Bone Sentence Examples
He dropped the small bone in his pocket.
You have the most beautiful bone structure.
The car abruptly halted its progress, slinging Lisa against the steering wheel with bone jarring force.
The bone means something to us.
If you don't remember where you buried the bone, it isn't going to be much help when you get hungry later.
Skull elevated and compressed; with the orbit and temporal fossa widely continuous, there being no true post-orbital process from the frontal bone.
Hind extremities proportionally longer with inner toe represented only by a small metatarsal bone.
The vessels contained a dark dust, apparently disintegrated ashes, small pieces of bone, and a number of small pieces of jewelry in gold, silver, white and red cornelian, amethyst, topaz, garnet, coral and crystal.
The downside was someone always managed to hit Jackson with a bullet or two or drive a knife into him, and break the tip off in a bone.
While the use of the bow and arrow does not seem to have occurred to them, the spear and axe are in general use, commonly made of hard-wood; the hatchets of stone, and the javelins pointed' with stone or bone.
AdvertisementBy the seizure and sale of Church lands, by th sale of state railways, by economy to the bone and on onc supreme occasion by an appeal to taxpayers to advance a years quota of the land-tax, he had met the most pressing engagements of that troublous period.
Thus various parts of criminals, such as the thigh bone of a hanged man, moss grown on a human skull, &c., were used, and even the celebrated Dr Culpeper in the 17th century recommended " the ashes of the head of a coal black cat as a specific for such as have a skin growing over their sight."
Although quite thin, the Ludlow Bone Bed can be followed from that town into Gloucestershire for a distance of 45 m.
The multiplication of thongs for purposes of flogging is found in the old Roman flagellum, a scourge, which had sometimes three thongs with bone or bronze knots fastened to them.
Here the opisthotic bone appears in the occipital region, as in the adult Chelonian.
AdvertisementThe quadrate is invariably a conspicuous bone and movably articulating with the cranium and by a special process with the pterygoid.
The condyles of the tibia are in reality not parts of this bone, but are the three proximal tarsalia which fuse together and with the distal end of the tibia.
The three middle metatarsals become fused together into a cannon bone; the upper part of the third middle metatarsal projects behind and forms the so-called hypotarsus, which in various ways, characteristic of the different groups of birds (with one or more sulci, grooved or perforated), acts as guiding pulley to the tendons of the flexor muscles of the toes.
It is no exaggeration to say that the genus, often even the species, can be determined from almost any recent bone, but in the case of Miocene, and still more, of Eocene fossils, we have often to deal with strange families, which either represent an extinct side branch, or which connect several recent groups with each other.
In the first two volumes fossil birds, occasionally based upon a fragmentary bone only, are also included.
AdvertisementThis word also appears in the English form "fish," in the metal, pearl or bone counters, sometimes made in the form of fish, used for scoring points, &c., in many games.
One of the best-known of these is the Ludlow Bone Bed, which is found at the base of the Downton Sandstone in the Upper Ludlow series.
Another well-known bed, formerly known as the "Bristol" or "Lias" Bone Bed, exists in the form of several thin layers of micaceous sandstone, with the remains of fish and saurians, which occur in the Rhaetic Black Paper Shales that lie above the Keuper marls in the south-west of England.
It is noteworthy that a similar bone bed has been traced on the same geological horizon in Brunswick, Hanover and Franconia.
A bone bed has also been observed at the base of the Carboniferous limestone series in certain parts of the south-west of England.
AdvertisementThe chief industries of Grimsby are shipbuilding, brewing, tanning, manufactures of ship tackle, ropes, ice for preserving fish, turnery, flour, linseed cake, artificial manure; and there are saw mills, bone and corn mills, and creosote works.
Since Blith's time bone was the one new fertilizer that had come into use.
They all grow slowly, and it is not until the animal is about six months old that they are united into one firm bone.
The points at issue between Cuvier and Etienne Geoffroy St-Hilaire before mentioned naturally attracted the attention of L'Herminier, who in 1836 presented to the French Academy the results of his researches into the mode Isidore of growth of that bone which in the adult bird he had already studied to such good purpose.
These laws, he added, exist in regard to all parts that offer characters fit for the methodical arrangement of birds, but it is in regard to the anterior palatal bone that they unquestionably offer the most evidence.
At the same time he states that authors who have occupied themselves with the sternum alone have often produced uncertain results, especially when they have neglected its anterior for its posterior part; for in truth every bone of the skeleton ought to be studied in all its details.
Important as are the characters afforded by the sternum, that bone even with the whole sternal apparatus should obviously not be.
The cheaper mottled and brown soaps have for their basis bone fat, obtained by treating bones with superheated steam or other methods.
Of the vegetable oils, in addition to cotton-seed and coco-nut, olive oil is the basis of soaps for calico printers and silk dyers; castor oil yields transparent soaps (under suitable treatment), whilst crude palm oil, with bone fat, is employed for making brown soap, and after bleaching it yields ordinary pale or mottled.
Most of these are perforated for mounting on threads or wires, and had been, no doubt, originally connected together to form one or more of the elaborate girdles, necklaces and breast ornaments then worn by the women.3 On the bottom of the stone box there was similar dust, pieces of bone and jewelry, and also remains of what had been vessels of wood.
The total quantity of scraps of bone may have amounted to a wineglassful.
His vanity made him order the surgeons to cut out a bone which protruded below the knee and spoilt the symmetry of his leg.
In the adult of both sexes there are only two teeth, both in the upper jaw, which lie horizontally side by side, and in the female remain throughout life concealed in cavities of the bone.
The projecting bone or bump at the back of the head.
The astragalus has a pulley-like surface above for articulation into the tibia, but its lower surface is flattened and unites to a much greater extent with the navicular than with the cuboid, which bone is of comparatively less importance than in the Artiodactyles.
Orbit in higher forms closed by bone; and ridges of lower cheek-teeth terminating in large loops.
It shall be eaten in haste; none of the flesh shall be carried forth, neither shall a bone be broken.
The Passover was kept in the first month on the 14th day of the month at even in the wilderness of Sinai; but certain men, unclean by touching a dead body, asked what they should do; they were to keep it on the second month on the 14th day, eating it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, leaving none of it until the morning, nor breaking a bone.
The paschal lamb is no longer eaten but represented by the shank bone of a lamb roasted in the ashes; unleavened bread and bitter herbs (haroseth) are eaten; four cups of wine are drunk before and after the repast, and a certain number of Psalms are recited.
From the girdle hung the single-edged missile axe or francisca, the scramasax or short knife, a poniard and such articles of toilet as scissors, a comb (of wood or bone), &c. The Franks also used a weapon called the framea (an iron lance set firmly in a wooden shaft), and bows and arrows.
Another character is the absence of a hollow chamber, or sinus, within the frontal bone of the forehead.
It is largely to researches on the bone marrow that we owe our present knowledge of the origin and the classification of the different cellular elements of the blood, both erythrocytes or red corpuscles, and the series of granular leucocytes or white corpuscles.
Whatever be the ancestral cell from which these cells spring, it is in the bone marrow that we find a differentiation into the various marrow cells from which are developed the mature corpuscles that pass from the marrow into the blood circulation.
The healthy bone marrow reacts with remarkable rapidity to the demand for more blood cells which may be required by the organism; its reactions and variations in disease are very striking.
The cytology of bone marrow, with the technique of blood examination, is of great assistance in the diagnosis of different pathological conditions.
Muscle and white fibrous tissue follow next in order, while elastic tissue and bone are the last to show signs of disintegration.
Again, a fractured bone in a paralysed limb often fails to unite, while another in the opposite sound limb unites readily, and an ulcerated surface on a paralysed limb shows little healing reaction.
Some pathological cells, such as the giant-cells of tumours, of bone, and those of tubercle, are polynucleated; in some instances they may contain as many as thirty or more nuclei.
To replace this cellular destruction there has been a demand for reinforcements on the home centres of the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes - the bone marrow.
These conditions are quite distinct from the normal process of ossification as is seen in bone.
Amyloid develops in various organs and tissues and is commonly associated with chronic phthisis, tubercular disease of bone and joints, and syphilis (congenital and acquired).
Skin-grafting and regeneration of bone are among not the least remarkable applications of pathological principles to the combat with disease in recent times; and in this connexion may also be mentioned the daring acts of surgery for the relief of tumours of the brain, rendered practicable by improved methods of localization.
It is well after the borders are completed to remove the top soil, in which no roots are to be found, every two or three years, and to replace it with a mixture of good loam, rotten manure, lime rubbish and bone meal, to the depth of 6 or 7 in.
The cultivation of vines in pots is very commonly practised with good results, and pot-vines are very useful to force for the earliest crop. The plants should be raised from eyes, and grown as strong as possible in the way already noted, in rich turfy loam mixed with about one-third of horse dung and a little bone dust.
They had a taste for ornaments, necklaces of wood, bone and shells, worked in different designs.
In old males the eyes are overhung by a beetling penthouse of bone, the hinder half of the middle line of the skull bears a wall-like bony ridge for the attachment of the powerful jaw-muscles, and the tusks, or canines, are of monstrous size, recalling those of a carnivorous animal.
The plumage of gorgeously-hued birds, the blossoms of flowers (especially the hydrangea), the folds of thick brocade, microscopic diapers and arabesques, are built up with tiny fragments of iridescent shell, in combination with silver-foil, goldlacquer and colored bone, the whole producing a rich and sparkling effect.
In fine specimens the workmanship is extraordinarily minute, and every fragment of metal, shell, ivory or bone, used to construct the decorative scheme, is imbedded firmly in its place.
The so-called colubrine venomous snakes, which retain in a great measure an external resemblance to the innocuous snakes, have the maxillary bone not at all, or but little, shortened, armed in front with a fixed, erect fang, which is provided with a deep groove or canal for the conveyance of the poison, the fluid being secreted by a special poison-gland.
In the other venomous snakes (viperines and crotalines) the maxillary bone is very short, and is armed with a single very long curved fang with a canal and aperture at each end.
Although firmly anchylosed to the bone, the tooth, which when at rest is laid backwards, is erectile, - the bone itself being mobile and rotated round its transverse axis.
The mandible is toothed but has no coronoid bone.
Dentary movably attached to the tip of the articular bone of the mandible.
The vestiges of the pelvis are reduced to a single bone on each side, and there are no traces of limbs.
Asia and Central America is remarkable for having the dentary bones loosely attached to the apex of the elongated articular bone.
The head is almost entirely protected by hard bone; even the cheeks are cuirassed by the dilated infraorbital bones.
Silesia, now split up into seventeen principalities, was the bone of contention between them; and when Casimir suddenly invaded that country, took Wschowa, and made Prince Charles of Bohemia a prisoner, war between the two kingdoms actually broke out and Casimir was besieged in Cracow by the Czechs.
It is an athlete's style, all bone and sinew, nude, without superfluous flesh or ornament.
A similar instrument is used in surgery for operations involving the excision of portions of bone.
The bone recess at the end was from 50 cm.
Considerable numbers of bone or horn awls were found in the ashes, as well as fragments of pottery, but no "ceremonial" objects.
Lower articular surface of the astragalus divided into two nearly equal facets, one for the navicular and a second for the cuboid bone.
Reduction of the ulna from a complete and distinct bone to a comparatively rudimentary state in which it coalesces more or less firmly with the radius.
In the Sheep and the Camel the long compound bone, supporting the two main (or only) toes is the cannon-bone.
Lower extremity of the fibula represented by a distinct malleolar bone articulating with the outer surface of the lower end of the tibia.
It shows the characteristic hippopotamus-flange to the lower jaw, but has also a large descending process from the jugal bone of the zygomatic arch of the skull.
Bone has shown that when exposed for some time to the sun's rays it undergoes certain polymerization changes which lead to the deposition of a film of heavy hydrocarbons on the surface of the tube.
Fossil remains of saurians of gigantic size have been found; one thigh bone measures 6 ft.
In interpreting its environment first as a world of things that seem to stand in a relation of exclusion to one another and to itself, then as a natural system governed by rigid mechanical necessity, the mind can yet feel that in its very opposition the world is akin to it, bone of its bone and flesh of its flesh.
Drift whales were utilized in the earliest years of the colony, and shore boating for the baleen (or " right ") whale - rich in bone and in blubber yielding common oil - was an industry already regulated by various towns before 1650; but the pursuit of the sperm whale did not begin until about 1713.
The high cheek-bone and the hawk's bill nose are universally distributed in the two Americas; so also are proportions between parts of the body, and the frequency of certain abnormalities of the skull, the hyoid bone, the humerus and the tibia.
The tribes quarried by means of crowbars and picks of wood and bone.
Commencing in the Arctic region, the Eskimo in his kayak, consisting of a framework of driftwood or bone covered with dressed sealskin, could paddle down east Greenland, up the west shore to Smith Sound, along Baffin Land and Labrador, and the shores of Hudson Bay throughout insular Canada and the Alaskan coast, around to Mount St Elias, and for many miles on the eastern shore of Asia.
The relics of bone, antler, stone, shell and copper are of yesterday.
Similarly the hypothenar muscles for the little finger underlie the three ulnar marginal mountains, the sizes of which depend on their development and on the prominence of the pisiform bone.
It became a bone of contention between the various Syrian dynasties and the caliphs first of Damascus, then of Egypt, and in 748 was sacked with great slaughter.
The territory of Schwiebus originally belonged to the principality of Glogau, and in the 16th and 17th centuries was a bone of contention between the electors of Brandenburg and the emperors.
The character of the relics shows that in some cases the settlements have been the dwellings of a people using no materials but stone, bone and wood for their implements, ornaments and weapons; in others, of a people using bronze as well as stone and bone; and in others again the occasional use of iron is disclosed.
The implements found in the relic bed under it were axe-heads of stone, with their haftings of stag's horn and wood; a flint saw, set in a handle of fir wood and fastened with asphalt; flint flakes and arrow-heads; harpoons of stag's horn with barbs; awls, needles, chisels, fish-hooks and other implements of bone; a comb of yew wood 5 in.
It is represented at the bottom of the lake by a layer of charcoal mixed with implements of stone and bone and other relics highly carbonized.
The second is represented above the bottom by a series of piles with burnt heads, and in the bottom by a layer of charcoal mixed with corn, apples, cloth, bones, pottery and implements of stone and bone, separated from the first layer of charcoal by 3 ft.
Among the tools of bone and stag's horn were awls, needles, harpoons, scraping tools and haftings for stone axe-heads.
They made and used an endless variety of bone tools.
Animal charcoal (bone black) is prepared by charring bones in iron retorts.
This appendage is merely a fold of the skin, ornamental and sexual; it has no cavity in its interior, and has no communication with the mouth or with the respiratory organs; it is supported by the posterior horns of the hyoid bone, and can be erected and spread at the will of the animal.
Both as regards structure and habits, the leopard may be reckoned as one of the more typical representatives of the genus Felis, belonging to that section in which the hyoid bone is loosely connected with the skull, owing to imperfect ossification of its anterior arch, and the pupil of the eye when contracted under the influence of light is circular, not linear as in the smaller cats.
The top bone is the os calcis, or hock bone, to which the tendon Achilles is attached.
The bottom bone is the terminal phalanx which is inserted in the heart of the hoof.
The archers shot well and with strong bows, though their arrows were generally tipped only with stone or bone; their shields or targets, mostly round, were of ordinary barbaric forms; the spears or javelins had heads of obsidian or bronze, and were sometimes hurled with a spear-thrower or atlatl, of which pictures and specimens still exist, showing it to be similar in principle to those used by the Australians and Eskimo.
In the form of certain salts iodine is very widely used, for internal administration in medicine and in the treatment of many conditions usually classed as surgical, such as the bone manifestations of tertiary syphilis.
The stirrup leathers may be let out or taken up until the tread of the stirrup is on a level with the inner ankle bone.
Such implements as have survived are of the rudest description, and include querns or stone handmills for grinding corn, stone worts and bone combs employed in primitive forms of woollen manufacture, and specimens of simple pottery ware.
The orbits are always open behind, never being surrounded by bone.
The front root of the zygomatic arch is nearly vertical, and placed so far back that it is above the second molar, while the orbit - a unique feature among rodents - is almost completely surrounded by bone.
In the skull the zygomatic arch is slender and the jugal bone small and not extending far forwards, being supported by the long zygomatic process of the maxilla, while the infra-orbital foramen is mostly large, and there are no post-orbital processes.
In the skull the tympanic bulla is hollow, the pterygoid fossa shallow and the zygomatic arch slender, with a rudimentary jugal bone.
In the skull the lachrymal bone is large, the paroccipital process is directed vertically downwards and the tympanic bulla is hollow.
Retrenchment often cut to the bone; wise reforms shattered on the inexperience or corruption of officials.
He also studied the colouring matters of leaves and flowers, the composition of bone, cerebral matter and other animal substances, and the processes of fermentation, in regard to the nature of which he was an opponent of Pasteur's views.
In Denmark, the Danish Missionary Society, founded by Pastor Bone Falck Ronne in 1821,.
For turnips bone manure is invaluable.
There are also bone implements, which are not found in the earliest periods in France.
Saws, needles, awls and bone harpoons are found.
It is very hardy and prolific, but somewhat coarse in the bone.
Bacon-pigs fed on Indian corn degenerate into lardhogs, run down in size and become too small in the bone and less prolific by inbreeding.
The stomach is globular, rather muscular, with a pair of tendinous centres like those of birds; its size is comparatively small, but the digestion is so rapid and powerful that every bone of the creature's prey is dissolved whilst still being stowed away in the wide and long gullet.
The harpoon for fishing was at first of bone (75), and was imitated in copper (76, 77) from S.D.
In these mounds cremation appears more frequently than inhumation; and both are accompanied by implements, weapons and ornaments of stone and bone.
Owing to liability to necrosis, the permanent retention of such a mass of dead bone would be dangerous; and the antlers are consequently shed annually (or every few years), to be renewed the following year, when, till the animal becomes past its prime, they are larger than their predecessors.
From the fact that the bony horn-core of the hollow-horned ruminants first develops as a separate ossification, as do the horns of the giraffe, while the pedicle of the antlers of the deer grow direct from the frontal bone, it has been proposed to place the hollow-horned ruminants (inclusive of the prongbuck) and the giraffes in one group and the deer in another.
A preorbital vacuity of such dimensions as to exclude the lachrymal bone from articulation with the nasal.
Lachrymal bone almost always articulating with the nasal.
The lateral toes may be completely absent, but more often are represented by the hoofs alone, supported sometimes by a very rudimentary skeleton, consisting of mere irregular nodules of bone.
In the manufacture of these things they employed adzes made of stone, shell or hard wood, and a wooden drill pointed with stone, shell or bone.
On the other hand it appears that the smaller bone of the leg (fibula) was welded to the larger one (tibia), and that its upper portion had disappeared.
In the skull the socket of the eye is surrounded by bone; while the dentition begins to approximate to the camel type - notably by the circumstance that the lower canine is either separated by a gap from the outermost incisors, or that its crown assumes a backwardly curved shape.
In the Oreodontinae or typical section of the family, which includes several genera nearly allied to Oreodon, the skull is shorter and higher than in the camels, with a swollen brain-case, a preorbital glandpit, the condyle of the lower jaw transversely elongated, the tympanic bulla hollow, and the orbit surrounded by bone.
In 1790 he published his important Versuch, die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erkleiren, which was an even more fundamental achievement for the new science of comparative morphology than his discovery some six years earlier of the existence of a formation in the human jaw-bone analogous to the intermaxillary bone in apes; and in 1791 and 1792 appeared two parts of his Beitrage zur Optik.
In both groups, for instance, the lower part of the hind-leg is formed by a long, slender cannon-bone, or metatarsus, terminating inferiorly in triple condyles for the three long and sharply clawed toes, the resemblance being increased by the fact that in both cases the small bone of the leg (fibula) is fused with the large one (tibia).
Further, at an early stage of development the fibula is a complete and separate bone, while the three metatarsals, which subsequently fuse together to form the cannon-bone, are likewise separate.
Bone or horn, too, was used.
The Solutrian work exhibits a transitory stage of art between the flint implements of the Mousterian and the bone implements of the Madelenian epochs.
He was bone of their bone and flesh of their flesh.
The lower orders generally, have the hair over the temporal bone long, and brought in two long locks turning backwards behind the ear, termed zulf; the beaux and youths are constantly twisting and combing these.
This latter cause is chiefly observed when the tissues are of a very unyielding character; for example, when the inflammation occurs in a bone or under a thick fibrous and unyielding membrane.
When the inflammation occurs in soft parts where the surrounding vessels can be readily dilated, heat often affords more relief to the pain than cold, but when the inflammation is in a bone or in unyielding fibrous tissues, cold generally gives more relief.
But irritation may be produced by numerous other causes besides this - such as a decayed tooth, diseased bone, local inflammations in which nerves are implicated, by some source of pressure upon a nerve trunk, or by swelling of its sheath in its passage through a bony canal or at its exit upon the surface.
When the second division of the nerve is affected the pain is chiefly in the cheek and upper jaw, the painful points being immediately below the lower eyelid, over the cheek bone, and about the upper lip. When the third division of the nerve suffers the pain affects the lower jaw, and the chief painful points are in front of the ear and about the chin.
That downright, gossiping German princess, the duchess of Orleans, cared little for the Maxims; but she was enraptured by their author, and his "ugly face, all skin and bone, though he laughed and talked quite unaffectedly and easily."
Throughout the 17th century Riga was a bone of contention between Sweden, Poland and Russia.
In 1498 he prevented the outbreak of war with Florence over the possession of Montepulciano, which had been a bone of contention between the two cities for over a hundred years.
Bulic, who had charge of the work and of the museum at Spalato, reported in 1894 that the collection of minor objects comprised "2034 inscriptions, 387 sculptures, 176 architectural pieces, 1548 fragments or objects of terra-cotta and vases, 1243 objects of glass, 3184 of metal, 929 of bone, 122 9 gems, 128 objects from prehistoric times, and 15,000 coins" (Munro, P. 244).
From early in the 18th century it was a bone of contention between the Ottoman Turks and the Russians, the latter capturing it five times between 1711 and 1812.
At Ancarano near Norcia was situated a small pages; remains of a temple were found there in 1880, which from the character of the objects seems to have been destroyed in the 5th century B.C. The tombs of the district have also produced interesting early bronzes, &c., some of which go back to the 7th century B.C., and a fine funeral couch decorated with sculptured pieces of bone.
His drawings on bone or tusk found in the caves show no mean artistic power, as appears by the three specimens copied in the Plate.
That the men of the Quaternary period knew the savage art of producing fire by friction, and roasted the flesh on which they mainly subsisted, is proved by the fragments of charcoal found in the cave deposits, where also occur bone awls and needles, which indicate the wearing of skin clothing, like that of the modern Australians and Fuegians.
Their bone lance-heads and dart-points were comparable to those of northern and southern savages.
Towards the completion of its growth a more or less prominent ring of bone, termed the burr or coronet, is deposited at its base just above the junction with the pedicle; this ring tending to constrict the blood-vessels, and thus cut off the supply of blood from the antlers...
The facial portion of the skull is very short; a long process of the maxillary bone descends from the anterior part of the zygomatic arch; and the ascending ramus of the mandible is remarkably high.
Scheele treated bone ash with nitric acid, precipitated the calcium as sulphate, filtered, evaporated and distilled the residue with charcoal.
In young animals phosphorus has a remarkable influence on the growth of bone, causing a proliferation of the jelly-like masses and finally a deposit in them of true bony material.
For the chronic form of industrial poisoning in the manufacture of lucifer matches - a form of necrosis, known in England as " phossy jaw " and in France as " mal chimique," a localized inflammatory infection of the periosteum, ending with the death and exfoliation of part of the bone - see Match.
Computations are made with it by means of balls of bone or ivory runp ing on slender bamboo rods, similar to the simpler board, fitted up with beads strung on wires, which is employed in teaching the rudiments of arithmetic in English schools.
A pure-bred Southdown sheep has a small head, with a light brown or brownish grey (often mouse-coloured) face, fine bone, and a symmetrical, well-fleshed body.
An osteological question which has been much discussed is the fate of the reptilian quadrate bone in the mammalian skull.
This distinction is, however, not so important as it appears at first sight, for their connexion with the bone is only of a secondary nature, and, although it happens conveniently that in the great majority of cases the division between the bones coincides with the interspace between the third and fourth tooth of the series, still, when it does not, as in the mole, too much weight must not be given to this fact, if it contravenes other reasons for determining the homologies of the teeth.
The fate of the reptilian quadrate bone (which is reduced to very small dimensions in the Anomodontia) has been referred to in an earlier section of the present article, where some mention has also been made of the disappearance in mammals of the hinder elements of the reptilian lower jaw, so as to leave the single bone (dentary) of each half of this part of the skeleton in mammals.
The principal ores are galena, sphalerite or zinc blende and smithsonite or zinc carbonate, which is locally called "dry bone" and which was the first zinc ore mined in the state.
With his head encircled by a coronet of dogs teeth, and covered with a network cap or piece of bark-cloth, the septum of the nose transfixed by a pencil of bone or shell, and perhaps a shell or fibre armlet or two, the Papuan is in complete everyday attire.
The Papuan bow is rather short, the arrows barbed and tipped with cassowary or human bone.
The Papuans are mostly ignorant of iron, but work skilfully with axes of stone or tridacna shell and bone chisels, cutting down trees 20 in.
Other events of this reign were the parliament of Drogheda, held by Sir Edward Poynings, which gave the control of Irish legislation to the English council (" Poynings's Act " - the great bone of contention in the later days of Flood and Grattan), and the battle of Knockdoe, in which the earl of Kildare used the viceregal authority to avenge a private quarrel.
In the ancient tomb discovered in 1877 at Spata near Athens (which represents a kindred but somewhat later art than the tombs at Mycenae) were found female winged sphinxes carved in ivory or bone.
After death from chronic poisoning it is found present even in the brain and spongy bone.
On the death of Ahmad Shah in 1773 the country became a recognized bone of contention, not so much between Persians and Afghans as between Herat and Kandahar; but eventually the internal dissensions of Afghanistan gave Persia the desired opportunity; and by a steady course of intrigue and encroachment she managed to get within her grasp the better lands on the left bank of the lower Helmund and something on the right bank besides.
The orbit, of nearly circular form, though small in proportion to the size of the whole skull, is distinctly marked, being completely surrounded by a strong ring of bone with prominent edges.
The pterygoids are delicate slender slips of bone attached to the hinder border of the palatines, and supported externally by, and generally welded with, the rough pterygoid plates of the alisphenoid, with no pterygoid fossa between.
The squamosal enters considerably into the formation of the temporal fossa, and, besides sending the zygomatic process forwards, it sends down behind the meatus auditorius a post-tympanic process which aids to hold in place the otherwise loose tympano-periotic bone.
The latter bone is of nearly equal width throughout.
The large metacarpal is called in veterinary anatomy " cannon bone"; the small lateral metacarpals, which gradually taper towards their lower extremities, and lie in close contact with the large one, are called " splint bones."
The single digit consists of a moderate-sized proximal (os suffraginis, or large pastern), a short middle (os coronae, or small pastern), and a wide, semi-lunar, ungual phalanx (os pedis, or coffin bone).
There is a pair of large nodular sesamoids behind the metacarpo-phalangeal articulation, and a single large transversely-extended sesamoid behind the joint between the second and third phalanx, called the " navicular bone."
In the hinder limb the femur is marked, as in other perissodactyles, by the presence of a " third trochanter," a flattened process, curving forwards and arising from the outer side of the bone, about one-third of the distance from the upper end.
The terminal phalange of the toe is greatly enlarged and modified in form to support this hoof, and the size of the internal framework of the foot is increased by a pair of lateral fibro-cartilaginous masses attached on each side to the hinder edges of the bone, and by a fibro-cellular and fatty plantar cushion in the median part.
Between the mucous membrane and the bone of the hard palate is a dense vascular and nervous plexus.
A fine head, sloping shoulders, strong loins, lengthy quarters, high-stepping action, flat bone and sound feet are characteristic. The height varies from 16 hands to 16 hands 2 in.
It is regarded as an indication of good bone.
This breed is growing rapidly in favour in Canada, but in the United States the Percheron, with its round bone and short pasterns, holds the field.
The United Ste tes takes the foremost place in the world for the production of cottonseed and maize oils, lard, bone fat and fish oils.
Some authors have held that the bone on which the occipital condyles have been found most developed in some labyrinthodonts (2) represents a large basi-occipital bearing two knobs for the articulation with the first vertebra, whilst the skull of the batrachians of the present day has lost the basi-occipital, and the condyles are furnished by the exoccipitals.
The skull, in the Apoda, is remarkably solid and compact, and it possesses a postorbital or postfrontal bone (marked 1 in the figure) which does not exist in any of the other living batrachians.
The squamosal bone is large and either in contact with the frontals and parietals or separated from them by a vacuity; the orbit is sometimes roofed over by bone.
The clavicles rest on a large discoidal, rhomb o i d a 1, or T-shaped median bone, which clearly corresponds to the interclavicle of reptiles.
In the Ecaudata also, the tibia and fibula coalesce into one bone, and two or three small bones on the inner side of the tarsus form what has been regarded as a rudimentary digit or "prehallux."
You don't have a generous bone in your body!
And it's not a body—only one small bone.
They omitted mentioning the finger bone but assured their guest they had strong that evidence the bones were different.
While that conjecture made a nice pat story, it didn't answer who was now so concerned with forty-year-old happenings to switch the skeleton, steal a finger bone, offer a substantial price for a virtually worthless mine, and perhaps take a shot at visitors to the Lucky Pup.
While there was evidence of the opportunity to switch the bones, there was the nagging problem of Fitzgerald having neither knowledge nor chance to steal the bone fragment from Cynthia's jewelry box.
All of the potential candidates with the opportunity to steal the bone were rapidly drifting away.
I don't think she had a responsible bone in her body.
Knobs and wrinkles on bone surfaces become more conspicuous with age, and they are readily seen in the carcasses of old bulls.
Thus optimum seizure control, especially where there are convulsive seizures and/or falls, remains a primary goal when considering bone health.
With unaccustomed activity the tight Achilles pulls the heel bone causing tension on the plantar fascia.
Heavy and well grown with lots of bone and feather, will make an ideal family all-rounder or ride and drive.
The most suitable bone for this is the end of a toe bone which can be quickly and easily removed from adult amphibians.
Patients with progressive bone disease often require opiate analgesia.
And yet, in spite of every critically analytic bone in our body, we do of course absolutely love this game to pieces.
People who have aplastic anemia have bone marrow that just stops working right.
The recent loss of hormone replacement therapy from the therapeutic armamentarium has left a need for new ways to prevent bone loss.
Bone marrow invasion was shown in two of 14 patients on MR images which were confirmed by bone marrow aspirate.
A negative result had been reported in an adequate oral bone marrow mouse micronucleus assay.
In these cases a root canal therapy may be required to the tooth involved. return to top What is a bone augmentation?
Outcome in recipients of HLA-compatible related or unrelated bone marrow was compared to those receiving a second autograft.
Arthroscopically assisted reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament using a patella tendon bone autograft.
Nutrobal is a high potency calcium balancer and multivitamin supplement to help bone growth in snakes, lizards and tortoises.
Patients should therefore avoid other than short-term bed rest, as immobility increases bone loss.
In a bone marrow biopsy, a slightly larger needle is used.
Types of test There are two main types of bone marrow test - a bone marrow aspiration and a bone marrow trephine biopsy.
Bone in packing and floor materials derived from natural sediments is often uncharred and exhibits pale birefringence and signs of weathering.
Let sinew bond with bone, gristle with offal blah blah blah blah... that should do it.
Values can be obtained for whole bones or joints, or bone cortex or trabecular bone alone.
Compression can also occur if the cord is between the baby's head and the mother's pelvic bone before or during delivery.
Femur - the upper leg or thigh bone - the longest bone in the body.
Tibia - the lower leg or shin bone - the second largest bone in the body.
I've had Achilles trouble and complications from a broken collar bone in the past.
On the third day I started to notice tenderness around the rear left side of the jaw bone.
With unaccustomed activity the tight achilles pulls the heel bone causing tension on the plantar fascia.
The shape was produced in Spode's white bone china.
Wedgwoodâs pure white fine bone china is such an intelligent tableware selection.
All our food is purchased locally and served on beautiful bone china accompanied by silver.
The specially commissioned pieces are produced exclusively for the Royal Collection in Stoke-on-Trent from the finest English bone china.
Established in 1759 Wedgwood have been at the forefront of high quality bone china crockery.
I also have a bowing in the left arm where the radius is shorter than the ulna bone.
Early recognition is important for effective treatment, particularly for long bone bowing which is treated by bracing.
Progress has been made in improving the design of cage fronts to make access better for depopulation thus reducing bone breakage.
To protect against excessive force exerted on the torso, there is a load limiting device to reduce the risk of bone breakage.
A priori, one would guess that bone in some uncemented breccias will have witnessed the passage of only small amounts of water.
I was NEVER given any further information to my condition beyond the fact that I had bumpy " bone growths " .
The esophagus and pharynx were then separated from the loose tissue of the retropharyngeal plane and the hyoid bone and neurovascular bundles removed.
Remove a semi-circle of bone from the buccal alveolar crest with a small round bur (½ or 1 ).
There were also 12 deposits of vessels that looked precisely like urned burials apart from the absence of human bone.
Bone, particularly fish and sometimes burnt, was very common within the residue while CBM was quite common.
Once all visible papilloma was removed, residual mucosa was removed by using a diamond burr to polish bone at the site of origin.
The materals used include Silver, gold, African blackwood, Spanish olivewood, thuya burr, bone and blue moonstones.
The meat is moist closest to the bone, and these are choice cuts from a master butcher.
The factory ship processes whales into whale oil, whale meat, bone meal, meat extract and other byproducts.
The thyroglossal duct extends from the foramen caecum, in the floor of the mouth, to the hyoid bone.
Evidence is showing that potassium is also involved in bone calcification.
The residue contained occasional bone (including fish and sometimes calcined ), hammerscale, charcoal and CBM.
Studies have shown that taking 800 to 1,000 mg of supplemental calcium per day can reduce the rate of bone loss in postmenopausal women.
Knowing the structure of amorphous calcium phosphate will improve our knowledge of bone growth.
In places, like joint surfaces, the bone will be covered with smooth articular cartilage.
Most artificial joints (prostheses) are fixed into the bone with acrylic cement.
Within the residue bone (sometimes burnt) and CBM were occasional, charcoal and pottery more rare.
The residue contained frequent charcoal, occasional bone and some hammerscale, slag, and rare amounts of pottery.
Within the residue charcoal was common while bone (including fish) and hammerscale were occasional.
Then I go back to the bone tumor clinic, then back across to the chemo suite for my chemo suite for my chemo.
The fired bone china is left in its original white color.
Instead of being made of bone, insect skeletons are made of a hard material called chitin.
In addition to this mineral component, the bone tissue matrix also contains type I collagen, a type of protein.
Collagen 1A1 (COL1A1) gene regulatory region collagen 1A1 (COL1A1) gene regulatory region Collagen 1A1 is the most abundant form of collagen in bone.
Nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios in human bone collagen, for instance, tell us about diet.
This double-sided bone comb was made from the waste products of the meat industry.
Environmental assessment identified fecal concretions and chewed fish bone in all three deposits.
The dried residue largely comprised of olive colored concretion in which bone was rare to occasional, charcoal occasional and vitrified fuel ash rare.
Who is a bone conduction hearing aid suitable for?
There are also congenital deformities, for example cleft palate where there is an absence of bone in the mouths of children.
The bone should be finally packaged in a double sterile container.
One of the complications associated with muscle contusions is called myositis ossificans (bone growth within the muscle ).
Paper was also recycled, along with bones from joint, used to make cordite or bone meal to feed hens.
It is also the name of small round pieces of lean meat such as lamb cutlets with the bone and fat removed.
It is proper mug size, not dainty like so much bone china pieces, and at a very reasonable price.
Within the residue, which mostly comprised of burnt daub, bone was rare, while charcoal, CBM and hammerscale were occasional.
The CRF also provides an X-ray densitometer machine to accurately measure total body bone, muscle and fat mass.
The RNHRD uses the Hologic Acclaim bone densitometer, which allows bone density to be assessed in a few minutes.
The bone mineral density changes were compared with a control group of 15 untreated women.
In prostate cancer patients, it may be used for patients with bone mineral loss associated with androgen deprivation.
There were no significant differences in cortical volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) at the radius or tibia diaphysis between the groups.
Briefly, target molecules will be used on bone marrow stem cells in tissue culture to induce specific appropriate differentiation.
Val d'Or is top quality Royal Albert bone china dinnerware for elegant, traditional living.
He concluded, and we agree, that that can best be done by raising awareness of bone marrow donation.
We must not lose sight of the fact, however, that there are not enough bone marrow donors, full stop.
However, the overall clinical use of biochemical markers of bone formation in patients with plasma cell dyscrasia seemed to be limited.
There are a number of complications associated with the bone dysplasias, which can affect different body functions.
The cochlea consists of a spiral canal, set in bone and filled with a fluid called endolymph.
When drawing the eyebrow, use the bone above the eye socket as a guide for the shape of the eyebrow.
Like all muscles, the tensor fascia lata has a band of connective tissue at each end which bind it to bone.
A 34 year old man sustained an open fracture of the distal femur with bone loss.
Mr Flint was severely injured in the incident suffering a broken fibula - the bone which runs from the knee to the ankle.
Make a digital photographic record of items of special significance (e.g. bone tools, ceramic figurines ).
Followed by bone grafting and percutaneous screw fixation to support joint and graft.
Belgium is banning several products containing fluorine because it causes ' brittle bone disease ' .
Further, bone mineral density of the proximal femur, lateral spine, and distal forearm was studied after eight years.
Failure of fixation in tibial plateau fractures is very high in elderly patients due to poor bone quality.
When pathological GH excess occurs before epiphyseal fusion in the long bone, the condition is known as gigantism.
Put simply, Neil Young is one of the last great maverick geniuses of rock, and bone fide living legend to boot.
Always Porcelain Limited is a secure online shop selling top quality Royal Worcester porcelain and bone china giftware, figurines and tableware.
All of them are derived from the bone marrow but T cells undergo a process of maturation in the thymus gland.
Darkhawk smashed the now brittle bone golem to shards with his clawed fists and stepped toward the nagpa.
Haversian bone is thought to have been present in dinosaurs, pterosaurs and advanced synapsids.
The less common pain arises at the back of the heel where the Achilles tendon is attached to the heel bone.
Bone samples from the broken hip were sent to pathology.
Modern research has validated long-standing folk medicine practices of using horsetail to mend connective tissue and bone.
There is a growth of bone on the distal left humerus measuring 6mm wide and 7 mm high.
It connects the ilium, the large flared portion of the pelvic bone, with the upper part of the tibia.
His spleen is now hard to find and he has had no major bone infarcts since starting treatment.
Extensive, mainly acute, inflammation may be found in the cancerous bone of the skull.
It may also be sprayed over a porous titanium coating where it is used to promote bone ingrowth.
Masks and crafts Portuguese traders first bought worked ivory, bone and wooden statues from native craftsmen over 500 years ago.
Dice were made of antler for the most part, although examples of bone, walrus ivory and jet are also known.
In previous centuries ivory along with genuine stag, metal, bone, horn, tortoiseshell, and pearl were all popular options.
Josh Eaton's Home Page A 7 year old who has had a bone marrow transplant for Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Blood donors can also add their name to the NBS's own Bone Marrow Register - and become a lifesaver twice over this holiday.
Further information is required to clarify the effects, particularly on bone, breast and uterine lining.
I have a twelve year old female llama with a bad abscess in the bone of her jaw.
How to catch dace, tips on Irish loughs or Caribbean bone fishing seemed to abound.
Low Massam is an effective program for increasing lower limb bone mass and delaying the effects of Osteoporosis.
Other forms of TB e.g. lymph or bone are not infectious.
Three patients (three ankles, 4.4 %) had a ballooning bone lysis on the tibial side.
Rare and exotic hardwood and Buffalo Horn and bone fine handcrafted handles made-to-order.
Nimmo successfully weaves a wonderfully magical mystery that only Charlie Bone can solve... .
Where necessary, treatments that include mammograms, cervical smears, hormone tests, bone density scans, are available.
Happily, his brother Neil donated bone marrow for Lee, which was a perfect match.
Graft Versus Host A term used in donor bone marrow transplant.
The effect of the alkaloid was also tested in an in vivo assay using BALB/c mouse bone marrow cells.
Maximum or peak bone mass is achieved by the mid 20s.
Erythropoietin is a genetically engineered preparation of the human hormone that promotes maturation of red cells in the bone marrow.
The velocity of bone growth doubles during adolescence, beginning at sexual maturation.
In women, bone loss is accelerated following the menopause, particularly during the first 5 years.
Rarely, inactivation of vitamin B12 may occur which can then interfere with folate metabolism which can result in bone marrow changes.
The bone specimen tested in this report was the equine third metacarpal or cannon bone.
Primary bone cancer is much less common than bone metastasis.
This would commonly be fixed to the bone using polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) bone cement.
In myeloma, bortezomib affects the ability of myeloma cells to interact with the bone marrow microenvironment.
In the first instance this should be in the in-vivo bone marrow micronucleus assay.
Osteoporosis affects not just the bone mineral density, but also the internal microstructure of bone.
For the painful bone crises, analgesics (pain relief ), usually intravenous morphine, were the only choice.
Introduction Bone pain is often the most difficult symptom to deal with for people who develop myeloma.
Avascular necrosis means the death of the bone due to deprivation of its blood supply.
Bone invasion and tumor necrosis, features not reported before, were found in six cases each.
It does not provide access to the bone above the sciatic notch.
Skull has a notably long vault with a bulbous occipital bone.
Investigation showed the retroviral vector used to load a gene into bone marrow cells had inadvertently carried its DNA into a known oncogene.
Reducing oxygen also reduces bone formation by specialized cells called osteoblasts.
We think that she probably had osteomyelitis (infection in the bone) and this made her feet achy at times.
Also, bone spurs - small growths called osteophytes - may grow on the edges of the joint.
For example, normal x-rays can only detect osteoporosis (weakened bones) when around one-third of the bone mass has already gone.
For a given bone mineral density, the risk of fracture in steroid-induced osteoporosis is twice as high as in post-menopausal osteoporosis.
Lack of vitamin D makes development of the bone disease osteoporosis more likely.
Sometimes the bone around the old femoral implant has to be cut into sections before being removed, in a process called an osteotomy.
Sometimes a wedge of bone is taken out (closing wedge osteotomy ).
The surrounding bone reacts by growing thicker, forming bony outgrowths which can cause inflammation in the surrounding tissues.
This provided a meta-analysis and has been summarized on a separate web page (Bone mass and exercise in women ).
The wrist bone of a giant panda 's front paws is enlarged to form a ' false ' thumb.
In advanced periodontitis there is destruction of the periodontal ligament and resorption of alveolar bone, resulting eventually in loss of the tooth.
X-rays revealed that the bone had ruptured his bowel causing peritonitis.
Complement factor is released encouraging polymorphonuclear leukocyte release from bone marrow promoting phagocytosis, which produces heat.
In contrast to the alkaline phosphatase, the GGT tends not to be elevated in diseases of bone, placenta, or intestine.
It takes under a minute for a piranha to strip you to the bone, but surprisingly two thirds of piranha species are vegetarian!
For patients with bone marrow failure, it has been accepted practice to transfuse platelets where levels are very low.
Other stray finds from topsoil included five flint flakes, animal bone and medieval to post-medieval pottery.
Bone sampling must be carried out immediately prior to closing the bone container.
We have been investigating the chemoattractants involved in releasing mast cell progenitors from the bone marrow and mediating their recruitment to tissues.
This means that prosthetics can be attached directly to bone and the skin around them sealed to reduce the chance of infection.
In a healthy joint, the cartilage provides protection at the end of each bone forming the joint.
The majority of your weight is carried through your pelvic bone which has 2 protrusions immediately below the thigh joints.
A Technetium bone scan showed intense increased uptake at the right superior pubic ramus (figure 2 ).
This can, to some extent be corrected using a rasp to remove any extra bone, or with extra cement to fill gaps.
As well as the bone comb, an unusually large red deer metapodial skate was recovered.
Movement becomes restricted where bone replaces the elastic tissue of ligaments or tendons.
Anatomy The posterior tibial nerve runs just behind the inside ankle bone in a tunnel covered by the flexor retinaculum.
Comment The effects of exercise on bone mass in women have been assessed in another systematic review [1] .
The necklace made to sit across your collar bone has a string of large stones from which hang 5 swags of 3 blue rhinestones.
Vitamin D Babies who do not get enough vitamin D may get rickets, a disease that affects bone development.
This has considerable advantages in maintaining the blood clot and encouraging new bone growth to maintain the alveolar bony ridge.
Comb Made from animal bone with iron rivets to secure side plates.
Sacral vertebrae are the bones of the spine in this region, which are fused together to form a bone called the sacrum.
The anatomical term sacrum derives its names fro the Latin os sacrum which means sacred bone.
It is sometimes also called " osteogenic sarcoma " which literally means a bone forming cancer.
This team aims to see at least 100 new patients with soft tissue sarcoma and 50 patients with primary bone sarcoma each year.
They have a fund raising program to support research into bone sarcoma.
This is a type of primary bone cancer - one of a group of tumors called spindle cell sarcomas.
The only way to be forewarned of this problem is to have occasional bone scans.
Wall cases hold diverse pieces like faience scarabs, limestone seals, bone implements and engraved stone blocks.
Mammal droppings provide clues to the animal, for example a fox scat will contain fur and bone and have a strong odor.
Ah, my bone ache, my limbs be sore, alas I have the sciatica full evil in my hip.
Young patients with negative serology for CMV, who may be candidates for bone marrow transplantation, should receive CMV negative blood products.
It should thus reasonably be considered a 'warning ' of clinically significant metabolic bone disease.
A major constituent of the embryonic and young vertebrate skeleton, it is converted largely to bone with maturation.
Lesley suggests enriching the soil with well rotted manure, or mushroom compost and adding blood, fish and bone before planting the hedge.
The movie soundtrack is produced by T Bone Burnett who also composed the film's underscore.
Both hind legs were inflamed, and the ligaments contracted, and the animal was suffering from bone spavin.
Remove any bone spicules with a bone rasp or bur.
Although surgery may realign the spinal column, the damaged bone still has to heal, especially when bone grafts have been used.
The bone at the edge of the joint grows outwards (this forms osteophytes or bony spurs ).
In fact, it is a shelf of bone, not a sharp spur.
I've been told my pain is caused by a bone spur.
In the remaining cases there is evidence of exposure to some factor which is known to cause damage to bone marrow stem cells.
The new bone grew naturally in rabbits without the addition of chemical growth stimulants.
Electrically stimulated bone healing is usually used only in severe breaks and spinal injuries, where the body has difficulty healing itself.
Children use a pointed bone or metal stylus to make marks on the wax.
A partial dislocation where the upper arm bone is partially in and partially out of the socket is called a subluxation.
Lamb so succulent; falling off the bone; packed with flavor.
In babies and small children scurvy also causes bleeding under the bone membranes, causing very tender swellings so that infants resent being touched.
The main restaurant which specialized in British cuisine used bone china tableware with a narrow hop border printed in gold.
Added pictures of the bone china tableware produced by Cosmo Place Studio.
Janine gave a very entertaining and informative talk on her long-term study on bone metastases.
Golf and Fishing options have a different design and use large bone china tankards with superb detailed graphics of the relevant sports.
If collagen loss materially influences the physical properties of the bone, then temperature may have a dominant role to play in bone taphonomy.
What once may have been supple, rippling muscles were now tattered pieces of rotting flesh hanging off the bone.
In the board room of British Caves Limited, the bright sunshine falls on bone china teacups and polished mahogany.
Mechanisms of action of chemically modified tetracyclines in bone resorption and formation.
Valance was hit again, in the left thigh by a bullet that broke his hip bone.
The back legs should again be heavy in bone with muscular thighs.
At Hemp Knoll, the bone belt ring was hidden beneath the dead man's right thigh.
They include the thymus, the bone marrow and the lymph nodes (see ' lymphatic system ' ).
More than 100 printer toner cartridges are recycled each month by the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust.
Cancellous Bone Cancellous bone has large open spaces (marrow spaces) and plates of bone called trabeculae.
Bone scans use a tiny amount of radioactive tracer to show up ' hot spots ' in the bones.
In both cases the china is fine, white and almost translucent, as fine bone china always is.
She needed large amounts of blood before receiving a life-saving bone marrow transplant, donated by her brother.
What can go wrong There are up to 2,000 patients waiting for a bone marrow transplant at any given time.
Each lovely bright bone comes complete with tasty treats.
For a bone marrow trephine, the needle is thicker.
Collectively the combination of disordered eating, menstrual irregularities and reduced bone density has become known as the female athlete triad (6 ).
Porcelain trinket Box Here is a beautiful little fine bone china trinket box ideal for your dresser.
The area of the thigh bone at its upper end is called the greater trochanter.
The heel bone can become particularly troublesome causing pain in two areas.
These results strongly suggest that Rb gene alteration is pertinent to the tumorigenesis of most osteosarcoma cases and some other bone and soft-tissue tumors.
More personal items include tweezers, brooches and hairpins carefully carved from bone fragments.
The Atlas vertebra meets with the occipital condyles which flank the foramen magnum in the basilar part of the occipital bone of the skull.
This provided a meta-analysis and has been summarized on a separate Web page (Bone mass and exercise in women ).
For this procedure a small triangular wedge of bone is cut out below the growth plate to straighten up the leg.
Spindle whorl A spindle whorl made from the top of a cow's leg bone.
Further investigations, such as blood tests, bone scan X-ray or pelvic ultrasound may be indicated.
The flying species are also distinguished from ordinary flyingsquirrels by the circumstance that the additional bone serving for the support of the fore part of the flying-membrane rises Pigmy African Flying-Squirrel (Idiurus zenkeri).
In the skull there are always vacuities, or unossified spaces in the bones of the palate, while the "angle," or lower hind extremity of each half of the lower jaw is strongly bent inwards so as to form a kind of shelf, and the alisphenoid bone takes a share in the formation of the tympanum, or auditory bladder, or bulla.
Thus an organized individual (tout organise) " is a composite body consisting of the original, or elementary, parts and of the matters which have been associated with them by the aid of nutrition "; so that, if these matters could be extracted from the individual (tout), it would, so to speak, become concentrated in a point, and would thus be restored to its primitive condition of a germ; " just as, by extracting from a bone the calcareous substance which is the source of its hardness, it is reduced to its primitive state of gristle or membrane."2 " Evolution " and " development " are, for Bonnet, synonymous terms; and since by " evolution " he means simply the expansion of that which was invisible into visibility, he was naturally led to the conclusion, at which Leibnitz had arrived by a different line of reasoning, that no such thing as generation, in the proper sense of the word exists in nature.
Prout, who on analysis found they consisted essentially of calcium phosphate and carbonate, and not infrequently contained fragments of unaltered bone.
On the anterior side of the tibia, is the intercondylar sulcus, which is crossed by an oblique bridge of tendon or bone, acting as a pulley for the tendon of the extensor digitorum communis muscle.
A knowledge of the bacteriology of scrofulous affections of bone and joints, such as caries and gelatinous degeneration, has shown that they also are tubercular diseases - that is to say, diseases due to the presence locally of the tubercle bacillus.
Skin-grafting and regeneration of bone are among not the least remarkable applications of pathological principles to the combat with disease in recent times; and in this connexion may also be mentioned the daring acts of surgery for the relief of tumours of the brain, rendered practicable by improved methods of localization, as well as operations upon the serous cavities for diseased conditions within them or in their vicinity.
The high cheek-bone and the hawk'sbill nose are universally distributed in the two Americas; so also are proportions between parts of the body, and the frequency of certain abnormalities of the skull, the hyoid bone, the humerus and the tibia.
Sitting well in the middle of the saddle, the thighs turned in, and the heels drawn somewhat back, the stirrup leathers may be let out or taken up until the tread of the stirrup is on a level with the inner ankle bone, and at this length, when the rider stands up, his fork will easily clear the pommel of the saddle.
In 1816, 1817 and 1818, he published a series of Quarterly Reports of Cases in Surgery; in 1821 a volume of coloured plates with descriptive letterpress, entitled Illustrations of the great operations of Surgery, Trepan, Hernia, Amputation and Lithotomy, and in 1824 Observations on Injuries of the Spine and of the Thigh Bone.
With arthroscopic washings of the bone, one can often identify the exact location of the punctate bleeding.
In mammals the quadrate bone is incorporated into the middle ear as the malleus.
This contained a fill of dark brown and black soil, and large quantities of pottery, tile, animal bone and building debris.
This formation process constitutes the majority of the 90- to 120-day bone cycle, which then passes into the quiescent phase.
A Technetium bone scan showed intense increased uptake at the right superior pubic ramus (figure 2).
Many dogs will spend hours chewing on a rawhide bone, which can be particularly beneficial for your dogs ' teeth.
Bone marrow could be reconstituted from cultured brain, and glial and neurons cells were obtained from bone marrow.
Handle is made from a single piece of bone, rectangular in cross section.
New red cells are of course continually manufactured and this also takes place within the bone marrow.
Diet Owls need complete animal food, including the bone and fur which are regurgitated as pellets.
Factors of interest Autogenous bone is considered to be the gold standard material for repairing bone defects around dental implants.
Radical resection of selected bone metastases not only improves quality of life for patients, it also leads to good long-term outcomes.
A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which osteoclasts resorb bone may lead to novel treatments for such diseases.
What is the name for the precursor cells that differentiate into bone resorbing cells?
Comment The effects of exercise on bone mass in women have been assessed in another systematic review [1 ].
Reduction rhinoplasty Your surgeon will make cuts inside your nostrils to reach the bone and cartilage.
The figure below gives a summary of primary tumor site in a series of over 900 people diagnosed with Ewing 's sarcoma of bone.
Also in 1995, a small tail bone found in the vicinity of the sauropod bone was found.
News Snippets Philippa Gammell has recently been diagnosed with a broken right wrist scaphoid bone, the original injury having occurred in April 2002.
Bone scintigraphy is the most sensitive imaging modality for the recognition of bone disease.
Congenital scoliosis is a result of a bone abnormality present at birth.
In beef and lamb carcasses there is a single major bone, the tibia or shank bone, located distally to the femur.
His right shin bone was cracked, possibly the reason why he was unable to escape from the sinking vessel.
Eleven out of 16 studies in postmenopausal women showed improvements in bone density with either exercise or exercise plus calcium or estrogen.
The local pain becomes intense with the wound sloughing tissue often down to the bone.
The movie soundtrack is produced by T Bone Burnett who also composed the film 's underscore.
A portion of the sphenoid bone was broken off.
Any spicules of bone preventing access by his finger were chipped away with a cleaver.
We previously demonstrated the selective presence of 5T2MM cells in bone marrow and spleen of diseased mice.
Liver and spleen volume decreased and bone structure improved.
Turning back to his foe the mage unleashed a volley of three magic missiles then ducked as splinters of bone flew through the air.
As bone loss occurs in spongy bone, the thick plates and rods become very thin and the continuity of structure is lost.
The bone at the edge of the joint grows outwards (this forms osteophytes or bony spurs).
I 've been told my pain is caused by a bone spur.
Most of the stapes bone is removed, leaving just the portion called the footplate, which sits in contact with the oval window.
Bone Marrow or stem cell transplants become necessary when the bone marrow becomes diseased or damaged, preventing it from functioning normally.
This condition is classified as either a bone stress reaction or a stress fracture of the lower back.
When these adults were supplemented with magnesium for two years, their bone mineral density increased significantly.
She was also found to have woven bone deposits in the right orbit and supraorbital ridge.
He took new x-rays and said I fractured my talus bone.
Knife handles were commonly made of two flat plates of bone riveted onto the metal tang of the blade.
Beef carcasses normally are suspended by a hook under the fibular tarsal bone.
Insert a meat thermometer into the thickest portion of the ham, making sure it does n't touch fat or bone.
Bobby Collins broke his thigh bone in the opening match in Turin.
At Hemp Knoll, the bone belt ring was hidden beneath the dead man 's right thigh.
They include the thymus, the bone marrow and the lymph nodes (see ' lymphatic system ').
Massage to the surface of the tibia bone should be avoided as this may increase inflammation Gradual return to running.
While in hospital after surgery I developed tingling around the lips and muscle cramps and bone pains.
The Trauma and Orthopedic department forms the central arm of the regional service for management of bone and soft tissue sarcomas in London.
The next item of interest is the towpath swing bridge at the entrance to the bone works arm.
Heterosexuals at risk of transmissible diseases are also excluded from giving bone marrow.
She developed arthritis in her trapezium bone in the wrist.
Collectively the combination of disordered eating, menstrual irregularities and reduced bone density has become known as the female athlete triad (6).
Porcelain Trinket Box Here is a beautiful little fine bone china trinket box ideal for your dresser.
The turbinate bone may be pushed away to the side of the nose to make more space inside the nose.
Twain 's work usually cuts to the bone and these stories do n't.
Unlike many bones in a whale 's skeleton, the tympanic bone is very dense.
The atlas vertebra meets with the occipital condyles which flank the foramen magnum in the basilar part of the occipital bone of the skull.
Differential bone growth between large and small breeds of cattle is usually established prior to a slaughter weight of 500 kg in males.