Breeds Sentence Examples
One or other of these types is to be found in cats of almost all breeds, whether Persian, short-haired or Manx; and there appear to be no intermediate stages between them.
Some of these reverted breeds have developed horns of considerable size, although not showing that regularity of curve distinctive of the wild race.
Among the domesticated breeds the following are some of the more important.
Gradually Durham, Short horn, Hereford and other stock were introduced to improve the native breeds, with results so satisfactory that now herds of threequarters-bred cattle are to be found in all parts of the country.
Holstein, Jersey and other well-known dairy breeds were imported for the new industries of butterand cheese-making.
In the season of 1899-1900 the wool exports weighed 420,000,000 lb, and averaged more than 5 lb per sheep. The extra weight of fleece was owing to the large importation of better breeds.
Of cattle besides the breeds named the Norman (beef and milk), the Limousin (beef), the Mont bfiard, the Bazadais, the Flamand, the Breton and tile larthenais breeds may be mentioned, societies and in many other ways.
In the desert tracts fine breeds of camels, cattle, horses and sheep are to be found wherever there is pasturage.
These vary in weight from soo to 1000 lb, according to the variety of camel employed, for of the Arabian camel there are almost as many breeds as there are of the horse.
The state helps to improve the breeds by placing choice stallions at the disposal of private breeders at a low tariff.
AdvertisementAs a wild bird it breeds constantly, though locally, throughout the greater part of Scotland, and has frequently done so in England, but more rarely in Ireland.
It was during this period that the genius of Robert Bakewell produced an extraordinary change in the character of our more important breeds of live stock, more especially by the perfecting of a new race of sheep - the well-known Leicesters.
The sections provided for cattle are properly restricted to what may be termed the beef breeds; in the catalogue order they are Devon, South Devon, Hereford, Shorthorn, Sussex, Red Polled, Aberdeen-Angus, Galloway, Welsh, Highland, Cross-bred, Kerry and Dexter, and Small Cross-bred.
It will be noticed that such characteristically milking breeds as the Ayrshire, Jersey and Guernsey have no place here.
Provision is made, however, for all the well-known breeds of sheep and swine.
AdvertisementThe three-year-old wethers and older oxen that used to be common in the fat stock markets are now rarely seen, excepting perhaps in the case of mountain breeds of sheep and Highland cattle.
A noteworthy feature of the closing decades of the 19th century was the formation of voluntary associations of stockbreeders, with the object of promoting the interests of the respective breeds of live stock.
In the case of sheep the National Sheep Breeders' Association looks after the interests of flockmasters in general, whilst most of the pure breeds are represented also by separate organizations.
Amongst the breeds which are valued for the distribution of colour on the fur are the Himalayan and the Dutch.
Though produced by crossing, it now generally breeds true to colour, at times throwing back, however, to the silver greys from which it was derived.
AdvertisementOther breeds include the Japanese, with an orange coat, broadly banded on the hind-quarters with black; the pink-eyed and short and thick-furred albino Polish; the Siberian, probably produced by crossing the Himalayan with the Angora; and the black-and-tan and blue-and-tan.
It is not improbable that all dogs sprang from one common source, but climate, food and cross-breeding caused variations of form which suggested particular uses, and these being either designedly or accidentally perpetuated, the various breeds of dogs arose, and became numerous in proportion to the progress of civilization.
Among the ruder or savage tribes they possess but one form; but the ingenuity of man has devised many inventions to increase his comforts; he has varied and multiplied the characters and kinds of domestic animals for the same purpose, and hence the various breeds of horses, cattle and dogs.
All these varieties were represented at the annual show of the Kennel Club in the autumn of 1905, and at the representative exhibition of America held under the management of the Westminster Kennel Club in the following spring the classification was substantially the same, additional breeds, however, being Boston terriers - practically unknown in England, - Chesapeake Bay dogs, Chihuahuas, Papillons and Roseneath terriers.
The progress of the club has been remarkable, and that its formation did much to improve the conditions of the various breeds of dogs, to encourage their use in the field by the promotion of working trials, and to check abuses which were common with regard to the registration of pedigrees, &c., cannot.
AdvertisementMost of the leading breeds have clubs or societies, which have been founded by admirers with a view to furthering the interests of their favourites; and such combinations as the Bulldog Club (incorporated), the London Bulldog Society, the British Bulldog Club, the Fox Terrier Club, the Association of Bloodhound Breeders - under whose management the first man-hunting trials were held, - the Bloodhound Hunt Club, the Collie Club, the Dachshund Club, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club, the English Setter Club, the Gamekeepers' Association of the United Kingdom, the International Gun Dog League, the Irish Terrier Club, the Irish Wolfhound Club, the St Bernard Club, the National Terrier Club, the Pomeranian Club, the Spaniel Club, the Scottish Terrier Club and the Toy Bulldog Club have done good work in keeping the claims of the breeds they represent before the dogowning public and encouraging the breeding of dogs to type.
Nothing is known with certainty as to the origin of the vast majority of breeds of dogs, and it is an unfortunate fact that the progressive changes which have been made within comparatively recent times by fanciers have not been accurately recorded by the preservation, in museums or collections, of the actual specimens considered typical at different dates.
Throughout the northern regions of both hemispheres there are several breeds of semi-domesticated dogs which are wolf-like, with erect ears and long woolly hair.
The Clumber, Sussex, Norfolk and Cocker breeds are the best established.
Of the water spaniels the Irish breeds are best known.
They are pre-eminently dogs for sporting purposes, and special strains or breeds adapted to the peculiarities of different kinds of sporting have been produced.
It is probable that pointer blood was introduced in the course of shaping the various breeds of setter.
Both breeds were large and heavy, with pendulous ears and thick throats with dewlaps.
The number of breeds is very large, the two extreme types being the smooth fox-terrier with compact shape, relatively long legs, and the longbodied, short-legged Skye terrier, with long hair and pendent ears.
All the well-known breeds of dogs are highly artificial and their maintenance requires the constant care of the breeder in mating, and in rejecting aberrant progeny.
Extra claw, found occasionally on all breeds.
It is important to grasp clearly the distinction between breeds.
To better the breeds.
It was formerly thought to be only an autumnal or wintervisitor to Britain, but later experience has proved that, though there may very likely be an immigration in the fall of the year, it breeds in nearly all the English counties to Yorkshire, and abundantly in those nearest to London.
The principal breeds are either native or Swiss (especially that of Simmenthal).
Since the beginning of the 10th century strenuous efforts have been made to improve the sanitary condition by a new system of drainage, a better water service, the filling up of marshes wherein the malarial mosquito breeds, and in other directions.
There are exceptionally fine breeds of cattle, asses and goats; cows of a large and very powerful build are used for ploughing.
Mimus polyglottus, the northern mocking-bird, inhabits the southern part of the United States, being in the north only a summer visitant; it breeds rarely in New England, is seldom found north of the 38th parallel, and migrates to the south in winter, passing that season in the Gulf States and Mexico.
The breeds of buffaloes and horses in this state are highly esteemed.
As a wild animal, then, the aurochs appears to have ceased to exist in the early part of the 17th century; but as a species it survives, for the majority of the domesticated breeds of European cattle are its descendants, all diminished in point of size, and some departing more widely from the original type than others.
Aurochs' calves were in all probability captured by the early inhabitants of Britain and the continent and tamed; and from these, with perhaps an occasional blending of wild blood, are descended most European breeds of cattle.
These white breeds are, however, partial albinos; and such semi-albinos are always the result of domestication and could not have arisen in the wild state.
Evidence as to the affinity between these breeds is afforded by the fact that a breed of cattle very similar to that at Chillingham was found in Wales in the 10th century; these cattle being white with red ears.
He visited all parts of the country himself, and personally encouraged agriculture; he introduced a more economical mode of mining and smelting silver; he favoured the importation of finer breeds of sheep and cattle; and he brought foreign weavers from abroad to teach the Saxons.
Dutch, Ayrshire and other breeds are used to improve the breed of cattle by crossing.
Not only does the milk of different races and breeds of cows vary within comparatively wide limits; the milk of the same animal is subject to extensive fluctuation.
The principal causes of variation in the individual are age, period of lactation, nature and amount of food, state of health, and treatment, such as frequency of milking, &c. The following table indicates the The average quantity of milk yielded by variable, both in individuals and breeds.
Stockfarming, a relatively undeveloped industry, tends to become more important, owing to the assistance which the state renders by the importation of horses, cattle, sheep and swine, from Europe and the United States, in order to improve the native breeds.
The varying climatic conditions of Mexico have produced breeds of cattle that have not only departed from the original Spanish type, but likewise present strikingly different characteristics among themselves.
Firstly, we have the common or European goats, of which there are several more or less well-marked breeds, differing from each other in length of hair, in colour and slightly in the configuration of the horns.
The ears are more or less upright, sometimes horizontal, but never actually pendent, as in some Asiatic breeds.
Both British breeds, as well as those from abroad, are frequently ornamented with two tassel-like appendages, hanging near together under the throat.
It has been supposed by many that these are traceable to foreign blood; but although there are foreign breeds that possess them, they appear to pertain quite as much to the English native breeds as to those of distant countries, the peculiarity being mentioned in very old works on the goats of the British Islands.
The latter, often also called Ox-bird, Plover's Page, Purre and Stint, - names which it shares with some other species, - not only breeds commonly on many of the elevated moors of Britain, but in autumn resorts in countless flocks to the shores.
The chaffinch breeds early in the season, and its song may often be heard in February.
The cattle breeds are principally those of British origin.
All the leading British varieties are reared, the Shropshire, Oxford Down, Leicester and Cotswold breeds being most numerous.
Pigs, mostly of the Yorkshire, Berkshire and Tamworth breeds, are reared and fattened in large numbers, and there is a valuable export trade in bacon.
During his first two years in the federal parliament his chief speeches were made in defence of Rid and the French half breeds who were concerned in the Red River rebellion, and on fiscal questions.
Shorthorns and polled Angus are the commonest breeds of cattle; the sheep are mostly Cheviots and a Cheviot-Leicester cross, but the native sheep are still reared in considerable numbers in Hoy and South Ronaldshay; pigs are also kept on several of the islands, and the horses - as a rule hardy, active and small, though larger than the famous Shetland ponies - are very numerous, but mainly employed in connexion with agricultural work.
By this laborious and painstaking method it has been found possible to re-establish a healthy stock of valuable races from previously highly-infected breeds.
Common cocoons enclosing chrysalides weigh each from 16 to 50 grains, or say from 300 to 600 of small breeds and from 270 to 300 of large breeds to the lb.
As the outer flossy threads and the inner vests are not reelable, it is difficult to estimate the total length of thread produced by the silkworm, but the portion reeled varies in length and thickness, according to the condition and robustness of the cocoon, in some breeds giving a result as low as Soo metres, and in others 900 to 1200 metres.
Four species of Puffinus are recorded as visiting the coasts of the United Kingdom; but the Manx shearwater is the only one that at all commonly breeds in the British Islands.
The possibility that it had been brought to England by Cabot or some of his successors earlier in the century is not to be overlooked, and reasons will presently be assigned for supposing that one of the breeds of English turkeys may have had a northern origin;' but the of tenquoted distich first given in Baker's Chronicle (p. 298), asserting that turkeys came into England in the same year - and that year by reputation 2524 - as carps, pickerels and other commodities, is wholly untrustworthy, for we know that both these fishes lived in the country long before, if indeed they were not indigenous to it.
The old fable of this bird inserting its beak into a reed or plunging it into the ground, and so causing the booming sound with which its name will be always associated, is also exploded, and nowadays indeed so few people in Britain have ever heard its loud and awful voice, which seems to be uttered only in the breeding-season, and is therefore unknown in a country where it no longer breeds, that incredulity as to its booming at all has in some quarters succeeded the old belief in this as in other reputed peculiarites of the species.
This species lays eggs of a deep sea-green colour, having wholly the character of heron's eggs, and it often breeds in company with herons, while the eggs of all other ibises whose eggs are known resemble those of the sacred ibis.
Many garden plants have originated solely by selection; and much has been done to improve our breeds of vegetables, flowers and fruit by systematic selection.
Stock-breeding, like agriculture, has considerably improved under the care of the government (state and provincial), which grants subsidies for breeding, irrigation of pasture-lands, the importation of finer breeds of cattle and horses, the erection of factories for dairy produce, schools, &c.
Fine breeds of horses and cattle are kept on the larger estates of the nobility, and cattle are exported to Austria.
The white breeds are liable to sun-scald, and black pigs (like black men) are much better adapted than white to exposure in strong sunlight, conforming to the rule that animals in the tropics have black skins.
The above three breeds were designated Yorkshire Whites, and are still so named at times.
The Middle White, formed by crossing the large and the small breeds, is not so symmetrical as the parent stocks, and the type is not uniform.
The Tamworth is one of the oldest breeds of pigs.
The Chester White, named from Chester county, Pennsylvania, is one of the four leading breeds of lard-hogs in America.
It is not uncommon on many parts of the Himalayas, where it breeds; and on the mountains of Kumaon and the Punjab, and is the "golden eagle" of most AngloIndians.
The lammergeyer breeds early in the year.
Donkeys and mules of various breeds are good, and would be better were they not so often weakened by heavy work before attaining full maturity.
Formerly the island appears to have been wooded, but it now presents only a few bushes (Edwardsia, Broussonetia, &c.), ferns, grasses, sedges, &c. The natives grow bananas in the shelter of artificial pits, also sugar-canes and sweet potatoes, and keep a few goats and a large stock of domestic fowls, and a Tahitian commercial house breeds cattle and sheep on the island.
Under the Congested Districts (Scotland) Act of 18 97, £35, 0 0 0 a year was devoted within certain districts of Argyll, Inverness, Ross and Cromarty, Sutherland, Caithness, Orkney and Shetland, to assisting migration, improving the breeds of live stock, building piers and boatslips, making roads and bridges, developing home industries, &c.
The breeds include the Ayrshire, noted milkers and specially adapted for dairy farms (which prevail in the south-west), which in this respect have largely supplanted the Galloway in their native district; the polled Angus or Aberdeen, fair milkers, but valuable for their beef-making qualities, and on this account, as well as their hardihood, in great favour in the north-east, where cattlefeeding has been carried to perfection; and the West Highland or Kyloe breed, a picturesque breed with long horns, shaggy coats and decided colours-black, red, dun, cream and brindle-that thrives well on wild and healthy pasture.
Seven years before he had started a model farm at Frechine, where he demonstrated the advantages of scientific methods of cultivation and of the introduction of good breeds of cattle and sheep. Chosen a member of the provincial assembly of Orleans in 1787, he busied himself with plans for the improvement of the social and economic conditions of the community by means of savings banks, insurance societies, canals, workhouses, &c.; and he showed the sincerity of his philanthropical work by advancing money out of his own pocket, without interest, to the towns of Blois and Romorantin, for the purchase of barley during the famine of 1788.
Although the name llama properly applies only to one of the domesticated breeds, zoologically it is taken to include all the South American representatives of the Camelidae, which form the genus Lama.
Potatoes, barley and a little oats are grown, and the pasture being good the cattle are larger than most of the Hebridean breeds.
A keen sense of how much is at stake in any alteration breeds suspicion of every reform.
There are, however, some fine breeds in existence.
The breeds of cattle are far superior now to the old range stock, so that it pays to take care of them; many thousands are fed during the winter on alfalfa hay.
It breeds abundantly on many of the Scottish islands, and in most countries lying to the northward.
It breeds abundantly in some seasons on the fells of Lapland, its appearance depending chiefly on the presence of lemmings (Lemmus norvegicus), on which it mainly preys.
In general appearance it is very like some of the pariah dogs of India and Egypt; and, except on distributional grounds, there is no reason for regarding it as specifically distinct from such breeds.
A committee exists " for the improvement of the breeds of Cyprus stock "; stallions of Arab blood have been imported, and prizes are offered for the best donkeys.
The yak of Thibet cannot long survive in the plains of India, or even on the hills below a certain altitude; and that this is due to climate, and not to the increased density of the atmosphere, is shown by the fact that the same animal appears to thrive well in Europe, and even breeds there readily.
The farmer breeds from such of his stock as he finds to thrive best with him, and gets rid of those which suffer from cold, damp or disease.
A more or less close adaptation to local conditions is thus brought about, and breeds or races are produced which are sometimes liable to deterioration on removal even to a short distance in the same country, as in numerous cases quoted by C. Darwin (Animals and Plants under Domestication).
Unsuccessful attempts were made to acclimatize the alpaca goat in England, on the European continent and in Australia, and even to cross certain English breeds of sheep 1 Grown in Peru but shipped from Valparaiso.
The principal breeds of cattle are the alpine in Norrland, and Ayrshire, short-horn, and red-and-white Swedish in the midlands and south.
The various breeds of goldfish are familiar examples, but the carp is almost the only food-fish capable of similar domestication.
Moreover, such a division takes for granted the idea which is involved in the word race, that each of these varieties is due to special ancestry, each race thus representing an ancient breed or stock, however these breeds.
It has been argued, on the other hand, that not all such mixed breeds are permanent, and especially that the cross between Europeans and Australian indigenes is almost sterile; but this assertion, when examined with the care demanded by its bearing on the general question of hybridity, has distinctly broken down.
The best breeds come from the Shoa uplands.
Wood and glossy ibises are commonly seen, and the white ibis breeds in numbers; the sand-hill crane is less common than formerly.
Excellent breeds of cattle, sheep and pigs are kept.
To account for the stripes on the subsequent foals, it is only necessary (now that the principles of cross-breeding are better understood) to assume that in the cross-bred chestnut mare there lay latent the characteristics of the Kattiawar or other Indian breeds, in which stripes commonly occur.
Two of the purest breeds at the present day are the Scottish deerhound and the Dalmatian (spotted carriage-dog), A deerhound after having seven pups to a Dalmatian was put to a dog of her own breed.
There are three breeds of Rumanian oxen, besides the peculiar black buffaloes, with horns lying almost flat along their necks.
Besides the Moldavian and Servian breeds, thousands of so-called " swamp hogs " run wild among the marshes and on the islands of the Danube.
Although many of the domesticated breeds are hornless, sheep belong to the family of hollow-horned ruminants or Bovidae.
It may be added that the long tails of most tame breeds are, like wool, in all probability the results of domestication.
The variations of external characters seen in the different breeds are very great.
Both breeds, which have short tails and small horns (present only in the rams), were regarded by the German naturalist Fitzinger as specifically distinct from the domesticated Ovis cries of Europe; and for the first type he proposed the name 0.
Although such distinctions may be doubtful (the two African breeds are almost certainly descended from one ancestral form), the retention of such names may be convenient as a provisional measure.
The longwool breeds are the Leicester, Border Leicester, Cotswold, Lincoln, Kent, Devon Longwool, South Devon, Wensleydale and Roscommon.
The shortwool breeds are the Oxford Down, Southdown, Shropshire, Hampshire Down, Suffolk, Ryeland, Dorset and Somerset Horn, Kerry Hill, Radnor and Clun Forest.
These breeds are all English, except the Border Leicester, Cheviot and Scotch Black-face, which belong to Scotland; the Welsh Mountain, which belongs to Wales; and the Roscommon, which is Irish.
In the other horned breeds, the Dorset and Somerset, Limestone, Exmoor, Old Norfolk, and Western or Old Wiltshire, both sexes have horns.
The remaining breeds are hornless.
In past times Leicester blood was extensively employed in the improvement or establishment of other longwool breeds of sheep. The Leicester, as seen now, has a white wedge-shaped face, the forehead covered with wool; thin mobile ears; neck full towards the trunk, short and level with the back; width over the shoulders and through the heart; a full broad breast; fine clean legs standing well apart; deep round barrel and great depth of carcass; firm flesh, springy pelt, and pink skin, covered with fine, curly, lustrous wool.
In past times it did for the improvement of the shortwool breeds of sheep very much the same kind of work that the Leicester performed in the case of the longwool breeds.
The breed is distinguished by having the smoothest and blackest face and legs of all the Down breeds and no wool on the head.
The mutton of all the Down breeds is of superior quality, but that of the Suffolk is pre-eminently so.
The Herdwick is the hardiest of all the breeds thriving upon the poor mountain land in Cumberland and Westmorland.
It is related to the Clun Forest and the Kerry Hill sheep. The draft ewes of all three breeds are in high demand for breeding to Down and longwool rams in the English midlands.
The Exmoor is a horned breed of Devonshire moorland, one of the few remaining remnants of direct descent from the old forest breeds of England.
With good management twenty ewes of any of the lowland breeds should produce and rear thirty lambs, and the proportion can be increased by breeding from ewes with a prolific tendency.
It breeds in no small numbers in the Hebrides, and parts of the Scottish Highlands from Argyllshire to Sutherland, as well as in the more elevated or more northern districts of Norway, Sweden and Finland, and probably also thence to Kamchatka.
It is not uncommon on the Falkland Isles, where it breeds.
Among other British breeds may be mentioned the Devons and Herefords, both characterized by their red colour; the long-horned and Sussex breeds, both with very large horns, showing a tendency to grow downwards; and the Ayrshire.
Polled, or hornless, breeds, such as the polled Angus and polled Suffolk, are of interest, as showing how easily the horns can be eliminated, and thus indicating a hornless ancestry.
The eider duck, which breeds on the islands of Breit51fjor6r, is a source of livelihood to the inhabitants, as are also the many kinds of sea-fowl which breed on the sea-cliffs.
He describes various kinds of game, methods of hunting, the best breeds of horses and dogs.
The Servian pig is pure white or black, but other breeds, notably the Berkshire and Yorkshire, are kept.
The object of these associations is principally to facilitate the acquisition of improved implements and better breeds of cattle.
The local administration endeavours to better the quality of live-stock by importing purer breeds, distributing prizes, and other measures; but the native farmers are slow to accept improvements.
The cattle raised are the Shorthorns and improved Lincolnshire breeds.
The sheep are chiefly of the Lincolnshire and large Leicestershire breeds, and go to the markets of Yorkshire and London.
The numbers of the mermos have been greatly reduced, and they have been replaced by coarse-woolled breeds.
The Thoroughbred is probably the oldest of the breeds, and it is known as the " blood-horse " on account of the length of time through which its purity of descent can be traced.
Its body looks too heavy for its limbs, which are free from the " feather " so much admired in the two other heavy breeds; it possesses a characteristic chestnut colour.
Assurance doesn't breed apathy, doubt does, it breeds industry.
Whoever coined the phrase "Familiarity breeds contempt" must have gone that route.
Bligh was still less visible to the men, not present in a "familiarity breeds contempt" sense.
The avifauna includes the federally endangered southern bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus and peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus which successfully breeds here.
He still retains a very strong hunting instinct, something which has sadly been bred out of other terrier breeds.
I think the problem locally is that everybody know that and familiarity breeds contempt.
It is common for dogs to cost more to ensure than cats, with extra charges for pedigree breeds or big animals.
All three had the same ambition - to improve their native cattle and challenge the English beef breeds.
There are a total of nearly 30 dog breeds on the A, B, C list.
That may well be true, but smugness breeds complacency, and that is dangerous.
The short haired dachshunds are easy to groom while the long haired and wire haired breeds require more extensive grooming.
With their long, low bodies dachshunds are one of the most instantly recognizable breeds.
The red jungle fowl is the ancestral species of all domestic chicken breeds.
The milk of the Red Poll is higher in protein and has smaller fat globules than other breeds such as the Fresian.
Visitors can also see the rare breeds of chickens, cows, pigs and pygmy goats stocked.
Despite this, staff at Darley Oaks, which breeds guinea pigs for scientific research, have vowed to continue working as normal.
Chinese hamsters are said to be the most placid of the breeds.
For example, Continental breeds now dominate the national beef herd.
When not sitting in front of his Mac he breeds llamas and dreams of owning a vineyard.
The results indicated a low frequency of microsatellite length mutations as the association was consistent across several breeds.
Their research will include other breeds as well, but they are only investigating hereditary nephritis.
He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence.
Due to selective breeding, most pedigree dog breeds are genetically predisposed to suffer.
The Chinese Painted quail is probably the most widely kept of the ornamental aviary breeds.
The Cattle semen Bank collects semen from bulls of breeds on the Trust's Priority List.
Ailments The exotic shorthair is, like must hybrid breeds, a robust healthy cat and has no specific health problems.
In many European countries, the leading sire may account for up to 25% of pedigree inseminations in some breeds.
A typical Tamworth has the longest snout of the present day domestic breeds.
A highlight will be pens of cows and calves showing as many combinations as possible of potential breeds / crosses for replacement suckler heifers.
Use of drugs (chemotherapy ), livestock resistant breeds or insecticides helps protect livestock and control animal trypanosomiasis.
That these long-haired cats have an ancestry, to some extent at any rate distinct from the ordinary short-haired breeds, is practically certain, and it has been suggested that they are derived from the "manul" cat, or Pallas's cat (Felis manul), of the deserts of central Asia, which is a long-haired and bushy-tailed species with comparatively slight striping.
By far the most remarkable of all the Old World domesticated breeds is, however, the royal Siamese cat, which almost certainly has an origin quite distinct from that of the ordinary European breeds; this being rendered evident not only by the peculiar type of colouring, but likewise by the cry, which is quite unmistakable.
Although definite information on this point is required, it seems probable that the southern part of North America and South America possessed certain native domesticated breeds of cats previous to the European conquest of the country; and if this be so, it will be obvious that these breeds must be derived from indigenous wild species.
The reports which they furnish help to determine the distribution of the moneys dispensed by the state in the form of siibventions to agriculturar l The chief breeds of horses are the Boulonnais (heavy draught).
In the first place, the so-called internal causes of disease is probably a mere phrase covering our ignorance of the factors at work, and although a certain convenience attaches to the distinction between those cases where tender breeds of plants apparently exhibit internal predisposition to suffer more readily than others from parasites, low temperatures, excessive growth, & is the case with some grafted plants, cultivated hybrids, &c.the mystery involved in the phrase internal causes only exists until we find what action of the living or nonliving environment of the essential mechanism of the plant has upset its equilibrium.
To this period also belong George and Matthew Culley - the former a pupil of Bakewellwho left their paternal property on the bank of the Tees and settled on the Northumbrian side of the Tweed, bringing with them the valuable breeds of live stock and improved husbandry of their native district.
Amelioration in all breeds of domesticated animals was manifested, not so much in the production of individual specimens of high merit as in the diffusion of these and other good breeds over the country, and in the improved quality of live stock as a whole.
The time-honoured notion that an animal must have completed its growth before it could be profitably fattened is no longer held, and the improved breeds which now exist rival one another as regards the early period at which they may be made ready for the butcher by appropriate feeding and management.
Its eastern boundary is in great part a steppe, which breeds population, but, unable to nourish increase, sends it over its boundaries in a constant stream'of migration.
One of the most troublesome pests of the interior is a minute degenerate spider of the genus Ixodes, called carrapato, or bush-tick, which breeds on the ground and then creeps up the grass blades and bushes where it waits for some passing man or beast.
The cattle consist chiefly of the Zulu and Africander breeds, but attention has been given to improving the breed by the introduction of Shorthorn, Devon and Holstein (or Friesland) stock.
Much misconception, however, has prevailed as to which breeds are the nearest to the ancestral wild stock.
As a denizen of the poultry-yard there are at least two distinct breeds, though crosses between them are much commoner than purely-bred examples of either (see Poultry).
Many species of water and shore birds migrate along the coast, where also others breed, as the royal, common and least terns and black skimmer; practically all the ducks are migrant species, though the wood-duck breeds.
The yak of Thibet cannot long survive in the plains ofIndia, or even on the hills below a certain altitude; and that this is due to climate, and not to the increased density of the atmosphere, is shown by the fact that the same animal appears to thrive well in Europe, and even breeds there readily.
The mountain breeds include the Cheviot, Scotch Black-face, Lonk, Rough Swaledale, Derbyshire Gritstone, Penistone, Limestone, Herdwick, Dartmoor, Exmoor and Welsh Mountain.
The majority of the true mountain breeds are horned, the males only in the cases of Cheviot, Herdwick, Penistone and Welsh, though most Cheviot and many Herdwick rams are hornless.
The white-faced breeds include the Leicester, Border Leicester, Lincoln, Kentish, Cheviot, Ryeland, Devon Longwool, South Devon, Dorset and Somerset Horn, Limestone, Penistone, Exmoor and Roscommon.
In the typical oxen, as represented by the existing domesticated breeds (see Cattle) and the extinct aurochs, the horns are cylindrical and placed on an elevated crest at the very vertex of the skull, which has the frontal region of great length.
The most famous breeds of Spanish sheep are the merinos or migrating sheep, which once brought immense revenues to the state as well as to the large proprietors to whom they mostly belonged (see MERINO).
Yet some puppy farms are pumping out 750 new pups per year, all of specially designed breeds.
The Real Meat Company stipulates breeds, hanging times, cooling regimes and ingredients for sausages and ready meals.
Similarly the majority of Field Trial Champions in trials designed for retriever breeds are labs.
Other carvings depict the rare breeds housed at the Tower including a saddleback pig, soay sheep and a dexter cow.
The Cattle Semen Bank collects semen from bulls of breeds on the Trust 's Priority List.
By utilizing semen imported from high producing sires the genetic potential of the native breeds can be improved.
Ailments The Exotic Shorthair is, like must hybrid breeds, a robust healthy cat and has no specific health problems.
It also allows the farmer to choose from a variety of breeds to sire the calves.
Breeding birds of the river margins include sedge warbler, whitethroat and reed bunting, while skylark breeds on the meadow.
Use of drugs (chemotherapy), livestock resistant breeds or insecticides helps protect livestock and control animal trypanosomiasis.
Differential bone growth between large and small breeds of cattle is usually established prior to a slaughter weight of 500 kg in males.
There are many books and websites that show different breeds of cats and that discuss their personalities.
Active breeds will need to be walked and played with often, while less active breeds will be satisfied with regular walks and a scratch behind the ears.
Next, check out what hereditary diseases are known to occur in the breed or breeds you are considering.
You can find a quick list of breeds and their associated hereditary and congenital diseases at can also talk to a local veterinarian about the dog breeds on your list.
Breeders USA is a great place to find information on breeders and on various dog breeds.
They have a comprehensive section on dogs and breeds.
Puppy Find has articles about breeds, tips, and animals for sale.
Specialized dog beds have built-in heating and cooling units, while others are designed for puppies, large breeds and older dogs with health problems such as an orthopedic bed.
The species have different breeds, just as dogs and cats do, and these have to come into consideration when choosing who you're going to be taking home with you.
Guinea Pigs come in two main varieties -- short and long-haired -- though there are also more exotic breeds like the Peruvian.
Rabbits come in many different breeds, but most pet stores carry some variety of the Netherland Dwarf, which as its name implies, is one of the smallest bunnies you can get.
Be careful which breed you select, because although he/she may appear small, cute and cuddly in the pet store, many rabbit breeds can grow to the be same size (or bigger) than a cat.
Buying a calf, chicks, or ducklings for them can be a great gift that is both thoughtful and practical, but always be sure to purchase the appropriate breeds and genders.
Kittens of long-coated breeds should be trained to accept brushing very early on, before the coat reaches its adult length.
It's always good to begin training long-coated breeds to accept grooming when they are young.
Since many cat breeds tend to be leisurely by nature, you may not notice anything unusual right away.
Different breeds and cat personalities have different requirements for what is right for them.
All breeds of cats require some grooming.
Short haired and hairless cat breeds also need the extra warmth to keep them healthy when temperatures drop.
You can expect to invest approximately $2000.00 to get one each of the breeds you mention.
Perhaps you should do more research on the two breeds you have in mind, and locate a breeder who would be willing to mentor you.
Persians are one of the most popular cat breeds and there seems to be a lot of differing opinions on the topic of breeding.
Some breeds are more prone to allergies than others.
They have a knack for communicating with humans in "meow-ese" that many other breeds simply don't possess.
The theory has always been that Siberians produce a significantly lower level of the Fel d1 protein than most other cat breeds.
When testing was carried out against a limited number of other breeds, including Abyssinians and the average Tabby, the Siberian did indeed show lower levels of the protein in fur and skin samples.
Although some cat breeds produce less irritation in allergy sufferers, some people are more sensitive than others to the protein these animals produce.
If looking at this gallery whets your appetite for more, you'll find other compelling galleries and slideshows featuring everything from different breeds to images of cats in humorous situations.
Hairless cat breeds will find heated beds especially useful.
This infection attacks felines of all ages and breeds.
Unless you're into hairless cat breeds, the sight of a molting feline is generally cause for alarm.
One of four breeds of Oriental cats, the ancient Siamese may be the oldest breed of all cats.
The crossbreeding of Siamese cats led to many breeds including Tonkinese, Himalayan, Burmese and Balinese.
The question of whether or not certain cat breeds are non allergenic or hypoallergenic is the subject of debate among many cat enthusiasts.
It is known that different breeds of cats have different levels of the glycoprotein Fel D 1, the allergen that causes cat allergies in people.
There are several breeds that are known to cause less of an allergic reaction to certain people that suffer from cat allergies.
The Siberian cat is believed to produce less of the Fel D 1 allergens than other cat breeds.
Allerca - Lifestyle Pets is a company that breeds and sells hypoallergenic dogs and cats.
Himalayans were originally created through breeding Persian cats and Siamese cats, the result is a beautiful animal with all of the good personality traits of both breeds.
There are some cat breeds that are consistently popular with cat owners.
Although not all of these breeds are recognized by the Cat Fancier's Association (CFA), that doesn't stop people from taking these wonderful breeds into their homes and making them part of their family.
Whatever personality and physical traits you want in a cat, you are certain to find just what you're looking for in one of this popular breeds.
Some breeds have a higher rate of chronic renal failure than others, and this may indicate that genetics may be a contributing factor.
There are a few breeds that have a higher incidence of chronic renal failure than other breeds.
Genetics - Some breeds have a tendency to live longer than others, such as the Siamese.
When people think about non pedigree kittens for sale, they think of either kittens that are a mixture of breeds or a specific breed without the paperwork to back up their breed classification.
There are many casual breeders of popular breeds, such as Siamese or Persians, who have not registered their litters with the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA).
These breeders try to take the best traits from two different breeds and mix them together.
These breeds are cutting edge new mixes and may not yet be recognized by CFA.
Own an unusual cat - Non pedigree kittens and mixed breeds often have a unique look unlike other cats.
If you are considering purchasing a non pedigree kitten, you might want to consider some of the breeds that are currently being considered for inclusion in the CFA's breeds list.
Cornish Rex cats are one of the most unique breeds available.
Some people believe that the Siberian is less likely to cause allergy problems than other breeds.
In fact, even in the case of only one cat, some breeds grow to such girth that a jumbo-sized box is then necessary.
The Cat Fanciers' Association is the primary authority on cat breeds in the United States.
The neck is shorter in proportion to the rest of the body than most other breeds of cat.
Some cats may be more susceptible to ear issues than others, especially long-haired breeds, outdoor cats or cats with a history of allergies.
Some breeds of cats are more susceptible to certain health conditions than others.
Unlike Siamese and some other breeds, the Persian does not have a uniform coat color.
The breed is known to be long-lived and relatively free of many of the congenital issues associated with some breeds.
Founded in 1906, the association is the authority on cat breeds and their standards.
One of the daunting missions of the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) is to maintain the quality and standards of its 41 recognized, pedigreed breeds.
With diverse breeds such as the American Shorthair and its 80 color variations, having a defined set of standards is crucial for maintaining the integrity of a breed.
They provide information to educate potential cat owners about the different pedigreed breeds.
Their role in supporting research and disaster relief demonstrates their devotion to a mission to protect cats and preserve the integrity of their recognized pedigreed breeds.
Certain breeds of cats are also more susceptible to heart failure than others.
Canine lovers will appreciate the wide range of breeds on the site.
You can also try out The Sims 2 Pets mini-game where you can browse through different breeds of cats or dogs, and customize the perfect pet for you.
The website has over 190 dog breeds (and they add more almost every day) and over 15 sports you can participate in.
You can choose from the Dalmation, Beagle, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd and German Short-haired pointer breeds.
Despite the small number of breeds and tricks available to you, Puppy Luv is a nice game to introduce someone to virtual puppy games.
The apoaequorin in the supplement is derived from specific breeds of jellyfish.
Ever wondered what the top ten dog breeds in America in 2004 were?
The AKC lists the most popular dog breeds based upon the number of registrations of that breed at the AKC each year.
These are the numbers that were used to determine the top ten dog breeds in America in 2004.
While the AKC data is quite interesting, the Top Ten Dog Breeds in America in 2004 fails to really capture the true popularity of all Dog Breeds since all dogs are not registered with the AKC.
That said, a visit to your local rescue or dog pound will reveal that a Labrador Retriever and lab mixed breeds abound, as do many large breed dogs.
It seems there are as many breeds as there are snowflakes, and just like snowflakes, no two breeds are exactly alike.
According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) complete breed list, the club recognizes approximately 170 dog breeds as of June 2011.
The club also lists approximately 15 Foundation Stock Service breeds that are nearing official recognition, as well as anoth 47 breeds working toward eventual recognition.
The club updates this list each time breeds are recognized or move closer to official recognition.
These are just a few examples, but they show the kind of diversity you'll find amongst dog breeds across the board.
According to their breed standards, the tallest breeds are the Irish Wolfhound and the Scottish Deerhound.
Males of these breeds are bred to stand around 32 inches tall at the shoulder.
The AKC's complete breeds list always offers the most current accounting of dog breeds.
The following table lists the majority of currently recognized breeds and offers a further look at just how diverse the canine world truly is.
This method relies on a dog's prey drive and is helpful in training more independent breeds.
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is a good resource for tips on finding reputable breeders for all dogs, including mixed breeds.
Long-haired breeds and wire-haired breeds require more time and attention when grooming their coats.
Long-haired breeds should have their coats brushed three or four times a week.
Wired and long-haired breeds require specific grooming tools.
Small dog breeds are those dogs under ten inches in height when measured at the shoulder.
Small dog breeds usually make excellent indoor pets because they take up less room than larger dogs.
Many small dog breeds were originally bred to be companion animals, making them well-suited to live in close quarters with us.
As with any dog breed, buying a member of the small dog breeds without doing your homework can lead to big problems.
For example, certain dog breeds are prone to genetic health problems and purchasing a dog from an irresponsible breeder can increase the odds of your dog having medical problems.
Perhaps on a smaller scale than larger dogs, small dog breeds can also be quite destructive,tearing up clothing, furniture, rugs, and urinating on the floors if left unattended for long periods of time.
Be sure to visit LTK's small dog breeds slideshow to see a variety of adorable little companions.
Size charts are available for breeds from the retailers.
With more than 800 recognized breeds and many thousands of mixed breed or mutt varieties, there seems to be no limit upon the amount and variety of canine T-shirts available.
Most shelters automatically kill dogs of certain breeds, such as Chows, Pit Bulls, and Wolf Hybrids, even in places where they are legal to own.
Depending on the scope of the park, it may have separate areas designated for large and small dogs, so Small Dog Breeds are not overrun by larger dogs, allowing all pets to interact safely.
Certain breeds known for aggression or territoriality may not be permitted to be off their leashes at any time.
As a pet owner, this leisurely inspection is your opportunity to preview the park's rules as well as gauge its safety for your pet in relation to other dog breeds present.
The German Shepherd Dog is one of the most easily recognized, and often misrepresented of all dog breeds.
German Shepherds have become a popular breed, and as with many breeds before them, indiscriminent breeding by those seeking a quick cash return has resulted in lesser quality animals contributing to the gene pool.
Many breeds are prone to certain health problems such as hip dysplasia, eye problems and many other concerns.
All dog breeds are susceptible to kennel cough, and it can be more serious in puppies or elderly dogs.
Similar to several other breeds of dogs, Boxers experience problems with heart murmurs, allergies, and are susceptible to tumors.
Cases of this parasite have now been reported throughout the United States, and the parasite can affect all Dog Breeds.
The Vari-Kennel is available from size 100P 21"x16"x15" for the smallest breeds up to size 700P 48"x32"x35" for the largest breeds.
This allows dogs and puppies to remain much cleaner, and these crates are highly utilized for those gloriously coated breeds such as Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apsos, Maltese and Yorkshire Terriers to name a few.
All Breed Clubs, comprised of enthusiasts for all breeds of dogs.
Dog Breeds and Types will cover the characteristics and particulars of individual dog breeds.
There is a bit of an art to properly layering and brushing these breeds, and dog groomers can remove matting with the least possible amount of hair loss and discomfort.
Scissors or Shears are used for those breeds requiring a stylized trim, such as the Poodle or Miniature Schnauzers.
Blow Dryers are essential for thick or long-coated breeds such as the Shih Tzu and Yorkshire Terrier.
Grooming Tables can save a groomer a lot of back pain when grooming small dog breeds.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) was founded in 1884 and currently recognizes 153 breeds for purebred registration.
Another 49 rare breeds are currently working toward official AKC recognition through the American Kennel Club Foundation Stock Service.
The most outstanding specimens of each breed are chosen as winners and go on to compete against the best dogs of other breeds, to determine the ultimate best dog in the show.
A well-bred Shih Tzu has heavier bones that do not break as easily as some Toys breeds, so the Shih Tzu can usually jump up and down from bedding and furniture without harming itself.
And few breeds can look up at you with such soulful, beautiful eyes.
Old breeds struggling to evade extinction and new breeds in development both find themselves classed as Rare Dog Breeds when they are approved for registry with the AKC's Foundation Stock Service.
Though the American Kennel Club officially recognizes many breeds, others stand waiting in the wings, hoping to some day gain that recognition and all the opportunities and benefits that come with full membership in the AKC.
Below is the current list of rare breeds registered with the Foundation Stock Service.
A few of the names may be familiar to you, and some of the breed photos may look quite a bit like some of the currently recognized AKC breeds.
That is likely because some of these dogs are foundation breeds of others or share their own foundations with some of the currently recognized breeds.
On the other side of the coin, some rare breeds do not wish to be recognized by the AKC, prefering to maintain their own breeding programs and sometimes holding their own dog show events.
Rare dog breeds have as much to loose as they stand to gain when recogniton and popularity are finally achieved.
It's truly a tragedy to see what selective breeding for the least desirable traits can do to any type of dog, and how it has marred the reputations of a number of very fine dog breeds.
Each kit contains a variety of brushes to fit the needs of all size breeds of cats and dogs.
The baby brush, made with super fine, soft .006 DuPont Tynex bristles, is ideal for younger pets and smaller breeds.
Small dog houses are mainly for smaller dog breeds, but no matter what size your pet is, you can possibly choose a dog house that is too large for him.