Brucine Sentence Examples
Fraser proved that by substitution of molecules in certain compounds a stimulant could be converted into a sedative action; thus by the addition of the methyl group CH 2 to the molecule of strychnine, thebaine or brucine, the tetanizing action of these drugs is converted into a paralysing action.
Also (d +1) mannonic acid can be split into the d and 1 acids by fractional crystallization of the strychnine or brucine salts.
Tieute, and is generally accompanied by another alkaloid brucine, C23H26N204 41I 2 O, which was isolated by Pelletier and Caventou in 1819.
Brucine closely resembles strychnine, and is its dimethoxy derivative.
Brucine is a local anaesthetic. Strychnine enters the blood as such, being freely absorbed from mucous surfaces or when given hypodermically.
The acid has been synthesized, as has also the inactive form of methylethylacetic acid; this modification is split into its optical antipodes by crystallization of its brucine salt.
Strychnine and brucine very closely resemble each other in action, and under this heading curarine may also be included.