Bravely Sentence Examples
The attack was bravely repulsed, and the peshwa immediately fled from his capital.
She met his gaze bravely.
The semi-independent Araucanians, whose territory is slowly being occupied by the whites, are concentrated in the eastern forests of Bio-Bio, Malleco and Cautin, all that remains to them of the Araucania which they so bravely and successfully defended for more than three centuries.
Saga had to be abandoned owing to the break farther S., and the 50th Div., or what was left of it, retired into the Val d'Uccea and on to the ridge of the Stol, which was reached later by the remnants of the 43rd, who had held their own bravely, but were in great part cut off when they attempted to come back across the Isonzo.
Here he bravely defended himself against the attacks of the Pompeian commander, Marcus Octavius, but in a few months died of illness (48 or the beginning of 47).
The fortress was bravely defended, and the siege was raised on the approach of succour from the allied cities.
She has finally reached the goal for which she strove so bravely.
Broken up by superior numbers the Russian line parted into groups, each of which, after resisting bravely for a time, was driven back.
He was twice wounded, bravely directing the fire of his men, under a heavy enfilade.
He had known her less than a week when he defended her bravely against Josh the first time.
AdvertisementGarner continued to battle bravely but Parke was always ahead and sneaked through to take up his Prince Grand Prix final berth.
Never the less, I forewarned Molly and she accepted the situation bravely.
She would fight, and she would die by her own hand if it came to it, as bravely as any member of her guard died for her.
Ridley and Latimer were unflinching, and suffered bravely at the stake on the 16th of October 1555.
The Spaniards invaded the duchy from Lombardy, and although the duke was defeated several times he fought bravely, gained some successes, and the terms of the peace of 1618 left him more or less in the status quo ante.
AdvertisementOn the following morning the French reached Regensburg and at once proceeded to assault its medieval walls, but the Austrian garrison bravely defended it till the last of the stragglers was safely across on the north bank.
William refused, however, in 1806, in which year by the death of his father he became prince of Orange, to separate his interests from those of his Prussian relatives, and fought bravely at Jena.
He made it one of the aims of his life to free politics and jurisprudence from the control of theology, and fought bravely and consistently for freedom of thought and speech on religious matters.
Carrier and Joseph Lebon, the representants en mission of Nantes and Arras; and he fought bravely against the insurgents of Prairial.
Savoy French became a French province, and, although the Pied montese troops resisted bravely for four years in the face of continual defeats, Victor at last gave up the struggle as hopeless, signed the armistice of Cherasco, and died soon afterwards (1796).
AdvertisementHere is proof positive that Crawford does not copy Letter but gives Darnley's words as reported to him by Darnley - words that Darnley was proud of, - while Mary, returning on the second day of writing to the topic, does not quote Darnley's brave words, but merely contrasts his speaking "very bravely at the beginning" with his pitiful and craven later submission; "he has ever the tear in his eye," with what follows.
No one now denies that he was one of those exceptional men, who without selfseeking spend their lives in the service of a cause and fight bravely against the stream of corruption.
An indecisive, but bravely fought action with Admiral Parker at the Dogger Bank showed, however, that the Dutch seamen had lost none of their old dogged courage, and did much to soothe the national sense of humiliation.
The Theban contingent fought bravely on behalf of Grecian liberty in the decisive battle of Chaeroneia, and bore the brunt of the slaughter.
Finally, there was an article concerning the inhabitants of Catalonia, who had fought bravely for Charles of Austria, and who had a large claim upon the protection of England.
AdvertisementThe utter defeat of the French was made the more humiliating by the capture of their king, who had bravely led the third line of battle.
He likewise struggled bravely to be faithful to fact in his report of the state in which we find ourselves when we try to conceive continued personal identity.
During the rebellion of the brothers Asen and Petar in 1185 it bravely defends the attacks toward the Bulgarian capital Tarnovo.
Duncombe and Wakley supported the prayer of these chartist petitions very boldly and bravely.
Many of them (and Indians too) fought bravely for the state.
Sometimes, however, you must use violence and resist your sensual appetite bravely.
The stand-in goalkeeper again picked up an injury as he bravely gathered the ball at Carden 's feet.
No need to fret, Kim and Dancing with the Stars fans, she has assured the viewing public that although injured, she will bravely strap on her dancing shoes.
Phyllostachys Heterocycla Henonis - To my taste this is the loveliest of all our Bamboos, and it is perfectly hardy, bearing up bravely against our coldest weather.
It is well suited for the rock garden, where it grows in any position, and often flowers bravely on earthless mossy rocks and stones.
The soldiers fight bravely, but in the end it is Clara who saves the day with a well-placed slipper to the head of The Mouse King.
I will think of you proudly as I bravely pound the pavement.
According to legend, the koi climb the waterfall bravely, and if they are caught, they face their death on the cutting board bravely like samuri.
For a long time he struggled bravely with this cruel disease, never omitting except from absolute necessity any of his official duties except during a brief period of rest abroad, which failed to produce the desired effect.
But in paragraph 18 (Mystery, p. 406) Mary returns to the subject, and writes, "He (Darnley) spoke very bravely at the beginning, as the bearer will show you, upon the subject of the Englishmen, and of his departing; but in the end he returned to his humility."
He was active in organizing relief for the wounded at the commencement of the war, remained bravely at his post during the siege, and refused to seek safety by flight during the brief triumph of the Commune.
And after he had worthily and bravely, borne himself for six or seven years as a squire, the time came when it was fitting that he should be made a knight.
Tippoo, after offering but a feeble resistance in the field, retired into Seringapatam, and, when his capital was stormed, died fighting bravely in the breach (1799).
This armed body, consisting of over fifty men, surrounded a log cabin and shot down two of the supposed cattle " rustlers," the latter defending themselves bravely.
Christie fell bravely fighting at the head of his brigade; Lindsay saved two of his nine guns; but neither of the two Englishmen was responsible for the disaster.
I propose to act bravely, but when even a small temptation comes I find myself in great straits.
But aside from this, the book provides some wonderful insights and bravely tackles some contentious issues.
He was deaf also to all the appeals against the other forms of his boundless extravagance which Colbert, with all his deference towards his sovereign, bravely ventured to make.'
The young prince fought bravely; but, being badly wounded and overpowered by numbers, he was secured and sent to the camp of the Kajar chief.
Regardless of whether they originate at home or abroad, we must bravely confront these problems by enacting active and effective solutions.
Bravely defended by the Austrian general Berger until the 1st of July 1849, it was then captured by the Hungarian rebels, who made it their headquarters during the latter part of the insurrection.
At the time of the Sicilian Vespers (1282), which drove the French out of Sicily, Messina bravely defended itself against Charles of Anjou, and repulsed his attack.
At Naples, in spite of increasing disease, he bravely sat out a gymnastic contest held in his honour, and then accompanied Tiberius as far as Beneventum on his way to Brundusium and Illyricum.
Kindly and reasonable, his good nature seems sometimes to have verged on indolence, but he at any rate took personal part, and that bravely and successfully, in war.
The Japanese mission had vanished in blood in 1651; and though many Jesuits died with their converts bravely as martyrs for the faith, yet it is impossible to acquit them of a large share in the causes of that overthrow.
The citizens, now entirely Romanists, bravely defended the bridge, and the Swedes were unable to obtain possession of the part of Prague situated on the right bank of the Vltava.
During the forty-five years after the death of Omar (he died in 1822) the khanate of Khokand was the seat of continuous wars between the settled Sarts and the nomad Kipchaks, the two parties securing the upper hand in turns, Khokand falling under the dominion or the suzerainty of Bokhara, which supported Khudayar-khan, the representative of the Kipchak party, in 1858-1866; while Alim-kul, the representative of the Sarts, put himself at the head of the gazawat (Holy War) proclaimed in 1860, and fought bravely against the Russians until killed at Tashkent in 1865.
His demeanour at the trial was quiet and dignified; and on the 31st of October 1793 he died bravely with several other Girondists.
Soon after the engagement began a large part of the Americans, mostly North Carolina and Virginia militia, fled precipitately, carrying Gates with them; but Baron De Kalb and the Maryland troops fought bravely until overwhelmed by numbers, De Kalb himself being mortally wounded.
It was not, however, like most other Latin cities, embodied in the Roman state, but continued in the position of a city in alliance with Rome down to the Social War, when it received the Roman franchise (in 9 0 B.C., probably as one of those cities which had not rebelled or had laid down their arms at once), which in 215 B.C. some of its citizens - who had bravely held Casilinum against Hannibal, and only surrendered when pressed by hunger - had refused to accept.
Francesco Novello, his son, resisted bravely, but was compelled to surrender owing to dissensions in Padua itself.
El Motamid, who had fought bravely, was weak enough to order his sons to surrender the fortresses they still held, in order to save his own life.
The Mahrattas bravely encountered him at Panipat near Delhi in 1761, and were decisively defeated.
In 1671 he was captured at Kagalnik, his last fortress, and carried to Moscow, where, on the 6th of June, after bravely enduring unspeakable torments, he was quartered alive.