Brigade Sentence Examples
The dissolution of the standing army, including the Black Brigade, was the immediate result of these decrees.
Hydrants are fixed in all the streets for the use of the fire brigade, which has a well disciplined and efficient personnel, and does not lack opportunities for the exhibition of its skill in a town built largely of wood.
We don't need the entire brigade.
In the meantime a French brigade had, after a tough struggle, effected a lodgment at Kum Kale.
He entered the Confederate army in 1861, took part as a private in the battle of Wilson's Creek, and as colonel commanded the Tenth Texas Infantry at Arkansas Post, Chickamauga (where he commanded a brigade during part of the battle), Missionary Ridge and Atlanta.
But the losses of the and brigade, particularly in officers, had been too heavy, and the rush died out whilst still 500 yds.
He took part as a colonel in the Crimean War, and after the battle of Inkerman received the rank of general of brigade.
Bring us nice news of a victory by the Archduke Karl or Ferdinand (one archduke's as good as another, as you know) and even if it is only over a fire brigade of Bonaparte's, that will be another story and we'll fire off some cannon!
His hussar comrades--not only those of his own regiment, but the whole brigade--gave Rostov a dinner to which the subscription was fifteen rubles a head, and at which there were two bands and two choirs of singers.
In the following November he was transferred to the Royal Artillery, and on the 3rd of August 1869 to the Rifle Brigade.
AdvertisementNettled by the form in which the order was conveyed to him, Bredow drew his sword and ordered his trumpeter to sound the "trot," the brigade moving off in line of squadron columns at close interval in the direction in which they happened at the moment to be facing.
Corps and of the 40th brigade, which latter had been at once ordered into the Tronville copses to check portions of Tixier's division of the French 3rd Corps, which under cover of these copses had gradually worked round the Prussian flank.
Seeing the Hessians hard pressed, he now brought forward the and division of the Guard to their assistance, sending in the 3rd brigade immediately, and holding the 4th brigade in reserve.
Thus the 1st brigade lay, facing about east-south-east, south of the chaussee and some five hundred yards west of the village.
The and brigade lay south-west of the village about three hundred yards away from it and facing nearly north-east.
AdvertisementThe Saxons were on the left rear of the 1st brigade, but took longer to recover themselves than the Guards.
Corps the action still dragged; the 3rd brigade of the Guards had become involved in the fight, and notwithstanding the arrival of the corps artillery of the III.
The 4th brigade of the Guards now received their orders to attack Jerusalem (a hamlet a little south of St Privat), and the 1st division was ordered to assault St Privat itself.
But his orders were imperative, and the 4th brigade was already moving off and had to be supported at any cost.
He accordingly transmitted his orders, and the and brigade was the first to attempt their execution.
AdvertisementNevertheless the wheel was effected, the fresh direction taken, the troops extended for attack, and then the whole brigade dashed towards the houses assigned them as their objective.
Meanwhile the 1st brigade had moved round the north of the village and carried out its extension without serious hindrance.
They were, however, now abreast of the and brigade, and the whole line raced forward to reach the effective range of their very inferior weapons, which were about equal at aoo yds.
But the legend cannot be justified when the facts are compared with the slaughter of the Seven Years' War, of Napoleon's battles, the Crimea, and the American Civil War, or with the horrible punishment of von Wedell's brigade (38th) only two days before.
Simultaneously von Zastrow, under the same impression, had ordered his corps artillery to advance by the same road, and von Goeben, thinking his troops in front required support, had sent forward an infantry brigade by the same line of road.
AdvertisementPromoted general of brigade in 1803, he served in 1805 in the first of the great campaigns of the Empire.
At his own request he was ordered east, and on the 23rd of September 1861 was made brigadier-general of volunteers and assigned to command a brigade in the Army of the Potomac. He took part in the Peninsula campaign, and the handling of his troops in the engagement at Williamsburg on the 5th of May 1862, was so brilliant that McClellan reported "Hancock was superb," an epithet always afterwards applied to him.
Suitable grounds in the vicinity of the barracks, of which Caesar's Camp, the Long Valley and Laffan's Plain are best known, are utilized for company, battalion and brigade training of infantry, while the mounted branches work over a wider area, and the engineers carry out their practices where most convenient.
A third of the leading brigade (British) was killed and wounded in the vain attempt to break through the strong defences of the village, and some French squadrons charged upon it as it retired; a colour was captured in the melee, but a Hessian brigade in second line drove back the cavalry and retook the colour.
Entering the army as captain in 1859 he fought through the campaign of 1866 with the rank of major-general, leading his brigade into action at Custozza and being wounded at Monte Torre.
To each cohort, consisting of about moo men (chiefly freedmen), was entrusted the care of two of the fourteen city districts; one of its chief duties was that of a fire brigade.
This force was the only body of troops in Rome (save a few cohortes urbanae, a fire brigade, and some non-Roman personal guards of the emperor), or, indeed, anywhere near the capital.
On the extreme left, meanwhile, the " Green " brigade had come to close quarters with Wallenstein's infantry and guns about Liitzen, and the heavy artillery had gone forward to close range between the " Green " and the " Yellow " infantry.
The defenders of Marchienne used the former, while the brigade which had held Charleroi fell back by the latter.
Prince Bernard, in command of a brigade at Quatre Bras and Frasnes, recognizing the pressing danger that threatened on the Brussels road, retained his position there to check the French advance, instead of drawing off westwards and massing with the rest of his division at Nivelles; and in this action he was firmly supported by his immediate superiors.
Meanwhile two long hours had been wasted on the right whilst Grouchy and Vandamme deliberated over their plan of action in front of the Prussian brigade at Gilly; and it was not until the emperor himself again reached the front, about 5.30 P.M., that vigour replaced indecision.
As D'Erlon's troops advanced the Dutch-Belgian brigade in front of the ridge, which had been subjected to an overwhelming fire from the 80 French guns at close range, turned about and retired in disorder through the main position.
It was during this struggle that Lord Uxbridge launched two of his cavalry brigades on the enemy; and the "Union brigade" catching the French infantry unawares rode over them, broke them up, and drove them to the bottom of the slope with the loss of two eagles.
Delivered in three echelons, these final attacks were repulsed, the first echelon by Colin Halkett's British Brigade, a Dutch-Belgian battery, and a brigade of Chasse's Dutch-Belgian division; the second and third echelons by the Guards, the 52nd, and the Royal Artillery.
Corps and commanding the Cuneo Brigade, he became chief-of-staff of the so-called " Gorizia Zone " under Capello, with whom he remained when the command of the " Gorizia Zone " was extended to the whole II.
The outbreak of the Russian war made the commission a very long one; and on the 27th of November 1854 Hood was promoted to be commander in recognition of his service with the naval brigade before Sebastopol.
He had to accept the services of many ex-officers whose hearts were with the old regime, and he also found it difficult and, in some cases impossible, to dissolve reactionary Free Corps like those which returned from the Baltic provinces or like Ehrhardt's Marine Brigade.
On the other side the ist Army was at Feng-hwang-cheng with one brigade detached on the roads on either hand, the left being therefore in front of the Takushan division and facing the Fenshuiling.
He possessed the interior lines and the central reserve which enables interior lines to be utilized, and a stroke of good fortune prolonged the period in which he could command the situation, for The occupation of Siu-yen was chiefly the work of the brigade pushed out to his left by Kuroki.
Calling in the brigade detached to the assistance of Nozu as well as all other available fractions of his scattered army, he himself attacked 1 The 5th division of the 2nd Army had been sent to join the 10th as the latter approached Hsimucheng.
But Orlov, perplexed by conflicting instructions and caught in an unfavourable situation by a brigade of the 12th division which was executing the proposed " pursuit," gave way - part of his force in actual rout - and the cavalry that was with him was driven back by the Kobi (reserve army) brigade of the Guard.
Corps furiously attacked Okasaki on the Manjuyama, and though its first assault drove in a portion of Okasaki's line, a second and a third, made in the night, failed to shake the constancy of the 15th brigade.
But at least as large a share in the ruin of the Russian operations must be attributed to the steadfast gallantry of the 15th brigade on Manjuyama."
On the promotion of Colonel Wood to the command of the brigade, Mr Roosevelt became colonel of the regiment, which took an especially prominent part in the storming of San Juan Hill.
In 1794 he was again actively engaged, and in 1795 he rendered such conspicuous service as to be made general of brigade.
In the campaign of 1796 the young general commanded a brigade under Augereau, and soon attracted the special attention of Bonaparte, who caused him to be made a general of division in.
He became chef de brigade in December 1796 and general of brigade in 1798, in which year he accompanied Bonaparte to Egypt.
He served for a time on the staffs of Washington and Putnam in 1776-77, and by his vigilance in the retreat from Long Island he saved an entire brigade from capture.
Vidin is an episcopal see and the headquarters of a brigade; it was formerly a stronghold of some importance, and was rendered difficult to besiege by the surrounding marshes, formed where the Topolovitza and other streams join the Danube.
Meagher, the leader of the "Irish brigade" at Fredericksburg, was the young orator of the "United Irishmen."
Lee's army consisted of 40 brigades and 59 batteries organized in eleven divisions and an independent brigade four divisions were grouped under Jackson and three under Magruder.
In June he received the command of a brigade, and in July promotion to the rank of brigadier-general.
After the battle of Bull Run Jackson spent some time in the further training of his brigade which, to his infinite regret, he was compelled to leave behind him when, in October, he was assigned as a major-general to command in the Shenandoah Valley.
He was appointed in 1793 to a superior command in the army direct from civil life, and as a general of brigade he took part in the fighting of the 13th Vendemiaire.
In the fight on Chatterton Hill at the Plains, on the 28th of October, an American brigade was defeated.
But on the outbreak of the war between Piedmont and Austria in 1848 he hurried back to Italy, and although at first his services were rejected both by the Piedmontese government and the Lombard provisional government, he was afterwards given the command of a Lombard brigade.
He was elected member of the Piedmontese chamber in 1849, and on the renewal of the campaign he again commanded a Lombard brigade under General Ramorino.
In Spain he obtained the legion of honour and the rank of a French baron for his heroism at the battle of Epila and the storming of Saragossa, and in 1809 was promoted to be general of brigade.
Enghien had designed his battle even more carefully than before, but as the result of a series of accidents the two French armies attacked prematurely and straight to their front, one brigade after another, and though at one moment Enghien, sword in hand, broke the line of defence with his last intact reserve, a brilliant counterstroke, led by Mercy's brother Kaspar (who was killed), drove out the assailants.
In October he distinguished himself in command of an infantry brigade at the battle of Corinth, and on the 8th of this month was made major-general of volunteers and commander of a division.
In 1774 the nawab concluded with the government of Calcutta a treaty of alliance, and he now called upon the British, in accordance with its terms, to supply a brigade to assist him in enforcing his claims against the Rohillas.
In the House, as chairman of the committee on military affairs, he did much to prepare the Indiana troops for service in the Federal army; in 1861 he became colonel of the S3rd Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and subsequently took part in Grant's Tennessee campaign of 1862, and in the operations against Corinth and Vicksburg, where he commanded a brigade.
Wolseley asked for the help of white troops, and the 2nd battalion Rifle Brigade, the 23rd Fusiliers and 42nd Highlanders were despatched.
The military cantonments contain accommodation for all three arms and are the headquarters of a brigade in the 8th division of the eastern army corps.
He returned to France in 1850, and in the Crimean War served under Canrobert as general of brigade.
Several corps possess an extra infantry brigade of two 2-battalion regiments, but these, unless stationed on the frontiers, are gradually absorbed into new divisions and army corps.
In peace time the highest permanent organization is the brigade of two regiments or eight squadrons, but in war and at manceuvres divisions of three brigades, with horse artillery attached, are formed.
Colonial Troops.In 1906 these, irrespective of the brigade of occupation then maintained in north China and of special reinforcements sent to SW.
He commanded the Caucasian Cossack Brigade in the attack of the Green Hills at the second battle of Plevna.
Scarlett, was in the Balaklava plain; the other, the Light Brigade under Lord Cardigan (4th and 13th Light Dragoons now Hussars, 8th and 11th Hussars and 17th Lancers) in the valley to the north of the Vorontsov ridge.
The Russian cavalry mass, after crossing the ridge, moved towards Balaklava; a few shots were fired into it by a Turkish battery and a moment later the Heavy Brigade charged.
The defeated troops retreated past the still inactive Light Brigade, on whose left a French cavalry brigade was now posted.
The cavalry defeated by the Heavy Brigade was re-formed in the northern valley behind the field guns, and infantry, cavalry and artillery were on both the Fedukhine and the Vorontsov heights.
Thus, in front of the Light Brigade was a valley over a mile long, at the end of which was the enemy's cavalry and twelve guns, and on the ridges on either side there were in all twenty-two guns, with cavalry and infantry.
Lucan, seeing no attempt on the part of the enemy to move guns, questioned Nolan, who is said to have pointed down the valley to the artillery on the plain; whereupon Lucan rode to Lord Cardigan, the commander of the Light Brigade, and repeated Lord Raglan's order and Nolan's explanation.
The Light Brigade then advanced straight to its front, and soon came under fire from the guns on both flanks.
Nolan was killed as he rode across the front of the brigade, perhaps with the intention of changing its direction to the Vorontsov ridge.
Lucan had meanwhile called up the Heavy Brigade to support the Light, but it lost many men and horses and was quickly withdrawn.
Only two formed bodies of the Light Brigade found their way back.
The 13th Light Dragoons mustered but ten mounted men at the evening parade; the brigade as a whole had lost 247 men and 497 horses out of a total strength of 673 engaged in the charge, which lasted twenty minutes from first to last.
The impression created by the conduct of the Light Brigade was forcibly expressed in Tennyson's well-known ballad, and in spite of the equally celebrated remark of the French general Bosquet, C'est magnifique mais ce n'est pas la guerre, it may be questioned whether the moral effect of the charge did not outweigh the very serious loss in trained men and horses involved.
Marshal Marmont, writing in 1839, mentions the capacity of the Egyptians for endurance; and it was tested In 1883, especially in the 2nd Brigade, since its officers (Turks and Egyptians), anxious to excel as drill-masters, worked their men not only from morn till eve, but also by lamplight in the corridors of the barracks.
At night the troops, now reinforced by the Guards Brigade, an infantry battalion, 2 cavalry regiments and 10 guns, bivouacked on the ground.
At dawn the Highland Brigade of the 2nd Division struck the enemys trenches, and carried them after a brief struggle.
The left and leading square (2nd Brigade) moved towards the khor, approaching at a point where a little ravine joined it.
The brigade was forced back in disorder, and the naval guns, which had been left behind, were temporarily captured.
After a severe hand-to-hand struggle, in which the troops behaved with great gallantry, order was restored and the enemy repulsed, with the aid of the fire from the 1st Brigade square and from dismounted cavalry.
The 1st Brigade square, having a sufficient field of fire, easily repelled all attempts to attack, and advancing as soon as the situation had been restored, occupied the village of Tamai.
Every effort was now concentrated upon sending an expeditionary force to Suakin, and before the end of March about 13,000 men, including a brigade from India and a field battery from New South Wales, with nearly 7000 camels and 1000 mules, were there assembled.
Graham, with the cavalry brigade and the infantry of the Indian contingent, reconnoitred as far as Hashin, finding the country difficult on account of the dense mimosa scrub.
The enemy were repulsed in about twenty minutes, the naval brigade, the Berkshire regiment, the Royal Marines, and the 15th Sikhs showing the greatest gallantry.
A British brigade was on its way up stream, but the sirdar, who had already arrived to take the command in person, decided not to wait for it.
At the end of May an Indian brigade arrived for garrison duty, and the Egyptian troops were released for service on the Nile.
The Indian brigade at Suakin returned to India, and was replaced by Egyptians.
By the end of January the concentration was complete, and the British brigade, under MajorGeneral Gatacre, was at Dakhesh, south of Abu Hamed.
His force consisted of Gatacres British brigade (1st Warwicks, Lincoins, Seaforths and Camerons) and Hunters Egyptian division (3 brigades under Colonels Maxwell, MacDonald and Lewis respectively), Broadwoods cavalry, Tudways camel corps and Longs artillery.
Wauchope (1st Warwicks, Lincolns, Seaforths and Camerons), and 2nd Brigade, commanded by Colonel the Hon.
Kitchener then moved out and marched towards Omdurman, when he wa,s again twice fiercely attacked on the right flank and rear, MacDonalds brigade bearing the brunt.
A flying column, comprising a squadron of cavalry, a field battery, 6 machine guns, 6 companies of the camel corps, and a brigade of infantry and details, in all 3700 men, under Wingate, left Faki Kohi on the 21st of November.
He was a nephew of Saigo, with whom his elder brother sided in the Satsuma insurrection of 1877, but he nevertheless remained loyal to the imperial cause and commanded a brigade against the insurgents.
Overtures had been made to him, as early as 1807, to enter the Russian service, but Napoleon, hearing of his intention to leave the French army, compelled him to remain in the service with the rank of general of brigade.
The British troops on or near the ground were the 2nd Division, 3000, encamped on the ridge; Codrington's brigade of the Light Division, 1400, on the slopes west of the Careenage Ravine; and the Guards' brigade, 1350, about 4 m.
Pennefather had been reinforced by the Guards' brigade and a few smaller units.
He joined the Irish Brigade in France in 1768, and subsequently he entered the Russian service and was captured by the Turks.
This success led to his being given the command of a brigade of ten battalions of infantry, with which he won the victories of Patan and Merta in 1790.
The fine condition of his regiment was soon remarked in the army of the Rhine, and his organizing ability was made use of by an appointment on the staff, and finally by his promotion to the rank of general of brigade.
His ancestors in the 18th century had sent recruits to the famous brigade of Irish exiles in the service of France,' and those who remained at home either lived as tenants on the possessions of which they had once been lords, or gradually made money by smuggling, a very general calling in that wild region.
As an advocate, too, he stood in the very highest rank; in mere oratory he was surpassed by Plunket, and in rhetorical gifts by Bushe, the only ' See the account of O'Connell's uncle, Count Daniel O'Connell (1745-1833), to whose property he fell heir, in Mrs O'Connell's Last Colonel of the Irish Brigade (1892), and O'Callaghan's Irish Brigade in the Service of France (1870).
He had been commissioned in September 1862 colonel of the 61st New York volunteers, commanded a brigade at the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, and in May 1864 was rewarded for his gallant leadership by the grade of brigadier-general of volunteers.
At the defence of Mainz he so distinguished himself that though disgraced along with the rest of the garrison and imprisoned, he was promptly reinstated, and in August 1793 promoted general of brigade.
Between Kabul and Jalalabad there are two roads, one by the Lataband pass, and the other and more difficult by the Khurd-Kabul and Jagdalak passes, the latter being the scene of the massacre of a British brigade in 1842.
Shortly after wards a British brigade was defeated at Maiwand by the Herati army of Ayub Khan, a defeat promptly and completely retrieved by the brilliant march of General Sir Frederick Roberts from Kabul to Kandahar, and by the total rout of Ayub Khan's army on the 1st of September 1880.
He asked for permission to split the 9th Div., which had been given him as a reserve, and send a brigade to each of the sectors mentioned.
Cadorna was unwilling to break up the 9th Div., and ordered that it should be held in reserve at Schio, within easy reach of the Vallarsa sector, while to reinforce the Tonezza sector he dispatched an additional brigade from the general reserve.
Next day the attack was renewed, heavy columns coming up the slopes against the Passo di Buole, only to be thrown back, broken and decimated, one brigade being practically destroyed.
He distinguished himself at Austerlitz, and, after serving for a short time in Italy, he rejoined the grande armee as a general of brigade, in time to take part in the campaign of Friedland.
In 1859 he organized the Alpine Brigade, fought at Palestro at the head of the 4th Division, and in the following year invaded the Marches, won the battle of Castelfidardo, took Ancona, and subsequently directed the siege of Gaeta.
In June he was placed in command of a cavalry brigade, and a month later he won promotion to the rank of brigadier-general U.S.V.
The Alpenkorps were making good headway on the slopes above the road, where the Taro brigade, surprised in the mist, made a feeble resistance, and Lequis's left-hand column quickly reached the Italian second line, where the valley narrows below the hamlet of Foni.
This line, running up to Monte Plezia, had been held, until the eve of the battle, by a Bersaglieri brigade which formed the extreme right wing of the IV.
Corps, the Bersaglieri were given to Cavaciocchi as an additional reserve, and Badoglio received the Napoli brigade for the purpose of holding this important point.
Only one battalion, however, was placed on Monte Plezia; the rest of this regiment (the 76th) lay at Passo di Zagradan, high upon the ridge to the west, and the other regiment of the brigade (the 75th), together with the brigade command, was nearly three m.
A gallant detachment (Alpini and details of the Etna brigade), finding retreat impossible, held out for days on Monte Nero till the battle had gone far to the W., and all their food and ammunition were gone.
The right wing of the 19th was still holding on Globocak and had been reinforced by the ist Bersaglieri Brigade; Alpine troops still held a line down to the river, though they had been driven off their original positions on Krad Vrh, and troops of the 64th were being brought back from the left bank to strengthen this line.
And the Potenza brigade was wanted farther south.
Krauss was pressing upon the Stol, and finding a weak resistance; the Potenza brigade was falling back from Creda; Monte Matajur had fallen, practically undefended.
At dusk a message came from Di Robilant that he was sending up a brigade of the VI.
A later message promised another brigade.
After commanding a Neapolitan brigade in the Peninsular campaign, Pepe returned to Italy in 1813, with the rank of general, to help to reorganize the Neapolitan army.
Bareilly is the headquarters of a brigade in the 7th division of the eastern army corps.
During that year he visited the prison camps in Germany and tried, with very poor success, to undermine the loyalty of Irish soldiers who were prisoners of war, making them alluring promises if they would join an Irish brigade to fight for Ireland against Great Britain.
A division in time of war would probably consist of 2 battalions of infantry (4 regiments, 12 battalions), with 4 squadrons of cavalry, 1 artillery regiment, I company of engineers, &c. A cavalry division would consist of 2 brigades of 8 squadrons each, and 1 brigade of horse artillery.
The Russian mission of 1879 has been the most successful, and the so-called Cossack brigade which it formed has always been commanded by Russian officers.
Christie fell bravely fighting at the head of his brigade; Lindsay saved two of his nine guns; but neither of the two Englishmen was responsible for the disaster.
Last of all there is the brigade for enquiries, whose business it is to act as the eyes and ears of the prefecture.
For his services in command of an infantry brigade at Kolin (1757) he was specially mentioned by Count Daun, and became one of the original members of the order of Maria Theresa.
The Ibar Force, and eventually the Yavor Brigade also, were to clear the Sanjak of Novibazar of Turkish garrisons and Albanian bands.
Bulgarian coOperation was limited to a movement by one brigade over the mountains towards the upper Bregalnitsa.
Volunteer brigade; one brigade 4th Div.; 7th Div., main body 8th Div.; one brigade 3rd Div.; main body 6th Div.; 2nd Div.
In 1783 the empress gave him another estate at Gatchina, where he was allowed to maintain a brigade of soldiers whom he drilled on the Prussian model.
It controls the fire brigade, has the general inspection over all strangers, and is responsible for public order.
In 1817 he became major-general and commander of the brigade of hussars.
By 1794 he was adjutant-general (with the rank of chef de brigade).
After the battle of Fleurus, in which he greatly distinguished himself for coolness, he was promoted general of brigade by the representatives on mission.
Under an act of 1893 the borough police may, in addition to their ordinary duties, be employed to discharge the duties of a fire brigade.
He particularly distinguished himself by beating a body of the French ashore at the head of a naval brigade of English and Spaniards.
This brigade was attacked by overwhelming numbers, and on the remaining brigades advancing in support, they were successively cut to pieces by the encircling masses of the enemy.
He took part in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth, and at Yorktown commanded the first brigade of light infantry.
To a still elder branch belonged Daniel O'Donnell (1666-1735), a general of the famous Irish brigade in the French service, whose father, Turlough, was a son of Hugh Dubh O'Donnell, elder brother of Manus, son of an earlier Hugh Dubh mentioned above.
At the same time the Parliamentary infantry had mostly crossed the lane and was fighting at close quarters and suffering severely, Newcastle's north-country "White-Coat" brigade driving back and finally penetrating their centre.
The boundaries of the 8th division include those of the former Oudh, Allahabad, Assam and Presidency districts; and the troops now quartered in Bengal only consist of the Presidency brigade with its headquarters at Fort William.
He resigned from congress, raised in Illinois the "McClernand Brigade," and was commissioned (May 17, 1861) brigadiergeneral of volunteers.
In time of peace the field army consists of four complete army corps, with headquarters at Craiova, Bucharest, Jassy and Galatz; besides an independent brigade in the Dobrudja, and a separate cavalry division with headquarters at Bucharest.
In the Cuban campaign he won particular distinction, and the victory of the Americans in the action of El Caney was in large measure due to his careful personal reconnaissances of the ground to be attacked and to the endurance of his own brigade.
The Guards brigade attacked the Vladimir regiment, and on the left the Highland brigade and the cavalry moved forward also.
It is the headquarters of a brigade in the 9th division of the Indian army.
For the victory of Cholet Kleber was made general of division and Marceau confirmed as general of brigade.
Staff and regimental duty (as usual in the Prussian service) alternated for some years after this, till in 1863 he became major-general commanding the 26th infantry brigade.
In the first of Prussia's great wars (1864) he distinguished himself at the head of his brigade at Rackebiill and Sonderburg.
In the war of 1866 -Lieutenant-General von Goeben commanded the 13th division, of which his old brigade formed part, and, in this higher sphere, once more displayed the qualities of a born leader and skilful tactician.
Lane, with an undisciplined brigade, had crossed the border, sacking, burning and killing in his progress, Missouri " bushrangers " retaliated in kind.
At the beginning of the Civil War he resigned to become colonel of the 3rd Maine volunteer regiment, and at the first battle of Bull Run was in command of a brigade.
Belgaum contains a cantonment which is the headquarters of a brigade in the 6th division of the western army corps.
The garrison consists of a brigade belonging to the Burma command of the Indian army.
The readjusted American line was composed of the divisions of Lafayette, Greene, Alexander and Patterson, while Wayne's brigade, which had been in Lee's advance from the first, was posted in a favourable position.
His conduct on this occasion (he captured five guns at the head of a single squadron) won him further promotion, and he made the remaining campaigns as a major-general at the head of the Hussar brigade (7th, 10th and 15th Hussars).
At .Waterloo he was in command of the Household Cavalry Brigade, which distinguished itself not less by its stern and patient endurance of the enemy's fire than by its celebrated charge on the cuirassiers of Milhaud's corps.
At the beginning of March 1849 he annihilated a brigade at Szolnok, perhaps his greatest exploit.
The British infantry brigade consists as a rule of four battalions (or about 4000 bayonets) with supply, transport and medical units attached; the cavalry brigade of two or three regiments of cavalry.
An artillery "brigade" (field, horse, and heavy) is in Great Britain a smaller unit, forming a lieut.-colonel's command and consisting of two or three batteries.
In 1808 he was created a count of the empire, and in 1811 he retired from the army with the grade of chef de brigade.
He was then placed in command of the 8th Brigade at San Francisco.
Sent by Garibaldi to Tuscany, he attempted to invade the Papal States with a volunteer brigade, but his followers were disarmed and disbanded by Ricasoli and Cavour.
Rangoon is the headquarters of a brigade in the Burma command of the Southern army.
In the autumn Nicholas was placed in command of the 2nd brigade of the 1st division of the Guard.
Generalmajor Graf Nugent and his brigade adjutant accompanied this column.
Salhi interested me because he commanded a mechanized brigade that faced a 1995 INC rebel offensive in northern Iraq.
The key to the front in front of 101st brigade was Greenland Hill.
This entailed being sent to the front with the Canadian Cavalry brigade.
These sub units belonged to the First infantry brigade of the First Infantry Division.
On the 22nd February a call came without warning for the 1st cavalry brigade to move up at once to the front.
The ROE will be prepared and issued by a higher headquarters before any of the aviation brigade elements deploy to the AO.
Contact your fire brigade who will be pleased to help you.
You'd have the blue rinse brigade waving their walking sticks at them and the local Chavs throwing bricks at them.
The division commander normally places at least one FA battalion in direct support of each committed maneuver brigade.
For division cavalry, he normally comes from the division engineer brigade.
Mr A Marquis, former chairman of the Uniform Review Group spoke against the motion on behalf of the Brigade Executive.
The brigade of award-winning chefs is passionate about food & their cooking will quite literally feed the mind.
The S4 usually collocates with the S1 in the brigade rear CP.
The support battalion commander relies heavily on the brigade rear CP for passing information on terrain analysis from the brigade main CP.
The brigade commander gives highest priority support to units located in contaminated areas.
Ryan is a Lance Corporal in the Slough Company of the Boys Brigade and he is a keen cook.
Her husband banned fox hunting so she is above criticism of the nut cutlet brigade.
The 3rd division along with the 12th SP Brigade tried in vain to contain the US 7th Corps advance.
Now today, the modern method is to call the fire brigade out, which all comes out of the rates.
Try to attract the attention of others who can alert the fire brigade.
He left school at 15 and did a number of different jobs before settling on joining the fire brigade.
The local fire brigade, I don't know the district, in tent four.
In 1824 the first municipal fire brigade was formed in Edinburgh.
The alarm was received at 4-30 a.m. and the Arrochar voluntary fire brigade was at the scene of the outbreak in eight minutes.
Merseyside fire brigade has vowed to take action against people who sell fireworks illegally.
The Earl of Chester's volunteer fire brigade was formed.
It may also be possible to arrange for a local fire brigade crew to attend a fire drill to witness it.
In 1967, an original lamp from the old firehouse was erected outside the Brigade's Danes Castle fire house.
Anyway, it seems as if the fire brigade were able to douse the flames before any serious harm was done.
General Lemnitzer called for the Brigade to join the guerrillas in the Escambray Mountains.
An infantry battalion wearing red hackles has occupied the field, and in our house there is a brigade HQ.
The brigade headquarters can control up to six battalions of field artillery.
Examples of these tenants are the brigade rear CP and the support battalion company headquarters.
These sub units belonged to the First Infantry brigade of the First infantry brigade of the First Infantry Division.
The brigade materiel manager contacts the materiel manager of allied nations for disposition instructions.
Biggest prize pool blue cheese mousse volunteer fire brigade wpt texas hold.
He called the Fire Brigade and managed to enter the building to rescue the occupants.
Brigadier Shaun Cowlam, commanding officer of the brigade, is leading the party, which is studying locations for a British base.
The brigade for which I was liaison officer attacked with 75 tanks of which 3 tanks survived.
Even here they have Shock Brigade workers who display red pennants with their records on them.
Due to insufficient bridging material or pontoons, the brigade had to satisfy itself with the occupation of the eastern perimeter of the village.
Naturally all Brigade deficiencies during the intervening period had to be assumed to have been lost in it.
Training in assessment techniques is provided for fire brigade personnel by the clinic.
This bears a postmark which reads Infantry Brigade, Post Office, New Zealand Division, 20 June 1915.
One of them was Pat Harte, former quartermaster of the 3rd Battalion, West Cork Brigade.
Taking heavy casualties the Brigade, with most of the 19th attached to it took the Great redoubt.
The CSSCS is employed at armored cavalry regiment, separate brigade, division, corps, and echelons above corps.
Matthew Rye The Sunday Telegraph, 21st December 2003 No, not the old brigade who formed this vocal sextet 35 years ago!
They are only interested in the MCC brigade & are really snotty about showing football on their screens.
In addition, it should have an sop coordinated with the brigade rear CP for conducting emergency moves.
The light division aviation brigade is composed of a brigade HHC; one divisional cavalry squadron; one AHB; and one ATKHB.
The brigade was not part of WGF, but had been directly subordinate to the Warsaw Pact, i.e. the Russians, and Moscow.
He became its colonel, and as such continued in the Union Army until the close of the war, and on the 23rd of January 1865 was breveted a brigadier-general of volunteers for "ability and manifest energy and gallantry in command of brigade."
In the spring of 1795 he received an order from Paris to proceed to la Vendee in command of an infantry brigade.
The 1st division, warned by their own scouts that French troops were in Ste Marie, deployed to attack this village, and were assisted in their endeavour by a brigade of Saxons detached by the crown prince of Saxony, who from his position could see behind the poplar screen that limited the view of the commander-in-chief.
He became chef de brigade in Attached by birth and service to the future Emperor Napoleon, he took part in the Ccup d'Elat of 18th Brumaire (9th November 1799).
Owing to a misconception, one Dutch-Belgian brigade formed up in front of the ridge.
But the Stonewall brigade had been sent to its old leader in November, and by the time that the famous Valley Campaign (see Shenandoah Valley Campaigns) began, the forces under Jackson's command had acquired cohesion and power of manoeuvre.
He served with distinction throughout the Crimean campaign, first as aide-de-camp to Marshal St Arnaud, and then as general of brigade, and was made a commander of the Legion of Honour and general of division.
Flahaut fought with distinction in the Russian campaign of 1812, and in 1813 became general of brigade, aide-de-camp to the emperor, and, after the battle of Leipzig, general of division.
What are your orders about the Fire Brigade?
Now why are you asking silly questions about the Fire Brigade?
The fire brigade may redeploy that officer to other duties.
Taking heavy casualties the Brigade, with most of the 19th attached to it took the Great Redoubt.
Four separate assaults were repulsed by the brave defenders, two of which were made by the Naval Brigade under Commander Mayne.
The blue rinse brigade (hello Mavis) love a bit of Brucie on a Saturday night.
Matthew Rye The Sunday Telegraph, 21st December 2003 No, not the old brigade who formed this vocal sextet 35 years ago !
In addition, it should have an SOP coordinated with the brigade rear CP for conducting emergency moves.
He stated that other barriers, such as language could exist, but that the Fire Brigade would continue to strive to overcome these.
The brigade tasks a subordinate unit to provide unit support.
On Saturday from one of our car brigade there was a tirade against the train as unreliable.
Utterly pointless, if I 'm honest - it 's not even titillating enough to appeal to the raincoat brigade.
Another phone worth considering is the Casio G'zOne Brigade.
The group followed this up with Brigade, which is perhaps best known for the hit single All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You, but also scored with Stranded.
He specializes in comedy, and belongs to The Upright Citizens Brigade improv group.
The Iron Brigade of the Union Army wore a black feather in their Hardee hats and was known as "Black Hats."
These four legions are again combined into two " Brigades," the first of which comprises the first and second legions, while the second brigade contains the third and fourth legions.
Its affairs are administered by a governor-general, who is also commander-in-chief of the forces, by a bureau of civil government, and by three prefectural governors, below whom are the heads of twenty territorial divisions called cho; its finances are not included in the general budget of the Japanese empire; it is garrisoned by a mixed brigade taken from the home divisions; and its currency is on a silver basis.
In 1806, as a general of brigade, and commander of the artillery of an army corps, he took part in the Jena.
He was active in charity and philanthropic work, being one of the founders of the Shoe-black Brigade.
Reckoning 1,500 to each brigade, we got a total for the phalanx of 9,000 men.
The line faced generally south-west towards the city, the reserve division under Major-General (Sir) John Moore on the right, the Guards brigade in the centre, and three other brigades on the left.
In 1861 he became captain, and in the Abyssinian expedition of 1867-68 was a brigade major, being again mentioned in despatches and given a brevet majority.
On the 10th of December ' Baird joined Moore near Mayorga, and a brilliant cavalry combat now took place at Sahagun, in which the British hussar brigade distinguished itself.
The force, disciplined and organized by a permanent staff of officers and non-commissioned officers of the regular army, is about 6500 strong, and consists of a brigade of artillery, four mounted, three composite and four infantry corps, a cyclist corps, &c. There are also cadet companies some 3000 strong.
Clery and some brigades were sent to Natal; Gatacre with less than a brigade, instead of a division, was despatched to Queenstown, Cape Colony; while Lord Methuen, with a division, was sent off to relieve Kimberley.
The Boers, who held a river line, kept the British attack at bay all day, but eventually fell back, relinquishing the position after dark, as their right had been turned by General Pole-Carew's brigade.
In a night attack on Magersfontein hill the Highland brigade came under heavy fire while still in assembly formation, and lost its general, A.G.
He had collected at Chieveley in Natal a brigade of mounted men, four brigades of infantry and six batteries of artillery, and he carried with him the trust alike of the army and the nation.
De Wet, after escaping from Brandwater Basin, was hunted north-westward, and crossed into the Transvaal, where, joining the local guerrilla bands, he surrounded an infantry brigade at Fredrikstad.
The brigade was confined to the central part of the metropolis; for the rest, the parochial authorities had charge of protection from fire.
The central brigade came under the control of the Metropolitan Board of Works; and the County Council now manages the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, under a chief officer and a staff numbering about 1300.
In 1854 he published The Charge of the Light Brigade, and was.busy composing Maud and its accompanying lyrics; and this volume was published in July 1855, just after he was made D.C.L.
Both police and fire brigade are under the command of a single Keishi-sokan (inspector-general).
The retreating French troops belonged to Frossard's command, and as they were in considerable confusion Frossard called on du Preuil's brigade of the imperial guard cavalry to charge.
On their left, however, no fresh troops were as yet available, and on being informed, about 2.30 p.m., that French cavalry seemed to be about to charge the exhausted 6th division, Alvensleben ordered Bredow's cavalry brigade to charge, and if necessary to sacrifice itself, to save the infantry.
The Guard brigade of Kuroki's army which had served with Nozu in the advance had now returned to Feng-hwang-cheng.
On the extreme left was Orlov's brigade of all arms at Yentai Mines, then came the I.
He commanded a brigade in the siege of Boston.
An elder brother, who like himself was early turned out into the world to seek his own fortune, rose to command a brigade in the Mysore army, while Hyder, who never learned to read or write, passed the first years of his life aimlessly in sport and sensuality, sometimes, however, acting as the agent of his brother, and meanwhile acquiring a useful familiarity with the tactics of the French when at the height of their reputation under Dupleix.
The usual strength of the corps is, 2 infantry divisions (4 brigades, 8 or 9 regiments, 32 or 36 battalions), 1 cavalry brigade (18 squadrons), and 1 artillery brigade (16-18 batteries or 128-144 field-guns), besides technical and departmental units and in some cases fortress artillery regiments.
Lyttelton (1st Northumberlands and Grenadier Guards, 2nd Lancashire and Rifle Brigade); Egyptian division, under Major-General Hunter, consisting of four brigades, commanded by Colonels MacDonald, Maxwell, Lewis and, Collinson; mounted troops2Ist Lancers, camel corps, and Egyptian cavalry; artillery, under Colonel Long, 2 British batteries, 5 Egyptian batteries, and 20 machine guns; detachment of Royal Engineers.
The war organization of the home establishment, with its general and special reserves, aimed at the mobilization and despatch overseas of 6 army divisions, each of 12 battalions in 3 brigades; 9 field batteries in 3 brigades, a brigade of 3 field howitzer batteries, and a heavy battery, each with the appropriate ammunition columns; 2 field companies and telegraph company R.E.; 2 companies mounted infantry; and ambulances, columns and parks.
The brigade has a strength of about 1800 men and costs 50,000 per annum.
There is, first of all, the service of the Surete-- in other words, of public safety - the detective department, employed entirely in the pursuit and capture of criminals; next comes the police, now amalgamated with the Surete, that watches over the morals of the capital and possesses arbitrary powers under the existing laws of France; then there is the brigade de garnis, the police charged with the supervision of all lodging-houses, from the commonest "sleep-sellers'" shop, as it is called, to the grandest hotels.
The cantonment accommodates about a brigade of troops.
Part of it is now used as the headquarters of the 4th Welsh (Howitzer) Brigade R.F.A.
Angelkovich (I mixed brigade).
The Yavor Brigade was temporarily held back facing the Serbo - Bosnian frontier.
Partly in order to develop the necessary frontage from the outset (in case of battle between Kirk Kilisse and the frontier), and partly in order to utilize the routes to the best advantage in a country much more difficult than that traversed by the other armies, Radko Dimitriev had formed his two leading divisions into four brigade columns - (a) a 4th Div.
During the war in America he was employed against the privateers, and with a naval brigade at the occupation of Charleston, S.C. In January 1781, when in command of the "Warwick" (50), he captured a Dutch 50gun ship which had beaten off an English vessel of equal strength a few days before.
General Martinez Campos caused him to be proclaimed king at Murviedro by a brigade of troops, and the example there set was followed everywhere.
Among her many educational endowments may be specified the St Stephen's Institute in Vincent Square, Westminster (1846); she started sewing schools in Spitalfields when the silk trade began to fail; helped to found the shoe-black brigade; and placed hundreds of destitute boys in training-ships for the navy and merchant service.
In 1862 he was with Garibaldi at Aspromonte; in 1866 he commanded a volunteer brigade against Austria; in 1867 he invaded the Papal States from the south, but the defeat of Garibaldi at Mentana put an end to his enterprise.
General Stephenson, who was in command of the British troops in Egypt, wished to send a brigade at once to Dongola, but he was overruled, and it was not until the beginning of November that the British relief force was ready to start from Wadi Halfa under the command of Lord Wolseley.
The party is aware that they make unlikely bedfellows with the Save the Pound brigade.
True, on the 22nd of December 1793 he was made general of brigade for his services; and in February 1794 he gained the command of the artillery in the French army about to invade Italy; but during the preliminary work of fortification along the coast he was placed under arrest for a time owing to his reconstruction of an old fort at Marseilles which had been destroyed during the Revolution.
Ratan Singh, who succeeded his father in 1828, applied in vain in 1830 to the British government for aid against a fresh outbreak of his thakurs; but during the next five years dacoity became so rife on the borders that the government raised a special force to deal with it (the Shakhawati Brigade), and of this for seven years Bikanir contributed part of the cost.
The 13th Division, with some other detachments from Helles and with one brigade of the 10th Division, were the troops chosen to augment Birdwood's force already at Anzac. The new venture further north was entrusted to the i r th Division, which was to assemble in the island of Imbros supported by the rest of the 10th Division; the portions of this latter division not detailed for Anzac were to concentrate partly at Mudros, and partly in a port of Mitylene more than ioo m.
At Bull Run his brigade was wasted in isolated and disconnected regimental attacks, at Shiloh his division was completely surprised owing to want of precaution; but his bravery and energy were beyond question, and these qualities carried him gradually to the front at the same time as he acquired skill and experience.
It was now ordered to deploy and to co-operate with the 40th brigade in an attack on the Tronville copses.
By the time (5.3 0) it had sufficiently cleared this village it became apparent that the 4th brigade in its extension for attack would overlap the front assigned to the and, hence a further (half-left) wheel, still in mass, had to be undertaken before room for deployment could be obtained.
In any case D'Erlon could not come back in time to give him effectual help. But incapable of grasping the situation, and beside himself with rage, Ney sent imperative orders to D'Erlon to return at once, and immediately afterwards he ordered Kellermann to lead his one available cuirassier brigade and break through Wellington's line.
It is an important military cantonment and sanatorium, being the headquarters of a brigade in the second division of the northern army corps.
On the 9th of January 1646 he surprised Lord Wentworth's brigade at Bovey Tracey, and was present with Fairfax at the fall of Exeter on the 9th of April.
Similarly the Arimondi brigade was attacked by 30,000 Shoans, and encumbered by the debris of Albertones troops.
Clive selected it, on account of its commanding position, as the cantonment for the brigade of troops lent him by the nawab of Oudh.
As the commander of a brigade he served with particular distinction in the battles of Kenesaw Mountain (June 29 - July 3, 1864), Peach Tree Creek (20th of July 1864) and Nashville (15th-16th of December 1864).
Entering the army as lieutenant of artillery in 1857, he gained the medal for military valour at the battle of Custozza in 1866, and in 1870 commanded the brigade of artillery which battered the breach in the wall of Rome at Porta Pia.
In 1861 he was captain of a company (which he had raised) in the 69th regiment of New York volunteers and fought at the first battle of Bull Run; he then organized an Irish brigade, of whose first regiment he was colonel until the 3rd of February 1862, when he was appointed to the command of this organization with the rank of brigadier-general.
He took part in the siege of Yorktown, the battle of Fair Oaks, the seven days' battle before Richmond, and the battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, where he was wounded, and Chancellorsville, where his brigade was reduced in numbers to less than a regiment, and General Meagher resigned his commission.
He became captain in 1871, and, transferred to the 7th Hussars in 1874, was promoted major in 1875, and returned to the Rifle Brigade as lieutenantcolonel in September 1876.
He accompanied the expeditionary force to Egypt in 1882, and commanded the Guards brigade at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir.
This force, formed in 1459, was generally known as the Fekete Sereg, or "Black Brigade," from the colour of its armour.
The rest of the province is policed by the South African constabulary, a body 3700 strong, to which is also entrusted customs preventive work, fire brigade work and such like functions.
On the 10th of October the Dundee brigade vigorously and successfully attacked Talana Hill, and drove back Lukas Meyer, but this success was dearly bought.
Half the mounted men lost their way in attempting to pass the enemy's flank and were taken, and the brigade, threatened to its left rear by Joubert's advance and by the force that had seized the railway, only escaped being enveloped by retreating upon Ladysmith, where it arrived in an exhausted state on the 26th of October.
From that day the role of the Natal Field Force was changed from that of a mobile field army into that of a garrison, and two days later it was completely isolated, but not before General French had succeeded in escaping south by train, and the naval authorities had been induced by Sir George White's urgent appeals to send into the town a naval brigade with a few guns of sufficient range and calibre to cope with the heavy position artillery which Joubert was now able to bring into action against the town.
His elder brother, General Lord (Robert) Edward (Henry) Somerset (1776-1842), distinguished himself as the leader of the Household Cavalry brigade at Waterloo.
Flies's column (backed by a fresh brigade) south of Langensalza, and Beyer approached from Eisenach.
In 1832 the fire insurance companies united to maintain a small fire brigade, and continued to do so until 1866.
In the last war against Tippoo in 1799 Baird was appointed to the senior brigade commandin the army.
On the 14th of May 1861 he was appointed colonel of the 13th U.S. Infantry, a new regiment, and was soon assigned to command a brigade in General McDowell's army in front of Washington.
He held a brigade command in the war against Tippoo, and served under Cornwallis in the Seringapatam operations of 1792, being promoted colonel in 1795.
The six ladies-in-waiting of the Dean for Sheriff brigade cupped their hands and booed the competition, to the delight of the crowd.
Each army corps consists in principle of two infantry divisions, one cavalry brigade, one brigade of horse and field artillery, one engineer battalion and one squadron of train.
He served in the first battle of Bull Run; commanded a brigade in Kentucky in the winter of 1861, a division in Tennessee and Mississippi early in 1862, and the 1st Corps in Kentucky in October of the same year; was in command of Nashville in November and December of that year; and was then engaged in Tennessee until after the battle of Chickamauga, after which he saw no active service at the front during the Civil War.
Christian De Wet, who had first come into prominence as the captor of Lord Roberts's convoy at Waterval, and was now operating east and south-west of Bloemfontein in order to counteract the influence of Roberts's numerous flying columns which rode hither and thither offering peace, added to his laurels by ambushing Broadwood's mounted brigade and horse artillery at Sannah's Post, just outside Bloemfontein, on the 31st of March.
The 2nd and 4th Austrian corps found themselves all at once threatened in flank and rear by heavy masses of Prussian infantry, the leading brigades of the crown prince's army, and they began to withdraw towards the centre of their position in ordered brigade masses, apparently so intent on keeping their men in hand that they seem never to have noticed the approach of the Prussian reserve artillery of the Guard which (under Prince Kraft zu Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen) was straining forward over heavy soil and through standing corn towards their point of direction, a clump of trees close to the tower of the church of Chlum.
It was commanded by Prince Alexander of Hesse; the 1st division (3 infantry brigades, i cavalry brigade, 6 batteries) came from Wurttemberg; the 2nd division (2 infantry and I cavalry brigades, 5 batteries) from Baden, the least anti-Prussian of all these states; the 3rd division (2 infantry and i cavalry brigades, i rifle battalion, 4 batteries) from Hesse-Darmstadt; the 4th division consisted of an Austrian brigade of 7 battalions (three of which were Italians), a Nassau brigade, and two batteries and some hussars of Hesse-Cassel.
In 1861 he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, and had command of the 2nd brigade of the Pennsylvania Reserves in the Army of the Potomac under General M'Call.