Bringer Sentence Examples
At Eleusis, Demeter was venerated as the introducer of all the blessings which agriculture brings in its train - fixed dwelling-places, civil order, marriage and a peaceful life; hence her name Thesmophoros, " the bringer of law and order," and the festival Thesmophoria.
Mounds of bones marked his road, witnesses of devastations which other historians record in detail; Christian prisoners, from Germany, he found in the heart of "Tartary" (at Talas); the ceremony of passing between two fires he was compelled to observe, as a bringer of gifts to a dead khan, gifts which were of course treated by the Mongols as evidence of submission.
As such she is Puom opos (" bringer of victory"); the title KoXacvis is possibly connected with 1 The site of the temple of Artemis Orthia was excavated by the British School of Archaeology at Athens (see Annual, 1906).
The most prominent one is as a bringer of good fortune, wealth and prosperity.
In covens devoted to the practice of black magic, the number 13 represents the apostle Judas as the ultimate bringer of evil and revenge against the light of God.
For example the name Luke means "bringer of light" and is a suitable name for the Star Wars epic hero.