Botanist Sentence Examples
His father, Frederick Brooke Westcott, was a botanist of some distinction.
Another brother, Gotthilf Henry Ernest Muhlenberg (1753-1815), was a prominent Lutheran clergyman, and was pastor of a church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, from 1779 to his death; but he is best known as a botanist, and published Catalogus plantarum Americae septentrionalis (1813) and Descriptio uberior graminum et plantarum calamariarum Americae septentrionalis indignarum et circurum (1817).
C. Williamson (best known as a botanist) in Pritchard's Infusoria, in 1861.
But even in these districts the botanist and the geographer can easily distinguish between the chern or thick forest of the Altai and the taiga of East Siberia.
Jean Gesner (1709-1790), a Swiss physician and botanist, states that at the end of the 18th century there were 1600 botanic gardens in Europe.
The task of the palaeontologist thus begins with the appearance of life on the globe, and ends in close relation to the studies of the archaeologist and historian as well as of the zoologist and botanist.
He has moreover elaborated a method for preserving Rotif era for microscopic observation, so that the types of each observer are now as readily available for comparison as the plant-specimens of the botanist's herbarium.
According to Roxburgh, the great Indian botanist, the cultivated rice with all its numerous varieties has originated from a wild plant, called in India Newaree or Nivara, which is indigenous on the borders of lakes in the Circars and elsewhere in India, and is also native in tropical Australia.
He had conspicuous defects both in spirit and intellect, but was benevolent and philanthropic. He was a successful botanist.
Though Sumatra is separated from Java by so narrow a strait, both the zoologist and the botanist at once find that they have broken new ground on crossing to the northern island.
AdvertisementHe accordingly matriculated there on the 5th of November 158r, and immediately entered upon attendance at the lectures of the celebrated physician and botanist, Andrea Cesalpino.
Caesalpinus was the most distinguished botanist of his time.
By 1856 the circle has grown to include the American botanist, Asa Gray.
Synopsis Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker is remembered as an eminent Victorian botanist and traveler, and one of Charles Darwin's closest collaborators.
Peter has a degree in Fine Art and is a keen amateur botanist with a wide knowledge of wildlife and geography.
AdvertisementHere we meet the 19th-century german botanist Georg August Schweinfurth, the first European to encounter pygmies.
And the botanist who finds that the apple falls because the cellular tissue decays and so forth is equally right with the child who stands under the tree and says the apple fell because he wanted to eat it and prayed for it.
It's a good idea to take a class from a professional botanist or herbalist who can train you in the science of plant and berry identification.
He is clearly a botanist and is collecting samples of earth fauna when we first meet him.
Keiko O'Brien - The botanist turned school teacher moved to DS9 with her husband Chief Miles O'Brien.
AdvertisementHaving been educated by Richard Weston, a Leicester botanist, he published in 1793 a treatise, Lessons Astronomical and Philosophical.
Among the other writers previous to the Revolution mention must be made of John Ray the botanist and of John Evelyn, both men of great talent and research, whose works are still in high estimation.
Mill was an enthusiastic botanist all his life long, and a frequent contributor of notes and short papers to the Phytologist.
In 1849 Stephen Ladislaus Endlicher (1804-1849), better known as a botanist than as a historian, published a collection of documents, Rerum hungaricarum monumenta Arpadiana.
Some of these are doubtless such as no botanist, with adequate material for forming an opinion, would accept; but, after making the necessary deductions for actual mistakes and misstatements, there still remains a large number upon which legitimate differences of opinion prevail.
AdvertisementRobert Brown (1773-1858) was the first British botanist to support and advocate the natural system of classification.
Phyletic gaps began to be filled in this general way, however, by discovery, especially through remarkable 1 The Dutch botanist, De Vries, has employed the term in another sense, to mean a slight jump or saltation.
The duke died soon after landing, and Sloane's visit lasted only fifteen months; but during that time he got together about Boo new species of plants, the island being virgin ground to the botanist.
The ascent of the Cameroon mountain was first attempted by Joseph Merrick of the Baptist Missionary Society in 1847; but it was not till 186r that the summit was gained, when the ascent was made by Sir Richard Burton, Gustav Mann, a noted botanist, and Senor Calvo.
One of the most important discoveries made during the latter part of the 19th century was that by Ikeno, a Japanese botanist, who first demonstrated the existence of motile male cells in the genus Cycas.
The discovery by the Japanese botanist 'Erase of the development of ciliated spermatozoids in the pollen-tube of Ginkgo, in place of the non-motile male cells of typical conifers, served as a cogent argument in favour of separating the genus from the Coniferales and placing it in a class of its own.
In modern scientific literature the principal Servian names are those of the electrician Nicholas Tesla, the botanist Dr Josif Panchich, and the geologists Dr Yovan Zhuyevich and Dr Yovan Tsviyich (Cynic).
The remains of the plants of former periods, which have come down to us in the fossilized state, are almost always fragmentary, and often imperfectly preserved; but their investigation is of the utmost importance to the botanist, as affording the only direct evidence of the past history of vegetable organisms. Since the publication of the Origin of Species the general acceptance of the doctrine of evolution has given a vastly increased significance to palaeontological data.
One of the highest profile objectors to wind farms is Dr. David Bellamy, the internationally known botanist and environmental campaigner.
This plant was discovered by Irish botanist H C Hart in 1887 while on his honeymoon.
The site was developed by the botanist Osgood Mackenzie from 1862 until his death in 1922.
Francis ' son, Richard, a keen botanist, was made Chairman in 1935.
The building which houses the CEB is named after Kew's most famous economic botanist, Sir Joseph Banks.
He was well known as a field botanist but had spent most of his academic life as a physical and industrial chemist.
The Center is situated in the Daniel Rutherford Building, named after the great 18th century botanist, who was an Edinburgh graduate.
Join David's wild bunch TV botanist David Bellamy knows just where to go for a really wild holiday.
He was, however, best known as a learned and indefatigable botanist, especially in medical botany.
Flowers and fashion Botanist Sandy Knapp and fashion photographer Nick Knight explore the merging of nature and fashion in the beauty of flowers.
Whether you are a botanist, a nature lover, a tourist or simply our welcome visitor, we have a garden for you.
In 1850 German botanist William Hillebrand purchased five acres of land from Queen Kalama and planted the trees now towering in its center.
An allied genus Zannichellia (named after Zanichelli, a Venetian botanist), occurring in fresh and brackish ditches and.
Fernald, a botanist of Harvard University, published a paper in Rhodora, vol.
A botanist notices that the bee flying with the pollen of a male flower to a pistil fertilizes the latter, and sees in this the purpose of the bee's existence.
The route lay by Jibla, passing the foot of the lofty Jebel Sorak, where, in spite of illness, Forskal, the botanist of the party, was able to make a last excursion; a few days later he died at Yarim.
In 1792, Carey, a Baptist, who was not only a cobbler, but a linguist of the highest order, a botanist and zoologist, published his Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens, and the book marks a distinct point of departure in the history of Christianity.
The botanist Jungermann had plant houses at Altdorf in Switzerland; those of Loader, a London merchant, and the conservatory in the Apothecaries' Botanic Garden at Chelsea, were among the first structures of the kind erected in British gardens.
Wallace was married in 1866 to the eldest daughter of the botanist, Mr William Mitten, of Hurstpierpoint, Sussex.
It was the English botanist Robert Brown who first recognized this important distinguishing feature in conifers and cycads in 1825; he established the gymnospermy of these seed-bearing classes as distinct from the angiospermy of the monocotyledons and dicotyledons.
The eminent botanist and chemist, Dr William Jameson (1796-1872), was a member of its faculty for many years.
Professor Higgins (51) studied at the Royal College of Music before becoming a botanist.
The public buildings include the town hall, a fine and commodious house on the site of the old tolbooth; the Falconer museum, containing among other exhibits several valuable fossils, and named after Dr Hugh Falconer (1808-1865), the distinguished palaeontologist and botanist, a native of the town; the mechanics' institute; the agricultural and market hall; Leanchoil hospital and Anderson's Institution for poor boys.
The leaves were submitted to Dr Wallich, government botanist at Calcutta, who pronounced them to belong to a species of Camellia, and no result followed on Mr Scott's communication.
Martin Frederik Arendt (1773-1823), the botanist and archaeologist, did much for the study of old Scandinavian records.
In Joachim Frederik Schouw (1789-1852), Denmark produced a very eminent botanist, author of an exhaustive Geography of Plants.
On the paramos of Chimborazo, Pichincha, Iliniza, &c., the relation of characteristic genera to those identical with genera in the Alpine flora of Europe is as 5 to 4; and the botanist might almost suppose himself in the Upper Engadine.
The botanist Clusius (Charles de l'Escluse or Lecluse, 1526-1609) first cultivated it at Vienna from a root received from Asia Minor in 1574, and distributed it to other botanists in central and western Europe, and it was probably introduced into England about 1596 by the herbalist Gerard.
The ranks of scientists include the cosmographer Pedro Nunes (Nonius), a famous mathematician, and the botanist Garcia da Orta, whose Colloquios dos simples e drogas was the first book to be printed in the East (1563), while the form of Aristotelian scholastic philosophy known as Philosophia conimbricensis had a succession of learned exponents.
John Cleveland, the Royalist poet, was born at Loughborough in 1613, John Howe the painter in 1630 and Richard Pulteney the botanist in 1730.
The Berlin herbarium is especially rich in more recent collections, and other national herbaria sufficiently extensive to subserve the requirements of the systematic botanist exist at St Petersburg, Vienna, Leiden, Stockholm, Upsala, Copenhagen and Florence.
Anatomy and the study of animal mechanism, animal physics and animal chemistry, all of which form part of a true zoology, were excluded from the usual definition of the word by the mere accident that the zoologist had his museum but not his garden of living specimens as the botanist had; 1 and, whilst the zoologist was thus deprived of the means of anatomical and physiological study - only later supplied by the method of preserving animal bodies in alcohol - the demands of medicine for a knowledge of the structure of the human animal brought into existence a separate and special study of human anatomy and physiology.
But the first real important work was undertaken by the Swedish naturalist, Georg Wahlenberg (1780-1851), who in 1813 explored the central Carpathians as a botanist, but afterwards also made topographical and geological studies of the system.
A " circular system " was advocated by the eminent botanist Fries, and the views of Macleay met with the partial approbation of the celebrated entomologist Kirby, while at least as much may be said of the imaginative Oken, whose mysticism far surpassed that of the Quinarians.