Brought-back Sentence Examples
An article on young girl reported missing from her Worcester home brought back memories of Betsy searching for more details on similar disappearances.
Cynthia went to the hall desk and brought back an envelope.
Then he asked, Have you checked the items I brought back from Norfolk?
The ultra sound photo brought back a vivid memory of Alex watching the screen as the baby moved in her womb.
The scene brought back a flood of memories to Dean.
Just do what you were brought back to do.
What of the Guardians, were they brought back?
Her attention was abruptly brought back to Justin.
He must be recovered and brought back to Russia at all hazards.
However large the wealth he brought back from India, all was swallowed up in defraying the expenses of his trial.
AdvertisementAfter the restoration of the temple the senate sent ambassadors in 76 to Erythrae to collect the oracles afresh and they brought back about 1000 verses; others were collected in Ilium, Samos, Sicily, Italy and Africa.
In the end he was brought back to York, but not to the undivided see.
By them the Parthian War was brought to a conclusion in 165, but Verus and his army brought back with them a terrible pestilence, which spread through the whole empire.
A relapse of the city led to a new ban of the emperor Matthias in 1613, and in the following year Spinola's Spanish troops brought back the recalcitrant city to the Catholic fold.
Flies seem capable of adapting themselves to extremes of cold equally as well as to those of heat, and species belonging to the order are almost invariably included in the collections brought back by members of Arctic expeditions.
AdvertisementThe Judaean Sheshbazzar (a corruption of some Babylonian name) brought back the Temple vessels which Nebuchadrezzar had carried away and prepared to undertake the work at the expense of the royal purse.
But while such men went out into the world and brought back wealth of one kind or another to Palestine, other Jews were content to make their homes in foreign parts.
It is said to be ascertained that he was brought back to the Temple the night of 24-25th, and that this was a test to assure the ease of seizing him."
An impostor, who claimed to be a son of Antiochus Epiphanes, Alexander Balas (reigned 150-145), was installed as king by Ptolemy Philometor and given Ptolemy's daughter Cleopatra to wife, but Alexander proved to be dissolute and incapable, and when Demetrius, the son of Demetrius I., was brought back to Syria by Cretan condottieri, Ptolemy transferred his support and Cleopatra to the rightful heir.
Spon brought back many valuable treasures, coins, inscriptions and manuscripts, and in later years published various important works on archaeology, notably his Voyage d'Italie, de Dalmatie, de Grece et du Levant (1678), and a Histoire de la republique de Geneve (1680).
AdvertisementSeleucus' assassination by Ptolemy Ceraunus in the same year brought back confusion.
The elephants which Alexander brought back from India were used in the armies of his successors, and in 302 Seleucus procured a new supply.
In 438-439 she made an ostentatious pilgrimage to Jerusalem, whence she brought back several precious relics; during her stay at Antioch she harangued the senate in Hellenic style and distributed funds for the repair of its buildings.
If he abandoned his holding he was brought back and punished; and any one who received him had not only to restore him but to pay a penalty.
In July he was brought back to England, and from this time until August 1887 Stevenson's home was at Bournemouth.
AdvertisementThere is some evidence that he made a journey to Rome (441-443) and brought back with him valuable relics.
Arrested at Varennes, and brought back to Paris, he was maintained as a constitutional king, and took his oath on the 13th of September 1791.
He was taken prisoner on the 10th of May by Federal troops near Irwinville, Irwin county, Georgia, and was brought back to Old Point, Virginia, in order to be confined in prison at Fortress Monroe.
Here the Amahlubi prospered, and after the diamond fields had been discovered many of the young men who had been to Kimberley brought back firearms. These Langalibalele refused to register, and entered into negotiations with several tribes with the object of organizing a general revolt.
The mounted troops Kop. engaged a Boer force north-west of the point of Spion passage, but were brought back to take part in a general right wheel of the forces of the Tugela, pivoting on Trichardt's Drift.
He went back to Sicily, warred with Carthage on his own account, and brought back the bones of the unburied Syracusans from Himera, but was still so dreaded that the people banished Diodes without restoring him.
Chosroes fled to Syria, and persuaded the emperor Maurice to send help. Many leading men and part of the troops acknowledged Chosroes, and in 591 he was brought back to Ctesiphon.
Thus the Nestorian Church in India, voluntarily and with perfect indifference to theological dogmas, passed under Jacobite rule, and when early in the 18th century, Mar Gabriel, a Nestorian bishop, came to Malabar, he had a cool reception, and could only detach a small following of Syrians whom he brought back to the old Nestorianism.
On his return to Constantinople, Constantine managed to escape to the Asiatic coast, but being brought back practically by force he was seized and blinded.
His body was brought back to England, and buried at Clevedon on the 3rd of January 1834.
As soon as he could be brought back he formed an administration, and appointed Gladstone to a junior lordship of the treasury.
Having thus secured his eastern frontier, Heraclius returned to Constantinople with ample spoils, including the true cross, which in 629 he brought back in person to Jerusalem.
His body was brought back by sea to England and buried at St Giles's, the family seat in Dorsetshire.
Like him, he is lame and an outcast for nine years; like him, he is brought back in time of need.
From this expedition he brought back to Paris a precious relic, the tunic of St Vincent, in honour of which he built at the gates of Paris the famous monastery of St Vincent, known later as St Germain-des-Pres.
His command at sea was interrupted in 1651, when as majorgeneral he was brought back to the army and took part in the battle of Worcester.
His hiding-place, however, was be trayed and he was arrested and brought back into the city.
Englishmen, wandering inland and losing their way, have been found and brought back by them.
The Creoles brought back new ideas.
Sir Samuel Morland was sent on a special mission to Turin, and to him were confided by the Vaudois leaders copies of their religious books, which he brought back to England, and ultimately gave to the university library at Cambridge.
During this period he established no fewer than 120 schools; moreover he brought back the Italian language which had been displaced by the French in the services of the Vaudois church, and in 1849 built a church for them in Turin.
But the expedition brought back a considerable knowledge of the country and its products, and the Roman leader seems to have perceived that the best entrance to South Arabia was from the havens on the coast.
Naval expeditions from Berenice and Myoshormus to the Arabian ports brought back the information on which Claudius Ptolemy constructed his map, which still surprises us by its wealth of geographical names.
His body was brought back to England, and buried at Chislehurst.
In 1784 he ran away from school to enlist in the artillery, but was brought back and sent to study law at Lyons and Dijon.
Thus we are brought back to the 1st century A.D.
In return Maine brought back from his Indian office a store of knowledge which enriched all his later writings, though he took India by name for his theme only once.
Hort (commonly quoted as WH), the Cambridge scholars, supplied the deficiencies of Lachmann, and without giving up the advantages of his system, and its development by Tischendorf, brought back the study of the text of the New Testament to the methods of Griesbach.
The mere immobility of the body was sufficient to show that its state was not identical with that of waking; when, in addition, the sleeper awoke to give an account of visits to distant lands, from which, as modern psychical investigations suggest, he may even have brought back veridical details, the conclusion must have been irresistible that in sleep something journeyed forth, which was not the body.
It fell com pletely into decay, and it is only of recent years that the jungle has been cleared away, the ruins laid bare, and some measure of prosperity brought back to the surrounding country by the restoration of hundreds of village tanks.
In the next year he published the poems he had brought back with him from Rome, the Latin Poemata, the Antiquités de Rome, the Jeux rustiques, and the 191 sonnets of the Regrets, the greater number of which were written in Italy.
Sennacherib made Nineveh his court residence and, after his destruction of Babylon and the influx of the enormous booty brought back from his conquests, it must have been the most magnificent and wealthiest city of the East.
A long and fatiguing tour of inspection over the latest of his great public works, the Ladoga Canal, during the autumn of 1724, brought back another attack of his paroxysms, and he reached Petersburg too ill to rally again, though he showed himself in public as late as the 16th of January 1725.
Yet the wave of reaction which soon overwhelmed the freer tendencies of the first reformers, brought back the old view until the revival of biblical criticism more than a century ago.
The populace of the Tiber welcomed and expelled him with equal enthusiasm, and when his body was brought back from exile, the mob went before the cortege and threw mud and stones upon the funeral litter.
Chandra Das also brought back from his journeys a large number of interesting books in Tibetan and Sanskrit, the most valuable of which have been edited and published by him, some with the assistance of Ugyen Gyatso and other lamas.
Perhaps this, as well as his meddling with astrology, caused him to be charged with practising magic, the particular accusations being that he brought back into his purse, by the aid of the devil, all the money he paid away, and that he possessed the philosopher's stone.
When The exiles returned from Babylon they probably brought back with them the practice of keeping the festival.
The cope belonged to the convent of Syon near Isleworth, was taken to Portugal at the Reformation, brought back early in the 19th century to England by exiled nuns and given by them to the Earl of Shrewsbury.
The disintegrated ground is then brought back in the trucks and fed through perforated cylinders into the washing pans; the hard blue which has resisted disintegration on the floors, and the lumps which are too big to pass the cylindrical sieves, are crushed before going to the pans.
This was soon transferred to Cambrai, but brought back to its original seat about 1100.
The mercenary troops at Elephantine mutinied and attempted to desert to Ethiopia, but were brought back and punished.
They were enlisted by Thruston and brought back under the British flag to Uganda.
Although his resources had been so completely drained that he had been forced to melt the silver in his palaces and to debase the coinage, his energy soon brought back the national prosperity.
The picture, painted for the elector Frederick of Saxony, is now in the Imperial Gallery at Vienna; the overcrowded canvas (into which Darer has again introduced his own portrait as a spectator alongside of the elector) is full of striking and animated detail, but fails to make any great impression on the whole, and does not do justice to the improved sense of breadth and balance in design, of clearness and dignity in composition, which the master had undoubtedly brought back with him from his second visit to Italy.
His exile gave rise to a schism in the church, and the Johannists (as they were called) did not return to communion with the archbishop of Constantinople till the relics of the saint were, 30 years after, brought back to the Eastern metropolis with great pomp and the emperor publicly implored forgiveness from Heaven for the guilt of his ancestors.
His body was brought back to Dublin and buried in Glasnevin cemetery.
His body was thrown into the sea, recovered and buried at a distance from the capital by his friends, and only brought back to Constantinople after many years.
A mythic claim was thus formed to justify the Athenian attack, and Cimon brought back the bones of Theseus to Athens in triumph.
One of these converts, Baba Budan by name, is said to have gone on a pilgrimage to Mecca and to have brought back with him the coffee berry, which he planted on the hill range in Mysore still called after him.
It is supposed that sea-going merchants, mostly Dravidians, and not Aryans, availing themselves of the monsoons, traded in the 7th century B.C. from the south-west ports of India to Babylon, and that there they became acquainted with a Semitic alphabet, which they brought back with them, and from which all the alphabets now used in India, Burma, Siam and Ceylon have been gradually evolved.
But the first Greek historian who speaks clearly of India was Hecataeus of Miletus (549-486 B.C.); the knowledge of Herodotus (450 B.C.) ended at the Indus; and Ctesias, the physician (401 B.C.), brought back from his residence in Persia only a few facts about the products of India, its dyes and fabrics, its monkeys and parrots.
The club has now disappeared, and the gates brought back to India by Lord Ellenborough are recognized to be a clumsy forgery.
An occasional traveller brought back stories of powerful kingdoms and of untold wealth; but the passage by sea was unthought of, and by land many wide deserts and warlike tribes lay between.
He brought back no less than ten speeches of Cicero previously unknown to the Italians, viz.
Maslama brought back the rest of his army in a pitiful state, while the fleet, on its return, was partly destroyed by a violent tempest.
Happily for these unfortunate doctors, they had scarcely reached Adana, when news of the caliph's death arrived and they were brought back to Bagdad.
Serpents were supposed to know of a root which brought back their dead to life, and an old Greek story told how certain mortals took the hint.
Together with these statements in our sources are still mingled fragments of the more ordinary cataclysmic, apocalyptic conceptions, which in spite of much ingenious exegesis, cannot be brought into harmony with Christ's predominant teaching, but remain as foreign elements in the words of the Master, possibly brought back through his disciples, or, more probably, used by Jesus uncritically - a part of the current religious imagery in which he shared.
The first in 1915 met with an accident, and had to winter in North Star Bay; the second in 1916 failed to get through Melville Bay, but the third in 1917 brought back safely those members of the expedition who had not previously returned via the Danish settlements in Greenland.
Stefansson's expedition also brought back many observations in anthropology and geology.
In 1869 Joseph Halevy brought back 1 See Berger's Histoire de l'ecriture dans l'antiquite, p. 252 ff.; Lidzbarski, Nordsemitische Epigraphik, p. 186 ff., from whom this summary is taken.
The right wing of the 19th was still holding on Globocak and had been reinforced by the ist Bersaglieri Brigade; Alpine troops still held a line down to the river, though they had been driven off their original positions on Krad Vrh, and troops of the 64th were being brought back from the left bank to strengthen this line.
He was here arrested and brought back in chains to Constance, where he was examined by judges appointed by the council.
In 1144 he brought back Raymond of Antioch to his allegiance, and in the following year drove the Turks out of Isauria.
A month later they started for the coast, but had not proceeded far when they were all brought back and put into confinement.
The ghost has now been brought back to much of true life again by the skill of the most scrupulous of all restorers, Cavaliere Cavenaghi, who, acting under the authority of a competent commission, and after long and patient experiment, found it possible to secure to the wall the innumerable blistered, mildewed and half-detached flakes and scales of the original work that yet remained, to clear the surface thus obtained of much of the obliterating accretions due to decay and mishandling, and to bring the whole to unity by touching tenderly in with tempera the spots and spaces actually left bare.
Edmund de la Pole accordingly was brought back to England and lodged in the Tower.
On another occasion he is said to have brought back to her right mind a young mother whom sorrow had for a time deprived of reason.
The fine Lombard Romanesque cathedral, originally founded in 7 4 2, was rebuilt in the early 12th century and consecrated in 1106; it suffered from restoration in 1706, but has been brought back to its original form.
It was by this latter route that the traders brought back to India the Brahmi alphabet, the art of brickmaking and the legend of the Flood.
But they survived to see Luthers day, and to merge themselves in one body with the first English travelling scholars and merchants who brought back from the continent the doctrines of the German Reformation.
On Lord Beaconsfields return, however, he claimed for Lord Salisbury and himself that they had brought back peace with honor, and the country accepted with wild delight the phrase, without taking much trouble to analyse its justice.
A final remainder under the marquess's settlement brought back castle and lands on the failure in 1553 of the heirs male of the body of Henry VII., and Henry, Lord Berkeley, had special livery of them in his minority.
Another theory is that, as the knowledge of geography extended, travellers brought back reports of tribes ruled entirely by women, who carried out the duties which elsewhere were regarded as peculiar to man, in whom alone the rights of nobility and inheritance were vested, and who had the supreme control of affairs.
During this latter year also John Fernandez spent seven months among the natives of the Arguim coast, and brought back the first trustworthy first-hand European account of the Sahara hinterland.
During his second tenure of this office he removed the courts of justice from London to York, but they were soon brought back to the metropolis.
It was not till 1899 that the unfortunate prisoner was brought back to France for retrial by court-martial, and even then, so strong was the anti-Semitic and military prejudice, he was again found guilty "with extenuating circumstances" at Rennes (September 9), though ten days later he was "pardoned" by President Loubet.
Dutch vessels brought back reports on the islands in 1643, and in 1656 Van Riebeek, the founder of Cape Town, sent a ship from Table Bay to Tristan to see if it was suitable for a military station, but the absence of a harbour led to the project being abandoned.
Hence he lays the greatest stress on the conception of God's disposition of salvation towards mankind (oeconomia), the object of which is that mankind, who in Adam were sunk in sin and death, should in Christ, comprised as it were in his person, be brought back to life.
Voltaire, Montesquieu, the Encyclopaedists and the Physiocrats (recurring to the tradition of Bayle and Fontenelle), by dissolving in their analytical crucible all consecrated beliefs and all fixed institutions, brought back into the human society of the 18th century that humanity which had been so rudely eliminated.
Vainly did Louis, brought back a captive to Paris, swear on the I4th of September 1791 solemnly mere lip-service to the constitution; the mistrustful party of revolution abandoned the constitution they had only just obtained, and to guard against the sovereigns mental reservations and the selfish policy of the middle classes, appealed to the main force of the people.
John was brought back to Freiburg (April 27), and there in vain attempted to appease the wrath which he had aroused by more or less vague promises of resignation.
Cromwell's envoy, Sir Samuel Morland (1625-1695), had brought back from Piedmont MSS.
Captains Speke and Grant, who had travelled through Uganda and came down the White Nile in 1863, and Sir Samuel Baker, who went up the same river as far as Albert Nyanza, brought back harrowing tales of the misery caused by the slave-hunters.
Her reading had shed some insight, saying that when an Oracle died, she could be brought back to life by a blood bond.
The tears stopped of their own accord after a while, and the calm of her mind brought back her focus.
By the price of His precious blood we are brought back to God.
Robert Fortune disguised himself as an Asian to evade capture and brought back Pom pom chrysanthemums.
His claim that he has brought back " peace for our time " will be critically examined by the House.
Carvings of elephant ivory were first brought back from the West African coast by Portuguese explorers in the 15 th century.
However, she brought back influences from the States and her patterns became far more figurative.
The Russians brought back the long out of favor rocket as a major contribution to artillery firepower.
The 117 twin has had it's two overhauled gearboxes fitted, and all four heaters brought back to life.
The fourth new-comer is Puma, an agile gibbon who has been brought back to be a mate with the center's agile male.
He was brought back to the hand clinic a week later with a diagnosis of fracture base of the fourth metacarpal.
All of the rabbits that we brought back with us had been badly mistreated, most of which had severe health problems.
She was brought back to England and imprisoned alongside the celebrated Victorian murderess, Florence Maybrick.
Robert Fortune disguised himself as an Asian to evade capture and brought back pom Pom pom chrysanthemums.
The micrometer is now clamped in position-angle by the clamp C, the star again brought back to the axis, and delicate adjustment given in position-angle by the slow-motion screw M, till the star-image remains bisected whilst it traverses the whole length of the position-web by the diurnal motion only.
The impulse given to the study of natural history by the example of Linnaeus; the results brought back by Sir Joseph Banks, Dr Solander and the two Forsters, who accompanied Cook in his voyages of discovery; the studies of De Saussure in the Alps, and the lists of desiderata in physical geography drawn up by that investigator, combined to ' Printed in Schriften zur physischen Geographie, vol.
The secular power over riches and worldly goods which the clergy possesses in contradiction to Christ's precept, to the prejudice of its office and to the detriment of the secular arm, shall be taken and withdrawn from it, and the clergy itself shall be brought back to the evangelical rule and an apostolic life such as that which Christ and his apostles led...
One Transylvanian raider, Gyula, brought back with him from Constantinople a Greek monk, Hierothus (c. 950), who was consecrated " first bishop of Turkia."
John sought safety in flight, but was discovered in his place of hiding and brought back to Rome, where after enduring cruel and ignominious tortures he was immured in a dungeon.
In 1825 the reactionary parlement once more brought back the middle ages, by decreeing the death penalty for public profanation, the execution to be preceded by the amende honorable before the church doors.
In November 1492 a party sent out by Columbus from the vessels of his first expedition to explore the island of Cuba brought back information that they had seen people who carried a lighted firebrand to kindle fire, and perfumed themselves with certain herbs which they carried along with them.
Lamentations) Yahweh's jealousy against the semi-heathen Judah has become a jealousy for his people, and we appear to move in the thought of Haggai and Zechariah, where the remnant are comforted by Yahweh's return and the dispersed exiles are to be brought back (cf.
The servant brought back his tumbler turned upside down, * with an unfinished bit of nibbled sugar, and asked if anything more would be wanted.
Boris, grown more manly and looking fresh, rosy and self-possessed, entered the drawing room elegantly dressed in the uniform of an aide-de- camp and was duly conducted to pay his respects to the aunt and then brought back to the general circle.
Anisya Fedorovna, with her light step, willingly went to fulfill her errand and brought back the guitar.
If they're sent out and brought back again later on it will do no harm, but as things are now one can't answer for anything.
With regard to religion, Napoleon ordered the priests to be brought back and services to be again performed in the churches.
At night he would go out for booty and always brought back French clothing and weapons, and when told to would bring in French captives also.
Would you like some?... and Petya ran out into the passage to his Cossack and brought back some bags which contained about five pounds of raisins.
At the end of the recording you will be gently brought back to full waking consciousness with a combination of suggestion and music.
The Victorian visage of the old building brought back happy childhood memories for the elderly woman.
Seafarers who traveled to the island ports, especially in the Caribbean, often brought back gifts known as sailors' valentines because they'd give the shell-encrusted items to their lovers.
Although Tiffany prom dresses change their available selection yearly, the following cuts are brought back year after year in each collection, with different color and fabric choices to compliment fashion and color trends.
Hillary Duff vs. Lindsay Lohan - Lohan's limbs and head were snapped off her body like small twigs, yet she was brought back to life in the Time Machine, as Nick Diamond admitted to stalking her.
In the case of The Biggest Loser, nine former contestants were brought back to see how their hard work during the show paid off afterwards.
We can't leave him outside, because he barks from the time he is put outside until he's brought back inside.
A deeper combat system from Warrior Within was kept, while the narrations and story-like presentation were brought back from Sands of Time.
You'll have to find your body and resurrect where you died, or you can request to be brought back at the nearest graveyard (with a 10% durability loss on gear and resurrection sickness for ten minutes).
The publication of this book brought back attention to Mason's philosophy of education.
The format of This Old House varies, since the crew of the program travels around the United States searching for homes that can be renovated and brought back to a semblance of their former glory.
Quite simply, the idea of a sandless beach blanket is that it will not absorb or hold any sand, so that when you are packing up to go home, you can stow it away without feeling like you've brought back half the beach with you.
Simply, a zombie is a dead person who has been brought back to the living by an unseen, unnatural or supernatural force.
In 2005, Jessica Simpson single handedly brought back the boots as a must-have fashion accessory with her role in the hit movie The Dukes of Hazard.
These heels were brought back onto the fashion scene in the early 2000s, but by 2005 they were already fading out in favor of stilettos and wedge heels.
Other times actors will leave a daytime soap to pursue other opportunities, or a character will be written out of a show and then brought back at a later date and the original actor is unavailable.
In addition to vintage bras, some lingerie makers brought back the cone bra.
However, by 1947, economies and outlooks were starting to improve, and designer Christian Dior introduced his famous New Look, which brought back the hourglass figure and an extravagant amount of fabric.
Also, in season 11, instead of new contestants, the show brought back competitors from seven of the previous 10 seasons, giving teams yet another chance at the grand prize.
This challenge is usually larger than all of the others, and many of the past contestants are brought back to help the finalists complete the work.
Dog the Bounty Hunter had already been pulled off the airwaves, but thanks to support from big legal players and a petition of viewer signatures, the show was brought back with new episodes in mid 2008.
She was brought back once again as one of his suitors.
In the summer of 2010, Krisily became part of the cast for Bachelor Pad, a hybrid of sorts that brought back memorable bachelors and bachelorettes to compete for $250,000 - and perhaps a second chance at love.
Actor Anthony Montgomery auditioned for two roles on Voyager before being brought back and cast as Ensign Travis Mayweather on Enterprise.
The ship represented the first capital space ship created by Earth using technology, concepts and ideas brought back through the Stargate.
RoboCop - After a dead cop gets brought back to life in the form of a cyborg, he rids the streets of Detroit of crime better than an entire department of policemen ever could.
Said it brought back sad memories.
Memory of the phone call brought back a dark question.
The crusaders brought back fresh developments; Gog and Magog (partly Arab and partly Greek) and some Jewish stories were then added.