Bulletins Sentence Examples
Both unions issue monthly bulletins and other publications giving useful information about these two services.'
The Bureau has a library of some 15,000 volumes, and publishes numerous handbooks, pamphlets and maps, in addition to its monthly Bulletins.
Of his other writings on marine zoology, most are contained in the bulletins and memoirs of the museum of comparative zoology; but he published in 1865 (with Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, his stepmother) Seaside Studies in Natural History, a work at once exact and stimulating, and in 1871 Marine Animals of Massachusetts Bay.
Annual reports and occasional bulletins are published and widely distributed, giving the results of this work.
Especially has this been manifested by the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and by the Municipal Association, an organization of influential professional and business men, which, by issuing bulletins concerning candidates at the primaries and at election time, has done much for the betterment of local politics.
The Lima Geographical Society (founded in 1888) is perhaps the best and most active scientific organization in the republic. Its special work covers national geographical exploration and study, archaeology, statistics and climatology, and its quarterly bulletins contain invaluable information.
Census (alternating with Federal census), and reports and bulletins of the Board of Agriculture (1852) and the Agricultural College (1867), and Experiment Station (1883) at Amherst.
Encouragement to seedgrowing is given by the holding of seed fairs, and bulletins are issued on weeds, the methods of treating seed-wheat against smut and on other subjects.
The University publishes Bulletins of the Agricultural and Engineering Experiment Stations; Reports of the State Water Survey, of the State Natural History Survey, of the State Geological Survey, and of the State Entomologist's Office; University Studies; and The Journal of English and Germanic Philology.
For geology and mineral resources consult the Reports of the New York State Geologist and the Bulletins of the New York State Museum.
AdvertisementBrowne, Report on " Mineral Resources of the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains " (United States Treasury, 2 vols., Washington, 1867-1868); United States Geological Survey, Annual Reports, Mineral Resources; consult also the bibliographies of, publications of the Survey, issued as Bulletins; California State Mining Bureau, Bulletins from 1888, note especially No.
Pector, Etude economique sur la republique de Nicaragua (Neuchatel, 1893); Bulletins of the Bureau of American Republics (Washington); U.S.A. Consular and British Foreign Office Reports; official reports issued periodically at Managua, in Spanish.
For physical description and natural resources see the Reports (biennial) and the Bulletins (Madison) of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, especially important for economic geology, hydrography and agriculture, and the Annual Reports of the Wisconsin State Board of Agriculture; the Reports (biennial) of the State Forester, the Reports of the U.S. Census, and the Mineral Resources of the United States, published annually by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Much material of value is contained in the Historical Collections (18 vols., Madison, 1855 sqq.) of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin (1846; reorganized, 1849), and in the Bulletins of Information, Proceedings and Draper Series of the same society are many valuable historical papers and monographs.
Loveland in the Morton history and agricultural and horticultural reports; Annual Reports of the State Board of Agriculture and State Horticultural Society; Publications of the State Bureau of Statistics and Labor; and Bulletins 52 (1904) and 66 (1905) of the United States Bureau of Forestry.
AdvertisementThis was the call sign of a Hamburg radio station which broadcast nightly news bulletins in English to the British people.
October 2006 Trade & Press bulletin Trade Bulletins Each time we distribute a bulletin to trade customers will will archive them here.
Enter your email address below to receive monthly email bulletins.
An additional service that came into effect in 2002 involved hourly traffic bulletins with AA Roadwatch.
The proposed reorganization of the news bulletins has potentially negative consequences for regional output.
AdvertisementThe site provides links to press releases, position statements, news bulletins, congressional testimony and other information.
The site provides links to press releases, position statements, news bulletins, Congressional testimony and other information.
Your friends also have access to your blogs and bulletins, so you should keep those professional, too, and save the work rants for someplace else.
When you post blogs and bulletins, you're giving other MySpace users a peek inside your life.
Bulletins can be fun ways to break the ice with comment games, "add to the list" activities, and similar ideas encouraging you to interact with other members.
AdvertisementBe sure to look at your newspaper, community brochures, church bulletins and newscasts for more ideas on what local activities are available.
In addition, the B&B Bulletins page is updated once or twice a week with the previews and spoilers that many soap fans look for, and B&B News features information on casting, awards, star appearances and ratings.
Marketing can be done by canvassing neighborhoods, talking to homeowners and putting up fliers, talking to apartment managers, advertising in church bulletins and weekly shopper tabloids.
AllDataDIY is one of the best sites to look up technical service bulletins and recalls for your Cadillac, as well as maintenance schedules with step-by-step procedures to complete that maintenance.
These quotes can also be used to dress up newsletters and bulletins.
As a Myspace friend, you will be able to comment on other people's page and post bulletins and upcoming events.
Musicians find event bulletins to be a great way to easily promote gigs and album releases.
If you have a profile on MySpace, bulletins are a great way to add something interesting to it.
There are a few good reasons to post MySpace bulletins on your profile.
Adding bulletins to your MySpace account makes your profile stand out from other those of other users.
The subject matter of the bulletins you select tells the readers something about you.
Chances are that a fellow MySpace member who appreciates the bulletins you post will also share the same sense of humor as you.
Reading the bulletins adds to your general knowledge of many topics.
The bulletins you post on your MySpace profile will get crawled by search engines and show up in search engine results.
In a situation where you are posting MySpace bulletins on your profile page, do stop to consider that your readers will be making some assumptions about who you are and what you are all about based on your profile.
Visit MySpaceTools.com to check out a long list of bulletins you can add to your own profile.
You will see your dashboard, which is the place where you can quickly see what your friends have been doing, any birthdays coming up, new updates to your friends' page and any bulletins sent from your friends.
For example, MySpace bulletins are an excellent vehicle for sharing news about what's happening in your business.
Although sites like QuizCat or MySpace Bulletins have literally thousands of potential surveys, the real magic comes when you use their online tools to create your own surveys.