Brawler Sentence Examples
Many of the superstars from the WWE universe have become household names, but it can be much more engaging to take your own custom-created brawler and toss him or her into the squared circle instead.
The game successfully recreates all the brawler fun that can found in the previous games, which makes for one outstanding portable title.
Finally, you can find Bakugan Battle Brawler starter sets, as well as individual Bakugan, at a variety of stores, such as Target and Wal-Mart.
Dean leaped on Shipton, clawing away at the soft snow, pummeling him like an eighth grade schoolyard brawler while Shipton, still clutching his ice ax in one hand, swung at Dean, catching him on the cheek and face with the side of the solid handle.
Rostov went on ahead to do what was asked, and to his great surprise learned that Dolokhov the brawler, Dolokhov the bully, lived in Moscow with an old mother and a hunchback sister, and was the most affectionate of sons and brothers.
They have not set a date in stone just yet, but we can tentatively expect the three-dimensional brawler to hit the Xbox and PS2 this October.