household won't be a huge financial burden.
In a case of gross misconduct, the burden of proof is on the employer to prove that the misconduct existed, such as in the case of the employee being caught stealing from the employer or starting an altercation on the job.
One of the aspects of ARRA includes a plan to ease the financial burden of people who are currently eligible for COBRA coverage.
When a claim is filed with Universal, the company assumes the financial burden of the losses incurred due to injury, negligence, or property damage, protecting families and businesses against inordinate loss of money and assets.
The best renters insurance policies will also include liability coverage, which protects renters from the monetary burden that can occur when a visitor is injured on the rented property.
The danger of getting higher deductibles, however, is that a medical illness or emergency may result in a devastating financial burden as the result of the policyholder's obligation.
Without liability insurance, if you hit and injured someone and couldn't pay, the victim would have to take on the burden.
Reinsurance helps to spread out the financial burden that these occurrences place on the insurance company so that it can pay out all of the claims it's required to without suffering financially.
It can take some of the burden of worrying how to support yourself from your shoulders.
This is one portion of insurance that most people assume landlords are liable for but, more often than not, it is the tenant who is liable and will experience the financial burden.
If you have financial demands that would create a significant burden on your loved ones if you were gone, then a term life policy is very important for you.
Many businesses also include mailing cards for invitations, taking the burden off the hostess to find a lingerie party invitation.
As if she hadn't been a burden in enough ways, now she had Mrs. Giddon upset with him.
What a shame his father saw only a deformed arm and a financial burden.
She didn't want that burden.
She'd hoped her burden would end there, and the secrets she kept could be turned over to someone who could fix things.
He would tell her about his problem in his own timeframe – and maybe that would be when he felt she was less of a burden.
They were embarking on a new phase in their lives together, leaning on each other without becoming a burden.
A very considerable percentage of Argentina's population of five to six millions is hopelessly poor and unprogressive, and cannot be expected to bear its share of the burden.
Of these bastards the most important is Robert, earl of Gloucester, upon whom fell the main burden of defending Matilda's title against Stephen.
As such, they were eagerly welcomed by the clergy; for a single magistrate, sitting in secret without appeal, necessarily grasps at whatever will lighten his burden of responsibility.
There is not any burden that some would not gladlier post off to another than the charge and care of their religion.
In fact, it increased the burden of the luckless provincials, whose only appeal lay to a body of men whose interests were identical with those of the publicani.
But attendance at the diet was regarded by the bulk of the poorer deputies as an intolerable burden, and they frequently agreed to grant the taxes for two or three years in advance, so as to be saved the expense 1 Some of these were of gigantic size, e.g.
It is thus able to accommodate vessels up to Boo tons burden; and the passage from Lubeck to Lauenburg occupies 18 to 21 hours.
He lays no further burden on his readers than those required by the Apostolic Decree of Acts xv.
Early in 1764 Lord Grenville had informed the London agents of the American colonies that he proposed to lay a portion of the burden left by the war with France upon the shoulders of the colonists by means of a stamp duty, unless some other tax equally productive and less inconvenient were proposed.
Count von Gdtzen (governor 1901-1906) adopted the policy of maintaining the authority of native rulers as far as possible, but as over the greater part of the colony the natives have no political organizations of any size, the chief burden of government rests on the German authorities.
Blanche had to bear the whole burden of affairs alone, to break up a league of the barons (1226), and to repel the attack of the king of England (1230).
Wimpheling in his reply rehearsed the old grievances and complained that the contributions made to the pope by the archbishops on receiving the pallium was a great burden on the people.
The Erie Canal was begun by the state in 1817 and opened to boats of about 75 tons burden in 1825.
As, however, this decline was accompanied with a considerable decrease in the proportion of the country's exports which passed through the port of New York, interest in the canals revived, and in 1903 the electorate of the state authorized the issue of bonds to the amount of $101,000,000 for the purpose of increasing the capacity of the Erie, the Champlain and the Oswego canals, to make each navigable by barges of 1000 tons burden.
The defence of the northern frontier was a heavy burden to New York, but by its problems the growth of the union of the colonies was promoted.
All this, combined with the stringency of the international money-market, meant a heavy burden on Austrian national economy.
The burden of defence could no longer be sustained; piracy and smuggling became so common that the company was compelled to appeal to the states-general for aid.
In the domain of the Knights the gentry, parochial clergy and townsmen, who, beneath its protection, had attained to a high degree of wealth and civilization, for long remained without the slightest political influence, though they bore nearly the whole burden of taxation.
Disbursements for rent, rates and taxes naturally vary according to the special conditions; in a large number of cases public land is provided free of cost, and in a smaller number of cases the institutions, in view of their useful public functions, are relieved of the ordinary burden of taxation.
The emperor Ferdinand II., too happy to transfer the burden, countenanced an arrangement by which Kepler entered the service of the duke of Friedland (Wallenstein), who assumed the full responsibility of the debt.
When revolution broke out in Mexico (1811), California remained loyal, suffering much by the cessation of supplies from Mexico, the resulting deficits falling as an added burden upon the missions.
This last burden grew heavier as time went on; 5000 Spartiates and s000 perioec hoplites fought at Plataea in 479 B.C., but the steady decrease in the number of the Spartiates necessitated the increasing employment of the perioeci.
The buffaloes are used not only in agriculture, but also as beasts of burden, as draught-animals and for the saddle.
It is -evident that the burden of proof would rest with those who held them to be by the same hand.
Dromedaries are used as beasts of burden.
The definite and limited burden had to be more definitely dealt with; hence these Protestant extravagances.
Hence the famous scheme of Diocletian to divide the burden of government between four colleagues, in order to secure a better administration of civil and of military affairs.
Botha declared for the most loyal support of the British Government, the bulk of the burden of organizing the military forces of the Union fell upon Smuts.
The introduction of the danz, ballads (or fornkvicedi, as they are now called) for singing, with a burden, usually relating to a love-tale, which were immensely popular with the people and performed by whole companies at weddings, yule feasts and the like, had relegated the regular Icelandic poetry to more serious events or to the more cultivated of the chiefs.
He retired from office to resume his practice of the law, but the burden of his official duties had undermined his health, and he died suddenly at Philadelphia on the 16th of June 1817.
The llama (Lama huanacus glama) is a domesticated derivative of the wild guanaco, which has been bred as a beast of burden.
But it does not appear that he got the money; and, after some more fruitless proceedings against Onetor, the brother-in-law of Aphobus, the matter was dropped, - not, however, before his relatives had managed to throw a public burden (the equipment of a ship of war) on their late ward, whereby his resources were yet further straitened.
Lord Dunraven presided, and it was agreed to recommend a great extension of the Land Purchase system with a view to give the vendor as good an income as before, while decreasing the tenants' annual burden.
This added burden combined with bad harvests, a fall in the revenue and a deficit in the budget to heighten popular discontent.
Formerly ships of heavy burden bound for Stettin discharged or lightened their cargo at Swinemiinde, but since the recent deepening of the river Oder they can proceed direct to the larger port.
This in itself was a great burden, as Chinese composition, if wrong impressions are to be avoided, demands extreme care and accuracy.
The members of the curia who assisted the magistrates in the cities, crushed by the burden of taxes, now evaded as far as possible public office or senatorial honors.
The rich bourgeoisie began more achieve- and more to monopolize the magistracy; and though the country-people were somewhat relieved from the burden which had been crushing them, the working-classes remained impoverished, owing to the increase of prices which followed at a distance the rise of wages.
With four armies to keep up, the insurrection in Portugal to maintain, and pensions to serve the needs of the allies, the burden had become acrushing one.
As the minister of an ambitious and magnificent king, Colbert was under the hard necessity of sacrificing everything to the wars in Flanders and the pomp of Versailles a gulf which swallowed up all the countrys wealth;and, amid a society which might be supposed submissively docile to the wishes of Louis XIV., he had to retain the most absurd financial laws, making the burden of taxation weigh heaviest on those who had no other resources than their labor, whilst landed property escaped free of charge.
This widespread bankruptcy, falling chiefly on the bourgeoisie, inaugurated a reaction which lasted until 1830 against the chief principle of the Constituent Assembly, which had favored indirect taxation as producing a large sum without imposing any very obvious burden.
For a given degree of opposition this burden will be shared between the conflicting presentations in the inverse ratio of their strength.
Heavy taxation, aggravated by unequal distribution of the burden, owing to insufficient survey of the assessable property, has also contributed to the decline of this and other branches of Spanish farming.
They conferred their exemptions on the land they acquired, thus throwing the burden of taxation on the towns and the non-nobles with increasing weight.
The burden of the struggle fell with crushing effect on his Spanish dominions and peculiarly on Castile.
It can hardly be expected that zebras and bontequaggas fresh from their native mountains and plains can be brought into competition as beasts of burden and draught with horses and asses, whose useful qualities have been augmented by the training of thousands of generations of progenitors.
The borough was also exempted from the burden of sending representatives to parliament, but it again returned two members in 1553 and then regularly from 1570 until 1881, when the representation was reduced to one member.
The mouth of the river is partly blocked by a sandy bar; only ships of light draught can enter, while those of greater burden are accommodated at the harbour of Leixoes, an artificial basin constructed about 3 m.
It is the chief port in Kathiawar, though only admitting vessels of small burden.
Should the caravanserai be a small one, the merchants and their goods alone find place within, the beasts of burden being left outside.
The burden of the Turkish War now rested entirely on his shoulders.
He diminished the burden of taxation, suppressed the violence of the nobles, improved navigation on the Elbe and Oder, and encouraged commerce by alliances with the Hanse towns, and in other ways.
Fresh liabilities were soon incurred, and in spite of frequent contributions from the estates Joachim left at his death in January 1571 a heavy burden of debt to his son and successor, John George.
To lighten the heavy burden of debt left by Joachim the elector proposed a tax on wheat and other cereals.
The Thirty Years' War afforded them frequent opportunities of replacing the village Schulzen, or magistrates, with officials of their own; and the fact that their share of taxation was wholly wrung from the peasants made the burden of the latter much heavier than that of the townsmen.
This principle is capable of very wide extension, the blast furnace being mainly limited in height by the strength the column of materials or "burden" has to resist crushing, under the weight due to the head adopted, and the power of the blowing engine to supply blast of sufficient density to overcome the resistance of the closely packed materials to the free passage of the spent gases.
Blast furnaces are, from the intimate contact between the burden to be smelted and the fuel, the least wasteful of heat; but their use supposes the possibility of obtaining fuel of good quality and free from sulphur or other substances likely to deteriorate the metal produced.
In January 1822 it was decided in a family council, with the knowledge though not in the presence of Nicholas, that Constantine's petition to be relieved of the burden of the crown, for which he felt himself unfitted, should be granted.
Lately she had been so wrapped up in her own problems that she had been a burden on her family.
She stepped into the room, her face flushing at the knowledge that she had become an unnecessary burden.
You've accepted the Immortals and even taken on the burden of wanting to right the wrongs of past-Deidre.
He continues to anguish with guilt and I fear in my heart the burden of his sins will soon cause him to flee in exile from these quarters he has arranged for us to share together.
Randy would not be around much longer and she didn't want the sole burden and responsibility of upkeep.
He would tell her about his problem in his own timeframe – and maybe that would be when he felt she was less of a burden.
The new rules were becoming a compliance burden.
There seems no realistic prospect of shifting the burden of fighting to Iraqi or other allies.
Trouble is, you have to maintain the water at a rolling boil for 5 minutes - an extra burden on your fuel supplies.
Soon these council meetings became a heavy burden to me.
See that the bottom of your broody coop is made uncomfortable, so that sitting will become a burden to the birds.
The reality is that they are condemned to a lifetime of poverty overshadowed by an inescapable burden of unpayable debt.
Their wage levels are to remain depressed by the debt burden.
Worn out by sleeplessness and anxiety they threw their burden of sorrow on one another and reproached and disputed with each other.
Having run through different yards and side streets, Pierre got back with his little burden to the Gruzinski garden at the corner of the Povarskoy.
Not only do you generally feel less social, you may also worry you'll become a burden to other people.
Another solution is underway to combat the considerable financial burden of installing individual solar energy systems in residential homes.
For some, the contest of popularity can be too much of a burden.
Schools with larger sports programs will often receive additional funding from other sources to help defray the cost burden to students paying tuition.
This can help take the burden of additional costs away from the homeowner.
It also helps to lighten their financial burden.
Ease his burden with some romantic dice.
The beauty of a backpack-style purse is that it dismisses the burden from one shoulder, instead spreading the weight evenly and laying comfortably on the back.
Finding closeout luggage sets can help alleviate some of the stress and monetary burden of buying luggage, particularly when you consider the high price of many of the sets.
Capricorn knows that nothing will alleviate his burden, but knowing that his mate understands his concerns will go a long way in helping him feel close to you.
If you feel as though you are living with a huge karmic burden, it's possible that you were born under the sign of the Cib.
Starting a savings account early can ease the burden of large expenses, such as car insurance or tuition as the children get older.
This makes having school uniforms a costly venture for parents; for some parents it is a significant financial burden.
Relocating near grandparents and other family relatives will help remove some of the burden while extending the closeness of your family unit.
Focusing on your big-picture goals changes the burden of daily worries and relentless demands into something more uplifting.
The primary argument for the use of school uniforms is usually related to the idea that, relieved of the burden of choice, students will be able to focus more on their studies.
Unfortunately, the cost of paying for all of a student's clothing at the beginning of the year has proven to be a tough burden for many families.
If your household budget is already tight, this added expense can be quite a burden.
This can be a good option for a webstore that makes enough money to support paying for the placement, but smaller sites may find the payment a burden.
As your company grows, expense reporting becomes more of a burden.
Rid yourself of unnecessary expenses and enjoy the lighter financial burden.
The burden of proof is upon you, the home business owner.
Though you should not fear claiming home-based business tax deductions, the burden of proof is something to take into account.
If time is an issue for you, consider hiring administrative help, to take the burden off you and free up some time.
If you find yourself in substantial debt and can't find a way to pay it, claiming Chapter 7 bankruptcy is one way that lets you liquidate your business and get out from under the burden.
When too rigid, dieting becomes a burden.
Concerns raised regarding ketosis involve the risk of placing extra burden on the kidneys.
By raising your deductible, your insurance company will lower your car insurance rate since you are taking over some of the burden, but be careful not to make a deductible so high that you can't afford it in the event of an accident.
While Medicare Part D does not cover all of your medication needs or costs, it does alleviate much of the financial burden when dealing with what has been termed catastrophic medical needs.
Family dental insurance can ease your financial burden and provide your family with the coverage they need to maintain good dental health.
Did Alex know Katie carried this burden?
He became a member of the Committee of Public Instruction early in 1793, and after carrying many useful decrees on the preservation of national monuments, on the military schools, on the reorganization of the Museum of Natural History and other matters, he brought forward on the 26th of June his Projet d'education nationale (printed at the Imprimerie Nationale), which proposed to lay the burden or primary education on the public funds, but to leave secondary education to private enterprise.
But of course the 3 In actual life the Sabbath was often far from being the burden which the Rabbinical enactments would have led us to expect.
Here, with the burden of the day now past, the fine old crusader - he had joined before in the Second Crusade, forty years ago - perished by accident in the river; and of all his fine army only a thousand men won their way through, under his son, Frederick of Swabia, to join the ranks before Acre (October 1190).
Most of its alluvial burden being deposited in the lakes, the Neva takes a long time to alter its channels or extend its delta.
But how cast off all the superfluous, devilish burden of my outer man?
It was not a decision he envied; he alone knew what a burden it was to know the fate of a planet and its inhabitants rested upon his shoulders.
Owing to the method of assessment the tax fell with peculiar hardship on the middle classes, and to this day traces of the endeavours to lighten its burden may be seen in numerous bricked-up windows.
The people sigh under the burden imposed, and call upon the goddess Aruru to create a being who might act as a rival to Gilgamesh, curb his strength, and dispute his tyrannous control.
Everyone brightened at the sight of this pretty young woman, so soon to become a mother, so full of life and health, and carrying her burden so lightly.
To throw off this burden as quickly as possible, on the third day after his arrival he went, angry and scowling and without answering questions as to where he was going, to Mitenka's lodge and demanded an account of everything.
The guia tax on the transport of stock from one province to another, which has been declared unconstitutional in the courts, is still enforced, and is a vexatious tax upon the stock-raiser, while the consumption, or octroi, tax in Buenos Aires and other cities is a heavy burden upon small producers.
Relieved from its load it does not, like other animals, seek the shade, even when that is to be found, but prefers to kneel beside its burden in the broad glare of the sun, seeming to luxuriate in the burning sand.
In their impoverished condition it was impossible for the people to bear the burden, so an act was passed in 1879 scaling part of the debt 60%, part of it 75% and part of it 85%.
After speaking about the economic costs of war, the burden it places on the economy, and the toll this takes on the people, Eisenhower closed by describing the peace proposals he was offering Russia and China.
Owing to failing health he gave up his lectures in 1904, and in May 1906 resigned his mastership, in which he was succeeded by James Leigh Strachan-Davidson, who had previously for some time, as senior tutor and fellow, borne the chief burden of college administration.