Boo Sentence Examples
Cambridge is built on a hill about Boo ft.
Oak was thus applied at a very early date; the shrine of Edward the Confessor, still existing in the abbey at Westminster, sound after the lapse of Boo years, is of dark-coloured oak-wood.
The Amur proper flows at first in a south-easterly direction for about Boo m., as far as long.
Its general elevation is between 2000 and 2500 ft.; on the north-west side of the range the country is table-land some boo to moo ft.
He was in the play, Boo!
This fortress has been abandoned, and the town, which is the centre of a group of villages, is now fairly prosperous, with a bazaar of about Boo shops and a busy traffic with Seistan.
His brother Domhnall (Donnell) was king of Ailech, a district in Donegal and Derry; the royal palace, the ruined masonry of which is still to be seen, being on the summit of a hill Boo ft.
At this stage it is necessary to notice the fresh invasion of Syria by Hadad (Adad)-nirari, who besieged Mari, king of Damascus, and exacted a heavy tribute (c. Boo B.C.).
In 1783, at Long Island, Boo slaves were at work, and nearly 4000 acres of land under cultivation.
The city remained in the hands of the English till 1558, when it was taken by Francis, duke of Guise, at the head of 30,000 men from the ill-provided English garrison, only Boo strong, after a siege of seven days.
AdvertisementThere is excellent anchorage, and a pier Boo ft.
Randy asked about Fred, and Dean related Fred's latest exploits with the bargains from the props of the play Boo!
He was in the stage play Boo!
And he was in the play, Boo!
After the junction of the two branches the river pursues a winding course, generally south-east, for about Boo m.
AdvertisementThe contrast between this low zone and the upper zone of rich vegetation (above about Boo ft.) is curiously marked.
A valuable extension of geographical knowledge had been gained by this circuitous journey of more than Boo m.
The principal edifice extends Boo ft.
The highest point within the state is Wheeler Peak, near the centre of the eastern boundary, with an elevation of 13,058 ft.; the lowest points are along the Colorado river, where the altitudes range from 700 to Boo ft.
The island lacks water, and is dusty during drought, but is fertile, producing fruit, wine and olive oil; the indigenous flora comprises Boo species.
AdvertisementBoo to loon attest the former prevalence of strong Hindu influence.
Connected with it are a library of 150,000 volumes and Boo MSS., a chemical laboratory, a zoological museum, a gynaecological institute, an ophthalmological school, a botanical garden and at Eldena (a seaside resort on the Baltic) an agricultural school.
It consists chiefly of an extensive plateau between the Eastern and Western Ghats, of a height varying from Boo to 1000 ft.
On the 5th of January 1781 the town was partly burned by a force of about Boo British troops under Gen.
Petrie found painted sherds of Cretan style at Kahun in the Fayum, and farther up the Nile, at Tell el-Amarna, chanced on bits of no fewer than Boo Aegean vases in 1889.
AdvertisementBy a night march of unexampled daring and difficulty Ney succeeded in breaking through the Russian cordon, but when he regained touch with the main body at Orcha only Boo of his 6000 men were still with him (2 ist).
Among later lives we may mention the hymn Genair Patraicc, commonly attributed to Fiacc, which is considered by the latest editors to have been originally composed about Boo.
Its total course through the Central Provinces and Gujarat amounts to about Boo m., and it falls into the sea in the Bombay district of Broach.
In 1869 the maximum burden of the vessels which were able to ply on the upper Elbe was 250 tons; but in 1899 it was increased to Boo tons.
After Basel, when the Rhine turns to the north and enters Germany, its breadth is between 550 and 600 ft., while its surface now lies not more than Boo ft.
The island is mountainous, the highest points being Slieve Croaghaun (2192 ft.) in the west, and Slievemore (2204 ft.) in the north; the extreme western point is the bold and rugged promontory of Achill Head, and the northwestern and south-western coasts consist of ranges of magnificent cliffs, reaching a height of Boo ft.
Thus water being about Boo times denser than air and mercury 13.6 times denser than water, k/h = 6,/p = 800 X 13.6 = Io,880; (2) and with an average barometer height of 30 in.
The limits at each end, however, are very ill defined, the superior falling not later than 2000 B.C. and the inferior not earlier than boo B.C. This people was militant, aggressive and unsettled in the earlier part of that time; commercial, wealthy and enervated in the latter.
He increased his bodyguard to Boo men, all Frenchmen, who behaved with the greatest licence and brutality; by his oppressive taxes, and his ferocious cruelty towards all who opposed him, and the unsatisfactory treaties he concluded with Pisa, he accumulated bitter hatred against his rule.
At that time his earning capacity seems not to have exceeded $boo a year, and he was regarded by his friends as a broken and disappointed man.
On the 2nd of August an advance party of Colonel Barry St Leger's forces coming from the west arrived before the fort, and the main body (altogether about 650 whites, including loyalists - the Royal Greens - under Sir John Johnson, and more than Boo Indians, some led by Joseph Brant) arrived soon afterwards.
The total length of the Carpathians is over Boo m., and their width varies between 7 and 230 m., the greatest width of the Carpathians corresponding with its highest altitude.
Towards the cost of building the eastern or older harbour Cromwell contributed boo.
It was strenuously contended that the case could not well be otherwise, inasmuch as the art of writing must have been quite unknown in Greece until after the alleged age of the traditional Homer, whose date had been variously estimated at from 1000 to Boo B.C. by less sceptical generations.
It is well known that Charles the Great was crowned emperor at Rome on Christmas day in the year Boo, and that he died in the year 814, according to our present manner of reckoning.
Southward lies Seistan (200 m.), and eastward Kabul (550 m.); while on the west four routes lead into Persia by Turbet to Meshed (215 m.), and by Birjend to Kerman (400 m.), to Yezd (500 m.), or to Isfahan (boo m.).
The only other public building of any consequence in Herat is the great mosque or Mesjid-i-Juma, which comprises an area of Boo yds.
She missed her with a torpedo and opened fire at Boo yards.
Taking the same journey himself shortly afterwards, the king reached Rome in Boo for the purpose (as he declared) of restoring discipline in the church.
The Latin chronicle, wrongly ascribed to Turpin (Tilpinus), bishop of Reims from 753 to Boo, was in reality later than the earlier poems of the French cycle, and the first properly authenticated mention of it is in 1165.
According to a calculation made by P. Frech in 1900, on the basis of the then rate of production, the coalfields of central France, central Bohemia, the kingdom of Saxony, the Prussian province of Saxony and the north of England, would be exhausted in 100 to 200 years, the other British coalfields, the Waldenburg-Schatzlar and that of the north of France in 250 years, those of Saarbriicken, Belgium, Aachen and Westphalia in 600 to Boo years, and those of Upper Silesia in more than 1000 years.
Not far from its mouth there is a magnificent fall, a large volume of water falling boo ft.
For the former, a strong opponent of his administration, he procured a pension of boo a year.
But the love of their native valleys was strong among the exiles, and in 1689 one of their pastors, Henri Arnaud, led a band of Boo men to the reconquest of their.
Its surface is diversified by several plateaus, those of Haanhof and of the Livonian Aa having an average elevation of 400 to 700 ft., while several summits reach Boo to loon ft.
Under the first constitution there were property qualifications for voting which amounted in the election of the governor and senators to a freehold estate worth boo ($500) and in the election of assemblymen to a freehold estate worth X20.
To counteract it they, in 1701, prevailed upon the chiefs to deed their territory, said to be Boo m.
The British loss in killed, wounded and missing was 324; the American loss was about Boo or 900 killed and 1000 prisoners, besides arms and baggage.
During the tenure of his appointment with Count Morzin he married the daughter of a Viennese hairdresser named Keller, who had befriended him in his days of poverty, but the marriage turned out ill and he was shortly afterwards separated from his wife, though he continued to support her until her death in 1 Boo.
Then Joseph Halevy made his remarkable journey through the Jauf, visiting districts and ruins which no European foot had trod since the expedition of Gallus, and returned with almost Boo inscriptions.
Two additional arms were therefore constructed, consisting of a north-east and north-west breakwater, leaving two openings, one Boo ft.
The opal was mined here Boo years ago, and the largest piece hitherto found, weighing 2940 carats and estimated to have a value of £175,000, is preserved in the Court Museum at Vienna.
Here the " signs " and the " constellations " of the lunar zodiac form two essentially distinct systems. The ecliptic is divided into twenty-seven equal parts, called bhogas or arcs, of Boo' each.
Englishmen number about boo; Germans, 190; Danes, 160; Americans, 150, and other nationalities are represented in smaller numbers.
There is a repairing slipway accommodating vessels of Boo tons.
Kishinev is the seat of the archbishop of Bessarabia, and has a cathedral, an ecclesiastical seminary with Boo students, a college, and a gardening school, a museum, a public library, a botanic garden, and a sanatorium with sulphur springs.
The volume of 1500 had been jejune, written when he knew nothing of Greek; Boo adages put together with scanty elucidations.
But the Teutonic elements maintained their place in the law of the Frankish Church; and this was not altered by the fact that, since Christmas Boo, the king of the Franks and Lombards had borne the title of Roman emperor.
The present building covers about 5 acres, and is surrounded by a park of Boo acres.
At Martula Mariam, the wooden altar overlaid with gold had two slabs of solid gold, one 500, the other Boo ounces in weight.
The European civil population numbers over boo; the rest of the inhabitants are chiefly Abyssinians.
In September 1819 he became minister of the church and parish of St John, where of 2000 families more than Boo had no connexion with any Christian church.
In 1831 they were conquered by Boo Maoris who were landed from a European vessel.
The fragments are Boo in number, both on paper and vellum, written and adorned with the pious care and good taste which the Manichaeans are known to have bestowed on their manuscripts.
On the other hand, elaborate colonial censuses for New York in 1703 and 1812 show Whites under 16 Years per boo Sections of the of Total Population.
Consequently there were large tracts of untilled " waste " land; but these rapidly responded to fertilization and rotation of crops, often yielding Boo to 1200 lb of cotton per acre, and Georgia in 1899 used more fertilizers than any other state in the Union.
Soon after the accession of James a conspiracy, of which she was altogether ignorant, was entered into to advance her to the throne, but this caused no alteration in her treatment by James, who allowed her a maintenance of Boo a year.
In December 1693 a new Spanish colony of about Boo persons arrived.
It lies in the Little Karroo, about Boo ft.
The former has recently been explored by Andre, who found it greatly obstructed by falls and rapids; the latter is about Boo m.
It is a plain varying from 600 to Boo ft.
The chief towns are Kastro on the western coast, with a population of 4000 Greeks and Boo Turks, and Mudros on the southern coast.
The second half of the 8th century seems to have been a time of very general decadence; but about the year Boo Theodore, destined to be the only other creative name in Greek monachism, became abbot of the monastery of the Studium in Constantinople.
They include the extension of the east pier, the construction of a south pier Boo ft.
On the 24th of April, as she approached Edinburgh, Bothwell accordingly met her at the head of Boo spearmen, assured her (as she afterwards averred) that she was in the utmost peril, and escorted her, together with Huntly, Lethington and Melville, who were then in attendance, to Dunbar Castle.
This figure, with a copy of Thevet's and a detailed description, was repeated in the posthumous edition (1585) of his larger work (pp. Boo, 801).
Neomenia and its allies are marine animals living at depths of 15 to Boo fathoms on soft muddy ground; they are found crawling on corals and hydrozoa, on which they feed.
Rank grasses (lalang, glaga), which cover great areas in Java, have an even wider range in Sumatra, descending to within 700 or Boo ft.
In Europe and America it is much used for collar, long facings and cuffs of a gentleman's coat; such a set may cost from, 200 to boo, and in all probability will soon cost more.
It is surrounded by forest-clad hills some Boo ft.
Pop. (1890) 5629; (1900) 7160, including Boo foreign-born; (1910) 12,845.
August he was offered, and accepted, the presidency of WashingHe was himself a voluminous contributor to the work, writing ton College, Lexington (now Washington and Lee University), a some Boo articles, mainly on Elizabethan authors or statesmen.
The Pegu Yomas have a general elevation of from Boo to 1200 ft., while the central range averages from 2000 to 3 000 ft.
These plateaus, with an average elevation of Boo to 1000 ft., are mostly covered with forests of oak, beech and lime, and are deeply cut by river valleys, some being narrow and craggy, and others broad, with gentle slopes and marshy bottoms. Narrow ravines intersect them in all directions, and they often assume, especially in the east, the character of wild, impassable, woody and marshy tracts.
Its length is upwards of loon m., and its extreme breadth exceeds Boo.
The duke died soon after landing, and Sloane's visit lasted only fifteen months; but during that time he got together about Boo new species of plants, the island being virgin ground to the botanist.
Farther north, beyond the Mandara mountains, the country, here part of the ancient sultanate of Bornu, slopes to the shores of Lake Chad, and has a general level of Boo to 1000 ft.
In return for these, the antrustion enjoyed certain valuable advantages, as being specially entitled to the royal assistance and protection; his wergeld is three times that of an ordinary Frank; the slayer of a Frank paid compensation of 200 solidi, that of an antrustion had to find boo.
The enemy's frontier was boo m.
The town is largely modern; for over one thousand of its picturesque old Moorish houses, which formerly rose in terraces up the mountain side, were destroyed, together with five churches, the hospital, the theatre, the prison, and Boo of the inhabitants, in an earthquake which took place in 1884.
Her father had bequeathed to her his whole property (D200 to boo a year).
Menteith certainly received the blood-money, boo yearly in land, and Wallace, like Montrose, was hanged, disembowelled and quartered (at London, August 1305).
The island, which is volcanic, is bare and rocky throughout; the hills, of which the highest rises to about Boo ft., command magnificent views of the neighbouring sea and islands.
At the Khundilani gorge of the Bolan route conglomerate cliffs enclose the valley rising to a height of Boo ft., and at Sir-i-Bolan the passage between the limestone rocks hardly admits of three persons riding abreast.
In the Terrenos de secano, or non-irrigable districts, the average price of an acre ranges from £7 to £17; in the Terrenos de riego, or irrigable land, it ranges from boo to £250.
The executive of 5 members and the legislature or Landrat (one member per Boo inhabitants or fraction over 400), as well as the single member sent to the Federal Steinderat and the three sent to the Federal Nationalrat, are all elected by a direct popular vote for three years.
The Federalist party had ruined itself, and it lost the presidential election of r Boo.
But below that line natives of India greatly preponderate; of 26,908 appointments ranging between Boo and 60 a year, only 5205 were held by Europeans, 5420 by Eurasians and 16,283 by natives.
From the year Boo, it must be added, Africa only nominally belonged to the Abbasids; for, under the reign of Harun al-Rashid, Ibrahim b.
Stock ranches, tobacco plantations, and hay and grain farms, average from Boo to 530 acres, and counteract the tendency of dairy farms, beet plantations, orchards, vegetable gardens and nurseries to lower the size of the farm unit still further.
Coal was first mined in what is now Wyoming in 1865, probably in connexion with the building of the Union Pacific railway, and the product in that year was Boo short tons.
The oldest records in Aramaic were found at Sindjirli, in the north of Syria, in 1890, and date to about Boo B.C. At this epoch the Aramaic. Aramaic alphabet, or at any rate the alphabet of these records, is but little different from that shown upon the Moabite stone.
Between Monte Rombon and Monte San Gabriele,, Capello had some 2,200 guns and nearly Boo trench mortars.
After 1891 the product declined rapidly, amounting in 1907 to Boo tons valued at $4800.
The full boo is treated as the amount to be made good, but the owner of the goods is made to contribute towards that upon the sum of X100 thus saved to him.
All education above that level is in the hands of the educational department and school boards elected in each parish, each rural parish being bound (since 1898) to be divided into a proper number of school districts and to have a school in each of them, the state contributing to these expenses Boo marks a year for each male and 600 marks for each female teacher, or 25% of the total cost in urban communes.
From Missouri caravans of pack animals, and later wagon trains, set out in May of each year on the Boo m.
Soc. Lond., 1884, p. 421; 1886, p. 177; 1888, p. 561; 1889, p. 680; 1891, p. 981; 1892, p. Boo; 18 93, p. 75.
The matter was finally settled by Oates receiving a royal pardon, with a pension of boo a year.
In December 1588 the first complete Welsh Bible, commonly known as " Bishop Morgan's Bible," was issued from the royal press at Westminster under the patronage of queen and primate, about Boo copies being supplied for distribution amongst the parish churches of Wales.
The school at Horsham is conducted on the ordinary lines of a public school, and can accommodate over Boo boys.
In the western district of Kamrup the country forms one great expanse, with a few elevated tracts here and there, varying from 200 to Boo ft.
The ancient city extended some Boo yds.
The territory of Eure, which nowhere exceeds Boo ft.
In the evening of the 18th of April 1775 a British force of about Boo men under Lieut.-Colonel Francis Smith and Major John Pitcairn was sent by General Thomas Gage from Boston to destroy military stores collected by the colonists at Concord, and to seize John Hancock and Samuel Adams, then at Parson Clarke's house (now known as the Hancock-Clarke House) in Lexington.
Although few large salaries were paid, the perquisites attached to official positions were enormous; at the beginning of the 17th century, for example, the captain of Malacca received not quite boo yearly as his pay, but his annual profits from other sources were estimated at 20,000.
The account from the ist of November 1361 to 1362 shows Simon of Bradstede, clerk of the works, then expending £1773, of which boo was received by the hands of William of Wykeham at the exchequer, and that from 1369 shows Bernard Cokles, clerk of the works, expending £2306.
In the case of diphtheria the antitoxic power of the serum may reach Boo units per cubic centimetre, or even more.
At Concord there is a state reformatory, whose inmates, about Boo in number, are employed in manufacturing various articles, but otherwise the town has only minor business and industrial interests.
Federal troops, called for by Governor Frank Steunenberg, again took charge, and about Boo suspected men in the district were arrested and shut up in a stockade known as the " bull-pen."
The number of students ranges from 600 to Boo, and there are about 5 o professors.
On the Martinsberg, an eminence near the town, stands the ruins of the old castle of the Tarnowski family, and a small church over Boo years old.
The number of his papers and memoirs, some of them of considerable length, exceeds Boo; they were published, at the time they were composed, in various scientific journals in Europe and America, and are now embodied, through the enterprise of the syndics of the Cambridge University Press, in thirteen large quarto volumes.
In the British Museum are the bronze matrices of seals of ZEthilwald, bishop of Dunwich, about Boo; of lElfric, alderman of Hampshire, about 985; and the finely carved ivory double matrix of Godwin the thane (on the obverse) and of the nun Godcythe (on the reverse), of the beginning of the 11th century.
The westward prolongation of the great south-western promontory of England, occupied by the county of Cornwall, continues as a rugged ridge broken by a succession of depressions, and exceeds a height of Boo ft., nearly as far as the point where it falls to the ocean in the cliffs of Land's End.
The royal palace, begun in 1600 by the Count de Lemos, from designs by Domenico Fontana, partly burned in 1837, and since repaired and enlarged by Ferdinand II., is an enormous building with a sea frontage of Boo ft.
This place is Boo m.
In 1886 the Pantano, which was one of the largest of European reservoirs, being formed by a dam Boo ft.
Boo Jurassic 4000 1400 2000 Trias 5000 Permian 2600 600 Carboniferous woo 700 Series Beaufort Series Ecca Series Dwyka Series the eastern coast-lands the vegetation becomes distinctly subtropical.
The name of Rudolstadt occurs in an,inventory of the possessions of the abbey of Hersfeld in the year Boo.
In the healthy districts they are stout and well made, and are considered a warlike race, furnishing some cavalry (boo men) and eight battalions of infantry (5600 men) to government.
The average number of students is about boo - the number specified under the act of 1845 - and the full course of instruction is eight years.
The McDonogh farm school, with a farm of more than Boo acres, a printing-office, and carpenter and machine shops prepares poor boys to enter any college in the country.
In legal documents the rate is sometimes expressed as a certain sum of money " per centum per annum "; here " centum " must be taken to mean " boo."
Under this system Boo out of 1016 townships and more than 30 entire counties were in 1908 without saloons.
Young Lisle was shot under the beaver by an arrow, and the feud ended with his death, all claims of his widow being settled with an annuity of boo.
He reached Cuemby, Boo m.
In 1835 she received a pension of boo from government.
The city was founded about 1821, but so late as 1860 the population was only Boo.
The total length is some Boo m.
The first Arabic translation of the Almagest was made by order of Harun al-Rashid about the year Boo; others followed, and the Caliph Arah al-Mamun built in 829 a grand observatory at astro- Bagdad.
He executed besides a chart and forty drawings of the moon (published at Göttingen in 1881), and calculated lunar tables from a skilful development of Euler's theory, for which a reward of boo() was in 1765 paid to his widow by the British government.
Here, too, are a plant (covering more than Boo acres) of the Standard Oil Company and a large establishment for the manufacture of the "Singer" sewing machine - according to the U.S. census the largest manufactory of sewing machines in the world - employing more than 6000 workmen in 1905; among the other manufactures of Elizabeth are foundry and machine shop products (value in 1905, $3,887,139), wire, oil (value in 1905, $2,387,656), refined and smelted copper, the output of railway repair shops, edge tools and lager beer.
This cone rises from a depth of Boo fathoms below the sea.
That no new ideas came in may be gathered from the fact that the bulk of Irish literature so far published dates from before Boo, though the MSS.
Dairy farms, to mention only a few of the most important points which had been hitherto excluded, were admitted within the scope of the Land Acts, and purely pastoral holdings of between £So and boo were for the first time included.
At this point it changes its direction to the southeast, and passing along the southern slopes of the Bavarian Forest enters Austria at Passau (height Boo ft.).
In this pursuit he made more than Boo dissections.
There is a large European element (including about Boo British subjects), a great part of which lives in two suburban villages, Burnabat and Buja, but has business premises in the city.
Pop. (1890) 24,651; (1900) 26,121, of whom 8768 were foreignborn, including 4388 English Canadians, Boo French Canadians, 665 Irish, 653 Finns and 594 Portuguese; (1910 census) 2 4,39 8.
At the opening of the War of Independence Gloucester, whose fisheries then employed about boo men, was second to Marblehead as a fishing-port.
They are good cultivators of the soil, but are poor, superstitious, ignorant and unambitious, and they live in semi-subterranean houses as their ancestors did Boo years B.C. The townsmen, especially in the large towns, have more regular features - often of the Persian type.
One of the earliest examples of Greek literature extant, the Theogonia of Hesiod (c. Boo B.C.), appears to be a curious blending of Hellenic and Phoenician thought.
The city proper of Rangoon with the Kemmendine suburb is laid out on the block system, each block being Boo by 860 ft., intersected with regular streets.
It has a population of about 5000, including 700 to Boo Jews; there are fine gardens, and an old citadel on a hill.
Donât miss your chance to cheer on the heroes and boo the baddies this weekend on Saturday 12th March and Sunday 13th March!
It stands nearly four foot in height, and features four shelves that hold approximately 80 boo... .
I just hope the crowd do n't boo me!
You can even boo or cheer all at the same time.
Campbell's Betty Boo's bodily contortions when entering and exiting the stage is side splittingly funny.
Boo, unable to repel Goku's Genki Dama, is killed by the fireball.
Boo and Baa's hilarious brand of straight-faced humor and silly misadventures have enormous appeal for preschoolers, whether domestically inclined or not.
A story based more on inner turmoil than typical ' boo!
At the confluence the Bakhoy is Boo ft.
The total number of prisoners, including minors and inhabitants of enforced residences, which from 76,066 (284 per 1000 inhabitants) on the 31st of December 1871 rose to a maximum of 80,792 on the 31st of December 1879 (287 Der boo), decreased to a minimum of 60.621 in 1806 (T.on flPr 1000), and on the 31st of December 1898 rose again to 75,470 (2.38 per 1000), of whom 7038, less than one-tenth, were women.
Anne accepted the condition and became empress, but when she discovered that the attempt to limit her powers in favour of a small conservative oligarchy was extremely unpopular among all classes, she submitted the question to an assembly of Boo ecclesiastical and lay dignitaries, and at their request the unlimited autocratic rule was re-established.
In compliance with this request he produced the able Memoire justificatif, composed in French, and delivered to the courts of Europe; and shortly afterwards he received a seat at the Board of Trade and Plantations - little more than a sinecure in itself, but with a very substantial salary of nearly Boo per annum.
Archaeological evidence points clearly now to the conclusion that the splendid but overgrown civilization of the Mycenaean or " late Minoan " period of the Aegean Bronze Age collapsed rather suddenly before a rapid succession of assaults by comparatively barbarous invaders from the European mainland north of the Aegean; that these invaders passed partly by way of Thrace and the Hellespont into Asia Minor, partly by Macedon and Thessaly into peninsular Greece and the Aegean islands; that in east Peloponnese and Crete, at all events, a first shock (somewhat later than i soo B.C.) led to the establishment of a cultural, social and political situation which in many respects resembles what is depicted in Homer as the " Achaean " age, with principal centres in Rhodes, Crete, Laconia, Argolis, Attica, Orchomenus and south-east Thessaly; and that this regime was itself shattered by a second shock or series of shocks somewhat earlier than boo B.C. These latter events correspond in character and date with the traditional irruption of the Dorians and their associates.
Boo the Parihars are said to have been oustedby the Chandels, and Dangha Varma, chief of the Chandel Rajputs, appears to have established the earliest paramount power in Bundelkhand towards the close of the 10th century A.D.
The Cabana, which alone can accommodate some 6000 men, fronts the bay for a distance of more than Boo yds., and was long supposed, at least by Spaniards, to be the strongest fortress of America.
Worsley, and the island was reached in 16 days on May zo after a voyage of over Boo m., but on the side farthest from the whaling stations.
These vigilantes were the good citizens (the committee of 1851 included some Boo and that of 1856 some6000-8000citizens of all classes), who organized outside of law, " not secretly, but in debate, in daylight, with sobriety and decorum," to defend and establish, through defying, its rule.
He executed besides a chart and forty drawings of the moon (published at Göttingen in 1881), and calculated lunar tables from a skilful development of Euler's theory, for which a reward of boo() was in 1765 paid to his widow by the British government.
I would like to adopt Cookie Boo Boo Boo Boo is a 3 year old spayed female.
Think sunny sundae smiles and snuggling up to the Boo Radleys; think The Legends !
A story based more on inner turmoil than typical ' boo !
Halloween pacifiers can be part of a costume with funny little vampire teeth pacifier or something as simple as a Boo Pacifier by Personalized Pacifiers.
Give your page a spooky appearance by stamping "Boo!" or "Happy Halloween!" on a dark cardstock background using VersaMark watermark ink.
And boo on your mom for being so ridiculously old fashioned.
Some popular Wubbzy movies are Wubbzy Be Mine, Wubb Idol, Wubbzy's Big Movie and Wubbzy Goes Boo.
Dazzle them with your curves in this exquisite black mesh-striped bustier with a peek a boo lace-up front.
Depending on your timing, you can get a grade of Perfect, Great, Good, Bad, or Boo.
Obviously Boo is not what you strive for because the letter grade E does not mean 'Excellent'.
The background animations move in time with the music and just like in Karaoke Revolution, the audience will either be pleased with your performance (they'll start to clap and breakdance) or they will walk out and boo you.
Some of the more notable unlockable characters include Diddy Kong, Boo, Bowser Jr., Dry Bones, Funky Kong, and even your Mii character!
A peek a boo chunk can be added beneath the layers of a bang or within the interior of the haircut, so that is falls and pops into view sporadically.
Although many women would never consider a full head of pink or purple hair, a peek a boo chunk in any of these bold shades offers just a punch of very wearable color.
Baby will love to snuggle in blankets from 1st Step, Baby Boo, and Amorosa Kids.
This roll call cheer is used in stark contrast to the Crestview Heights cheer squad, whose roll call is filled with "Sha boo ya, sha sha sha boo ya!" rhythms and much more individual introductions.
For more raw vegetable juice blends, Dr. Norman Walkers boo, Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices includes pages of juices and what they do for your body.
One person my think a peek a boo nightie is sexy, while another my think a cotton tank and panty set it the sexiest.
Where Alien was creepy-crawly tension and jump-out-at-you boo's, Aliens veers into action-adventure with the 'eighties-style hoo-rah Marines.
The subscriber pays a fixed annual rent which covers a certain number of free out - ward calls, say boo; additional calls he purchases in advance in blocks of several hundred at so much per hundred, the price being reduced as the number increases.
The death-rate (excluding still-born children) was, in 1872, 30.78 per boo, and has since steadily decreasedless rapidly between 1886-1890 than during other years; in 5902 it was only 22.15 and in 1899 was as low as 2189.
It is a hardy species, reaching a height of from 80 to boo ft.
He accompanied Charlemagne to Rome in Boo and was one of the witnesses to his will in 814.
Benjamin Franklin, who was born and spent his boyhood in Boston, left boo() to the city in his will; it amounted in 1905 to $403,000, and constituted a fund to be used for the good of the labouring class of the city.
The territory thus defined is about Boo m.
The first Ptolemy began it, and the second completed it, at a total cost of Boo talents.
Marchi has estimated the united length of the galleries at from Boo to 00o m., and the number of interments at between 6,000,000 and 7,000,000; Martigny's estimate is 587 m.; and Northcote's, lower still, at " not less than 350 m."
Turkey was to pay a war indemnity of 15,boo purses, the Russian fleet was to withdraw and the islands captured by it to be restored.
Nickel exhibited retraction from the very beginning (as observed by Barrett), its greatest change of length considerably exceeding that undergone by iron; in a field of Boo the original length was diminished by as much as 1/40,000 part, but stronger forces failed to produce any further effect.
Between them it was arranged that Jameson should gather a force of Boo men on the Transvaal border; that the Uitlanders should continue their agitation; and that, should no satisfactory concession be obtained from Kruger, a combined movement of armed forces should be made against the government.
It is thus able to accommodate vessels up to Boo tons burden; and the passage from Lubeck to Lauenburg occupies 18 to 21 hours.
The total included 412 bishops, with Boo priors and abbots, besides the representatives of absent prelates and a number of inferior clerics.
On the 3rd of February 1793 he had decreed the emission of Boo millions of assignats, for the expenses of the war.
The district is an extensive plain, about Boo ft.
Coal trains, excluding the engine, weigh up to Boo or 900 tons, and travel at from 18 to 22 m.