Bullied Sentence Examples
For this he was cast into prison, indicted at sessions, bullied and fined.
Kids are at a real risk for being bullied or stalked online.
Others may feel they are bullied or may have a poor self-image.
If you find yourself being bullied in a chat room, ignore it and continue as if the bully wasn't even there.
If you find yourself being threatened or bullied while online, the answer is very simple.
If you are being bullied or suspect someone you know is, then you probably want to know how to deal with it.
If you are in a situation where you or another is being bullied, look the bully in the eye, and tell him or her to stop it.
If a teen is bullied, then she might feel the need to fight back, which could result in school violence.
Offer your friendship to the student being bullied.
Kids who are not being bullied may be bullying other children.
AdvertisementAnother is that bullying can permanently harm both the children being bullied and the children who are doing the bullying, and the damage can be both psychological and physical.
Being bullied can cause teens to miss school or events and retreat from friends.
Nothing came of the proposed engagement, but the wrongs of Honoria, his affianced wife, served as a convenient pretext for some of the constantly recurring embassies with which Attila, fond of trampling on the fallen majesty of Rome, worried and bullied the two courts of Constantinople and Ravenna.
The young people recognized the inherent danger of being overlooked, bullied or not achieving their potential.
It seems almost normal to bully or be bullied at school.
AdvertisementBoth bullies and the bullied did less well than other children in later exam results.
Like many people who are bullied, she felt she could not escape and found the whole experience sickening.
An extremely valuable resource for any parent who may think their child is being bullied.
Religion was still his dominant passion, and when a pope in Liberal guise appeared on the scene and was bullied by Austria, his two strongest feelingspiety and hatred of Austriaceased Qevolu- to be incompatible.
Turbulent, ungovernable, vain, often the dupe of schemers, Mackenzie united with much that was laughable not a little that was heroic. He could neither be bribed, bullied, nor cajoled.
AdvertisementIt would be silly to pretend that no-one ever feels bullied but if you tell someone something can be done.
She was understandably concerned about her friend's emotional health after she was bullied.
Louise sought retribution from the perpetrator after her sister was bullied.
Don't be bullied into using an employee of the store since they want to try to keep as much profit in-house as possible.
According to the Bullying Statistics organization, preventing bullying is important because of the fact that kids who are bullied can be more inclined toward violence directed at the school, such as school shootings or bombings.
AdvertisementGetting help from an adult before things get too bad is likely one of the most important steps you can take when it comes to being bullied.
He has the typical childhood story of many actors -- he didn't fit in at school, was often bullied, never got into sports and wasn't a particularly good student.
Sadly, Wilder was allegedly abused and bullied in the Hollywood school, and soon returned to Wisconsin.
Current cyber bullying statistics show that all individuals can be cyber bullied -- even adults, but teens are at the most risk.
Youth who are cyber bullied experience an array of emotions, none of them positive.
Wired Safety gives information about what to do if you are cyber bullied.
What to do if bullied, including speaking to adults.
School bus safety for middle school students is essential to help students arrive at and depart from school without fear of missing their bus, being in an accident, or being bullied while riding.
While some children, especially teens, can find the attention unwarranted, many are being bullied and could use their parents as allies.
When young people are aware of teen Internet safety issues and know how to avoid online perils appropriately, they are less likely to be bullied or harassed while online.
If lastborns are being bullied by older siblings, parents need to step in.
Stresses at home, such as parents arguing a lot, and problems at school, such as difficult lessons, being bullied, or not having friends, can have a negative impact on a child's self-esteem.
Often, the power of the bully is dependent on the perception of the victim, with the bullied child often too intimidated to effectively resist the bully.
Boys who are regularly bullied tend to be more passive and physically weaker than the bullies.
They may also be jealous of the children they are bullying or may be getting bullied themselves.
The researchers estimated that 1.6 million children in grades six through 10 in the United States are bullied at least once a week and 1.7 million children bully others as frequently.
The NICHD study found that bullying has long-term and short-term psychological effects on both those who bully and those who are bullied.
Parents should be aware of common signs that a child is being bullied.
If a child is being bullied, meet with school officials to find out what they are doing about it.
Being a poser can cause you to be bullied by those who consider themselves to be "true" emo, and so it is important (like any other unique sect of fashion) to stay away from looking amateurish.
No, it doesn't, but it does mean that Virgo will not be cajoled, bullied or pacified when it comes to his feelings.
Is it all right if a bullied child fights back against the bully by bringing a gun to school?
Matt Reeves directs this film about a bullied young boy who is dreaming about getting revenge on those who have been bullying him.
If you let yourself be bullied into taking on a project that you don't want and don't have time to handle, you'll be resentful, angry, and become even more stressed out.
Many children have been bullied or ostracized for being overweight or obese.
According to Pew Internet Research, bullied teens have higher rates of drug use, depression, delinquency, and poor caregiver relationships.
This act of violence, evidently designed to terrorize the Church into submission, was effectual enough, for at the subsequent Riksdag of Vesteras (June, 1527), the bishops durst not even present a protest which they had privately prepared, and the assembly Recess and itself was bullied into an absolute submission to the Ordinance royal will.
But I do feel as tho I'm being emotionally blackmailed and bullied by Sefton council.
The client and their lawyers who were so browbeaten and bullied managed to resist succumbing to such pressure.
This can take on many forms, such as the bullied student eating lunch alone, not having a partner in gym class, or being excluded from parties and get togethers outside of school.
While the public attention to the issue is comforting at times, it doesn't help those teens, who are presently being bullied, figure out how to handle the problem.
In a study of 6,500 middle school students in rural South Carolina, 23 percent said they had been bullied regularly during the previous three months, and 20 percent admitted bullying another child regularly during the same time.
When the Russians showed no signs of withdrawing from the valley of the Rion, the sultan threatened to renew the war, the sole result of which was to reveal the determination of the tsar not to be bullied into concessions.
The lower classes, bullied by sabbatarianism and deprived of the old revels, were restive and hostile; but the educated middle class was with the preachers; so were many lesser country gentry; and the nobles, securing the spoils of the church, were acquiescent.
In April Montrose was abandoned by his royal master, and was defeated at Carbiesdale, on the south side of the kyle, or estuary, of Shin and Oykel; he was betrayed, insulted, bullied by the preachers, and, going to his death like a bridegroom to the altar, was hanged at Edinburgh, on the 10th of May.