Built-on Sentence Examples
She'd told him the truth, because she wanted them to have a relationship built on trust and love.
It's not good for a relationship to be built on lies, Howie; or secrets.
I'm not sure she knows the answer herself but a lot of marriages are built on far less.
It was built on high ground, and the forest sloped downward and away from the fortress.
His house was built on a tree-covered knoll overlooking her farm, but part of Josh's land was visible from their porch.
I have to admit he built on what Dad left with wise investments.
A bird's nest was built on one end and cobwebs covered the window.
The city is built on rolling ground about 900 ft.
The nucleus of the city is built on a ridge of rock (Mount Sceberras) which runs like a tongue into the middle of a bay, which it thus divides into two harbours, the Grand Harbour to the east and the Marsamuschetto to the west, which are subdivided again by three other peninsulas into creeks.
The town, which is the residence of a kaimakam, is built on two low limestone hills and its streets are paved with limestone blocks.
AdvertisementMoratalla is built on a mountainous peninsula, almost surrounded by the Grande and Benamor, small rivers which meet and flow eastward to join the Segura.
The city is built on a rocky hill rising from the Guayangareo valley, which gives to it a strikingly picturesque appearance.
It is built on a series of terraces, mostly on the west bank of the river, which is spanned here by a bridge 1100 ft.
The city consists of two parts; the modern French town, built on the level ground by the seashore, and the ancient city of the deys, which climbs the steep hill behind the modern town and is crowned by the kasbah or citadel, 400 ft.
The cathedral of St Philippe, built on the site of a mosque, is in the place Malakoff, next to the governor-general's palace.
AdvertisementMustapha Inferieur is built on the lower slopes of the hills.
Three chapels were built on the spot, and Gregory raised his cross there and elsewhere for the people to worship, just as St Nino was doing about the same time in Georgia.
In the palace which he built on the Aventine, Otto sought to surround himself with the splendour and ceremonial of the older emperors of Rome, and dreamed of making Rome once more the centre of a universal empire.
In 1904-1905 the city built on the Scioto river a concrete storage dam, having a capacity of 5,000,000,000 gallons, and in 1908 it completed the construction of enormous works for filtering and softening the water-supply, and of works for purifying the flow of sewage - the two costing nearly $5,000,000.
It is built on the slopes of a hill which half encircles the place, and over the celebrated salt-mines of the same name.
AdvertisementThe greater part of the city is built on the bottom-lands of the valley within an area 2 m.
There are remains of a Moorish fort on the hill commanding the town; and the north gateway - the Puerta del Colegio - is a fine lofty arch, surmounted by an emblematic statue and the city arms. The most prominent buildings are the episcopal palace (1733), with a frontage of a 600 ft.; the town house (1843), containing important archives; and the cathedral, a small Gothic structure built on the site of a former mosque in the 14th century, and enlarged and tastelessly restored in 1829.
The speech of the Lombards at last got the better of Greek, Arabic and French; how far its ascendancy can have been built on any survival of an earlier Latin speech which had lived on alongside of Greek and Arabic this is not the place to inquire.
It is built on a level plain surrounded by low, gently sloping and beautifully wooded hills.
The earliest arrangement of this kind was patented by John Blenkinsop, of the Middleton Colliery, near Leeds, in 1811, and an engine built on his plan by Mathew Murray, also of Leeds, began in 1812 to haul coals from Middleton to Leeds over a line 32 m.
AdvertisementThough the standard gauge is in use in Lower Egypt, the line into the Egyptian Sudan was built on a gauge of 3 ft.
The engines were built on the Worsdell and Von Borries plan, and were fitted with an ingenious startingvalve of an automatic character to overcome the difficulties of starting.
The upper town is built on seven hills, each crowned by a church, while the lower, still partially surrounded by walls and ditches, is divided by the river and Ludwigskanal into three districts.
It is built on the open veld, at an elevation of 4194 ft., by the banks of the Upper Molopo, is 9 m.
The borough is built on the slope of Locust Mountain, about 885 ft.
It is built on an open plain, and is encompassed by a wall 11 m.
The corn was commonly housed; but if there be a want of room, he advises that the ricks be built on a scaffold and not upon the ground.
Nairobi is built on the Athi plains, at the foot of the Kikuyu hills and 545 0 ft.
Of the old fort erected by Islam Khan, who in 1608 was appointed nawab of Bengal, and removed his capital from Rajmahal to Dacca, no vestige remains; but the jail is built on a portion of its site.
The villages are built on artificial mounds of earth, so as to raise them above the flood-level.
It is built on low land, around a small, nearly enclosed harbour, the northern shore of which is formed by Navy Point, a narrow tongue of land extending about 4 m.
The city, said to be the "Eden" of Charles Dickens's Martin Chuzzlewit, is built on a tongue of land between the rivers, and has suffered many times from inundations, notably in 1858.
Shipley Hall, to the south of Heanor, is a mansion built on a hill, amidst fine gardens.
The city is built on a level, sandy plain, in the rear of which is a line of hills terminating in two spurs, East Rock and West Rock, respectively 360 and 400 ft.
The town is built on a rocky eminence on the right bank of the Steine.
The town is built on the northern sweep of the harbour and is European in character.
The considerable village of Grasmere lies beautifully at the head of the lake of that name; and above Esthwaite is the small town of Hawkshead, with an ancient church, and picturesque houses curiously built on the hill-slope and sometimes spanning the streets.
It also possesses a Latin school, an arsenal, and a modern prison built on the isolated-cell principle.
The village is best known as a summer resort; it is built on bluffs and on a series of terraces rising from Round and Pine lakes and affording extensive views; and there are a number of attractive summer residences.
The town is irregularly built on the cliffs to the south of Torbay, and its harbour is sheltered by a breakwater.
Cambridge is built on a hill about Boo ft.
All that now lies between that point and the modern Ras et-Tin quarter is built on the silt which gradually widened and obliterated this mole.
The town is built on the outer slopes of the Drakensberg and is 4270 ft.
Its castle, built on the site of an earlier British fortress, was destroyed (according to Leland) by the inhabitants to prevent its falling into the hands of Glendower.
Chartres is built on the left bank of the Eure, on a hill crowned by its famous cathedral, the spires of which are a landmark in the surrounding country.
It is built on the usual rectangular plan and the streets are wide and well paved.
The original city of Bagdad was built on the western bank of the Tigris, but this is now, and has been for centuries, little more than a suburb of the larger and more important city on the eastern shore, the former containing an area of only 146 acres within the walls, while the latter extends over 591 acres.
The city stands on the south side of the bay, and is built on a flat point of land only 8 ft.
The state capitol, an imposing structure built on a bluff above the river, was built in1838-1842and enlarged in 1887-1888; it was first occupied in 1840 by the legislature, which previously had met (after 1837) in the county court house.
Peniscola, often called the Gibraltar of Valencia, is a fortified seaport, with a lighthouse, built on a rocky headland about 220 ft.
The Michaeliskirche, which is built on the highest point in the city and has a tower 428 ft.
There is a new general hospital at Eppendorf, outside the town on the north, built on the pavilion principle, and one of the finest structures of the kind in Europe; and at Ohlsdorf, in the same direction, a crematorium was built in 1891 in conjunction with the town cemeteries (370 acres).
It has a cathedral and a fortress, built on an island in the Neva, which is now used as a political prison.
The business section and the older residence quarters occupy low ground, but many of the newer residences are built on the sides of neighbouring hills and mountains, of which there are several from 500 to 2000 ft.
The Roman city of Tipasa was built on three small hills which overlooked the sea.
It was built on the site of an earlier structure entirely in the time of the Ptolemies.
The town is built on the shores of the Mediterranean at the point where the Lake of Bizerta enters the sea through a natural channel, the mouth of which has been canalized.
They were desired by France because of their geographical position, Konakry, the capital of French Guinea, being built on an islet but 3 m.
The Arabic invasion at the end of the 7th century destroyed the Byzantine towns, and the place became the haunt of pirates, protected by the Kasbah (citadel); it was built on the substructions of the Punic, Roman and Byzantine acropolis, and is used by the French for military purposes.
The town is built on low sandy ground, is irregularly laid out, and its streets are not paved.
A fine belfry (12th, 13th and 15th centuries) commanding the town is built on the terrace, beneath which are hollowed in the rock the oratory and hermitage of St Emilion, and adjoining them an ancient monolithic church of considerable dimensions.
The most imposing structure belonging to the Scottish Episcopal Church is St Mary's cathedral, built on ground and chiefly from funds left by the Misses Walker of Coates, and opened for worship in 1879.
The Romans occupied the country for more than three hundred years, as is evidenced by various remains; `but James Grant (1822-1887), in Old and New Edinburgh, doubts whether they ever built on the castle rock.
It is built on the Witwatersrand at an elevation of 57 0 9 ft.
The borough is built on level ground elevated several feet above the river, and in the midst of an attractive farming country.
It is built on a plain, 1700 ft.
By an exception rare in Saharan settlements, there are no defensive works save the fort containing the government offices, which the French have built on the south side of the town.
Water from the river is carried to factories by a canal on each side of the river and parallel to it; the first canal was built on the north side in1845-1847and is 1 m.
It is built on the banks of the Wilge, 5250 ft.
The town is built on a tongue of sand extending into the river, and is comparatively healthy.
This church has various points of interest besides its Norman crypt, from which it took the name of Bow, being the first church in London built on arches.
Jewin Street was built on the site of the burying-place of the Jews before the expulsion.
Albany's authentic history, however, may be dated from 1614, when Dutch traders built on Castle Island, opposite the city, a post which they named Fort Nassau.
The existing edifice was built on the site of an older church between 1425 and 1497.
According to tradition Iestynap-Gwrgan, the last prince of Glamorgan, had a residence somewhere near the present town, but Fitzhamon, on his conquest of Glamorgan, gave the district between the Neath and the Tawe to Richard de Granaville (ancestor of the Granvilles, marquesses of Bath), who built on the west banks of the Neath first a castle and then in 112 9 a Cistercian abbey, to whose monks he later gave all his possessions in the district.
Alcoy s is built on high ground at the entrance to a gorge in the Moncabrer range (4547 ft.).
The proximity of dangerous barbarian tribes (Quadi, Marcomanni) necessitated the presence of a large number of troops (seven legions in later times), and numerous fortresses were built on the bank of the Danube.
Part of it is built on a level plateau and part in deep valleys adjoining, the tops of the campaniles of the lower portions being on a level with the streets of the upper.
Of late the so-called "Zinspalaste" ("tenement palaces") have been built on a magnificent scale, often profusely adorned without and within with painting and sculpture.
The houses are remarkable as being built on piles sunk in the solid rock and having two rooms, the one surrounding the other.
The towns of the coast region are usually built on the same general plan, the streets crossing each other at right angles and enclosing squares, or quadras.
It is built on the left bank of the Emme and is 14 m.
Trieste is situated at the northeast angle of the Adriatic Sea, on the Gulf of Trieste, and is picturesquely built on terraces at the foot of the Karst hills.
Several of these institutions are built on the slopes of the hills, and on the highest point, Sugar Loaf Mountain, is a sanatorium.
The Saalhof, built on the site of the palace erected by Louis the Pious in 822, overlooking the Main, has a chapel of the 12th century, the substructure dating from Carolingian times.
The town was probably at first built on an island in the river.
The Wilibaldsburg, built on a neighbouring hill in the 14th century by Bishop Bertold of Hohenzollern, was long the residence of the prince bishops of Eichstatt, and now contains an historical museum.
Men and women of all ranks began to visit it; the emperor himself consented (f 887) to witness a performance by the great stars of the stage at the private residence of Marquis Inouye; a dramatic reform association was organized by a number of prominent noblemen and scholars; drastic efforts were made to purge the old historical dramas of anachronisms and inconsistencies, and at length a theatre (the Yurabu-za) was built on purely European lines, where instead of sitting from morning to night witnessing one long-drawn-out drama with interludes of whole farces, a visitor may devote only a few evening-hours to the pastime.
In the gth century, after the capital had been established at KiOto, the palace of the sovereigns and the mansions of ministers and nobles were built on a scale of unprecedented grandeur.
The present town, containing less than a thousand houses, is supposed to occupy only a small portion of the area covered by the ancient city; it lies in a kloof or valley, but the old town must have been built on the western ridge rather than in the valley, as the traces of well-dressed stones are more numerous there than elsewhere.
They were built on a rectangular plan, with a large central square and straight thoroughfares running at right angles or parallel to one another, this uniformity of construction being well exemplified in the existing bastide of Monpazier (Dordogne) founded by the English in 1284.
The city is attractively built on high level land, above the river; in addition to a fine customs house, court house and high school, it contains the West Virginia state capitol, erected in 1880.
It is unevenly built on high ground above the river Frome, which is here crossed by a stone bridge of five arches.
The site of Dunbar is so commanding that a castle was built on the cliffs at least as early as 856.
The station is built on a flat peninsula connected by a narrow strip of land with a ridge which runs parallel with the river.
It is built on alluvial deposit and reclaimed land, mostly not exceeding 6 ft.
The borough is built on nearly level ground in the fertile valley of the Conewago, at the point of intersection of the turnpike roads leading to Baltimore, Carlisle, York and Frederick, from which places the principal streets - sections of these roads - are named.
Pirot has a medieval fortress, believed to have been built on the site of the Roman fortress Quimedava, on the military road leading from Old Naissus to Philippopolis.
Harrar is built on the slopes of a hill at an elevation of over 5000 ft.
Drevant, built on the site of a Roman town, preserves ruins of a large theatre and other remains.
Adderley Street and the avenue make one straight road a mile long, and at its end are "the Gardens," as the suburbs built on the rising ground leading to Table Mountain are called.
Auch is built on the summit and sides of a hill at the foot of which flow the yellow waters of the Gers.
Sebenico is built on a hill overlooking the river Kerka, which here forms a broad basin, connected by a winding channel with the Adriatic Sea, 3 m.
To afford a home for the centralized activities of the Union, the Memorial Hall, Farringdon Street, London, was built on the site of the Fleet prison - soil consecrated by sacrifice for conscience under Elizabeth - and opened in 1875.
Grand and Little Bassam are built on the strip of sand which separates the Grand Bassam or Ebrie lagoon from the sea.
The town is built on a hill and is fairly healthy.
The old town, built on and around a rocky hill almost encircled by the river, contains a castle of the 16th century, formerly the residence of the dukes of Nassau-Weilburg, and later of the grand-dukes of Luxemburg.
It is built on a picturesque promontory which separates the waters of Green Bay from Little Bay de Noquette, and its delightful summer climate, wild landscape scenery and facilities for boating and trout fishing make it a popular summer resort.
Dumont d'Urville describes four such villages in the Bay of Dorei, containing from eight to fifteen blocks or clusters of houses, each block separately built on piles, and consisting of a row of distinct dwellings.
Cameron describes three villages thus built on piles in Lake Mohrya, or Moria, in Central Africa, the motive here being to prevent surprise by bands of slave-catchers.
Abulfeda the geographer, writing in the r3th century, notices the fact that part of the Apamaean Lake was inhabited by Christian fishermen who lived on the lake in wooden huts built on piles, and Sir John Lubbock (Lord Avebury) mentions that the Rumelian fishermen on Lake Prasias "still inhabit wooden cottages built over the water, as in the time of Herodotus."
As no scaffolding could be used for the centre spans, the girders were built on shore, floated out and raised by hydraulic presses.
The centre girder may be built on the cantilevers and rolled into place or lifted from the water-level.
Chateau-Thierry is built on rising ground on the right bank of the Marne, over which a fine stone bridge leads to the suburb of Marne.
The town, which is built on a promontory at a point nearest to the mainland, is largely occupied by Chinese and Tamils, though the Malays are also well represented.
It is built on a ridge called Iron Mountain, 1564 ft.
In 1711 title to the place was acquired by Samuel Bayard, a New York merchant, who built on Castle Point his summer residence.
The church of Ste Gudule, also dedicated to St Michael, is built on the side of the hill originally called St Michael's Mount, and now covered by the fashionable quarters which are included under the comprehensive description of the Upper Town.
Batavia owes its origin to the Dutch governor-general Pieter Both, who in 1610 established a factory at Jacatra (which had been built on the ruins of the old Javanese town of Sunda Calappa), and to his successor, Jan Pieters Coen, who in 1619 founded in its stead the present city, which soon acquired a flourishing trade and increased in importance.
Though the cathedral crowns the hillock round which clusters the old part of the town, a large portion of the newer town is built on the alluvial flats on either bank of the Rhone.
Agades, the capital of the country, which has a circuit of 31 m., is built on the edge of a plateau 250o ft.
At the foot of the grey limestone mass of Mount Mitzekeli (1500 ft.), which forms part of the fine range of hills running north from the Gulf of Arta, there lies a valley (the Hellopia of antiquity) partly occupied by a lake; and the city is built on the slopes of a slight eminence, stretching down to the western shore.
The fortress - Demir Kule or Iron Castle, which, like the principal seraglio, was built on a promontory jutting into the lake - is now in ruins.
Popayan is built on a great plain sloping N.W.
It was an octostyle, pseudo-dipteral temple of highly ornate Ionic order, built on older foundations by Hermogenes of Alabanda at the end of the 3rd century B.C. The platform has been greatly overgrown since the excavation, but many bases, capitals, and other architectural members are visible.
In 1873 a destructive fire caused the loss of 35 places of business, and on the 17th of February 1882 almost the entire shoe district (consisting of 10 acres) was burned, with a loss of more than $2,000,000; but a greater business district was built on the ruins of the old.
The old town, built on a rocky peninsula, was completely destroyed by earthquake in 1856.
It is built on a hill 756 ft.
The village is built on rolling ground rising about 70 ft.
The bluffs approach the Missouri more closely at this point than elsewhere in the state, so that little more than manufacturing establishments and business blocks are built on the bottom lands, and the residences are spread over the slope and summit of the bluffs.
The urban district (formed in 1893) is conterminous with the civil parish of Newton Nottage, which, in addition to Porthcawl proper, built on the sea-front, comprises the ancient village of Nottage, 1 m.
At the junction of the two arms of the Rhine stands the old castle (De Burcht), a circular tower built on an earthen mound.
It is built on the Hamasen plateau, near its eastern edge, at an elevation of 7800 ft., and is some 40 m.
Fort Baldissera is built on a hill to the south-west of the town and is considered impregnable.
The old town is built on the left bank of the (canalized) river Oster, and its suburbs, Novoye-Myesto and Magerki, on the right.
The original plan seems to have been to construct these narrow streets to give access to the great business houses which, it was foreseen, would be built on the frontage of the main streets.
A remarkable feature of the Central-American ruins is the frequency of truncated pyramids built of hewn stone, with flights of steps up to the temple built on the platform at top. The resemblance of these structures to the old descriptions and pictures of the Mexican teocallis is so striking that this name is habitually given to them.
It was after its almost total destruction by fire in 1738 that the town was built on its present site on the hill.
Ibague is built on a beautiful plain between the Chipalo and Combeima, small affluents of the Cuello, a western tributary of the Magdalena.
It is built on the site of the ancient Ambracia, its present designation being derived from a corruption of the name of the river Arachthus (Arta) on which it stands.
The town contains also a Byzantine castle, built on the lofty site of the ancient citadel; a palace belonging to the Greek metropolitan; a number of mosques, synagogues and churches, the most remarkable being the church of the Virgin of Consolation, founded in 819.
Of these the most important is the Stanislaus cathedral, in Gothic style, consecrated in 1359, and built on the Wawel, the rocky eminence to the S.W.
The town of Kronstadt is built on level ground, and is thus exposed to inundations, from one of which it suffered in 1824.
The city is built on high ground in an amphitheatre of hills surrounding the lake, which is a beautiful body of clear water, 5 m.
Between 1800 and 1805 a dozen families settled here, and in the latter year a grist mill, the first manufacturing establishment, was built on Onondaga Creek.
The city is built on a level site several feet above the river's high-water mark.
Chillicothe is built on a plain about 30 ft.
The town was built on an estate called.
Pelto has ancient breakwaters for the protection of small boats, erected, as many believe, by the Mongol conqueror, Kublai Khan, who in 1273 built on Quelpart one hundred ships for the invasion of Japan.
It is picturesquely built on an elevated and commanding position, 215 ft.
The town is built on a hill terrace about 1000 ft.
Edam took its name and origin from the dam built on the little river Ye which joined the great Purmer lake close by.
On the 15th of October he took command of the gun-vessels which had been built on the upper waters of the Mississippi, and to which he made important additions at an improvised navy-yard at Mound City, Illinois.
The town is built on high ground underlain by solid limestone, and has much natural and architectural beauty.
The city is built on high bluffs 40-120 ft.
Granada is built on the north-western shore of Lake Nicaragua, of which it is the principal port.
The older or upper portion of the town is built on the crest and slopes of five hillocks and in the hollows between them, all forming part of the Jorat range.
The manufacture of iron was established on a commercial basis in 1716-1718, when a furnace was built on Manatawney Creek above Pottstown, and before the close of the colonial era Pennsylvania had risen to first rank among the iron-producing colonies, a position which it has always held among the states of the Union.
The modern town (pop. 16,000) is divided into four quarters, one of which is built on a low hill.
Aelia is derived from the emperor's family name, and Capitolina from that of Jupiter Capitolinus, to whom a temple was built on the site of the Jewish temple.
It surrendered at once, whereas Myrina, with its very strong citadel built on a perpendicular rock, sustained a siege.
Adowa is built on the slope of a hill at an elevation of 650o ft., in the midst of a rich agricultural district.
Low embankments had originally been built on west, east and south, the north boundary being formed by the natural slope of the hill.
The city is attractively situated on an arm of Lake Champlain, being built on a strip of land extending about 6 m.
In the very earliest submarines a cupola was built on the top of the hull, which was kept just above the surface when it was desired to take observations.
It is built on the sloping edge of a small plain between the rivers Besos, on the north, and Llobregat, on the south.
Braila itself is mainly built on a bank rising about 50 ft.
The city is built on a low plain, is regularly laid out, and has many fine warehouses, public buildings and residences, but its greater part, however, consists of mud-walled cabins supported by bamboo (guadua) framework and thatched with rushes.
The town is built on a narrow strip of low land, scarcely half a mile wide, between the shore line and the lofty mountains that encircle the bay.
It is built on a tract of territory ceded to Bremen by Hanover in 1826, and further increased by treaty with Prussia in 1869.
Behind the exchange is the great market-place, built on vaulting over a canal, and containing a bronze statue of Erasmus, who was born in Rotterdam in 1467.
Besides the prisons, which include one built on the cellular principle at Breda, the state supports three penal workhouses for drunkards and beggars.
The city faces upon a curve in the river bank forming what is called the Bay of Asuncion, and is built on a low sandy plain, rising to pretty hillsides overlooking the bay and the low, wooded country of the Chaco on the opposite shore.'
The nucleus of the city is built on low-lying ground on the east coast of the island of Zealand, between the sea and a series of small freshwater lakes, known respectively as St JOrgens So, Peblings So and Sortedams So, a southern portion occupying the northern part of the island of Amager.
It is built on the Murg stream a little above its junction with the Thur.
The principal part of the city is built on a level plateau about 150 ft.
The fortress of Kara-kerman or Ozu-kaleh was built on this spot by the khan of the Crimea, Mengli Girai, in 1492.
On the seaward side of the dike are some houses built on piles in the style of lake dwellings.
Among the more prominent secular buildings are the Giirzenich, a former meeting-place of the diets of the Holy Roman Empire, built between 1441 and 1447, of which the ground floor was in 1875 converted into a stock exchange, and the upper hall, capable of accommodating 3000 persons, is largely utilized for public festivities, particularly during the time of the Carnival; the Rathaus, dating from the 13th century, with beautiful Gobelin tapestries; the Tempelhaus, the ancestral seat of the patrician family of the Overstolzens, a beautiful building dating from the 13th century, and now the chamber of commerce; the Wallraf-Richartz Museum, in which is a collection of paintings by old Italian and Dutch masters, together with some works by modern artists; the Zeughaus, or arsenal, built on Roman foundations; the Supreme Court for the Rhine provinces; the post-office (1893); the Imperial Bank (Reichsbank); and the municipal library and archives.
Brisbane is built on a series of hills rising from the river-banks, but some parts of it, such as Woolloongabba and South Brisbane, occupy low-lying flats, which have sometimes been the scene of disastrous floods.
The city is built on sandy ground on both sides of the river and has a good harbour, which has been considerably improved by the Federal government; in 1907 the maximum draft that could be carried over the shallowest part of the channel was 14 ft.
Clonmel is built on both sides of the Suir, and also occupies Moore and Long Islands, which are connected with the mainland by three bridges.
The picturesque old town, built on the cliffs above its harbour, consists of one street stretching for about a mile through a network of lanes.
The storing of the floods in reservoirs at the headquarters of our rivers is but an enlargement of our present policy of river control, under which levees are built on the lower reaches of the same streams.
The Middle Whites are built on a smaller scale than the Large Whites.
The gaol, built on the site of the monastery above mentioned, was formerly the county of Antrim prison.
London, for example, is built on the old shore of Lake Warren, the highest of the extinct lakes; and St Catharines, Hamilton and Toronto are on the old shore of Lake Iroquois, the lowest.
The upper town is built on the western slope of a low ridge, the backbone of the peninsula, and rises from the edge of the bluffs to altitudes of 200 to 260 ft.
The citadel, which is built on a spur of the Mokattam hills, occupies the S.E.
Chief Towns.Cairo (q.v.) the capital,a city of Arab foundation, is built on the east bank of the Nile, about 12 m.
Ancient Cities and Monuments.M any of the modern cities of Egypt are built on the sites of ancient cities, and they generally contain some monuments of the time of the Pharaohs, Greeks or Romans.
The town is built on a huge rock connected with the mainland by a rocky isthmus.
Other causes, of which we have explicit record, were an outbreak of sickness at Nuremberg; Darer's desire, which in fact was realized, of finding a good market for the proceeds of his art; and the prospect, also realized, of a commission for an important picture from the German community settled at Venice, who had lately caused an exchange and warehouse - the Fondaco de' Tedeschi - to be built on the Grand Canal, and who were now desirous to dedicate a picture in the church of St Bartholomew.
The Alcazaba or citadel, its oldest part, is built on the isolated and precipitous foreland which terminates the plateau on the north-west.
Great forts were built on the desert behind the town by three kings of the Ilnd dynasty.
The old town is built on some hills, on the left bank of the Tessin or Ticino river, and a little below the junction of the main Ticino valley (the Val Leventina) with that of Mesocco.
The city is built on the southern extremity of the sandy sea beach, on the island of Antonio Vaz, and on the mainland to the westward, the river channels being crossed by numerous bridges.
The city is built on a comparatively level pajonal or savanna, extending southward from the base of three low hills, called Los Cerros de la Cruz, between the river and the partially filled waters of the Estero Salado.
Annonay is built on the hill overlooking the meeting of the deep gorges of the DeOme and the Cance, the waters of which supply power to the factories of the town.
It is built on a branch of the Fresh Water or Ismailia canal, and on the Al-Mo`izz canal (the ancient Tanitic channel of the Nile), and is 47 m.
In 1144 a crusaders' fortress was built on the hill, which is often mentioned under the name Ibelin.
The town is built on a horseshoeshaped peninsula partly consisting of mud flats, which are spanned by causeways.
A passage in Ferishta seems to imply that the Afghans in the Sulimani mountains were already known by that name in the first century of the Hegira, but it is uncertain how far this may be built on.
It is built on the central plateau about 20 m.
The harbour is defended by Fort Taylor, built on the island of Key West in 1846, and greatly improved and modernized after the Spanish-American War of 1898.1898.
A stone bridge built by the Romans, and restored at various times, suddenly gave way in 1857 and is now in ruins; it was built on a natural arch, which, 184 ft.
The town is built on a vast alluvial plain, which extends from the mountains beyond Peking to the sea, and through which the Peiho runs a circuitous course, making the distance by water from Tientsin to the coast about 70 m.
Within half a dozen years no fewer than fifty-four new prisons were built on the Pentonville plan, which now began to serve generally as a "model" for imitation, not in England alone, but all over the world.
The cellular system has been adopted in all British colonies with various modifications, and prisons built on modern principles are to be found in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Cape of Good Hope.
Some of them are models of cleanliness and good order, built on the best and most imposing lines with large comfortable cells and an abundance of light and air.
A gallery containing modern pictures has been built on the site of the old palace of the bishops of Como.
The former is built on a regular plan, and its houses nearly all stand in gardens.
It is built on the little island of Tombo which lies off the promontory of Konakry, the town being joined to the mainland by an iron bridge.
Varna is built on the hilly north shore of the bay, overlooking the estuary of the river Devna or Pravadi, which flows seaward through a magnificent valley surrounded by mountains.
The citizens on their part clung to this connexion and made use of it whenever their independence was threatened by their bishops, who strongly inclined to consider themselves lords of their cathedral cities, much as if these had been built on church-lands.
The long-deferred expedition of Roald Amundsen to the polar basin left Norway in June 1918 in the " Maud," built on an improved model of the " Fram."
A Hesiodic fragment gives a complete description of the Dodonaea or Hellopia, which is called a district full of corn-fields, of herds and flocks and of shepherds, where is built on an extremity (ir' Eo arin) Dodona, where Zeus dwells in the stem of an oak (07y6s).
The upper city is built on three hills, which rise as steep crags 400 ft.
The upper town is built on high ground along the left bank of the Exe, and a bridge leads to the lower town, named West Exe.
The upper town is built on the acclivities and summit of a rock which rises abruptly from the river to the height of 180 ft., and gives the town a very picturesque appearance.
It was built on a low triangular plateau about 2 m.
It is built on the left bank of the Aar, and grew up around the religious house of Austin Canons, founded about 1130 and suppressed in 1528.
The town, built on the banks of the Schoonspruit 10 m.
The city is built on high ground above the river.
It was used as an out-work to the fortress built on the hill by Maurice of Nassau in 1622, and destroyed fifty years later by order of Louis XIV., whose troops in 1660 captured the town.
Single cylinder machines (in England generally called " Wharfedales "), usually built on the " stop " cylinder principle, and printing one side of the sheet only.
The two-revolution machine is another one-cylinder machine built on the reciprocating principle.
They may be built on the " deck " principle of two, three, four, or even more reels of paper, and either in single width (two pages wide), or double width (four pages wide).
And this applies to all good work produced from whatever presses or machines other than those built on the rotary principle.
Of the castle of Newcastle, built on the edge of a cliff above the church of that parish, there remain a courtyard with flanking towers and a fine Norman gateway.
The town is built on a succession of terraces sloping towards the sea, and from its sheltered situation, equable temperature, and comparatively dry atmosphere is regarded as one of the best resorts in England for consumptive invalids.
Its buildings stand on either bank of the river, but many of the inhabitants (who number nearly 50,000) occupy houses either floating on, or built on piles in the river.
The old fortified town, now almost abandoned, is built on a rocky peninsula about 400 yds.
Steubenville was platted as a town in 1797, immediately after the erection of Jefferson county, and was built on the site of Fort Steuben, erected in 1786-1787, and named in honour of Baron Frederick William von Steuben; it received a city charter in 1851, and its city limits.
Forts were built on Roatan in 1742, but abandoned in 1749.
It is built on the steep slopes of the Jebel Murjajo, which rises to a height of 1900 ft.
The place d'Armes, built on the plateau above the ravine, is the centre of the modern quarter.
The city is built on rocky limestone bluffs, which rise rather abruptly on each side of the river, and a number of the parallel streets, of different levels, are connected by flights of steps.
Aguilas is built on the landward side of a small peninsula, between two bays - the Puerto Ponente, a good harbour, on the south-west, and the Puerto Levanto, which is somewhat dangerous to shipping in rough weather, on the north-east.
An English fort was built on Bance Island in the Sierra Leone estuary towards the close of the 17th century, but was soon afterwards abandoned, though for a long period the estuary was the haunt of slavers and pirates.
Mandia is built on a rocky peninsula which projects eastward about a mile beyond the normal coast line, and is not more than a quarter of a mile wide.
It is built on the sandy coast which separates the Webi Shebeli fron the sea.
It previously consisted of a tower and chancel (with a fine Decorated window) built by Bishop Gower, the piers of the chancel arch being partly built on earlier Norman work, the Herbert Chapel (originally St Ann's) of about the same date as the chancel and rebuilt in the early part of the 16th century, and a nave built in 1739.
The town grew up round the castle which Henry de Beauchamp (or Beaumont) on his conquest of Gower about 1099, built on the west bank of the river.
The borough is built on land which rises gradually from the river-bank for about 4 m.
The city occupies a commanding position, being chiefly built on the summit and slopes of a long and narrow rocky ridge, which extends north and south for about 22 m., dividing to the north in a Y-shape, and rising at its highest point to 690 ft.
The city is guarded by two forts built on hills to the east and south-west respectively.
The establishment of the imperial government in Berlin naturally brought with it the erection of a large number of public buildings, and the great prosperity of the country, as well as the enhanced national feeling, has enabled them to be built on a scale of splendour befitting the capital of an empire.
Next comes that of Friedrichshain, also built on the pavilion system, while the state controls six (not including the prison infirmaries) of which the world-renowned Charite in the Luisen-strasse is the principal.
For the use of Charles II., during his visits to the races, a palace, no longer extant, was built on the site of the lodge of James I.
In December 1617, the archbishop of Prague and the abbot of Bfevnov (Braunau) ordered the suppression of the Protestant religious services in churches that had been built on their domains.
The library was contained in the palace that he built on the northern side of the mound of Kuyunjik and lined with sculptured slabs which display Assyrian art at its best.
It is built on the water-parting between Lake Erie and the Gulf of Mexico, here about I,000 ft.
The river here is about a mile wide, and a considerable portion of the borough is built on the slope of a hill which rises gently from the river-bank and overlooks beautiful scenery.
The town is built on the east bank of the river between it and Lake Menzala.
It is irregularly built on the shore of the Irish Sea and on the cliffs above, at the mouth of the river Ellen.
The towns owe their origin to two forts or castles, built on each side of the mouth of the Medina by Henry VIII.
A nail factory, one of the earliest in the country, was built on the Powow in 1796.
The town is built on the south-eastern shore, and occupies a hilly site dominated by two obsolete forts.
At this time a mission church was built on the heights overlooking the bay by Captain Allen Gardner, R.N., who named the hill Berea in gratitude for support received from the settlers, whom he found " L 'more noble than those of " Zululand - Dingaan having refused to allow the captain to start a mission among his people.
It is built on the south-west slope of a hill having an elevation of about 1500 ft.
It is situated on the west coast of Istria, and possesses an interesting cathedral, built on the summit of the promontory Monte di Sant' Eufemia.
Rovigno is the ancient Arupenum or Rubinum, and according to tradition it was originally built on an island, Cissa by name, which disappeared during the earthquakes about 737.
Of these one or two, as we have evidence, tried their hands at engraving; among their engravings were these "knots," which, being things of use for decorative craftsmen to copy, were inscribed for identification, and perhaps for protection, as coming from the Achademia Leonardi Vinci; a trifling matter altogether, and quite unfit to sustain the elaborate structure of conjecture which has been built on it.
The city is built on the high bank of the river about 75 ft.
It is unevenly built on a slope at the foot of which flows the Biss or Mere, a tributary of the Avon.
Abomey is built on a rolling plain, 800 ft.
The first town built on Bombay Island was Mahikavati (Mahim),founded byKing Bhima, probably a member of the house of the Yadavas of Deogiri, as a result of Ala-ud-din Khilji's raid into the Deccan in 1294.
Its castle was built on a tongue of land flanked by two deep ravines, and behind this the town grew up in a semicircle on a stretch of bare and exposed tableland.
The city is built on the face and top of a series of river bluffs.
Kavala is built on a promontory stretching south into the bay, and opposite the island of Thasos.
The city is built on level ground covering an area of about 13 sq.
It is built on an eminence (1150 ft.), and has two public parks, a substantial court-house, a soldiers' and sailors' memorial building, a public library, a hospital and many fine residences.
The town is built on a bluff commanding extensive views.
It was also called Venezuela (little Venice) because of an Indian village on the gulf coast built on piles over the shallow water; this name was afterwards bestowed upon the province of which Coro was the capital.
The royal palace of Tatoi has been built on the site.
The government station was built on a hill 160 to 200 ft.
Hlatikulu, the chief place in southern Swaziland, is built on a plateau about 3000 ft.
The original city was built on a tongue of land between two inlets of the sea.
A cairn was built on the top in 1887 to commemorate Queen Victoria's jubilee.
The lighthouse, built on a cliff, has a fine appearance as seen from the Dardanelles.
The borough is built on ground sloping gently towards the river, which furnishes valuable water power.
St John (pop. about 10,000), the capital, situated on the north-west, is an exceedingly picturesque town, built on an eminence overlooking one of the most beautiful harbours in the West Indies.
The city is built on a terrace Too to 155 ft.
A church was built on the spot, c. 793, by King Offa of Mercia.
It is built on the right bank of the Vaal, here spanned by a bridge.
We learn from Herodotus and Ctesias that the city was built on both sides of the river in the form of a square, and enclosed within a double row of lofty walls to which Ctesias adds a third.
These consisted, we are told, of a garden of trees and flowers, built on the topmost of a series of arches some 7 5 ft.
Ceuta consists of two quarters, the old town, covering the low ground of the isthmus, and the modern town, built on the hills forming the north and west faces of the peninsula.
The citadel, El Hacho, built on the neck of the isthmus, dates from the 15th century.
On the north coast the houses are not built on piles; the walls, of bamboo or palm branches, are very low, and the projecting roof nearly reaches the ground; a barrier at the entrance keeps out pigs and dogs.
The nest, composed of a few stalks of grass, is built on the ground, usually Blackcock.
Training walls have been built on either side of the channel to confine the water so as to raise its level; that on the right bank having a width of 19 ft.
Valley Forge took its name from an iron forge (also called "Mountjoy forge") built on the east side of Valley Creek, near its mouth, in about 1750, and destroyed by the British in 1777.
In 1834, after the War of Independence had resulted in the liberation of Greece, the modern town of Sparta was built on part of the ancient site from the designs of Baron Jochmus, and Mistra decayed until now it is in ruins and almost deserted.
The city is built on ground sloping gently to the water's edge, and commands delightful views of the bay, in which there are several islands.
In March 1776 he took command of a palmetto fort which he had built on Sullivan's Island, off Charleston, which he held against the attack of Admiral Sir Peter Parker on the 28th of June, and which soon after the battle was renamed Fort Moultrie by the General Assembly.
The present Gothic cathedral is built on the ruins of an earlier Lombard church, and this again on a Roman building, possibly a temple.
A temple of Heracles seems to have been built on the Monaco headland by the Phoenicians at a very early date, and the same god was afterwards worshipped there by the Greeks under the surname of Movocicos, whence the name Monaco.
The present cathedral of Notre-Dame is a church of the 9th century built on the site of the old abbey church of St Sepulchre.
A boat, called the "Bessemer," was built on this plan in 1875 and put on the cross-Channel service to Calais, but the mechanism of the swinging saloon was not found effective in practice and was ultimately removed.
The borough is built on an elevated bank of the river at the base of Montour Ridge, where the narrow valley appears to be shut in on every side by hills; the river is spanned by a steel bridge, built in 1905.
The villages are usually built on gentle slopes, in which the houses are partially excavated as a protection against the severity of the weather.
Thessalonica was built on the site of the older Greek city of Therma, so called in allusion to the hot-springs of the neighbourhood.
The town is built on the eastern coast, in what is probably the crater of an extinct volcano, and is surrounded by precipitous rocks that form an admirable natural defence.
The city is built on the flat summit of a rocky hill, which rises abruptly in the midst of a veritable wilderness; a brown, arid, treeless table-land, strewn with immense grey boulders, and shut in by lofty mountains.
Their houses are unlike those usual in Polynesia in being built on platforms raised from the ground.
The city is built on the river bluffs, which command an extensive view.
In 1756 or 1757, Fort Loudon, named in honour of John Campbell, earl of Loudon, was built on the Little Tennessee river, about 30 m.
It has never been navigable, no important town has ever been built on its banks, and it runs into an inland sea which has no port and is destitute of aquatic life.
It may well be that the whole abstract edifice of modern mathematics is built on these biologically innate foundations.
No ancient site is ever found built on such subterranean aquifers.
The hotel is recently built on the site of a former boatyard.
The three arched bridge was built on the foundations of the old bridge first laid in 1245.
In a business built on dreams and raw energy, Butch brings detail, stability and an increasingly canny eye for a deal.
High wing cantilever monoplane, tapering in plan form and thickness, built on a single box spar of corrugated light alloy sheet.
Tunstall, founded by the Saxons, was built on an island reached by a causeway.
During the mid-eighteenth century a house was built on the site for the sixth Viscount Wenman.
These 2 bedroom detached chalets are built on one level.
The original is a repeated ground bass built on a simple bell chime, with running variations in the solo part.
It is protected by a fortified citadel built on a rocky promontory.
The old town is sited on an imposing 9th century citadel, built on top of a peninsula overlooking the Mediteranean Sea.
England's 321 seemed competitive, their fourth-highest in a 50-over innings, built on Marcus Trescothick's textbook 121 from 118 balls.
Caselex is built on a public-private consortium comprising 11 key players (see below for information on the Irish and UK participants ).
Mounted on the maker's heavy cast-iron stand with chip tray, shelves and a built-on 12-speed all V-belt drive countershaft unit.
The following program was also about showing the cross-pollination of some of the pyramids built on just one continent, the African continent.
The house was built on the old vegetable garden of the vicarage that was the home of the Victorian diarist the Rev. Francis Kilvert.
The new flyover was built on the site of the Through Lines at this point.
It was built on the site of a viking fortress and part dates from the 13 th century.
The Priory is built on the site of a nunnery founded by the Princess.
Gravity dams are usually built on solid rock foundations.
Conventional houses are built on concrete foundations with brick walls joined together by cement.
Otherwise our advances will be built on very shaky foundations.
They were built on both sides of the street and made the streets gloomy because they blocked the light.