Boulders Sentence Examples
In storms the boulders could be heard striking each other overhead.
A group of boulders nearby offered some escape from the sun.
Brady sheathed his weapon and leapt over the boulders, confronting the struggling duo.
After a short search, she found a small cave and scaled the boulders in front of it.
She kept her head low as she walked her horse past scouts perched on boulders and hidden within trees.
At the same time, any excessive local rainfall is productive of difficulty and danger from the floods of liquid mud and loose boulders which sweep like an avalanche down the hill sides.
Some regard the eclogite boulders as derived from deep-seated crystalline rocks, others as concretions in the blue ground.
These are in part of glacial origin, and contain Scandinavian boulders; but fluviatile and aeolian deposits also occur.
Both jumped to their feet and started around the cluster of boulders where Joseph had parked only to see the tail of Joseph Dawkins' Jeep as it bumped across the blanketing wave of wild flowers.
The road darkened as he entered the trees and he turned on his headlamps, trying to avoid the rocks and boulders that littered the roadway.
AdvertisementHe trailed Kiki out of the castle to the boulders a short distance from the walls.
Grass had sprung up from boulders she touched, and she'd felt truly a part of her world for once in her life.
Dean yelled, his voice echoing up and down the now empty gorge, bouncing about the stone walls and boulders of the narrow ravine.
A man stood near the boulders hedging the cliff, crazed as he flung his arms around and screamed.
Arnie tripped, the content of his fist flying free over the boulders to the cliff's edge.
AdvertisementLana jumped over him and squeezed between two boulders, all but flinging herself towards the object.
He climbed over the boulders.
He followed her up a steep trail between two boulders and then to the top.
Far below, green water moved sluggishly around huge gray boulders.
While rocks and boulders are the favoured situation for the growth of marine algae, those which readily disintegrate, like the coarser sandstones, are naturally less favoured than the hard and resistant.
AdvertisementHe was climbing now, hand over hand, over a mass of boulders, his flashlight re-hooked to his waist.
Rhyn will die-dead otherwise, Gabriel whispered then left her standing by a group of boulders.
Drainage finding no outlet through the thick clay, the soil of the forest region is often hidden beneath extensive marshes, and the forests themselves are often mere thickets choking marshy ground; large tracts of sand appear in the W., and the admixture of boulders with the clay in the N.W.
Local boulders as well as northern erratics are found in the valley of the Derwent.
The substratum of the plain is a bed of boulders, covered during the lapse of ages by a deposit of rich alluvial soil.
AdvertisementHis exploits, as the ally of Rama (incarnation of Vishnu) in the latter's recovery of his wife Sita from the clutches of the demon Ravana, include the bridging of the straits between India and Ceylon with huge boulders carried away from the Himalayas.
Most of the inland scenery is bleak and dreary, consisting of treeless and barren tracts of peat and boulders.
The boulders consist of very various rocks often of large size.
The streets are steep, narrow, dirty and unpaved, the roadways consisting of rough boulders.
South of Cohasset the shore is sandy, with a few isolated rocky ledges and boulders.
The surface is formed of cement moulded over metal gimmel-work, and arranged to form ledges and boulders, peaks and escarpments, and faced with coloured sand and paint.
It is true that a great variety of evidence is afforded by the composition of the rocks, that glaciers have left their traces in glacial scratchings and transported boulders, also that proofs of arid or semiarid conditions are found in the reddish colour of rocks in certain portions of the Palaeozoic, Trias and Eocene; but fossils afford the most precise and conclusive evidence as to the past history of climate, because of the fact that adaptations to temperature have remained constant for millions of years.
The till is presumably made in part of preglacial soils, but it is more largely composed of rock waste mechanically comminuted by the crccpiiig ice sheets; although the crystalline rocks from Canada and some of the more resistant stratified rocks south of the Great Lakes occur as boulders and stones, a great part of the till has been crushed and ground to a clayey texture.
The great ice sheets formed terminal moraines around their border at various halting stages; but the morainic belts are of small relief in comparison to the great area of the ice; they rise gently from the till plains to a height of 50, 100 or more feet; they may be one, two or three miles wide; and their hilly surface, dotted over with boulders, contains many small lakes in basins or hollows, instead of streams in valleys.
Many indications of ice action are found in these islands; striated surfaces are to be seen on the cliffs in Eday and Westray, in Kirkwall Bay and on Stennie Hill in Eday; boulder clay, with marine shells, and with many boulders of rocks foreign to the islands (chalk, oolitic limestone, flint, &c.), which must have been brought up from the region of Moray Firth, rests upon the old strata in many places.
In these days the rock-garden is a most important feature, and it requires a good deal of care and skill to arrange the boulders, walks, pools or streams in natural and artistic fashion.
The foreign boulders of granite, gneiss, &c., found in the coalmeasures of some districts, are quite as likely to have been dropped by rafts of vegetation as to have been carried by floating icebergs.
The appearance of northern shells in the upper divisions of the Pliocene series indicates the approach of the Glacial period, and glacial drift containing Scandinavian boulders now covers much of the country east of the Zuider Zee.
Lakes are numerous in the government of Suwalki, but are all small and mostly hidden in thick coniferous or birch forests, and their waters penetrate with undefined banks amidst marshes, sandy tracts and accumulations of moss-grown boulders.
A causeway of boulders and pebbles, thrown up by the sea and passable at low tide, unites Marazion with the insular St Michael's Mount (q.v.).
On the east side of Scotland, where so many fragments of the Secondary rocks occur as boulders in the glacial deposits, a large mass of strata was formerly exposed at Linksfield to the north of Elgin, containing fossils which appear to show it to belong to the Rhaetic beds at the top of the Trias.
Above the Boulder Clay are found sands and gravels, along with perched boulders which, by their source and position, indicate the direction and thickness of the ice that carried them.
The glacial origin of the Pamir valleys is everywhere apparent in their terrace formations and the erratic blocks and boulders that lie scattered about their surface.
One of the most interesting facts in the history of the Gondwana series is the occurrence near the base (in the Talchir group) of large striated boulders in a fine mud or silt, the boulders in one place resting upon rock (of Vindhyan age) which is also striated.
In China, on the Yang-tse river, a thick deposit has been found full of boulders of diverse kinds of rock, striated.
Rising in the Tibetan plateau, far to the north of the Himalayas, and skirting round their eastern passes not far from the Yang-tsze-kiang and the great river of Cambodia, it enters Assam by a series of waterfalls and rapids, amid vast boulders and accumulations of rocks.
The latter is less compact and contains angular boulders, often of a considerable size, but no powder.
The fifth road, IsfahanAhvaz, 280 rn., is the old mule track provided with some bridges, and improved by freeing it of boulders and stones, &c., at a total cost of 5500.
Local thunderstorms and cloud-bursts are a characteristic phenomenon, inundating limited areas and transforming dried-up streams into muddy torrents carrying boulders and debris.
Lichens and mosses clothe many of the boulders that are scattered over the upper slopes.
The berg is crowned by three great granite boulders, known as the Paarl, Britannia and Gordon Rock.
It was named Paarl by the first settlers from the fancied resemblance of one of the boulders on the top of the hill, when glistening in the sun, to a gigantic pearl.
Some of the boulders are encrusted by marine organisms and must have been dropped by icebergs in the sea.
In a basic neck of this period at Inverell, there are eclogite boulders, containing diamonds in situ; and it is doubtless from these basic volcanic necks that the diamonds of the New England tableland have been derived.
Long sweeps of grassy upland bestrewn with boulders lead from the stream beds up to the snowfields, yellow, grey or vivid green, according to the season and the measure of sunlight, fold upon fold in interminable succession, their bleak monotony being only relieved by the grace of flowers for a short space during the summer months.
The forests of the granitic land, of which typical patches remain, had the characteristics of a tropical moist region, palms, shrubs, climbing and tree ferns growing luxuriantly, the trees on the mountain sides, such as the Pandanus sechellarum sending down roots over the rocks and boulders from 70 to 100 ft.
The Glacial striae, and the dislocated rocks - moved a few inches or feet from their places, and others, at greater distances, turned over, and beginning to assume the sub-angular form of Glacial boulders - were found precisely as the glacier, receding from the bar, and giving place to the ancient lake, had left them, covered and preserved by sand and gravel washed from the terminal morain.
These are formed to a large extent of thick conglomerates which are full of pebbles and boulders of granite and schist.
Many of the boulders are of considerable size and they are often still angular.
Certain western and northern granites are however older, since granite boulders occur in Silurian conglomerates derived from the Dalradian complex.
The glacial drift is also a useful deposit, coarse ingredients in it being of small amount (rare boulders, and some gravel).
This continental area has been described as " Gondwana Land," a tract of enormous extent occupying an area, part of which has since given place to a southern ocean, while detached masses persist as portions of more modern continents, which have enabled us to read in their fossil plants and ice-scratched boulders the records of a lost continent in which the Mesozoic vegetation of the northern hemisphere had its birth.
The city is built on the flat summit of a rocky hill, which rises abruptly in the midst of a veritable wilderness; a brown, arid, treeless table-land, strewn with immense grey boulders, and shut in by lofty mountains.
Boulder-clay is a coarse unstratified deposit of fine clay, with more or less sand, and boulders of various sizes, the latter usually marked with glacial striations.
But their distress was short lived as the recently created path ended a few hundred yards further, behind a cluster of boulders.
As they circled an outcrop of rock, they were surprised to see a yellow open-top Jeep parked behind the boulders, invisible from below.
It was strewn with loose gravel and stone, with occasional clumps of hardy vegetation mixed with larger boulders.
Each year hundreds of hearty souls race from Ouray at 7,800 feet, on paths and Jeep roads, over loose rock and boulders, more than 17 miles to Telluride at 8,100 feet, via the 13,120 foot summit of Imogene Pass.
She walked through shallow stone valleys and hopped across boulders and shale toward the sun, casting frequent looks over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't being stalked by a shape-changing demon with an attitude.
Jenn's dark hair was hidden under a knit cap, her lithe frame moving with a cat's grace through the snow and boulders.
He saw nothing that might indicate a cave similar to where the Watchers entered the mortal world, not even boulders.
Exciting the entrance, one comes across an area of huge boulders, covered in a rich layer of multi colored jeweled anemones.
It was looking fairly bleak, with a deep covering of fresh new snow covering the boulders.
At the top, a cornice of poised boulders can be passed to a hanging ledge beneath a vast hanging choke.
I carefully hopped up onto it mindful of a load of perched boulders.
Maybe hurling big boulders - even making them change into steaming chunks of lava on the way - is more your thing.
First, a couple of jammed boulders jammed at head height in the passage were removed.
This is a fairly complicated feature, which drops about 3 meters over calcited boulders.
At the bottom, an incline past once loose boulders leads to a second 50 foot shaft.
Between well rounded, greasy boulders the water was deep, cold and fast.
This included climbing over boulders to get to likely areas of boulder scree, and getting onto the scree itself.
The stream flows away to the left in a passage of roughly circular cross-section, having many gritstone boulders on the floor.
Both methods become difficult to implement if large boulders have to be propped up or if explosives have to be used on indurated breccias.
If a different type of rock overlies a cavernous limestone, then clasts or boulders of both could become mixed in a cave breccia.
You sound the bugle that resonates around the glen signaling an avalanche of boulders on the unsuspecting soldiers.
This dive involves swimming out over some large boulders, with a good chance of seeing some large resident grouper.
The images show several boulders, dropped 8000 years ago by passing icebergs.
The early series consist of untreated boulders with the decoration incised on the surface.
Just past a hopper with a mass of boulders above, I reached the main lode.
Long Meg was a tall sandstone megalith and the daughters were granite boulders forming the circle.
These boulders are thought to slow the flow of liquid methane from the west.
In Russia and South Africa, gently deposited mudstones and limestones suddenly give way to massive dumps of pebbles and boulders.
Couple of boulders removed and more need some chemical persuasion.
The rift drops over jammed boulders to a mud floored boulder pile sloping downstream to a roaring streamway all of 2 meters long.
A steeply descending rift with chamber at base full of boulders which prevented further progress.
Leather ropes strapped around huge boulders were used to haul the stones onto wooden rollers on which they could be dragged to their destination.
The water emerges from a low crawl over boulders to the left which can be followed for 60m to an inlet sump.
There were chimneys we climbed; there were boulders we scaled; and the streams that ran swift after rain.
Steps are typically formed from ribs of cobbles and boulders that lie transverse to the channel.
The possible route onwards appears unstable with boulders in clay.
Piles of boulders were separated by sections of wading, waist deep in places.
The ginging sized boulders wedged in a small window at roof level were far to inviting to leave alone.
Sometimes the searchers wade into the sea, furnished with nets at the end of long poles, by means of which they drag in the sea-weed containing entangled masses of amber; or they dredge from boats in shallow water and rake up amber from between the boulders.
From very early times it was a holy place, a circumstance probably due primarily to a very extraordinary group of boulders and rock-outcrops north of the town.
But the quantity of water carried seawards varies within wide limits; for whereas, during the rainy season in summer and while the snows of winter are melting in spring, great volumes of water sweep down from the mountains, these broad rivers dwindle at other times to petty rivulets trickling among a waste of pebbles and boulders.
Now the granite, continuing for long distances, forms the prevailing rock; then, again, it forms the foundation for thick strata of schist and sandstone, itself only appearing in valleys of erosion and river boulders, in rocky projections on the coasts or in the ridges of the mountains....
The Turks, in the absence of the fleet which was to have brought them supplies, were forced to retreat (August 6); the Greeks, inspired with new courage, awaited them in the pass of Dervenaki, where the undisciplined Ottoman host, thrown into confusion by an avalanche of boulders hurled upon them, was annihilated.
Three crannogs in Dowalton Loch, Wigtownshire, examined by Lord Lovaine in 1863, were found to be constructed of layers of fern and birch and hazel branches, mixed with boulders and penetrated by oak piles, while above all there was a surface layer of stones and soil.
Up slope, from the point of entry, an obvious dig now supported by scaffolding ascends into a ruckle of massive boulders.
At the base, a scramble over boulders enters a large passage containing a small stream between mud banks.
The large basalt boulders were split up into sizes the knapper could handle by heating, and shattered into fragments with gun-like reports.
With our heavy packs, the slippy mud and excessive scrambling around over big boulders we made slow progress.
We stumbled like idiots along 100m of passage strewn with huge boulders without once seeing the roof.
Some of these have formed talus fans of large boulders and debris.
A climb up bedrock about five foot high with very large and 1 medium teetering boulders, resting on the edge.
To the left at the three-way junction is a small chamber from where a 5m climb down a rift lands on boulders.
The tillite deposits they left behind characteristically contain assorted pebbles and boulders in a sandy-clay matrix.
Suppose we have a road sign saying ' danger - falling rocks ' and a neat picture of some tumbling boulders.
The grinning girl two meters away snarled and unsheathed claws the size of boulders, crashing through the undergrowth to find the robot.
Finally, swim in the cooling crystalline waters of the Rio On pools, whose waterfalls cascade over granite boulders.
Inside the home, the living room fireplace hearth is made of boulders found on the site.
The last three are larger than the others, but as they droop they have a good effect among the boulders of a large rock garden, or on banks.
In truth, the original English garden style used greater swathes of lawn and naturally occurring features such as boulders and ponds around which trees and shrubs were planted.
After defeating the King of the Dead and avoiding boulders, progress through the Southern Gate.
Build your fire pit with large rocks or boulders if available.
Next to the opening was a blackened fire ring with two large boulders on either side.
Dean emerged from behind the cluster of boulders and jogged to the edge of a clearing where he had a better view down the valley.
If I find out it was one of those Dawkins boys, I'll respond in like fashion, and out in the open, not hiding behind boulders.
Pain rippled through him and another wave of power radiated off him, turning the boulders nearby into powder.
Suddenly, a dark form launched itself from behind a group of boulders onto her path.
She perched on one of the boulders lining the cliff edge and tucked her legs beneath her.
The Camoens grotto, where the exiled poet found leisure to celebrate the achievements of his ungrateful country, lies in a secluded spot to the north of the town, which has been partly left in its native wildness strewn with huge granite boulders and partly transformed into a fine botanical garden.
Granite boulders were used for construction in Massachusetts as early as 1650.
The glacial drift east of the Missouri river, unlike that of the New England states, is remarkably free from boulders and gravel, except in a few morainic belts.
Similar boulders have also been found in the blue ground elsewhere.
Lana hid between the boulders, gaze glued to the area where the laser missiles dropped.
The plain, sandy in its northern part, is in the south a deep bed of argillaceous marl, scattered over with great granite boulders and fragments of greenstone.
The magic trickled, and he glanced towards the female form in an outcropping of boulders nearby.
She marched again into the cold snowstorm and to the maintenance tool shed tucked between boulders and trees.