Brush Sentence Examples
Something moved in the brush not far away and she froze.
She stayed in the brush beside the trail, as she had done in her dream.
He tried to brush it off, but it remained there.
Go brush your teeth - and whatever else you need to do.
Would you just brush it off?
When I returned I felt a big cat brush past me as I opened the door.
She stumbled up and crossed to her bathroom to brush her teeth before going out to breakfast.
Twenty acres and they were always at the fence line, poking their heads through to eat the brush on the other side.
Only low brush could grow in so small a space... no trees to prevent a vehicle from plunging into the forested mountain ranges below and beyond.
This Gruber fellow tossed me out of the house like a Fuller Brush Jehovah Witness selling life insurance.
AdvertisementLook at the way the brush is beat down.
They reached an open place in the brush where Diablo stood hip-shod, his eyes half closed - as if all hell wasn't getting ready to burst loose.
They'd traveled several hundred yards when Dean saw it, nearly covered by brush and invisible from all but a few feet away.
Something big plunged away through the brush and Alex swore under his breath.
Lisa drew further back into the brush as the car drove by.
AdvertisementNext to a small toiletry bag was a brush, hair clip, and scrunchie.
The branches of the trees slithered overhead while brush and bramble scampered out of his way.
He snatched her upper arms and pushed her against the wall, his body close enough for their chests to brush when either breathed in.
His face and neck suffered severe burns while his right side looked as though a Brillo brush had been taken to it.
He looked for signs anyone had walked through the brush and branches, pausing at intervals to squat and look at his surroundings from a different angle.
AdvertisementAnd perhaps at evening I see the hunters returning with a single brush trailing from their sleigh for a trophy, seeking their inn.
But Napoleon came and swept him aside, unconscious of his existence, as he might brush a chip from his path, and his Bald Hills and his whole life fell to pieces.
If you hadn't sold off all the farm equipment, you could have kept it brush hogged.
No brush grew within three feet of the fence.
Beyond the pond was a vivid green line of brush and trees, bordering the creek.
AdvertisementAlternatively you could use an old clarinet mop - one of those brush things on a length of twisted wire.
Alex lifted the rifle and examined the brush around them carefully.
The late spring sun had finally fought its way out of the white haze and was slipping down in the west, painting the countryside in yellow brush strokes.
Suddenly a rabbit darted from the brush directly in their path.
Replacing the brush, she turned away.
Without warning, a peccary and her two babies burst from the brush and darted immediately in front of Ed.
She was remembering the view of the creek from the bridge - and the brush choking its banks.
Brush and sieve makers goods 102,400 515,450
Brush Key gets its name because Dutch engineers used brushwood to divert the mouth of the river out to sea.
Use a softer brush than you might use on an adult cat, and brush softly while he's sitting in your lap.
I was told by my vet that one out of three cats suffer a forl at some point in their lives, so all the more reason for you to try to start when your cat is young, and brush his or her teeth a minimum of at least two times a week.
You do not want very much paint on the brush.
She would put her goats in there and let them clear out the brush.
She scrambled and stumbled, before plunging back into the brush.
He spoke over his shoulder as he rode into the brush.
Back-tracking the elk through the brush wasn't so difficult, but trying to move through the brush on horseback wasn't a simple thing.
The road gradually narrowed and climbed through hills choked with brush and huge oak trees.
Brush grew close to the drive, but it was obvious that someone had mown a swath down either side of the drive not long ago.
The long drive ended abruptly as the brush cleared at the cabin.
Brush crackled near the edge of the forest and then a deer leaped into the open.
All this brush right next to the house gives them a place to hide.
You need to have someone brush hog it all down.
It'll get all the brush and even some small trees.
She stepped off the porch and studied the brush.
Megan immediately recognized the shiny blue mustang when it emerged from the brush that bordered the drive.
She hacked at the brush with the weed whip.
How many other reptiles lurked in the trees and brush, ready to waylay anyone bold enough to enter their territory?
She tried to brush them off, but they clung desperately to her skin.
Something brown lunged from the brush near her face and she screamed, throwing herself back so hard she lost her balance and fell.
The fluffy white tail of a rabbit bobbed through the brush as the terrified animal bounded away.
They traveled through miles of wild country where the hills were covered with a dense undergrowth of brush.
So intent was she on finding the flower, that the crackling of the brush didn't immediately register a warning.
She squinted at the brush, but nothing was visible.
A tall figure emerged from the brush and she gasped with relief.
She glanced nervously around the brush and back at him.
I see trails leading to this pool and the brush trimmed back - maybe a couple more small cabins.
I know what time of day you brush your hair, he said in the same calm tone.
He tucked an errant curl behind her ear, enjoying the brush of her soft skin.
Whatever you're going through has nothing to do with a brush with death in the immortal world.
He heard the brush of skin against metal, as if someone had Traveled to a spot with tighter quarters than expected.
This slip is then passed through a transmitter fitted with brush contacts and connected to the two line wires of a metallic loop. One circuit is formed by the loop itself, and a second, quite independent, by the two wires in parallel, earthed at each end.
He sometimes held the carbon powder against the diaphragm in a small tr ans' shallow cell (from a quarter to half an inch in diameter and about an eighth of an inch deep), and sometimes he used what he describes as a fluff, that is, a little brush of silk fibre with plumbago rubbed into it.
From the localities in which they are found they are also called brush kangaroos.
Though birds make a not unimportant appearance in the earliest written records of the human race, the painter's brush has preserved their counterfeit presentment for a still longer period.
For use, the mixture is warmed to render it fluid, and applied by means of a camel's hair brush to the under side of the specimen, which is then laid neatly on paper.
His battle-pieces have movement and fire, warm colouring (now too often blackened), and great command of the brush, - those of moderate dimensions are the more esteemed.
The skin is dark brown, the hair black and, while in childhood the head is shaved with the exception of a small tuft at the top, in later life it is dressed so as to resemble a brush.
Large metallic surfaces (especially external surfaces) are sometimes plated by means of a "doctor," which, in its simplest form, is a brush constantly wetted with the electrolyte, with a wire anode buried amid the hairs or bristles; this brush is painted slowly over the surface of the metal to be coated, which must be connected to the negative terminal of the electrical generator.
Under these conditions electrolysis of the solution in the brush takes place.
This should be painted on the affected part with a camel's hair brush dipped in chloroform, which facilitates the absorption of the alkaloid.
It is obviously easier to brush out and clean vertical tubes open at both ends, and about 6 ft.
During the long apprenticeship that educated Japanese serve to acquire the power of writing with the brush the complicated characters borrowed from Chinese, they unconsciously cultivate the habit of minute observation and the power of accurate imitation, and with these the delicacy of touch and freedom of hand which only long practice can give.
When they come to use the pencil in drawing, they already possess accuracy of eye and free command of the brush.
On the other band, the draped figure received admirable treatment from his brush, and the naturalistic school of the 17th, 18th and i9th centuries reached a high level of skill in depicting men, women and children in motion.
He was the boldest and most original of Japanese landscape artists, leaving powerful and poetic records of the scenery of his own land as well as that of China, and trusting more to the sure and sweeping stroke of the brush than to color.
The artists tool, be it brush or burin.
Thus the main features of the Japanese dwelling-house were evolved, and little change took place subsequently, except that the brush of the painter was freely used for decorating partitions, and in aristocratic mansions unlimited care was exercised in the choice of rare woods.
In short, the little chisel becomes in his fingers a painters brush, and when it is remembered that, the basis upon which he works being simply a thread of silk, his hand must be trained to such delicacy of muscular effort as to be capable of arresting the edge of the knile at varying depths within the diameter of the tiny filament, the difficulty of the achievement will be understood.
The metal slips are so placed that, as the disk revolves, the middle brush, connected to one terminal of the condenser C, is alternately put in conductive connexion with first one and then the other outside brush, which are joined respectively to the battery B and galvanometer G terminals.
It is ordinarily caught in wooden traps of simple construction, being little enclosures of stakes or brush in which the bait is placed upon a trigger, with a short upright stick supporting a log of wood, which falls upon its victim on the slightest disturbance.
Any air bubbles are removed from the surface of the body by brushing with a camel-hair brush; if the solid be of a porous nature it is desirable to boil it for some time in water, thus expelling the air from its interstices.
Mixed with the bunch grass are occasional patches of sage brush.
Poplars grow in the valleys, and the cactus and sage brush are common.
Coxcoxtli used the help of the Aztecs against the Xochimilco people; but his own nation, horrified at their bloodthirsty sacrifice of prisoners, drove them out to the islands and swamps of the great salt lagoon, where they are said to have taken to making their chinampas or floating gardens of mud heaped on rafts of reeds and brush, which in later times were so remarkable a feature of Mexico.
He had a brush with a small British force under Cornwallis near Bermuda on the 10th of June, and reached Rhode Island on the 11th of July.
He began to preach in 1810, refusing any salary; in 1811 he settled in what is now Bethany, West Virginia, and was licensed by the Brush Run Church, as the Christian Association was now called.
A girl with a small hand brush of twigs keeps stirring them in the water till the silk softens, and the outer loose fibres (floss) get entangled with the twigs and come off till the end of the main filament (maitre brin) is found.
The brush used for sprinkling is an aspergill (aspergillum), or aspersoir, and the vessel for this water an aspersorium.
He therefore bought back the sheets, says Calamy, for an old song, bound them and sold them in his own shop. This in turn was complained of, and he had to beg pardon on his knees before the council-table; and the remaining copies were sentenced to be "bisked," or rubbed over with an inky brush, and sent back to the kitchen for lighting fires.
Perez says that the Sarare branch of the Apure has formed a gigantic dam across its own course by prodigious quantities of trees, brush, vines and roots, and thus, impounding its own waters, has cut a new channel to the southward across the lowlands and joined the Arauca, from which the Sarare may be reached in small craft and ascended to the vicinity of Pamplona.
A pleasing "rough" appearance can be given to concrete by brushing it over soon after it has set with a stiff brush dipped in water or dilute acid.
They are best applied with a piece of flat wood; or very liquid waxes may be applied with a brush.
In this apparatus one of the charging rods communicated with one of the field plates, but the other with the neutralizing brush opposite to the other field plate.
After that the discharge balls might be separated a little and a continuous series of sparks or brush discharges would take place between them.
Each upright bearing carrying the shafts of the revolving disks also carries a neutralizing conductor or wire ending in a little brush of gilt thread.
Their name is preserved, but since the seat of this industry was removed to Wilton near Salisbury, the inhabitants of Axminster have found employment in brush factories, corn mills, timber yards and an iron foundry.
Hence the weakness and the dark-grey fracture of this iron, and hence, by brushing this fracture with a wire brush and so detaching these loosely clinging flakes of graphite, the colour can be changed nearly to the very light-grey of pure iron.
Russian and Prussian kinds are coarser and darker, and used mostly for brush trade.
The brush has invariably a white tip. Value £i to £320.
Paintings from his brush adorn the cathedral (which has a fine brick campanile), and others are preserved in the gallery of the town hall.
A mixture of pounded brick, clay and ashes was then ground finely in water to the consistence of cream, and successive coats of this mixture were then applied with a brush, till a second skin was formed all over the wax, fitting closely into every line and depression of the modelling.
As the king was deserted by his army there was no serious fighting, but Sarsfield had a brush with some of the Scottish soldiers in the service of the prince of Orange at Wincanton.
The plates are placed in a vessel full of insulating oil which prevents the glow or brush discharge taking place over their edges.
The common sage brush, artemisia, is the characteristic shrub of the plains where the soil is comparatively free from alkali, and is abundant in the valleys of the arid foothills.
With a biaxal plate perpendicular to the optic axis in the diagonal position, the hyperbolic brush becomes an hyperbolic line and the rings are expanded or contracted on its concave side, with a positive plate, according as the plane of the optic axes is parallel or perpendicular to the axis of the quarter-wave plate, the reverse being the case with a negative plate.
Giddon kept the lawn mown short to discourage snakes, but the rich green carpet wasn't nearly as enticing as the tangle of brush that threatened to invade the area around the house.
He worked the ATV down a steep rocky slope and through overhanging brush that kept her busy dodging limbs and combing cobwebs from her hair.
According to their reckoning, they should be in the general area of the mine, but the only sight before them was a steep upward slope sparsely covered with brush.
He kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose and then paused briefly on her lips with a light tantalizing brush.
She glanced towards the brush and shrubs of an unkempt lot, where a crumbling foundation of an old beach house remained.
The "other items" proved to be a notebook with hundreds of practiced letters and numbers, a pen and dried ink bottle, a white dress with a thrift store smell that had aged to yellow, a comb, hair brush, some ancient under things and a pair of ladies shoes.
It wasn't a real kiss – more like a light brush.
The brush of their skin had jolted her with a rush unlike anything she'd ever felt.
Unable to shake the feel of his hands branding her, she forced her gaze beyond the stream, where the walls of Tiyan were visible through brush.
They'll clean up the brush and …" "You hired them?"
With each stroke she was more adept, and by noon the brush was an acceptable distance from the house.
He needed to brush up on his analysis techniques.
However, do not abrade the skin by using a scrub brush.
These MEMs are normally electrically activated, but by using this polymer brush technology they would be actuated by chemical signals instead.
Brush ringed with auburn and black on a paler auburn and brown ground.
Brush solid auburn or ringed with dark auburn on a paler auburn ground.
Use a nylon brush to remove all surface particles and spread with cold liquid bitumen.
Use a pastry brush to brush this glaze over the toasted bread.
You can cement up with a scrubbing brush on the external side, then clean off with a rag.
The cleaning operation must leave no residues on the cleaned surface and any wet storage staining should be removed using a stiff brush.
Use a soft brush to groom your ferrets ' coat.
Old-fashioned bristle shaving brush; shaving bowl; cut throat razor; base-metal pocket watch.
Ceramic and glass objects can be dusted using a soft sable brush, holding the object with one hand.
With the cylinder head off, the pistons were cleaned of any carbon deposits using a wire cup brush on a drill.
Small irregular patches of brown were then dabbed on with an old brush.
I've been known to use a decorator 's brush for a large expanse of sky.
Who will brush your silken coat And who on you will simply dote?
If you need to brush up your knicker drawer then Figleaves have a large range of styles and cater for both sexes.
Dust ceramics only when necessary using a soft duster; and a brush for any awkward corners.
Wonderfully exuberant, with the brush strokes conveying a sense of huge enjoyment.
Color Taming To soften a blusher that's too bright, top with loose face powder like Blended Face Powder & Brush.
The tunnel would then be packed with highly flammable brush wood.
Some light pressure with a wire brush removed what tiny flecks of rust remained.
The whole work is then flogged by hitting the brush against the surface all the way up the panel.
When dry, remove all fluff, dust and hairs with a soft rag or brush.
The best utensils for cleaning a barbecue are a wire brush or crumpled tin foil.
And Neil Young, tho he has had a recent brush with mortality, no longer appears frail, but robust and hearty.
Don't be too fussy, just give the lawn a good brush.
With neat white gouache representing perhaps waves or foam, drag the paint in a broken brush stroke method over the dark surface.
The body is then cleaned using again, the wire brush to remove gunk and debris from between the separators.
You should remove the headgear to brush your teeth.
After planting we use a customized brush hoe with mini ridgers for most of the weeding and then hand weed when necessary.
He uses lively brush strokes which give an immediacy to the subject matter.
This maybe a grossly exaggerated generalization of black men's infidelity and perhaps all black men shouldn't be painted with the same brush.
At the very last moment use the leftovers to brush over the elbow.
Bleach brush variants erase to white, gradually lightening by removing color.
A good lens care kit will always include soft lint free cloth, dust free tissues, cleaning fluid and a blower brush.
Using a brush means you don't over apply the lipstick to the lips.
If you buy a new lipstick make sure you buy a matching lip liner and a lip brush.
The kit includes five bags of colored sand, a funnel & brush, paper templates, and a base for constructing sand mandalas.
After that close brush with the law, a great manipulator took control of Zik's party.
Brush with reserved marinade during the last 10 minutes of grilling time.
Brush the pastry case with the egg yolk mixture to glaze the pastry.
Scrub the whole outer surface with a soft scrubbing brush to remove all mucus or blood from the external surface.
Ask your vet or the veterinary nurse to demonstrate how to brush.
For this type of shading I use opacity 20% and hardness 0 %, with a brush size of between 8 and 15.
Dust down using an old paintbrush or dusting brush.
Brush pastry around filets with beaten egg; fold pastry over to cover the filets.
Brush each one generously with the watercress pesto, leaving a border of 2cm all around.
He created amazing pictures using the tip of his brush to make dots of paint - a style called pointillism.
To avoid leaving any humps and bumps, you may finish off the job with the brush for a really pukka job.
Application 1. Using clean brush, apply sealer evenly over timber Another product also available in the Alexander Rose range is Timber Treatment Plus.
Combine the oil, garlic and Italian seasoning and brush the potatoes lightly with some of the mixture.
Her apparently senseless activity becomes harder to distinguish from the focused and purposeful traffic of the businessmen and women who brush past her.
You need to shower, brush your teeth, splash on some great cologne, and find something really sexy to wear.
She buys shampoo, soap, a brush, a hair dryer.
The JENZ AZ 460 E The JENZ AZ 460 E electric shredder processes green waste, brush wood, trunk wood up to approx.
A stiff brush should be used if necessary to remove any obvious dirt and accumulated fish slime and debris.
Pat hens dry with paper towels; brush off excess pickling spice.
Brush the top of the pastry with egg or milk and decorate the edges of the pie with thyme sprigs.
The least one can do is brush teeth with fluoride free toothpaste!
You can use watercolor brush variants to apply a watercolor effect to a photo by lifting the canvas to the watercolor layer.
The nylon ' brush ' draft excluder strips fitted to the rear of the sliding wheelhouse to reduce the drafts.
The fibres were either animal or vegetable; animal fibres were hair, Textile fur on the skin, feathers, hide, sinew and intestines; vegetable fibres were stalks of small trees, brush, straw, cotton, bast, bark, leaves and seed vessels in great variety as one passes from the north southward through all the culture provinces.
In the Western Arid Transition zone the flora consists largely of the true sage brush (A rtemisia trident ata), but some tracts are covereci with forests of yellow or bull pine (Pinus ponderosa).
Almost all of the United States east of the 98th meridian is naturally a forest region, and forests cover the greater part of the Rocky Mountains, the Cascades, the Sierra Nevadas and the Coast Range, but throughout the belt of plains, basins and deserts west of the Rocky Mountains and on the Great Plains east of the Rocky Mountains there are few trees except along the watercourses, and the prevailing type of vegetation ranges from bunch grass to sage brush and cactuses according to the degree of aridity and the temperature.
It is averred that he never handled a brush without fervent prayer and he wept when he painted a Crucifixion.
Theologians might draw their fine-spun distinctions between realms where the pope was actually infallible' and realms where he was not; but Pius knew well that loyal Catholic common sense would brush their technicalities aside and hold that on any conceivable question the pope was fifty times more likely to be right than any one else (see Vatican Council and Infallibility) .
Each book was written with a pen or a brush.
Now they drew close to the fox which began to dodge between the field in sharper and sharper curves, trailing its brush, when suddenly a strange white borzoi dashed in followed by a black one, and everything was in confusion; the borzois formed a star-shaped figure, scarcely swaying their bodies and with tails turned away from the center of the group.
This makes sense, as heathers are known for their ability to regenerate following brush fires.
However you use men-u shave you control the amount of water either on the shaving brush or in your hand.
You 've not been using my shaving brush, have you?
Some people like to use a slicker brush which can be very useful on those dogs with thick coats.
By the time the British slunk home in the 1930s, Iraq 's brush with imperialism seemed over.
Dry body brushing, with a mitt, brush, or loofah, helps to slough away the dead skin cells that build up.
However, thanks to the scrubbing brush and a soapy bath, Harry returns to his normal color and is welcomed back home.
Over 10,000 conductive fibers in the stabilizer brush neutralize static charges on the record surface and conduct them to the ground.
In the same way many decent Germans were tarred with the brush of Adolf.
She said she did not want local youngsters to all be " tarnished with the same brush ".
Brush a few times a week and have any tartar removed by your vet about twice a year or as needed.
The least one can do is brush teeth with fluoride free toothpaste !
Amazingly, this skull was unearthed during the excavations for the GCR line near Brush Works.
Avoid rough or unsealed hard floors such as concrete or tar macadam as this could damage the brush bar.
You can use Watercolor brush variants to apply a watercolor effect to a photo by lifting the canvas to the watercolor layer.
She is brushed everyday and loves every minute of it - she whinges when the brush goes away !
And whats this as well as drums, Gigi on whitewash brush, it certainly adds a thud to the rhythm.
As his teeth begin to develop, you can use a small amount of toothpaste on a cloth, toothbrush, or finger brush, which is basically a small, rubber toothbrush that fits on your finger.
Once your baby's teeth begin to arrive, continue to brush them with a very small amount of toothpaste on a toothbrush or soft cloth.
As your child approaches her second birthday, you can begin helping her learn how to brush her teeth on her own.
Add extra accessories like a comb and brush set, photo album, and picture frame.
Silver Comb/Brush Set-A comb and brush set will be treasured for years to come.
If you are handy with a paint brush, then paint or even stencil some ladybugs on the walls yourself.
Brush off the thesaurus and replace those colloquialisms with formal modes of speech.
Accessories could include baby utensils, a brush and comb set, sippy cups, bottles, bibs, and nail clippers.
These could include a bottle, pacifier, bottle brush, bulb syringe, thermometer, nail clippers, pacifier holder, booties, etc. Blindfold the mom-to-be, and watch her try to guess each of the items as she picks one up out of the bag.
Add baby washcloths, towels, baby wash, lotions, bath toys, suction cup bath toy net, wipes, brush and comb set, and any other item that might be used for baby's bath.
Once the oil has been applied and the plaque is loosened, you can use a soft baby brush to brush off the plaque.
Be sure to clean your eyelid area with a damp towel or brush before application.
You should figure out which kind of mascara brush you like.
It's an ultrasonic toothbrush with whitening capabilities built directly into the brush head, eliminating the need for a separate step for whitening.
It relies on the benefits of ultrasound technology built into the brush, paired with specially formulated Emmi-dent "nano-bubble" toothpaste, to whiten teeth.
The brush itself is also more lightweight than the other brand.
My first thought was that the new brush was not going to be powerful enough to get my teeth clean.
However, I quickly realized that the brush felt different because it works differently.
While I don't have sensitive teeth or gums myself, I can definitely see the gentle action of this brush being something that will appeal to people who have these types of problems.
The toothbrush system, which includes the base, brush, cord, two brush heads and a tube of toothpaste, retails for $189.
Brush your pet's fur with a slicker brush twice a week to avoid mats.
Purchase a brush for grooming your kitten.
Brush your cat once or twice a week to remove loose hair, and that is typically all that is needed.
I clean ears, brush teeth and do a bath, not every week, but at least two times a month.
When you brush your cat's teeth, you reduce plaque and the build-up of tartar, which can cause gum disease.
They are all safe for your cat, and the best part of the whole process is that while you still have to brush his teeth, you don't have to try to get your cat to rinse.
Put the toothpaste on the gauze and brush the gums and teeth.
If you find that you receive too much resistance from trying to brush your cat's teeth with a brush, you can use a clean piece of gauze to apply the toothpaste.
I can promise you, I know that if I am unable to brush everyday, I will at least try and use the new breath spray I have.
A brush - Although cats take care of most of their own grooming, it can be useful to accustom your kitten to being brushed.
Depending on the length of her coat, you may want to brush her a few times a week.
Replacing a hospital regulation cup with a fun cup and bringing her favorite brush, comb, mirror, lotion, etc. can also be a simple way to provide comfort.
Whether you are new to the co-parenting game or a seasoned professional who just needs to brush up on the latest approaches and techniques, enrolling in a co-parenting workshop may help you do a better job.
Use a soft bristle brush to do the job and then rinse it off with clean water.
Simply use a wire brush to scrape any paint flakes and followed by a commercial rust remover.
If it's just a small amount, try sanding it down with a light-grit sandpaper to smooth it out and then apply a small amount of varnish with a foam brush.
Turn off water while brushing teeth, shaving or hand washing dishes - Learn to shut off the water while you brush, shave or wash dishes.
Conserve water - Take fewer showers, wash dishes by hand, don't run the water when you brush your teeth and install a low flush toilet in your home.
Homeowners that burn twigs, branches, and brush may think that they are helping the environment.
Take with a clean mouth, but do not brush your teeth, use mouthwash or any other oral care product up to half an hour before taking the remedy.
Dust the piece with a clean paint brush to remove the sanding dust.
Apply the stain with a brush in long, smooth strokes.
Silver or brass comb and brush sets make great vanity accessories - and gifts.
You don't have to buy new picture frames; just recycle the ones that were hanging on your walls before and either brush paint the frames or buy a can of spray paint.
Once the glaze is up, use a brush that is at least 3 inches in diameter and paint little "x" marks in the glaze.
You can create more elaborate patterns with your brush to suit your tastes.
Latex is easier to apply with a brush or roller while oil paints are stickier and need to be worked into the surface.
For the smoothest looking paint, move the brush in a circular motion.
Wipe excess paint off of the brush before you start to paint.
If you prefer a speckled effect for your stencils, dab the paint onto the wall by holding the brush perpendicular to the wall.
You might be working with a sea sponge but use a light brush to go over areas to blend too heavy an application of paint.
The first, and most important color, is your base coat, which is applied using traditional paint techniques, such as with a brush and roller.
One of the best ways is to use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery brush attachment.
The most popular technique is the dry brush method.
You can use a paintbrush if you choose and a dry brush technique.
It can be hard getting kids to take a bath or brush their teeth, but with fun paint colors and bathroom accessories it'll be a lot easier to get them in there.
You might need to use a scrub brush to get rid of all the residue.
Apply the first coat of primer using a brush (not a roller).
Don't put too much primer on the brush at once and use thin, even strokes.
The dry brush method is the most popular one used by professional stencilers and you can use it whether or not you're experienced or new to stenciling.
The dry brush painting technique uses only a small amount of paint that allows the brush strokes to streak across the wall or other surface.
Since each artist will have a different touch with the brush, taking up more or less glaze at a time, each tile will be subtly different and unique.
Put a small amount of paint (either the new color or the flat version of the same color) onto a brush and dap off the excess with a paper towel.
Hold the stencil tightly against the wall with one hand and then dab the brush over the pattern with the other.
Don't brush across the stencil or paint will get under the plastic and bleed beyond the pattern.
This can also happen if there's too much paint on the brush.
You might brush your hand over the rug pile and go by the way it feels.
The sheer, moisturizing color is applied with a brush.
You can use them straight as eye shadow, mix them to make new colors, brush them lightly onto your cheeks as highlighter or even mix with clear lip gloss to create a new shade for your lips.
Using them with a damp brush will allow them to adhere more easily to the eye and provide even greater color payoff.
You can apply them heavily across the upper lash line and then smudge with a sponge or a pointed brush.
As a general rule, the longer your lashes are, the bigger the brush should be.
An angled liner brush like the Sonia Kashuk Bent Eyeliner Brush allows you to get the product right at the base of the lashes.
The angle of the brush can keep your hand ahead of the line, so that you can see what you're doing more accurately.
Simply dip the very edge of the brush into the shadow and drag it across the lower lash line.
Minerals such as zinc, iron oxides, ultramarine, titanium oxide, bismuth oxychloride and mica are all finely ground into a powder that is gently dusted onto the face with a makeup brush.
Using the brush to buff the makeup over all surfaces, you can achieve an even, natural looking layer of complementary color that enhances your appearance.
Pour a small amount of mineral foundation powder into the container's lid, and swirl your makeup brush around in it.
Now give the brush a tap on the edge of the container to remove any excess powder and begin brushing the minerals onto your face.
Work from your T-zone outward, swirling the brush into all creases until you've achieved a nice even coverage that you're pleased with.
With a container of blush mineral powder in your chosen shade, use the same technique to load the brush and begin lightly dusting your cheeks, being sure to follow your natural bone structure.
Use a small brow brush to apply a little mineral mascara powder to your lashes and brows if needed to finish the look.
You can apply with your fingertips, a damp sponge, or a foundation brush.
Once your liquid foundation is properly blended, you may wish to brush some loose powder in a complimentary shade over your face to help reduce shine and give your foundation a little extra staying power.
If you're using a loose mineral foundation, you'll want to use a kabuki brush.
Apply your concealer with your fingertips or a small, flat brush after your foundation so that you won't just wipe your cover-up away when you apply your foundation, once again revealing dark circles or spots on your skin.
Using an angled brush, apply that to the hollows of the cheeks below the cheekbones, the sides of the nose, and the temples.
Use your finger or makeup brush to blend where both colors meet.
In general, you may want to throw out the brush that comes with your blush.
Try a larger, fluffy brush or even a fan-shaped brush.
For areas requiring extra coverage such as dark eye circles and blemishes, use the Maximum Coverage Concealer Brush.
Once you've got the placement down, blend along the edges with a fluffy brush to remove harsh lines.
If using powder liner, press an angled brush into the pigment, then press along your lash line.
Apply the lipstick next, ideally with a lip brush for a more accurate even surface.
For additional protection, apply the powder with an extra lip brush to ensure that it holds into the little winkles around the lips.
A similar concept to the spray tanning booth, but a more precise application process - the spray tanning chemicals are applied to your skin by a technician with a compressor and air brush.
While the shower booth system takes seconds to apply, air brush tanning sessions usually last about fifteen minutes.
To find where your brow should go, take a long eye shadow brush or pencil and hold it parallel to the side of your nose.
Where the brush meets your brow is where your brow should begin.
To find the end of your brow, extend the brush diagonally from your nostril, following the outside edge of your eye toward the brow.
Where the inside edge of the brush hits is where your brow should end.
To find yours, hold the brush parallel to the outside edge of the colored part of your eye (the iris).
Where the brush meets the brow is where the highest part of your brow should be.
If you need to fill in your brows, pick a pencil that is one shade lighter than your hair and blend with short strokes using a brow brush.
Using a fluffy brush, cover your entire lid up to the edge right under your eyebrow.
Next, using a smaller brush, apply gray, brown or deep plum to the crease to create definition.
Use a sponge-tipped blending tool or fine brush to smudge the line for a less rigid effect.
To apply, use a fine eyeliner brush and dip both sides of the tip into the gel formula (coat both sides of brush head).
The whitener comes in a small bottle with a paint brush affixed to the cap.
With the most intense color at the outside of the eye and fading as you move in towards the nose; sweep your eye makeup brush towards the inner eye.
After the liquid has set, use a smudger eye makeup brush to smoke it out.
Simply dip the brush into the contour shadow color and dab over the liquid line.
Wet your brush before dipping into your eye shadow to create a stronger color.
Unlike most other powdered mineral makeup, it incorporates an all natural brush into the packaging.
The brush is actually attached to the lid of the jar and is used by simply turning over the lid during application.
Apply the powder on the brush with small circular motions, starting from the center of your face working outwards.
If you find the attached brush difficult to maneuver, consider buying a separate makeup brush.
Also remember to clean your brush every one to two months with warm water and mild soap.
Depending on the brush type you buy, the foundation has multiple uses.
Employ the full coverage brush for an all over foundation or the concealer brush for spot coverage.
For extra sheen, water can be added to the brush during application.
Start with some fun lip-gloss, light blush and mascara and don't forget to brush your brows.
With a brow sealer you can brush the brow up and towards the nose and set it to match the left brow better.
In these home tooth whitening products, the peroxide is applied directly to the teeth with a brush or other applicator.
For instance, Rembrandt Brightening Gloss is applied with a sponge-tip applicator, and Colgate Simply White Clear Whitening Gel is applied with a brush once or twice a day.
The first is my development of my own cosmetic brush set.
A great natural brush is going to work with your skin, it is going to deposit the color correctly, giving you great blendability, and then you can use a $3 eye shadow to create the perfect look.
Rather than use the blue or teal eyeliner that was popular in the 80s, try using a blue or green shade of eye shadow applied under the lower lashes with a tapered liner brush.
This is applied with a makeup brush to ensure even coverage and adequate application.
Applied with a lip gloss style applicator, each side of the container has a unique color and soft tip brush inserted into the cap.
It is in a style that comes in a hard plastic type of jar with a built-in brush.
I paid $12.50 for a 10 gram jar with the brush included.
Start with a little on the brush, swirl it on the top of the sifter jar, then hold the brush facing upward towards the ceiling and tap it on the bottom of the jar or bathroom counter.
Eye Shadow when applied wet with an eyeliner brush can act in place of the standard liner.
Take a brush with a firm pointed edge and blend the eye shadow into the eyeliner.
Smudge your eye shadow with the same shadow color (to soften the liner and to add depth) with a firm pointed soft bristled brush.
Use dark brown mascara on top lashes, shape your brows, and brush on a natural brow color to frame your eyes.