Breakage Sentence Examples
Hoisting ropes are weakened by deterioration and breakage of the wires, due to corrosion and repeated bending.
The product produces stronger lashes with less breakage.
The headache-post is a vertical wooden beam placed on the main sill directly below the walking-beam, to receive the weight of the latter in case of breakage of connexions.
Feeding Sasha information about the only way to break the bond—without telling him the breakage was only temporary— rendered the girl he.d been tracking for weeks vulnerable.
There is ample equipment of fixed and movable staiths and cranes of various sizes up to 70 tons, the Lewis-Hunter patent cranes being largely used for shipping coal owing to their minimizing the breakage of coal and securing its even distribution.
The mechanical operation is quite successful for thick sheets, but it is not as yet available for the thinner sheets required for the ordinary purposes of sheet-glass, since with these excessive breakage occurs, while the sheets generally show grooves or lines derived from small irregularities of the drawing orifice.
In some instances travelling belts or creepers have been adopted, which deliver the coal with a reduced amount of breakage, but this application is not common.
Measurements of thresholds for bond breakage and the energy released into the photofragments allow very precise determinations of strengths of chemical bonds.
You do, however, need a case for your clip ons to prevent scratching, breakage, and sometimes misplacement.
As stated, one reason to stow your wine glasses in a rack is to save space and help prevent breakage.
AdvertisementBreakage is the number one problem with long hair care.
The main cause of string breakage is moisture collection at the point of contact on the bridge saddle.
To protect against excessive force exerted on the torso, there is a load limiting device to reduce the risk of bone breakage.
Therefore, most glass breakage is due to tensile strength failure.
Using models for coalescence and breakage from literature, DSA is successfully applied to the case of a laboratory scale rotating disk contactor.
AdvertisementThe infrared technology overcomes the deficiencies of traditional motion sensing and breakage sensing home security systems.
If you routinely fall asleep reading, leaning your head to the side and putting stress on your frames, that could lead to an uncomfortable fit or breakage; damage from this kind of use is less likely with bendable readers.
Spring-hinge temples just prevent breakage where the legs meet the front of the frame, a place where pressure is sometimes an issue.
The warranty will not cover scratches, accidental breakage, or the shipping costs.
However, the warranty coverage only protects against breakage or damage due to negligence by the manufacturer.
AdvertisementTry to store them in their case when not wearing them to prevent scratches and breakage.
The website also promotes free shipping, a 30-day return policy, and a breakage protection policy.
Be sure to ask questions about what that includes-scratches, breakage, defective frames only, and so forth.
The warranty does not cover damage due to mishandling of the glasses or breakage due to the wearer's fault.
The more space you allow between your stems, the more swinging motion and potential breakage opportunities.
AdvertisementStemware racks provide a convenient way to store your wine glasses, show them off and reduce breakage.
Remember to ask about their policies for mistakes (if they misspelled a name or got a date wrong) and their policy on breakage during shipping.
One of the worst things that can happen to an antique china cabinet with curved or bowed glass is glass breakage.
There's no snapping on or snapping apart, plus there's less of a chance for breakage, both in terms of the phone and the cover you bought for $20.00.
Latex condoms are also recommended over condoms made from other materials, especially lambskin, because they are thicker and stronger and have less risk of breakage during sex.
The most common problems associated with condoms are breakage during use and improper knowledge on how to use condoms.
They are also offered in a variety of plastics, including acrylic, epoxy, cellulose acetate, cellulose propionate, polyamide, and nylon, and in different colors, shapes, and levels of resistance to breakage.
If you pull your hair back into pigtails or ponytails that are too tight, you may experience breakage and loss.
However, they can put uneven weight on hair, resulting in breakage.
The makers of these pills and tablets claim that they will make your hair grow faster, look healthier, and resist breakage better than before.
The chemical processes used to relax hair can make for beautiful sleek tresses, but they can also cause dryness, thinning and breakage.
Keep in mind that braids can stress your hair; if they are put in too tightly, the hair is constantly pulled at the roots and this can result in breakage.
Usually, breakage is seen as split ends or fly away strands.
Try not to scrub or rub hair vigorously when drying - this can cause breakage or unwanted tangles.
Despite the versatility of the style, changing styles frequently is not recommended because it will put excessive stress on the hair and could lead to breakage or hair loss.
Ojon hair products have several palm-oil based conditioners that aid in the protection and rehabilitation of cuticle breakage.
This is why post-permed hair can experience breakage upon contact with fingers or brushes.
This hair product is only able to aid the maintenance of chemically damaged hair by coating the cuticle, therefore making the hair less prone to breakage.
Yet, unless you're equipped with the best tourmaline heat styling products, it won't take many months for your locks to develop split ends and extensive breakage, especially if you color your hair.
These clips can lead to breakage, so make sure your strands are adequately dry before you clip the hair.
Combing your hair through while it contains hardened gel is also likely to cause hair breakage.
Hair should be as dry as possible to avoid breakage and stretching.
It's easy to hop out of the shower and start combing wet locks vigorously, but keep in mind aggressive brushing on wet or damp hair will cause breakage and flyaway ends.
Once hair is wet it is very pliable and prone to breakage.
Colored hair is prone to breakage, basically creating a vicious cycle of hair that grows, breaks, sits dormant, and grows again.
This type of comb won't tug on the hair, so there's less chance of breakage.
It helps to invest in a styling brush that adds shine and prevents breakage.
If you have color or chemical treatments and suffer from breakage and split ends, snipping off a few inches while incorporating layers will breathe new life and healthy shine to your hair.
Leave-in and deep conditioners can also be beneficial for women with black hair as these conditioners protect and hydrate black hair, preventing unnecessary hair loss from breakage.
B vitamins can also moisten and protect dry, black hair that may be at risk for damage or breakage.
Many avid drinkers of green tea do claim that drinking green tea has lead to smoother, stronger and healthier hair, and the healthier the hair, the less likely breakage, damage and hair loss will occur.
Lube increases sexual pleasure for both participants and decreases the likelihood of condom breakage.
Lycra caps are usually worn underneath a silicone or latex cap to help competitive swimmers protect their hair from breakage and to make it easier to put on the second cap.
Coughing, bending or other slightly stressful movements may result in breakage of the hips, wrists or spine.
When you are deficient in vitamins and minerals, it can manifest in your hair as dullness, weakness, slow growth, breakage, thinning and even pattern baldness.
It prevents hair breakage and protects against dryness.
Vitamin A helps keep hair follicles lubricated, which can lead to decreased breakage and premature hair loss.
Black hair by nature tends to be much more fragile and breakage-prone than brunette or blonde strands, but the best vitamins for black hair can help reduce breakage, strengthen strands and encourage hair growth.
The right vitamins can strengthen hair from the inside out, reduce breakage, maintain a healthy scalp and boost hair growth.
B vitamins are black hair's best friend because they prevent breakage and make hair stronger.
Shampoos and conditioners often include B vitamins to reinforce hair's strength and prevent breakage, but many experts agree that these vitamins are most beneficial when taken orally.
A lack of vitamin C can cause split ends and breakage, which black hair is already prone to, but luckily popping a vitamin C supplement daily will not only keep black hair in tip top shape, but may ward off a cold or two.
Hairfinity Healthy Hair Capsules contain eight B vitamins and vitamin C to promote healthy hair growth and prevent hair breakage.
You do not want any room for sliding within the box, as that may cause damage or breakage.
Multiple layers of ornaments increase the risk of breakage.
While there are grass skirts made of real palm, they are considerably more expensive than artificial grass skirts, and they may be prone to breakage as the palms become dry and potentially brittle.
These are considered serious flaws as they indicate weakness in the structure of the diamond, so it may be prone to breakage.
Late fees, rewinding fees, breakage fees ... it was a customer-service nightmare.
Silicone is a little bit more expensive than plastic, but is more durable, making them less prone to breakage.
A hernia is a breakage in your abdominal muscles that then creates a protrusion.
And unlike glass or porcelain, there is no chance of breakage and you never have to clean them.
Of course he breaks in with the maximum of breakage and destruction.
When plants are required to stand in ornamental china pots or vases, it is better, both for the plants and for avoiding risk of breakage, to grow them in ordinary garden pots of a size that will drop into the more valuable vessels.
Formerly the loss through breakage was very great, but the art of making and selecting these bottles has greatly improved, and the loss now amounts to little more than 5%, whereas formerly 25% and even 30% was not an uncommon figure.
Feeding Sasha information about the only way to break the bond—without telling him the breakage was only temporary— rendered the girl he.d been tracking for weeks vulnerable.
Old trees with heavy limbs may be propped with boards to prevent breakage under heavy snow or ice.
Care should, therefore, be taken to avoid breakage whilst removing nails.
We also offer single replacement lamps should you ever suffer a breakage.
Progress has been made in improving the design of cage fronts to make access better for depopulation thus reducing bone breakage.
But this will cause more breakage and the users will be required to do more to fix things.
Tenants are also responsible for the accidental breakage of landlord fixtures, for example, sanitary ware.
Leave cash for phone calls and any minor breakage.
How reliable could this Rfree be to point me that there really is a symmetry breakage?
We must therefore postulate some intermediate stages which rubbish passed through after breakage but before burial.
This was partly because devising a power-driven loom to handle dozens of warp threads without breakage proved difficult.
Hoisting ropes are weakened by deterioration and breakage of the wires, due to corrosion and repeated bending, and should be kept under careful inspection.
The machinery by which this is done has undergone numerous modifications and improvements, all tending to produce more perfectly plane glass, to reduce the risk of breakage, and to lessen the expenditure of time and power required per sq.
This will cover loss or breakage should it occur.
Not only will the hutch keep them safe from breakage and dust, but you'll be able to make that wedding china look extra vibrant behind the glass.
Resembling a powder cosmetic compact, these mirrors are typically housed in thick plastic casing to protect the mirror from breakage.
The manufacturers claim that these satin pillowcases reduce hair breakage and leave both skin and hair hydrated and feeling supple since there's no abrasion or skin moisture loss caused by other pillowcase fabrics.
A motion sensing and breakage sensing system each have their pros and cons.
A breakage system helps prevent accidental alarms, but then it's not triggered until after damage has already occurred to your home.
Because of this breakage pattern, they're the safest option for children who roughhouse or simply take physical education classes.
Chemicals used in hair highlighting damage the strands and can make hair dull, more prone to breakage, and frizzy.
Further, all the subsequent processes of cutting, moulding and annealing become increasingly difficult, owing to the greatly increased risk of breakage arising from either external injury or internal strain, as the dimensions of the individual piece of glass increase.
The warranty will only cover damage that occurs as a result of a defect-not normal wear and tear-so scratched lenses, accidental breakage, and screw replacements are a few of the things on a list of what will not be covered.