Briefly Sentence Examples
She met his gaze briefly and looked away.
Let's briefly discuss that possibility.
Quinn joined us briefly for dinner.
She surrendered to his lovemaking, briefly disappointed when he stopped to shut their bedroom door.
His attention drifted away briefly in thought.
He returned his attention to the mirror, pausing briefly to speak.
While Dean had briefly touched on his search for Martha's bones at the park that morning, he and Cynthia now repeated the story in greater detail.
Their conversation was interrupted briefly while a man asked Lillie to dance.
Her cell rang, and she stared at it briefly through bleary eyes.
Before describing the process of teaching Helen to speak, it may be well to state briefly to what extent she had used the vocal organs before she began to receive regular instruction in articulation.
AdvertisementHe leaned down and kissed her cheek softly and she rolled her head, finally touching his lips briefly with hers.
The gazettes from which the old prince first heard of the defeat at Austerlitz stated, as usual very briefly and vaguely, that after brilliant engagements the Russians had had to retreat and had made their withdrawal in perfect order.
A wry smile briefly touched his lips.
The hand left her breast, caressing its way down her side, pausing briefly on her waist and then continuing down her hip.
His lips left hers briefly and then he whispered softly against her neck.
AdvertisementJessi studied him briefly, sensing his mood darken, as it had yesterday when she mentioned dating Gerry.
Headlights flashed on the curtains briefly and a car door slammed.
Again her fall was briefly interrupted - until the roots released their grip in the loose gravel.
I thought only briefly before giving him Daniel Brennan's phone number.
I explained the situation briefly and the patrolman recognized I was the object of the call he'd just received from Jackson.
AdvertisementSeveral people stopped to stare or skirt them as Rhyn padded through, and one startled gasp drew his attention briefly to a stairwell.
He closed his eyes briefly and began loosening his tight grip on the line, readying himself to rappel downward.
She stiffened briefly as she realized what had happened, but before she could even raise a hand to resist; his venom had produced a surge of euphoria.
Lana watched them speak briefly before the two in uniform started down another tunnel.
Sackler questioned Vinnie briefly but got no further than Dean.
AdvertisementHe talked to Mums and Mr. Reynolds briefly and then left the waiting room.
He amused himself briefly with the thought of eliminating Sirian himself once the battle began.
He examined her, apologizing briefly when he caused pain.
He paused only briefly at the dresser with his hands on the drawer.
Each of them hugged him and talked briefly to Destiny.
She woke several times briefly; once to see Len and an older officer with white hair talking in the hallway outside her cubicle in the emergency room.
I stopped briefly enough to thank Pual who looked disappointed to be out of the drama.
He Transported himself into Yully's room and looked around briefly before stepping into the quiet hallway.
He changed into a clean shirt as he briefly described hearing the accident, climbing down to investigate and discovering Billy Langstrom's body.
Usually. We'll notify his doctor that he was awake briefly today.
She met his gaze briefly in the mirror.
He thought briefly of his dream, but the hair color differed.
He glanced back at the redhead briefly and thought, she'll keep.
She turned to leave the room and briefly dropped the robe off one side to flash a bare shoulder.
His lips pressed warmly against hers briefly and then he drew back to look into her eyes.
Pierre did not answer him and asked briefly whether his proposal would be accepted.
He glanced up briefly as Connie walked in.
We stopped briefly for a fast food lunch.
We discussed the risks, but only briefly.
He briefly explained the situation to Winston, who had no problem detouring for the short time it would take to question the youth.
The bake lights came on briefly as he slowed down for the bridge and then the truck disappeared into a cloud of tawny dust.
Without waiting for an answer, he headed for the kitchen, stopping briefly to turn on the stereo.
Gerald's gaze shifted briefly to Alex, who continued reading as if he hadn't heard their conversation.
They paused briefly, letting the horses drink while Rob took some pictures of the creek.
Blond brows lifted briefly and then he shrugged.
A deep voice interrupted them briefly as Alex inquired.
If you feel comfortable with her … He paused briefly and then continued.
He was tall enough that the movement caused her body to rest against his, however briefly.
The facts are briefly stated in Duval's Litterature syriaque, p. 192.
Briefly, it may be explained here that Easter day is the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox.
In short, we have a somewhat heterogeneous assemblage of tropical, temperate and alpine plants, as has been already briefly indicated, of which, however, the tropical are so far dominant as to give their character to the flora viewed as a whole.
What remains to be said of his internal policy may be briefly detailed.
Before relating the circumstances of Turgot's fall we may briefly resume his views on the administrative system.
Some conclusions may be briefly suggested.
Coldly, without looking at her son, she sent for her husband and, when he came, tried briefly and coldly to inform him of the facts, in her son's presence, but unable to restrain herself she burst into tears of vexation and left the room.
Before the beginning of the campaign, Rostov had received a letter from his parents in which they told him briefly of Natasha's illness and the breaking off of her engagement to Prince Andrew (which they explained by Natasha's having rejected him) and again asked Nicholas to retire from the army and return home.
Finally his brows lifted briefly.
His reflective gaze traveled over her face and finally his brows lifted briefly.
The thought had crossed her mind – briefly.
We briefly discussed tomorrow's half-day activities now that the weather had improved but our collective hearts weren't in it.
Martha lifted her daughter from her crib, cuddled her briefly, and sat in a corner rocker.
She was quiet briefly, considering, before she said, "Fine. Sixty days."
Gabriel moved forward and touched his hand briefly to Katie.s head.
The human had spent most of the evening pacing around the cell, trying to make some sense of everything, stopping only briefly to eat, in an effort to soak up all the alcohol.
They touched fingers briefly with the exchange.
He took his time strolling down row after row of tents, pausing briefly to answer a young man's question about directions.
He leaned down and kissed her lips briefly.
For a moment they looked into each other's eyes, and the bond was there again ... briefly.
He kissed her lips briefly.
The history of the relations of the Edomites and Israelites may be briefly summarized.
The organization of the Paris police, which is typical of that in other large towns, may be outlined briefly.
Before coming, however, to the history of federation, and the evolution of the Labour party, we must refer briefly to some other questions which have been of general interest very soon after the gold discoveries, the European miners objecting strongly to the presence of these aliens upon the diggings.
Very briefly stated, his method consists in sending out a group of wave trains at certain irregular but assigned intervals of time to constitute the simplest signal equivalent to a dot in the Morse code, and a sequence of such trains, say three following one another, to constitute the dash on the Morse code.
The period we have briefly traversed was immortalized by Dante in an epic which from one point of view might be called the poem of the Guelphs and Ghibellines.
The events which led to this disaster may be briefly told.
Briefly, they are to be found in the conditions of the time; the increasing insularity of the English barons, now no longer the holders of estates in Normandy; the substitution of an unpopular for a popular king, an active spur to the rising forces of discontent; and the unprecedented demands for money - demands followed, not by honour, but by dishonour, to the arms of England abroad.
The islands are briefly noticed by Marco Polo, who probably saw without visiting them, under the name Angamanain, seemingly an Arabic dual, "The two Angamans," with the exaggerated but not unnatural picture of the natives, long current, as dog-faced Anthropophagi.
Yet since in these systems inquiries into the esse and fieri of the world are rarely distinguished with any precision, it will be necessary to indicate very briefly the general outlines of the system so far as they are necessary for understanding their bearing on the problems of evolution.
But other physical agencies come into play which may be briefly noticed.
The former support a copious herbaceous flora, the characteristics of which in the Old and New Worlds have been already briefly summarized.
In his speech Cicero briefly dismisses the charge of assassination, the main question being the distribution of the provinces, which was the real cause of the quarrels between DeIotarus and his relatives.
The Ahoms retained the form of government in Assam peculiar to the Shan tribes, which may be briefly described as an organized system of personal service in lieu of taxation.
The main events of the period may be summarized very briefly.
It is proposed to trace briefly the steps by which this result was obtained.
There are certain fundamental relations common to all tractive problems, and these are briefly considered in §§ i and 2, after which the article refers particularly to steam locomotives, although §§ 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 have a general application to all modes of traction.
It remains to mention briefly the fortunes of each remaining member of the once imperial confederation.
Stated briefly they were these.
The rest of the story must be told very briefly.
Briefly, we now know that the Aegean civilization developed these distinctive features.
Insect metamorphosis may be briefly described as phenomena of development characterized by abrupt changes of appearance and of structure, occurring during the period subsequent to embryonic development and antecedent to the reproductive state.
The untrustworthiness of Chronicles - briefly admitted by Luther - he proved in detail, and so cleared the way for that truer view of the history and religion of Israel which the treatment of Chronicles as a trustworthy record of the past hopelessly obscured.
Briefly, in conclusion, it remains to consider the relation of Archaeology to Criticism, partly because it is frequently asserted in the loose language just discussed that Archae- Archaeologys overthrown Criticism, or in par- ?' ?
From the facts" that have been here briefly noted it must be evident how precarious and, in parts, how impossible the Biblical chronology of this period is.
We must briefly sketch the process by which this came about, tracing the causes which led to the result and indicating the manner in which they operated.
This may be briefly illustrated by a comparison with the greatest of modern pantheists, Spinoza.
Let us briefly recapitulate the steps of the series.
It is only possible to allude briefly here to the different conclusions that he has attained in treating the various problems, as for example in Aesthetic, the unity of art and language, of intuition and expression, the negation of particular arts, the refutation of literary and artistic classes, the criticism of rhetoric, of grammar and so forth; and in the Philosophy of the Practical or of Practice, the conciliation of the antitheses of utilitarianism and moralism, the critique of precepts, of laws and of casuistry, the new conception of judgments of value, the constitution of a philosophic economy side by side with the science of Economy, the resolution of the Philosophy of rights in the Philosophy of economic, and so forth.
Having briefly and exactly explained her wishes to him, she let him go to the drawing room.
To keep Louis from straying too far off the reservation, Lestat makes another vampire, the young girl Claudia whom Louis briefly fed from.
Dr. Beverly Crusher was briefly replaced as CMO on the Enterprise by the crusty and irritable Dr. Pulaski, loathed by fans for treating Data as a thing, and mispronouncing his name.
Giles is briefly replaced by Wesley Wyndham-Price(Alexis Denisof) when the Watcher's Council decides that Giles is too personally involved with his Slayer.
While texts of Norse and Germanic texts mention them briefly, fictional stories elaborate a great deal more to the point where few people know where the myth ends and the fiction begins.
When you sign up and start Twittering, your tweets are made public and are both presented briefly on the home page of the site, and searchable by other users.
Many will use this area to highlight what they would like to do briefly or what they are currently working on.
They can only be briefly touched upon here.
This is briefly the doctrine that the metals are composed of mercury and sulphur, which persisted in one form or another down to the 17th century.
In the above sketch we have briefly treated the history of the main tendencies of our science from the earliest times to the Summary.
Briefly summarized, the battle came to this - in four successive efforts the Prussians failed because they were locally outnumbered.
It will deal briefly (I) with the general idea and the historical evolution of ecclesiastical vestments, (2) with the vestments as at present worn (a) in the Roman Catholic Church, (b) in the Oriental Churches, (c) in the Reformed Churches, (d) in the Anglican Church.
Orthogonal System.-In particular, if we consider the transformation from one pair of rectangular axes to another pair of rectangular axes we obtain an orthogonal system which we will now briefly inquire into.
The magnetic flux per square centimetre at any point (B, B, or 0) is briefly called the induction, or, especially by electrical engineers, the flux-density.
Under the present heading it is proposed only to discuss briefly the various types of episcopacy actually existing, and the different principles that they represent.
The original investigation of Stokes, here briefly sketched, extends also to the case where the streams are of unequal width h, k, and are separated by an interval 2g.
Briefly he informed Prince Frederick Charles that the orders for the II.
It will be sufficient to state briefly what appears to be the result of recent investigation.
The English school of medicine was also profoundly stirred by the teachings of the two brothers William and John Hunter, especially the latter - who must therefore be briefly mentioned, though their own researches were chiefly concerned with subjects lying a little outside the limits of this sketch.
How he built a church and got into trouble in so doing at Ferney, how he put "Deo erexit Voltaire" on it (1760-61) and obtained a relic from the pope for his new building, how he entertained a grand-niece of Corneille, and for her benefit wrote his well-known "commentary" on that poet, are matters of interest, but to be passed over briefly.
As regards the distribution of powers and duties between the County Council and the Borough Councils, and the constitution and working of each, the underlying principle may be briefly indicated as giving all powers and duties which require uniformity of action throughout the whole of London to the County Council, and powers and duties that can be locally administered to the Borough Councils.
Its scope may be briefly indicated as including (a) duties exercised elsewhere by the Borough Councils, and by the London County Council (although that body is by no means powerless within the City boundaries); and (b) peculiar duties such as control of markets and police.
In this section an attempt is made to indicate briefly the causes which have led to so great a diversity of opinion, and to describe in outline the principles underlying the chief schemes of chronology that have been suggested; a short account will then be given of the latest discoveries in this branch of research, and of the manner in which they affect the problems at issue.
The history of the Hatti and their civilization, then, would appear to have been, very briefly, this.
The Bovidae are divided into a number of sections, or subfamilies, each of which is briefly noticed in the present article, while fuller mention of some of the more important representatives of these is made in other articles.
In dealing briefly with the modern history of craft gilds, we may confine our attention to England.
Before entering on a detailed description of the several provinces of Arabia, our sources of information will be briefly indicated.
The chief historians after Tabari may be briefly mentioned in chronological order.
In these spaces certain monks briefly noted the important events of the year.
We shall now briefly describe Comte's principal conceptions in sociology, his position in respect to which is held by himself, and by others, to raise him to the level of Descartes or Leibnitz.
Is/time may be briefly described as diapering.
Swedenborg's theosophic system is most briefly and comprehensively presented in his Divine Love and Wisdom.
He there speaks very briefly and slightingly of life insurance, probably because it was then regarded as impious by religionists of his complexion.
The story of the persecution of heretics by the state must be briefly sketched.
The Anoplura or lice should not be included among the Hemiptera, but it has been thought convenient to refer briefly to them at the close of this article.
To sum up briefly the history of the development of the heliometer.
In the foregoing account the changes of the form of the crowns of the kings have been briefly noticed.
The crowns of this latter set were the personal crowns made to fit the different wearers, and are those which have been briefly described.
Briefly, a dogma is what claims ultimate, not relative, truth.
More briefly, the figure may be defined as a polyhedron with two parallel faces containing all the vertices.
The various methods will be considered first for the trapezette, the extensions to the briquette being only treated briefly.
Briefly stated this policy was the complete "Turkification" of the empire.
Briefly, there was a furious fight all along the line, and nothing gained.
The most prominent examples of disagreement with earlier sources may be briefly noticed.
Comte, Spencer, Bagehot, Durkheim and Giddings, for example, refer to it, if at all, only briefly and incidentally; they conceive society as an organism, or at all events as a growing whole, no one part or force being the cause of all others, and all interacting; society is not the product of any agreement or of force alone, but of a vast variety of interests, desires and needs.
Briefly, Griffenfeldt aimed at restoring Denmark to the rank of a great power.
Briefly, the duty of maintaining industries was made obligatory, and in the last resort the military authorities were empowered to take them over, though this was not likely to happen as long as the high prices continued and the Government supplied raw materials.
The first investigates mathematical facts relating to the earth as a whole, its figure, dimensions, motions, their measurement, &c. The second part considers the earth as affected by the sun and stars, climates, seasons, the difference of apparent time at different places, variations in the length of the day, &c. The third part treats briefly of the actual divisions of_the surface of the earth, their relative positions, globe and map-construction, longitude, navigation, &c. Varenius, with the materials at his command, dealt with the subject in a truly philosophic spirit; and his work long held its position as the best treatise in existence on scientific and comparative geography.
We can only glance briefly at the ancient religions of India (Aryan).
Further details respecting priestly offices and hereditary priesthoods and the relation of Aaronids to Zadokids will be found briefly discussed in Ency.
The extracts were intended by Stobaeus for his son Septimius, and were preceded by a letter briefly explaining the purpose of the work and giving a summary of the contents.
The results given in the second volume of the Exercices are of too miscellaneous a character to admit of being briefly described.
First, however, it is necessary to describe briefly the origin and previous history of these romantic freebooters who during the second half of the 17th century were the determining factor of Polish and Muscovite politics.
The Schoolmen devoted most of their attention to Aristotle, and we may here briefly note the successive stages in their gradually increasing knowledge of his works.
Before touching on the salient points in the subsequent centuries, in connexion with the leading nations of Europe, we may briefly note the cosmopolitan position of Erasmus (1466-1536), who, although he was a native of the Netherlands, was far more closely connected with France, England, Italy, Germany and Switzerland, than with the land of his birth.
Henceforth Absalon was the chief counsellor of Valdemar, and the promoter of that imperial policy which, for three generations, was to give Denmark the dominion of the Baltic. Briefly, it was Absalon's intention to clear the northern sea of the Wendish pirates, who inhabited that portion of the Baltic littoral which we now call Pomerania, and ravaged the Danish coasts so unmercifully that at the accession of Valdemar one-third of the realm of Denmark lay wasted and depopulated.
The unfavourable conditions and the critical efforts which were made in spite of them can only be briefly indicated.
It must suffice to refer briefly to two points.
These, then, must be briefly described.
For though the Reformers were critical of the authority of ecclesiastical tradition in the matter of 2 His arguments are stated briefly (and in order to be refuted) by Jerome in his commentary on Daniel.
Unfortunately, difficulties, either (i.) of reading, or (ii.) of interpretation, or (iii.) of arrangement, have been raised with regard to nearly all of them; and these difficulties must be briefly noticed here.
It now remains to notice briefly a few of the more important events in the history of logarithmic tables subsequent to the original calculations.
In 1520 he had brought out a primer of religion dealing briefly with the Decalogue, the Creed and the Lord's Prayer; and Justus Jonas, Johannes Agricola and other leaders had done something of the same kind.
Huxley in 1880 briefly suggested the arboreal origin, or primordial treehabitat of all the marsupials, a suggestion abundantly confirmed by the detailed studies of Dollo and of Bensley, according to which we may imagine the marsupials to have passed through (r) a former terrestrial phase, followed by (2) a primary arboreal phase - illustrated in the tree phalangers - followed by (3) a secondary terrestrial phase - illustrated in the kangaroos and wallabies - followed by (4) a secondary arboreal phase - illustrated in the tree kangaroos.
It then briefly sketches the objects and history of the Jesuits themselves.
Dr Rutherford stated the case briefly and pointedly in the preface to his translation of the Epistle to the Romans (London, 1900).
His career for the next ten or eleven years may be thus briefly summarized from the Memoirs.
The central section of the Great Plains, between latitudes 42 and 36, occupying eastern Colorado and western Kansas, is, briefly stated, for the most part a dissected fluviatile plain; that is, this section was once smoothly covered with a gently sloping plain of gravel and sand that had been spread far forward on a broad denuded area as a piedmont deposit by the rivers which issued from the mountains; and since then it has been more or less dissected by the erosion of valleys.
He could very easily write in different styles at different times, now avoiding hiatus and now not, sometimes writing diffusely and sometimes briefly, partly polishing and partly leaving in the rough, according to the subject, his own state of health or humour, his age, and the degree to which he had developed a given topic; and all this even in the same manuscript as well as in different manuscripts, so that a difference of style between different parts of a work or between different works, explicable by one being earlier than another, does not prove either to be not genuine.
Thus briefly he describes what appears to have been the greatest moral crisis in his life.
Their point is to stretch Hume's phenomenalism so as to embrace all science, by contending that mechanism is not at the bottom of phenomena, but is only the conceptual shorthand by aid of which men of 'science can briefly describe phenomena, and that all science is description and not explanation.
The story of the succeeding centuries may briefly be described as in general a process of return to the ethnographical conditions which prevailed before the migration period.
The history of the order and its subsequent division into the two branches of Austria and Spain may be briefly summarized.
The relation of the two constituents of the lichen have been briefly stated in the beginning of this article.
The chemistry of lichens is very complex, not yet fully investigated and can only be very briefly dealt with here.
The work of the leaves may briefly be stated to consist of the processes of nutrition, respiration and transpiration.
These four years were perhaps the most miserable and degrading in Swedish history (an age of lead succeeding an age of gold, as it has well been called) and may be briefly described as alternations of fantastic jacobinism and ruthless despotism.
Briefly considered there are six most striking proofs that the Sumerian was based on a primitive agglutinative language.
These communities may be briefly described according to their geographical arrangement.
Moses Kimhi was the author of a Hebrew grammar, known - after the first three words - as Mahalak Shebile Ha-daat, or briefly as Mahalak.
Briefly, it prevents the dealing with the right of presentation as a thing apart from the advowson itself; increases the power of the bishops to refuse the presentation of unfit persons, and removes several abuses which had arisen in the transfer of patronage.
As the excavations at Cnossus are discussed at length in the article Crete, it must suffice here briefly to enumerate the more important.
We will now briefly enumerate the principal groups of monuments.
Besides a valuable account of the principal sacred sites of Judaea, Samaria and Galilee as they existed in the 7th century, he also gives important information as to Alexandria and Constantinople, briefly describes Damascus and Tyre, the Nile and the Lipari volcanoes, and refers to the caliph Moawiya I .
Having briefly spoken of the divine nature in the terms of Greek philosophy, Aristides proceeds to ask which of all the races of men have at all partaken of the truth about God.
The Jews are briefly treated.
But it will be first necessary to indicate briefly what Hellenism in itself implied.
The histories of the earlier prophets, which had occasionally been briefly touched on in the first period, are now related, sometimes at great length.
Such then, briefly, was the condition of things in Denmark when, in 1588, Christian IV.
The punishment of the people is briefly recorded in v.
These are the ` ulema, " knowers," theology being briefly named "the knowledge" (` ilm).
Fungi Algae Bryophyta Pteridophyta Phanerogamia Gymnosperms Angiosperms Algae in this wide sense may be briefly described as the aggregate of those simpler forms of plant life usually devoid, like the rest of the Thallophyta, of differentiation into root, stem and leaf; but, unlike other Thallophyta, possessed of a colouring matter;.
These elements are, briefly stated, (1) a strong partiality for subjects dealing with humble life, in country and town, with the fun of taverns and village greens, with that domestic life in the rough which goes to the making of the earlier farces in English and French; (2) a whimsical, elfin kind of wit, delighting in extravagance and topsy-turviness; (3) a frank interest in the pleasures of good company and good drink.
It will throw very useful light upon the intellectual level in the Buddhist community just after the earliest period, and upon literary life in the valley of the Ganges in the 4th or sth century B.C., if we briefly explain what the tractates in this collection contain.
These three works deal only quite briefly and incidentally with any point of Buddhism outside of the Buddha legend.
He published a Journal of the Siege of Louisbourg (1745), and The Conduct of General William Shirley Briefly Stated (1758).
Goethe's share in the Xenien (1795) may be briefly dismissed.
The works and events of the last twenty-five years of Goethe's life may be briefly summarized.
The subject is also treated, very much more briefly, in.
Of the three regions of India thus briefly surveyed, the first, or the Himalayas, lies for the most part beyond the British frontier, but a knowledge of it supplies the key to the ethnology and history of India.
One legacy that ought to be briefly noted here is that of disputed land grants.
Briefly recognized in South.
We will briefly notice the case of two degrees, which involves an interesting generalization of the method (already explained) of compounding rotations about intersecting axes.
The graphical methods of determining the moment of inertia of a plane system of particles with respect to any line in its plane may be briefly noticed.
We may briefly notice the case of resistance varying as the square of the velocity, which is mathematically simple.
These combinations of pieces are known individually as kinematsc pairs of elements, or briefly kinematic pairs.
The minute diagnosis of these two species cannot be briefly given.
It may be of interest to refer briefly to one or two main principles which govern theadjustment of general average, i.e.
These are, briefly speaking, the decay of those great fabrics, church and empire, which ruled the middle ages both as ideas and as realities; the development of nationalities and languages; the enfeeblement of the feudal system throughout Europe; the invention and application of paper, the mariner's compass, gunpowder, and printing; the exploration of continents beyond the ocean; and the substitution of the Copernican for the Ptolemaic system of astronomy.
It will be well to describe briefly, but in detail, what this meeting of the modern with the ancient mind effected over the whole field of intellectual interests.
In this he considers briefly the best means of peaceable resistance to the policy of the ministry, but even at that early date faces frankly and fully the probable final necessity of resisting by force, and endorses it, though only as a last resort.
Thomson also developed this hypothesis in a profoundly interesting manner, and we may therefore summarize very briefly the views held on the nature of electricity and matter at the beginning of the 10th century by saying that the term electricity had come to be regarded, in part at least, as a collective name for electrons, which in turn must be considered as constituents of the chemical atom, furthermore as centres of certain lines of self-locked and permanent strain existing in the universal aether or electromagnetic medium.
As Bacon's conduct in this emergency seriously affected his fortunes and has been much misunderstood, it is necessary to state, as briefly as possible, the whole facts of the case.
On the first opportunity Bacon rose and briefly pointed out that the earl's plea of having done nothing save what was absolutely necessary to defend his life from the machinations of his enemies was weak and worthless, inasmuch as these enemies were purely imaginary; and he compared his case to that of Peisistratus, who had made use of a somewhat similar stratagem to cloak his real designs upon the city of Athens.
Pulling and rippling may be dismissed very briefly.
Cobham (London), treats the island briefly from every standpoint.
In The Man of the Mask (1908) Monsignor Barnes, while briefly dismissing Mr Lang's identification with Martin, and apparently not realizing the possibility of reading Louvois's letter of July 19, 166 9, as indicated above 1 deals in detail with the history of James de la Cloche, the natural son of Charles II.
Briefly, after successive gains and losses, not only Erivan was taken from Persia but Tabriz also, and finally, through the intervention of Sir John Macdonald, the English envoy, a new treaty was concluded at Turkmanchai, laying down the boundary between Russia and Persia.
It may be E briefly summarized here.
The two first of these were vested in the sovereign, who might be a woman, and who shared the legislative power with two chambers, the Camara dos Pares or House of Peers, and the Camara dos Deputados or House of Commons; these were collectively styled the Corks Geraes, or more briefly the Conies.
The complex events which brought about this crisis may be briefly summarized.
The Coelentera may thus be briefly defined as Metazoa which exhibit two embryonic cell-layers only, - the ectoderm and endoderm, - their body-cavities being referable to a single cavity or coelenteron in the endoderm.
The reasons for this may be stated briefly.
Instead of the wearisome prolixity and the misplaced pedantry which make the latter almost unreadable, we find the old tales briefly and simply told.
To understand his conduct, it is necessary to look briefly at his theological position.
It remains to consider briefly certain moral aspects of his cult.
The events of the next six years of his life, from May 1341 to May 1347, may be briefly recapitulated.
The remaining years of Petrarch's life, important as they were for the furtherance of humanistic studies, may be briefly condensed.
An account of his helicoptere or screw model appeared in the Aeronaut for January 1872, but before giving a description of it, it may be well to state very briefly what is known regarding the history of the screw as applied to the air.
As an introduction to the discussion of the natural regions into which England is divided (Section II.), and for the sake of comparison of altitudes, size of rivers and similar details, the salient geographical features may be briefly summarized.
The provisions affecting the Congo may be briefly stated.
Some of the main points it illustrates may be briefly stated here, the reader being referred for further information to Huxley's Essays.
There only remains to be briefly noticed the relation of philosophy to theology and the nature of what is called Philosophy of Religion.
Before following the growth of the pollen-grain after pollination, we will briefly describe the structure of a cycadean ovule.
After briefly reviewing the present condition of the canonical texts and collections, he pointed out its inconvenience, referred to the many requests from the episcopate, and decreed the preparation of a general code of canon law.
A number (other than I) which has no factor except itself is called a prime number, or, more briefly, a prime.
A number made up in this way may be called a decimal number, or, more briefly, a decimal.
He stated briefly and dogmatically the principal points of the Christian faith and the Roman Catholic policy, and concluded by calling upon Atahuallpa to become a Christian, obey the commands of the pope, give up the administration of his kingdom, and pay tribute to Charles V., to whom had been granted the conquest of these lands.
Briefly stated, these acts, which had been originated during the Protectorate of Cromwell, and continued after the Restoration, reserved the whole coasting trade of the country for British vessels and British seamen, and much of the foreign trade for British vessels, commanded and chiefly manned by British subjects.
Briefly stated, his proposal was that no child under nine years of age should be employed in a factory, and that no young person under eighteen should be employed for more than twelve hours a day.
The Hessian A has just been spoken of as a covariant of the form u; the notion of invariants and covariants belongs rather to the form u than to the curve u=o represented by means of this form; and the theory may be very briefly referred to.
Those modifications most noticeable in the case of cursorial types may be briefly mentioned as examples.
Perhaps the largest part, in volume, of De Morgan's writings remains still to be briefly mentioned; it consists of detached articles contributed to various periodical or composite works.
Hill of Washington expounded a new and beautiful method for dealing with the problem of the lunar motions, Adams briefly announced his own unpublished work in the same field, which, following a parallel course had confirmed and supplemented Hill's.
The seasonal changes in the distribution of the bank-waters in different parts of the coast are too complex to be briefly explained; their relations to the times of occurrence of various fisheries of the region present many remarkable features, which have been investigated in recent years by the Swedish Commission.
Some of the more striking adaptive modifications in the gametophyte and sporophyte, and certain effects of altered external conditions which have been ascertained experimentally, may be briefly mentioned.
The main existing groups of the Filicaceae may now be briefly described, with special reference to the characters of gametophyte and sporophyte, which have been found of value in determining affinities.
The several phyla of Pteridophyta having now been briefly described, their relationship to one another remains for con.
Let us assume the conditions prevailing upon a bonanza farm of 5000 acres, and briefly describe the process of wheat production from the ploughing of the land to the delivery of the grain in the final market.
This may briefly be illustrated by reference to some of the great fundamental controversies of ethics.
Before concluding this sketch of the development of English ethical thought from Hobbes to the thinkers of the 19th century, it will be well to notice briefly the views held by different moralists on the question of free-will, - so far, that is, as they have been put forward as ethically important.
Our next step must be briefly to examine the intellectual condition of savages, that is, of races varying from the condition of the Andaman Islanders to that of the Solomon Islanders and the ruder Red Men of the American continent.
We proceed to state briefly the various forms of these ideas.
The extent of her benefactions during her long and active life can only be briefly indicated; but the baroness must remain a striking figure in the social history of Victorian England, for the thoughtful and conscientious care with which she "held her wealth in trust" for innumerable good objects.
Briefly, he proposed a governor and two chambers - an Assembly elected by the people for three years, and a Senate - the governor and senate holding office for life or during good behaviour, and chosen, through electors, by voters qualified by property; the governor to have an unqualified veto on federal legislation; state governors to have a similar veto on state legislation, and to be appointed by the federal government; the federal government to control all militia.
It was in this paper that the principle of the dissipation of energy, briefly summarized in the second law of thermodynamics, was first stated.
We must begin by briefly considering this southern Palaeozoic province if we would trace the Mesozoic floras to their origin, and obtain a connected view of the vegetation of the globe as it existed in late Palaeozoic times and at the beginning of the succeeding era.
It is impossible to consider in detail this long period in the history of plant-evolution, but we may briefly pass in review the most striking features of the vegetation as exhibited in the dominant types of the various classes of plants.
The structure of this type of flower may be briefly described as follows.
There are a few points suggested by a general survey of the Mesozoic floras, which may be briefly touched on in conclusion.
To understand the reasons for this, it is necessary briefly to recapitulate the course of events in that country since Gordon had left it in 1879.
In works such as Pareira's Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics (1842), the physiological effects of medicines are usually described, but very briefly as compared with the materia medica.
A few of the most important clay rocks, such as china-clay, brick-clay, red-clay and shale, may be briefly described here.
The remains discovered may be briefly summarized.
Dulce watched briefly, but after a failed attempt to get Alondra to leave the childish game behind, she stalked away.
His flawless complexion was interrupted briefly with a frown, and then he nodded.
The thought had crossed her mind – briefly.
The ground began to level and they were able to hurry their descent, but only briefly before a second near-perpendicular drop again necessitated a detour.
He kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose and then paused briefly on her lips with a light tantalizing brush.
Still, it must have been a big relief for her to know that he had been awake, however briefly.
He took her wrap and put it around her, letting his fingers linger briefly on her bare, warm shoulder.
Why she was drawing his likeness in the park, and how she remembered his every feature after seeing him so briefly in a dark bar.
If you feel comfortable with her … He paused briefly and then continued.
I also want to briefly challenge organizations on the revolutionary left such as the SWP who are critical of feminism and women's autonomy.
I briefly contemplated hauling them out of the house before opening their presents, but it really would not have been fair.
At this point you should digress briefly into the concept of psychological structure.
The important thing with any guide to online resources is that it must be at least briefly annotated.
Co-star Bonaduce had his own drug and personal problems, but eventually became a successful radio announcer and briefly hosted a syndicated talk show.
A Bee-fly settled briefly on the blue anorak I was wearing.
After every translated aphorism, I briefly comment on the association it invoked in me.
Agrippa's contribution is briefly discussed below and his theories received a new lease of life in nineteenth century astrology and occultism.
Red-headed barbets showed very briefly, and another flew past but rapidly disappeared.
Freshly picked beans can be frozen very successfully after briefly blanching them.
May I remark briefly on his little cameo of myself?
Blend briefly until pine nuts and basil are roughly chopped but not too runny!
But the good clairvoyant will still see the other rays, albeit briefly overlaid by this dominant ray and its color.
I told the Count briefly of the death of my traveling companion.
Fixed assets used by the charity should be briefly described, eg desktop computer, or make of motor vehicle.
Briefly, target molecules will be used on bone marrow stem cells in tissue culture to induce specific appropriate differentiation.
Briefly, a ' bronzed ' disk shows a reddish discoloration at the edge on the label side.
I find unlikely I'll just briefly explain the plot of Friends.
Yet the guests are thrilled to be on the show, catapulted briefly from obscurity to TV fame.
She had lost consciousness briefly and sustained a suspected fractured femur, head, chest and rib injuries.
Let me briefly describe our action plan to combat global warming here in Los Angeles.
Property briefly comprises entrance hall with stairs leading to the first floor landing, living room, dining room and kitchen.
The whole collection is briefly listed in a typescript handlist.
It is worth briefly sketching out some salient features of Hegelian idealism.
He returned briefly to cover an interregnum in 1946.
At one point there was an obvious jump-cut, and another time the title graphics appeared briefly.
Liverpool rallied briefly and Hastie sent a shot over the bar before keeper Cope made a superb last-ditch tackle to thwart Thomas.
Add the garlic clove and bay leaf, and fry briefly over medium heat until the garlic just starts to brown.
The printed page is rapidly becoming simply a way of making data briefly more legible.
The 96K lynx is supplied with an additional eight-page 96K User Manual, which briefly explains each of the new commands.
This view is shown to be compatible with contemporary science, and a scientific idealist metaphysic is briefly sketched.
During Bond's tour of Q's laboratory, a boom mic is briefly visible at the top of the screen.
Here it take a sharp right becoming Paisley's inner Ring Road and briefly multiplexes with the A761 (bound for Glasgow ).
He does, however, briefly mention postherpetic neuralgia, which is not included by Dr. Lü .
Masks were only used briefly during a choral ode in which the women all chanted ' let loose the birds of war ' .
The biological significance of loop formation and RNA synthesis in heterochromatic band loops in growing oocytes is briefly discussed.
The evidence for this is briefly summarized in the following subsections according to conventional cultural-historical periodization.
Beat in the mascarpone briefly and then gently fold in half the crushed praline and nearly all the raspberries saving a few for decoration.
Briefly, the big plus about natural micronized progesterone is the lack of side effects.
Andy Murray briefly raised our pulses, but then finished with a whimper and Tim Henman was more pussycat than tiger this year.
Let me briefly recap what some of the plan was.
The reggae rhythms reflected the sound of the streets of London, where reggae rhythms reflected the sound of the streets of London, where reggae briefly became the Punk fans second music of choice.
We watched the owl briefly, then beat a hasty retreat, to minimize the disturbance caused to it.
Time-out is often used with children who have briefly lost self-control.
One, which may have followed a rather slow-moving Seacat in, was seen briefly around Heysham outfalls (28/6 ).
Some rather sluggish running followed to Ferryhill, where we stopped briefly.
In the first stanza, Gunn briefly introduces the general premiss of the poem, which is fully developed in the fourth stanza.
Let me briefly summarize the results of some of our recent efforts.
Doors and Windows Lock all doors, close all windows and shut the sunroof every time you leave your car unattended - however briefly.
Why create the enormity of the universe merely to have a single solitary planet briefly inhabited by cringing sycophants?
First, it traces briefly the trajectory of the debate on industrial clusters in developing countries.
In 1943 Kenneth Williams was briefly with an amateur dramatics troupe, the Tavistock Players.
I would also like to comment briefly on what I perceive as a subtle negative undertone with respect to contribution of the private sector.
The next day we briefly searched the road and the nearby wadi, but found only one relatively fresh dung.
She briefly supported the then warlord in his quest to overthrow military leader Samuel Doe.
Passing briefly over the conclusions arrived at in the Meditations, it deals in its second, third and fourth parts with the general c l principles of physical science, especially the laws of motion, with the theory of vortices, and with the phenomena of heat, light, gravity, magnetism, electricity, &c., upon the earth.
The Arabs usually designate Jerusalem by names expressive of holiness, such as Beit el Makdis and El Mukaddis or briefly El Kuds, i.e.
His legend is briefly as follows.
A Grand Commission, which might be called a consultative parliament, composed of 652 members of all classes - officials, nobles, burghers and peasants - and 1 To assist the reader in threading the genealogical maze briefly described above, the following tabular statement is inserted (I.) Michael, founder of the Romanov dynasty (1613-45).
The king was briefly spoken of by his title stni (see 4), or f, "his service," or Ity, " liege-lord."
Briefly, where a man of another race might not improbably commit suicide, a Malay runs amok, killing all whom he may meet until he himself is slain.
Briefly, the chief fish of Japan are the bream (tai), the perch (suzuki), the mullet (bora), the rock-fish (hatatate), the grunter (oni-o-koze), the mackerel (saba), the sword-fish (tachi-uwo), the wrasse (kusabi), the haddock (tara), the flounder (karei), and its congeners the sole (hiranie) and the turbot (ishi-garei), the shad (namazu), the salmon (shake), the mash, the carp (koi), the funa, the gold fish (kzngyo), the gold carp (higoi), theloach (dojo), the herring (nishin) the iwashi (Clu pea melanosticta), the eel (unagi), the conger eel (anago), the coffer-fish (hako-uwo), the fugu (Tetrodon), the ai (Plecoglossus altivelis), the sayori (Heminamphus sayoni), the shark (same), the dogfish (maiiuka-zame), the ray (e), the sturgeon (chO-lame) and the maguro (Thynnus sibi).
Briefly speaking, the NO was a dance of the most stately character, adapted to the incidents of dramas which embrace within their scope a world of legendary lore, of quaint fancies and of religious sentiment.
They may briefly be summed up as a belief in one God whose most characteristic attribute is universal benevolence, in the moral government of the universe, and in a future state of man making up for the imperfections and repairing the inequalities of the present life.
It remains to narrate briefly the tragic career of the Russian Baltic fleet.