Boolean Sentence Examples
As well as allowing you to choose a Boolean search term, Internet search engines use implied Boolean operators.
Boolean contains (Object attrVal) Determines whether a value is in this attribute.
The value of this option is a simple Boolean.
Boolean isEmpty () Returns true if this collection contains no elements.
Boolean equals( Object obj) Determines whether two points are equal.
Boolean algebra is the algebra that describes the simple properties of a single distinction.
Boolean operators can also be used in keyword searches.
Excite requires quotation marks to indicate a phrase search, otherwise they are linked by the Boolean operator OR.
Boolean operators such as quotation marks will help you cut down on unhelpful results.
Boolean intersects (Rectangle2D r) Tests if the shape intersects the interior of a specified Rectangle2D.
AdvertisementBoolean implies (Permission p) This method always returns false for unresolved permissions.
Boolean add (Object o) Appends the specified element to the end of this Vector.
For example, RUDI currently uses the ' Netscape Verity ' search engine which allows full text Boolean searching.
Method summary Boolean equals (Object obj) Checks two UnresolvedPermission objects for equality.
Method Detail isEmpty public boolean isEmpty () Reports whether we have an empty Dom.
AdvertisementMethod Detail equals public Boolean equals (Object other) Compares this CRL for equals public Boolean equals (Object other) Compares this CRL for equality with the given object.
Boolean OR Search vacation London OR Paris Google search supports the Boolean I operator.
Two optional boolean qualifiers determine whether the object and listing files are to be generated.
Just make the boolean member bold of the record true.
Boolean equals (Object obj) Compares two remote objects for equality.
AdvertisementThe Boolean class wraps a value of the primitive type boolean in an object.
Boolean isAlphaPremultiplied specifies how to interpret color and alpha samples in pixel values.