Bronchial-tubes Sentence Examples
This tea soothes the throat and opens up the bronchial tubes while supporting the respiratory system.
The steam actually helps the bronchial tubes open up as it simultaneously loosens the phlegm clogging your dog's airways.
Because food or liquid in the bronchial tubes or lungs could cause a blockage or lead to an infection, the airway is protected.
Bronchiectasis-A disorder of the bronchial tubes marked by abnormal stretching, enlargement, or destruction of the walls.
Moist rales is a bubbling sound heard with a stethoscope that is caused by fluid secretion in the bronchial tubes.
These medicines can help open the bronchial tubes and clear out mucus.
Postural drainage-The use of positioning to drain secretions from the bronchial tubes and lungs into the trachea or windpipe where they can either be coughed up or suctioned out.
The common cold, also called a rhinovirus or coronavirus infection, is a viral infection of the upper respiratory system, including the nose, throat, sinuses, eustachian tubes, trachea, larynx, and bronchial tubes.
Asthma is a common disorder in which chronic inflammation makes bronchial tubes swell resulting in a narrowing of the airways.