Book Sentence Examples
A coloring book and crayons kept her busy while they worked and talked.
He put the book down and slowly stood.
This book is unusual for two reasons.
A large green book caught her attention.
A good book would sometimes cost as much as a good house.
This book is about that future and what it is going to look like—how it will be a place glorious and spectacular beyond our wildest hopes.
I was permitted to spend a part of each day in the Institution library, and to wander from bookcase to bookcase, and take down whatever book my fingers lighted upon.
Every book you read.
This book is a call to action, not complacency.
If someone writes a book in one country, does another country enforce the copyright within its borders?
AdvertisementThis primer was his only book, and he loved it.
I'll tell you what's going on; he read about this place in a book, maybe a long time ago, and now he's dreaming about it.
If my reasoning stopped there, you would probably start fishing around for the receipt for this book and read up on your bookseller's return policy.
Han opened his book again, jaw clenched.
Though the world foreseen in this book may seem far away to you, I believe it will be achieved—and once achieved, that it will grow in stability over time.
AdvertisementAt dinner the conversation did not cease for a moment and seemed to consist of the contents of a book of funny anecdotes.
Nicholas put down the book and looked at his wife.
She glanced at the book in her lap.
I make the predictions in this book not to be sensational or controversial.
One man proposed a book in which visitors should write their names, as at the White Mountains; but, alas!
AdvertisementShe turned to go, but he stopped her with a gesture and took an uncut book from the high desk.
Walk-ins are welcome, or reservations can be made to book a banquet.
She leaped from her bed, the book falling to the floor unnoticed.
Cynthia closed the book and gazed out the window.
He pushed her a book and opened it.
AdvertisementShe is the one from Surry and her name is listed as Elizabeth in the phone book but they call her Betty, or Becky or some foolish diminutive.
He pushed the small book around then opened it.
No book is worth reading that does not make you better or wiser.
She put down the geometry book and eagerly broke the seal of her letter.
He was pretending to read a book, though she suspected he'd been emplaced as her bodyguard.
I couldn't find nothing on Josh without a last name, but Ed Plotke was in the phone book for six years between 1956 and 1962.
The libraries that existed, such as the one at Alexandria, contained reading rooms because when you read a book, you read it aloud.
She often reads for two or three hours in succession, and then lays aside her book reluctantly.
It is not necessary that a child should understand every word in a book before he can read with pleasure and profit.
This became a difficult task, as her publishers in Philadelphia had retired from business many years ago; however, it was eventually discovered that her residence is at Wilmington, Delaware, and copies of the second edition of the book, 1889, were obtained from her.
Pierre reaching the house first went into Prince Andrew's study like one quite at home, and from habit immediately lay down on the sofa, took from the shelf the first book that came to his hand (it was Caesar's Commentaries), and resting on his elbow, began reading it in the middle.
Read the mystical book I am sending you; it has an enormous success here.
Though there are things in it difficult for the feeble human mind to grasp, it is an admirable book which calms and elevates the soul.
Princess Mary took a book and began reading.
And suddenly I saw him lying like a dead body; then he gradually recovered and went with me into my study carrying a large book of sheets of drawing paper; I said, "I drew that," and he answered by bowing his head.
He pointed to his manuscript book with that air of escaping from the ills of life with which unhappy people look at their work.
In the second drawer she found a check book with duplicates.
This book began with the assertion that it is the optimists who get things done.
I took the book in my hands and tried to feel the letters with an intensity of longing that I can never forget.
Later I read the book again in French, and I found that, in spite of the vivid word-pictures, and the wonderful mastery of language, I liked it no better.
I and teacher did go to church sunday mr. lane did read in book and talk Lady did play organ.
I have been reading in my book about astronomers.
What was the book you sent me for my birthday?
By signs she made me understand that she wished another story, and I gave her a book containing very short stories, written in the most elementary style.
The book exists for us, perchance, which will explain our miracles and reveal new ones.
On coming home, while his valets were still taking off his things, he picked up a book and began to read.
After admitting the doctor, Princess Mary sat down with a book in the drawing room near the door through which she could hear all that passed in the study.
I flipped to the final pages of the composition book, hoping for the latest entries.
She selected the address book on the phone.
A quick search of the Montrose phone book surprisingly found a listing that seemed to be what he was seeking.
They were too busy knocking on Fred's door before he'd even risen to book their reservations for Cyberville.
She closed the book.
And every day since you showed me the book, he has given me a lesson.
Many technological problems I don't address in this book, but I believe technology will provide solutions for those also.
But I love "The Jungle Book" and "Wild Animals I Have Known."
There is something impressive, awful, in the simplicity and terrible directness of the book of Esther.
I read pretty stories in the book you sent me, about Charles and his boat, and Arthur and his dream, and Rosa and the sheep.
I already have the seventh and eighth books of the "Aeneid" and one book of the "Iliad," all of which is most fortunate, as I have come almost to the end of my embossed text-books.
The ordinary embossed book is made with roman letters, both small letters and capitals.
When I asked her about it in the morning, she said, "Book--cry," and completed her meaning by shaking and other signs of fear.
He led him to the desk, raised the lid, drew out a drawer, and took out an exercise book filled with his bold, tall, close handwriting.
Next morning when the valet came into the room with his coffee, Pierre was lying asleep on the ottoman with an open book in his hand.
She did not venture to ask any questions, and shut the door again, now sitting down in her easy chair, now taking her prayer book, now kneeling before the icon stand.
Now and then his attention wandered from the book and the Square and he formed in imagination a new plan of life.
Lisa retrieved the book from her room and decided to go read out on the patio.
But the five phenomena I chose to tackle in this book are among the great blights on humanity that I believe the Internet and technology will help solve.
In fact, the book could survive for centuries, as could new perfect copies of the book, and thus the ideas could be distributed.
Miss Sullivan had never heard of "The Frost Fairies" or of the book in which it was published.
I did read in my book about fox and box. fox can sit in the box.
As I had never read this story, or even heard of the book, I inquired of Helen if she knew anything about the matter, and found she did not.
The servant handed him a book which Pierre took to be a devotional work, and the traveler became absorbed in it.
All at once the stranger closed the book, putting in a marker, and again, leaning with his arms on the back of the sofa, sat in his former position with his eyes shut.
She had always been a recluse at heart, often declining a social outing with her friends so that she could be alone with a book or her writing.
Giddon immediately became absorbed in a book, and Sarah worked on a sweater she was crocheting.
She sat on her bed, cross-legged, a book in her lap.
She only brought one book from home.
You afraid they'll toss the book at you?
She was off to the library to meet with a book club; she commented that her heart wasn't in it with Martha still missing.
After fumbling in her pocket, she found a book of matches and lit the cigarette she had stuck behind her ear.
Gabriel left for the Caribbean Sanctuary, where the book possessed by a long dead Oracle was busy scribbling notes about the Present.
And where was that book?
He tugged the Book of the Damned from beneath a pillow.
He opened his book and began reading.
Each book was written with a pen or a brush.
They admired the book very much, for they had never seen anything like it.
Now I have a mind to give this book to one of you
Every time you buy a book from Amazon, its employees use your data—information about what you did on their site in the privacy of your own home—to try to sell other people more products.
If my reasoning elsewhere in this book is correct, we are moving toward a future where there will be nothing but healthy, well-developed, rich countries with modern infrastructure.
But this is merely a footnote, an asterisk in the record book of humanity.
The word kumbaya appears in this book only once, and you just saw it.
In the 1968 book The Lessons of History, Will and Ariel Durant calculated that, "In the last 3,421 years of recorded history only 268 have seen no war."
I called him Black Beauty, as I had just read the book, and he resembled his namesake in every way, from his glossy black coat to the white star on his forehead.
At first I had only a few books in raised print--"readers" for beginners, a collection of stories for children, and a book about the earth called "Our World."
The first book that gave me any real sense of the value of history was Swinton's "World History," which I received on my thirteenth birthday.
He had a book of his poems in raised print from which I read "In School Days."
Teacher told me about kind gentleman I shall be glad to read pretty story I do read stories in my book about tigers and lions and sheep.
I was very happy to receive pretty book and nice candy and two letters from you.
But I haven't time to write all the pleasant things people said--they would make a very large book, and the kind things they did for us would fill another volume.
If you want to see a specific character, it is advisable to book according to your favorite cartoons.
Lisa started for her room to get a book to read and paused in the hallway to look at a photograph again.
Afterward he took a book from the shelf and retired to his room.
Julie maintained no Face Book or Twitter account, nor could Betsy locate her on any other social network sites.
One woman want's to write a book about it, but frankly, so might I one day.
She flipped through her address book, gaze settling on the Watcher's name.
The small book it hefted made its stooped posture almost double over.
Dean returned to Bird Song mid-morning, showered, and walked the three blocks to Diversions, a combination used book store, coffee shop, and local gathering place, on Sixth Street, a half block from Main.
He searched her face, reading it like a book.
Are the words so difficult to say or does your rule book say it's something perverted.
He motioned to the book.
Adamson tossed the book at the little twerp!
They've got a directory the size of the Philadelphia phone book.
They retired to the living room and he read a book while she knitted until bedtime.
He glanced up from his book and she tucked her knitting into the bag.
His instincts warned him that something about the book and the women was…wrong.
He found The Book of the Damned and fought with immortal ability and speed.
The book's ancient pages were so brittle, he feared they would crumble before he finished.
Knocking jarred him as he read, and he hid the book beneath a pillow before allowing Hilden's chosen messenger to enter.
Taran waved the grizzled man in and retreated to the bed, pulling the book free.
Hilden said nothing, his gaze dropping to the book.
Taran closed the book again, disturbed.
The book was where he left it in Rissa's chambers.
She focused on the book while Alex dressed in his pajamas.
The book was about all the different goat breeds and uses of the goat, beginning with a history of the goat.
Burke's speech was more instructive than any other book on a political subject that I had ever read.
I do read stories in my book about lions and tigers and bears.
To show how quickly she perceives and associates ideas, I will give an instance which all who have read the book will be able to appreciate.
The pages of the book she reads become to her like paintings, to which her imaginative powers give life and colour.
When she was twelve years old, she was asked what book she would take on a long railroad journey.
This book, her first mature experiment in writing, settles the question of her ability to write.
In the evening, sit by the fireplace with a book, sip coffee with friends and family or sit back in your room to enjoy the comfortable amenities.
He closed his book and placed it on the end table and rose lithely from the chair.
She lifted the book to replace it and he noticed the cover.
It was hunched over a book large enough to cover half the black stone desk at which it sat.
He motioned to the Oracle's book.
Stepping into the room, he took the book from a limp hand and placed it quietly on the night stand.
Carmen sat down beside his bed and pulled out the horse book she had been reading to him.
He compared the letters in the book to those on the hems of the garments.
Carmen flipped through the book to the part on kidding problems and scanned down the directions.
Alex was lounging on the couch, reading a book when she entered the house.
He laughed and tossed the book on the couch.
She focused on the dim light of her microcomputer acting as a page marker in the antique book on her nightstand.
My high school girl-boy-how-to book said I should be coy and turn down all last-minute dates.
That's like something they'd do in a book!
He's book smart and business savvy, but he's still a boy in some ways.
One day you'll be glad you have this in your scrap book.
In one book she found a list of things that could decrease fertility.
She shut the book, her face burning.
Her gaze left the book and sought his.
She sighed and put down the book.
She stared at the book in her hands, her face getting hot.
His attention returned to the book, but she could tell he wasn't reading.
After supper, Alex and Jonathan were sitting on the couch reading a book while she did the dishes.
Vaguely, she was aware when Alex lay the book aside and left Jonathan.
He replaced a stack of breeches into the trunk he pulled them from, only for a small book to fall out.
The woman not only had a book - -it was in the tongue of the land where he was born!
He placed the unsettling book on a table and crossed the chamber, watching the book as if it might decide to walk away on its own.
She froze as her hands reached for her book rather than the sword.
Her hand rested on the book.
She lifted the wooden cover before dropping her hand as if the book were hot enough to scald her.
Before the moment when she saw the book, she hadn't wanted to connect the spectral figure of her mind with the very real man before her.
I don't understand it, but the secret is in here, he said, presenting the book.
Taran accepted it, once again unsettled by the darkness clinging to the book.
Nothing but the crackle and soft light of the hearth disturbed the room, aside from the cold book in his hands.
Too restless to sleep, he tossed the pillow across the bed and snatched another, his gaze settling on the book.
He crossed the chamber and flipped the book over carefully.
The book was filled with disturbing sketched drawings of men and demons locked in combat.
She'd left the small book on her pillow.
He hunched over the book, rereading every passage, holding his breath as he turned each page.
Taran closed the door, intent on returning to the book.
Taran considered the old warrior, itching to return to the book.
Taran watched the door close and then opened the book where he left off, determined to find a way to help Tiyan's warlord.
Taran closed the book.
He set the book down, picked it up, then replaced it.
He flipped the book open again.
He retrieved the book and flung it away from him.
The warrior closed the door behind him, his gaze on the broken book.
But there's nothing in the book about what will save her?
He started down the hall then returned to the massive chamber, gathering the scattered pages of The Book of the Damned and placing them again in the wooden covers of the book.
The book's fate was to burn until not even ashes remained!
Clenching the book, he stepped into the familiar dungeon with its two small cells.
His eyes fell to the book.
According to the Book of the Damned, the demon would never release her while alive.
Fury filled her as she recalled her father gifting her the book, not long before she killed him.
This book will do what you cannot and break our curse.
She rose and staggered to the hearth, sagging to the floor again with the book clenched in her hands.
He squeezed her harder, and she opened her eyes, watching the forsaken book burn.
She picked up a book to read to them and rested her back against the wall.
Natalie shoved a thumb in her mouth and stared at the book.
When he sat down in his recliner, she brought him her favorite book.
Alex shared the hymn book with her, his deep rich voice strong and confident.
Carmen undressed and put on her nightgown while Alex went down to get a book from the library.
He handed her a book.
She picked the book up and read the title.
That's a strange book for your father to have in his library.
She lay the book down.
He retrieved the book and sat on the edge of the bed.
Alex stood and placed the book on her nightstand.
She stood and retrieved the book.
Later, after the children had gone to bed and they were enjoying a little time reading, he closed his book and looked at her.
The airplane trip to Arkansas seemed like an opportunity to catch up on reading, but his mind kept drifting away from the book.
He tried to focus on the book again, but after a few minutes something compelled him to look at her.
He closed the book and gazed out the window.
There was nothing to see at this altitude, but he wasn't seeing anything in the book anyway.
Each time she glanced his way, he turned back to his book.
She stared boldly at him as he read from the book in his lap.
She slammed the book shut and leaned back against the seat.
For the rest of the trip she read her book or gazed out the window.
The doors and windows securely closed and locked, she settled down on the bedroll to read a book.
Noting the page number, she snapped the book shut and turned off the light.
Retrieving her book from the bedroom, she leafed through it to the page number she had memorized.
After a restless half-hour, she set the book aside.
After a quick supper, she grabbed the herb book and stepped outside.
She closed the book and turned to the house.
The room was filled with dust and the wind whistled through the screens, ruffling the pages of her book as it lay on the floor.
Maybe you could write a book about the differences between men and women.
She glanced at the book in front of her, an idea forming in her mind.
She slammed the book shut and carried it to the shed, where she searched for something to mark a trail.
Collier preferred the version of the Book of Common Prayer issued in 1549, and regretted that certain practices and petitions there enjoined were omitted in later editions.
In 1718 was published a new Communion Office taken partly from Primitive Liturgies and partly from the first English Reformed Common Prayer Book,..
In other respects his book is derived almost entirely from Christie.
Coleridge wrote to Charles Lamb averring that the book must be his work.
But he was known as a humorist, and the public, which had learned to expect jokes from him, rejected this little book almost entirely.
Eventually he was able to prove that the biological doctrine of omnis cellula ecellula applies to pathological processes as well as to those of normal growth, and in his famous book on Cellular-pathologic, published at Berlin in 1858, he established what Lord Lister described as the "true and fertile doctrine that every morbid structure consists of cells which have been derived from pre-existing cells as a progeny."
The second book continues the history of his conquests, and the third contains the victory over Porus, the relations with the Brahmins, the letter to Aristotle on the wonders of India, the histories of Candace and the Amazons, the letter to Olympias on the marvels of Farther Asia, and lastly the account of Alexander's death in Babylon.
The publication of his best-known work, True Religion Delineated (1750), won for him a high reputation as a theologian, and the book was several times reprinted both in England and in America.
The vice of the book is excessive classification of bodily faculties, and over-subtlety in the discrimination of diseases.
His book on animals was translated by Michael Scot.
The earliest printed works in Albanian are those of the Catholic missionaries; the first book containing specimens of the language was the Dictionarium Latino-Epiroticum of Bianchi, printed in 1635.
M.) The same word is used in the anonymous prophecy incorporated in the book of Zachariah (xii.
The chief authority for Madame de Longueville's life is a little book in two volumes by Villefore the Jansenist, published in 1738.
The book of Haggai contains four short prophecies delivered between the first day of the sixth month and the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month - that is, between September and December - of the second year of Darius the king.
The characteristic features of the book are the importance assigned to the personality of Zerubbabel, who, though a living contemporary, is marked out as the Messiah; and the almost sacramental significance attached to the temple.
In the book of Zechariah Zerubbabel has already fallen into the background and the high priest is the leading figure of the Judean community.
To this consummation, with its necessary accompaniment in the extinction of prophecy, the book of Haggai already points.
Some genuine Sibylline verses are preserved in the Book of Marvels (IIepi oav,sautwv) of Phlegon of Tralles (2nd century A.D.).
He fully accepted the recognized teaching of the Church of England, and publicly appealed to the Prayer Book and the Thirty-nine Articles in justification of the doctrines he preached.
At the end of this book occurs the note-"I could find no more of this geometricall pairt amongst all his fragments."
The decimal point is, however, used systematically in the Constructio (1619), there being perhaps two hundred decimal points altogether in the book.
Encouraged by William IV., duke of Bavaria, he began to write the Annales Boiorum, about 1517, and finishing this book in 1521, undertook a German version of it, entitled Bayersche Chronik, which he completed some years later.
A great disappointment, his repulse for the mastership of Balliol, also in 1854, appears to have roused him into the completion of his book on The Epistles of St Paul.
Somewhat reluctantly it was accepted by Scottish Presbyterianism as a substitute for an older version with a greater variety of metre and music. "Old Hundred" and "Old 124th" mean the moth and 124th Psalms in that old book.
It adopted a confession of faith and a book of order or discipline.
The book of order, Discipline ecclesiastique des eglises reformees de France, regulated the organization and procedure of the churches.
Kant described it as "an irrefutable book."
He published in 1797 the important book Die Griechen and Romer, which was followed by the suggestive Geschichte der Poesie der Griechen and Romer (1798).
When the consolidation of the Dominion by means of railway construction was under discussion in 1872, Grant travelled from the Atlantic to the Pacific with the engineers who surveyed the route of the Canadian Pacific railway, and his book Ocean to Ocean (1873) was one of the first things that opened the eyes of Canadians to the value of the immense heritage they enjoyed.
Even in that book Hume is able to play with sceptical solutions.
Butler divests himself in this book .of the principles of " liberty " and " moral fitness " in which personally he believes.3 Part i.
Alfred Langdon Elwyn has edited Letters by Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Others, Written During and After the Revolution, to John Langdon of New Hampshire (Philadelphia, 1880), a book of great interest and value.
Perhaps his best book is the Interpretatio in Librum Psalmorum (1523), and he is also remembered as having helped Luther in his translation of the Bible.
To the same period belong the book of Micah, the earlier parts of the books of Samuel, of Isaiah and of Proverbs, and perhaps some Psalms. In 722 B.C. Samaria was taken and the Northern kingdom ceased to exist.
The main part of the book of Deuteronomy was "found" shortly before 621 B.C. and about the same time appeared the prophets Jeremiah and Zephaniah, and perhaps the book of Ruth.
In the Book of Jubilees he is called mastema.
One day when they were with their mother, she showed them a wonderful book that some rich friend had given her.
In this book, I maintain the future will be without ignorance, disease, hunger, poverty, and war, and I support those assertions with history, data, and reason.
I shall prize the little book always, not only for its own value; but because of its associations with you.
The book is Miss Keller's and is final proof of her independent power.
I can now tell her to bring me a large book or a small plate, to go upstairs slowly, to run fast and to walk quickly.
The other night when I went to bed, I found Helen sound asleep with a big book clasped tightly in her arms.
I told her that the book wasn't afraid, and must sleep in its case, and that "girl" mustn't read in bed.
When the sun got round to the window where she was sitting with her book, she got up impatiently and shut the window.
The large table covered with books and plans, the tall glass-fronted bookcases with keys in the locks, the high desk for writing while standing up, on which lay an open exercise book, and the lathe with tools laid ready to hand and shavings scattered around--all indicated continuous, varied, and orderly activity.
The book was the Gospel, and the white thing with the lamp inside was a human skull with its cavities and teeth.
He kept asking them to get him the book and put it under him.
He lowered the book.
Are you writing a book?
In her room, she stared blankly at her book.
That quiet walk home was her chance to relax - that and a good book.
She shoved the book back into its place and gave the shelf a last swipe, curbing her tongue as she dismounted the chair.
Vaguely she heard Cade close his book and cross the room.
Once she was certain Cade and his guests were comfortable, she retreated to her room with a book.
After supper he went to his room with a book.
Zamon nodded once, attention on the book.
He frowned at her then touched the book.
Before leaving the Beaumont, he looked at the recently published Ouray phone book.
A diet book was conspicuously in place on the kitchen counter.
He tapped the lectern on which the Oracle was busy writing in her book.
Pushing himself away from the book that would reveal nothing he sought, he went to the small, square window overlooking the stone structure of the Sanctuary.
Even the book was shutting him out.
Later that evening, Carmen was reading a book to Destiny and Jonathan was sprawled out on the window seat, reading a book about horses.
Jonathan gave him no argument, but he took the book with him.
I've got the check book.
Sometimes she brought a book and read to him, but most of the time she talked about the children, relatives and the animals.
He glanced up from the book he was reading and followed her gaze to the picture in her hand.
Her steady gaze brought a smile to his lips and he set the book aside.
The room of the Sanctuary where he materialized consisted of nothing more than a lectern holding a massive book possessed by a long-dead Oracle.
Sitting down with a book, she propped her feet up on the table and relaxed, calmed by the sounds of the ocean and the warm sun.
He flipped backwards in the book to the portion that no longer changed.
After all we've been through together the past few years, you should've been an open book.
There were six students around five-years-old and an older boy on the verge of puberty sitting around a beautiful blond, who was reading a book out loud.
What kind of children's book is this?
Hannah accepted the book and juice box.
Gabriel turned the pages of the Oracle's book, watching as words scribbled themselves across the parchment, updating a chain of events that changed with every decision made by the Council That Was Seven.
Only the long-dead Oracle possessing the book and the deities could see the Past, Present, and Future.
Words leapt from the pages to form hologram-like images dancing over the book.
Death smiled serenely and placed her small hand on the book.
Her human form was tiny enough that the Oracle's book reached her shoulder level.
Death closed the book and looked up at him.
She slid the Oracle's book carefully into a satchel and replaced it inside the altar before placing the hourglass in front of him.
Why does anyone have a code book?
My last book was over two-hundred thousand words!
So this isn't your first book?
Edward is saying the book is 'based on the life of Annie Quincy Martin' just so he can take some liberties with the inconsequential details that have been lost in time.
It's part of their permanent collection and I wasn't supposed to even take it out, but I'm sure if you explain about the book your brother is writing, they'll let you make a copy of it.
These were the first three characters used on the first page of the notebook and the combination appeared with regularity throughout the book.
And what about the book the Quincy brother is writing?
It don't look like either one needs the other's check book.
Are you going to translate the rest of the book?
I mean, we're buying her book like a best seller, chapter and verse.
Shipton is a son of a bitch in anyone's book.
He reached for the phone book.
Remember, she said her brother was writing a book about the family.
He was a married minister, preaching the good book on Sunday and raising a family all week.
He hadn't set eyes on the man since he'd decked him in front of his inn and that was fine in his book.
Dean picked up the hall phone, and resting the phone book on his lap began calling lodging establishments.
Tonight, I'm going to curl up with a book and wait for Connor to call.
Nothing, I'm going to take a bath then start my book.
She dropped her book and laughed.
She retrieved the book from the floor, along with all the other supplies.
She handed him the book and he followed her into the barn, flipping through the pages.
Alex tossed the book aside and stretched out beside her, following her gaze through the door.
I can't talk to you directly, or I am obligated to take you with me, Death's words appeared in the book.
The feeling of the angel's soft, cold hand in his own reminded Rhyn of the first thing he'd touched in Hell that hadn't been stone. Gabriel had brought him a book with a worn, leather-like cover, and he'd lost himself dwelling on the sensation of buttery leather under his fingertips after the hazy nightmare that had been his existence in Hell.
The full demon dropped the book in his hands and lurched to his feet.
Dean dutifully paused a few moments until Fred took off his glasses, slammed down the book on a table and said with a broad smile, I knew it!
We're not looking for stuff we can read in the phone book or the newspaper.
There's no listing in the Scranton phone book for this guy either!
He was resigned to quietly reading a book until Mrs. Porter the housekeeper showed up a day early, accommodating a family wedding, and Dean's peace began competing with the sounds of a vacuum cleaner and Mrs. Porter's radio music, even worse junk than Fred's usual selections.
He took a few moments to sign the guest book but didn't bother looking at the names before his.
Finally he put the book aside.
He rose and tossed the book away, wanting to distance his thoughts from the monsters that had condemned generation after generation of warlords with the beast.
I meant he thinks so much of you that he even bought a book so he could be knowledgeable about the subject when he talked to you.
Whilst Protestant opponents put him in the list of atheists like Vanini, and the Catholics held him as dangerous as Luther or Calvin, there were zealous adherents who ventured to prove the theory of vortices in harmony with the book of Genesis.
The first book also relates his conquests in Italy, Africa, Syria and Asia Minor; his return to Macedonia and the submission of Greece.
The Hebrew text of the book of Ezekiel is not in good condition - it is full of scribal inaccuracies and additions.
Shields (1825-1904), who afterwards entered the Protestant Episcopal Church, republished and urged the adoption of the Book of Common Prayer as amended by the Westminster Divines in the royal commission of 1661; and Henry Van Dyke was prominent in the latter stage of the movement for a liturgy.
Although there is evidence of Roman and Saxon occupation of the site, the earliest mention of Brighton (Bristelmeston, Brichelmestone, Brighthelmston) is the Domesday Book record that its three manors belonged to Earl Godwin and were held by William de Warenne.
His most extensive single work is a book on Sound, which, in the second edition, has become a treatise on vibrations in general.
In the tenth book of the Republic we find the curious argument that the soul does not perish like the body, because its characteristic evil, sin or wickedness does not kill it as the diseases of the body wear out the bodily life.
In the next session, November 1548-March 1549, he was a leading opponent of the first Act of Uniformity and Book of Common Prayer.
The enforcement of the first Book of Common Prayer had also been part of his official duties; and the fact that Bonner made no such protest against the burning of heretics as he had done in the former case shows that he found it the more congenial duty.