Budget Sentence Examples
The bike was a trophy from a time when Dean's budget contained more expendable income.
No legislation by means of the budget is allowed, i.e.
The first year of office passed off successfully, and it was owing to the steady support of the prime minister that Gladstone's great budget of 1853 was accepted by the cabinet.
Your budget, of course, is always important.
The situation went from bad to worse, the deficit in the budget increased, the gendarmery, which received no pay, became insubordinate, and crime multiplied.
The Budget was supposed to be drawn up according to an excellent set of regulations sanctioned by imperial decree, dated the 6th of July 1290 (1875), of which the first article absolutely prohibited the increase, by the smallest sum, of any of the expenses, or the abandonment of the least iota of the revenues fixed by the budget.
When this sanction had been accorded the budget was to be published.
The powers of the parliament over the budget are even more limited, though not altogether illusory.
The mayor was corrupt and stole from the city's budget.
In O'Neill's day, getting a copy of the federal budget meant writing away and buying a hefty paper copy.
AdvertisementThe budget of Eyubi Effendi is particularly interesting as giving the statement of revenue and expenditure for an average year, whereas the budget of Ainy-Ali was a budget of expenditure only, and even in this respect the budget of Eyubi Effendi is far more detailed and complete.
The budget of Ali Aga is almost identical with that of Eyubi Effendi, and is worthy of special note for the conclusions which accompanied it, and which although drawn up 250 years ago, described with striking accuracy some of the very ills from which Turkish finance was suffering throughout the reign of Abd-ul-Hamid.
His first budget was introduced on the 18th of April 1853.
The colony has a separate budget and is self-supporting.
The budget for 1906 balanced at £120,400.
AdvertisementFor1908-1909the " ordinary " budget showed an income of £17,352,833, balanced by the expenditure.
The deficits in the imperial budget, however, continued.
Their response was generally positive, but some education officials worried about the budget implications of inclusive education.
We believe, however, that the £ 15m budget ceiling on the 100% write-off arrangement should not be regarded as permanent.
Budget Position and Forecast Outturn The Board noted the budget position at the end of September and the forecast year-end outturn.
AdvertisementIf you have a small budget, you may have to sacrifice some features in order to get another.
Knowing how to get free reading books for kids can be important for anyone on a budget.
Taxation, direct and indirect, had to be further increased, and as a means of gaining support for this in 1888 Sir Harry Atkinson, who was responsible for the budget, gave the customs tariff a distinctly protectionist complexion.
The two great recurring " necessities of State," the budget and the authorization of the contingents of army recruits, regularly occupied a large part of the sittings; the budget was generally passed only in instalments in three or six monthly grants, and the Government was forced to adopt the practice of adjourning the obstructive House of Deputies and of providing for indispensable requirements in its absence by emergency decree.
Hussarek got through a six months' provisional budget with the help of the Poles against the votes of the Ukrainians, a proof that he had shelved the partition of Galicia.
AdvertisementCzechoslovakia was thus the only country in central Europe with a well-balanced budget.
The annual budget was fixed at 30,000,000 Polish gulden,' out of which a regular army of 30,000 2 men was to be maintained.
He corresponds directly with the other Barbary states; draws up the budget, and contracts loans on behalf of the colony.
Its duty is to deliberate upon all administrative matters, including the budget, and it possesses certain powers over the finances; (3) The Financial Delegations (created by decree in 1898), an elective body whose duty is to investigate all matters affecting taxation and to vote the budget.
The governor-general represents the territories in civil affairs; the budget is distinct from that of Algeria and an annual subvention is provided by France.
The heaviest item of expenditure chargeable on the Algerian budget is on public works, posts and telegraphs and agriculture.
This budget includes all the expenses of Algeria save the cost of the army (estimated at £2,000,000 yearly) and the guarantee of interest on the railways open before 1901.
The Algerian budget for 1906 showed revenue and expenditure balancing at £3,820,000.
For that year the budget was already settled, and it was introduced by Mr Asquith himself, the ex-chancellor; but Mr Lloyd George earned golden opinions, both at the Treasury and in parliament, by his industry and his handling of the Finance Bill, especially important for its inclusion of Old Age Pensions, in the later stages.
It was not till the time came nearer for the introduction of the budget for 1909-1910 that opinion in financial circles showed the change which was afterwards to become so marked.
The government had been losing ground in the country, and Mr Lloyd George and Mr Winston Churchill were conspicuously in alliance in advocating the use of the budget for introducing drastic reforms in regard to licensing and land, which the resistance of the House of Lords prevented the Radical party from effecting by ordinary legislation.
The well-established doctrine that the House of Lords could not amend, though it might reject, a money-bill, coupled with the fact that it never had gone so far as to reject a budget, was relied on by the extremists as dictating the obvious party tactics; and before the year 1909 opened, the possibility of the Lords being driven to compel a dissolution by standing on their extreme rights as regards the financial provision for the year was already canvassed in political circles, though it was hardly credited that the government would precipitate a constitutional crisis of such magnitude.
When Mr Lloyd George, on the 29th of April, introduced his budget, its revolutionary character, however, created widespread dismay in the City and among the propertied classes.
In a very lengthy speech, which had to be interrupted for half an hour while he recovered his voice, he ended by describing it as a "war budget" against poverty, which he hoped, in the result, would become "as remote to the people of this country as the wolves which once infested its forests."
But the main features of the budget were adhered to, and eventually passed the House of Commons on the 4th of November, in spite of the persistent opposition of the scanty Unionist minority.
The discussions on the budget entirely monopolized public attention for the year, and while the measure was defended by Mr Lloyd George in parliament with much suavity, and by Mr Asquith, Sir Edward Grey and Mr Haldane outside the House of Commons with tact and moderation, the feelings of its opponents were exasperated by a series of inflammatory public speeches at Limehouse and elsewhere from the chancellor of the exchequer, who took these opportunities to rouse the passions of the working-classes against the landed classes and the peers.
Events had now made Mr Lloyd George and his financial policy the centre of the Liberal party programme; but party tactics for the moment prevented the ministry, who remained in office, from simply sending the budget up again to the Lords and allowing them to pass it.
There was no majority in the Commons for the budget as such, since the Irish Nationalists only supported it as an engine for destroying the veto of the Lords and thus preparing the way for Irish Home Rule.
The budget for 1909-10 went quietly through, and before the August adjournment the chancellor introduced his budget for 1910 - I I, discussion being postponed till the autumn.
The watersupply was also provided out of the municipal budget, and controlled by magistrates appointed for the purpose.
He also advocated the homestead law and low tariffs, opposed the policy of " internal improvements," and was a zealous worker for budget economies.
The new chambers proved their trustworthy quality by passing the budget, and the army of occupation was reduced by 30,000 men.
Moreover, the budget was certain to show a surplus and taxation could be remitted.
As events proved, it was the budget which was to provide a cause of dissension, bringing a new political movement into being, and an issue overriding all the legislative interest of the session.
Mr Chamberlain spoke all over the country, advocating a definite scheme for reorganizing the budget, so as to have more taxes on imports, including food, but proposing to adjust the taxation so as to improve the position of the workingclasses and to stimulate employment.
The rejection of this budget in December by the House of Lords led to d desperate struggle at the polls in January 1910, but the confident hopes of the Unionists were doomed to disappointment.
From 1882 to 1885 he was chancellor of the exchequer, and the beer and spirit duty in his budget of the latter year was the occasion of the government's fall.
Parliament must be assembled every three years, but as the budget is taken every two years, it is regularly called together within that period.
The following is a fairly typical statement of the budget estimates (1902-1903), in marks (=1 shilling sterling) Receipts.
Until 1871 the surplus derived from the colonial budget had been turned into a deficit, and the necessity of imposing fresh taxes to meet the war expenses has led to the downfall both of individual ministries and of cabinets.
Poland has had no separate budget since 1867; its income and expenditure are included in those of the empire.
The assembly of notables claimed the right of voting the budget, and thus came into conflict with the foreign controllers who had been appointed to guard the interests of the bondholders in the management of the Egyptian finances.
Finance.The imperial budget is voted every year by the Reichstag.
The extraordinary funds, from which considerable sums appear annually in the budget, were created after the Franco-German War.
The imperial budget, like that of most European nations, is divided into two portions, the ordinary and the extraordinary; and the increase under both heads (especially for army and navy) became a recurrent factor.
Hassenpflug, being detested by the chamber, dissolved it in June 1850; but the new one was not less hostile, and refused to sanction the collection of the taxes until it had considered the budget.
In 1903 Baron von Stengel, who succeeded Baron von Thielmann as finance minister in this year, proposed that the matricular contributions of the several states, instead of varying as heretofore with the exigencies of the annual budget, should be fixed by law.
The plan would establish a normal fleet, and the Reichstag, having once assented, would lose all power of controlling the naval budget.
Of more serious import were the yearly and increasing deficits in the imperial budget, and the consequent enormous growth of the debt.
This was partly due to the cnmmercial and industrial depression of the early years of the century, partly was another outcome of the federal constitution, which made it difficult to adjust the budget to the growing needs of the Empire without disarranging the finances of its constitutent states.
The budget presented to the Reichstag by Prince B 610w, which laid new burdens upon the landed and capitalist classes, was fiercely opposed bytheAgrarians, and led to the break-up of the Liberal-Conservative bloc on whose support the chancellor had relied since the elections of 1906.
The budget was torn to pieces in the committee selected to report on it; the Liberal members, after a vain protest, seceded; and the Conservative majority had a free hand to amend it in accordance with their views.
So soon as the budget was passed he once more tendered his resignation, and on the 14th of July a special edition of the Imperial Gazette announced that it had been accepted by the emperor.
He was economical, and gave up a third of his civil list in order to help forward the task of establishing an equilibrium in the annual budget, and he was always ready from his large private fortune to help forward all schemes for the social or industrial progress of the country.
The minister of finance has charge of the finances of common affairs, prepares the joint budget, and administers the joint state debt.
Side by side with the budget of each state of the Dual Monarchy, there is a common budget, which comprises the expenditure necessary for the common affairs, namely for the conduct of foreign affairs, for the army, and for the ministry of finance.
The minister of finance had to lay before them the common budget, but they could not raise money or vote taxes; after they had passed the budget the money required had to be provided by the separate parliaments.
The annual meetings call for little notice; they have generally been the occasion on which the foreign minister has explained and justified his policy; according to the English custom, red books, sometimes containing important despatches, have been laid before them; but the debates have caused less embarrassment to the government than is generally the case in parliamentary assemblies, and the army budget has generally been passed with few and unimportant alterations.
This having been done, it was budget, which Hungary had accepted and Austria rejected, the Poles and Tirolese voted in favour of the Hungarian proposal.
A series of fundamental laws were carried, which formally established parliamentary government, with responsibility of ministers, and complete control over the budget, and there were included a number of clauses guaranteeing personal rights and liberties in the way common to all modern constitutions.
The new minister, Gautsch, a man popular with all parties, held office for three months; he proclaimed the budget and the Ausgleich, and in February replaced the language ordinances by others, under which Bohemia was to be divided into three districts - one Czech, one German and one mixed.
The cost, however, greatly exceeded the estimate sanctioned by parliament; and the contention that the parliamentary adoption of the Budget in 1901-1902 cost the state i¦0,000,000 for public works, is not entirely unfounded.
These and similar phrases, such as the excuse for withdrawing the Reform Bill in the year of the great budget of 1860 - "you cannot get twenty wagons at once through Temple Bar" - were in all men's mouths.
It examines the budget and all proposed administrative laws, but cannot initiate legislation, nor is the government bound to adopt its suggestions.
For the service of this loanknown as the Guaranteed loanan annuity of 315,000 was provided in the Egyptian budget for interest and sinking fund.
Such were the chief provisions of the khedivial decree, and in 1905, for the first time, it was possible to draw up the Egyptian budget in accordance with the needs of the country and on perfectly sound principles.
Twelve medical and two veterinary officers are also employed departmentally, as well as officers acting as directors of supply, &c. Since the assumption of command by the third sirdar, Colonel (afterwards Lord) Kitchener, the ordnance, supply and engineer services have been separately administered, and a financial secretary is charged with the duty of preparing the budget, making contracts, &c. The total annual expenditure is 500,000.
The Service of Antiquities now boasts a large annual budget and employs a number of European and native officialsa director, curators of the museum, European inspectors and native sub-inspectors of provinces (at Luxor for Upper Egypt and Nubia, at Assiut for Middle Egypt and the Fayum, at Mansura for Lower Egypt, besides a European official in charge of the government excavations at Memphis).
He took occasion to abolish a variety of vexatious imposts, and the new budget fell less heavily on the Christians than the old.
The budget is considered by the Folkething at the beginning of each session.
The revenue and expenditure of the Faeroes are included in the budget for Denmark proper, but Iceland and the West Indies have their separate budgets.
The administration of Greenland entails an annual loss which is posted on the budget of the ministry of finances.
Th is contest began in 18 2 when a com- g g g %, bination of all the Radical parties, known as the United Left," passed a vote of want of confidence against the government and rejected the budget.
As an agreement between the two houses on the budget proved impossible, a provisional financial decree was issued on the 12th of April 1877, which the Left stigmatized as a breach of the constitution.
When therefore the Rigsdag rejected the budget, he advised the king to issue another provisional financial decree.
The elections of 1895 resulted in an undeniable victory of the extreme Radicals; and the budget of 1895-1896 was passed only at the last moment by a compromise.
The session of 1896-1897 was remarkable for a rapprochement between the ministry and the " Left Reform Party," caused by the secessions of the " Young Right," which led to an unprecedented event in Danish politics - the voting of the budget by the Radical Folketing and its rejection by the Conservative Landsting in May 1897; whereupon the ministry resigned in favour of the moderate Conservative Herring cabinet, which induced the Upper House to pass the budget.
The elections of 1898 were a fresh defeat for the Conservatives, and in the autumn session of the same year, the Folketing, by a crushing majority of 85 to 12, rejected the military budget.
The ministry was saved by a mere accident - the expulsion of Danish agitators from North Schleswig by the German government, which evoked a passion of patriotic protest throughout Denmark, and united all parties, the war minister declaring in the Folketing, during the debate on the military budget (January 1899), that the armaments of Denmark were so far advanced that any great power must think twice before venturing to attack her.
After the change of government the last years of his life were spent in taking his due share in the vigorous opposition which the Unionists offered to the Liberal Education bills the budget of 190g, the Parliament bill, the Home Rule bill, and the Welsh Disestablishment bill.
In 1481 the taille alone brought in 4,600,000 livres, and even at the peaceful close of his reign his whole budget was 4,655,000 livres - as against 1,800,000 livres at the close of his father's reign.
Apart from legislation, the members of the council enjoy the right to interpellate the government on all matters of public interest, including the putting of supplementary questions; the right to move and discuss general resolutions, which, if carried, have effect only as recommendations; and the right to discuss and criticize in detail the budget, or annual financial statement.
They also contain provisions authorizing the asking of supplementary questions, the moving and discussion of resolutions on any matter of public interest and the annual consideration of the contents of the budget.
Until 1904 the finances of Korea were completely disorganized; the currency was chaotic, and the budget was an official formality making little or no attempt at accuracy.
An endeavour was made to publish an annual budget, in which the revenue and expenditure should accurately represent the sums actually received and expended.
The budget is voted by the chamber for a period of three years.
Guinea has a considerable measure of autonomy and a separate budget.
The local budget for 1907 balanced at £205,000.
The discussions on the budget in 1831 gave rise to the publication of his famous series of Lettres sur la lisle civile, which in ten years ran through twenty-five editions.
Defeated on the budget in May 1887, his government resigned; but he returned to office next year as foreign minister in the radical administration of Charles Floquet.
The budget of Finland in 1905 was £4,273,970 of " ordinary " revenue.
The fact that no ingenuity of modern research has been able to construct a real budget of expenditure and receipt for any part of the long centuries of the Empire is significant as to the secrecy that surrounded the finances, especially in the later period.
The public opinion that affects the national budget is unfortunately too often lacking in the most important towns, not excluding those in which political life is highly developed.
In the budget for 1910 revenue and expenditure were estimated at £12,674,300.
The agreement of both chambers is necessary before a bill becomes law, but when they differ on budget questions the matter is settled by a common vote of both, which arrangement gives the second chamber a certain advantage from the greater number of its members.
The Caps struck at once at the weak point of their opponents by ordering a budget report to be made; and it was speedily found that the whole financial system of the Hats had been based upon reckless improvidence and c prof the wilful misrepresentation, and that the only fruit of their long rule was an enormous addition to the national debt and a depreciation of the note circulation to onethird of its face value.
The external debt of Sweden was gradually extinguished, the internal debt considerably reduced, and the budget showed an average annual surplus of 700,000 dalers.
He desired that it should be applied to a fund for insurance and old age pensions for workmen and old people, to the lightening of the municipal taxes by state contributions to the schools and workhouses, to the abolition of the land taxes and of the obligation of keeping a horse and man for military service, and, lastly, to the improvement of the shipping trade; but the Riksdag decided to devote it to other objects, such as the payment of the deficit in the budget, the building of railways and augmentation of their material, as well as to improvements in the defences of the country.
A considerable part of its income is derived from a subsidy included in the annual budget, which makes it a charge upon the national treasury like any other public service.
In addition to these the budget of 1906 provided for gold expenditures in 1907 of 7,000,000 pesos on sanitary works and 8,000,000 pesos on the Arica-La Paz railway.
When the 1st of January 1891 arrived, the president published a decree in the Diario Oficial to the effect that the budget of 1890 would be considered the official budget for 1891.
However, in November 1907, when the national assembly or council demanded a budget and made inquiries as to the financial position, it was found that the expenditure foz some years past had been half a million sterling per annum in excess of the receipts and that considerable sums were owing to banks and commercial firms who had lent money.
The resolutions of these committees are reported to the House, and when the taxation and expenditure obtain the assent of parliament, the results as thus adjusted become the final budget estimate for the year, and are passed as the Finance Act.
The Indian budget, giving the results of income and expenditure in the year ending 31st of December, and the prospective estimates, is laid before the imperial parliament in the course of the ensuing session.
The budget, though modified by different forms, has also long been practised in France, the United States, and other constitutional countries, and has in some cases been adopted by autocratic Powers.
The chancellor of the exchequer thus was said to "open his budget" when he made his annual statement.
It may be mentioned that Disraeli introduced a budget (on which he was defeated) in the autumn of 1852; and in 1860, owing to the ratification of the commercial treaty with France, the budget was introduced on the 10th of February.
In 1859, through a change of administration, the budget was not introduced until the 18th of July, while in 1880 there were two budgets, one introduced in March under Disraeli's administration, and the other in June, under Gladstone's administration.
In the United Kingdom the budget is placed by the executive before the whole House, without any previous examination except by the cabinet, and it is scrutinized by the House sitting as a committee; in the majority of countries, however, the budget undergoes a preliminary examination by a specially selected committee, which has the power to make drastic changes in the proposals of the executive.
In the United States, on the other hand, the budget practically emanates from Congress, for there is no connexion between the executive and the legislative departments.
Stourm, Le Budget, son histoire et son mecanisme (1889), which gives a comparative study of the budgets of different countries, is the best book upon the subject.
Year by year Republican- the budget showed a deficit, and the indebtedness ism and of the state increased.
He appoints and removes members of the fire, police, school, election, park, civil service, health and public works commissions of the city; his veto may not be overcome by, less than a five-sixths vote of the board of supervisors, and he may veto separate items of the budget.
The strength of the army is fixed in each year's budget.
In the 1891 budget the expenditure on the army was given at £90,000, and by 1900 it had risen to £312,000.
This is supposed to have actually happened with the increase of the beer duty in the British budget of 1894 by 6d.
The division, nevertheless, cannot be passed over without mention, as it is not only a common one in economic writing, but it figures largely in budget statements, financial accounts, and finance ministers' speeches - especially in the United Kingdom and France.
Recently in budget debates in England there has been much comparison of the amounts yielded at different times by direct and indirect taxes respectively.
The war budget for 1909-10 was X2,271,300.
In March 1875 the budget for 1876, The amounting to £4,000,000, nearly, double in amount Catargiu that of the year 1866, was passed without difficulty, ministry, and on the 28th of the month the parliamentary 1871-75, session closed.
Expenses which ought to have been defrayed out of the ordinary budget, such as the erection of magnificent public offices at Bucharest, were frequently defrayed out of the loans; and the custom had arisen when money was scarce of issuing treasury bonds.
To meet the cost of agrarian reform, and of the reorganization of the army (1908), he introduced various fiscal changes, notably an alteration in the budget system, by which the total revenue and expenditure were shown for the first time (see Finance, above).
The president is authorized to appoint the governors of departments, the intendants of territories, the judges of the supreme and superior courts, and the diplomatic representatives of the republic. His salary, as fixed by the 1905 budget, is £3600 a year, and his cabinet ministers receive f1200 each.
The result was that while there was a deficit on the budget of 1904-1905 of £731,000, the budget of 1905-1906 showed a surplus of £5161.
To balance the budget, Mr Merriman proposed drastic remedies, including the suspension of the sinking fund, the reduction of salaries of all civil servants, and taxes on incomes of £50 per annum.
He denounced Mr. Lloyd George's famous budget of 1909 as vindictive and socialistic. In the new Parliament returned in Jan.
Mr. Law's first budget, that of 1917, coming as it did after the great increases which Mr. McKenna had made in taxation, only raised the excess profits tax from 60 to 80%, and increased the taxes on entertainments, tobacco and dogs.
His great taxing budget was that of 1918, introduced during the early stages of the great German offensive.
As editor of the Troy Budget (daily) he was a vigorous supporter of Martin Van Buren, and when Van Buren's followers acquired control of the legislature in 1821 Marcy was made adjutant-general of the New York militia.
For 1900-1901 the total expenditure on famine relief was nearly 3 crores (say, £2,000,000 sterling); and a continuance of drought necessitated an estimate of 1 crore in the budget of the following year.
In the budget of 1842 Sir Robert Peel terminated the deficit by reviving the income tax.
The success of this budget in stimulating consumption and in promoting trade induced Sir Robert Peel to follow it up in 1845 with an even more remarkable proposal.
This budget was a much greater step towards free trade than the budget of 1842.
The chief object in his third budget in 1846the reduction of the duty on corn to I s.
The occasion deserves to be recollected as one on which a prime minister, who was not also chancellor of the exchequer, has himself proposed the budget of the year.
The estimates were recast, the budget was withdrawn, and the nation was content to dispense with any addition to its military and naval strength.
When the new parliament met in the autumn of 1852, it was at once plain that the issue would be determined on the rival merits of the old and the new financial systems. Disraeli courted the decision by at once bringing forward the budget, which custom, and perhaps convenience, would have justified him in postponing till the following spring.
This defect in the budget was exposed in a great speech by Gladstone, which did much to ensure the defeat of the scheme and the fall of the ministry.
The first session of the Aberdeen administration will be chiefly recollected for the remarkable budget which Gladstone brought forward.
For Gladstone, in framing his budget, had contemplated a continuance of peace, and the country was, unhappily, already drifting into war.
The budget, which Childers brought forward as chancellor of the exchequer, was attacked by the Conservative party; and an amendment proposed by Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, condemning an increase in the duties on spirits and beer, was adopted by a small majority.
A sample of De Morgan's bibliographical learning is to be found in his account of Arithmetical Books, from the Invention of Printing (1847), and finally in his [[Budget]] of Paradoxes.
His first budget was a quaint failure, and was thrown out by a coalition of Liberals and Peelites which he believed was formed against Mr Disraeli more than against the chancellor of the exchequer.
At the emperor's request he remained to pilot the mutilated budget through the House; but on the 14th of July 1909 the acceptance of his resignation was announced.
As no regular budget was attempted, as accounts were not kept, and as audit was unknown, the opportunities for fraud and embezzlement were endless.
Iceland has her own budget, the Althing having, by the constitution of 1874, the right to vote its own supplies.
As the Althing only meets every other year, the budget is passed for two years at once.
He devoted himself especially to financial questions, and in 1882 was reporter of the budget.
The government resigned in March 1893 on the refusal of the chamber to accept the Senate's amendments to the budget.
One such public meeting must be held annually to pass the budget and fix the taxation for the year.
These additional burdens rendered it necessary that taxation and the budget should be thoroughly reorganized.
This was none the less distasteful to the Republicans, who thundered, against personal government, and to the Liberals, who clamoured for the Cortes and the budget.
Seor Moret now accepted the premiership; he took over Seor Echerays budget, while General Weyler was replaced at the war office by General Luque.
It sent General Weyler to keep Barcelona in order, caused the release of most of the prisoners in Monjuich, reduced the forces in Morocco, reopened negotiations with Rome for a modification of the concordat, and on the 31st of December, the end of the financial year, was responsible for the issue of a royal decree stating that the budget would remain in force until the Cortes could pass a new one.
Both before and after the defeat of Mr Gladstone's government on the Budget in June 1885, he associated himself with what was known as the "Unauthorized Programme," i.e.
In the budget of 1902 a duty of a shilling a quarter on imported corn had been reintroduced.
In September the parliament, by a large majority, threw out the budget, and the king, having nowhere else to turn for help, at Roon's advice summoned Bismarck to Berlin and appointed him minister-president and foreign minister.
For four years he ruled without a budget, taking advantage of an omission in the constitution which did not specify what was to happen in case the crown and the two Houses could not agree on a budget.
It may reduce or increase the amounts asked, and may add new items. The budget then goes to the board of estimates, which has a month for its consideration.
The budget is apportioned among twelve committees which have almost invariably given close and conscientious examination to the actual needs of the departments.
The budget estimates for the financial year 19051 9 06 placed the expenditure of the estate at X1,323,437.
He was minister of foreign affairs during part of the brief Gambetta administration, and subsequently one of the vice-presidents of the chamber, serving also on the budget commission and on a special industrial and agricultural inquiry.
The raffle of a new Jeep was an annual fund-raising activity that gleaned a substantial portion of the Chamber of Commerce's yearly budget.
But important things, like his health or our budget or Randy—those we share.
The budget was augmented by various donations.
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Budget Position and forecast Outturn The Board noted the budget position at the end of September and the forecast year-end outturn.
Tourists who are on a tight budget mainly use youth hostels, but the youth hostels could provide you with temporary accommodation.
As is generally the case with low budget zombie films plot detail is not at the fore.
With a limited budget up front, we were able to deploy a number of units of our choice across several designated drop zones.
He became a recognized authority on finance, and repeatedly served on the Budget Commission as reporter or president.
Rouvier's opposition in his capacity of president of the Budget Commission was one of the causes of the defeat of the Floquet cabinet in February 1889.
For many years he was chairman of the finance committee, and in that capacity may be looked upon as a chief founder of the constitutional Prussian Budget system.
As the arrondissement has neither property nor budget, the principal business of the council is to allot to each commune its share of the direct taxes imposed on the arrondissement by the general council.
The policy adopted after 1890 of incorporating in the ordinary budget the expenditure on war, marine and public works, each under its own head, rendered the extraordinary budget obsolete, but there are still, besides the ordinary budget, budgets annexes, comprising the credits voted to certain establishments under state supervision, e.g.
Departmental Finances.Every department has a budget of its own, which is prepared and presented by the prefect, voted by the departmental council and approved by decree of the president of the republic. The ordinary receipts include the revenues from the property of the department, the produce of additional centirnes, which are levied in conjunction with the direct taxes for the maintenance of both departmental and communal finances, state subventions and contributions of the communes towards certain branches of poor relief and to maintenance of roads.
The colonies under the governor-general of West Africa are ruled by lieutenant-governors with restricted powers, the budget of each colony being fixed by the governor-general, who is assisted by an advisory government council comprising representatives of all the colonies under his control.
An ineffective and extremely corrupt administration, a grave economic condition, new and heavy taxes, military repression, recurring heavy deficits in the budget, adding to a debt (about $150,000,000 in 1868) already very large and burdensome, and the complete fiasco of the junta of inquiry of Cuban and Porto Rican representatives which met in Madrid in 1866-1867--all were important influences favouring the outbreak of the Ten Years' War.
For every province (vilayet) a complete budget of receipts and expenditure was drawn up by its defterdar (keeper of accounts) under the supervision of the vali (governor); this budget was forwarded to the minister of finance, while each state and ministry of department received communication of the items appertaining to it.
Each ministry and department then sent in a detailed budget to the Sublime Porte before the end of November of each year.
The Sublime Porte forwarded these budgets, with its own added thereto, to the minister of finance, who thereupon drew up a general budget of receipts and expenses and addressed it to the Sublime Porte before the 15th of December.
It may indeed be said that it was only the previsionary budget (anglice, the estimates) that received any approximately proper care on the lines laid down, while the rule that both the estimates and the definite budget (at the close of each year) should be published was almost wholly honoured in the breach; until 1909, when the Constitution' had been re-established the budget had only twice been published, in 1880 and 1897, since the regulations were put into force.
All this has now been changed, and the above regulations are conscientiously carried out with the differences in procedure necessary for compliance with constitutional methods, and with the submission of the Budget to the houses of parliament.
No better description of the financial distress and disorder of the empire can be given than that set forth in the official report of the budget commission of 1888.
The vote of £T50o,000 a year for ten years for the reconstruction of the Ottoman navy by " national subscription," as already mentioned, was not included in the official budget, nor was there any allusion to it in the prefatory memorandum.
The minister of finance did, however, allude to it in his budget speech, (April 23, 1910), and stated that four destroyers purchased in Germany had been paid for from the national subscription only, without touching the ordinary state revenues.
No provision was then made in the budget to meet these liabilities, nor did the minister in his prefatory memorandum make any allusion to them; in his budget speech, however, he announced that a scheme for dealing with them would be presented with the budget for 1911-1912.
The development of the Hungarian kingdom can be better appreciated by a comparison of the estimates for the year 1849 prepared by the Hungarian minister of finance, which shows a revenue of £1,335,000 and an expenditure of £5,166,000 (including £3,500,000 for warlike purposes), with the budget of 1905, which shows a revenue of £51,583,000, and an expenditure of about the same sum.
The proposal to abolish the paperduty was revived in the budget of 1861, the chief proposals of which, instead of being divided, as in previous years, into several bills, were included in one.
Frequent votes of censure were proposed by the Opposition, and on the 8th of June 1885 the government were beaten on the budget.
Among the many reforms introduced under his guidance were a workmen's compensation law; a survey of occupational diseases with recommendations for health insurance; the elimination of the sweatshop; the establishment of a state industrial commission for dealing with questions of labour and capital; the provision of a minimum wage and a nine-hour day for women; mothers' pensions; ratification of the proposed woman suffrage amendment; the budget system for state expenditures; pure food laws; a " blue sky " law for protecting investors from unscrupulous promoters; the initiative and referendum; a Corrupt Practices Act; the indeterminate sentence for convicts; improvement of rural schools; the establishment of a state tuberculosis hospital and the extension of safety devices on railways and in mines.
The Polish committee, which had been formed on a political basis, was dissolved after unprecedentedly stormy negotiations, due to discontent at the cession of Chelm (Kholm) to the Ukraine; the Poles threatened the rest of Austria with a boycott of food, and abstained from voting on the budget.
The system of rattachement was in great part abandoned, and decentralization was obtained by augmenting the powers of the governor-general, and by granting to Algeria legal personality and a special budget (see above, Central Government).
Instead, therefore, of proceeding with the budget, the government allowed the financial year to end without one, and brought forward resolutions for curtailing the powers of the Lords, on which, if rejected by them, another appeal could be made to the people (see PARLIAMENT).
This recovery was due also to the forcible-feeble character of the Radical campaign against the House of Lords, the unpopularity of the Licensing Bill, the failure of the government to arrive at an education settlement, the incapacity of its Irish administration, its apparent domination by the "little navy" section, and its dallying with Socialism in the budget of 1909.
In 1886 the Left, having no constitutional means of dismissing the Estrup ministry, resorted for the first time to negotiations; but it was not till the 1st of April 1894 that the majority of the Folketing could arrive at an agreement with the government and the Landsting as to a budget which should be retrospective and sanction the employment of the funds so irregularly obtained for military expenditure.
The session of 1908 opened with Mr Asquith acting avowedly as the prime minister's deputy, and the course of business was itself of a nature to emphasize his claims. After two rather humdrum budgets he was pledged to inaugurate a system of old-age pensions (forming the chief feature of the budget of 1908, personally introduced by him at the beginning of May), and his speech in April on the Licensing Bill was a triumph of clear exposition, though later in the year, after passing the Commons, it was thrown out by the Lords.
He remained outside party politics, emerging only in 1909, first to attack Mr Lloyd George's budget in the country as a "revolution," and then - to the general surprise - to condemn the House of Lords in debate for rejecting it; and in 1910 (see Parliament) he appeared once more to be coming to the front, by the resolutions he carried in regard to the remodelling of the Upper Chamber, when the death of King Edward VII.
In several directions, and notably in administration, they carried their policy into effect; but the House of Lords (see PARLIAMENT) was an obvious stumbling-block to some of their more important Bills, and the Unionist control of that House speedily made itself felt, first in wrecking the Education Bill of 1906, then in throwing out the Licensing Bill of 1908, and finally (see LLOYD GEORGE, D.) in forcing a dissolution by the rejection of the budget of 1909, with its novel proposals for the increased taxation of land and licensed houses.
This latter work consists of articles most of which were originally published in the Athenaeum, describing the various attempts which have been made to invent a perpetual motion, to square the circle, or to trisect the angle; but De Morgan took the opportunity to include many curious bits gathered from his extensive reading, so that the Budget, as reprinted by his widow (1872), with much additional matter prepared by himself, forms a remarkable collection of scientific ana.
Products - Brands 04/24/06 Silo The Silo rack is a well made lightweight budget pannier rack available in silver and black....
As he hoped readable biography of elite budget was.
We realize the importance of planning a family cruise is budget.
My family does n't referendum campaign to budget schedule.
This reordering of priorities means restructuring the U.S. foreign policy budget.
To give just one example, the Highland Council budget allows for resurfacing roads once every 108 years.
Given Japan 's huge budget deficit, that could prompt a rethink.
Despite the ruble crisis, Culture had lost no more than 8% of its budget.
I am also happy to custom build aged sampler packs to a clients flavor profile or budget.
The film was made on a shoestring budget by a hitherto unknown director.
Supermarket shoppers are spending £ 470 a year - a sixth of their food budget - on packaging, a bbc report suggests.
The maintenance of a standstill budget would require a 9.7% increase in the precept.
The CEO agreed because the Vise President had completed a big project on time and under budget just before a big stockholder meeting.
I 'd like to offer cheeses and meats on an already strained family budget.
Chancellor Gordon Brown 's April 2000 budget suggests that may be changing.
The owners had never tempted fate by preparing an annual budget.
All achieved with a tenner in hand from my budget for my wedding outfit.
For the US $ 2.2 billion is about one tenth of one percent of the Federal budget.
Bill Clinton 's first budget shifted funds from national to theater missile defenses.
Tiaras by T Wedding tiaras designed and made for the bride on a budget.
Following the March 2000 Budget, the Government set out plans to tackle tobacco smuggling.
He has also written a vast tome called the ' Structure of Singing ' which is outside almost anyone 's budget !
Budget Insurance Offer an online car insurance quoting system which searches the UK 's leading underwriters to get quotes.
Go to Single Regeneration Budget Street Warden Scheme Provide highly visible uniformed patrols in town and village centers, public areas and neighborhoods.
At the heart of the budget will be a windfall tax on the excess profits of the privatized utilities.
The budget offering is now headed to Europe, with a brand-new PC version in tow.
Budget reform must reduce wasteful expenditure in favor of a rigorous selection of priorities.
Carol Latter explained the double whammy effect on these clients due to the squeeze on the budget of BCC Adult Social Care.
But in short wheelbase van specification it provides a real alternative budget priced towing vehicle in the Nissan range.
My coworker was scolded during our quarterly meeting for not being vigilant in his budget assignments.
At the restuarant we ordered abstemiously, knowing that our budget was tight that month.
The realtor used fancy furnishings and other tricks to beguile her clients into buying houses beyond their budget.
My boss is upset about the company's budget cuts, so we're trying our best not to antagonize him today.
Luckily there are several websites that can provide plenty of options in a range of prices to fit any budget.
Which one you choose will depend on the look you have in mind, the options available in your area, and your budget.
When deciding where to take your baby for his or her first professional photos, consider your budget and the convenience and style of the studio.
Once you decide your budget and whether you are going to style the room for a boy or girl, you can start looking at the multitude of theme choices for your new baby's room.
The great advantage about decorating your baby's nursery is the fact that you really can decorate even on a small budget.
So, don't feel guilty if your budget doesn't allow you to buy the latest fashions or the most unique items at expensive boutiques.
Personalized gifts for baby are really limited only by your imagination and your budget (or your time and willingness to do something yourself).
The first step you'll need to take is to create a budget that you can live with.
Make a budget, and do your best to stick to it.
Yes, money may be tight, but if you budget, you can see where your extra money is going.
Given the diversity and quality of care verses the budget of each individual family this constructs the stage for a difficult evaluation.
Childcare is the second largest expense in the home budget after the mortgage and rent are paid.
If childcare is a necessity but the family's budget is limited due to low income, there are assistance programs available.
Evaluate your budget to determine what types of care are affordable and whether it makes financial sense to place your baby into childcare at this time.
Identify the costs associated with each option and how to fit them into your family's budget.
Finally, before you begin, plan your budget ahead of time.
Think about how much money you can budget for your baby's nursery before you begin to seriously shop.
How much money have you set aside in your budget for this crib?
It's always a good idea to create a budget, so go ahead and place that in your nursery idea folder.
Disposable diapers can put a dent in your weekly budget.
If you have a particular bag in mind, but it doesn't quite fit in your budget, you can always place it on your baby wish list for any showers that friends or family might be holding for you.
Costs-Pre-school costs can be expensive, so it's always a good idea to create a budget and stick to it when searching for the perfect pre-school for your baby.
Before you rule out hiring a nanny, you might want to create a budget for your childcare.
Her company is the alternative for modern lifestyle and the source for "on time" and "on budget" efficiency when executing a renovation and remodeling project.
Without the budget, a great idea is to buy the crib and comforter first.
If you have a larger budget or a small guest list, you could use commemorative tea cups or miniature tea pots.
What kind of budget are you working with?
You and the other hostesses need to meet at least once to make lists, assign duties, and work out your budget.
However, the average family spends anywhere from $50 to $80 a month on disposable diapers, and this can be a sizeable addition to any grocery budget.
We know our readers love to save money, so we asked Kathy about creating a baby nursery on a tight budget.
Staying within your budget will ensure you can buy other necessities for baby.
There are various types of dinnerware that will fit into virtually any budget.
Make sure the gown is the right size, and include shipping prices into your budget.
Forced to be a little more budget conscious this holiday season?
Below are a couple of ideas, perfect for any holiday budget.
No matter how tight your budget is or how much you feel that you're lacking in creativity, you can make fun and educational toys for your baby.
Finances can be tight for single parents and the expense of the adoption can stretch a budget enormously.
Make sure you decorate your baby's room based on your particular needs and budget.
If you plan to transition the room from a baby nursery to a toddler room, consider convertible cribs to make the change easier on your budget.
Although it is usually not free, if you only do it once in a while it doesn't have to break the budget.
Look for one that fits your budget and space, as well as one that your toddler is excited to sleep in at night.
Buying bulk Enfamil baby formula might help you save a few dollars in your baby supply budget.
Before you know it, you've spent a large chunk of your weekly grocery budget on formula, so it makes sense to buy bulk Enfamil baby formula if it will save you money.
Using one of these methods ensures that the "basket" itself doesn't take up a significant portion of your budget for the gift, unless of course you know that the recipient needs baskets of certain sizes.
Another way to stay within your budget is to put in some handmade or secondhand items.
You can choose from affordable gifts or elaborate gifts, depending on your overall budget and relationship with the soon-to-be parent.
Other basket items might include picture frames with spaces for each month of the baby's first year and a disposable or digital camera, depending on your overall budget.
There are ways to keep your small children active without defying the family budget or suffering from the "soccer mom" syndrome in which mothers are overly extended by taking their children around from activity to activity.
Set a firm budget and research the market before going forth.
Before you buy an SUV you should decide on your budget and then pick either a new or used SUV.
Kelley Blue Book is the gold standard in vehicle values, and this can help you to find the right SUV for your budget.
Decide on whether or not a used SUV or new SUV fits your budget best.
It's important to come up with a budget before your emotions take the reins.
Also see what their delivery fee is so you're not surprised to find that you went over your budget even though the arrangement you chose was less than the maximum you were willing to spend.
Once you've found an online florist with good reviews and a satisfaction guarantee, you can choose the right arrangement that fits your relationship, the occasion, and your budget.
If you can't get everything you want right away because of budget constraints, be patient.
Use creative thinking and basic money saving skills, and you can have the ideal bridal dress at a price that fits your budget.
Assess your budget because it is important to decide how much you can spend on your dress before you start shopping.
These experts help you pick the best dress for your taste and budget.