Bubonic-plague Sentence Examples
Since 1900 there have been several mild outbreaks of bubonic plague.
Its already evil reputation has been increased of late years by the fact that it is one of the chief disseminators of bubonic plague.
Cholera is endemic in some parts of the vilayet, and before 1875 the same was true of the bubonic plague.
It is not till the 6th century of our era, in the reign of Justinian, that we find bubonic plague in Europe, a s a part of the great cycle of pestilence, accompanied by extraordinary natural phenomena, which lasted fifty years, and is described with a singular misunderstanding of medical terms by Gibbon in his forty-third chapter.
Whether in all the pestilences known by this name the disease was really the same may admit of doubt, but it is clear that in some at least it was the bubonic plague.
In June 1858 intelligence was received in Constantinople of an outbreak of disease at the small town Benghazi, in the district of Barca, province of Tripoli, North Africa, which though at first misunderstood was clearly bubonic plague.
In both places the symptoms were the same, of undoubted bubonic plague.
Transgenic'super fish ' could deplete natural ocean zones of all fauna and flora and'super mice ' could spread bubonic plague at will.
The bubonic plague was brought to London by rats on board trading ships.
Diseases or disorders that involve lymph nodes in specific areas of the body include rabbit fever (tularemia), cat-scratch disease, lymphogranuloma venereum, chancroid, genital herpes, infected acne, dental abscesses, and bubonic plague.