Budding Sentence Examples
Everything was budding and blossoming.
Hence the budding of medusae exemplifies very clearly a common phenomenon in development, a phylogenetic series of events completely dislocated in the ontogenetic time-sequence.
And yet, according to Katie, she ran a budding goat dairy on a run-down farm in Northwest Arkansas.
Budding from the hydrocaulus may be combined with budding from the hydrorhiza, so that numer ous branching colonies arise from a common basal stolon.
Such are the " guard-polyps " (machopolyps) of Plumularidae, which are often regarded as individuals of the nature of dactylozoids, but from a study of the mode of budding in this hydroid family Driesch concluded that the guard-polyps were not true polyp-individuals, although each is enclosed in a small protecting cup of the perisarc, known as a nematophore.
The entocodon is to be regarded, therefore, not as primarily an ingrowth of ectoderm, but rather as an upgrowth of both bodylayers, in the form of a circular rim (IVa), representing the umbrellar margin; it is comparable to the bulging that forms the umbrella in the direct method of budding, but takes place before a manubrium is formed, and is greatly reduced in size, so as to become a little pit.
In this method of budding F s there are two types.
If the germ-cells are undifferentiated, the offspring may arise from many cells or from a single cell; the first type is (4) germinal budding, the second is (5) sporogony.
By budding is understood the formation of a new individual from a fresh growth of undifferentiated material.
The direct type of budding is rare, but is seen in Cunina and Millepora.
AdvertisementIt is seen from the foregoing account of medusa - budding that the entocodon is a very important constituent of the bud, furnishing some of the most essential portions of the medusa; its cavity becomes the subumbral cavity, and its lining furnishes the ectodermal epithelium of the manubrium and of the sub-umbral cavity as far as the edge of the velum.
The clearest instance of germinal budding is furnished by Margellium (Rathkea) octopunctatum, one of the Margelidae.
The budding of this medusa has been worked out in detail by Chun (Hydrozoa, [1]), to whom the reader must be referred for the interesting laws of budding regulating the sequence and order of formation of the buds.
I love the beautiful spring, because the budding trees and the blossoming flowers and the tender green leaves fill my heart with joy.
As already stated, there occur in the Hydromedusae two distinct types of person, the polyp and the medusa; and either of them is capable of non-sexual reproduction by budding, a process which may lead to the formation of colonies, composed of more or fewer individuals combined and connected together.
AdvertisementA, A hydriform person giving rise to medusiform person by budding from th margin of the disk; B, free swimming medusa (Steenstrupia of Forbes) detached from the same, with manubrial genitali.
From these facts,, and from those of the sporogony, to be described below, we may regard budding to this type as taking place from the germinal epithelium rather than from ordinary ectoderm.
Seeliger [52] who went to the opposite extreme and regarded the type of budding described by Lang as non-existent.
In Cunina parasitica, however, the ovum develops into an actinula, which buds actinulae as before, but only the daughter-actinulae develop into medusae, while the original, parent-actinula dies off; here, therefore, larval budding has led to a true alternation of generations.
The polyp may be solitary, but more usually produces polyps by budding and forms a polyp-colony.
AdvertisementIn Gonionemus the actinula becomes attached and polyp-like and reproduces by budding.
It may also take place where rapid proliferation of the cell is going on, as in the budding of the Yeast plant.
Cell budding takes place in yeast and in the formation of the conidia of Fungi.
There is a further resemblance between the two orders of Chaetopoda in that this budding is not a general phenomenon, but confined to a few forms only.
Budding, in fact, among the Polychaetes is limited to the family Syllidae.
AdvertisementThe well-known Syllid, discovered during the voyage of the "Challenger," shows a modification of this form of budding.
Here, however, the buds are lateral, though produced from a budding may be defective upon one or other of the noto a b FIG.
Quite recently, another mode of budding has been described in Trypanosyllis gemmipara, where a crowd of some fifty buds arising symmetrically are produced at the tail end of the worm.
Brefeld regards the budding process as the formation of conidia.
In the process of budding the nucleus divides apparently by a process of direct division.
Reproduction by budding does not occur, although spontaneous fragmentation of the body, followed by complete regeneration of each of the pieces, is known to take place.
Thus the typical hydroid colony starts from a " founder " polyp, which in the vast majority of cases is fixed, but which may be floating, as in Nemopsis, Pelagohydra, &c. The founder-polyp usually produces by budding polyp-individuals, and these in their turn produce other buds.
The laws of branch formed by similar budding from 1; budding in hydroids a 2 -d 2 from 2, and so forth.
Brooks, on the other hand, as stated above, regards the medusa as the older type and looks upon both polyp and medusa, in the Hydromedusae, as derived from a free-swimming or floating actinula, the polyp being thus merely a fixed nutritive stage, possessing secondarily acquired powers of multiplication by budding.
The polyps may be solitary, or form colonies, which may be of the spreading or encrusting type, or arborescent, and then always of monopodial growth and budding.
No specialized system of spermathecae, sperm reservoirs, and copulatory apparatus, as in Oligochaeta; development generally through a larval form; reproduction by budding also occurs.
The ancestrula (After Allman.) inaugurates a process of budding, conFIG.
Even the ectoderm can rarely be recognized as an obvious epithelium except in regions where budding is taking place, while muscular layers are always absent and a coelomic epithelium can seldom be observed.
In other cases small portions of the stem or leaves give rise to new plants by budding, as in Bryophyllum, where buds develop at the edges of the leaf and form new plants.
Lichtenstein has established the fact that from the egg of the Aphis of Pistachio galls, Anopleura lentisci, is hatched an apterous insect (the gall-founder), which gives birth to young Aphides (emigrants), and that these, having acquired wings, fly to the roots of certain grasses (Bromus sterilis and Hordeum vulgare), and by budding underground give rise to several generations of apterous insects, whence finally comes a winged brood (the pupifera).
In the second place, the power of non-sexual reproduction by budding is practically of universal occurrence among the Hydrozoa, and by the buds failing to separate from the parent stock, colonies are produced, more or less complicated in structure and often of great size.
Hence we have a primary subdivision of the colonies of Hydrozoa into those produced by budding of polyps and those produced by budding of medusae.
Medusae often have the power of budding, and the buds are formed either on the manubrium, or at the margin of the umbrella, or on an outgrowth or "stolon" produced from the exumbral surface.
Medusae, when they reproduce themselves by budding, always produce medusae, but when they reproduce by the sexual method the embryos produced from the egg grow into medusae in some cases, in other cases into polyps which bud medusae in their turn.
In some instances buds form on the roots, and may be used for purposes of propagation, as in the Japan quince, the globe thistle, the sea holly, some sea lavenders, Bocconia, Acanthus, &c. Of the tendency in buds to assume an independent existence gardeners avail themselves in the operations of striking " cuttings," and making " layers " and " pipings," as also in budding and grafting.
In budding, as with roses and peaches, a single bud only is implanted.
The Stanwick nectarine, so apt to crack and not to ripen when worked in the ordinary way, is said to be cured of these propensities by being first budded close to the ground, on a very strong-growing Magnum Bonum plum, worked on a Brussels stock, and by then budding the nectarine on the Magnum Bonum about a foot from the ground.
In the propagating house budding may be done at any season when the sap is in motion; but for fruit trees, roses, &c., in the open air, it is usually done in July or August, when the buds destined for the following year are completely formed in the axils of the leaves, and when the bark separates freely from the wood it covers.
Propagate the different sorts of stone fruit trees by budding on other trees or on prepared stocks.
Increase roses and American shrubs, by layering, budding or cuttings, and go on with the layering of carnations and picotees.
Plums are propagated chiefly by budding on stocks of the Mussel, Brussels, St Julien and Pear plums. The damson, wine-sour and other varieties, planted as standards, are generally increased by suckers.
The yeast-conidia, which bud off from the conidia or their resulting mycelium when sown in nutrient solutions, are developed in successive crops by budding exactly as in the yeast plant, but they cannot ferment sugar solutions.
They are characterized by their unicellular nature, their power of rapid budding, their capacity for fermenting various sugars, and their power of forming endogenous From Strasburger's Lehrbuch der Botanik, by permission of Gustav Fischer.
A typical yeast is able to develop b new cells by budding when submerged in a saccharine solution, and to ferment the sugar - i.e.
From these females are born parthenogenetically, that is to say without the intervention of males, and by a process that has been compared to internal budding, large numbers of young resembling their parents in every particular except size, which themselves reproduce their kind in the same way.
A simply designed, recycled cardboard play house will bring hours of fun to a budding homemaker.
Stageworks Youth Theater is an opportunity for budding actors, designers, writers, directors and stage managers to create unique shows.
Other news For all you budding botanists out there (excuse the pun ), the Garden Picture Library might be for you.
Find a budding amateur cameraman willing to do this for you.
Filipino american men straight will impress budding card sharks.
Suzuki the husband adobo and sweating budding card sharks.
To avoid such catastrophes who can the budding business entrepreneur turn to for help?
For budding chefs, an interest in food preparation is important.
Partially due to their initial association with popular bands like Fall Out Boy and popular tours like the Warped Tour, the Heroes have really helped to define the budding hip-hop/rap meets pop-punk scene that only grows each day.
Reproduction by budding also occurs.
I know not whether it was the dumps or a budding ecstasy.
After eight years of shopping, attending an Ivy League school to become an Epidemiologist and working as a budding politician, she was completely broke.
Budding artists who are looking to put some formal education behind their design ambitions can take a class or work on an interior design degree at the Corcoran College of Art and Design or George Washington University.
Many budding interior designers dream of starting their own design firm.
You can imagine how exciting it was for such a talented architect to live among the budding new trends during his years in France.
Soon, sports cars began capturing America's fancy -- if not many sales -- with the TC a symbol of the budding enthusiasm.
Muscle soreness is one thing, the twinge of budding joint problems is quite another.
However, if you persist and continue to hammer that budding injury week after week, you're bound to get into bigger problems before long.
If your students are budding artists, break out the crayons and finger paint.
Playing it safe and using as many legal sites as possible is probably the safest bet for the budding music fan to stay out of trouble.
Keslar is a budding house flipper, who has been hired as an assistant to Jeff Lewis.
Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi is a budding veterinary technician and is from Marlboro, New York.
She has turned this attention to a budding career in show business.
Tanedra Howard, winner of the first season of Scream Queens, has seen some success since winning and is on her way to a budding career.
The first season of the budding show was filmed in San Francisco, California and featured Harold Dieterele as the Top Chef.
Their budding relationship and subsequent wedding, captured on camera, was a showcase for the beliefs that shape the Duggar family and are shared by Anna’s family.
Many budding writers turn to writing science fiction because it's what they read, and of course that's as valid a reason as any.
Like budding sci-fi writers, many novice writers get their start writing fantasy because it is the genre they read the most.
First, he was introduced as a budding Einstein, a young genius who often figured out how to extricate the Enterprise from trouble.
When the budding comedienne was 10, her mother died of cancer, leaving her father to raise his young family as a single parent.
Unfortunately, that power comes at a price, and many budding web designers can't afford the price tag that comes along with the venerable design program.
Solitary polyps are unknown in this sub-order; the colony may be creeping or arborescent in form; if the latter, the budding of the polyps, as already stated, is of the sympodial type, and either biserial, forming stems capable of further branching, or uniserial, forming pinnules not capable of further branching.
Other variations in the mode of growth or budding bring about further differences in the building up of the colony, which are not in all cases properly understood and cannot be described in detail here.
The supposed hydrothecae may be present on one side of the axis only (monoprionid) or on both sides (diprionid); the first case may be conjectured to be the result of uniserial (helicoid) budding, the second to be produced by biserial (scorpioid) budding.
The actinula, when free, may multiply by larval budding, but in all cases both the original actinula and all its descendants become converted into medusae, so that there is no alter nation of generations.
The buds become medusae by the direct method of budding described above.
In both cases the hydranth is extremely reduced and has no tentacles, and the polyp forms a colony by budding from the base.
Gonostyles, appendages which produce by budding medusae or gonophores, like the blastostyles of a hydroid colony.
It may be regarded as derived from floating polyps similar to Nemopsis or Pelagohydra, which by budding produce a colony of polyps and also form medusa-buds.
The air-tubes, like the food-canal, are formed by invaginations of the ectoderm, which arise close to the developing appendages, the rudimentary spiracles appearing soon after the budding limbs.
It is propagated by seeds, and occasionally by budding, grafting or inarching for the perpetuation of special varieties.
They may be defined as aquatic animals, forming colonies by budding; with ciliated retractile tentacles and a U-shaped alimentary canal.
The modern orange industry practically began with the introduction into Southern California in 1873 of two seedless orange trees from Brazil; from their stock have been developed by budding millions of trees bearing a seedless fruit known as the " Washington navel," which now holds first rank in American markets; other varieties, mainly seedlings, are of great but secondary importance.
The development from the egg may be direct, or may take place with an alternation of generations (metagenesis), in which a non-sexual individual, the so-called scyphistoma or scyphopolyp, produces by budding the sexual medusae.
No adult Scyphomedusae are known to reproduce themselves by budding or by any method other than the sexual one.
The animal may produce its like by lateral budding, or by budding from a basal stolon.
The comparison of the metagenetic type of development, such as that of Aurelia, with the more primitive genera of Scyphomedusae, indicates clearly that the scyphistoma and ephyra are recapitulative larval stages which are represented by the adult forms of primitive genera, making such allowances as are necessary when comparing adult and larval forms. The metagenesis has arisen through the scyphistoma-larva acquiring the power of larval proliferation by budding.
It is an almost universal attribute of polyps to possess the power of reproducing themselves non-sexually by the method of budding.
Slight differences in the method of budding produce great variations in the form of the colonies, which may be distinguished in a general way as spreading, massive or arborescent.
The most simple form of budding is found in the genus Cornularia, in which the mother zooid gives off from its base one or more simple radiciform outgrowths.
Further complications arise when the lower walls of the mother zooid become thickened and interpenetrated with solenia, from which buds are developed, so that lobose, tufted, or branched colonies are formed.The chief orders of the Synalcyonacea are founded upon the different architectural features of colonies produced by different modes of budding.
They resemble and are closely allied to certain families of the Cornulariidae, differing from them only in mode of budding and in the disposition of the daughter zooids round a central, much-elongated mother zooid.
D, Diagram illustrating the process of budding by unequal division.
The colonies are produced by either budding or division.
This coenenchyme'may be scanty, or may be so abundant that the individual corallites produced by budding seem to be immersed in it.
Each zooid buds from the one immediately preceding it in the series, and intercommunication is effected by all the budding orifices (including that in the wall of the sicula) remaining permanently open.
Internally, there existed a third set of thecae, held to have been inhabited by the budding individuals.
But in striking contrast to what obtains among the Graptoloidea in general, the budding orifices in the Dendroidea become closed,, and all the various cells shut off from each other.
We have a loyal customer base that enjoys sampling the creations of our budding new chefs.
Or maybe you're a budding comedy genius with an idea for a comedy genius with an idea for a comedy show?
The simple and secure website has already been tried and tested by budding designers, from infants to arts students and foreign visitors.
A crime scene, as any budding detective might inform you, must be secured lest the DNA and forensic evidence be contaminated.
Evening course options include car maintenance, repair and restoration - ideal for beginners, budding enthusiasts and more serious DIY'ers.
What advice would you have for budding young entrepreneurs?
Sinclair also had advice on where the budding entrepreneur should seek backing.
Budding of Rous sarcoma virus and vesicular stomatitis virus from localized lipid regions in the plasma membrane of chicken embryo fibroblasts.
Boys on Boys and Girls on Girls are our fresh and loud short films where budding new filmmakers round off the program.
Drought resistant plants can be grown by budding young gardeners.
Or maybe you're a budding comedy genius with an idea for a comedy show?
An immensely useful video for both the budding and established mentalist.
But what do Bach and Tchaikovsky mean to the budding musicians of today?
The weather had also seen a marked improvement and as a result the deck was much more well patronized by budding photographers.
If you are a budding photographer, let us have your pictures for the photography section.
Call for Sessional meeting rapporteurs Calling all budding Ernest Hemingways.
The program culminated on 5 May 2002 with the budding reporters ' coverage of London Wasps ' match against Northampton Saints at Loftus Road.
A contemporary, Michael Flanders, then a budding schoolboy actor, penned a school revue GO TO IT!
I'm also enjoying the budding romance between Harry and Susan.
Commissioned by the UK Film Council, the course allows budding screenwriters to develop their own screenplays, with guidance from experienced screenwriters.
The familiar lightbulb sea squirt also multiplies by budding, with the zooids remaining attached at the base to form colonies.
Travel photographer Simon Kirwan shares some tips for budding mountain snappers!
This seems an excellent and very practical plan of action to be recommended to budding songwriters of whatever musical persuasion.
When it finds a suitable substratum, the adult polyp develops, growing by budding.
The budding tips of the plant contain the most THC of all.
Obviously, this could happen but I very much doubt that legions of illegals are budding property tycoons.
Its branches are budding and the apple blossoms slowly unfold.
Assembly occurs during budding, characteristically into cytoplasmic vacuoles rather than at the cell surface.
Being an autodidactic pedagogue, what advice do you have for budding writers?
They grow as budding yeasts in anaerobic conditions but as mycelia in the presence of even low concentrations of oxygen.
It is beyond the scope of the present article to attempt to describe the different forms of budding fungi (Saccharomyces), mould fungi and bacteria which are capable of fermenting sugar solutions.
In a colony formed by sympodial budding, a polyp always produces first a bud, which contributes to the system to which it belongs, i.e.
Allman, however, regarded this type of gonad as equivalent to a sporosac, and considered the medusa bearing them as a non-sexual organism, a " blastocheme " as he termed it, producing by budding medusoid gonophores.
The life-cycle of the Leptolinae consists of an alternation of generations in which non-sexual individuals, polyps, produce by budding sexual individuals, medusae, which give rise by the sexual process to the non-sexual polyps again, so completing the cycle.
Brooks [4], who adduces strong evidence for a contrary view, that is to say, for regarding the direct type of development seen in Trachylinae as more primitive, and the metagenesis seen in Leptolinae as a secondary complication introduced into the life-cycle by the acquisition of larval budding.
In Leptolinae the actinula becomes the sessile polyp which has acquired the power of budding and producing individuals either of its own or of a higher rank; it represents a persistent larval stage and remains in a sexually immature condition as a neutral individual, sex being an attribute only of the final stage in the development, namely the medusa.
In Gonionemus the actinula becomes fixed and polyp-like, and reproduces by budding, so that here also an alternation of generations may occur.
In the Stylasteridae sessile gonophores are formed, always by budding from the coenosarc. In Distichopora the gonophores have radial canals, but in other genera they are sporosacs with no trace of medusoid structure.
The conversion of the posterior end of the simple individual into a sexual region is dispensed with; but from a preanal budding segment a series of sexual buds are produced.
Call for Sessional Meeting rapporteurs Calling all budding Ernest Hemingways.
A contemporary, Michael Flanders, then a budding schoolboy actor, penned a school revue GO TO IT !
I 'm also enjoying the budding romance between Harry and Susan.
Includes a useful screenwriter 's resource for all you budding writers !
We ate our packed lunch sitting on the seats soaking in the atmosphere and being serenaded by a budding musician.
Travel photographer Simon Kirwan shares some tips for budding mountain snappers !
Some budding stall holders could be heard driving a hard bargains for their wears.
Formation of membrane domains created during the budding of vesicular stomatitis virus.
That is not healthy for your baby's self-esteem, self-confidence and budding sense of self.
This solves one problem because the toddler is out of danger, but it reinforces any budding belief that the world is a scary place and doesn't reward the toddler's natural curiosity.
It will be important at some point to migrate to a piano that has the appropriate key action so that the budding pianist can continue to make progress on technique, touch and tone.
With several scents under her belt, heiress and budding perfumer Hilton has all but taken the fragrance world by storm with her slowly growing collection.
While doing this, budding photographers will build up their portfolio and eventually open their own studio.
Many newspapers and television stations require budding photojournalist to complete some form of internship.
For the serious amateur or budding professional, nothing short of an SLR will do for creative purposes.
Rather, aim high and embrace your budding passion.
Whether you're a budding designer or just looking for a bit of entertainment, teenager fashion games for girls offer a unique virtual experience.
Being a teen model -even once a month- can be an exhausting experience that doesn't always work out for the best, but many agents can help make the experience easier for budding models to handle.
Flower blooms and budding roses with fluttering butterflies might just be the theme choice of your little girl.
For the budding astronomer, bedding with stars and planets is a natural choice.
My Fair Brady began as well, a spin-off from The Surreal Life that showed the budding relationship of Christopher Knight and Adrianne Curry.
Dina Lohan has been crucified by the public for her parenting skills (or lack thereof) with Lindsay when she was a budding teenage starlet.
When speaking of the budding romance between the two, Halle once said that she had "to work a little" when flirting with Aubry because he was so shy.
As a child, Stiller experimented with Super 8 movie making, honing his talent as a budding director, no doubt.
He also spoke openly about the budding romance on Larry King Live saying that the relationship "will be a bit of a long, drawn out process."
Jessica's family relocated to Los Angeles so the budding actress could concentrate on her acting career…after her schoolwork, of course.
Dressing Spears up in all kinds of costumes, hair styles, and makeup provides hours of entertainment for budding stylists.
He attended high school in Santa Monica, where he was an active baseball player and budding actor.
A budding fashionista might disagree, but young girls should feel free to run and play as they like without worrying about getting their clothes dirty or stained.
Budding fashionistas who go to schools that require uniforms need not fear that their style is being compromised.
There are four front pockets with hook and loop closures, making for the most comfortable and convenient shirt a budding angler could wear.
The site is perfect for a budding fashionista.
Budding scientists, however, may create a far more complex independent project with a hefty price tag.
Iowa Central serves students, budding entrepreneurs, and lifelong learners in addition to preparing future doctors, nurses, mechanics, and firemen.
While other fields (such as the humanities or other sciences) are still warming up to the idea of online education, the healthcare industry has embraced the advent of the Internet and budding technology with open arms for awhile now.
For this reason, it is one of the most popular Lynyrd Skynyrd tabs sought after by eager fans and budding rock guitarists alike.
It's the dream of every budding guitarist to play with picks emblazoned with their band's name or logo.
The beauty of ZZ Top for the budding guitarist is that only three people make their music.
A careful study of their approach to songwriting and their abilities to push the boundaries of their respective instruments will serve any budding musician well.
Freeguitarvideos.com features hundreds of videos for budding and professional guitar players to learn from.
With radio hits like Buddy Holly and Say It Ain't So, Weezer tabs are in hot demand for budding guitarists.
Luckily for the budding player, there are numerous places across the web that provide bass guitar instruction that can take you from interested novice to a bass star.
For instance, a budding chef will appreciate a cutting board insert.
This budding friendship between Bella and Jacob has inspired jewelry, especially the following friendship necklaces that will surely please you and your pack.
If romance is budding, try a sunrise or sunset walk on the beach, followed by breakfast or preceded by dinner.
Budding video game animations may want to look into the character animation specialization at Cal Arts in Valencia, California.
For budding inventors, or simply a great way to teach science, the National Museum of Education has web pages just for children called Inventucation Central.
With cute styles that follow current fashion trends, these bags from Mudd are fun, affordable and appealing to the budding fashionista.
The stigma of Colin's case affects the Brown family for the rest of the series as well as the budding relationship between Amy and Ephram.
Addison's friendships with former married couple Naomi and Sam is explored, as is a budding attraction to Pete Wilder and his alternative medicine.
Yoga Journal has a tendency to speak to the more advanced yogi, but individuals with a budding interest in the practice often find the articles and featured poses very helpful.
The pinnules never branch again, since in the uniserial mode of budding a polyp never forms a second polyp-bud.
In this way we may distinguish, first, vegetative reproduction, the result of discontinuous growth of the tissues and cell-layers of the body as a whole, leading to (I) fission, (2) autotomy, or (3) vegetative budding; secondly, germinal reproduction, the result of the reproductive activity of the archaeocytes or germinal tissue.
Especially noteworthy in the germinal budding of Margellium is the formation of the entocodon, as in the vegetative budding of the indirect type.
The medusa arises direct from the actinulastage and there is no entocodon formed, as in the budding described above.
The typical genus is the well-known hydroid Podocoryne, budding the medusa known as Dysmorphosa; Thamnostylus, Cytaeis, &c., are other medusae with unknown hydroids.
The peasants say that a cold wind blows in late spring because the oaks are budding, and really every spring cold winds do blow when the oak is budding.
But in essence they'll capture the same budding technologites that stare at a computer screen all day long.
In Skate It, you play a budding shredder that is trying to make a name for himself.
If you have a budding artist in your home school classroom, this website will help them learn new techniques.
Workbooks also make a great summer activity for those months when you might not be "schooling" but don't want newly budding reading skills to fall by the wayside.
The list includes jobs for animal lovers, computer-savvy teens and budding entrepreneurs.
Let your budding seamstress work alongside you as you create unique items together.
Malibu Strings may have a budding offshoot into the lingerie genre with their Panties category.
Even if your daughter is a budding fashionista, she may still love the vintage styling and feel great about how she looks in such a suit, while you can feel comfortable that she still looks appropriate for her age.
Most any budding young stylist will appreciate the fact that she can change her Liv doll's hair just by pulling off a wig, fitted with a plastic cap to conform perfectly to the doll's head, and sticking a new one on in its place.
However, the tracing scenes provided do not limit your budding artist.
The first step any budding candle-maker will have to take is choosing the precise kind of candle wax needed for the desired type of candle.
Some grown children simply have a difficult time understanding that their parents are real human beings with the same feelings and needs as younger singles, so they may tend to discourage any budding romance.
You may not always want to ask your parents everything about your budding relationships, and no one will probably blame you if you admit it.
Luxury never looked more practical than Tod's, and budding fashionistas may find themselves better suited for a Fendi Spy bag than a Tod's Media.
Diego is a wonderful program for young animal lovers and budding explorers.
Whether your child is a novice piano player or a budding virtuoso, you'll be able to locate an instructor well suited for his or her skill and ability level.
Chalk art-Why not host your own chalk art competition and encourage budding artists to get creative?
These are just a few of the many digital cameras that you can buy for your budding photographer.
Sell hot beverages-Selling hot chocolate and hot apple cider where families play outdoors can help to line the pockets of budding entrepreneurs.
Curiosity and confidence in their own budding skills are both key elements to positive development.
While a budding fashionista might object to something as simple as Ecco children's shoes, a girl who likes to look good and be comfortable whether walking or running will embrace them.
Her arrival detonated the budding relationship between Meredith and Derek.
The non-sexua 1 reproduction takes the form of fission, budding or sporogony, the details of which are described below.
Two types of budding must be distinguished - the direct, so-called palingenetic type, and the indirect, so-called coenogenetic type.