Boreholes Sentence Examples
Hence it arises that, in sand formations, only shallow wells or small boreholes are commonly found.
Its full capacity has not been ascertained; it much exceeds the present pumping power, and is probably greater than that of any other single well unassisted by adits or boreholes.
Pumps, however, may be (and have been) placed deep down in boreholes, so that water may be pumped from much greater depths.
By this means the head of pressure in the boreholes tending to hold the water back in the rock is reduced, and the supply consequently increased; but when the cost of maintenance is included, the increased supply from the adoption of this method rarely justifies expectations.
When the water has been drawn down by pumping to a lower level its passage through the sandstone or chalk in the neighbourhood of the borehole is further resisted by the smaller length of borehole below the water; and there are many instances in which repeated lowering and increased pumping, both from wells and boreholes, have had the result of reducing the water available, after a few years, nearly to the original quantity.
In addition to boreholes, the Crossrail team is also using geophysics to study the ground conditions.
The site has two boreholes from which water is drawn from the chalk strata below.
The Dwyka Conglomerate forms a narrow outcrop in the north-west, and is known from boreholes to extend over large areas beneath the Ecca Shales and to rest directly on rocks of older age.
Over the Karroo and other arid regions some io,000 boreholes had been sunk to depths varying from 50 to 500 ft., their yield being 60,000,000 gallons a year.
With the exception of the Red Marls forming the upper part of the Keuper, most of the New Red Sandstone is permeable, and some parts contain, when saturated, even more water than solid chalk; but, just as in the case of the chalk, a well or borehole in the sandstone yields very little water unless it strikes a fissure; hence, in New Red Sandstone, also, it is a common thing to form underground chambers or adits in search of additional fissures, and sometimes to sink many vertical boreholes with the same object in view.
AdvertisementThe geothermal system includes a ground-loop heat exchanger comprised of 32 boreholes drilled 195 feet in depth.
Working together, villagers cleaned and fenced nine boreholes, cleared and opened drainage areas, and constructed new household pit latrines.