Brain Sentence Examples
An idea flashed through her brain and left a frown on her face.
I have a terminal brain tumor.
From what I've learned his entire brain structure is distorted.
Why that picture settled into her brain, she couldn't say.
No doubt he knew he was being manipulated, but his brain was foggy enough that he wasn't sure what to do about it.
While Howie, between his brain damage, operations and lengthy coma created a rare combination of mental soup, could we say with any certainty that his ability was absolutely unique to him?
I'm kinda tired of having my brain cut open.
She'd removed her personal identifiers, hacked into the government's tracking mainframe to deactivate the implant in her brain, and changed into the black tactical uniform Elise brought her over her civilian grays.
The emerging brightness of the new day, while inviting, did nothing to sort out the tangle of thoughts crowding his brain like the line of a snarled fishing reel.
It operates on manipulation of brain waves but only on highly intelligent individuals.
AdvertisementIt was then that my slowly reacting brain, flowing like cold molasses began to function, more than a gerbil driven wheel.
I mentioned a brain scan; you'd think I'd suggested a lobotomy.
He tucked the information in the back of his brain as he entered the store and purchased his Fat Tire Ale.
His highly nervous organization made his feelings acute, and his brain incessantly active..
Paris became the brain of Europe.
AdvertisementThey all depress the conducting power and the grey matter of the spinal cord, and to a much less extent that of the brain.
I.m the brain, the brawn.
Psychologists for the last 15 years have been trying to discover why the number 3 stimulates the human brain.
Cerebrospinal fluid This is the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.
Just think about the human brain, for a moment.
AdvertisementThe soul is not an entity, but a faculty; thought is the function of the brain.
The Pentactaea, at all events as it sprang from the brain of Semon, must pass to the limbo of mythological ancestors.
But now his brain seemed to be turned by successindeed his wild language at times seemed to argue that he was not wholly sane.
Ideals and volitions are upon his view ultimately movements of the brain.
It has been maintained, on the one hand, that any theory which presupposes a direct correspondence between the molecular movements of the brain, and the states of consciousness which accompany them must make the freedom of the will impossible.
AdvertisementNo kind of evidence can be adduced sufficient to prove that consciousness is a secretion of the brain, an effect or even a consequent of material processes or modes of motion.
No physiologist has ever claimed the power to prophesy with any approach to accuracy the future mental states of any individual from an examination of his brain.
There are, nevertheless, serious difficulties involved in the supposition that the changes in the brain with which physiology and the biological sciences deal can be satisfactorily explained by the mechanical and mathematical conceptions common to all these sciences, or, indeed, that any of these organic changes is susceptible in the last resort of explanation derived from purely material premises.
This argument has been met in recent times by the application to mind of the physiological theory of heredity, according to which changes produced in the mind (brain) of a parent, by association of ideas or otherwise, tend to be inherited by his offspring; so that the development of the moral sense or any other faculty or susceptibility of existing man may be hypothetically carried back into the prehistoric life of the human race, without any change in the manner of derivation supposed.
The argument, for instance, that intuitive and a priori beliefs gain their absolute character from the fact that they are the result of continued transmission and accumulation of past nervous modifications in the history of the race would, if taken seriously, lead us to the belief that ultimate ethical sanctions are to be sought, not by an appeal to the moral consciousness, but by the investigation of brain tissue and the relation of man's bodily organism to its environment.
At seventy - five his brain was as clear as ever, arid James saw that he was no fit tool for his purpose.
After death from chronic poisoning it is found present even in the brain and spongy bone.
In 1791 France was pulverized into innumerable administrative atoms incapable of cohesion; and the result was that Paris became more than ever the brain and nerve-centre of France.
As the war drew to its end, new plans for imperial consolidation were maturing in his brain.
Saturn, taking in Greek astrology the place at the head of the planets which among the Babylonians was accorded to JupiterMarduk, was given a place in the brain, which in later times was looked upon as the centre of soul-life; Venus, as the planet of the passion of love, was supposed to reign supreme over the genital organs, the belly and the lower limbs; Mars, as the violent planet, is associated with the bile, as well as with the blood and kidneys.
In front of the brain cavity, the great tubular nasal cavities are provided with well-developed turbinal bones, and are roofed over by large nasals, broad behind, and ending in front in a narrow decurved point.
Brain large, with two ventral hollow appendages; ventral cords widely divaricated, without distinct ganglia.
For very special objects the stand must be expressly made; thus stands with tube carriers very much projecting are made for examining sections of the brain.
When we come to consider more in detail the results of these actions we find that the various secretions of the body, such as the sweat, gastric juice, bile, milk, urine, &c., may be increased or diminished; that the heart may have its muscular or nervous apparatus stimulated or depressed; that the nerve-centres in the brain, medulla and spinal cord may be rendered more sensitive or the reverse; and that the general metabolism of the body may be altered in various ways.
A physiological classification according to an action on the brain, heart, kidney or other important organ becomes still more bewildering, as many substances produce the same effects by different agencies, as, for instance, the kidneys may be acted upon directly or through the circulation, while the heart may be affected either through its muscular substance or its nervous apparatus.
After absorption their action, speaking generally, is exerted on the brain and spinal cord, and is at first slightly stimulant and afterwards depressing, even to the causing of sleepiness and stupor.
Instead, his brain had starved for lack of oxygen, leading to the present situation.
He physically lost a portion of the brain itself.
He proceeded to take off on an explanatory lecture that mentioned anandamides as brain messenger molecules and details about brain chemistry.
He began explaining the wonders of the brain and its ability to conjure up subconscious fairy tales.
Transmitters activate the synapses, electrical junctions in the body that stimulate the brain, nerves, and muscle cells to become active and communicate.
I admit I don't know exactly how this is happening but I'm sure it's not my equipment; yes, it's a catalyst but it's mainly Howie's scrambled brain.
An Ivy League professor detailed the workings of the brain while another discussed time, with both concluding it was absolutely impossible.
He's not only seen Howie's flying saucer but he had proof, pictures with little green men, and an owner's manual to their ship, and, by his definition a self-centered jerk with most of his brain somewhere on an Interstate highway or a motor home grill stands in his way from announcing his findings and waiting for a call from the Nobel committee.
Diagnosed with a brain tumor as a child, she was pronounced terminal over three years before.
During the short drive to Lydia Larkin's quarters, Dean's brain pounded with the question of the siren that preceded the horrible accident—and his glimpse of a white vehicle.
He decided to pick Cynthia's fertile brain.
Hallucinations, fate or some sort of mania brought on by her brain tumor, she wasn't going to wait for the Grand Canyon.
If anyone can coax an unwilling soul out of a human brain, you can.
He couldn't have the tumor – or half her brain missing – when he revived her.
The surgeries that first year integrated the tumor into your brain using science and magic in a combination that even I was unable to reverse, when I finally realized you weren't the same woman I recalled.
But visions of gigantic piles of BB sized oats continued to plague his brain as he donned his coat and gloves to clear the steps and walk-ways of the overnight snow.
It was a long, slow glide, mostly downhill toward Ridgway ten miles distant and Dean leaned his head back, as if to clear his over-burdened brain of the confusion of the past few days.
Alerted to her passage through the perimeter by the microchip implant in her brain, Mr. Tim intercepted her before she reached the command and control hub.
He has bilateral optic nerve atrophy, which affects the visual information passing from the eye to the brain.
This practice creates bubbling bliss for the individual, maximum coherence in brain functioning, and a positive influence throughout the environment.
Letting out all the garbage stored inside my brain was a cathartic exercise.
Early in infection, the virus shows a distinct predilection for certain parts of the brain.
The UK government continually reiterates its commitment to halting the brain drain.
He was diagnosed at age 2 but did not succumb to a fatal brain tumor until age 12.
Preparation for the scan People having abdominal, pelvic, or brain scans may be given special instructions in advance about eating and drinking.
People who survive a brain abscess may suffer damage to the brain.
This can only take place, however, if the area of the brain that triggers the seizures can be identified with pinpoint accuracy.
The drug boosts the function of a key brain chemical called acetylcholine.
Alzheimer's disease is caused by the destruction of certain brain cells leading to the loss of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
The Cambridge University research, published in the journal Brain, suggests boosting the chemical acetylcholine may limit the effect of this damage.
Choline is transformed into the brain neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is vital to the efficient transmission of brain signals.
The research work provided direct confirmation of the extent to which the hypnotist can selectively activate given areas of the brain.
I should have known better, but by this time hunger and weariness had so addled my brain that I took his advice.
Much of their evidence comes from patients with brain damage, such as D.F. who has a condition known as visual form agnosia.
What is post traumatic amnesia with regards to traumatic brain injury?
A tiny structure deep within her brain called the amygdala caused a massive fear response.
They will be talking about the link between brain anatomy, physiology & intelligence, blending physics, chemistry and biology.
My son, David Michael, died at age five from a ruptured brain aneurysm during surgery to repair a broken arm.
An aneurysm of the brain can be detected by a special kind of X-ray called an angiogram or arteriogram.
A cerebral angiogram is a study of the blood vessels in the brain.
A carotid angiogram is an Xray of the circulation to the brain taken by injecting dye (contrast) into the carotid artery.
Women are more/less likely than men to suffer aphasia when the front part of the brain is damaged.
He heard the snap of the spring-lock like something bursting in his brain, and sat astonied.
Another possible cause of brain infarction might be carotid artery atherosclerosis.
Several such anatomical Atlases have been developed [19 ], but these tend to be developed from as little as one subject brain.
During the final examination the women underwent scans to examine brain atrophy.
Medical malpractice attorneys specializing in brain injury, birth injury and all types of personal injuries.
Changing brain networks for visuomotor control with increased movement automaticity.
After her death they would perform a full autopsy and use her brain to further the study of dementia.
It looks somewhat like a Lima bean in the center of his brain from the angle she showed us.
A trip to the pub was needed to help dear my increasingly befuddled brain.
There may be an abnormality in brain biochemistry involving a chemical messenger called serotonin.
Rather than linking bipedalism alone with brain expansion, as previously theorized, Falk's explanation involves climate.
Brain, spleen, marrow and peripheral blood morphological research was also carried out under the same conditions of animal RF EMF irradiation.
This involves removing part of the brain in more severe cases in the region of the abnormal blood vessels.
Please engage brain before posting comments on a subject you clearly know sod all about.
Success at repairing the damaged brain will require the harnessing of information gathered from a wide range of disciplines.
We will also study possible adverse effects of the interventions on the immature brain.
The aim of this study was to confirm the presence of these enzymes and localize them precisely in the rat brain.
If they were left to grow and were never worn down they would grow into the rodents brain!
In brains affected by PD, proteins that are not broken down properly clump together inside brains affected by PD, proteins that are not broken down properly clump together inside brain cells.
The stated rationale is to widen access, reduce brain drain, bolster research capabilities and maximize the competitiveness of the sector.
But it is necessary to create some program to stop the brain drain.
Now the former headhunter wants not only to keep Polish talent in Poland, but to reverse the brain drain.
The U.K. government continually reiterates its commitment to halting the brain drain.
Despite the enormous capacity of the human brain, we only utilize on average less than three percent of our potential brainpower.
A pork knuckle will do the job, so you've got the brawn without the brain.
Ipratropium bromide does not penetrate the blood brain barrier.
Complications of whooping cough include bronchopneumonia, acute encephalopathy, and long-term brain damage as a result of cerebral hypoxia.
Unfortunately, many of Elvis ' tunes did not meet my need for some brain candy.
In order for your brain to function properly it needs carbs!
Acupuncture inhibits the decrease in brain catecholamine contents and the impairment of passive avoidance task in ovariectomized mice.
He removes the brain with a suction catheter causing the skull to collapse, enabling the head to slide out.
This part of the brain is called the cerebellum.
This precipitated a profound hypoglycaemic coma resulting in irreversible brain damage.
Severe hypoglycaemia may lead to unconsciousness and/or convulsions and may result in temporary or permanent impairment of brain function or even death.
Cells isolated from the umbilical cord of the newborn injected into rats repaired brain injuries by becoming brain cells [7] .
This is because they regularly exercise the part of the brain known as the pre-frontal cortex which reinforces attention span.
The scientists managed to stimulate single brain cells in the rat cortex.
In the past, researchers trying to understand dyslexia have focused on the highly developed language centers of the brain's cerebral cortex.
The likelihood that a violent criminal will act violently in the future can be estimated based on resting brain scans.
Sudoku Fun - Online Sudoku Puzzle Speed Challenge Sudoku puzzles are addictive brain teasers that have been referred to as wordless crossword puzzles.
So test your wits make free crossword puzzle and tickle your brain everyday with the USA TODAY Crossword 2006 Calendar.
For very severe disease causing inflammation in the kidneys, lungs or brain then we use cyclophosphamide with high doses of steroids.
In some cases, the acute illness subsides into a chronic state, which may lead to serious brain damage.
Degenerative brain diseases are marked by progressive, irreversible damage to cells of the central nervous system.
Brain researcher David Nicholls has already announced the defection of his team to the Buck Institute in San Francisco.
The type of disease, these children had also involved the brain and they would slowly degenerate over a number of years.
This quarter share of their genes can only be propagated if they are not demented from brain injury or degeneracy.
Citadep appears to relieve depression by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.
During that time, my wife died of a brain tumor, and I became depressive.
The idea of substrate deprivation is good and important for neuronopathic Gaucher's disease as it can get into the brain.
Brain waves can be measured by implanting a small radio transmitter device into a rat that sends data to an external recorder.
Two weeks of rolling ship and frozen land requiring vast amounts of brain power just to remain dignified, certainly takes its toll.
Recent research has shown that dilation of the blood vessels in the brain relates to nitric oxide.
Each of the hydrogen atoms in each of the molecules of water in your brain is a tiny magnetic dipole.
Bandolier hopes that transmission disequilibrium tests that are free of bias due to population stratification can wait till brain cells have a good day.
But she also warns not to completely dispel the left and more logical side of your brain.
Only two ideas, maximum, were to be made to fit into a half-hour documentary; anything more taxed the brain.
They have all started from the base that the mind dies with the brain in order to appease orthodox scientific dogmas.
The mainstay of treating Parkinson's disease is to replace dopamine in the brain.
They work by reducing the action of a particular chemical messenger in the brain called dopamine.
When you are attracted to someone your brain releases the drug dopamine giving the same reaction that taking cocaine or speed would create.
Uprima is absorbed under the tongue, stimulating the brain chemical dopamine, which starts the signal for an erection.
The chemical dopamine is then released in the brain, which leads to feelings of contentment.
Dopamine Systems in the Brain There are a number of collections of nerves in the brain that release dopamine Systems in the Brain There are a number of collections of nerves in the brain that release dopamine.
The third region is located in the right dorsal (posterior) frontal cortex (bottom lateral view of brain ).
We would have to ask the dreamer what he or she was experiencing when the brain was in a specific state.
M has acquired dyslexia after she injured her brain falling from a horse at about 11 years.
Thanks to parallel processing, the human brain easily eclipses the performance of PCs.
Tests on animals have found that ecstasy permanently reduces levels of serotonin, the chemical in the brain partly responsible for mood changes.
Carbon monoxide related cerebral edema can cause irreversible damage to the brain which in turn can effect the nervous system.
Basically, any conscious effort to exercise your brain can potentially create new brain cell connections.
His brain inside his skull would start bubbling like a boiled egg inside its shell.
There is evidence that drugs that stimulate or increase the levels of GABA in the brain may delay ejaculation.
Using 2-D electrophoresis, followed by autoradiography, brain proteins which react with a tritium-labelled organophosphate, can be rapidly imaged.
Into the receiver flow all psychical emanations from that arcade fun game fun brain game arcade really unsuspicious citizen.
For example, if the person has an air embolism in the arteries carrying blood to the brain, it may cause seizures.
A large and very varied brain circuitry subserves emotion perception and emotion perception and emotion regulation.
In the normal brain, herpes simplex virus can cause encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain which is potentially fatal.
More critical was the fever from the viral encephalitis raging in her brain.
The main factor involved in causing the encephalopathy is an increase in ammonia levels in the brain.
They are also expressed in brain, egg cells and many other tissues, where they regulate calcium release from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
Pain releases endorphins in the brain which cause a rush or a high.
One theory holds that placebos work because they increase endorphins in the brain.
The brain's natural endorphins appear to have a similar action.
When enough endorphins are produced, the nerves that control pain and pleasure impulses in your brain are activated.
The barrier phenotype of the brain endothelium is induced and maintained by chemical factors released by brain cells, particularly perivascular astrocytic end feet.
For example, we do not want our brain cells to make liver enzymes or skin cells to manufacture blood.
Neural impulses do not travel at the same speed, muscles are not equidistant from the brain, and much more.
Liverpool's national exemplar in ' whole brain learning ' Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School is a Specialist Sports College in Liverpool.
Methods These experiments were performed on tissue explants or brain slices prepared from mouse embryos and pups from development stages E15 through P20.
Sorry guys, we were off the air over the weekend due to our main server having a brain fart!
February 1987 The CVL identifies scrapie-associated fibrils (SAFs) in some of the brain samples referred to it.
This alone will do wonders to sort out your brain fog by midday.
I was an intelligent women, my brain wasn't totally frazzled by children's cartoons!
This enables researchers to examine brain function in healthy tissue for a comparison.
It is the voice of Julie herself, spouting gibberish from the fevered world her brain resides in, but disturbingly real gibberish.
The pituitary gland is a gland found at the back of our heads toward the bottom of the brain.
The free radical fighting abilities of melatonin - a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland in your brain - are well known.
On return to England Anne-Marie was diagnosed with a grade IV brain stem glioma for which there is no cure.
Early results have shown promise for extending survival in patients with highly aggressive brain tumors called gliomas.
It acts by blocking a messenger chemical called glutamate which is produced by the brain cells damaged by the disease.
Glioma tumor cells release the neurotransmitter glutamate, which carves a path of destruction through brain tissue allowing the tumor cells to advance.
This study revealed that the action of Hoodia's steroidal glycoside was directly on the hypothalamus, the part of the brain controlling appetite.
And, somewhere in the back of my brain, there's a little goblin going ' mmm mmm!
They're kind of filed away in my brain alongside Placebo, whiny miserabilist indie tripe with vaguely Goth leanings.
Amazingly, the species has a grapefruit sized brain, smaller than any other stone tool using species.
They also showed in lab experiments that EPO blunted the toxic effects of the drug haloperidol on brain cells.
We do know that handedness is determined by a greater dominance of one side of the brain over the other.
An interrupted development hinders the brain from developing a natural handedness.
If successful this will prevent the brain damage that accounts for so many neurological handicaps in children.
The inquest jury returned a verdict of " Injury to the brain and spinal cord consequent upon judicial hanging " .
Each outcry of the hunted hare A fiber from the brain does tear.
Generally, injury to the left side of the brain will cause a right hemiplegia and injury to the right side a left hemiplegia.
Nor is it just brain hemisphere dominance which affects how you operate effectively.
Eastman returned home but was in poor health and died of a brain hemorrhage on 8th July, 1928.
Herculean task for his four remaining brain cells.
They did say Chloe has gray matter heterotopia (gray matter floating in her brain ).
A visual map is an essentially hierarchical two-dimensional graphical representation that is similar to other common representations variously called idea maps or brain maps.
Research has shown that repeated temporal lobe seizures can cause a brain structure called the hippocampus to shrink over time.
They have a large hippocampus, the part of the brain that stores mental maps.
Corticosteroids mediate a number of functions of mammalian brain, including blood pressure homeostasis, salt appetite and neuronal excitability.
The aggregates comprise the amyloid deposits in the diseased brain and give rise to the SAFs found in treated brain homogenates.
In 1909, Landsteiner and Popper (4) transmitted poliomyelitis to monkeys by the intracerebral inoculation of human brain tissue homogenates.
Luteinising hormone (LH) is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain.
Within the brain, the hypothalamus produces gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) which is secreted into the pituitary gland (1 ).
This team is investigating the ' signal molecule ' which produces the scarring around the brain thought to be responsible for causing hydrocephalus.
Oliver was born prematurely and developed hydrocephalus, which is an abnormal amount of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain.
The reefs are composed of finger corals and brain corals covered with colorful sponges, hydroids, sea whips and sea fans.
They also had a distinctly different pattern of brain activity compared to when they were not hypnotized and experienced the painful heat.
Feeding is controlled by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus.
Brain Model Tutorial A good page for learning the various parts of the brain including hypothalamus etc. 4* .
There should be no more stigma attached to them than aspirin - you are just treating a brain hormone imbalance.
A chemical imbalance in the brain might be a factor.
But mind is also immanent in the greater circuits which are complete inside the system " brain + body " .
They are given electric shocks, artificially induced diseases, have electrodes implanted in their brain.
It was a sight that will be forever imprinted in my brain.
In the absence of Mecp2 there was complete loss of normal maternal imprinting of the Dlx5 gene in the mouse brain.
I seem totally incapable of making my brain function at a rapid pace.
Blood clots (infarcts) and hemorrhages in the brain About 10 per cent of all brain infarcts cause epilepsy.
However his brain is now very inflamed, this inflammation has spread to the rest of his body.
Awake craniotomy with propofol infusion has become increasingly popular for the optimal excision of brain tumors located in eloquent areas.
However, deep inhalation is still required to produce the rapid pulse of nicotine to the brain associated with absorption in the lung alveoli.
Weaker intracortical inhibition makes it easier for messages from the brain to pass down the spinal cord to the rest of the body.
These are all typical features of a frontal lobe brain injury.
Tumors that are located in the areas of the brain that control breathing, intellect or physical movement would possibly be considered inoperable.
As soon as food enters the small intestine from the stomach, your brain receives a message saying ' Stop Eating!
It's music that bypasses the brain entirely, beguiling the soul with its ceaselessly inventive mercurial forms conjured literally out of the air.
You can also try to do the job of the brain in the game Staying alive.
Therapeutic opportunities The ability of the brain to use ketones was only once exploited for therapeutic purposes.
Last year I had the opportunity to work with a Russian developmental psychologist who uses Brain Gym and educational kinesiology.
Also what has the brain lateralization do with it.
The outer layer of the brain in which most of the higher functions take place is called the cerebral cortex.
His brain was infected at the back left-hand side which controlled his vision and balance.
Postmortem histopathology from nearly fifty years ago demonstrated the consistent presence of poliovirus lesions in specific brain areas.
What is a space-occupying lesion (in the brain) with cerebral edema?
Don't smoke it starves the tissues and brain of oxygen and causes lethargy.
No increased incidence was found for acute myeloid leukemia or brain cancer which were of interest a priori based on earlier studies.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that pain can be reduced by activity in the brain involved in imagined movement of the phantom limb.
Such a differential structure, expressing the local versus global nature of brain structure, is lacking in adaptive linear algebra.
Barbiturates readily cross the placental barrier and are distributed throughout fetal tissues with highest concentrations in placenta, fetal liver and brain.
Even apparently healthy survivors may suffer from immune dysfunction, or kidney or brain malformations, which can contribute to death later.
Both acute and chronic anxiety have a basis in physical malfunction in brain chemistry, where the brain sends and receives false emergency signals.
Now that just does not compute - brain malfunction.
The implanted tumors develop into large, highly malignant brain tumors in the puppies.
At its most extreme consciousness is said, by reductive materialists like Francis Crick, to be nothing but physical brain changes.
The crucial point is that brain maturation is experience dependent.. .
Between running the Gretna ticket office and feeding the media's insatiable maw, he's also been in for a brain scan.
Routine hematological and biochemical investigations were normal as was an MRI scan of her brain and internal acoustic meatus.
The magnets in the pillow stimulate the brain to produce more melatonin.
This assists your brain to produce a chemical called melatonin, a natural sedative.
The brain is used to send a message to all parts of the body at all times.
Some scientists say that LB1 is merely a short modern human with a brain disorder called microcephaly.
The phenomenon of " brain drain " was invoked mainly as an argument for inhibiting economic migration from the developing world.
One wonders whether his brain is bigger than the cavity in his second left upper molar.
Brain cells can give rise to all previous cells types including the peripheral nervous system and smooth muscle.
This stuff allegedly contains artificial musks which apparently are absorbed through skin, may cause liver damage and interfere with brain messages.
Importantly, in rare families, a gene mutation has been shown to cause the abnormal build up of tau protein in the brain.
Maximum length sequence brainstem evoked response - a potentially sensitive means to detect neural dysfunction of the brain in high risk neonates.
From here, the ' sound message ' is passed along the auditory nerve to the brain.
Using rats, scientists showed that a damaged area in the brain - akin to human stroke - is infiltrated by new nerve cells.
The brain and its reaction controls every function of the body, triggered by the sensory nervous system.
Hearing impairment British Acoustic neuroma Association Help for sufferers of acoustic neuroma brain tumors.
It is associated with progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in specific areas in the brain.
Researchers have found that Ecstasy causes extensive damage to key brain cells, called dopamine neurons.
Once in the brain drugs affect chemicals called neurotransmitters.
For example, ecstasy appears to affect a neurotransmitter called serotonin by reducing the amount of the chemical in the brain.
The protein in the chicken helps the brain to produce neurotransmitters which help people stay awake.
Researchers have found that sugar increases the amount of certain brain neurotransmitters that control moods.
It's a complex nexus of nerves at the base of your brain.
Studies in animals have suggested that lack of the B vitamin niacin can damage brain cells.
Furthermore, when brain volume was corrected for the volume of tubers and subependymal nodules, gray-matter deficits were still apparent.
Researchers have already devised relatively noninvasive means of extracting such brain cells from patients.
It enhances the release of the neurotransmitter noradrenaline in certain areas in the brain.
All these other antidepressants work, through slightly different mechanisms, by increasing serotonin and/or noradrenaline in the brain.
They removed the brain by placing a chisel up the left nostril and breaking through the skull.
The brain is over 50% fat and needs oils to be properly nourished.
These are all regulated from an area of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is in the hypothalamus.
These electrical pulses are delivered through the extension and through the lead to the globus pallidus or subthalamic nucleus in the brain.
In 2002, they examined the region of the brain's hypothalamus containing the arcuate nucleus, or ARC.
The presence of optokinetic nystagmus may not exclude loss of vision due to brain injury.
Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist that blocks the effect of opioid antagonist that blocks the effect of opioids in the brain.
The report explained how Professor Schyns could understand why people were fooled by optical illusions by using advanced brain imaging technology.
The wires joining each eye to the brain are called the optic nerves.
White matter facilitates the transfer of information across the brain, thus creating an individual's sense of spatial orientation.
Your body does not move however as your brain induces temporary paralysis to stop you getting up and walking about.
The aim of this work was to study the brain pathology in the knockout mouse model for Sandhoff disease by MRI.
The descending pathways start at neurones in the brain.
Biochemical pathways have been charted via the study of human brain tissue.
The architecture of the music, the rhythm and the timbre all created changes in brain processing through stimulation of the auditory pathways.
Water tends to move along the easiest route available which, in the brain, is along the major nerve pathways.
Analysis of leaf peroxidases in 14 provenances of A. tortilis was carried out in collaboration with Dr. Peter Brain in South Africa.
Birds perceive day length using photoreceptors in the brain integrated with their circadian clock.
The first half of the class would be used for students to practice his simple, natural technique to develop their total brain physiology.
After I had written to you yesterday, the brain being wholly extinct, I played piquet all morning with Graham.
Cells from part of the brain grow downwards to form the posterior pituitary.
The CSF is made in a part of the brain called the choroid plexus.
Figure 1. Brain stem centers damaged by the poliovirus involved in brain activation and blood pressure and heart rate regulation.
If the sharpness of vision from one eye becomes poor the brain will be less able to do this.
Levodopa, the metabolic precursor of dopamine, relieves the symptoms of Parkinson's disease presumably by being converted to dopamine in the brain.
I was aware of seeming rather prissy and an egghead because I liked using the other half of my brain as well.
Bromocriptine and cabergoline Bromocriptine (eg Parlodel) and cabergoline (Dostinex) reduce the output from the brain of a hormone called prolactin.
The baseline mean plasma prolactin level was nearly doubled in the drug responders, suggesting reduced brain dopamine activity.
The skull oval from ear to ear, showing plenty of brain room, and with a well-defined occipital protuberance.
The study of how behavior and the brain affect the immune system is called psychoneuroimmunology.
We use a range of experimental methods including psychophysics, TMS, ERP and brain imaging to investigate these questions.
The scientists found that a brain region called the ventral putamen lit up most strongly when people drank their favorite cola.
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Unfortunately, his brain was starved of oxygen and he was left severely brain damaged, with spastic quadriplegia.
There is more detailed information about stereotactic radiotherapy in the treating brain tumors section of CancerHelp UK.
A brain phase had been induced by the music and excitement, and she awoke feeling reborn.
The feeling of being ' stoned ' or ' high ' is caused by the THC binding to cannabinoid receptors in the brain.
Indeed, the brain is a large structure but many of brain regions affected by Parkinson's are very small.
Her work involved treating patients suffering from brain injury due to trauma and/or stroke, in addition to other inpatient rehab problems.
The only patient with isolated brain relapse died within 7 months, despite combined treatment.
These genes include the translational repressors, pumilio, nanos and brain tumor.
Top of page trilateral retinoblastoma Occasionally, a new tumor can develop in the center of the brain.
These brain fatigue symptoms are usually reversible with rest.
Long hair consumes a great deal of nutrition and could thus rob the brain of energy.
For several years the adult rodent brain has been known to contain neural stem cells.
I want a brain surgeon in here and so we have sardines on toast quite often.
Defense scientists also suggested that given the savagery of the attack there would have been fragments of brain and body tissue on his clothing.
And it's that brain damage which creates the savant.
The EEG machine is normal equipment found in every NHS hospital which measures brain activity through the patient's scalp.
She could be quite scatty, but her brain was extraordinary.
It is now known that in some other parts of the brain in those labeled schizophrenic there is in fact rather little dopamine activity.
We felt no moral scruples about the possible future abuse of our brain child.
Yet, despite all this, it remains seductive to use a phrase like " reptile brain.
Dr. Thomas Noguchi, Los Angeles coroner, said the senator died from damage to the brain caused by a.22 caliber bullet.
Then we shall always find that there has been one striking idea which forced its way in on a brain sensitized by emotion.
The former is the condition when the mechanism by which the brain damps down sensory input is not working properly.
These pure lecithin granules are a natural source of phosphatidyl serine (PS) an important nutrient for brain health.
Put simply the more serotonin in the brain the higher a person's mood.
It may also work by altering levels of the brain neurotransmitter serotonin.
The brain chemical serotonin, whose levels drop during a migraine, is also involved.
These increase serotonin levels in your brain and so help to lessen symptoms of depression.
Among those tested, brain shrinkage was found to be more pronounced in people who had taken part in higher education.
These fibers pass the electrical signals along to our brain where they are processed into the image we are looking at.
Skull The bony skeleton of the head, which protects and covers the brain.
As the needle penetrates the skull, complications affecting the brain may arise.
They directed that bovine head meat had to be recovered from the intact skull before the brain was removed.
Severe drops in oxygen levels lead to heart, lung and brain disorders, whilst chronic sleep deprivation causes extreme sleepiness during the day.
Nicotine affects the brain within seconds of inhaling cigarette smoke.
As a result of this brain damage, Mrs A suffered severe muscle spasms and her teeth were permanently clenched.
The killer would have been liberally spattered with blood and brain tissue.
General Surgery Equipped to undertake a comprehensive range of general procedures including spinal and brain surgery.
The Southwood Working Party had not thought that the risk justified labeling products containing spleen or brain, let alone banning them.
All these diseases resulted in parts of the brain becoming spongy the nerve cells replaced by holes.
Whatever the cause, some brain cells die from oxygen starvation.
Like Dean, I have an AVM on my brain stem.
The finding adds to previous research by showing that it's not only brain activity elicited by a to-be-remembered stimulus that is important.
Because exercise is a physical stressor to the body, the brain compensates by increasing deep sleep.
This picture sees the brain in terms of conscious plus subconscious.
They studied damage to part of the rat brain called the substantia nigra, where the cells normally release a substance called dopamine.
Part of the blood supply to the brain may then be cut off, which causes a stroke.
I had a doctor flown in by helicopter a brain surgeon.
Neurological surgery is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment, usually surgical, of disorders involving the brain and nervous system.
The half-day symposium was entitled ' Molecular Approaches to Brain Disease ' and invited five neuroscience speakers to make presentations.
This suggests synaesthesia is due to some form of communication between normally separate parts of the brain.
Once the brain no longer has excess synapses to play with, it loses much of its plasticity.
This method, called tachistoscope, was originally invented to help the human brain improve accuracy and speed of taking in and retaining information.
Pick's disease is thought to be due to a build up in the brain of an abnormal form of the protein tau.
Question 11 Changing the subject from cup final ticket allocation questions etc, I have a little brain teaser for you!
Puzzle Solution solve the brain teaser to win a pen!
Sudoku is a game of pure logic, an addictive brain teaser that can be.. .
Many children from about 8 or 9 find learning about ciphers as interesting as learning chess or tackling good brain teasers.
It involves making a lesion in the part of the brain called the thalamus.
Other scientists have discovered why patients who undergo radiation therapy for brain, head or neck cancer suffer from some mental decline.
There is a risk of extradural brain abscess and lateral sinus thrombosis.
There was concern about the use of brain, neural and lymphoid tissue and pituitary.
Once the damage was repaired she moved into the brain tissues.
Some tissues may have higher titres earlier than brain tissue eg gut, hence these are best avoided from British sources.
A computerized tomography (CT) scan of the brain was normal.
Contact with animal feces can cause an infection called toxoplasmosis which may affect your baby's eye and brain development.
Toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis Toxoplasmosis gondii is a protozoa parasite that may causes infection in the brain.
It seems amazing that such a small brain could be so able to perform the mid-air trickery that hoverflies can.
Within the brain stem, the signals traveling through the trigeminal nerve reach specialized clusters of neurones called the trigeminal nerve nucleus.
It also acts on a part of your brain called the chemoreceptor trigger zone.
In your third trimester, your baby's brain really starts to develop.
They're kind of filed away in my brain alongside Placebo, whiny miserabilist indie tripe with vaguely goth leanings.
Brain imagining studies (MRI and fMRI) include development of an automated method to localize cortical tubers.
Sadly, we lost Dino to a brain tumor about a year later.
It can be quite a brain twister trying to remember which hand throws what, where & when.
You ca n't unlearn what you've learned so that knowledge is imprinted into his brain and he'll bring that with him.
These provide the highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) that make up 20% of the weight of the brain.
Even when the injury has healed, scar tissue can cause epilepsy by making electrical activity unstable in that area of the brain.
The Canadian's last words caused a sudden upheaval in my brain.
With the pad and brain self-contained in one molded piece, this new rhythm trainer offers the utmost in portability and convenience.
The presence or absence of expression of these splice variants is being documented in normal tissues and a spectrum of brain tumors.
Patients with schizophrenia often show a small increase in the size of the fluid spaces in the brain called the lateral ventricles.
This occurs in an area of the brain known as the ' germinal matrix ' adjacent to the cerebral ventricles.
The pineal gland is a tiny structure located at the back of the roof of the third ventricle of the brain.
Becker (EVD) Drain In the brain injured patient, post neurosurgical patient, collection of blood within the brain ventricles can occur.
Can you get vertigo from your own brain's internal height?
Encephalitis is an often life-threatening illness caused by infection, usually viral, or by autoimmune diseases affecting the brain.
It currently includes brain, general neuro, thoracic viscera and the knee.
Ever wondered wat causes this well here you go the technical reason for a Brain Freeze!
Motor neuron disease is another degenerative disorder that affects the brain and spinal cord and is characterized by weakness and wasting of the muscles.
During an epileptic seizure, the normally well-ordered electrical activity in the brain is suddenly disturbed by chaotic and unregulated electrical discharges.
My brain was still whirring from the previous evenings 3 hour meeting at work - aargh indeed!
Heather Coleman in Exeter has a wonderfully zany site but (but beware the brain behind the fluff ).
If Clive's sword conquered the Indian empire, it was the brain of Hastings that planned the system of civil administration, and his genius that saved the empire in its darkest hour.
Those finer particles of the blood which become extremely rarefied during this process pass off in two directions - one portion, and the least important in the theory, to the organs of generation, the other portion to the cavities of the brain.
There not merely do they serve to nourish the organ, they also give rise to a fine ethereal flame or wind through the action of the brain upon them, and thus form the so-called " animal " spirits.
As additional features of the subclass may be mentioned the absence of a corpus callosum connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain,' and of a fossa in the septum between the two auricles of the heart.
Materialism argues that, as life depends on a material organism, thought is a function of the brain, and the soul is but the sum of mental states, to which, according to the theory of psychophysical parallelism, physical changes always correspond; therefore, the dissolution of the body carries with it necessarily the cessation of consciousness.
That, as now constituted, mind does depend on brain, life on body, must be conceded, but that this dependence is so absolute that the function must cease with the organ has not been scientifically demonstrated; the connexion of the soul with the body is as yet too obscure to justify any such dogmatism.
In this stage of belief, therefore, the liver is the'seat of all emotions and affections, as well as of intellectual functions, and it is only when with advancing anatomical knowledge the functions of the heart and then of the brain come to be recognized that a differentiation of functions takes place which had its outcome in the assignment of intellectual activity to the brain or head, of the higher emotions and affections (as love and courage) to the heart, while the liver was degraded to the rank of being regarded as the seat of the lower emotions and affections, such as jealousy, moroseness and the like.
Harvey proceeds to contrast this view with that of the " Medici," or followers of Hippocrates and Galen, who, " badly philosophizing," imagined that the brain, the heart, and the liver were simultaneously first generated in the form of vesicles; and, at the same time, while expressing his agreement with Aristotle in the principle of epigenesis, he maintains that it is the blood which is the primal generative part, and not, as Aristotle thought, the heart.
Several futile attempts have been made to draw conclusions as to the intelligence of various birds, from comparison of the weight of the whole brain with that of the body, or the weight of the hemispheres with that of other parts of the central nervous system.
It has already been seen that Gibbon's early ailments all left him on the approach of manhood; thenceforward, " till admonished by the gout," he could truly boast of an immunity well-nigh perfect from every bodily complaint; an exceptionally vigorous brain, and a stomach "almost too good," united to bestow upon him a vast capacity alike for work and for enjoyment.
There is great probability that the central stems, together with the brain, must be looked upon as local longitudinal accumulations of ner vous tissue in what was in more primitive ancestors a less highly differentiated nervous plexus, situated in the body-wall in a similar way to that which still is found in the less highly o rga n ized C oelenterates.
The skull was small, with proportionately minute brain; and the arched back, strong lumbar vertebrae, long and powerful tail, and comparatively feeble fore-quarters all proclaim kinship with the primitive creodont Carnivora (see Creodonta), from which Phenacodus and its allies, and through them the more typical Ungulata, are probably derived.
One is forced to the conclusion that there existed in Napoleon's brain a dual capacity - one the normal and reasoning one, developing only the ideas and conceptions of his contemporaries, the other intuitive, and capable only of work under abnormal pressure.
It has application to all kinds of organs and qualities, but is of especial significance in regard to the development of the brain and the mental qualities of animals and of man (see the jubilee volume of the Soc. de Biologie, 1899, and Nature, 1900, p. 624).
Skin-grafting and regeneration of bone are among not the least remarkable applications of pathological principles to the combat with disease in recent times; and in this connexion may also be mentioned the daring acts of surgery for the relief of tumours of the brain, rendered practicable by improved methods of localization, as well as operations upon the serous cavities for diseased conditions within them or in their vicinity.
Time and muscle, knack and touch, a trained eye and brain and an unlimited array of patterns hanging on fancy's walls, aided by a box of dry sand, pottery.
But though he formulated no system of philosophy, and seemed to show the influence now of Plato, now of Kant, or of German thought as filtered through the brain of Coleridge, he was, like his American master, associate and friend, steadily optimistic, idealistic, individualistic. The teachings of William Ellery Channing a little before, as to the sacred inviolability of the human conscience - anticipating the later conclusions of Martineau - really lay at the basis of the work of most of the Concord transcendentalists and contributors to The Dial, of whom Alcott was one.
The simple nerve-ganglion or brain (g) lies on the anterodorsal side of the pharynx, and by its position determines the orientation of the animal, the cloacal opening lying on the same side, and the course of the gut being" neural."The sense organs are a pair of pigmented eyes (oc), and two pairs of antennae, one anterior proximal and near the wreath, the other distal and usually more or less lateral.
And in the following year he was re-elected professor at Oxford and resumed his lectures; but increasing brain excitement, and indignation at the establishment of a laboratory to which vivisection was admitted, led him to resign his Oxford career, and he retired in 1884 to Brantwood, which he never left.
Though race may count for something in the matter of mental endowment - and at least it would seem to involve differences in weight of brain - it clearly counts for much less than does milieu, to wit, that social environment of ideas and institutions which depends so largely for its effectiveness on mechanical means of tradition, such as the art of writing.
The circulation in the brain may be lessened by warmth to the feet, cold to the head, warm food in the stomach, warm poultices or compresses to the abdomen, antipyretics, which reduce the temperature and consequently slow the beats of the heart in fever, and cardiac or vascular tonics, which slow the heart and tend to restore tone to the blood-vessels, so that the circulation in the brain may be more efficiently regulated.
In the primitive Phyllopoda, and less distinctly in some other orders, the nerves supplying the antennae arise, not from the brain, but from the circum-oesophageal commissures, and even in those cases where the nerves and the ganglia in which they are rooted have been moved forwards to the brain, the transverse commissure of the ganglia can still be traced, running behind the oesophagus.
Comparison of the brains of vertebrate animals (see Brain) brings into view the immense difference between the small, smooth brain of a fish or bird and the large and convoluted organ in man.
They called it acute congestion of the stomach and brain.
Sometimes a new word revived an image that some earlier experience had engraved on my brain.
Of course, I shall not overtax her brain.
Download Ancient Sudoku - Ancient Sudoku is an addictive brain teaser puzzle that challenges your lateral thinking...... brain teaser puzzle.
He is a fully qualified accountant and in addition is Honorary Treasurer of the brain injury charity Headway.
Babies benefit the most from an Antioxidant therapy because brain growth is rapid in the first year.
Bone marrow could be reconstituted from cultured brain, and glial and neurons cells were obtained from bone marrow.
This is a region of the brain that is involved in using emotion to guide actions.
Indeed, the brain is a large structure but many of brain regions affected by Parkinson 's are very small.
Yet, despite all this, it remains seductive to use a phrase like reptile brain.
The reptilian brain or limbic system is the part of the brain which controls the flight or fight complex.
A residuary legacy is the easiest way to leave money to Brain Tumor UK in your Will.
How you respond to stress directly impacts on your brain and affects your ability to think clearly.
Top of page Trilateral retinoblastoma Occasionally, a new tumor can develop in the center of the brain.
Rewiring the brain An Action Medical Research study of the brain that offers real hope to tiny stroke victims.
They leered at the Brain as she began to rip apart their rules with gusto.
If a woman catches rubella in early pregnancy, it may damage the sight, hearing, heart and brain of the unborn baby.
The cerebral cortex is the rumpled gray outer layer of the brain.
Acidosis may increase salicylate transfer across the blood brain barrier.
And it 's that brain damage which creates the savant.
This allows the areas dedicated to savant abilities to develop without interference from parts of the brain which deal with concepts.
The EEG machine is normal equipment found in every NHS hospital which measures brain activity through the patient 's scalp.
Brain scans of patients with schizophrenia showed a 5 to 10 per cent loss of brain tissue, especially in the left temporal lobes.
The amount of ADH secreted by the posterior pituitary is determined by sensors in the brain which monitor the concentration of the blood.
The picture is a close-up of brain secretory cells.
The center is seeking out possible brain injury casualties instead of waiting for referred patients.
Put simply the more serotonin in the brain the higher a person 's mood.
And Ken Stott 's Philippe lapses regularly into unconsciousness due to shrapnel lodged in his brain.
It will be interesting to learn what part of our brain now dedicated to language was doing in our simian ancestors.
The pressure of the leaking blood on the soft brain tissue destroys it.
The idea of replacing old, damaged brain cells with spanking new ones is not original.
Brain and spinal cord from cattle incubating BSE ought not to have entered human food after the SBO ban in 1989.
Among the stand-alone modules, The Brain has been updated with a section on Pathways.
The brain is starved of oxygen, which causes the damage.
The trouble with tendons Could stem cells help brain damaged babies?
Cocaine is a very dangerous stimulant drug, it speeds up the brain at a greater pace than any caffeine.
Display of several optical illusions, to illustrate the way the brain perceives certain visual stimuli.
Strychnine blocks glycine receptors in the brain, causing muscle convulsions and death.
In young children emotional activity was localized in primitive subcortical areas of the brain, specifically, the amygdala.
More recently I have used MEG to characterize the responses from MT, one of the main brain regions subserving motion perception.
Both phenomena are based on establishing a causal connection between two subsystems of the brain.
Diagnosed with Autism at age 2 and having to battle with leukemia until ultimately succumbing to a fatal brain tumor aged 12.
Avoid sugary foods, which can make you tired in the long run Drink plenty of fluids - water your brain !
Each pad is also connected to many others, like branches on a tree (or synapses in the brain).
Some forms of tapeworm larvae can be ingested and travel to other parts of the body including the brain and muscle.
The tau protein is one such scaffold protein in brain cells.
Pick 's disease is thought to be due to a build up in the brain of an abnormal form of the protein tau.
This argues strongly for brain being on the taverna menu, bought-in whole and cracked open on the premises.
Question 11 Changing the subject from cup final ticket allocation questions etc, I have a little brain teaser for you !
Puzzle Solution Solve the brain teaser to win a pen !
Test-tube experiments on brain tissue from autopsy confirmed this dopamine deficiency.
Nevertheless, insights such as this can be integrated into contemporary scientific theorizing about cognition and the brain with surprisingly fruitful results.
A marked increase in the disturbance of alpha, delta and theta wave patterns in the brain.
In practice, the tonsil biopsy might obviate the need for a brain biopsy sample to be taken.
Contact with animal feces can cause an infection called toxoplasmosis which may affect your baby 's eye and brain development.
Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasmosis gondii is a protozoa parasite that may causes infection in the brain.
These brain diseases, called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, are thought to be caused by prions.
From there, the trigeminal nerve root continues back toward the side of the brain stem, and inserts into the pons.
In your third trimester, your baby 's brain really starts to develop.
The human brain may have tripled in size over the last 2.5 million years.
Firstly the showed our brain is really a triune brain, that is, three brains in one.
Tryptophan breaches the blood-brain barrier and is necessary for the production of the 'feel-good ' brain chemical serotonin.
Tympanic membrane Tympanic membrane temperature accurately mirrors oesophageal temperature and is a good indicator of core and brain temperature.
His name rang a small bell in my brain and after a little Googling I uncovered why.
One strand of the research will help to understand which parts of the brain deal with complex sounds such as speech.
Now you know uniformitarian evolution as the brain child of Thomas Lyell, first of all, followed by Darwin, followed by Huxley.
You ca n't unlearn what you 've learned so that knowledge is imprinted into his brain and he'll bring that with him.
They will still be unthinking machines, just like your brain hardware.
The Canadian 's last words caused a sudden upheaval in my brain.
From the vagus nerve the signals travel up into the areas of the brain thought to be involved in causing seizures.
During this procedure the surgeon creates a small hole in one of the ventricles in the brain.
The vertebral artery carries blood from the heart to the brain.
Can you get vertigo from your own brain 's internal height?