Breakfast Sentence Examples
Sit down and have breakfast with us.
We'll all have breakfast together.
After breakfast tomorrow she would leave.
Breakfast was on the table when she entered the dining room.
Even Bird Song's gilded front sign, advertising the bed and breakfast, had been washed of a year's dust from the unpaved side street.
We must have breakfast first.
With nothing but her troubled thoughts, the cold rain, and a lonely room in the bed and breakfast down the road, she didn't feel like leaving just yet.
Breakfast was a quiet meal, with Dulce absent and Señor Medena lost in thought.
I.m going to breakfast.
The restaurant serves an all-day breakfast menu.
AdvertisementFinding no one there, she relaxed and began fixing breakfast.
It's warm in the kitchen, and breakfast is ready.
The Ouray Rescue Squad held an annual fund raising breakfast each Fourth of July, enabling the Deans to share an early meal of eggs, sausage, and fixings in the company of friends and neighbors.
I know, you think he had his hands full raising me, and I'm sure he did, but if I had let him, he would have told me which side to chew my breakfast on.
After breakfast, Morino arrived and took Alex and Jonathan out to see the mares.
AdvertisementThe day started with Fred meeting Dean at the breakfast table, a most unusual occurrence.
Captain Keller said at breakfast this morning that he wished I would take Helen to church.
After breakfast, they all retired to the entry room and gathered around the tree to open presents.
He wolfed down the sandwich Bianca made him, unable to remember the last time he'd eaten breakfast.
I brought you breakfast!
AdvertisementIn a few minutes she yielded and finished her breakfast peaceably.
After breakfast she started the laundry while Sarah and Tammy watched a morning children's program.
The Dawkins group trooped to breakfast, snapping at one other.
After locating a missing sneaker, Pumpkin left without a word and, shockingly, without breakfast.
We can have breakfast.
AdvertisementCarmen tried to be there when he ate breakfast so she could feed him.
In the morning she made his breakfast and left to do the chores.
They ate breakfast and arrived at church promptly.
He'd inhaled his breakfast.
Deidre almost dropped her breakfast.
Pick a human school to target for breakfast.
Enjoy your breakfast, the woman said.
In fact, it was empty, except for the nun who brought her breakfast.
Rhyn stormed out of the bed and breakfast.
She almost lost her stomach at the innocent question from the middle-aged matriarch of the bed and breakfast.
Katherine, I have a small breakfast waiting for us with the girls.
I thought I.d ask before you sat down for breakfast.
She rolled her eyes and finished her breakfast.
After extensive alterations, Bird Song, a bed and breakfast, was born.
I mentioned how this here place was a boarding house in the old days and now it's a fine bed and breakfast.
Cynthia smiled, remembering the early-days' confusion of opening the bed and breakfast, two newlyweds and one old man, operating on piggy bank finances and not an ounce of experience among them.
Footsteps on the stairs were the Deans' signal to prepare for breakfast.
Cynthia reluctantly put the notebook aside and the couple began to carry the fresh baked goods and other breakfast items to the dining room.
Lack of a full night's sleep had put both Deans in less than top form as they readied breakfast.
Cynthia gave a not-too-well disguised harrumph and left the kitchen for the dining room with a plate full of breakfast.
Janet arrived, mumbling apologies as the guests began coming downstairs to breakfast.
Fred emerged long enough to pass on breakfast, a sure sign the widow Worthington had fed him, and he was off to do his morning research.
The scene he found certainly had nothing to do with breakfast.
Oh, Sweetie, I'm sorry, I forgot about breakfast.
He heard the door close, then Elisabeth in the kitchen, making breakfast.
As they sat with their breakfast he said, "I have some things I need to take care of today."
He left her sleeping and snuck downstairs to make breakfast.
I've brought you breakfast.
Jackson found Sarah in the kitchen making breakfast.
No thanks, we're going out for breakfast, just having coffee here.
I thought we would go out for breakfast, swing by your house so you can change and pack a bag, then go pumpkin picking.
After breakfast they went outside and stood staring at the pile pumpkins.
He chuckled, "Given your understanding at breakfast yesterday, I guess I am going to have to accept that."
They sat around the center island and had obviously eaten breakfast together.
You're just in time for breakfast.
Eying her breakfast doubtfully, she sat down.
He pushed away his breakfast dishes and stared out the patio doors at the low hanging clouds.
You wanna be my breakfast?
Here he stopped to report to the emperor some intelligence which turned out to be false, and he remained for breakfast.
The principal meals are breakfast, about an hour after sunrise; dinner, or the mid-day meal, at noon; and supper, which is the chief meal of the day, a little after sunset.
Janet O'Brien was a local woman who remained on call to Bird Song, assisting with the domestic chores of running the bed and breakfast, at least when the number of guests required additional help.
By the time Dean finished shoveling, Edith Shipton was seated alone in the dining room eating her breakfast while Donnie and Fred were poring over the Annie Quincy letters and notebook in the parlor.
She reached out her hand again but when Dean turned away, she continued with her breakfast, a nibble at a time.
Dean allowed Gladys to devour a platoon-size breakfast while he delayed bringing up the awkward question of the late-night alarm.
She fixed breakfast and packed him a lunch – then went to see what was taking him so long.
Of course it was pure coincidence that the two-day old paper was laying on the table at breakfast - turned to the social section where Denton's engagement was announced.
Choose to stay in our bed and breakfast accommodation or our self catering bothy.
Breakfast and topping up air cylinders was followed by a short move to a deep dive site before finding a secure anchorage for lunch.
The terrace is an ideal place for a lavish buffet breakfast or a pre-dinner aperitif.
I think most of us managed to get to the bakery to pick up some freshly baked baguettes for breakfast or for lunches.
Also available is a breakfast smoothie, made from almonds, muesli, banana, honey, milk and raspberries.
In the morning a good breakfast was served, and then Mr. Randolph made ready to start on his journey.
Every morning after breakfast I prepared his bath, made his cage clean and sweet, filled his cups with fresh seed and water from the well-house, and hung a spray of chickweed in his swing.
They tell us when breakfast is ready, when to go to school, when it is time for church, and when there is a fire.
We surprised our dear friends, however, for they did not expect us Saturday; but when the bell rung Miss Marrett guessed who was at the door, and Mrs. Hopkins jumped up from the breakfast table and ran to the door to meet us; she was indeed much astonished to see us.
After we had had some breakfast we went up to see Mr. Anagnos.
We even ate our breakfast out on the piazza.
I locked the dining-room door, and proceeded to eat my breakfast, though the food almost choked me.
After breakfast we go out and watch the men at work.
After breakfast I played with dolls short.
There are plenty of places to look for vegan breakfast recipes.
Check your local library for vegan cookbooks, as most will have a breakfast chapter.
There are many simple, yet delicious, vegan recipe ideas for every meal of the day appealing to every appetite, from eggless breakfast recipes, vegan lunch and dinner recipes, plus recipes for snacks, side dishes and desserts.
The Deans were up at the first pink of dawn, but they didn't beat Fred O'Connor, who had already perked coffee, cracked eggs, and burned toast for their morning breakfast.
The Dawkinses are staying at my bed and breakfast.
Fred O'Connor was in the living room, hosting three of the four Dawkins, with Ginger missing, when the Deans returned to their bed and breakfast.
The departure left husband Joseph in an even surlier mood than usual, and he growled his way through breakfast.
Dean lied that he'd miss them and strolled into the kitchen where Cynthia and Maria were enjoying a second breakfast.
He took Kathleen out to breakfast.
It took many days of mountain sunshine and the comforting routine of the bed and breakfast to blur the trauma of the Lucky Pup shooting.
Um, it's … you know what, you can drink your tea and I'll make breakfast, Cora said, taking the eggs.
Deidre rolled her eyes without answering and went back to cooking her breakfast.
Deidre went through another courtyard before the scents of breakfast drew her to the correct one.
She was hungover and tired, with a roiling stomach and headache, yet she managed to make it to work before the breakfast rush.
He walked through the town to a large bed and breakfast near its edge.
You run around turning into animals and tearing off people's heads and then just…a bed and breakfast?
Five cups of coffee later and a full Irish breakfast --without the blood pudding --settling in her stomach, she still couldn't shake the throb.
He moved closer and she skirted the breakfast bar until it was between them.
He started around the breakfast bar, and she kept pace with him on the opposite side.
Katie whipped around the breakfast bar, eyes roving the kitchen for the knife block or something with which to defend herself.
A breakfast buffet lined one end of the cafeteria, with brown-robed women moving in between the food and the kitchen.
He had been outside, atop a ladder, removing Christmas lights when the two checked in to Bird Song, the Dean's bed and breakfast.
After dawn arrived at last and the couple were showered and dressed, they speculated further on the late night sounds as Cynthia filled Bird Song's breakfast table with fresh baked goodies.
Staying at the bed and breakfast was a dramatic change of scene for Martha from Aunt Janet's cigarette stained trailer.
Skipped home as soon as she finished breakfast.
Fred finished his breakfast in a rush and hauled out the pair of his garage-sale skis.
Their suppertime chatter was limited to the logistics of Bird Song and the care and breakfast feeding of its thirteen guests.
With breakfast in their bellies, the group was anxious to get going.
Finally, Cynthia calmed down enough to continue serving breakfast.
Cynthia was troubled with a headache and tried to catch an extra half-hour of sleep as Dean served breakfast to the early risers, Penny, Mick and two of the other climbers.
He remembered the day, just before they first opened the bed and breakfast, when he'd picked up this Jeep, the first new vehicle he'd ever owned.
Besides, I've got a bed and breakfast to run.
Elisabeth woke before Jackson, and decided to bring him breakfast for a change.
Sarah prepared an elaborate breakfast in the morning.
I'll fix breakfast while you go check on him.
Katie should have breakfast ready.
Her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn't eaten more than two bites of her breakfast.
Lana slept until Elise woke her for breakfast by beating on her door in the morning.
Years from now, when he was comfortably ensconced in his Ouray, Colorado bed and breakfast, he'd often look back on this day as the turning point in his life, but for now it was only the start of yet another five work days.
Vinnie Baratto stuffed his face with a double breakfast order and gained confidence with every bite.
David and Cynthia Dean, now husband and wife, and owners of Bird Song, a bed and breakfast in Ouray, Colorado, were seated in the Tundra Room of the recently restored Beaumont Hotel.
Toenails clicked on concrete behind her and panting announced that Brutus had arrived for his breakfast.
One by one Carmen brushed them with a curry comb while they munched a breakfast of oats.
Did you eat breakfast?
I don't usually eat breakfast.
Alex, whether or not I eat breakfast isn't a decision for you.
Katie and Bill were in the kitchen when she arrived, and Katie already had breakfast ready.
Yeah. I was calling to see if you wanted to go out for breakfast.
I guess even if you ate breakfast, that wouldn't be an option.
The tradition I was referring to was you not eating breakfast.
I interrupted your breakfast.
Anyway, after today we'll have the rest of our lives to eat breakfast together.
Maybe it wasn't simply a breakfast out.
It was actually a bit of a nuisance to go out to breakfast at times, but mostly they had completed chores and were on their way to some outing.
She made the bed and went into the kitchen to fix breakfast.
She fixed breakfast and packed him a lunch – then went to see what was taking him so long.
When Alex came in for his breakfast, he dropped into his chair and took one long look at her.
The next morning Carmen was up early, fixing breakfast and packing a lunch for Alex.
By the time Alex arrived for breakfast, she had it on the table and was washing the frying pan in the sink.
Then maybe I should cook him some breakfast.
We'll worry about breakfast later? right now we have other fish to fry.
She showered and dressed, skipping breakfast.
She fixed breakfast and kissed Alex good-by before he left for work.
She dressed and went to the kitchen to start breakfast.
He asked one morning as she was preparing breakfast.
Alex was unusually quiet through breakfast and she assumed he was thinking about that darkness thing.
Retracing her steps to the house, she found Alex and Jonathan preparing breakfast.
Breakfast was interrupted by the telephone, and Alex went to answer it.
Breakfast had long since worn off and they were hungry.
Breakfast under the trees I love?
Better. Breakfast in the forest where we went the first night we made love.
Immediately after breakfast he took them all out for a buggy ride.
Before Carmen left, she invited them all to breakfast and orientation before the first ride in the morning.
The next morning she had breakfast ready at seven.
Saturday morning Alex was lounging against the kitchen counter nursing a cup of coffee while she fixed breakfast.
She'd better get breakfast ready.
She leaned over the stool, expecting to lose the little she had eaten for breakfast.
I went down that morning to talk to father about Felipa before she came down for breakfast.
It was past noon and she had skipped breakfast.
After a shower and breakfast, she tidied the cabin and wandered around.
After a breakfast of dry cereal, she donned the work gloves she had brought and retrieved the weed whip from the shed.
After a quick breakfast, she made a list of the items she needed and drove to the tiny town.
I've got breakfast ready.
After breakfast Keaton retrieved a portable razor from his car.
When you finish breakfast, meet me outside.
Her stomach growled a reminder that she hadn't eaten breakfast.
You don't exactly eat eggs and bacon for breakfast, do you?
Chiding herself silently for behaving like a teenager, Jessi forced part of her breakfast down her throat.
But after dinner (or breakfast), and when we rise from table, we use the prayer given above, viz.
After breakfast " he was expected," he says, to spend an hour with Mrs Gibbon; after tea his father claimed his conversation; in the midst of an interesting work he was often called down to entertain idle visitors; and, worst of all, he was periodically compelled to return the well-meant compliments.
Manson recommends five to ten grains once or twice a week; Ross recommends the same quantity every day before breakfast.
He generally took breakfast or tea with some congenial friend and delighted to discuss the deepest subjects.
Buckwheat flour is used in considerable quantities in some districts for the making of buckwheat cakes, eaten with maple syrup. These two make an excellent breakfast dish, characteristic of Canada and some of the New England states.
There are also numerous forms of preparations from cereals, sold as breakfast foods, which, owing to the high quality of the grains grown in Canada and the care exercised in their manufacture, compare favourably with similar products in other countries.
It is taken in the morning before breakfast, from three to eight days together, and sometimes it is taken in the evening before going to bed.
There is no contradiction (as Aristotle said) between a man being determined by many attributes, as rational, six-foot-high, white, and a father, and yet being one whole substance distinct from any other, including his own son; nor is there any contradiction between his body being in bed at 8.15 and at breakfast at 8.45 within the same hour.
The chief suburbs are Kangaroo Point, Fortitude Valley, New Farm, Red Hill, Paddington, Milton, Toowong, Breakfast Creek, Bulimba, Woolloongabba, Highgate Hill and Indooroopilly.
The phrase "a free breakfast table" was his; and on the rejection of Forster's Compensation for Disturbance Bill he used the phrase as to Irish discontent, "Force is not a remedy."
On the morning of the 21st September he rose and sat down alone to breakfast; shortly afterwards his doctor called and found him dead in his chair.
Should these rules be insufficient, then (4) proteid and farinaceous food should be taken in separate meals - farinaceous food at breakfast, proteid alone at lunch; farinaceous in the afternoon, and proteid again in the evening.
They breakfast at five o'clock, take an hour for their dinner at noon - usually in the field - and have their supper at seven.
We'd better eat breakfast before it gets cold.
After breakfast Felipa took Destiny and Jonathan to see a new foal that was born during the night.
Carmen dressed Destiny while they went down for breakfast.
Come, breakfast is ready.
Breakfast was a quiet meal, with Dulce absent and Señor Medena lost in thought.
After breakfast they went upstairs to watch a children's movie on the television with Destiny and Jonathan.
Alex arrived promptly at seven in the morning and they ate breakfast together in Destiny's room.
At breakfast the next morning Alex was especially quiet.
For a few minutes neither of them spoke while they put away their breakfast.
Over breakfast I filled in my associates on my discussion with agent Brennan and what I hoped to obtain from him.
The Oracle said no more and took Darian's place at the breakfast bar.
Only when they reached the small bed and breakfast that was their destination did she cease practicing her magic.
It was time for his master's breakfast, so he went to the kitchens to fetch his food.
Unable to dwell on how Hell knew what she liked for breakfast, she wolfed down the pastries and a banana before crossing to the bathroom for a shower.
The bed and breakfast had a full complement of guests for the first time in this, their second season, the domestic help opening seemed about to be filled, the weather was beautiful, the flowers were blooming and David Dean's campaign for sheriff looked promising.
All four Dawkinses were seated at the breakfast table by seven and bending over backwards to be nice to one another when Dean delivered a tray of pastry.
I spent so much time on the phone talking to the Calvias she wouldn't have gotten through, Cynthia said the next morning, after breakfast was cleared, the wash loaded, and domestic matters reasonably settled—a momentary break.
Fred was already gone and Brandon Westlake presided over breakfast court with Pumpkin Green, rehashing the good old days until the young man's eyes glazed and with mumbled excuses, he retreated to find his partner in combat Billy Langstrom.
Although Fred's mood was jolly, he didn't join the others for breakfast on this Saturday morning.
Breakfast number two was of Maria's making, an effort to cheer up Cynthia.
Um, it's … you know what, you can drink your tea and I'll make breakfast, Cora said, taking the eggs.
Deidre didn't want to talk to the Immortals, but she felt alone eating breakfast.
Gabriel moved into her peripheral, thumbs looped through his belt as he leaned against the counter on the other side of the breakfast bar's island.
You run around turning into animals and tearing off people's heads and then just…a bed and breakfast?
He fidgeted with a couple of pens and doodled geometric shapes similar to those around her neck onto stationery bearing the seal of the bed and breakfast.
Whilst the aircraft climbed higher, the crew were quick to serve the passengers a very tasty hot breakfast baguette.
Friday This morning you will have a leisurely breakfast at a famous local bakery.
Hopefully you will be able to breakfast on the wooden carved balcony in the morning sun.
Add some sliced banana or raisins to your breakfast cereal.
Try adding chopped bananas, apples, or other fruits to breakfast cereals.
The group would have a simple breakfast together, and then visit the other basilicas.
Breakfast was average but room lovely and we could see big ben!
Perhaps the evidence for simply adding cereal bran to your breakfast is less convincing than that for adopting a broader fiber diet.
Chris cooked a late breakfast which was followed by beer at the Star.
Don't eat breakfast for at least 30 minutes.
Thats all for now I think, and I skipped breakfast so im off for some food, Ill see you all Friday!
A cooked or continental breakfast can be enjoyed in an elegant dining room.
You'll be treated to a hearty breakfast to start your day.
Do you rush to join them or content yourself with a leisurely breakfast followed by a ride along the beautiful wild coast roads.
Early call system in every room; an extensive self serve continental breakfast is available on request.
Guests at the suites also receive a complimentary continental breakfast, and selected suites have terraces.
Our large dining room with separate tables is the perfect place to enjoy a full English breakfast.
The Quality Hotel will have a room set up for a wedding breakfast, ie chair covers, balloons, table decorations.
Any event can be catered for from breakfast buffets to evening banquets, all of the highest quality.
All apartment and villa packages come inclusive of a 4 seater golf buggy and a continental breakfast hamper.
Knew David was really comfortable in California when he ordered a breakfast burrito.
In contrast, by the 1990s, most iron came from fortified breakfast cereals where the iron is less bioavailable than from meat.
Good breakfasts include porridge, wholewheat breakfast cereals - ones that are lower in sugar.
Try eating breakfast cereal without sugar, or use less.
Additional sources of zinc include brown and wholemeal bread, wholegrain breakfast cereals and red kidney beans chickpeas and lentils.
Breakfast is in the cool colonnades of the old cloister; the restaurant is in the dimly lit wine cellars.
Full board consists of breakfast (usually continental ), lunch and dinner, half board is breakfast and dinner.
All rooms include a continental breakfast but an alternative breakfast is available between the hours of 8am and 9am.
Guests enjoy a free continental breakfast, free premium cable television and free local calls.
We offer an excellent continental breakfast in the well equiped and well presented dining/kitchen room.
We're not big eaters and most motels provide a free continental breakfast, which was perfectly adequate.
F ood and D rink A choice of full English or a lighter continental breakfast is served each morning.
The Lodge provides an extensive continental breakfast, with an unlimited supply of fresh juice, coffee and tea all day.
Enjoy a spacious family room with breakfast and homemade cookies on arrival, starting from just £ 349.00.
Then they come back to have their breakfast - Taggy loves to share Graham's toast, and Flora likes cornflakes!
After her breakfast, feeling a bit crafty, SB dragged some bits out of the craft cupboard and started gluing and sticking.
I see an opening for local, organic potato crisps, organic breakfast cereals.
We went down to breakfast and I had decided I was going to have a croissant because the cooked breakfast wasn't very nice.
Breakfast - grapes and apple slices, yogurt and a cheese croissant - arrived while Essex was still visible beneath the clouds.
Freshly baked croissants will be served in addition to the normal breakfast.
Conveniently early opening sorts out the pre-work breakfast crowd, with the fresh croissants well worth getting up early for.
Breakfast is adequate; but it would be nice to have warm croissants!
Our nearest Boulangerie is only 3kms, a lovely cycle ride for your breakfast croissants!
Guests with earlier airport departures are offered a continental buffet breakfast to start the day.
Equally perfect as a scrumptious dessert after your Wedding Breakfast or as a Buffet for your Guests in the afternoon or evening.
Our large dining room with separate tables is the perfect place to enjoy a full english breakfast.
We had a nice breakfast and Chris caught a dogfish.
In Copenhagen, it's a nice lie-in, with breakfast in bed when Carsten comes back from the school drop-off.
Then, after a brief buffet breakfast, the entire entourage follows the elephants to the national park.
The forest is renowned for its friendly and homely bed and breakfast establishments.
The next day I breakfast with an English expatriate.
Most people were a bit fazed by the idea of breakfast at all.
Huevos rancheros make a substantial breakfast with fried eggs smothered in spicy tomato sauce and served on a flour flatbread.
We then had breakfast which would be a full fry-up every morning.
It goes well with dry-cured bacon, and is served with many a Welsh breakfast fry-up.
This way the body stores up energy and with breakfast the following morning, biker's fuel gages should be on almost full.
We really could not grudge such a noble bird an easy breakfast.
For bed & breakfast guesthouses see Bed & Breakfast below.
The full fry There are many theories as to why nothing beats a full English breakfast in the event of a stinking hangover.
White Rock Bed and Breakfast is a converted 18th century hilltop croft house on a small farm near Lochgilphead.
Breakfast is served with simple, carefully chosen items with our local honey and homemade jams.
Hosted by former Big Breakfast presenter Paul Tonkinson, Stand Up For Runaways was a sell-out night at top London comedy club jongleurs.
Steer clear and opt for some freshly juiced action instead of a poorly done breakfast!
A Widow n Like Alice What does a kangaroo eat for breakfast?
But on June 16th I had got up and had a shower, ate a kipper for breakfast and felt clear-headed and much better.
We provide comfortable Bed and Breakfast accommodation and two self-catering lodges with doorstep trout fishing.
Jacinda was first up, cooking a magnificent breakfast of pancakes, bacon, maple syrup and tinned mandarins.
For breakfast he'll normally have porridge oats made with soya milk and sweetened with a little maple syrup.
A full Devonshire or continental breakfast is available, together with yoghurts, cereal, toast from Rosie's bread and home made marmalade.
When staying Saturday night, enjoy a lie in with cooked breakfast served til midday on Sundays and late checkout.
The cereals sector encompasses a range of industries including milling, bread, cake, cookie and breakfast cereals manufacturing and malting.
Day 13 Wednesday 13th Oct After breakfast this morning we loaded the minibus and set off back to Punta Arenas.
Does a blue-crowned motmot or a violaceous euphonia really want to hear strange instrumental shrieks before breakfast?
You can't eat muesli for breakfast every day of your life, you just can't " .
For breakfast, we offer you a choice of cereals and home made apple muesli, or feel free to request porridge.
Europe, Middle East and North Africa Dorset Cereals Ltd Manufacturers of high quality breakfast cereals including muesli and crunchy products.
Day 7 Breakfast Small glass of fruit juice 2 heaped tbs sugar-free muesli topped with a pot of low fat yogurt.
Try combining them with white chocolate for an indulgent treat, or sprinkle a few into breakfast muesli.
My sister will have a chocolate muffin for breakfast, whereas I will make a smoothie, so am using " more " food.
Apple muffins These American style muffins are great for a weekend breakfast served warm, or just enjoy them with a coffee.
Breakfast followed by another power nap was the order of the day.
The patients wore rough flannel nightdresses and black boots, and there was a menu of weak cocoa with marmalade sandwiches for breakfast.
The fully fitted kitchen has breakfast nook overlooking pool.
The breakfast nook is near the kitchen, the table here flips over to provide a gaming table.
The dining ´ nook ´ overlooks the pool area, we have a fully fitted kitchen, with a 4 seater breakfast bar.
Take as pure organic oats for breakfast, made with soya, ordinary milk or water.
Breakfast has porridge with cream, smoked duck, venison and salmon, home-made oatcakes and jams " .
Her next job was to prepare breakfast for the other old lady, Mrs Filmer, Wykham's mother.
Buy your fresh bread for breakfast and squeeze the juicy local oranges for fresh juice - what more could you ask for!
We felt very pampered - lovely breakfast and the Champagne in the room was the icing on the cake!
Fresh fruit salad, Swiss-style muesli, yogurt and buttermilk pancakes are only some of the highlights of our breakfast buffet.
I've made a panettone for breakfast on Valentine's Day tomorrow.
We serve a fresh and varied continental breakfast, including locally baked patisseries, fresh fruit, yogurt, warm bread and cereals.
Food not so good now - atta porridge for breakfast keeps the old pecker up.
Thursday 19 January An early breakfast was followed by our first pelagic of the trip, from Valparaiso, on board the Karina Masiel.
Quality bed & breakfast accommodation on the beautiful Lands end peninsula.
If you arrive after a leisurely breakfast, expect to park in the car park on the hill that overlooks the pier.
The waitress wore a black dress, white pinny and bob cap, the service was friendly and attentive, and breakfast superb... .
We quickly went inside for breakfast, gallo pinto, our first rice and beans.
Offerings includes breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, bar snacks, cocktails, wood-fired pizzas and pastas.
He has milk porridge or tea for breakfast, for dinner they mostly have potatoes and bacon and milk porridge for supper.
Serve warm with a dollop of low-fat vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt or stir into your breakfast porridge.
Phil Marriott is the host of the Big Fun Breakfast - the guy who keeps the rabble in order.
And run rampage all over your breakfast table as he kills Tony the Tiger!
Sending him breakfast was intended as a gentle ribbing, the sort of thing two friends who knew each other well could laugh about.
After breakfast, there's time to explore the riverbanks on foot, then take the motorized canoe back downstream to the lodge.
Two hours out of Heathrow breakfast was served with two hot choices, either grilled beef sausage or a delightful vol-au-vent with scrambled eggs.
Breakfast includes scones baked daily in the Aga oven.
Breakfast was a plate of plenty (excluding only tattie scones) and the rich birdlife of the garden provided most of the entertainment.
Many towns offer hotel or bed & breakfast accommodation, although this is often seasonal.
The glass table with 4 chairs plus 2 matching stools at the breakfast bar area provide ample seating.
A breakfast bar separates it from a cozy lounge which includes a large settee which converts into a double bed.
In addition to school dinners, guidance and directives have been announced to cover breakfast clubs, tuck shops and vending machines.
Nutritional Information A bowl of porridge with skimmed or semi skimmed milk provides a low fat, high carbohydrate breakfast or snack.
Probably the lowest moment came at breakfast the following day when my mate Matt gave my blistered back a hearty slap.
Many enjoy mixing Spirulina powder in a green fruit juice smoothie as an instant breakfast, or a vegetable juice smoothie in the afternoon.
You already had your cereal and milk for breakfast 2. You have an exercise bike, treadmill or stair stepper at home.
Lunches and dinners are served to the table by our ship's stewards, and breakfast is served here also but is buffet style.
Try adding dried fruit to your breakfast cereal, having salad for lunch, or a vegetable stir-fry for dinner.
Our private garden invites you to watch birds, take your breakfast or take the first suntan in your va cat ion.
I could have breakfast at home, but not always, so I eat tacos instead.
The company pledged to donate all breakfast takings on their ships ' sailings last Friday to the charity.
Also they only do quite a limited continental breakfast, which suited us, but may not be to everyones taste.
They should be taken once a day before or with breakfast, beginning with a low dose and then titrated as necessary.
Lounge, Dining Room, Breakfast Room, Kitchen, large separate utility room, downstairs toilet with shower room.
We stocked up on drink, biscuits & inflatable toys before finding a nice cafe for a very welcome fried breakfast.
Laidback trailblazers - Walking Holidays in Cornwall - Premier Walking Holidays Cornwall + 'taster ' bed & breakfast breaks.
We then all trundled off to the College of York and Ripon St. John to their Chapel for breakfast.
Meanwhile BBC Radio Berkshire has introduced irritating little jingles to make its amateur breakfast news readers appear even more unprofessional.
Airways Bed & Breakfast Hotel Airways Bed and Breakfast Hotel in London UK offering budget hotel rooms in central london victoria terminal england.
It wasn't long strings of words, but rather the finest Belgian breakfast waffles.
An aqua cool filtered water cooler is situated in the breakfast room.
Now I think I'll have a whiskey for breakfast.
We watched them milk yaks for a bit before having a breakfast of unleavened bread, cheese and butter tea.
But there is any quantity of oatmeal, which we often cook for breakfast.