Break-the-ice Sentence Examples
I just wanted to say something that would break the ice.
Maybe some scintillating conversation would break the ice.
If you don't know where to start, a line may break the ice.
You can break the ice with an instant message about the night's homework assignment or a comment on someone's Facebook.
Games are a great way to break the ice at a Halloween party.
Games are a great way to break the ice and liven up a party.
Games will not only break the ice but will bring everyone closer together as well.
Even smaller baby shower gatherings sometimes need an activity or two to break the ice.
A mix of games can break the ice among guests and add a surprising element of fun for everyone in attendance.
These birthday party games for teenagers should provide not only laughter, but also a good way to break the ice.
AdvertisementThe games played at housewarming parties can help break the ice between new neighbors and welcome old friends into a brand new home.
A bridal shower game is the perfect way to break the ice among guests who don't know each other.
While not mandatory, games are a great way to break the ice and elevate the mood of your event.
Though ideas for birthday party humor may vary from person to person, a well-chosen card can help break the ice when guests are not acquainted with one another.
One of the potential issues, however, that needs to be taken into account when planning a bridal shower is that if this is the first time that this group of people have got together, sometimes a little help is required to break the ice.
AdvertisementBulletins can be fun ways to break the ice with comment games, "add to the list" activities, and similar ideas encouraging you to interact with other members.
I would really like to start talking to this guy, but don't really know how to break the ice and don't want to pass up another opportunity to potentially date someone worthwhile.
You may consider corny pick up lines because you think that they will break the ice between you and this new interest and make conversation much easier.
This game can help you break the ice on difficult questions, but it can also cause hurt feelings if your lover doesn't say what you want to hear.
On the other hand, if you want to get attention hard and fast, then shocking the person with a few outrageous lines can break the ice.
AdvertisementThere are other events such as New York City's speed dating events that can help break the ice and set up many opportunities for further interaction.
Not only do they break the ice among the guests, but they allow a fun, friendly mood to permeate the atmosphere!
Not only will it break the ice and get things started, but it will keep them out of trouble by keeping them entertained.
A few games can break the ice and get your guests to mingle.
The key is to choose games that induce laughter and silliness in teens, just like one would do for kids; a few games like this will break the ice in no time.
AdvertisementNot only will games break the ice among a group of girls but they will also occupy their time and give them something constructive to do.
There are many fun games for adult groups to play that will break the ice and bring plenty of laughs.
The following games will break the ice at your next gathering.
They can liven up a party and break the ice if the guests do not all know each other very well.
Games bring out the child in all of us and will break the ice and let everyone have fun.
Using a variety of party games will not only break the ice at the gathering but will provide entertainment as well.
Some games break the ice and give people an excuse to talk to other workers they don't know very well.
If the parents of the bride and groom don't yet know each other or if all of the members of the wedding party haven't yet met, this is a good way to break the ice in anticipation of the Big Day.
Games are a great way to break the ice and also add an element of fun to any celebration.
This game is fun and a great way to break the ice among guests.
Don't Break the Ice - The "playing board" for this game is like a block of ice.
If you're interested in getting to know someone who falls into the second category, you should break the ice with a short message first before sending them a friend request out of nowhere.
On the morning of my audition I had to break the ice on my bowl to wash.