Bulbs Sentence Examples
The bulbs should be planted from 6 to 10 in.
A lot of the energy efficient light bulbs have a yellow light.
Latex, though chiefly secreted in vessels or small sacs which reside in the cortical tissue between the outer bark and the wood is also found in the leaves and sometimes in the roots or bulbs.
Brazil has three groups of animals similar to the common rat - the Capromydae, Loncheridae and Psammoryctidae- the best known of which is the " tuco-tuco " (Ctenomys brasiliensis), a small burrowing animal of Rio Grande do Sul which excavates long subterranean galleries and lives on roots and bulbs.
The "pearshaped" form of the same author consists of a series of pear-shaped bulbs, the narrow end of one adjoining the wider end of the next lower one.
These pheasant's-eye narcissi, of which there are several well-marked varieties, as radiiflorus, poetarum, recurvus, &c., blossom in succession during April and May, and all do well in the open borders as permanent hardy bulbs.
Thousands of bulbs of such lilies as longiflorum and speciosum are now retarded in refrigerators and taken out in batches for greenhouse work as required.
The spores formed on the delicate grey mould are carried during the summer from one plant to another, thus spreading the disease, and also germinate in the soil where the fungus may remain passive during the winter producing a new crop of spores next spring, or sometimes attacking the scales of the bulbs forming small black hard bodies embedded in the flesh.
For prevention, the surface soil covering bulbs should be removed every autumn and replaced by soil mixed with kainit; manure for mulching should also be mixed with kainit, which acts as a steriliser.
Rhizopus necans is sometimes the cause of extensive destruction of bulbs.
AdvertisementThe fungus hibernates in the soil and enters through broken or injured roots, hence care should be taken when removing the bulbs that the roots are injured as little as possible.
This prevents infection from outside and also destroys any spores or fungus mycelium that may have been packed away along with the bulbs.
Not only are millions of bulbs cultivated in Holland for export every year, but thousands are now also grown for the same purpose in the Channel Islands, more particularly in Guernsey.
The enormous prices once given for rare varieties of tulip bulbs no longer obtain, though, even now, two and three guineas are asked for special bulbs.
The breeder bulbs and their offsets may grow on for years producing only self-coloured flowers, but after a time, which is varied and indefinite, some of the progeny "break," that is, produce flowers with the variegation which is so much prized.
AdvertisementThe best time to plant is in September and October, the bulbs being buried about 6 in.
Sometimes a little loose earth or sand is put in to the depth of about I in., and the bulbs laid singly thereon, the holes being closed by the dibber and the whole raked over.
The tops can then be removed and the bulbs sorted and stored thinly in trays in a cool dry place.
Rare bulbs may be wrapped singly in tissue paper for storing.
Pot firmly, and plunge the pots in several inches of ashes out of doors, to protect the bulbs from frost.
AdvertisementThe bulbs are placed in long shallow boxes, plunged in soil or ashes in the open air, and are later introduced as required into heat in semi-darkness, and are afterwards transferred to benches in the forcing houses where they flower.
Bulbs which have been forced are of no further value for that particular purpose.
The vulva or pudendum comprises all the female external generative organs, and consists of the mons Veneris, labia majora and minora, clitoris, urethral orifice, hymen, bulbs of the vestibule, and glands of Bartholin.
Thomson 6 places spherical bulbs inside thick spiral conductors through which the oscillating discharge of a powerful battery is led.
About the beginning of September the crop is ripe, which is known by the withering of the leaves; the bulbs are then to be pulled, and exposed on the ground till well dried, and they are then to be put away in a store-room, or loft, where they may be perfectly secured from frost and damp.
AdvertisementThose which are not required for the kitchen, if allowed to stand, and if the flower-bud is picked out on its first appearance, and the earth stirred about them, frequently produce bulbs equal in size and quality to the large ones that are imported from the Continent.
A crop of very large bulbs may also be secured by sowing about the beginning of September, and transplanting early in spring to very rich soil.
Another plan is to sow in May on dry poor soil, when a crop of small bulbs will be produced; these are to be stored in the usual way, and planted in rich soil about February, on ground made firm by treading, in rows about 1 ft.
To obtain a crop of bulbs for pickling, seed should be sown thickly in March, in rather poor soil, the seeds being very thinly covered, and the surface well rolled; these are not to be thinned, but should be pulled and harvested when ripe.
It is also known as the underground onion, from its habit of producing its bulbs beneath the surface.
These small stem bulbs are excellent for pickling.
It forms no bulbs, but, on account of its extreme hardiness, is sown in July or early in August, to furnish a reliable supply of young onions for use in salads during the early spring.
These bulbless onions are sometimes called Scallions, a name which is also applied to old onions which have stem and leaves but no bulbs.
On the other hand, a current of dry air may be passed through the series of weighed bulbs containing solution and solvent respectively, and the loss in weight of each determined.
The loss in the solution bulbs gives the mass of solvent absorbed from the solution, and the loss in the solvent bulbs the additional mass required to raise the vapour pressure in the air-current to equilibrium with the pure solvent.
The relative lowering of vapour pressure of the solution compared with that of the solvent is measured by the ratio of the extra mass absorbed from the solvent bulbs to the total mass absorbed from both series of bulbs.
For commercial purposes, crowns of lily of the valley, tulip and other bulbs, and such deciduous woody plants as lilac and deciduous species of rhododendron, while in a state of rest, are packed in wet moss and introduced into coldstorage chambers, where they may be kept in a state of quiescence, if desired, throughout the following summer.
River sand and the sharp grit washed up sometimes by the road side are excellent materials for laying around choice bulbs at planting time to prevent contact with earth which is perhaps manure-tainted.
Hyacinths and other bulbs derive benefit from slight doses, while to asparagus as much as 20 lb to the rood has been used with beneficial effect.
This mode of increase applies specially to bulbous plants, such as the lily and hyacinth, which produce little bulbs on the exterior round their base.
Most bulbs do so naturally to a limited but variable extent; when more rapid increase is wanted the heart is destroyed, and this induces the formation of a larger number of offsets.
The stem bulbs of lilies are similar in character to the offsets from the parent bulb.
The same mode of increase occurs in the gladiolus and crocus, but their bulb-like permanent parts are called corms, not bulbs.
This mode of potting does well for bulbs, such as hyacinths, which are either thrown away or planted out when the bloom is over.
Most of the hardy bulbs will do well enough in the border, care being taken not to disturb them while leafless and dormant.
Hardy bulbs of the garlic family, some species of which are ornamental; the inflorescence is umbellate.
The Snowdrop. Early spring-flowering amaryllidaceous bulbs, with pretty drooping flowers, snow-white, having the tips of the enclosed petals green.
A genus of South African plants with fibrous-coated corms or solid bulbs, often known as montbretas.
Splendid dwarfish bulbs, thriving in deep, sandy, wellenriched garden soil, and increased by offsets.
Besides these there are the various spring-flowering bulbs, such as the varieties of Hyacinthus, Tulipa, Narcissus, Fritillaria, Muscari or Grape Hyacinth, Crocus, Scilla, Chionodoxa and Galanthus or Snowdrop.
Few bulbs come into the summer flower gardens, but amongst those which should always be well represented are the Gladiolus, the Lilium, the Tigridia and the Montbretia.
A supply of roses, kalmias, rhododendrons, &c., and of hardy flowers and bulbs, as lily of the valley, hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, &c., should be kept up by forcing.
Take up bulbs and tuberous roots and dry them in the shade before removing them to the store-room.
Fill up with annuals and greenhouse plants those beds from which the bulbs and roots have been raised.
Pot hyacinths, tulips and other bulbs for forcing; and propagate half-hardy plants by cuttings.
Begin to force roses, hyacinths and a few other bulbs, for winter and early spring decoration.
Plant the greater part of the common border bulbs, as hyacinths, narcissi, crocuses and early tulips, about the end of the month, with a few anemones for early flowering.
Hyacinths and other bulbs that have been kept in a cellar or other dark cool place may now be brought into the light of the greenhouse or sitting-room, provided they have filled the pots with roots.
The covering of leaves or litter should be taken off bulbs and tender plants that were covered up for winter, so that the beds can be lightly forked and raked.
Hyacinths, tulips and other spring bulbs may be dug up, dried and placed away for next fall's planting, and their places filled with bedding plants, such as coleus, achyranthes, pelargoniums, and the various white and coloured leaf plants.
Dutch bulbs, such as hyacinths, tulips, crocus, &c., and most of the varieties of lilies, may be planted.
Fall bulbs of all kinds may be planted.
Take up summer-flowering bulbs and tubers, such as dahlias, tuberoses, gladioli, cannas, caladiums, tigridias, and dry them off thoroughly, stowing them away afterwards in some place free from frost and moisture during the winter.
Cover up all beds in which there are hyacinths, tulips and other bulbs with a litter of leaves or straw to the depth of 2 or 3 in.
These papillae form pallial sense-organs, I containing nerve-end bulbs, covered by a dome of cuticle, and innervated from the pallial nervecords.
Most genera are saprophytes, but some - Chaetocladium, Piptocephalis - are parasites on other Mucorini, and one or two are associated casually with the rotting of tomatoes and other fruits, bulbs, &c., the fleshy parts of which are rapidly destroyed if once the hyphae gain entrance.
The chief difficulty in this method lay in determining the effective distances of the bulbs of the thermometers from the axis of the cylinder, and in ensuring uniformity of flow of heat along different radii.
The bulb, which is the only part eaten, has membranous scales, in the axils of which are io or 12 cloves, or snialler bulbs.
From these new bulbs can be procured by planting out in February or March.
The bulbs are best preserved hung in a dry place.
The bulbs are large and orbicular, and have a blackish coat; they, as well as the flowers, are reputed to be emetic in properties.
Stirring Is Effected By Causing The Water To Circulate Spirally Round The Bulbs Of The Thermometers And The Heating Conductor As Indicated In The Figure.
Like other bulbs they are increased by offsets, which should be carefully removed when the plants are at rest, and should be allowed to attain a fair size before removal.
These young bulbs should be potted singly in February or March, in mellow loamy soil with a moderate quantity of sand, about two-thirds of the bulb being kept above the level of the soil,.
As the bulbs get large they will occasionally need shifting into larger pots.
The natives eat extensively the bulbs of the Martagon lily, and weave cloth out of the fibres of the Kamchatka nettle.
Agriculture is spreading but slowly among them; they still prefer to plunder the stores of bulbs of Lilium Martagon, Paeonia, and Erythronium Dens canis laid up by the steppe mouse (Mus socialis).
The simpler form consists of two bulbs connected at the bottom by a wide tube.
Any number of bulbs can be attached to the horizontal capillary; in the form illustrated there are four, the last being a hydrogen pipette in which the palladium is heated in a horizontal tube by a spirit lamp. At the end of the horizontal tube there is a three way cock connecting with the air or an aspirator.
Digging up these bulbs.
When garlic bulbs are crushed, alliin is converted into another compound called allicin.
Why settle for boring bulbs when you can set your Christmas tree a twinkle with these heavenly angels.
These attractive frosted glass bulbs are available in either standard bayonet or standard screw.
Hand whisks, basting bulbs, and egg beaters require coordination and are fun to use.
For instance, if every household used energy-saving light bulbs, a power station could be closed.
Should they need replacing the bulbs are available from all good hardware stores.
I was changing incandescent bulbs four times a year.
In the autumn of 2000, 70,000 daffodil bulbs were planted on either side of the Broad Walk.
The planting time for the earliest flowering bulbs begins in September.
Normal light bulbs emit more red then blue light.
I have been running with halogen bulbs in my tail lights for about 12 years now.
Different types of light bulbs for lamps Using filament bulbs The most commonly used bulbs are filament light bulbs.
I heard that the Dutch had been eating the tulip bulbs, hunger is a terrible thing.
To include color after the salad burnet has finished flowering, plant bulbs and corms such as spring and autumn crocus.
Pacific callas Suppliers of premium quality calla lily bulbs from the world's best calla lily growers.
The two ' bulbs ' shown here are directly attached to the main cardioid.
No nonsense advice on mini wind turbines, solar panels, energy saving light bulbs and solar mobile phone & ipod chargers.
These can be split into smaller clumps during Autumn, which is also the time for planting new bulbs.
Spring flowering bulbs were covered too, these lilac and white crocus almost disappeared.
Finally for more all year color bulbs such as yellow and purple crocuses were added.
The power output of red diodes can be comparable to small incandescent bulbs.
This does not cover disposables such as bulbs, covers etc.
Tiny mosses, hardy ferns or miniature bulbs will add extra interest.
The thicker filament also means that the bulbs are more robust.
Under electric bulbs at night, the reproduction can look a little grainy.
Don't confuse low energy bulbs with low voltage halogen light bulbs.
Small plants & hardy perennials, many bulbs & ferns, hardy perennials, many bulbs & ferns, hardy orchids & dwarf trees & shrubs.
Ten 100-watt light bulbs use one kilowatt of electrical power.
Plus, the fluorescent lamps are cheaper to run than filament bulbs.
Sources of such energy include lasers, arc discharge lamps, and tungsten halogen bulbs.
The church also bought long-life light bulbs for those seeing the debt liberators.
Narcissus bulbs that I chitted in Log 26.
The school already has a range of containers and planters in which there are different ornamentals and bulbs.
Small plants & hardy perennials, many bulbs & ferns, hardy orchids & dwarf trees & shrubs.
These can be filled with summer bulbs, tender perennials or annuals.
We would like to fill some wooden planters with Summer plants and bulbs to brighten up our After School Club garden.
Ensure that any bulbs that you purchase, especially native species are from a guaranteed source and not plundered from the wild.
Two bulbs have succumbed to a rot that luckily did not spread all through the whole potful.
In the woodland this gave Nick a large area for ferns, hellebores, woodland bulbs, camellia and more snowdrops.
England's Greatest snowdrop Garden - Order bulbs & see Colesbourne Park, Gloucestershire during its snowdrop weekends in February.
False ceiling features spotlights that are normal tungsten bulbs.
Wealth of exotic plants, Australian tree ferns - Chinese rhododendrons - S African bulbs.
Remove them with a sharp upwards tug, you can place your fingers on the gravel to prevent the bulbs being pulled up.
Lighting increase the wattage on light bulbs in dark areas where slipping or tripping hazards are possible.
November Lily bulbs can still be planted if the ground is still workable.
As already mentioned, Thylacoleo was originally regarded as a carnivorous creature, but this view was subsequently disputed, and its diet supposed to consist of soft roots, bulbs and fruits, with an occasional small bird or mammal.
The species of crocus are not very readily obtainable, but those who make a specialty of hardy bulbs ought certainly to search them out and grow them.
Front sidelights are either small bulbs set in the headlamp reflector, or larger bulbs (around 5 watts) under separate covers.
Do n't do what a mate of mine did when he was stopped for driving with red sidelight bulbs.
So they started an appeal to raise money to buy snowdrop bulbs.
England 's Greatest Snowdrop Garden - Order bulbs & see Colesbourne Park, Gloucestershire during its snowdrop weekends in February.
Today these gardens are famous for their splendid carpet of spring bulbs.
Yet in some parts of the world even in modern times, tulip bulbs have also been eaten in times of famine.
Lighting Increase the wattage on light bulbs in dark areas where slipping or tripping hazards are possible.
Using low wattage bulbs can reduce the cost to less than 1p per night Alarms Install an alarm.
Most generic lights which use filament bulbs which produce a yellowy light that is not as bright as a discharge lamp.
There's nothing like the slow growth and sudden blooming of bulbs to let you know that spring has arrived.
One of the most popular and beautiful of the spring bulbs is the tulip, which has been wowing flower lovers for around a thousand years.
This time period is known as "tulip mania" because of the practice of buying promissory notes in exchange for bulbs.
In the deep south, tulip bulbs can be stored in the refrigerator at around 40 degrees for eight weeks and planted 6 to 8 inches deep in November.
Dappled sunlight will help the bulbs, too, as they will not get as hot as they would in direct sunlight.
It is beneficial to plant your bulbs about 4 inches apart, so try not to buy so many that your space will be crowded.
Consider bloom time and height when picking out bulbs.
If your flower bed has a front side or direction from which most people approach it, you might want to plant short bulbs there and increase the height of the plant as you move back in the bed.
Tulips don't like moist summers, which many bulbs get when they are part of a flower bed with shrubs, trees or other flowers that are watered regularly.
The moisture can cause the bulbs to split or mold.
They're rather plain, traditional-looking varieties and they aren't available in a lot of different colors yet, but if you'd like to spare yourself the trouble of planting new bulbs every year, these perennials can be a big help.
Choose the largest bulbs you can find, as those are the healthiest.
Bulbs should be planted about six inches deep (but smaller varieties don't have to be planted as deep, so check the package for instructions).
Tulip bulbs look kind of like onions, with a pointy end and a flat end.
As you place your bulbs, remember that the leaves will be off the trees when the bulbs are growing, so you can plant bulbs in places that will be shady later but get a good amount of sun in the spring.
Decide whether or not you require a light on your fan, depending on the area in which it will be used, and check the box to confirm whether or not it comes with bulbs.
Some things to keep in mind are how much light the fan offers in comparison to a ceiling light and what type of bulbs it uses.
These clocks are fitted with light bulbs that slowly lighten a room in a manner that simulates natural sun.
In addition to appliances, there are other products such as light bulbs, home electronics and various other items that are Energy Star qualified products.
If every single American replaced just one light bulb in their home with energy efficient light bulbs, we would prevent as much greenhouse gas as if we pulled 800,000 cars from the roads.
Replacing light bulbs is one more step in creating eco friendly houses.
Choosing the eco friendly light bulbs you need is not that difficult.
Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs, or CFLs, are very efficient and last up to ten times longer than standard, incandescent bulbs.
You need to be aware that CFL bulbs have some negative qualities.
Also, they contain low levels of mercury, a toxic substance which can be dangerous if the bulbs get broken.
Purchasing fluorescent light bulbs is more expensive than buying incandescent bulbs, but they last much longer and use much less energy.
The initial investment you make in fluorescent bulbs for your home will pay off exponentially in energy and replacement bulbs savings over their usable lives.
Compact fluorescent bulbs last longer and use less energy than incandescent bulbs, so you will save money by using them.
The initial bulbs gave off a light that many found unpleasant, but newer models are nicer.
Switching to EnergyStar compact fluorescent light bulbs can save you an average of $60 a year.
The bulbs are continually improving, so that they are now softer and pleasanter.
Replace all the bulbs in your house with compact fluorescent light bulbs, which last ten times longer than standard bulbs and use about two-thirds less energy.
This includes large domestic appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers through to light bulbs.
Switching to compact fluorescent bulbs or CFLs can significantly reduce electricity costs.
Most energy emitted by incandescent bulbs is in the form of heat energy.
The post office also works with the OSRAM SYLVANIA and Veolia Environmental Services to help customers recycle used CFL light bulbs.
The traditional incandescent light bulbs that replaced oil lamps and candles actually produce more heat than light.
The replacement compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL) use two-thirds less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and burn much cooler as well.
Compact fluorescent light bulbs last up to 10 times longer than traditional bulbs, saving you money on lighting and cooling your home.
One easy way to become more energy efficient is to swap out less efficient incandescent bulbs for compact fluorescent bulbs or CFLs.
They do cost a little more but compact fluorescent bulbs last much longer than incandescent and can light a room on one-fourth of the energy needed for conventional bulbs.
Commercially grown bulbs have none of the intensity and variety of flavor that the homegrown variety do.
Red Toch-large bulbs are white with pink streaks.
Switch your light bulbs to soft white, or install a dimmer switch to keep the light soft and warm.
You can also decorate with traditional Italian food by keeping decorative olive oil bottle out or hanging strings of garlic bulbs from the wall.
You can use silver and gold bulbs and bows, with white Christmas lights to pull it all together.
Wreaths - Christmas wreaths can be made of holly, berries, bells, bulbs or even candy.
Go for plain red (almost maroon, rather than bright red) and gold (again, not bright gold, but muted, almost tarnished looking gold) bulbs for your tree - using these bulbs as the main ornaments is a good way to go.
In a kitchen, put small shades over the bulbs on the sconces to give the iron a homey, rustic look.
Change your ceiling light for a gleaming chandelier or tone down the lighting with colored bulbs to create reflection.
Each chandelier comes with aged candle drip sleeves that hold 40 watt bulbs, a ceiling canopy, mounting bracket, and a chain or hooks for hanging.
Make sure the bulbs are readily available in your area.
Make sure to use high wattage bulbs to get the maximum amount of light.
You can also buy different types, colors and wattage of light bulbs.
Check all light fixtures to make sure you don't have any bulbs that are burned out.
If you have a floor lamp with multiple lights, you can install colored light bulbs in the extra lights for accent lighting.
The lamps themselves can be very large, including up to five or six light bulbs inside one shade.
Using low wattage light bulbs adds sex appeal too!
Parts and replacement bulbs may also be difficult to find.
The yellow tone comes from tungsten lighting (round light bulbs).
Taking photos in rooms with halogen bulbs (twisted type bulbs) gets rid of the yellow glow.
If you want a runway and have the room, you can ask your parents to let you (and help you!) install a few low-watt bulbs across the floor.
For a bit of color, select colored lights and slide silk flower blooms like poinsettias or roses over the tiny bulbs.
Light bulbs, soda cans, and other makeshift pipes may be the pipe of choice for your loved one.
According to Hilton, she has changed her light bulbs to the energy efficient variety, plans to buy a hybrid car and turns the water off when not in use.
The little bulbs grow in a mossy mat formed by the roots and decaying herbage of plants and moss.
I believe that all bulbs are healthier when planted amongst active roots than in ordinary beds.
When the bulbs are at rest it is very essential that the soil should be kept sweet by the activity of other roots.
Autumnal Snowdrops Octobrensis - Lord Walsingham, when travelling in Albania about the year 1875, collected some bulbs on one of the mountains and sent them to the late Rev.
The bulbs should be planted from September to January, about 4 inches deep and 2 to 4 inches apart, in light loamy soil thoroughly drained, with a due south aspect.
In wet soils surround the bulbs with sand, and raise the beds above the level.
These bulbs may be planted from October until December, and in mild localities will pass the winter in the open unprotected.
Increased by offsets from the bulbs, or from seeds, which flower about the fourth year.
Strong bulbs will give three spikes in one season, eack spike bearing twelve to twenty pink flowers 6 inches across, with buds a deeper red, and opening in succession, so that the display lasts for some weeks.
The main points in beginning the culture of Narcissi are to get sound and healthy bulbs as early as possible after June, and to plant or pot them at once in good fibrous, sandy, or gravelly loam, or in any virgin soil.
Whenever an amateurs stock of bulbs is divided, it is wise to replant some in fresh ground, and any surplus may be naturalised in grass.
The depth at which the bulbs should be planted varies according to the texture and the drainage of the soil.
In sun or shade it is most valuable for the spring or rock garden, or for a border of choice hardy bulbs, and where it is sufficiently plentiful, for edgings to American plants in peat soil.
The bulbs are white and oblong, resembling a dogs tooth, hence its name.
It is increased by dividing the bulbs every two or three years, and replanting rather deeply.
This remark applies only to bulbs established in the ground, for fresh bulbs are as tender as other Gladioli, and must be protected from frost.
The foot of a south wall suits them if they are associated with the larger hardy bulbs, but they are not the most effective or graceful of the Lily family.
They need an autumn drought to ripen, and a dry soil in winter to preserve the bulbs and keep them at rest; but in spring, when the leaves are pushing up, they love moderate rain.
Hardy on warm soils, but in others it should be planted on slopes, in very sandy dry soil, or on warm borders; the bulbs planted rather deep.
The bulbs increase rapidly in warm open soils, and they may be left in the ground with a covering of ashes in the south.
Hyacinths in the open air are generally the refuse, as it were, of the forced bulbs of preceding years, but even these make a good display in suitable positions.
After blooming, the bulbs, if intended to flower again, must be left undisturbed until the leaves wither or die.
The bulbs should then be taken up, dried in a stack for a week or two, and finally placed in the sun for a few hours, the dry leaves being pulled off.
Offsets should also be removed from the bulbs, and stored in dry sand or earth till the next planting time.
Some take up the bulbs every year, but we have seen handsome beds that were not disturbed for several years.
African bulbs, slender and elegant in growth, and brilliant in flower, but not much grown, because some are tender and require glass protection.
A handful of dry sharp sand placed in a layer under and around the bulbs is conducive to the formation of roots.
The bulbs should be planted in this, and as soon as growth commences in spring, should be mulched with decomposed manure or short grass.
As to propagation, there is scarcely any need to enlarge upon that, as bulbs are imported so plentifully; and it is only necessary to separate the young bulbs and replant them in good soil.
The seedlings should be planted out as soon as the bulbs are of an appreciable size.
Lily-of-the-Field (Sternbergia) - Charming hardy bulbs with flowers of firm texture, better able to withstand bad weather than the Autumn Crocus.
In sandy loams, and fully exposed to the sun, the bulbs will ripen without being lifted, and are best left undisturbed until of flowering size.
The rarest of these Sternbergias should have a place in our bulb borders, in gritty or open soil, associated with the rarer Narcissi and choice hardy bulbs.
This suits all Calochorti, and gives a splendid bloom and firm, well-ripened bulbs.
Increased by separation of the new bulbs and by seed.
Sometimes, however, it refuses to grow, and in damp places the bulbs rot in summer.
It thrives in a warm exposed border of sandy loam soil, well drained, the bulbs protected by litter in winter.
All the forms, especially ornatus and recurvus, naturalise perfectly, and of recent years bulbs have been dug on the Pyrenees by the thousand for naturalisation.
White Camassia (Camassia Leichtlini) - This often grows on sandy ridge-tops, and is found in dry spots in ravines; its bulbs are generally deep in some stiff soil.
It requires a warm situation in light soil, such as the foot of a south wall, and in such positions it often thrives better than in pots under glass; but the bulbs must be protected during severe frosts.
It succeeds well in warm sheltered situations in borders of light and well-drained soil, but requires some protection over the bulbs in winter.
Easily increased by dividing the bulbs in July or August, and replanting them from 4 to 6 inches apart.
The soil should be light and friable, and about 1 foot in depth; and the bulbs planted about 4 inches deep.
The gandavensis section suffers from cold autumn rains, and the bulbs must be lifted in autumn.
If this is done the soil will be fit for working in spring, and a pricking over with the fork will reduce it to a fine tilth, and will admit of the bulbs being planted promptly.
About August bulbs of flowering size should be planted 3 inches deep, in rich soil in a frame.
The success which attends the planting of dry bulbs during the early spring months-frequently as late as April-is the best proof that the harm from drying such things is of small moment.
Tuberose (Polianthes) - P. tuberosa is a native of the East Indies, but strong imported bulbs of this deliciously fragrant plant, if inserted in warm soil, will flower well in the open air during August.
L. longiflorum giganteum is the variety generally obtained from Japan; strong bulbs will send up a head of from eight to twelve flowers widely opened; the foliage is bright green; under glass this Lily may easily be forced.
One fun way to plan a bed full of different colors of Echinacea plants is to plant them much like you might spring-blooming bulbs.
Weed the bed once more, and plant any last spring flowering bulbs before the ground freezes.
It also includes access to many articles on topics such as annuals, bulbs, weeds, landscaping, roses and how-to projects.
From among the spring flowers, flowering bulbs are the quintessential harbinger of spring.
With their sturdy beauty, bulbs provide gardeners with plant-and-forget flowers.Most spring flowering bulbs are actually planted in the fall, but if you forgot to plant yours, don't fret.
Many garden centers now carry forced bulbs.
These bulbs are gently coaxed into blooming in pots by cooling them for a period of time, then increasing the warmth to mimic springtime.
The results are bulbs such as daffodils, tulips and hyacinth available for purchase fully in bloom.
Consider not just what blooms in the fall, but winter flowering plants and spring bulbs, too.
Not only is fall the time to plant all those gorgeous bulbs that blossom in the springtime - tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, crocus and so many more - but perennials love the fall, too.
Spring bulbs are a must-have on your fall gardening checklist.
Gardeners should also consider where they wish to plant spring flowering bulbs such as tulips, crocus, narcissus and daffodils, for each of these bulbs must be planted in the fall.
While you can purchase bulbs as soon as they're available in the garden center, don't plant them until the days and nights turn cool.
Bulbs that sprout may still bloom in the spring and many will provide a pleasant show even if they grew a bit in the fall.
This will retain heat and moisture and allow bulbs to germinate.
Onions, for example, can survive in many hardiness zones by simply covering the bulbs with a thick layer of mulch.
The Burpee flower catalog is actually called the Burpee Gardening Catalog and features both flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs and plants.
Among the categories above, flower fanciers specifically will want to peruse the New Features, Customer Favorites, Garden-Ready Plants, Container Gardens, Annuals, Summer Bulbs, and Perennials Section.
Burpee sells both, and you can find seeds, bulbs, and plants ready for purchase.
The varieties of light bulbs available today reinforce the importance of proper lighting and its effects on energy usage.
Recent advances in lighting technologies, combined with a push toward greener, energy saving materials have given way to countless new types of bulbs.
It is a widely used bulb, and very inexpensive, although energy advisers and proponents of "green" lighting suggest switching out these older bulbs for newer, more energy-friendly units.
One of the most energy-efficient choices a homeowner can make is to use fluorescent bulbs.
These burn hotter than any other type of bulb, but produce intense light and still last longer than conventional bulbs.
The health benefits of sunlight are widely known, but if you don't want the exposure to UV rays, or the winter days are just too short, consider full spectrum daylight bulbs.
Additionally, some workplaces use full spectrum bulbs in light fixtures, especially in a factory or windowless office.
Many homeowners think solar bulbs are a great alternative for outdoor lighting.
Will replacement light bulbs make the model more expensive in the long run?
Perfect for kitchens, basements, or workshops, fluorescent panel or light row systems come in a variety of styles, and the bulbs are more energy-efficient than ever.
Most use high-intensity halogen bulbs, so even though the individual lights are quiet small, the beam is penetrating.
Some forms of fluorescent light bulbs, however, pose an environmental dilemma due to the mercury content within the bulb; the disposal of these types of light bulbs is not as easy as dumping the burned-out bulbs into the trash.
Consider getting rid of the utilitarian glaring bulbs that offer too little or too much light and install designer track lighting.
Compact Fluorescent light bulbs fit standard light sockets, but are manufactured in special shapes like spirals and the F-shaped bulb.
A select group of compact fluorescent light bulbs can be used on a dimmer switch, but check the package when making your purchase.
It's important to note here, too, that most of these bulbs are not designed for outdoor use.
Fluorescent compact bulbs come in various colors, which affects the start-up of the lamp.
If you are looking for a cool quality to light your room, you'll want to buy bulbs with higher ratings.
And because bulbs differ from one manufacturer to another, it's a good idea to use one brand of bulb to produce a uniform color effect.
Another matter to consider when purchasing your compact fluorescent bulbs is to be sure bulbs to be used in a three-way lamp are designed for this purpose.
They take a little time to reach their full brightness when first switched on, and the quality of light produced by these bulbs can vary from one manufacturer to another.
Converting to the use of compact fluorescent bulbs is one way to help the environment by reducing electric consumption and thus pollution.
Some utility companies and local government provide bulbs to the public in an effort to encourage their use, so check around your local area for more details.
Transformers are easy to replace, but this will add to your maintenance cost over the years, as will the cost of using halogen bulbs, common in most track heads.
You can learn about the best light bulbs and fixtures for your rooms, and even how to paint your rooms.
During the winter, LED lights are brighter than other bulbs due to the low temperatures.
Flush mount ceiling fixtures-Flush mount ceiling fixtures typically feature two-light fluorescent bulbs that use less energy than incandescent lighting, while at the same time provide more lighting for your home or office.
If you're not used to halogen, this type of light tends to be whiter and brighter than some of the indoor light bulbs you may be using now.
Accessories, hardware, and bulbs are included as part of the purchase unless otherwise noted.
Even though scientists continued to develop LED lighting technology, the bulbs failed to catch on with the general public.
Not only were these bulbs expensive, but they emitted a harsh blue-white light that was not very inviting as people were used to the warm, yellow-white light emitted by the incandescent bulb.
Eventually, this harsh white-blue light was fixed by Michael Bowers, who discovered a way to make the LED bulbs emit a soft, warm yellow light, similar to incandescent bulbs.
Longer lasting - An LED light lasts tens of thousands of hours longer than incandescent or fluorescent bulbs.
Durability - LED's are far more durable than the very fragile incandescent and fluorescent bulbs, making them perfect for outdoor floodlights.
By far, LED bulbs are the most energy efficient lights available on the market today.
These special bulbs are similar to incandescent bulbs featuring a tungsten resistance wire set within a sheath of high purity quartz.
Installing a skylight in the ceiling of your bathroom will bring in five times the amount of light into the space when compared to light bulbs alone.
Halogen bulbs burn brighter and longer than traditional bulbs and with track placement, can give you that light right where you need it.
As old fashioned light bulbs begin to fall into disfavor, other types of light bulbs are beginning to come into popular use, including halogen light bulbs.
Halogen light bulbs produce a bright, white light that doesn't diminish over time the way traditional light bulbs do.
There are several reasons why track lights, including track lights which use halogen bulbs, can be beneficial to homeowners.
Track lighting that uses halogen bulbs does have many pluses for homeowners.
Halogen bulbs burn very hot; so take care to choose lighting systems that shield the bulb to help prevent fires.
One potential drawback to using low voltage fixtures is that most of them employ halogen bulbs.
Turn the power back on to the circuit, install any decorative trim that may have come with your lights, along with properly-rated light bulbs, and flip the switch.
Adding bone meal to the hole before you plant bulbs is one of the best ways to fertilize them, since the action of bone meal is very slow.
In addition to seeds, the company offers live plants, bulbs, tubers, growing kits, books, and tools.
High power infrared LED bulbs project infrared light ahead of the night vision goggles.
High power infrared LED bulbs project IR light.
In later versions of these devices, EyeClops added a ring of red light bulbs on the front of the goggles.
When the goggles are switched into "long-range" mode, those bulbs turn on.
Some stores offer a "test range" where you can "test drive" goggles, either on your bike in a controlled area or by simulating different conditions with assorted light bulbs and electric fans to imitate wind.
When homes began to be electrified people no longer needed the unique shapes of the glass shades but they still needed something to cover the bulbs and disperse light more evenly.
Reflectalite- This is a list of the replacement bulbs that can be used in any of the JustRite flashlights.
Limbic system-A group of structures in the brain that includes the hypothalamus, amygdala, olfactory bulbs, and hippocampus.
Many items, such as screws and light bulbs, require a left-to-right turning that is easier for a right-hander.
This includes replacing burned out light bulbs and fixing any leaky faucets or running toilets.
The new oven now uses a heating element similar to a traditional oven, in part due to new regulations on incandescent light bulbs.
Most people work in offices lit by fluorescent bulbs and get almost no natural sunlight, which also decreases vitamin D production.
Hair color comes from melanin, and the bulbs that produce this pigment degrade as you age, which causes gray hair.
Sanyo sells two sizes of light bulbs, a 15-watt 120-volt light bulb, and a 30-watt 120-volt light bulb.
Parts such as the glass turntable and light bulbs only need to be switched out with the existing part.
Some of the most common parts that need to be replaced include bulbs, capacitors, fuses, and magnetrons.
Each of these bulbs can be found for approximately twenty dollars or less.
If you need to replace your air care product parts, Hamilton Beach offers air purifier replacement filters, air purifier replacement bulbs and Febreze TrueAir replacement filters.
Other parts are halogen bulbs that help to cook food more quickly.
Infrared space heaters generally consist of three essential components - the infrared Quartz light bulbs, a heat exchanger and a fan.
When the space heater is turned on, the infrared Quartz light bulbs produce the infrared rays that get absorbed by the heat exchanger, which is usually made out of a good heat conductor like copper.
However, no vacuum lasts forever and Kenmore vacuums are just as prone as other models to suffer from common problems like clogs, broken belts, broken light bulbs, ruined air filters and worn brush rolls.
Instead, different models will use either LED or traditional incandescent bulbs powered by small batteries to create the light.
If your venue has a chandelier that uses electric candle bulbs, check the light fixture carefully for burned out bulbs a day or two before your event, or ask the venue's coordinator to be sure the fixture is properly serviced.
The LED bulbs are not replaceable, but last over 100,000 hours.
Flower Power Fundraising gives you the option to sell flower bulbs and receive 50 percent of total sales.