Brought-home Sentence Examples
His resolution brought home just how much she didn't know this Darian.
In order to prevent youthful unchastity, marriages are contracted between children of eight years old, the girl being brought home to live with the lad at his parents' home till a child is born, when a separate dwelling is provided for the youthful couple.
Now we know that Cyrus was buried at Pasargadae and if there is any truth in the statement that the body of Cambyses was brought home " to the Persians " his burying-place must be sought somewhere beside that of his father.
Nicaean emperor, Theodore Lascaris, whom his own father brought home with him from his crusade.
There is such a many-sided richness, such a tenderness, such a poetry, such an originality, such a distinction revealed by the innumerable anecdotes in the memoirs of his disciples, that his personality is brought home to us as one of the most lovable and one of the strongest of men.
An attack made by the Moslems of Candia on the British garrison of that town, with the connivance of the Turkish authorities, brought home to the powers the necessity of removing the Ottoman troops, and the last Turkish soldiers quitted the island on the 14th of November 1898.
It is to be observed that, before the punishment was inflicted, evidence was forthcoming which brought home the outrage of Nivose to the royalists; but this was all one to Bonaparte; his aim was to destroy the Jacobin party, and it never recovered from the blow.
Though this narrative is a mixture of truth and fiction, it may be said with certainty that a thorough study of the philosophy of Peripatetics and Pythagoreans, Stoics and Platonists, brought home to Justin the conviction that true knowledge was not to be found in them.
During the long wars with Genoa, after the defeats of Curzola, Sapienza, Pola, above all during the crisis of the war of Chioggia, it had been brought home to the Venetians that, as they owned no meat or corn-producing territory, a crushing defeat at sea and a blockade on the mainland exposed them to the grave danger of being starved into surrender.
This is especially the case with the Ectocarpi, Desmarestiae, and a few others, which should therefore be brought home in a separate vessel.
AdvertisementHis body was brought home and interred at Badminton.
Perhaps no advance in medicine has done so much as the study of tuberculosis to educate the public in the methods and value of research in medical subjects, for the results, and even the methods, of such labours have been brought home not only to patients and their friends, but also to the farmer, the dairyman, the butcher, the public carrier, and, indeed, to every home in the land.
The surveys and reports of Captain Moresby in 1874 brought home to Queensland (and Australia generally) the dangers possible to her commerce were the coasts opposite to Torres Strait and the entrance to the splendid waterway inside the Barrier Reef to fall into the possession of a foreign power.
Similarly from the side of logic. It is not the teaching of idealism alone but of the facts which logical analysis has brought home to us that all difference in the last resort finds its ground in the quality or content of the things differentiated, and that this difference of content shows in turn a double strand, the strand of sameness and the strand of otherness - that in which and that by which they differ from one another.
These, with other inscriptions on stone and on bronze plates brought home by Englishmen, found a cautious and sound interpreter in Osiander.
AdvertisementHis travels, however, if they enriched his mind, relaxed his character, and he brought home easy morals as well as exquisite manners.
Accordingly, the prime ministers of all the self-governing colonies, with their families, were invited to come to London as the guests of the country to take part in the Jubilee procession; and drafts of the troops from every British colony and dependency were brought home for the same purpose.
The authorities at Ottawa were at first careless or sceptical in regard to the danger, the reality of which was only brought home to them when a body of mounted police, advancing to regain a small post at Duck Lake, of which the rebels had taken possession, was attacked and twelve of their number killed.
Spadella cephaloptera is, however, littoral and oviposits on sea-weed, and the "Valdivia" brought home a deep-sea species.
Conquering Pharaohs brought home trains of prisoners and spoil, embassies came thither of strange people in every variety of costume and of every hue of skin, from Ethiopia, Puoni (Punt), Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Libya, and the islands of the Mediterranean, bringing precious stones, rare animals, beautiful slaves, costly garments and vessels of gold and silver, while the ground shook with the movement of colossal architraves, statues and obelisks.
AdvertisementThe kings of the East leant more than ever upon Greek mercenaries, whose superiority to barbarian levies was sensibly brought home to them by the expedition of Cyrus.
The Crimean War of 1856 brought home to the Porte the slowness of communication between the Persian Gulf and the outlying provinces of the Turkish Empire, while the Mutiny of 1857 taught the British Government a similar lesson in regard to India.
The lost sheep is brought home with a special joy.
Erichsen in 1907 but not known until his records were brought home in 1912.
An attempt was made to show that the contagion was brought home by Cossacks returning from the Turkish War, but on absolutely no evidence.
AdvertisementHe early showed a remarkable aptitude for learning, but had a pronounced aversion for pure rhetoric. His studies at the Ecole des Chartes (where he took first place both on entering and leaving) and at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes did much to develop his critical faculty, and the historical method taught and practised at these establishments brought home to him the dignity of history, which thenceforth became his ruling passion.
Meanwhile colonization progressed in the Azores and Madeira, where sugar and wine were produced; above all, the gold brought home from Guinea stimulated the commercial energy of the Portuguese.
He also engaged in a keen controversy with Robert Lowth, afterwards bishop of London, on the book of Job, in which Lowth brought home charges of lack of scholarship and of insolence that admitted of no denial.
To a house, mainly built by himself at Mabotsa, Livingstone in 1844 brought home his wife, Mary Moffat, the daughter of Moffat of Kuruman.
In order to secure the influence of Thebes, he brought home hostages, including the king's brother, afterwards Philip II., the conqueror of Greece.
Ewe hogs wintered on grass in the low country from the 1st of November are brought home in April, and about the middle of April on the average mountain ewes begin to lamb.
The war was continued for some years with varying results; but in 1781 the capitulation of a second British army under Cornwallis at Yorktown was a decisive blow, which brought home to the minds of the dullest the assurance that the conquest of America was an impossibility.
He also wrote or edited various Chinese works on geography, the celestial and terrestrial spheres, geometry and arithmetic. And the detailed history of the mission was drawn out by him, which after his death was brought home by P. Nicolas Trigault, and published at Augsburg, and later in a complete form at Lyons under the name De Expeditione Christiana apud Sinas Suscepta, ab Soc. Jesu, Ex P. Mat.
The medieval travellers brought home many strange legends of the sea and its peculiarities - some absurd, others with a basis of fact.
She also said if I didn't want to lose you, I'd better start acting more like the man you married and less like the frightened zombie you brought home from the hospital.
He wondered what changed her from the cowering girl he'd brought home with him yesterday to the almost confident woman seated across from him.
Even the more traditional Greek dishes - rabbit stew, stuffed aubergines - can't be brought home.
Firstly, MK Council should enforce the covenant on most houses in MK that prevents vans, etc, being brought home.
The whole exercise brought home to me just what a miserable sham of a show EastEnders was.
One day we brought home a mako shark which my mother cooked for supper.
Later they find the zirconium that Roger brought home and conclude that he is the thief.
After the battle of Kadisiya (Qadisiya) Ctesiphon and the neighbouring towns were taken and plundered by the Arabs in 6 3 7, who brought home an immense amount of booty (see CALIPHATE).
For the natural philosopher the whole point of view of things was changed; in biology not only had the anthropocentric point of view been banished, but the ancient concept of perpetual flux was brought home to ordinary men, and entered for good into the framework of thought.
But he brought home to Jews the perils that confronted them; he compelled many a "semi-detached" son of Israel to rejoin the camp; he forced the "assimilationists" to realize their position and to define it; his scheme gave a new impulse to "Jewish culture," including the popularization of Hebrew as a living speech; and he effectively roused Jews all the world over to an earnest and vital interest in their present and their future.
Mr. Mayo went to Duckhill and brought home many sweet flowers.
This shabby piece of bargaining brought home to me the strength and ruthlessness of the forces ranged against us.
Mom brought home this huge tin of yummy chocolates from where she works, mmm.
The children were incredulous when their parents brought home a puppy.
As for your own questions, which gender you would bring home first doesn't really matter, although two kittens brought home at the same time will learn to get along much more quickly in a neutral environment.
Almost a month ago, we brought home Mo, a now three-month-old male seal point Siamese.
When a kitten is first brought home and begins to exhibit a predilection for sneezing, it is very likely that a cold or flu is responsible for such symptoms.
So, it is possible that your new kitten was infected just prior to being brought home and is now beginning to exhibit flu symptoms.
Once you have located a reputable breeder for Turkish Angora kittens and brought home your chosen cat, you will need to care for her like any other kitten.
The old world charm of this region can be brought home with the use of rich colors, natural materials, and unrefined textures.
The comfort of Southwestern design can be brought home with Thomasville bedding patterns such as Coronado and Tahoe.
The best ornaments are the handmade ones brought home from school and the ones that have been in your family forever.
After attending a wedding, young girls once brought home a piece of cake to slip under their pillows in hopes of dreaming of their future husband.
The first two dogs cohabitated fine without marking any territory until we brought home dog number three.
In spite of this, I brought home some seed of one or two kinds and sowed it where I thought it would have some chance, but nothing ever came of it.
These products have a well-balanced nutrient profile and organic matter content similar to home compost, are immediately available, and can be brought home in the trunk of your car.
Santa's Little Helper - Furniture chewing greyhound that Homer brought home from the dog racing track.
Instead, consider chopping the veggies when they are brought home from the grocery store.
Cline's husband brought home a demo of the track for her, and she hated it, but was coaxed into recording it after the tempo was slowed.
Bear in mind that the Romans brought home interesting food from wherever they conquered and the elite loved to have the richest of foods they could manage.