Brilliantly Sentence Examples
I worked so hard and so brilliantly in tracing down these people.
Lightning flashed brilliantly and a clap of thunder followed.
The first experiment he made with this new organism was brilliantly successful.
The walls were brilliantly coloured, and sometimes plated with bronze or gold as well as with tiles.
In many cases it appears that only the brilliantly coloured tentacle is pecked off by the bird, and as the snail can easily regenerate a new one, this in turn becomes infected by a fresh branch of the sporocyst ramifying through the snail and thus a new supply of larvae is speedily provided (Heckert).
The Letters are brilliantly written - full of elegant wisdom, of keen wit, of admirable portrait-painting, of exquisite observation and deduction.
When heated in air it burns brilliantly with the formation of the oxide.
Lightning flashed brilliantly and thunder rattled the windowpanes in their frames.
These raids, and the more ordinary screening work, were never executed more brilliantly than by Lee's great cavalry general, "Jeb" Stuart, in Virginia, but the Federal generals, Pleasonton and Sheridan, did excellent work in the east, as also Wheeler and Forrest on the Confederate, Wilson and Grierson on the Federal, side in the west.
Prior has introduced an ingenious method of making small oblong and square sheets of coloured glass, which are thick in the centre and taper towards the edges, and which have one surface slightly roughened and one brilliantly polished.
AdvertisementThis smooth surface is then brilliantly polished by the aid of friction with a rubbing tool covered with a soft substance like leather or felt and fed with a polishing material, such as rouge.
The provincial population, crushed under a load of unjust taxation, could no longer furnish soldiers in the numbers required for the defence of the empire; and on the other hand, the emperors, ever fearful that a brilliantly successful general of Roman extraction might be proclaimed Augustus by his followers, preferred that high military command should be in the hands of a man to whom such.
The brilliantly polished Tin Woodman marched next, at the head of the Royal Army of Oz which consisted of twenty-eight officers, from Generals down to Captains.
The Golden Temple is so called on account of its copper dome, covered with gold foil, which shines brilliantly in the rays of the Indian sun, and is reflected back from the waters of the lake; but the building as a whole is too squat to have much architectural merit apart from its ornamentation.
The dress of the women is less distinctive than that of the men, who wear a picturesque black and white costume, with knee-breeches, a brilliantly coloured sash, black hempen sandals, and a handkerchief wound round the head.
AdvertisementOn the left Sherman made little progress; on the right, however, Hooker and the men from the Potomac army fought and won the extraordinary "Battle above the Clouds" on Lookout Mountain, and on the 25th the Confederate centre on Missionary Ridge was brilliantly stormed by Thomas and the Army of the Cumberland.
He remained absolutely faithful to Gustavus when nearly the whole of the nobility fell away from him; brilliantly distinguished himself in the later phases of the Russian war; and was the Swedish plenipotentiary at the conclusion of the peace of Verela.
In the intervening space (the object-box) are contained a number of fragments of brilliantly coloured glass, and as the tube is turned round its axis these fragments alter their positions and give rise to the various patterns.
He then brilliantly defended Komarom for two months, and finally surrendered on honourable terms. Klapka left the country at once, and lived thenceforward for many years in exile, at first in England and afterwards chiefly in Switzerland.
Although the English squirrel is a beautiful little animal, it is surpassed by many of the tropical members of the group, and especially by those of the Malay countries, where nearly all the species are brilliantly marked, and many are ornamented The Burmese Red-bellied Squirrel (Sciurus pygerythrus).
AdvertisementThey include some of the most brilliantly coloured of all antelopes; the ornamentation taking the form of vertical white lines and rows of spots.
The latter mission, brilliantly as it was executed, failed, through want of support, to secure a foothold.
On the 13th, 6000 men were landed, covered by the guns of the fleet, and, after Porter had subjected the works to a terrific bombardment, Fisher was brilliantly carried by storm on the 15th.
In the war against Sweden for the possession of Livonia he brilliantly distinguished himself, capturing fortress after fortress and repulsing the duke of Sudermania, afterwards Charles IX, from Riga.
His parliamentary career, which, though not brilliantly successful, had won him high general esteem, was terminated by his elevation to the judicial bench as Lord Jeffrey in May 1834.
AdvertisementEarly trained as a comparative anatomist, the discovery of Upper Eocene mammals in the gypsum quarries of Montmartre found him fully prepared (1798), and in 1812 appeared his Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles, brilliantly written and constituting the foundation of the modern study of the extinct vertebrates.
It wasn't a large one, but it sparkled brilliantly.
Like the iguanas, they (at least the males) are provided with a large, expansible dewlap at the throat, which is brilliantly coloured, and which they display on the slightest provocation.
From 1868 to 1872 he served also brilliantly against the Cuban rebels, and commanded a corps of volunteers specially raised for him in Havana.
The principal achievements of the long session of 1902 (which extended to the autumn) were the passing of the Education Act, - entirely reorganizing the system of primary education, abolishing the school boards and making the county councils the local authority; new rules of procedure; and the creation of the Metropolitan Water Board; and on all these questions, and particularly the two first, Mr Balfour's powers as a debater were brilliantly exhibited.
Mr Balfour had never spoken more brilliantly, nor shone more as a debater, than in these years when he had to confront a House of Commons three-fourths of which was hostile.
The extension of this idea to substances in general necessarily led him to the law of combination in multiple proportions, and the comparison with experiment brilliantly confirmed the truth of his deduction" (A New View, &c., pp. 50, 51).
As though to make amends for the dull plumage of the species last mentioned, North America offers some of the most brilliantly i Further information will possibly show that these districts are not occupied at the same season of the year by the two forms.
The simplest is for the impression made by an observed object on the retina, the eye; in this connexion the term "after-image" (better "after-sensation") is used for an image which remains when the eye is withdrawn from a brilliantly lighted object; it is called positive when the colour remains the same, negative when the complementary colours are seen.
He brilliantly distinguished himself at the Orthodox academy of Kiev, subsequently completing his education in Poland (for which purpose he turned Uniate), and at Rome in the College of the Propaganda.
On the first of January 1836 he was attached to the suite of Alexander, and in 1845 was again ordered off to the Caucasus and again most brilliantly distinguished himself, especially in the attack on Shamyl's stronghold, for which he received the order of St George.
Birds are very numerous; they include various eagles, several kinds of heron, the egret, the marabout, the crane and the pelican; turacos or plantain-eaters, are common, as are other brilliantly plumaged birds.
But wherever they went, and whether, as apparently in Asia Minor, Greek blood was kept free from barbaric mixture, or whether, as in Magna Graecia and Sicily, it was mingled with that of the aboriginal races, the Greek emigrants carried with them the Hellenic spirit and the Hellenic tongue; and the colonies fostered, not infrequently more rapidly and more brilliantly than at home, Greek literature, Greek art and Greek speculation.
The operations were conducted entirely by him and were brilliantly successful, leading to the retreat of Lee from the lines of Petersburg and the final catastrophe of Appomattox Court House.
Sievers's conclusions were brilliantly confirmed in 1894 by the discovery in the Vatican library of a MS. containing 62 lines of the Heliand and three fragments of an old Saxon poem on the story of Genesis.
On the 31st of July 1760 Granby brilliantly stormed Warburg at the head of the British cavalry, capturing 1500 men and ten pieces of artillery.
It is, however, in the face that the most remarkable disposition of vivid hues occurs, more resembling those of a brilliantly coloured flower than what might be expected in a mammal.
He served first as a private archer and man-at-arms in Italy, with Bayard for his captain, fought all through the wars of Francis I., and was knighted on the field of Cerisoles (1544), to which victory he had brilliantly contributed as adviser to the young duke of Enghien.
His main work, the Geschichte des Materialismus, which is brilliantly written, with wide scientific knowledge and more sympathy with English thought than is usual in Germany, is rather a didactic exposition of principles than a history in the proper sense.
Nevertheless he came forward brilliantly in 1904 and 1905 as a supporter of the law on the separation of church and state.
Disraeli's opportunity was soon to come now; and in 1845, seeing it on the way, he launched the brilliantly destructive series of speeches which, though they could not prevent the abolition of the corn-laws, abolished the minister who ended them.
It is therefore with some show of reason that The Last of the Mohicans, which as a chain of brilliantly narrated episodes is certainly the least faulty in this matter of sustained excellence of execution, should be held to be the best of his works.
The whole surface of the wicker-work was plastered on the outside and made brilliantly white with lime, or occasionally striped in various colours, leaving the white poles exposed to view.
The avi-fauna is much richer than the mammalian, and, although wanting the 'largest birds as well as the most brilliantly coloured, comprises two hundred and sixty species, half of which are endemic. Many of the birds are remarkable not so much for their shape or colouring as for their distant relationships; many belong to peculiar genera, and some are so isolated that new families have had to be formed for their reception.
Happily an accident which caused Richards death at the siege of Chalus, and the evil imbecility of his brother and sue- Philip cessor, John Lackland, brilliantly restored the fortunes Augustus of the Capets.
As early as 1509 Tarnowski brilliantly distinguished himself in Moldavia, and took a leading part in the great victories of Wisniowiec (1512) and Orsza (1514), where he commanded the flower of the Polish chivalry.
As brilliantly portrayed by veteran actor George Cole, the man was, of course, Arthur Daley.
A diamond crystal has a brilliantly shiny adamantine luster - the word adamantine luster - the word adamantine comes from the ancient Greek word for diamond.
Luckily, when it comes to combat, your heroes have a variety of special powers, each brilliantly animated.
They also excel in the fight sequences, especially in the brilliantly choreographed sword fights.
Holidays to Florida â A brilliantly conceived fantasy world Walt Disney World Resort holidays inhabit a unique brilliantly conceived magical fantasy world.
Despite this flaw, however, Amistad still provides a powerful indictment of slavery, and brilliantly conveys the horrors of the slave trade.
It's a cunning story structure that works brilliantly even when it gets a bit corny.
With no stoppage forthcoming, Mark Loram brilliantly reeled in Rico, before daringly dashing past on the back straight of the final lap.
This may sound formulaic, and to an extent it is, but it works brilliantly and amounts to an extremely tense thriller.
The goalbound header by the leading scorer at the World Cup was brilliantly clawed away by Given.
All the dishes are served in huge brilliantly colored ceramic bowls of varying hues - I just love that sort of thing!
Many are brilliantly hued in blues, greens, violets, reds and browns; several appear metallic.
They looked like hot-air balloonists ' gondolas and burned brilliantly because they were usually impregnated with years ' worth of factory grease and oil.
Foy brilliantly turning his man and running in on goal from the angle shot with his left instep.
I'm already a fan and I haven't even heard his brilliantly inventive stand up yet.
Brilliantly marketed, and, rather perversely, often lauded by exactly the same kind of people who condemn Disney as the evil empire.
The lighting effects in the King's book are brilliantly orchestrated, attaining a high point in its miniature of The Nativity.
If first encyclicals set the tone for a new papacy, then this one has begun quite brilliantly.
As fractured as each character is, they're all endearing and the comic pratfalls they encounter are brilliantly relayed.
Agree with comments of the literary critics that it is brilliantly written in lucid prose.
In this narrative history, AL Rowse brilliantly recreates the dynastic conflict, the battles, and the transition from medieval to Tudor England.
True defenders of the free world should recognize the need to question the rightness of our actions, and this satire does this brilliantly.
I have a rollover from one color to another which works brilliantly.
Small flocks of herons started to fly into roost soon to be followed by flock after flock of brilliantly colored scarlet Ibis.
In no other period of musical history have composers so brilliantly captured such glorious choral sonority and musical color as in the Spanish Renaissance.
Ades ' bittersweet score was sung brilliantly by the soprano Mary Carewe.
Virginia, who had a spaniel of her own, brilliantly captures the important role a dog can play in an owner's life.
We've got six brilliantly scarlet flowers on the poppy, each the size of a large teacup.
Brilliantly done - it's a definite thumbs up from us.
Scarface Well, me and Janey watched it and thought it sounded brilliantly trashy!
A brilliantly witty story about how heroes can be found in the most unlikely places.
But Howe was eminent in the handling of a great multitude of ships, the enemy was awkward and unenterprising, and the operation was brilliantly carried out.
Admirable results are thus produced; as when, through a medium of cerulean blue, bright goldfish and blue-backed carp appear swimming in silvery waves, or brilliantly plumaged birds seem to soar among fleecy clouds.
Swift he resembled in the occasional broadness of his humour, in his brilliantly successful use of sarcasm and irony, 2 and in his mastery of the hoax.
For a brilliantly satirical but not wholly fair reference to the part then played by Talleyrand, the reader should consult Carlyle's French Revolution, vol.
Both of these papal secretaries were mentioned in complimentary terms by Erasmus in his celebrated dialogue, the Ciceronianus (1528), in which no less than one hundred and six Ciceronian scholars of all nations are briefly and brilliantly reviewed, the slavish imitation of Cicero denounced, and the law laid down that " to speak with propriety we must adapt ourselves to the age in which we live - an age that differs entirely from that of Cicero."
So far the policy of Montgelas had been brilliantly successful; but the star of Napoleon had now reached its zenith, and already the astute opportunist had noted the signs of the coming change.
Farther back beyond the dark trees a roof glittered with dew, to the right was a leafy tree with brilliantly white trunk and branches, and above it shone the moon, nearly at its full, in a pale, almost starless, spring sky.
But his brilliantly white, strong teeth which showed in two unbroken semicircles when he laughed--as he often did--were all sound and good, there was not a gray hair in his beard or on his head, and his whole body gave an impression of suppleness and especially of firmness and endurance.
Virginia, who had a spaniel of her own, brilliantly captures the important role a dog can play in an owner 's life.
He was also worried that house prices, which the MPC had succeeded brilliantly in taming, have started to move up again.
We 've got six brilliantly scarlet flowers on the poppy, each the size of a large teacup.
Brilliantly done - it 's a definite thumbs up from us.
Scarface Well, me and Janey watched it and thought it sounded brilliantly trashy !
The ethos of the 1920s was brilliantly captured by “The Great Gatsby.”
To my delight, the color is shockingly, brilliantly red.
All of these colors work brilliantly on green eyes.
Since the advent of point-and-shoot cameras, photographers of all skill levels have tried their best to capture awe-inspiring images of brilliantly colored fireworks painting a pitch-black sky.
The series brilliantly emphasized the girls' privileged lives by forcing them to interact with "regular" people and get jobs.
In his mug shot, Nolte's face is downright serious, but this effect is offset by his brilliantly colored, flowered Hawaiian shirt, and his wild, gravity-defying hair.
After flowering, however, the tiny petals thicken and swell into a juicy fruit-like envelope surrounding the seeds, and handsome when brilliantly colored, as in the finer kinds.
Moyesie, and somewhat more brilliantly colored.
Apart from the brilliantly colored fruit, the silvery effect of the leaves is good where the bush thrives.
Sumach (Rhus) - Low trees, shrubs, or climbers, with an acrid juice, usually hardy, and remarkable for their elegant and picturesque growth, and often brilliantly colored leaves in autumn.
Desert Sage Bead Art is a website where buyers can browse through the numerous brilliantly hued bracelet designs and even place a custom order.
While some people immediately think of red lenses when they think of vampires, there is a wide category of lenses that would work brilliantly.
Ballroom dancing has been brilliantly portrayed in movies, and the most famous performers were Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.
If you fall within this category, then the odds are good that you shine brilliantly in colors like moss, rust and terra cotta.
Healthy, sexy hair contains no or few split ends, shines brilliantly and has natural body.
The flowers are in full bloom, and the sun is shining brilliantly, so why not choose a dress that's equally spectacular?
Brilliantly evocative and romantically designed, Ritani engagement rings capture the feminine essence and strength of character of the women who wear them.
Rubies are brilliantly colored semi precious gemstones that are vastly popular because of their rich red and pink hues.
Dolce & Gabbana love flirty, occasionally garish, animal prints; and this profound love for Serengeti-inspired luxury has manifested itself brilliantly in their handbags.
Intricate, brilliantly colored poppies crafted of silk, suede and leather are stitched onto each bag.
Take one look at her brilliantly decorated designs, and you can easily see why her fashions are growing in popularity.
Brilliantly colored in a bright purple and decorated with light green, yellow and orange polka dots, this sunny backpack is sure to brighten up many a child's day!
Just as the name promises, the front of this pack features Dora and Boots chasing beautifully decorated and brilliantly colored butterflies.
The best part is that neither one of them feels the need to hog the spotlight, so in most instances, they'll be able to shine brilliantly together.
James Cameron, who directed Avatar along with films like Titanic and Aliens, brilliantly transports Avatar audiences to the alien planet of Pandora with the use of stunning special effects.
A shoe like Apepazza's Simba ($183) is made with supple, dark purple suede and embellished with a crest of brilliantly colorful stones on the vamp.
Once again the locations of this story are detailed and shine brilliantly behind the characters of the novel.
The story of Harry Potter is an intricately woven tapestry, carefully planned and brilliantly executed on the pages of J.K. Rowling's novels.
Whedon's characters are a testament to the fact that he knows how to tell a good story and his talent shines even more brilliantly in Serenity with the additional faces.
Spencer's The Faerie Queene just may be the first to do it so brilliantly.
He makes life on a space station believable, and uses technology brilliantly not only to train his young characters, but to move the plot forward when Ender discovers an unusual landscape in a complex training game.
You'll find a nice selection of curry dishes, along with fish, chicken, and duck all brilliantly seasoned with fresh herbs.
Julian Barrat and Noel Fielding star in this brilliantly surreal comedy of shamans, monkeys and demon nannies summoned from hell.
Also brilliantly done was how the author vividly brought ancient Rome, and especially ancient Roman politics, to life.
His daughters were Dorothea, Recha and Henriette, all brilliantly gifted women.
Joining a Polish artillery regiment in the French service, he took part in the Russian campaign of 1812, and subsequently so brilliantly distinguished himself in the defence of Danzig (January - November 1813) that he won the cross of the Legion of Honour.
The cause of the republic was brilliantly advocated by Fra Paolo Sarpi, counsellor of state; the defenders of the papal theory were Cardinals Baronius and Bellarmine.
Brilliantly colored spots and patches follow the action of acid fumes on the vegetation near towns and factories, and such particoloured leaves often present striking resemblance to autumn foliage.
There is one trogon - green and crimson, a brightly coloured ground thrush (Pitta), numerous woodpeckers and barbets; glossy starlings, the black and white African crow and a great variety of brilliantly coloured weaver birds, waxbills, shrikes and sun-birds.
The brilliantly coloured red and blue lizard (Agama colonorum) is found in the coast region of eastern Liberia.
This thesis he sustained brilliantly in his Histoire des institutions politiques de l'ancienne France, the first volume of which appeared in 1874.
This promise he brilliantly fulfilled by routing the forces of the Argive confederacy at the battle of Mantinea (418), the moral effect of which was out of all proportion to the losses inflicted on the enemy.
The males are usually more brilliantly coloured than the females, and guard the eggs, which are often placed in a sort of nest made of the shell of some bivalve or of the carapace of a crab, with the convexity turned upwards and FIG.
Perhaps no battle better exemplifies the inherent strength of the emperor's strategy, and in none was his grasp of the battlefield more brilliantly displayed, for, as he fully recognized, " These Prussians have at last learnt something - they are no longer the wooden toys of Frederick the Great," and, on the other hand, the relative inferiority of his own men as compared with his veterans of Austerlitz called for far more individual effort than on any previous day.
In these he seems suddenly to have cut adrift from every principle the truth of which he had himself so brilliantly demonstrated, and we find him discussing plans based on hypothesis, not knowledge, and on the importance of geographical points without reference to the enemy's field army.
Amongst rhymed novels-novels in verse formthe best is the Delibdbok h ise (" The Hero of Mirages "), in which Ladislas Arany tells, in brilliantly humorous and captivating fashion, the story of a young Magyar nobleman who, at first full of great ideals and aspirations, finally ends as a commonplace country squire.
In the Kaiser-Ferdinand grotto, the third of the chain, a great ball is annually held on Whit-Monday, when the chamber is brilliantly illuminated.
Their bass drummer done brilliantly under such conditions, escpecially having to play the drum during their full play list on his own.
They were often Vehkles constructed of rich lacquer; the curtains suspended in front were of the finest bamboo workmanship, with thick cords and tassels of plaited silk, and the draught animal, an ox of handsome proportions, was brilliantly caparisoned.