Buginese Sentence Examples
The natives consist of Sumbawans proper, a people of Malayan stock; of Buginese and Macassar immigrants, and of wild tribes of the mountains of whom nothing is known.
The commercial activity of the Buginese causes their language to be fairly widely spoken-little, however, by Europeans.
With these three main races have crossed traders and colonists, Macassars, Buginese, Javanese and Europeans.
The coast-villages are inhabited by a mixed Malay population, Buginese, Macassars, Balinese and other races of the archipelago.
The population, mainly a mixed race of Macassars, Buginese, the natives of Luvu and Buton, is estimated at 57,000 on the main island and 24,000 on the dependent isles.
The Macassar language, which belongs to the Malayo-Javanese group, is spoken in many parts of the southern peninsula; but it has a much smaller area than the Buginese, which is the language of Boni.