Brought Sentence Examples
I brought you something to eat.
That was the end of the conversation and neither of them brought the subject up again that night.
The memory brought goose bumps to her arms.
Wars have often been the result of misunderstandings brought about by language.
Although his father was a king, Cyrus was brought up like the son of a common man.
The candles were brought in.
Yet when they brought her back, she was asleep.
The idea brought a rush of heat to her neck.
I had found a few early violets in the garden and brought them to my teacher.
When I was four years old, as I well remember, I was brought from Boston to this my native town, through these very woods and this field, to the pond.
AdvertisementThe movement brought a painful awareness of how stiff her muscles were becoming.
Boris, grown more manly and looking fresh, rosy and self-possessed, entered the drawing room elegantly dressed in the uniform of an aide-de- camp and was duly conducted to pay his respects to the aunt and then brought back to the general circle.
The seclusion she knew well, having been brought up less than five miles from this house.
Someone from the church or clinic must have been by and brought it for Alex.
In my time too; the war brought some money in and coal was getting dug so's there was jobs.
AdvertisementTo one of these houses which had neither doors nor windows, but only one broad opening far up underneath the roof, the prisoners were brought by their captors.
Early in the morning two horses were brought to the door.
A low rumble brought her attention to the horizon.
As we move out from that defined center, we come to disorders and disabilities—impairments of bodily systems that are brought about by injury, disease, or genetics.
It brought her closer to the time when she could go back to the ranch.
AdvertisementAs usual, that thought brought the sting of tears to her eyes.
Martha finally brought to daylight what was on all our minds.
We constantly longed to follow up on our endeavors and make sure what Howie discovered was brought to a positive conclusion.
Do you wish it brought at once?
The 1960s brought us hip replacement, the artificial heart, a liver transplant, and a lung transplant.
AdvertisementHad he brought her all the way out here to force himself on her?
Anatole brought two candles and placed them on the window sill, though it was already quite light.
The young Princess Bolkonskaya had brought some work in a gold- embroidered velvet bag.
So that's why you brought me here.
The maid brought it.
So he was brought, quite blind, straight to her, and he goes up to her and falls down and says, 'Make me whole,' says he, 'and I'll give thee what the Tsar bestowed on me.'
But really, I fell into the pool at the fountain, and this kind man brought me here to get me dry.
But the travellers were obliged to rest, and while they were sitting on the rocky floor the Wizard felt in his pocket and brought out the nine tiny piglets.
The lesson in manners was not forgotten; for, always after that, the man was very polite when he brought his presents.
Despite their pale swollen faces and tattered uniforms, the hussars formed line for roll call, kept things in order, groomed their horses, polished their arms, brought in straw from the thatched roofs in place of fodder, and sat down to dine round the caldrons from which they rose up hungry, joking about their nasty food and their hunger.
We brought the ice cream.
He shifted forward, gripping her forearms in a way that brought their faces inches apart.
The caliph at once gave orders for the gardener to be brought before him the next day.
I made a terrified noise that brought Viny, my old nurse, to the rescue.
Ten minutes later Lavrushka brought the coffee.
He brought with him into our rearguard all the freshness of atmosphere of the French army, which was so alien to us.
Say that everything out of the hothouses must be brought here well wrapped up in felt.
He was conducted from that room along passages that turned backwards and forwards and was at last brought to the doors of the Lodge.
Two letters brought by a courier were handed to Speranski and he took them to his study.
With the help of a footman Tikhon brought in the bedstead and began putting it up.
He slung the dishtowel over his shoulder and one long step brought him to a point where she was pinned in the corner of the counter.
Tammy was in the back seat asleep, so she carefully unbuckled her and carried her to the house while Sarah brought in the shopping sacks.
Bordeaux was watching her in a way that brought color to her cheeks again.
I brought you breakfast!
It brought a further smile to the old man's face.
What do you mean, brought the Council together?
Lana brought up the energy grids.
Daylight brought the sounds of gunfire and rockets on top of the mountain that didn't cease even when night fell again.
I brought her back!
Maybe it had been a silly thing to do, but it had certainly brought her closer to his heart – although she hadn't thought so at the time.
An hour after they returned home, a trailer brought the two buffalo.
Friday Alex brought her home.
Looking at her daughter, she was grateful for the one part of her life that brought her joy.
Last night had brought him no closer to figuring out why she was pushing him away, though he'd begun to realize his body's response to her was endangering his own resolve not to be involved with anyone else ever again.
Just do what you were brought back to do.
She made it only a few steps before the shaking earth brought her to her knees.
Bianca and Sofi shared a look before Sofi said grudgingly, "Xander brought you."
What of the Guardians, were they brought back?
Because you brought your war here!
When he sat down in his recliner, she brought him her favorite book.
It was difficult to believe that Alex had been brought up wealthy.
I brought a pole, but I don't have any bait for catfish.
His interest in the goat dairy had brought him to her in the beginning.
Sure, she brought a farrier in, but that wasn't every day.
Alex joined them as they started serving and later drove his truck down and brought the team and wagon up to the footbridge.
Her attention was brought to the present when Alex returned.
Us. Sam brought her by this morning.
His voice brought her back to the present.
The events of this summer had made him acutely aware of mortality, but it had brought on another realization as well.
Thinking about what he did to Carmen brought his mind to a boil.
The acrid smell of cigarette ashes burned her nose and brought tears to her eyes.
The first door brought her to a small bedroom, and the other to the kitchen.
A sharp pain brought her out of the chair with a cry of alarm.
She brought the whip down with such force that it whistled through the air.
Another deafening clap of thunder brought her hands instinctively to her ears.
His voice brought a fresh surge of homesickness.
He turned into a drive and brought the car to a halt.
If she had simply confronted him and told him she knew Dad sent him, everything would have been brought into the open then.
They seemed glad to get out themselves, and as if unwilling to be brought in.
Old women's nonsense--old women's nonsense! he repeated, but still he patted Pierre affectionately on the shoulder, and then went up to the table where Prince Andrew, evidently not wishing to join in the conversation, was looking over the papers his father had brought from town.
What... what they have brought us to!
The prisoners were brought down from the battery and among them was a wounded French general, whom the officers surrounded.
After that a long-frocked abbe was brought to her.
This letter was brought to Pierre's house when he was on the field of Borodino.
This is what we have brought away....
Tears stung her eyes as she brought her hand around and struck his other cheek with a ringing blow.
By the time she brought lunch and a blanket down, he had a large area cleared under the cottonwood tree.
Quinn peeked over the edge of his magazine as Martha brought a pen and pad from the kitchen.
She'd tried to hide her fangs from him, but smiling brought his attention to them.
Relief brought tears to her eyes.
If he brought her more fish tomorrow morning, she'd have rope enough to reach the cliff edge ten feet above.
The sharp command brought the dog up short.
They brought you in here Monday evening, and this is Wednesday morning.
A brisk step in the hallway brought her attention sharply back to the present.
No, the goats brought you the first time.
The dawn brought cool air and dense fog.
He brought me to you for some reason.
She brought her elbow around into his ribs and the air escaped his lungs in a startled groan of protest.
Each passing year brought the mayhem further northward, causing the old timers and the local newspaper to fret for the good old days when violence was no worse than a dog fight.
I was born and brought up in these wild Arkansas hills.
He brought the buggy to a halt and took her hand in his.
His resolution brought home just how much she didn't know this Darian.
He wanted to see what was on the other side, even if it brought up memories he wanted to forget.
I brought these back for Jonny.
I would not have brought us this way if not.
My father would gift me his kingdom if I brought you to him.
He'd entered the city with the men he brought - -his personal guard - -and left only Vara with the queen.
What have you ever brought me?
When the moon is at its highest, see that she's brought to me in the great hall for the ceremony.
I brought the two men I trust most.
That might explain why Carmen was content with so little, but some people brought up in those circumstances would be even more determined not to live that way.
What brought that on?
While the men were working on the fence, a delivery truck brought the stanchion.
She shook her head and the motion brought on a dizzy spell.
His brother was brought in and finally confessed, professing he had no knowledge of Jude's criminal activities.
Granted, he's been secretive about Julie but the fact he brought her here to meet us shows he's opening up.
It looked more like she brought him.
You brought our man closer to being identified than anyone else so you should kiss off any guilty feelings.
Martha had brought along baby Claire and Molly was enthralled.
I carefully explained again what Willard Humphries related of Grasso's conversations; that he had an isolated place where he brought his victims.
The two types of beings had last brought their war to the mortal realm during the time of the Schism, when they'd almost destroyed the universe.
He brought her a blanket and draped it over her.
Whoever had brought her here was coming for her.
I brought you here, didn't I?
And he'd brought her somewhere where she could be safe.
I brought you back.
Pierre had brought in a dress box and shoe box earlier.
She wiped her eyes before turning to face whatever new challenge Damian brought with him.
Dusty's whisper brought him out of his mind, and he realized he was kneeling on the floor with his head bowed.
Jule's text message brought him back to the unpleasant task ahead of him.
Someone brought you in, Linda said wisely.
Damian brought me back, but I can't live without … his blood.
She was his, and she brought him a sense of peace.
Every step he took brought more memories of people and places he felt to his core he knew – but couldn't recognize.
He brought her back, and she gave him me.
It left her on the covered landing where Darkyn first brought her.
The idea that Gabriel's people were there brought confusion.
I brought this, in case you needed a negotiation tool to use to protect yourself from him.
It was the night he provoked her and forced her to say the words that brought her world crashing down.
The bond brought mates together, but it didn't create a relationship.
It was the first time Darkyn ever brought his daughter up.
The thought brought a shiver that coursed down her body as she tried to picture the scene as she and Caleb stumbled deeper into the mine.
What brought on all this talk?
God, I sound like 'two o'clock, brought to you by Ivory soap, tune in again tomorrow.'
After they were settled in the vehicle and on their way back to town, Jennifer Radisson brought up the more mundane subjects of the mine and her litigation.
While sleep was only partially suspended and Dean's fantasy returned, morning brought the news that the noise had been real—Pumpkin Green had left in the night, bumping his shopping cart down the stairs to a clandestine exit.
He brought Cynthia up to speed on his meeting with Lydia after confirming there was no further word on Martha's disappearance.
He brought her up to date.
A knock on the door brought only silence.
Dean then brought Lydia Larkin into the picture by telling Jake Weller how she had radioed Fitzgerald with the two Denver investigators in her car, making the call from the spot where he claimed she'd be out of reception.
He filled one pad and then another as they brought him up to speed, while Mrs. Lincoln nudged his pencil for attention.
He explained no cigarettes were found with the remains Fitzgerald brought to Bird Song nor was there any such evidence when the Deans visited the site.
Weren't you afraid Billy would know what he saw wasn't the fake bones Fitzgerald brought out of the mine?
Lydia Larkin was never brought into the picture.
The woman who brought sunshine into every room, who managed to touch his sick heart.
As the deity who brought you back from the dead-dead, you are obligated to me, she reminded him.
She ate at restaurants, where food was brought to her.
The human emotions were crippling the cold logic that brought her to this point.
Rather than taking souls and risking a run-in with him or his dealers, the demons snatched the dead or killed whomever they wanted and brought them here, where they'd have more time for soul extraction.
The five remaining death-dealers he brought with him were quickly extracting souls.
He cured my human side, brought the deity side back, and joined our souls, she replied a little too quickly.
She was supposed to attract Gabriel, until I was brought back, and then she was to be turned over to Darkyn as his mate.
You brought me here to play with me.
For a moment he was certain the familiar voice of a woman was a memory, perhaps brought on by standing in Deidre's apartment.
You brought your shit into my backyard.
From the time Alex brought him home for a visit, they had been like father and son.
Lori's voice brought Carmen's attention back to the visitor.
He eyed her from head to toe with an open appreciation that brought warmth to her face.
The idea brought up a tirade.
Alex selected a clean towel from the things he had brought to the barn and waited a little longer.
She stepped toward him and brought her knee up into his groin.
At Carmen's startled gasp, he said he didn't think that was an issue because they brought him back quickly.
Sometimes she brought a book and read to him, but most of the time she talked about the children, relatives and the animals.
The next morning she brought him a larger tablet and a padded lap desk.
The next morning when she arrived, Alex was dressed in the clothes she had brought him the day before.
Alex brought one hand up toward his mouth and brought it down to an upturned palm.
It shouldn't have, but the emotion was so strong that it brought tears to her eyes.
When Katie brought the twins over one hot August day, Carmen finally found the courage to bring up the subject.
Her steady gaze brought a smile to his lips and he set the book aside.
Her smile brought one to his lips.
Sorry. New client brought in a dump truck full of receipts and needs his return done by close of business today.
I came right here, where the radar brought me.
Gabriel brought you here through the shadow world.
The ocean breeze brought the familiar scent of brandy.
Intrigued by the offer she brought him before she disappeared, he was beginning to think he should've made the deal official.
In fact, it was empty, except for the nun who brought her breakfast.
Someone brought her a colorful picture book.
Deidre almost understood why the portals brought her wherever this was.
Before she crossed over, past-Deidre brought me back.
You think I brought you back because of that …er, relationship.
You brought our father from the dead-dead?
From what he knew, if they brought her back, she'd be however she left the earth.
He tipped his head towards the man he'd brought with him.
She brought nothing but terror.
The second sucked the strength out of her body and brought tunnel vision.
The voice of the friendly nurse from the nurse's station brought her back from her thoughts.
She'd dared to hope again that everything was a hallucination brought on by too much alcohol, until Toby burst in chasing a cat she didn't remember owning.
It was dark wherever he'd brought her, and she looked around in wary curiosity.
He was glad Kiki brought him and just as troubled by his brother's doubt.
The wooden door and whitewashed walls --along with the open window above the bed allowing in balmy air --soon brought to mind a more tropical place.
And then he brought her here to be healed.
Megan helped and stacked socks and underwear in her pile and then brought her a light wool jacket, leather gloves, hat, and scarf.
He brought in a healer who pieced me back together when he was done.
She followed what she thought was the path Ully had brought her on and found her way to the women's barracks.
Now, he had a reason to care what tomorrow brought, and he wasn't certain he liked the newfound feeling.
He retrieved a small bottle of what looked like perfume and brought it back, holding it out to her.
They caught me when I went through the shadow world and brought me here, to Sasha.
She gritted her teeth and wished she.d brought the cutting board with her to knock some sense into Ully.
He brought us a vial of blood to replace you as a test subject, and he knows where we can find the information to break your bond to Rhyn.
Rhyn brought you here to help our friend, Lankha.
The demons brought Jade and Iliana to Hell.
Have you had a chance to test the immunity blood Sasha brought?
The sound of her sister.s voice brought a waterfall of relief.
You brought a snack to our little party.
Megan said you brought the Council together.
I brought it to Kris.
Katherine brought us here.
She.d brought him nothing but pain, and now her family had taken Kris from him.
As much as he didn.t want to admit it, this was a role for Rhyn, who had brought the Council back.
Not until I find Ully and test the vial you brought me.
He seemed to have forgotten about her, and Katie stood unsteadily, hoping he.d brought them to the Sanctuary—and safety.
In Hell, dead-dead, I cut off her arm and I brought to Kris—
I brought her with me.
He brought them both with him.
I brought her here.
Evelyn brought the last of three trays to the table.
You brought all her belongings?
She lay on the bed as she had for several days already, sick of the jerky-like food Evelyn brought her.
The couple before her stopped, and she brought her gaze back to them.
Her skin was golden from the sun, which brought out the enigmatic eyes, and made them glow with the otherworldly beauty displayed by her and the one called Evelyn.
But he'd won her as Kisolm's younger brother, Romas, had decreed, which should alleviate any accusations brought on by their clan, if Kisolm's father talked some sense into the arrogant crown prince.
She was cheerful as usual and brought Kiera a set of clean clothing.
He wore light colors this day of tan, a shade that brought out the depth of honey in his skin.
He had waited for the signs his father warned him against, intending to take on whatever woman that brought him.
His own messengers brought him vague news of unrest from the battlefront and news of there being new opponents at the battle.
There was a flash of light and what sounded like frying eggs that brought her gaze to the other screen.
Night brought a chill as uncomfortable as the heat of the day.
He motioned for her to sit and brought her food and water.
She didn't, and the disappointment brought tears to her eyes once again.
The lights dimmed as Jetr brought the viewer online.
Her comments brought to mind the death of Bird Song's very first guest and the strange events that followed.
Cynthia went to the hall desk and brought back an envelope.
Dean returned to Bird Song and brought Cynthia up to date on his conversation with Sheriff Weller over a quiet lunch of soup and grilled cheese.
Maybe she turned tricks in another city and he 'rescued her' and brought her here.
They brought the remains down in a wagon this afternoon.
The killer brought the knife up there and made sure they weren't seen.
Donald brought Donnie up to meet me, before the cops dragged him back down here.
Dean brought Fred up to date on not only the telephone call to his wife, but his meeting with Weller and his speculation that Cynthia might have seen Donnie Ryland near the accident scene.
Donald talked about some sort of joint custody when he brought him up to meet me.
He paused and said a silent prayer for the spirit of this person who had brought so much grief to Bird Song and his previously contented life.
The clothing Martha brought with her was made up of a rag-tag collection of cast-offs that made most garage sale clothes look like they'd been purchased in a boutique.
Between bites he added, I even brought the white dress.
Dean rose and wandered out to the front porch but in spite of his sterling speech, and overwhelming wish that he could forget the Shiptons and all the grief they had brought him, he couldn't quite chase the unfinished business from his churning mind.
Said it brought back sad memories.
Did he pick up everything—all the items Jake Weller brought by and the luggage we were holding—and the climbing gear?
Gabriel brought his face to within inches of Jackson's.
Each day of the following two weeks, Gabriel retrieved the couple, brought them to the same room, and schooled them in the art of feeding without killing.
Jackson brought his lips to her ear.
Well if you must know, I picked up an attractive, slightly long in the tooth socialite, shopped for suits with her, brought her to the Roseville and yada, yada, yada.
Jackson didn't concern himself, since he never brought women home.
I brought you some coffee.
She brought her lips to his ear and rasped softly, "I'll be dipped in shit before I let a misogynist pig like you lay a hand on me."
When he had finished, Sarah waited a moment then brought her hands together.
He started for his seat, then turned around, grabbed the bottle, and brought it with him.
He laughed and thought, Guess I could've brought the red Testarossa.
The three brought the supplies down and set them up in one corner of the room.
I also brought something for Sarah.
Elisabeth brought a present for you Sarah.
I've brought you breakfast.
Hi... I'm sitting here enjoying the pieces you brought me.
He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.
Sarah brought Elisabeth up to speed about the Halloween gala and asked if she would like to help plan it.
Elisabeth sat up when he brought in the coffee.
I've never brought another woman to this room.
They each brought two in and began cleaning them out.
Elisabeth brought her hand to his cheek.
Still holding Jackson's hand, she brought her attention to his palm.
He brought his attention to Sam.
He brought his index finger to his lips.
He brought his face to her ear and whispered, "You are beautiful."
She brought his hand to her face.
They brought a wing chair from the living room into the studio, and Elisabeth positioned him sitting back with one ankle on the other knee, his hands resting on the arms of the chair.
She brought both hands to her face, realizing the diamond was theirs and then fell into his arms.
The men brought all the supplies up from the basement.
She opened the antique music cabinet Jackson had purchased for her, and brought a piece to him.
She has brought you here, and even though I cannot destroy you traitors, others can.
Katie might have been brought up by a socialite, but she was all redneck now.
That's probably what brought the kidding on.
His face contorted in rage and one long step brought him close enough to grab her shoulders.
Yeah, and she brought some company.
You brought some hip boots?
As her fingers closed around the doorknob, Alex brought her up short.
Her idea of selecting the right fork brought to mind the choice between a table fork and a pitchfork.
Carmen poured grain into the feeders and the smell of oats and honey brought a tidal wave of goats into the barn.
A shout brought no response.
He brought the small bag to the table.
I've never been a saint; I saw I could use her, so I put her in college and brought her to work for me.
Everything—the net call that brought her to the Peak, the encrypted messages she'd read, Brady's protection—had fallen into place.
Then I called you and brought you to the Peak.
You were a mess when they brought you in.
He shot himself up with the drugs he'd brought with him, leaning his head back against the back of the seat as they traveled.
The feeling of the angel's soft, cold hand in his own reminded Rhyn of the first thing he'd touched in Hell that hadn't been stone. Gabriel had brought him a book with a worn, leather-like cover, and he'd lost himself dwelling on the sensation of buttery leather under his fingertips after the hazy nightmare that had been his existence in Hell.
Dean recalled his own father's death when he was 12 years old and how well his mother had brought him through the ordeal.
Unfortunately, his efforts were all too often thwarted by a sympathetic judge or a system that could not find jail space for the numbers of criminals brought before it.
He had no particular destination, but his meandering brought him to a hillside overlooking the new high school complex.
The scene brought back a flood of memories to Dean.
She, in turn, brought him up to date.
Sackler brought Dean up to date on his recent stay with Baratto but nothing of importance was learned.
Then he asked, Have you checked the items I brought back from Norfolk?
A rap on the doors of the bottom two apartments brought no better results than the doorbell.
Dean wished he'd brought the picture of Jeffrey Byrne that World Wide had recently sent but it remained in the case file at the office.
She reached down behind the desk and brought out a bottle of gin and poured two healthy slugs into water glasses.
The waiter brought two manhattans before Dean could answer.
Her transposed humor brought waves of laughter around the room.
As he brought the boxes to the porch, she carried them inside.
I brought some stuff home from the deli.
The idea of sitting her chair beside his brought warmth to her cheeks.
His groan brought an echo from the depths of her soul and she pressed closer.
Another quiet evening together brought them exactly one week before their wedding.
The sound of tires crunching on gravel brought her attention back to the drive.
Any time Alex didn't mind when she brought up Josh, it left her a little nervous.
By the time he brought her back to Katie and Bill's, it was late and the lights in the house were off.
The idea brought heat to her face.
When passion brought a moan to her lips, he finally lifted her into his arms and carried her to their bedroom.
After he brought everything in, he sat quietly in his chair, reading a newspaper.
It was a long lingering kiss that brought her to full passion.
I would have brought you something – or packed a lunch.
The next entry brought a blush to her cheeks.
I'd feel honored if you brought your mother's dishes here and used them instead of these.
Memory of the phone call brought back a dark question.
He brought me a deer hock.
Did he think Josh brought it to her?
The sound of water running in her bathroom brought her up short.
The Spanish brought them in the 1400's.
Slowly the numbness wore off and shame brought tears to her eyes.
I brought you some of that dog food you like.
You were brought up with old-fashioned morals, so you simply didn't discuss things like that.
Then she brought Princess from the barn and saddled her.
From the moment Alex brought him home, Carmen knew she was in trouble.
I shouldn't have brought it up.
He'll want to see what you brought him.
My father brought me from across the sea.
Lean's family was brought in last summer.
Even worse - she'd lost the bribe she brought for the Oceanan messenger.
Swords flashing, they sprinted towards her and the center of the city only to be brought down by a flurry of arrows a dozen feet before her.
A bird came and brought a great big worm.
She brought the machete down with a dull thud, anchoring the blade in the log.
She brought him humans to feed off of and – in the lean years where they'd been struggling to survive – she let him drink from her.
Oh, so you brought her here?
Jessi brought in a tray of coffee.
She wanted him safe and hoped he was angry enough to stay away or at least, he brought an army of people to kill the dozens of Others around her.
Lotze can be said to have brought philosophy out of the lectureroom into the market-place of life.
The classic term "camelopard," probably introduced when these animals were brought from North Africa to the Roman amphitheatre, has fallen into complete disuse.
The Society of St Vincent de Paul was founded by Frederic Ozanam and others in 1833, in reply to a charge brought by some free-thinking contemporaries that the church no longer had the strength to inaugurate a practical enterprise.
In order to prevent youthful unchastity, marriages are contracted between children of eight years old, the girl being brought home to live with the lad at his parents' home till a child is born, when a separate dwelling is provided for the youthful couple.
This brought them under the official censure, and was forbidden.
They upheld the cause of the people against the moneyed interests, but the charge was often brought that they appealed to the baser passions.
In 937 a great fleet and army were brought together by Constantine and Anlaf, the son of Sihtric, another Norwegian chieftain who had allied himself with the Scots, helped by Anlaf Godfreyson from Ireland.
About two years later, however, both these kings were expelled by Edmund, and the whole of Northumbria was brought under his power.
Fermentation now includes all changes in organic compounds brought about by ferments elaborated in the living animal or vegetable cell.
Michel de Bourges was the counsel whose eloquent pleadings brought the suit for a judicial separation to a successful issue in 1836.'
Briicke also brought forward an experiment of great importance, in which he showed that gum mastic, precipitated from an alcoholic solution poured into a large quantity of water, scatters light of a blue tint.
The name was then given to the famous revolutionary song, composed in 1792, the tune of which, and the wild dance which accompanied it, may have also been brought into France by the Piedmontese.
On the 15th of October 1651 Lord Derby, who had been taken prisoner after the battle of Worcester, was brought here and executed the same day.
That great separation of positive and negative electricity sometimes takes place during rainfall is undoubted, and the charge brought to the ground seems preponderatingly negative.
This is well brought out by the low figure for London.
The beds are kept artificially moist by the application of water brought from the surface, and the different galleries bear crops in succession.
He must be recovered and brought back to Russia at all hazards.
The worst that could be brought against him was that he had wished his father's death.
The question of the constitutionality of the formation of the new state was brought before the Supreme Court of the United States in the following manner.
The Virginia legislature repealed the act of cession and in 1866 brought suit against West Virginia asking the court to declare the counties a part of Virginia.
The discovery of large quantities of gold in Otago in 1861 and the following years brought prosperity, a great " rush " of diggers setting in from Australia.
He then abandoned himself to pleasure; he often visited London, and became an intimate friend of the prince of Wales (afterwards George IV.); he brought to Paris the "anglo-mania," as it was called, and made jockeys as fashionable as they were in England.
This reform involved the ruin of many native reputations, and for a second time brought Hastings into collision with the wily Brahman, Nuncomar.
After a time they lent a ready ear to detailed allegations of corruption brought against him by his old enemy Nuncomar.
To charges from such a source, and brought in such a manner, Hastings disdained to reply, and referred his accuser to the supreme court.
However large the wealth he brought back from India, all was swallowed up in defraying the expenses of his trial.
The micrometer is at zero when the two edges are brought exactly together.
In 725 Luidprand purchased and removed to Pavia the body of St Augustine of Hippo from Cagliari, whither it had been brought in the 6th century by the exiled bishop of Hippo.
In 1717, however, Cardinal Alberoni retook Cagliari for Spain; but this state of things was short-lived, for in 1720, by the treaty of London, Sardinia passed in exchange for Sicily to the dukes of Savoy, to whom it brought the royal title.
Being brought before the bar of the House of Lords he made submission as to his conduct in declaring parliament dissolved by the prorogation, and in violating the Lords' privileges by bringing a habeas corpus in the King's Bench.
He pressed on the Exclusion Bill with all his power, and, when that and the inquiry into the payments for secret service and the trial of the five peers, for which too he had been eager, were brought to an end by a sudden prorogation, he is reported to have declared aloud that he would have the heads of those who were the king's advisers to this course.
On the 15th of November the Exclusion Bill, having passed the Commons, was brought up to the Lords, and an historic debate took place, in which Halifax and Shaftesbury were the leaders on opposite sides.
His parents dying during his infancy, he was brought up by his uncle, Sir Isaac Tillard.
On the 15th of July, in spite of the order of the Convention, he was brought before the criminal tribunal of the Rhone-et-Loire, condemned to death, and guillotined the next day.
The error brought him into fresh disgrace lasting till his death.
The oil when brought to the surface has the appearance of a whitish-blue water, which gives out brilliant straw-coloured rays, and emits a strong pungent odour.
The inaction of Maximilian at this time is explained by the condition of affairs in Hungary, where the death of king Matthias Corvinus had brought about a struggle for this throne.
At this time Bianca's uncle, Ludovico Sforza, was invested with the duchy of Milan in return for the substantial dowry which his niece brought to the king.
Between this and the "elliptical" kraal are the "Valley Ruins," consisting of smaller buildings which may have been the dwellings of those traders who bartered the gold brought in from distant mines.
This is confirmed by the employment in Byzantine Greek of the term thTros or ioirra to designate domesticated cats brought from Egypt.
The difficulties of the harbour were increased by the continued silting up, produced by the enormous amount of solid material brought down by the river.
In 1272 the commands of the chief of his order and the request of King Charles brought him back to the professor's chair at Naples.
The first book, after a short introduction upon the nature of theology as understood by Aquinas, proceeds in 119 questions to discuss the nature, attributes and relations of God; and this is not done as in a modern work on theology, but the questions raised in the physics of Aristotle find a place alongside of the statements of Scripture, while all subjects in any way related to the central theme are brought into the discourse.
It was chiefly in the way of matrimonial alliances that it was brought into contact with other states.
The mud brought down by it, calculated at 7150 lb an hour at Bagdad, is not deposited in marshes to form alluvium, as in the case of the Euphrates, but although in flood time the river becomes at places an inland sea, rendering navigation extremely difficult and uncertain, the bulk of the mud is deposited in banks, shoals and islands in the bed of the river, and is finally carried out into the Persian Gulf.
Probably the honours which it brought with it were sufficient recompense.
The size of the city was diminished by the retrenchment of nearly one-third at the northern end, which brought the enceinte more nearly to a square form.
She was brought up in Paris by Ferriol's sister-in-law with her own sons, MM.
The pursuit had brought Alexander into that region of mountains to the south of the Caspian which connects western Iran with the provinces to the east of the great central desert.
The crusaders brought back fresh developments; Gog and Magog (partly Arab and partly Greek) and some Jewish stories were then added.
About 1180 Amalric was constable of the kingdom of Jerusalem; and he is said to have brought his handsome brother Guy to the notice of Sibylla, the widowed heiress of the kingdom.
No such charges are brought by the prophet against the exiles, in whose simple life, indeed, there was little or no opportunity for flagrant violation of law.
This appears to be an independent form of the vision, which has been brought into connexion with that of i.
It contains some fine tapestry and portraits, and the Lee Pennyfamiliar to readers of Sir Walter Scott's Talisman-which was brought from Palestine in the 14th century by the Crusading knight, Sir Simon Lockhart.
He was brought up at Tarascon by his uncle, Hercule Audiffret, superior of the Congregation des Doctrinaires, and afterwards entered the order.
This rapid absorption of the khanates brought Russia into close proximity to Afghanistan, and the reception of Kaufmann's emissaries by the Amir was a main cause of the British war with Afghanistan in 1878.
She was the guiding spirit of the first Fronde, when she brought over Armand, Prince de Conti, her second brother, and her husband to the malcontents, but she failed to attract Conde himself, whose loyalty to the court overthrew the first Fronde.
He will soon shake all nations and their choicest gifts will be brought to adorn His house.
It was devised by the Hudson's Bay Company for carrying freight, as a substitute for the less serviceable canoe, and was named after their York factory, the centre to which the traders brought down the furs for shipment to England and from which they took back merchandise and supplies to the interior of Rupert's Land.
In many forms of fireplaces fresh air is brought in and passed around the back and sides of the stove before being admitted into the room.
One end of a pipe is finished flat, the end of the other pipe being brought to a conical edge.
After the restoration of the temple the senate sent ambassadors in 76 to Erythrae to collect the oracles afresh and they brought back about 1000 verses; others were collected in Ilium, Samos, Sicily, Italy and Africa.
On his arrival in Syria, Pompey reversed the decision, but, ignoring the charge of bribery brought against Scaurus, left him in command of the district.
One of the greatest curiosities was a huge skeleton brought from Joppa, said to be that of the monster to which Andromeda had been exposed.
He assisted to found the Sodalitas litteraria Angilostadensis, under the auspices of which several old manuscripts were brought to light.
In 1679 the rising in Scotland which ended in the battle of Bothwell Bridge brought trouble on the Irish Presbyterians in spite of their loyal addresses disowning it.
The revivals in Kentucky brought about differences which resulted in the high-handed exclusion of the revivalists.
Lucas brought in a bill in his first session to effect this reform, but was defeated on the motion to have the bill sent to England for approval by the privy council; and he insisted upon the independent.
The flood water brought down by the Shari in December and January causes the lake to rise to a maximum of 24 ft., the water spreading over low-lying ground, left dry again in May or June.
A small steamer, brought from the Congo by Emile Gentil, was in 1897 launched on the Shari, and reaching the Chad, navigated the southern part of the lake.
Suffice it to say that differences with Irala eventually led to his arrest, and to his being sent back to Spain to answer to the charges brought against him for maladministration.
In 1665 the relaxation of this system was brought about by the continual remonstrances of the people, but for more than a century afterwards (until 1776) the policy of exclusion was enforced.
The establishment of the Napoleonic dynasty at Madrid was the actual cause which brought about the disturbances which were to end in separation.
The downfall of Rosas was at last brought about by the instrumentality of Justo Jose de Urquiza, who as governor of Entre Rios, had for many years been one of his strongest supporters.
The nomination was brought about by the Cordoba clique, and Roca lacked the moral courage to oppose the decision.
The products of the quarries of France for the five years 1901-1905 averaged 9,311,000 per annum in value, of which building material brought in over two-thirds.
Any decision, even one of a cour dassises, may be brought before it in the last resort, and may be cassannulled.
He afterwards brought an action against Proxenus on the ground that he had robbed him of some money and plate.
Catherine possessed several good qualities, but had been brought up in a conventual seclusion and was scarcely a wife Charles would have chosen for himself.
On the death of the usurper Rudolph (Raoul), Ralph of Burgundy, Hugh the Great, count of Paris, and the other nobles between whom France was divided, chose Louis for their king, and the lad was brought over from England and consecrated at Laon on the 19th of June 936.
His remains were brought to Sofia, where they received a public funeral, and were eventually deposited in a mausoleum erected in his memory.
He early adopted Protestant views, a fact which brought him into prominence when Edward VI.
A disaster was averted by the marquess of Santa Cruz, who brought up the reserve.
Held between the thumb and fingers of the right hand, they are used as tongs to take up portions of the food, which is brought to table cut up into small and convenient pieces, or as means for sweeping the rice and small particles of food into the mouth from the bowl.
It is subject, however, to extreme and rapid variations in temperature, to alternations of dry and humid winds (the latter, called catias, being irritating and oppressive), to chilling night mists brought up from the coast by the westerly winds, and to other influences productive of malaria, catarrh, fevers, bilious disorders and rheumatism.
The son was brought up in Utica, studied in1824-1825at Geneva Academy (afterwards Hobart College), and then at a military school in Middletown, Conn., and was admitted to the bar in 1832.
Ctesias mentions further, with regard to a number of Persians kings, either that their remains were brought " to the Persians," or that they died there.'
Now we know that Cyrus was buried at Pasargadae and if there is any truth in the statement that the body of Cambyses was brought home " to the Persians " his burying-place must be sought somewhere beside that of his father.
To this belief, many and good as are the arguments which can be advanced for it, a confident certainty is given by Christian faith in the Risen Lord, and the life and immortality which he has brought to light in his Gospel.
On the other hand, inscriptions prove that the marble blocks intended for the pedimental statues of the Parthenon were not brought to Athens until 434 B.C., which was probably after the death of Pheidias.
In the 4th century its political development was arrested by constant struggles between oligarchs and democrats, who in turn brought the city under the control of Sparta (4 12 -395, 39 1 -37 8), of Athens (395-39 1, 37 8 -357), and of 'the Carian dynasty of Maussollus (357-340).
The expansion of Levantine trade which ensued in the Hellenistic age brought especial profit to Rhodes, whose standard of coinage and maritime law became widely accepted in the Mediterranean.
After this marine period was brought to a close the sea retreated.
Baker and Smith of the Sydney Technical College, have brought to light many other valuable products likely to prove of commercial value.
But the Transvaal War of 1899-1902, to which Australia sent 6310 volunteers (principally mounted rifles), and the gradual increase of military sentiment, brought the question more to the front, and more and more attention was given to making Australian defence a matter of local concern.
The bodies of Burke and Wills were recovered and brought to Melbourne for a solemn public funeral, and a noble monument has been erected to their honour.
It was at such an inopportune time that the most extensive combination of Labour yet brought into action against capital formulated its demands.
In 1754, however, their heirs brought about the erection here of Fort Western, the main building of which is still standing at the east end of the bridge, opposite the city hall.
Apellicon filled in the lacunae, and brought out a new, but faulty, edition.
His course was disapproved; he was recalled and brought before the council of state, which blamed his conduct without giving him a chance to justify himself.
It was only by the London Government Act 1899 that Woolwich was brought into line with other London districts, for in 1855, as it had previously become a local government district under a local board, it was left untouched by the Metropolis Management Act.
The Batavians were first brought under Roman rule in the governorship of Drusus, A.D.
They first brought the products and arts of the Orient into western Europe; and in the Netherlands, by the impulse that they gave to commerce, they were one of the primary causes of the rise of the chartered towns.
The Council of Trent had recently brought its long labours to a close (December 4, 1563), and Philip resolved to enforce its decrees throughout his dominions.
The knights, who as farmers of the taxes had suffered heavy losses during the disturbances in Syria, were greatly embittered against Gabinius, and, when he appeared in the senate to give an account of his governorship, he was brought to trial on three counts, all involving a capital offence.
We are justified in supposing that the cult of the moon-god was brought into Babylonia by the Semitic nomads from Arabia.
His Weltbuch, a supplement to his Chronica, was printed at Tubingen in 1534; the publication, in the same year, of his Paradoxa at Ulm brought him into trouble with the authorities.
Towards the end of the 11th century, when the tide of Norman invasion swept upwards along the Wye valley, the district became a lordship marcher annexed to that of Brecknock, but was again severed from it on the death of William de Breos, when his daughter Matilda brought it to her husband, Roger Mortimer of Wigmore.
In 1894 a more serious rebellion in the mountainous region of Sassun was ruthlessly stamped out; the Powers insistently demanded reforms, the eventual grant of which in the autumn of 1895 was the signal for a series of massacres, brought on in part by the injudicious and threatening acts of the victims, and extending over many months and throughout Asia Minor, as well as in the capital itself.
On the 10th of December the sultan opened the Turkish parliament with a speech from the throne in which he said that the first parliament had been "temporarily dissolved until the education of the people had been brought to a sufficiently high level by the extension of instruction throughout the empire."
The importance of the Malay Peninsula, as has been noted, consisted in the privilege which its locality conferred upon it of being the distributing centre of the spices brought thither from the Moluccas en route for India and Europe.
As early as the 3rd century B.C. Megasthenes makes mention of spices brought to the shores of the Ganges from " the southern parts of India," and the trade in question was probably one of the most ancient in the world.
His apologists explain that his action was merely "official," but Bonner was one of those who brought it to pass that the condemnation of heretics to the fire should be part of his ordinary official duties.
The contention brought to a crisis the struggle between the moderate Presbyterians and the Scots on the one side, who decided to maintain the monarchy and fought for an accommodation and to establish Presbyterianism in England, and on the other the republicans who would be satisfied with nothing less than the complete overthrow of the king, and the Independents who regarded the establishment of Presbyterianism as an evil almost as great as that of the Church of England.
However, the Wizard went once more to his satchel--which seemed to contain a surprising variety of odds and ends--and brought out a spool of strong wire, by means of which they managed to fasten four of the wings to Jim's harness, two near his head and two near his tail.
The third time, the man brought a quail.
She brought me my hat, and I knew I was going out into the warm sunshine.
It was, then, to a good subject that Miss Sullivan brought her devotion and intelligence, and fearless willingness to experiment.
My house is not resplendent with ivory and gold; nor is it adorned with marble arches, resting on graceful columns brought from the quarries of distant Africa.
I brought over some whiter and cleaner sand for this purpose from the opposite shore of the pond in a boat, a sort of conveyance which would have tempted me to go much farther if necessary.
Old Gabriel brought in the wine.
When the reading which lasted more than an hour was over, Langeron again brought his snuffbox to rest and, without looking at Weyrother or at anyone in particular, began to say how difficult it was to carry out such a plan in which the enemy's position was assumed to be known, whereas it was perhaps not known, since the enemy was in movement.
After the affair at Ostrovna he was brought into notice, received command of an hussar battalion, and when a brave officer was needed he was chosen.
Alpatych also knew that on the previous day another peasant had even brought from the village of Visloukhovo, which was occupied by the French, a proclamation by a French general that no harm would be done to the inhabitants, and if they remained they would be paid for anything taken from them.
As proof of this the peasant had brought from Visloukhovo a hundred rubles in notes (he did not know that they were false) paid to him in advance for hay.
Occasionally dressers ran out to fetch water, or to point out those who were to be brought in next.
Napoleon had assented and had given orders that news should be brought to him of the effect those batteries produced.
In the middle of the night three soldiers, having brought some firewood, settled down near him and began lighting a fire.
If they're sent out and brought back again later on it will do no harm, but as things are now one can't answer for anything.
Prince Kutuzov's adjutant has brought me a letter in which he demands police officers to guide the army to the Ryazan road.
He alone could play on the clavichord that ecossaise (his only piece) to which, as he said, all possible dances could be danced, and they felt sure he had brought presents for them all.
The old ladies were pleased with the presents he brought them, and especially that Natasha would now be herself again.
But best of all you have brought yourself back--for I never saw anything like it, you ought to give your wife a scolding!
On the 31st of May 1647 Cromwell had ordered Cornet Joyce to prevent the king's removal by the parliament or the Scots from Holmby, and Joyce by his own authority and with the king's consent brought him to Newmarket to the headquarters of the army.
Universal suffrage he rejected as tending "very much to anarchy," spoke against the hasty abolition of either the monarchy or the Lords, and refused entirely to consider the abstract principles brought into the debate.
Opinions, no doubt, will always differ as to the wisdom or authority of the policy which brought Charles to the scaffold.
God has brought us hither to consider the work we may do in the world as well as at home."
The professional soldiers of the Continent could rarely be brought to force a decision; but the English, contending for a cause, were imbued with the spirit of the modern "nation in arms"; and having taken up arms wished to decide the quarrel by arms. This feeling was not less conspicuous in the far-ranging rides, or raids, of the Cromwellian cavalry.
Anak was slain by his victim's soldiers; Gregory was rescued by his Christian nurse, carried to Caesarea in Cappadocia, and brought up a Christian.
Gregory is related to have added a clause to the creed which Aristaces brought back; he became a hermit on Mount Sebuh about the year 332, and died there.
The terrigenous deposits consist of blue muds, red muds (abundant along the coast of Brazil, where the amount of organic matter present is insufficient to reduce the iron in the matter brought down by the great rivers to produce blue muds), green muds and sands, and volcanic and coral detritus.
He himself claims to have brought more than a thousand Marcionites within the pale of the church, and to have destroyed many copies of the Diatessaron of Tatian, which were still in ecclesiastical use; and he also exerted himself to improve the diocese, which was at once large and poor, by building bridges and aqueducts, beautifying the town, and by similar works.
Strabo mentions linen-weaving as an ancient industry of Panopolis, and it is not altogether a coincidence that the cemetery of Akhmim is one of the chief sources of the beautiful textiles of Roman and Coptic age that are brought from Egypt.
Nicaean emperor, Theodore Lascaris, whom his own father brought home with him from his crusade.