Bretagne Sentence Examples
His request was immediately granted, and thus it came about that Hansen's famous Tables de la Lune were dedicated to La Haute Amiraute de sa Majeste la Reine de la Grande Bretagne et d'Mande.
The Memoirs of Literature, the first English review consisting entirely of original matter, published in London from 1710 to 1714, had for editor Michel de la Roche, a French Protestant refugee, who also edited at Amsterdam the Bibliotheque angloise (1717-1719), and subsequently Memoires litte'raires de la Grande Bretagne (1720-1724).
Specially devoted to English literature were the Bibliotheque anglaise (1716-1728), the Memoires litteraires de la Grande Bretagne (1720-1724), the Bibliotheque britannique (1733-1734), and the Journal britannique (1750-1757) of Maty,' who took for his principle, " pour penser avec liberte it faut penser seul."
In the 12th century the Matiere de France was waning, the Matiere de Bretagne waxing in popularity, and public opinion demanded that the central figure of the younger cycle (for whatever the date of the subject matter, as a literary cycle the Arthurian is the younger) should not be inferior in dignity and importance to that of the earlier.
The lais of Marie de France were written in England, and the greater number of the romances composing the matiere de Bretagne seem to have passed from England to France through the medium of Anglo-Norman.
In 1880 appeared the Choix de documents inedits sur l'histoire de la ligue en Bretagne, by himself alone.
As to the origin of this Matiere de Bretagne, and the circumstances under which it became a favourite theme for literary treatment, two diametrically opposite theories are held.
By the "Arthurian legend," or Matiere de Bretagne, we mean the subject-matter of that important body of medieval literature known as the Arthurian cycle (see Arthur).
Lexique FLE, a website of the Ciel Bretagne language school, offers several free courses.
French Regional Flags--each of the French regions, such as Bourgogne, Alsace and Bretagne have their own flags.
AdvertisementGeslin de Bourgogne he published Etudes sur la revolution en Bretagne in 1858, and between 1855 and 1879 an exhaustive work in six volumes on the Anciens eveches de Bretagne; histoire et monuments.