Broke Sentence Examples
A voice broke into their lovemaking.
Only we really never broke the rules.
No one broke the silence.
I broke his arm before he could toss the match.
To her surprise, he was the one who broke away.
I broke all the rules.
Her voice broke and she stopped, wiping her eyes.
They broke off and rose as she entered.
Finally she broke the silence.
It was late day-three by our calculations when we broke through.
AdvertisementThey broke up two squares, your excellency.
When the bridges broke down, unarmed soldiers, people from Moscow and women with children who were with the French transport, all--carried on by vis inertiae-- pressed forward into boats and into the ice-covered water and did not, surrender.
So that was how he broke his nose.
Across the lake, the beginning glow of from the late summer sun broke through the low clouds, signaling an end to the rain.
He rubbed his eyes and a smile broke across his face.
AdvertisementShe broke down and called a lawyer.
Flipping it over, she stomped on the bottom until the ice broke loose.
The other conspirators were pardoned, but in 939 a fresh revolt broke out under the leadership of Henry, and Giselbert, duke, of Lorraine.
They'd like to search the LeBlanc's place on the off chance our boy broke in there too and maybe got careless.
The werewolf either slipped through or broke the remaining chains.
AdvertisementShe left the chicken coup and broke another trail to the barn.
The conference of Bucharest now broke up, and the war continued.
When the Civil War broke out, he fought on the side of the South and became a brigadier-general.
The three stood looking at each other, speechless, until Jackson broke the silence in his best Hispanic accent, "Lucy… you got some splainin' to do."
She broke into a run, screaming for Katie.
AdvertisementThey squawked and pecked at each other as she broke a trail from the tire to the coop.
He nudged the horse in the ribs and Ed broke into a lope.
This time it was Alex who broke off the lovemaking.
He must have had a premonition, because the truck broke down on her way home the following week.
It broke down and I thought you could give me a tow.
His voice broke and he stepped through the door, slamming it.
Dan rallied his team and broke towards the east, where the first flares had appeared.
She broke into a quick trot.
In 1842 the two-volume edition of his Poems broke the ten years' silence which he had enforced himself to keep. Here, with many pieces already known to all lovers of modern verse, were found rich and copious additions to his work.
Under the influence of this reading he now finally broke with classicism and became one of the leaders of the new Sturm and Drang movement.
Ludolf and Conrad were declared deposed, and in 953 war broke out in Lorraine and Swabia, and afterwards in Saxony and Bavaria.
In the autumn of 1875 an insurrection broke out in Bulgaria, and the suppression of it by the Turks was marked by massacres and outrages.
When war broke out between France and Austria in 1792 the Badenese fought for Austria; consequently their country was devastated and in 1796 the margrave was compelled to pay an indemnity, and to cede his territories on the left bank of the Rhine to France.
The new insurrection that now broke out was a more formidable affair than the first.
The earthquake occurred early in the morning of December 28, and so far as Messina was concerned the damage was done chiefly by the shock and by the fires which broke out afterwards; the seismic wave which followed was comparatively innocuous.
On discovering that he had been deceived he broke off all relations with the prince for a year, but their alliance was renewed.
Upon his resignation from Lane Theological Seminary he lived in Boston for a short time, devoting himself to literature; but he broke down, and the last ten years of his life were spent at the home of his son, Henry Ward Beecher, in Brooklyn, New York, where he died on the 10th of January 1863.
Elsewhere he was the artizan-god Ptah, who with his hammer broke the egg; sometimes Thoth, the moon-god and principle of intelligence, who spoke the world into existence.'
Olgierd's most memorable feat was his great victory over the Tatars at Siniya Vodui on the Bug in 1362, which practically broke up the great Kipchak horde and compelled the khan to migrate still farther south and establish his headquarters for the future in the Crimea.
Aurelius, broke away from the traditional Latin of the Silver and Golden ages, and took as his models the pre-classical authors.
War was averted for a moment by the result of the battle of Austerlitz, but it broke out in earnest in October 1806.
After twenty minutes they broke and fled, and the cavalry followed them till broken ground rendered further pursuit impossible.
The great landowners who were developing into feudal lords, and the smaller freemen who were becoming independent burghers, broke the imperial.
Between October 1899, when war broke out, and the 31st of May 1900, when the city was taken by the British, the Boer government worked certain mines for their own benefit.
But after the year 177 a persecution of Christians broke out simultaneously in many provinces of the Empire.
When war broke out afresh in 1757 he served as a staff officer in the unfortunate Rochefort expedition, but his prospects were not affected by the failure, for had his advice been taken the result might well have been different.
In the war of the Austrian Succession, which broke out on the death of the Emperor Charles VI., he took the side of Maria Theresa (1742).
The reference is to the earthenware token which two friends broke in order that they might commend a stranger for hospitality by sending with him the broken half.
Silesia, now split up into seventeen principalities, was the bone of contention between them; and when Casimir suddenly invaded that country, took Wschowa, and made Prince Charles of Bohemia a prisoner, war between the two kingdoms actually broke out and Casimir was besieged in Cracow by the Czechs.
At the beginning of the 12th century war broke out between Como and Milan, and after a ten years' war Como was taken and its fortifications dismantled in 1127.
An attempt to seize church valuables at Notabile was forcibly resisted by the Maltese, and general discontent broke out into open rebellion on the 2nd of September 1798.
Moseley was in Australia with the British Association in 1914 when the World War broke out; he returned to England, obtained a commission in the Royal Engineers, and was killed by a Turkish bullet on the Gallipoli peninsula on Aug.
War broke out in 1337, and in 1338 Edward visited Coblenz, where he made an alliance with the emperor Louis the Bavarian.
The next following council of Orleans, 533, broke in upon this principle, by declaring that a bishop could not reclaim from his clergy any grants made to them by his predecessor, excepting in cases of misconduct.
But when in the early 'forties a feeling of unrest spread throughout Italy, even in Tuscany demands for a constitution and other political reforms were advanced; in1845-1846riots broke out in various parts of the country, and Leopold granted a number of administrative reforms. But Austrian influence prevented him from going further, even had he wished to do so.
Fortunately for the Prussians, Bazaine had issued similar orders to his subordinates, who, having their men better in hand, were able to obey; and as night began to close in the French broke off the action and retired under the guns of the Metz forts, convinced that at last they had "broken the spell" of German success.
Against the weight of French numbers, nearly three to one, the Prussians were unable to stand, and presently they broke and drifted backwards, completely routed.
Meanwhile a third panic broke out which delayed the preliminary movements and it was now growing dark in the ravine.
There were greater trials in store when the World War broke out at last.
When the war broke out afresh in 1648 Deane went with Cromwell to Wales.
When in 399 war broke out between Sparta and Persia, the Persian troops in Asia Minor were quite unable to resist the Spartan armies.
At the end of June 1657, at the head of 8000 seasoned veterans, he broke up from Bromberg in Prussia and reached the borders of Holstein on the 18th of July.
The defeat of the allies was undeniable, and a violent quarrel broke out between them.
When the Parthian War (162-5) broke out, Polyaenus, too old to share in the campaign, dedicated to the emperors Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus a work, still extant, called Strategica or Strategemata, a historical collection of stratagems and maxims of strategy written in Greek and strung together in the form of anecdotes.
His naturally feeble constitution, further weakened by excessive study, broke down finally in 1832.
His thin, close lips often broke into a smile of sarcasm.
He graduated at Union College in 1849, and when the Civil War broke out he became colonel of the 12th New York militia regiment.
A war broke out between the Calydonians and Curetes (led by Althaea's brothers) about the disposal of the head and skin, which Meleager awarded as a prize to Atalanta, who had inflicted the first wound; the brothers of Althaea lay in wait for Atalanta and robbed her of the spoils, but were slain by Meleager.
Not many months apparently after Polycarp's return from Rome a persecution broke out.
A provincial synod, held at the instance of Wenceslaus in February 1413, broke up without having reached any practical result; and a commission appointed shortly afterwards also failed to bring about a reconciliation between Huss and his adversaries.
The government sent him to the front, directly the Carlist War broke out, as commandant of the province of Biscay, where he severely defeated the Carlists in many encounters.
In August 1905 serious disturbances broke out among the Bantu tribes in the colony.
A mutiny broke out amongst the troops, disheartened by failure and exasperated by his severity, and Perdiccas was assassinated by some of his officers (321).
There could only be one city praefect at a time, though the dictator Caesar broke the rule by appointing six or eight praefects simultaneously.
He had been designed by his parents for the military profession, but the new light which now broke in upon him determined him to devote his entire energies to the abolition of the existing feudal system and to the establishment of a constitutional government.
When the World War broke out, in spite of his Triplicist policy he openly expressed himself in favour of Italian neutrality, and on Italy's entry into the war he was careful not to compromise himself with Giolitti's attitude.
In the time following the peace of Nicias the Mantineians, whose attempts at expansion beyond Mount Maenalus were being foiled by Sparta, formed a powerful alliance with Argos, Elis and Athens (420), which the Spartans, assisted by Tegea, broke up after a pitched battle in the city's territory (418).
In 1 11 2 it broke out, and Fulk, being unable to prevent Henry I.
In 1139 Geoffrey took Mirebeau, and in 1142 Champtoceaux, but in 1145 a new revolt broke out, this time under the leadership of Elias, the count's own brother, who, again with the assistance of Robert of Sable, laid claim to the countship of Maine.
Soon after I became her teacher Helen broke her new doll, of which she was very fond.
He flung down the slab, broke it, and swooping down on her with outstretched hands shouted, "Get out!" in such a terrible voice that the whole house heard it with horror.
He looked round more frequently toward her, and broke off in what he was saying.
Though Princess Mary and Natasha were evidently glad to see their visitor and though all Pierre's interest was now centered in that house, by the evening they had talked over everything and the conversation passed from one trivial topic to another and repeatedly broke off.
Jackson broke in, "What makes you think I didn't?"
When he broke contact, Lana pulled his head back to hers, her hands skimming over his shoulders before she undid the top two buttons on his uniform.
Lana's head broke free, and she pushed the water-breather up, gasping.
The sound of a helo broke his concentration, and he glanced upward before the micro warned him of another incoming strike.
Finally, he broke through the thatch of branches and leaves blocking most of the sun. The day was darkening. In the distance, he saw the massive fortress that was Death's, and he saw the Lake of Souls he'd seen in angel memories. He saw birds but couldn't see through the jungle to where Katie might be. The branch holding him swayed in a heavy wind that smelled of rain.
He looked up instinctively, sensing something different about this thunder. It didn't sound like the rumbling thunder he'd heard in the mortal world. It sounded like an explosion in the sky. The jungle canopy blocked his view, so he leapt up to catch the branch of the nearest tree. He scaled the tree quickly, stopping only when he broke through the layers of leaves. More tiny explosions came, and he twisted to see what they were.
The tree lowered a branch to him, and he wrapped his arms around it. It was warm and writhing, and one small branch wrapped around him to keep him secure as it shifted him upwards. Toby broke through the treetops and gasped.
Toby gasped. Realization broke over Katie and with it, joy. She flung her arms around Deidre and hugged the small woman tightly.
I set things right. So what if I broke a Code or two to right things?
Aside from the infrequent sound of a passing car on the avenue, only the murmur of unseen waves lapping at the sand broke the stillness.
Dean said nothing and she finally broke the silence.
Rita laughed, but neither looked up nor broke the rhythm of her flying fingers.
He was one of those guys who drank beer all night, smoked Camels and never practiced while I broke my butt and sat on the bench.
The whole distribution system broke down.
He nearly broke both their necks when he slipped on the wet tile floor as he made his way to the receptionist who directed them to a flight of metal stairs that led downward to an empty hall.
I'd go broke if everyone was that icky-sticky moral.
My notes about Cleary and our investigation in Scranton were down here when those bozos broke in.
The old man's face broke into a smile at the sight of Randy, and he shook the boy's hand.
Once the guy saw me clearly by the door, he knew my face and all hell broke loose.
Colorado-based Coors beer, cosponsor of the event, was also there with its products readily available, and Dean broke his training diet to share a few Silver Bullets with Fred.
Sunday morning broke with a surge of nervous excitement as 2,000 cyclists oozed out of Cortez, Colorado, bound for their first day's destination 46 miles distant.
Were they the same guys who broke in and tied up Fred O'Connor?
They broke in Cynthia Byrne's place too.
Dean didn't stop to answer as he broke into a jog with Fred hustling to keep up.
Carmen broke off a long stem of grass and poked it in her mouth.
Maybe he was broke after the clinic and the house he built.
His deep voice broke into her thoughts.
Finally Alex broke the embrace.
The smell of burning food broke into her thoughts.
She took a rock and broke the ice, reaching in the frigid water with her fingers to pull out the jagged pieces of ice.
He finally broke the terrible silence.
The time my truck broke down, I said something that irritated him and he grabbed me by the front of the shirt and jerked me off the ground.
Finally she broke down and went to see Mums.
It was the first time she used the name and her voice broke with emotion when she said it.
Jonny, the Black God, broke her Zen-like moment.
He broke in and checked the electricity, which someone had left on.
Awhile later, someone's voice broke her concentration.
Jenn broke his first chokehold and elbowed him in the back of the neck, this time at near full-strength.
Anyway, I broke some immortal law by going back.
Something within her broke.
Jonny broke loose, dropping to the ground.
He broke through his bonds and gave a roar of fury.
Sirian's cool voice broke into his quiet focus.
Taran cursed the animal again under his breath and blocked two strikes before they broke free of the footmen.
The demon said I would lose my ability to heal my people, since I broke the First Warlord's decree.
The fetters broke open.
A battle broke out on the beach as dozens of barbarians poured from the forest and attacked his people.
He broke down and cried quietly for his father and their men, wondering how he could make it across the ocean alone.
Itching for the feel of battle, Taran broke into a jog toward the battle.
He reached the guard-packed wall and ducked beside a building as a flurry of arrows broke loose into the kingdom.
Hilden's gruff voice broke into her thoughts as he trotted out of the hold into the street.
With piercing war cries, two forms broke from the horde before her.
When she reached the border of their kingdoms, she broke east on a dirt road.
The wooden covers broke against the wall.
He watched as fights broke out throughout the city.
As dawn broke across the sky, the elder demon who possessed Memon spoke to him.
Carmen broke away from Alex.
I think I broke something.
You promised me you wouldn't go up there alone and you broke your promise.
I didn't mean to … I know I broke my promise, but … sometimes things happen and we change our minds.
No, I broke his nose.
His voice broke with the last word.
He finally broke into a clearing and began searching for tracks.
His commanding voice broke through her thoughts.
A cold sweat broke out on her forehead and she mopped it away with her forearm.
I think I broke my leg.
He finally broke the awkward silence.
His presence was intense but calming, almost to the degree she had the urge to lean against him and let his huge hands roam her body, grip her from behind and pull her … Crunching from behind her broke the spell.
I assume whoever it is was the one who broke your arm.
One woman broke down in hysterics.
I broke up with my boyfriend.
The two stopped fighting, and the women broke into cheers.
Two days ago, Jonny broke your arm, and Xander healed it.
Jessi broke away from her excited cousins for a breather.
Whatever the case is, Jonny broke our agreement.
He had suffered extreme pain for years before his death, and in fact broke down altogether under disease contracted in the discharge of his duty.
Their passions were quickly aroused and a tumult broke out on the 8th of October.
The future broke faith with us.
They might have long been a bulwark between Rome and the wild hordes of the desert but for the shortsighted cupidity of Trajan, who reduced Petra and broke up the Nabataean nationality (105 A.D.).
The Aragonese enjoyed at first the assistance of the giudici of Arborea, who had remained in power; but in 1352 war broke out between Mariano IV.
Civil war, however, broke xx1.28 a out, but Podèbrad succeeded in defeating the Romanist nobles.
He soon took the field, but after his failure to capture Padua the league broke up; and his sole ally, the French king, joined him in calling a general council at Pisa to discuss the question of Church reform.
The decennium extending from 1550 to 1560 was the good period of Ivan IV.'s reign, when he deliberately broke away from his disreputable past and surrounded himself with good men of lowly origin.
His opportunity seemed to have come when, in the middle of the 16th century, the Order of the Sword broke up, and the possession of Livonia was fiercely contested between Sweden, Poland and Denmark.
Alexander reached the Hydaspes just as the rains broke, when the river was already swollen.
This policy did not allay the discontent of the Macedonian army, and when Alexander in the summer of 324 moved to the cooler region of Media, an actual mutiny of the Macedonians broke out on the way at Opis on the Tigris.
Released on parole in 1188, he at once broke his parole, and began the siege of Acre.
In such moments of baffled inquiry he would leave his books, perform the requisite ablutions, then hie to the mosque, and continue in prayer till light broke on his difficulties.
Since the time of Ali Pasha, who broke the power of the local chieftains, southern Albania has been subject to the central Turkish power; before that period the mountaineers of Suli and Khimara enjoyed an independence similar to that of the Gheg tribes.
The storm then broke out, and the ministers were banished (1538).
When the synod met in 1741 the moderate men remained away; and thus the synod broke in two.
The Old Side adopted the academy at New London, Chester (disambiguation)|Chester county, Pennsylvania, which had been organized by Francis Alison in 1741, as their own; but the New London school broke up when Alison became a professor in the Philadelphia Academy (afterwards the university of Pennsylvania).
The struggle for supremacy between Buenos Aires and the provinces had, however, to be fought out, and hostilities once more broke out in 1861.
When the insurrectionary movements of 1848 broke out in Italy, his known zeal for the cause of legitimacy, as much as his reputation as an officer, marked him out for command.
While Cook was speculating on the cause of this phenomenon, and was in the act of ordering out the boats to take soundings, the " Endeavour " struck heavily, and fell over so much that the guns, spare cables, and other heavy gear had at once to be thrown overboard to lighten the ship. As day broke, attempts were made to float the vessel off with the morning tide; but these were unsuccessful.
They broke down the intense narrowness of the life of those feudal times, enlarged men's conceptions and introduced new ideas into their minds.
He had scarcely entered on his duties when the rebellion of June broke out in Prague.
He was overtaken by a dangerous illness, and on the 2nd of March civil war in support of the king broke out.
War broke out between the Protestant states of Sweden, Denmark, Holland and Brandenburg, with whom religion was entirely subordinated to individual aims and interests, and who were far from rising to Cromwell's great conceptions; while the Vaudois were soon subjected to fresh persecutions.
Bonaparte, with whom Tone had several interviews about this time, was much less disposed than Hoche had been to undertake in earnest an Irish expedition; and when the rebellion broke out in Ireland in 17 9 8 he had started for Egypt.
Yet he attended to his duties conscientiously, and ultimately broke his health in their discharge.
A splice having been made they started on the 26th, but the cable broke almost immediately.
In 1886 he was elected mayor of New York City, his nomination having been forced upon the Democratic Party by the strength of the other nominees, Henry George and Theodore Roosevelt; his administration (1887-1888) was thoroughly efficient and creditable, but he broke with Tammany, was not renominated, ran independently for re-election, and was defeated.
After this marriage Philip broke the peace of Europe by invading Sardinia.
After war broke out, he changed sides and supported the Habsburg-Lorraine party.
Immediately after the battle of Rieti a Carbonarist mutiny broke out in Piedmont independently of events in the south.
This proposal broke on the refusal of the peror Francis Joseph to cede Austrian territory except as the lIt of a struggle; and Napoleon, won over by Biswarck at famous interview at Biarritz, once more took.up the ides of Prusso-Italian offensive and defensive alliance.
The dissensions which broke out among them within a few months of the accession of their party to power never afterwards disappeared, except at rare moments when it became necessary to unite in preventing the return of the Conservatives.
In December 1894 the revolt broke out, but Major Toselli with a small force marched rapidly against Bath Agos, whom he routed and killed at Halai.
The negotiations having failed, he marched to relieve the beleaguered garrison of Adigrat; but Menelek, discouraged by the heavy losses at Adowa, broke up his camp and returned southwards Abyssinto Shoa.
Then the Turin gas men struck, and a general sympathy strike broke out in that city in consequence, which resulted in scenes of violence, lasting two days.
In March 1902 agrarian strikes organized by the leg/fe broke out in the district of Copparo and Polesine (lower valley of the Po), owing to a dispute about the labor contracts, and in Apulia on account of unemployment.
Riots broke out also in Naples, Florence, Rome and Bologna.
Almost immediately afterwards an agitation of a still less defensible character broke out in various towns under the guise of anti-clericalism.
Risings broke out at Urbino and in Romagna, and the papal troops were defeated; Cesare could find no allies, and it seemed as though all Italy was about to turn against the hated family, when the French king promised help, and this was enough to frighten the confederates into coming to terms. Most of them had shown very little political or military skill, and several were ready to betray each other.
When war with England broke out, in 1812, he was ordered to cruise in the lakes between Canada and the United States, with his headquarters on lake Champlain.
In his anxiety he broke his promise, and Eurydice vanished again from his sight.
He reached Tahiti in October 1788, and in April 1789 a mutiny broke out, and he, with several officers and men, was thrust into an open boat in mid-ocean.
When civil war again broke out, DeIotarus was persuaded to support Brutus and Cassius, but after the battle of Philippi went over to the triumvirs.
Meanwhile Mithradates and the East were forgotten in the crisis of the Social or Italic War, which broke out in 91 and threatened Rome's very existence.
Sulla sent for him and had him strangled in his presence; in his excitement he broke a blood-vessel and died on the following day.
When the civil war broke out, Sulla took the side of Caesar, and commanded the right wing at the battle of Pharsalus.
In December 1854, after a fatiguing address to a public meeting, followed by prolonged exposure to a south-east gale, his constitution entirely broke down.
War broke out with England, but James, made a prisoner by his nobles, was unable to prevent Albany and his ally, Richard, duke of Gloucester (afterwards Richard III.), from taking Berwick and marching to Edinburgh.
His policy of living at peace with England and of arranging marriages between the members of the royal families of the two countries did not commend itself to the turbulent section of his nobles; his artistic tastes and lavish expenditure added to the discontent, and a rebellion broke out.
But the terrible defeat at Khalule broke his power; he was attacked by paralysis shortly afterwards, and KhumbaKhaldas II.
Those who freely submitted were always released on parole, and Dozsa not only never broke his given word, but frequently assisted the escape of fugitives.
When the Civil War broke out, he became a major in a Missouri volunteer regiment and served as chief of staff to Major-General Nathaniel Lyon until the death of that officer.
The Blancos, using the fraudulent elections in 1896 as a pretext, now broke out in armed revolt under the leadership of Aparicio Saraiva.
In July 1902 a plot for his assassination was frustrated, and in 1903, on the election of Jose Battle to the presidency, civil war broke out.
When the Crimean War broke out he offered his services to the emperor Nicholas, by whom he was appointed general of the VI.
When the Franco-German War of 1870-71 broke out Russia answered for the neutrality of Austria.
The plebs, like the English commons, contained families differing widely in rank and social position, among them those families which, as soon as an artificial barrier broke down, joined with the patricians to form the new older settlement, a nobility which had once been the whole people, was gradually shorn of all exclusive privilege, and driven to share equal rights with a new people which had grown up around it.
He broke new ground and showed great skill as a translator in his Traduction de quelques morceaux choisis de Tacite.
At .the Synod of Lhota (1167), they broke away entirely from the papacy, elected - ministers of their own, and had Michael Bradacius consecrated a bishop by Stephan, a bishop of the Waldenses.
Of the "Hidden Seed" the greater number were Germans; they were probably descended from a colony of German Waldenses, who had come to Moravia in 1480 and joined the Church of the Brethren; and, therefore, when persecution broke out afresh they naturally fled to the nearest German refuge.
Before long persecution broke out against Herrnhut; the count sent a band of emigrants to Georgia; and as these emigrants would require their own ministers, he had David Nitschmann consecrated a bishop by Jablonsky (1735).
A war broke out with King Edward the Elder in 913; in 921 a king whose name is unknown was killed at the fall of Tempsford, and in the same year the Danes of East Anglia submitted to Edward the Elder.
As these independent Tatar states were always jealous of each other, and their jealousy often broke out in open hostility, it was easy to prevent any combined action on their part; and as in each khanate there were always several pretenders and contending factions, Muscovite diplomacy had little difficulty in weakening them individually and preparing for their annexation.
Convinced that the onward march of the Colossus could not be permanently arrested by mere diplomatic conventions, the cabinet of Tokio suddenly broke off diplomatic relations and commenced hostilities (February 8, 1 9 04).
In January 1678 a palace revolution broke out against the queen-regent, who was driven from Madrid, and Valenzuela fled for refuge to the monastery of the Escorial.
The last two of these engines broke down under trial, but the Rocket fulfilled the conditions and won the prize.
On the 1st of May following the king suddenly broke up a tournament at Greenwich, leaving the company in bewilderment and consternation.
He assures us that his tutor did not complain of any inaptitude on the pupil's part, and that the pupil was as happily unconscious of any on his own; but here he broke off.
A captain of landsknechts, Fabian by name, holding his long pike crosswise, brought it down with all his force upon the opposing spears, and at the cost of his life made a narrow gap through which the French broke into the mass of the enemy.
He broke with John after the murder of Orleans, though he tried to prevent civil war, and only finally joined the Armagnac party in 1410.
Following up this line of investigation, Major Ronald Ross in 1895 found that if a mosquito sucked blood containing the parasites they soon began to throw out flagellae, which broke away and became free; and in 1897 he discovered peculiar pigmented cells, which afterwards turned out to be the parasites of aestivo-autumnal malaria in an early stage of development, within the stomachwall of mosquitoes which had been fed on malarial blood.
The name is a corruption of St Olave, or Olaf, the Christian king of Norway, who in 994 attacked London by way of the river, and broke down London Bridge.
Civil war broke out, and in 1551 the bishop of Holar and two of his sons were captured and executed.
When Henry broke with the papacy, Pope Paul III.
When the World War broke out his attitude was favourable to the absolute neutrality of Italy, believing that his country's interests lay in not siding with either group of belligerents, and on the eve of Italian intervention he made an attempt, by using his personal hold over the Parliamentary majority, to upset the Salandra Cabinet, but it was frustrated by an uprising of public opinion in favour of war.
In time, notwithstanding a certain inherent individualism and impatience of control, veritable despotisms arose in the Semitic world, although such organizations were invariably liable to sudden collapse as the old forms of life broke down with changing conditions.'
Jehoiakim's brother, Mattaniah or Zedekiah, was set in his place under an oath of allegiance, which he broke, preferring Hophra the new king of Egypt.
Such strange enactments as the Familianten-Gesetz, which prohibited more than one member of a family from marrying, broke up families by forcing the men to emigrate.
His Gentle Shepherd, by its directness of impression and its appreciation of country life, anticipates the attitude of the school which broke with neo-classical tradition.
In 1799 a revolution, having its origin in jealousy between two natives of high rank, broke out.
In 1813 the ruthless severity of the governor-general, Haji Osman, who obtained the co-operation of the Christians, broke the power of the janissaries; but after Osman had fallen a victim.
When in 1821 the revolution broke out in continental Greece, the Cretans, headed by the Sphakiots, after a massacre at Canea at once raised the standard of insurrection.
Serious disturbances broke out at Canea on the 24th of May, and were only quelled by the arrival of foreign warships.
Affairs were brought to a climax by a series of conflicts which took place at Canea on the 4th of February; the Turkish troops fired on the Christians, a conflagration broke out in the town, and many thousands of Christians took refuge on the foreign warships in the bay.
Later he was connected with several mining companies, with offices in London, and there he was when the World War broke out in 1914.
When the Sudan War broke out, Baker, hastening with 3 500 men to relieve Tokar, encountered the enemy under Osman Digna at El Teb.
When the March Revolution of 1917 broke out Guchkov was called in to take charge of the Ministry of War.
By the western gates of Makran prehistoric irruptions from Mesopotamia broke into the plains of Lower Sind, and either passed on towards the central provinces of India or were absorbed in the highlands south of Kalat.
No Hindu empires have lasted long, and the Maurya dominions broke up fifty years after his death.
Another native empire, known as Gupta, rose on the ruins of the Kushan kingdom, and embraced nearly the whole peninsula, but it broke up in the 5th century, partly owing to the attacks of new northern invaders, the Huns.
The kingdom which was annexed by Britain in 1885 was founded about 1750 by Alompra, who united his countrymen and broke the power of the Talaings.
On at least one occasion the king's frenzy broke out in an attempt to murder David with his own hand.'
War broke out between the two parties at Gibeon a few miles north of Jerusalem.
As the Mogul Empire broke up, some separate Mahommedan powers rose upon its ruins.
It was collision with the English that broke that wonderful fabric to pieces.
A further war broke out, but by the treaty of Ratisbon (Regensburg) in 1684, Strassburg was secured to France.
But he did not remain long in Paris, for, being a nervous and excitable boy, his health broke down, and he yearned for his home in Franche-Comte.
The general who at last broke the back of the long opposition of the prophet-chief of the Lesghians was Prince Baryatinsky, who after three years of strenuous warfare succeeded in capturing Shamyl's stronghold of Weden, and then in surrounding that chieftain himself on the inaccessible rocky platform of Gunib in the heart of Daghestan.
At the time of the Wars of the Roses discontent was rife in Derbyshire, and riots broke out in 1443, but the county did not lend active support to either party.
War between Seleucus and Lysimachus broke out, and on the field of Coru-pedion in Lydia Lysimachus fell (281).
Mary of Lorraine broke the spirit of this agreement by garrisoning Perth with Scottish troops in the pay of France.
In the, year 250 the Decian persecution broke out, Origen was arrested, imprisoned and maltreated.
Thus, when the men of Reggio and Modena overthrew the rule of their duke, he at once accorded protection to them, as also to the inhabitants of the cities of Bologna and Ferrara when they broke away from papal authority.
The war which broke out early in October 1806 (sometimes known as the war of the Fourth Coalition) ran a course curiously like that of 1805 in its main outlines.
After some diplomatic fencing Russia and Prussia broke with England and entered upon what was, officially at least, a state of war with her.
He, therefore, despite Napoleon's repeated demands, refused to subject his empire to the hardships imposed by the Continental System; at the close of the year 1810 he virtually allowed the entry of colonial goods (all of which were really British borne) and little by little broke away from Napoleon's system.
He encased himself in fatalism, with the result that in two years the mightiest empire reared by man broke under the twofold strain.
Having made terms with Alfred, they broke the conditions and returned to Cambridge.
Moreover, factional strife broke out within the party itself; Adams and Hamilton became alienated, and members of Adams's own cabinet virtually looked to Hamilton rather than to the president as their political chief.
The frost broke at the end of February 1709, and then the spring floods put an end to all active operations till May, when Charles began the siege of the fortress of Poltava, which he wished to make a base for subsequent operations while awaiting reinforcements from Sweden and Poland.
In October 1530 he broke into the church of Neuchatel with an iconoclastic mob, thus planting the Reformation in that city.
Thrice Samson scoffingly told her how he might be bound, and thrice he readily broke the bonds with which she had fettered him in his sleep; seven green bow-strings, new ropes, and even the braiding of his hair into the frame of the loom failed to secure him.
Charlemagne, Pippin's son, descended upon Italy, broke up the Lombard kingdom (774), confirmed his father's donation to the pope, and in reprisals for Venetian assistance to the exarch, ordered the pope to expel the Venetians from the Pentapolis.
Ten years later a more serious revolution, the only revolution that seriously shook the state, broke out and was also crushed.
Genoa determined to oppose the concession, and war broke out.
On the death of Gian Galeazzo Visconti in 1402, his large possessions broke up, His neighbours and his generals seized what was nearest to hand.
The league broke up, and the mainland cities of the Veneto returned of their own accord to their allegiance to St Mark.
In 1848 a revolution broke out and a provisional republican government under Daniele Manin maintained itself for a brief space.
State officials broke into the vaults of the Chillicothe branch in 1819 and took out $100,000 due for taxes.
Wayne's dragoons broke through the brushwood, attacked the left flank of the Indians and soon put them to flight.
After a temporary arrangement of terms with the raja of Vizianagram the old feud broke out again, and the Bobbili chief was forced to take refuge in the nizam's country.
War broke out again in 1621, but success had ceased to accompany him on his campaigns.
The explosion created a percussion that broke the windows.
But the crusaders broke the truce, to which Caesarini had never consented; and, attempting to better what was already good enough, they were defeated at Varna.
But irrepressibles like John Benton broke through the "non-mission law," and pressed forward through the "Adam Bede" country to Derby (which became the 2nd circuit in 1816); Nottingham, where a great camp-meeting on Whit Sunday 1816 was attended by 12,000 people; Leicestershire, where Loughborough became the 3rd circuit, with extensions into Rutland, Lincolnshire and Norfolk; and ultimately to Hull, which became the 4th circuit, and where a meeting which deserves to be called the First Conference was held in June 1819.
In the strife which soon broke out between the Girondins and the Jacobins he took no decided part, but occupied himself mainly with the legal and legislative work which went on almost without intermission even during the Terror.
He was a powerful preacher and teacher, who broke from Calvinism in denying imputation and teaching perfect freedom of the will, by which perfect holiness might be attained.
To the difficulties caused by disaster, depopulation and maladministration there was added the danger of foreign invasion when war broke out in Europe between Francis I.
In May 1912 he was appointed to succeed Count Wolff-Metternich as ambassador to Great Britain, but he had only been in London a short time when his health finally broke down.
In the year following his accession to office the deep-seated discontent of the people broke out in the Indian Mutiny.
When Antipater died, in 319, a second war broke out, the wrecks of the party of Perdiccas, led by Eumenes, combining with Polyperchon, the new regent, and later on (318) with the eastern satraps who were in arms against Pithon, the satrap of Media.
Discontent at this arrangement increased to the point of rebellion, which broke out the following year, provoked by Judith's intrigues with Bernard, count of Barcelona, whom she had installed as her favourite at court.
War again broke out, quickly followed by a new treaty, after which the king of Navarre took part in suppressing the peasant rising known as the Jacquerie.
In 1785 White and Mrs Buchan published a Divine Dictionary, but the sect broke up on the death of its founder in spite of White's attempts 1 In August 1908, during some excavations at Dunkeld, remains were found which are supposed to be those of Alexander Stewart, the "wolf of Badenoch."
The act of 1670 gave to informers a pecuniary interest (they were to have one-third of the fine imposed) in hunting down Nonconformists who broke the law, and this and other statutes were unduly strained to secure convictions.
The state was greatly harassed by Galla invaders in the 17th century, and broke up into a number of petty independent emirates and sultanates under Somali chiefs.
The mullah now broke away to the north, and, crossing the line of the British communication, established himself in the Nogal district.
Our book had hardly been published, when Hyrcanus, owing to an injury done him by the Pharisees, broke with their party, and, joining the Sadducees, died a year or two later.
When hostilities afterwards broke out in 1794, it was again taken possession of by the English, and was held by them till 1816, when it was a second time given up to the French; it has ever since remained in their possession.
Despite his strong sayings, it was Wesley who broke the links to the church, for, as Lord Mansfield put it, "ordination is separation."
As native influences, however, began to reassert themselves in the Nile valley, Alexandria gradually became an alien city, more and more detached from Egypt; and, losing much of its commerce as the peace of the empire broke up during the 3rd century A.D., it declined fast in population and splendour.
In addition to the hand of Catherine, however, the English king asked for a large dowry both in money and lands, and when these demands were rejected war broke out.
On the 2nd of May 1840 a fire broke out in the S.W.
A powerful revival broke out at Bala in the autumn of 1791, and his account of it in letters to correspondents, sent without his knowledge to magazines, kindled a similar fire at Huntly.
When war broke out, October 1899, Milner rendered the military authorities "unfailing support and wise counsels," being, in Lord Roberts's phrase "one whose courage never faltered."
But a quarrel broke out among the Republicans (1872), the result of which was the installation of two governors and legislatures, one supported by the Democrats and Liberal Republicans and the other by the radical Republicans, the former being certainly elected by the people.
In Alexandria an insurrection broke out over the supersession of the patriarch Dioscurus by the orthodox Proterius, who was killed during the struggle.
A rebellion broke out among the legions of Moesia, and Decius, who was sent to quell it, was forced by the troops to put himself at their head and march upon Italy.
In May 1566 the war broke out, Suleiman, now seventy-two years old, again leading his army in person.
On the 7th of October was fought the naval battle of Lepanto, which broke for ever the tradition of the invincibility of the Turks at sea.
After a series of indecisive engagements Venice broke from the league and, under the mediation of France, concluded a treaty with the Porte practically on the basis of uti possidetis (March 7, 1 573).
Again war all but broke out; but, through the intervention of France, a treaty of partition was signed at Constantinople on the 23rd of June 1724, whereby the shores of the Caspian from the junction of the Kur and the Arras (Araxes) northwards should belong to Russia, while the western provinces of Persia should fall to the share of Turkey.
In November the conferences broke up; in the spring of the following year Austrian divisions advanced simultaneously into Bosnia, Servia and Walachia; and in July the main army, under the prince of Lorraine, crossed the frontier and captured Nish.
The war, which broke out in 1743, was waged with varying fortunes, and the peace by which it was concluded on the 5th of September 1746, beyond stipulating for a few privileges for Persian pilgrims to the holy places, altered nothing in the settlement arranged ten years before with Murad IV.
But France's influence, backed by the strong personality of her ambassador, General Sebastiani, was sufficient to enable the sultan to withstand these arguments, and the British ambassador broke off relations and withdrew to the fleet at Tenedos (February 1807).
It was far otherwise with the insurrection which broke out at the beginning of April in the Morea.
External influences and latent fanaticism were active; a serious insurrection broke out in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1875, and the efforts to quell it almost exhausted Turkey's resources; the example spread to Bulgaria, where abortive outbreaks in September 1875 and May 1876 led to those cruel measures of repression which were known as " the Bulgarian atrocities," 3 Mussulman public feeling was inflamed, and an attempt at Salonica to induce a Christian girl who had embraced Islam to return to her faith caused the murder of two foreign consuls by a fanatical mob.
On the 25th of May an insurrection broke out in Samos, owing to a dispute between the Samian Assembly and Kopassis Effendi, " prince," or governor of the island.
In Asia Minor the Kurdish troops under Ibrahim Pasha revolted, and, although they were defeated with the loss of their commander, the Kurds continued to attack indiscriminately the Turks, Nestorians and Armenians; disturbances also broke out among the other reactionary Moslems of this region, culminating in a massacre of the Armenians at Adana.
In Arabia Ratib Pasha, the Turkish commander-in-chief, joined the enemies of the new regime; he was defeated and captured in the autumn of 1908, but in the following year frequent raids upon the Hejaz railway were made by Bedouin tribesmen, while a Mandist rebellion broke out and was crushed in Yemen.
The defeats undergone by their outpost detachment had profoundly affected the nerves of the troops, and on the afternoon of the 11th, on the false alarm of a French approach, a panic broke out in the streets of Jena, and it took all the energy of Hohenlohe and his staff to restore order.
Experience only can teach the art of packing wagons and the care of draught animals, and throughout the campaign the small ponies of Poland and East Prussia broke down by thousands from over loading and unskilful packing.
The crops being still green, and nothing else available as forage for the horses, an epidemic of colic broke out amongst them, and in ten days the mounted arms had lost upwards of one-third of their strength; men died of sunstroke in numbers, and serious straggling began.
The allies broke off the action at their own time and retired in such good order that the emperor failed to capture a single trophy as proof of his victory.
He had a squadron at Brest, ships at L'Orient and Rochefort, some of his vessels had taken refuge at Ferrol on their way back from San Domingo when war broke out, one was at Cadiz, and he had a squadron at Toulon.
Napoleon at once broke up the camp at Boulogne and marched to Germany.
She returned in the summer of 1805, and spent nearly a year in writing Corinne; in 1806 she broke the decree of exile and lived for a time undisturbed near Paris.
She was again at Coppet in the summer of 1808 (in which year Constant broke with her, subsequently marrying a German lady) and set to work at her book, De l'Allemagne.
Troubles broke out in various parts of Bohemia, and many Romanist priests were driven from their parishes.
Bohemia was now again for a time free from foreign intervention, but internal discord again broke out caused partly by theological strife, partly by the ambition of agitators.
Korybutovic, however, remained but a short time in Bohemia; after his departure civil war broke out, the Taborites opposing in arms the more moderate Utraquists, who at this period are also called by the chroniclers the "Praguers," as Prague was their principal stronghold.
In 1434 war again broke out between the Utraquists and the Taborites.
He broke with De Witt Clinton in 1813, but nevertheless favoured, in 1817, Clinton's plan for the Erie Canal.
In the early years of British occupation, about 1829, they gave much trouble; and in 1883 they broke out once more into their old habits.
Then he broke the treaty again and advanced with a large army.
But a pestilence broke out in the autumn of 212, which swept them clean away, and thinned the Roman ranks.