Borne-out Sentence Examples
The authenticity of this effigy is fairly well borne out by what is known of him from other sources.
The justice of Gerson's protest was borne out by events.
The differences asserted by later writers are not borne out on investigation.
The two governments frequently discussed the situation, but although they had agreed to a selfdenying ordinance whereby each bound itself not to occupy any part of Albanian territory, Austrias declarations and promises were hardly borne out by the activity of her agents in the Balkans.
The few records during the middle ages are borne out by what is known of famines and pestilence.
Various charges had been brought against him by his enemies, among them that of illiteracy, the truth of which is borne out by the crudeness of his style, and is fully admitted by the writer himself.
This is fully borne out by the experiments of Julius Thomsen, who found that the heat of neutralization of one gramme-molecule of a strong base by an equivalent quantity of a strong acid was nearly constant, and equal to 13,700 or 13,800 calories.
Van Buren was not an orator, but... the oft-repeated charge that he refrained from declaring himself on crucial questions is hardly borne out by an examination of his senatorial career.
The description is generally borne out by the evidence of the tombs opened in the Scythic area.
Ramsay; and it is borne out by the Armenian name Kermanig, which has been given to the place since at least the 12th century.
AdvertisementIt may appear a somewhat exaggerated assertion that glass was used for more purposes, and in one sense more extensively, by the Romans of the imperial period than by ourselves in the present day; but it is one which can be borne out by evidence.
This view of the distinction seems to be borne out by the division of the work of Tacitus into the Historiae, relating the events of his own time, and the Annales, containing the history of earlier periods.
We can only conclude that it depends on wave form, a conclusion fully borne out by investigation.
These traditions, in some measure borne out by linguistic evidence of names, point to the immigration of detachments of a widespread race speaking a common language, which is represented by the Aztec, still a spoken language in Mexico.
Needless to say this faint hope was not borne out by results.
AdvertisementThe first view seems to be borne out by the language of contemporary chroniclers.
In the great majority of cases there can be no doubt whatever whether a piece first saw the light in Mecca or in Medina; and for the most part the internal evidence is borne out by Moslem tradition.
The Bagirmese proper are a vigorous, well-formed race of NegroidArab blood, who, according to their own traditions, came from the eastward several centuries ago, a tradition borne out by their language, which resembles those spoken on the White Nile.
Prof. Kayser suggests that there was also a Pacific basin more extensive than at present; this is borne out by the similarity between the Cambrian faunas of China, Siberia and Argentina.
This view is borne out by the experience in hospitals and with " contacts," which goes to show that with reasonable care and under fair conditions the risk of infection from ordinary plague patients is very small.
AdvertisementThe appeal of Wolf to the " voice of all antiquity " is by no means borne out by the different statements on the subject.
His argument, however, rests on an assumption which we are apt to bring with us to the reading of the Iliad, but which is not borne out by its language, viz.
It has been suggested that it was really Cornelius, not Helvius Cinna, who was slain at Caesar's funeral, but this is not borne out by the authorities.
This view, however, is not borne out by a comparison of the two chapters, for four of the cases mentioned in chap. xviii.
The statements here advanced are borne out by the fact that the wings of insects, bats and birds may be materially reduced without impairing their powers of flight.
AdvertisementThis is in a measure borne out by the movement of population in the districts classed as purely rural in 1901.
Neither the theory of infallible inspiration, with its assertion of absolute uniformity in the New Testament, nor Baur's criticism, with its assertion of irreconcilable antagonisms, is borne out by facts, The New Testament is many-sided, but it has a predominant spiritual unity.
This is further borne out by the percentages given in the above table, from which it will be seen that the greatest proportional decrease of population has occurred in the two provinces of Munster and Connaught, which may be regarded as almost purely agricultural.
The statement is on the whole borne out by the few Lydian, Mysian and Carian words that have been preserved, as well as by the general character of the civilization prevailing among the three nations.
This second theory is, however, not borne out by any Roman historical record.
In some cases, as in the vine-family Ampelidaceae, this seems to be the ordinary mode of development, but the superposition of the stamens on the sepals in many plants, as in the pink family, Caryophyllaceae, is due to the suppression or abortion of the whorl of petals, and this idea is borne out by the development, in some plants of the order, of the suppressed whorl.
This comparison is borne out by an examination of the flower of the double-flowering cherry.
There is a subjective sensation of mental brilliance, but, as in other cases, this is not borne out by the objective results.
Also, the general case for more violent atmospheric circulation globally is not borne out by palaeo-climate data.
Van Buren was not an orator, but his more important speeches show careful preparation and his opinions carried weight; and the oft-repeated charge that he refrained from declaring himself on crucial questions is hardly borne out by an examination of his senatorial career.
It was mainly the opposition to the Homoousios, as a formula open to heretical misinterpretation, and not borne out by Holy Writ, which kept together the large party known as Semiarians, who under the leadership of the two Eusebiuses carried on the strife against the Nicenes and especially Athanasius.
This has been well borne out by the experience of the shop stewards ' movement.
It is one of the 12-step fellowships borne out of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
The competitive benefits of the VGLI program are borne out by the fact that more than 98% of the armed forces service members have opted to purchase this coverage over commercially-available life insurance.
This Indo - Aryan origin for the Australian blackfellows is borne out by their physique.
The main points in the general conclusions of these chapters have been borne out by subsequent research.
On the other hand, the opinion of Cardinal Pitra, who referred the Physiologus to the more orthodox though somewhat peculiar teaching of the Alexandrians, is fully borne out by a close examination of the irregularities of doctrine pointed out in the Physiologus by Cahier, all which are to be met with in Origen.
Whatever " method " of economic investigation we employ, we must at every stage see how far our reasoning is borne out by the actual experience of life.
He had with consummate ability exposed the terrors of 2 This is borne out by the register of his birth and baptism, and by words in his last letter to his wife, - "I die at thirty-four."
There is evidence to show that the arrangement for this " publishing of Truth" rested mainly with Fox, and that the expenses of it and of the foreign missions were borne out of a common fund.