Breakfast-cereals Sentence Examples
Try adding chopped bananas, apples, or other fruits to breakfast cereals.
In contrast, by the 1990s, most iron came from fortified breakfast cereals where the iron is less bioavailable than from meat.
Good breakfasts include porridge, wholewheat breakfast cereals - ones that are lower in sugar.
Additional sources of zinc include brown and wholemeal bread, wholegrain breakfast cereals and red kidney beans chickpeas and lentils.
I see an opening for local, organic potato crisps, organic breakfast cereals.
The cereals sector encompasses a range of industries including milling, bread, cake, cookie and breakfast cereals manufacturing and malting.
Europe, Middle East and North Africa Dorset Cereals Ltd Manufacturers of high quality breakfast cereals including muesli and crunchy products.
Do you remember a time before sugary breakfast cereals?
Use nibs in freshly baked granola, or add them as a garnish to oatmeal or cold breakfast cereals.
Good sources of iron are fish, lean meats, whole grains, beans, dried fruits, and some breakfast cereals.
AdvertisementMany breakfast cereals are fortified with folic acid, which can also be an additional way to get this vitamin to your diet.
In this case, fortified foods such as breakfast cereals or products made specifically for vegetarians and vegans are the best dietary sources of vitamin B12.
Many popular breakfast cereals are now fortified with vitamin B12 to provide enhanced nutritional benefits.
Some of the items available include milk, peanut butter, eggs, dried beans, and iron-fortified breakfast cereals.
Using General Mills cereal coupons is a smart way to enjoy your favorite breakfast cereals without placing added stress on your grocery budget.
AdvertisementMost Kellogg's breakfast cereals retail for between $3 and $5 per box.