Both Sentence Examples
I liked them both very much.
It was both relaxing and exciting.
They both care a lot.
If it had been for both of them, they would have invited some of her friends - like Katie and Bill.
Both Sarah and Tammy were watching her.
Both passed the examination successfully.
I suppose they're both a little artificial.
Maybe they were both a little wrong... and a little right.
We both know why you're here.
We both agree that you need to get out of this place for a while.
AdvertisementThey were both very, very dear!
Actually, everything belongs to both of us, but I was the one who had the lifelong dream of a horse ranch.
I thought you had finally accepted that the money belonged to both of you.
Now let's look at the role of government, both philosophically and historically, which also changes over time.
They both couldn't be there all the time.
AdvertisementIf Lisa was involved with both Spencer and Mertz, maybe she was an informant for Spenser.
I guarded both doll and cradle with the most jealous care; but once I discovered my little sister sleeping peacefully in the cradle.
Interestingly, political cartoons of the era, both for and against FDR, showed him unaffected by the disease.
So the party was actually for him, not both of them.
She hugged both Alex and Carmen.
AdvertisementThey both helped her to the chair.
Thinking back, her parents had done both in front of her.
Both he and his mother seemed well informed and intelligent.
And remember, it can be obtained both by a plummeting cost and an increasing value of the thing to you.
You know I did all a father could for their education, and they have both turned out fools.
AdvertisementHer erotic dreams were proof that he was becoming more than a friend to her, and that thought was troubling - both from the standpoint of her goals, and the fact that she was setting herself up for rejection.
That's unusual, I know, but we both like it that way.
I think we've both had a lot on our minds lately.
So did I. Maybe you feel like we both betrayed your trust.
When it comes to starting a new business, nothing that previously existed can rival the Internet in terms of both ease of entry and breadth of potential.
It has a large number of landlocked nations without ports to access the international markets, both for imports and exports.
And how handsome they both are!
But I think it's important that we're both aware of what's going on, don't you?
You both will go eat.
Lydia Larkin stood, feet apart, in the classic shooting position, both hands clamped on her smoking gun.
Her poise expressed both dignity and grace.
When the time came for him to speak, his mother and the minister were both there to hear him.
I suspect it is both; GNP rises, so we buy more energy, allowing GNP to rise so we can buy more energy.
Modern history, in theory, rejects both these principles.
Felipa and Alondra both stopped and stared as Dulce snapped at him.
She said they were both supportive of her when Alex was born.
Maybe they would both think about it before they jumped at each other next time - especially in front of the children.
I guess we both had a change of heart, didn't we?
I calmed Martha down and both Betsy and I spoke to all three of them, one by one.
Suddenly, they both vanished.
Her father beat them both.
He poured them both tea.
It's a difficult time for both of you.
It's nice to meet you both.
Outside of that time Señor Medena and Felipa were both present every minute that Tessa was there.
I don't know what the odds are, but I figure god is responsible for both - don't you think?
Both were healthy and breathing on their own.
We both can help each other tremendously but it has to be on my terms.
When my father gets here, he'll kill you both!
They both agreed it was further evidence that he was involved in the death of Billy Langstrom, but they remained uncertain about his involvement with Martha's bones.
I'm lucky Zamon and Darkyn both followed through.
I think we both have that issue now.
She took the hand he rested on her forehead into both of hers.
One warm, the other cold, both self-assured, polished.
Mr. Finney and his wife Both sat down to sup; And they ate, and they ate, They ate the turnip up.
Both are better off than they were, even though nothing new has been created.
Workhouses both lodged the poor and gave them work.
How much more this difficulty must be augmented in the case of those who are both deaf and blind!
The expression on Felipa's face reflected both humor and interest.
All this time I thought the company was interested in him because he could speak both Spanish and English.
She helped Destiny into a frilly white dress with yellow trim and they both finished up with white sandals.
The ATV climbed over large rocks, threatening to unseat them both at any moment.
He towered over them both, the muscles in his arms and shoulders straining against his shirt as he hooked his thumbs in the front pockets of his jeans.
They both left the lounge and started down the hall toward the desk.
I'll take both into consideration.
I guess we both lacked experience.
Both Martha and Quinn would also attend.
The toys they were both playing with remained.
Both Quinn and Howie protested as one with a negative shout.
We both inherited our powers while Dusty was like you, a human meant for something much greater.
They both looked up.
Both Fitzgerald and the redhead are AWOL— been gone since before lunch.
They both heard the sound at the same time—a gentle rapping at the back door.
Both knew she was right that he wouldn't lie.
Just don't kill us both first.
More food items lined the shelves of both.
It was the second strongest memory in human-Deidre's mind, the day when both of their lives changed.
They were more alike than Deidre realized; they both sought out Darkyn for quiet deals they hoped would result in ending up with Gabriel.
We were both in the portal room.
Both death dealers bowed their heads without hesitation.
I'll help you access them, but we must both focus.
You both trusted Darkyn over me.
You both need your space, Andre agreed.
We can both take care of the souls.
They could've both gone somewhere else entirely, wherever they wanted to go, without the underworld crumbling or the pain Gabriel was in.
Andre was the only one who seemed to think there was a reason for Gabriel to be here, and Gabriel trusted Andre more than both Deidres and Darkyn combined.
The longer you let both deny you, the harder it becomes to win.
Landon and the demon both went.
What I did to both Deidres cannot be undone was the unsettling response.
We were both a little emotional at the time.
It was better for both Deidres if he worked to ensure his mate never died-dead.
We are both culpable for sending the only innocent soul either of us has ever known to Hell.
If both of their mates disappeared, she saw them starting an all-out war rather than trying to find them.
Both demon lord and half-demon were bristling with power, the Dark One's growl audible long before Gabriel reached them.
He didn't think he'd ever be able to rationalize that both Deidres had gone to Darkyn instead of trusting him without resentment.
You both might be interested in this.
It was no surprise both children were so devoted to Alex.
Running a hand through his hair in a way that Carmen had grown to recognize as a nervous habit, he addressed Lori in a tone that was both stern and conversational.
Carmen had worked with Josh's parents to reserve both the money and the farm for Destiny.
Alex had already set aside a trust fund for both Jonathan and Destiny, and Carmen was listed as an equal partner in everything.
But, as Katie and Alex had both reasoned, she hadn't been around that much.
Alex was losing enough sleep over it for both of them.
What happened was horrible – for both of us, but we can't go back and change it.
Maybe I should invite Lori over here and we could both talk to her.
Maybe she'd like to take both you and Destiny away from me.
Alex caught Carmen and they both tumbled to the soft grass.
By the time she finally fell asleep, both Carmen and Jonathan were crying.
Only after both Destiny and Jonathan fell asleep did Carmen take her shower and go to bed.
She could do nothing without endangering both Destiny and Jonathan.
Jonathan joined him and they both walked away.
Then he ran both hands through his hair.
Both wanted to control, and both were confident in their own decisions.
When the chuckle started, they both turned to look at Señor Medena.
I will always meet you both for dinner again to explain, if it helps you.
I'd like to think there's greater meaning to both of us being reincarnated.
We're trying to figure out what Darkyn is doing planting a shape-shifter demon on the mortal realm, Rhyn said, referring to the demon lord who wanted both their heads on pikes.
Both compasses lit up as the next name on the list appeared.
He paused between her and the portal beckoning her while keeping his distance from both.
She sat across from him, cocoa with marshmallows before both of them.
We both know better, she grumbled.
Both looked at her.
Kris told us you both were coming.
Both Rhyn and Kris sulked.
Both of you are blemishes on your family.
If she didn.t find a way to push him away, she risked messing up both of their lives.
At this they both put their heads over the side of the buggy and looked down.
He was riding very slowly, and both he and his horse were bespattered with mud.
The Internet has allowed for the creation of thousands of new ways to give, both time and money.
And yet, by the coarse measures we use, in a sense we have the same level of prosperity because we both have cars.
After all, we both have ten fingers, two lungs, and a tongue located in our mouth.
Both of these have political implications, and so it is with some hesitation I bring them up.
Both were talking and listening too eagerly and too naturally, which was why Anna Pavlovna disapproved.
They both sat silent, with an occasional glance at one another.
We both wanted a baby.
She planted both on the nightstand in front of Lisa.
He took her face in both hands.
You and Fritz are both old enough to be her father.
The toddlers were both tired and cranky.
He stomped his boots and shook white flakes from his hat and coat before entering the house Cynthia poured them both a cup of coffee as he washed at the sink.
I'm right on the money, both time and location, for very recent settings.
I talked it over with both Daniel Brennan and Merrill Cooms.
Send them both out!
Almost immediately, the room erupted with a gunshot and both my assailant and I dropped to the floor.
Saying the words resurrected the near-forgotten facts; Quinn, and Martha, both dead and gone.
Both of us tried to remember details of Quinn's actions when he set up a session.
While we'd both been witness scores of times, neither of us had paid much attention.
While the killer's intentions were unknown, we knew Howie thwarted them both to their death.
Thanks. It's been a bit rough lately for both of us.
Blood trickled down both arms before her wounds healed themselves.
The thought distracted her, and she both yearned to be with him and hated herself for not being able to shake the thought of him.
The only skin not covered was his face and part of his neck, both of which were channeled and knotted by scars.
I tagged both with GPS and a speck of C4, so if you lose either, we can blow it up.
She rubbed her head and glared at him, watching as he followed his father in the direction where both sky and sea darkened into blackness.
If I could, you'd both be dead.
Both their gazes returned to the two figures talking quietly in front of their father's grave.
She met his gaze again, caught in the dark eyes that seemed both warm and wary.
He could keep an eye on both the Other and the Magician better.
Both figures froze, before Jenn scrambled to obey.
Her father would hunt them both down, and if he didn't, the sword-wielding maniac would.
If she could just have both … Jule groaned, not out of pleasure but pain.
It's better for both of us, and it's the only real way I can protect you from him.
I've killed both the men who came for her and will kill any others.
Damian sought out Sofi, both for her calming influence and any tidbits of what she might've Seen.
She looked down, both thrilled by the idea of an eternity with the man who made her feel whole and horrified at what her father told her.
The warmth of his body made her senses tingle with both need and happiness.
Both Dusty and Jule responded with smiley faces.
He stood and shook hands with both of them.
They were both online already, swapping vamp stats.
When she opened it, Claire gazed at her with a look both guarded and surprised.
Yep. Before we do, I need to discuss something with both of you.
Nothing happened, and they're both pissed at me.
She looked up at him, sensing both his anger and his regret.
She was grateful; the scent was both nauseating and infuriating.
She opened her eyes when nothing happened, shaking from both cold and fear.
Damian glared at both of them, suddenly aware they were laughing at him.
Traci asked both of them.
Sofia couldn't help but say, "You'll both have women, and Dustin, when you're in trouble, she'll call me."
The Watcher placed both hands on his head.
My bet is that you will do both before the hourglass runs out.
Both displayed Darkyn's name.
You both have a chance to make it right.
We both walk away, and it never happened.
Deidre watched the movie in both fascination and fear.
He was both a strategic thinker and capable of detailed execution.
She waited thousands of years and worked with both Dark Ones to make it happen.
They sat in silence, both of them gazing at the ocean.
It works both ways, demon.
I'm just asking for the chance, from both of you, to make things right.
Dean went to cat and girl and gave them both a long hug.
Sprinkled in the assortment of oldies were a few exceptions—two couples both named Dawkins, and Pumpkin Green, a young man taking a break from his cross country hike to California in support of the homeless, or so he claimed.
He handed both to Martha and glanced up at the ceiling.
Both of my parents were really upset.
Both of them hate heights.
The Deans both looked at him.
I didn't mean to get her pregnant but we're both happy it happened.
Both remembered the last time they'd watched a guest meet with a stranger and the no-end-to trouble that followed.
Even David Dean, although he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut in front of his wife, was forced to cross every finger of both hands.
Cynthia didn't respond but both shared the disappointment that she hadn't called.
The sound was nearly inaudible but both stopped and listened attentively.
Both jumped to their feet and started around the cluster of boulders where Joseph had parked only to see the tail of Joseph Dawkins' Jeep as it bumped across the blanketing wave of wild flowers.
Dean considered a further prompt, but a dozen years of dealing with attorneys taught him it would be both unsuccessful and unwise.
The boys were both adults when I married their father.
Both left me everything, not that it was a fortune, but a good investment counselor did a nice job.
The competition included both men and women, and all were having a great time dousing the watchers—and even the paraders passing in the opposite direction—with water guns.
Both Paul and Joseph Dawkins and Brandon Westlake have been lining up to use Fred's equipment.
Hold the rope in both hands.
She sat down, clutching the line with both hands.
He was happy to be out of the dining room where Brandon Westlake and Pumpkin Green, both distraught over Billy Langstrom's death, were pressing Dean for details.
He pushed up both speed and distance.
Both wished there was a simple means of communicating this information to the child.
While the Deans discussed contacting the state once more, both agreed another phone call would be as fruitless as earlier ones.
Both Dawkins brothers were being offered excessive prices for the Lucky Pup land, from some supposedly unknown and secret purchaser.
It would serve them both right, Dean thought.
Now both are missing and we're here to look around.
He started to say something but both of the accompanying officers all but pushed him out the door.
The realization struck Cynthia, too, and as neither had slept particularly well, both plodded through the early morning chores with few words passing between them.
While both Deans were on their knees cleaning up the mess, the phone rang again.
Both had driven up the Dexter Creek Road and knew the location.
There's less chance of some sort of set up if we're both there.
As he turned off, Dean checked the highway in both directions, but there were no other vehicles in sight.
He's out to get you, or to use me to do it, or get both of us.
Not in so many words, but we both knew what he was suggesting.
I had made up my mind to just leave after I came here tonight and not say anything, but you've both been so nice, I shouldn't be so selfish.
Both men were just as happy to have the quiet of the jail cell so they could talk in private.
Much as they detested having to make the phone call, both knew it was necessary.
Both were unhurt but frightened.
Now, eyes open, eyes shut—it was both the same—as black as the inside of a buried coffin on a moonless night.
Both Deans heard it but the old man appeared not to have noticed.
Both men felt the old man had probably killed him, but Westlake's brief disclosure was insufficient to pursue the matter and as both men were dead, there was little incentive to do so.
Both knew they'd make do, only tight was becoming tighter.
Both were on the courses he laid out for them, though that was not always an indication his preferred outcome was inevitable.
Deidre crossed to it and opened both doors.
We both made the decision to adopt her and we told you it would be permanent, remember?
It was a traumatic experience for both of them, and hadn't she felt ill the first time she went back?
Pretty sure those are both in the um, mortal … world, Deidre said.
We could both use a drink, I think.
She wanted both, but she wasn't ready for what she suspected one meant.
We both did, just in case.
I'll bring them both back.
How were they both Gabriel's mates?
He was distracted by the feel of both after so long with nothing but stone walls beneath his fingertips.
She protested until the cops came and took them both to a police station.
Frustrated, Katie looked both directions down the pristine, eerily quiet hallway before following the kid toward the far end, where a bright red exit sign hung over the door.
She paused near the end and turned back to see both Officer David and the woman watching her with disapproving looks and crossed arms.
She went to the kitchen and made him a cup in silence, glancing at him a few times as he propped his head up with both his hands.
They were different men with different purposes, yet both honorable to the core.
She flipped both hands front and back and looked at the blood-soaked towel and the sleeve of her sweater.
Her hands both worked.
Kris felt the intent gazes of both of his deputies, who left the obvious unvoiced.
I didn't want to go to school today and stayed home but we're out of marshmallows and Gabriel doesn't have any money so I told him that we could ask you to pick up more marshmallows because we both really like them.
Just like their four-hour trip to the spa, the wardrobe Hannah bought Toby, the jewelry they both wore.
Beyond the main room were two hallways, also packed, and opened doors along both where men and women circulated.
He snatched both hands in one of his, balancing her with his body as he placed his other hand against her forehead.
Did humans understand both their universal significance and their individual insignificance?
He wanted to keep Sasha talking, to find out what it was about this woman that was so special that both Sasha and Kris wanted her.
As she emerged, both of them jumped back as Rhyn smashed into his cell.
She kicked the robed man, and both launched themselves at the amulet.
He eased into the chair across from her and poured them both tea as she dialed.
She felt both awed and terrified watching his rippling, shapely muscles move beneath the olive skin.
We are both complex creatures.
He sentenced both brothers to Hell for eternity.
He's pissed and wants us both back.
She played them against each other and betrayed them both to Sasha.
Katie couldn't help but pity the woman; it was her fault they were both there.
Both were outwardly calm, though tense enough that a hair landing on their arms would make them snap.
The familiar warmth, his intensity -- both lit her blood afire, and she couldn't help but imagine what his hot, talented tongue could do to other parts of her body.
We both want something.
Molly offered her a food and water cube, both of which lessened the pain throbbing through her.
His gaze drifted again to the woman whose pale features made him feel both proud and worried.
They both knew it.
Furious and terrified, Katie planted both her hands on his arm to push it away with no success.
Break the bond, and Death will save you both.
Break the bond, and Death will free you both.
Sasha looked over her, uninterested, and both her hands went to her throat at the memory of what he.d done to her in Hell.
Good. both growing on me.
He might even get rid of both of them!
She looked up to find both hideous beasts staring at her, drooling.
Both inched toward her, the inhuman growling filling the hall.
Ully helped her up, and they both eyed Sasha as the Dark One.s servant approached.
The only two people she cared about in this godforsaken world were both fighting for their lives.
Means I can play in both worlds, unlike you.
We were both inmates in his zoo in Hell long enough to know how charming he was.
At Sasha.s voice, they both turned.
Sasha.s gaze took them both in, his eyes settling on her bandaged arm before he forced himself to look at Toby.
Both of them looked at Katie, and Kris pursed his lips.
I saw what they both were.
Lilith had been intended for Kris and was pregnant with his son when Rhyn killed her and the baby both. both the brightest and dumbest man ever met.
I want my revenge against Sasha and Kris both, but there are innocent people there.
And then, the both of them would be gone.
We.ll both be … happy.
Now he understood Rhyn.s powerful motivator, and he was both impressed and horrified.
She drew near, both hopeful and dreading what he intended to do.
He brought them both with him.
Death ordered both dead-dead.
He dropped to his knees, unable to battle both influences for his balance.
Stunned, Kiera tried to figure out what to say as they both looked expectantly at her.
I want to be with him, and we think it'll be better for us both in his home.
They both turned at the soft voice.
I have the feeling we'll both stick out.
The odd energy flowing between them held them both in silence for a long moment before he spoke.
He didn't doubt that once she reached her new home and his sisters reminded her how to act, she would be both exquisite and tame.
Warriors were known for their patience and control, but he sensed this woman would test both.
Both hands rested in her lap as she studied it for two full rotations.
Nishani followed and gripped his forearm with both of her small, soft hands.
Her unusually swift stride outdistanced both of them.
She and Talal both turned as he approached.
Yet both must be done.
You cannot have both, uncle.
There is not time for both.
She suspected both meeting the clan heads and the announcement to be big deals for a people with such rigid traditions, but A'Ran looked as if he were discussing the whereabouts of her translator.
She greeted the room full of people with apprehension, her interaction with his sisters with pleasure, her introduction to the clan leaders and her position of master battle planner with both excitement and awe.
She drew a deep breath, cleared her throat, and asked, "I can't do both?"
Beyond a nearby mountain range, lights and explosions lit up both the sky and the air between earth and sky.
Mansr and Leyon both stared at her, and she rubbed her face.
Both surprised and horrified, she snatched the broom she'd left leaning against the counter.
Kiera's heart still did somersaults, and she felt both doubtful Evelyn would follow through and ecstatic at the prospect.
You both must agree to the terms you made, and I will agree on behalf of the Council.
The phone rang twice while he worked, both times answered by Fred who sounded as if he was booking another guest.
Both Deans agreed the letters were polite but of zero historical interest and strangely unloving.
Both Fred and Cynthia looked over Dean's shoulder and agreed.
And he'll kill both of us if we go back to him.
Cynthia spoke in a consoling tone as both women rose.
Dean knew both statements were correct.
Further speculation ended as they both drifted back to sleep.
Both had matched missing buttons on their worn winter coats.
Dean was pleased, for both of the children.
And we both know if Shipton is a beater, chances are good she'll just keep on taking it, until he kills her or gets what he wants.
They both agreed to let the situation take its course now that Weller was involved.
Both agreed the less said, the better.
He treated both boys equally—like they were a couple of pansies in his mind.
After a few moments of mutual silence, both men rose and returned to their rooms.
Both he and the boy had their skis off.
Bergschrunds, couloirs, moats and seracs peppered conversations—animated tales of past ascents of both ice and stone.
They both looked up as he continued.
Cynthia gave them both a cautious look but after explaining in detail what needed to be done, she agreed to let the surrogate cooking team give it a try.
When they returned later, Donald Ryland was with them, chatting amicably with both of them.
Both agreed they hadn't seen the last of Jerome Shipton.
He pulled out a pair of spiked apparatuses, with lengthy teeth extending both down and forward.
The heavy leather rig appeared designed to span both waist and upper thigh.
By the time he'd brewed them both a cup of Earl Grey tea and rejoined Cynthia at the kitchen table, she had finished yet another paragraph.
I saw them Wednesday last when I went to Dr. Rowan's for my weekly examination and both were ill from the mountain cold and drafty quarters.
Lack of a full night's sleep had put both Deans in less than top form as they readied breakfast.
Both men were well aware this was tantamount to a brush-off.