Bonds Sentence Examples
Bonds to pay were treated as negotiable.
Let the boys fight over the few stocks and bonds Paul left, but I want to keep his fantasy.
Marsh also devised a form closely resembling that of Thomsen, inasmuch as the carbon atoms occupied the angles of a regular octahedron, and the diagonal linkages differed in nature from the peripheral, but differeng from Thomsen's since rupture of the diagonal and not peripheral bonds accompanied the reduction to hexamethylene.
There are three bonds that are older than time.
The bonds are complete.
The mating bond of the Immortals and deities and the blood bond of the demons were the two oldest bonds, unbreakable under the Immortal Code and from the laws older than the Code.
Rhyn tested the bonds of his cell again until a mage in a brown robe hurried down the hall to repair the damage.
Progress Of Geographical Discovery Exploration and geographical discovery must have started from more than one centre, and to deal justly with the matter one ought to treat of these separately in the early ages before the whole civilized world was bound together by the bonds of modern intercommunication.
The wind snapped free of its bonds, nearly tearing her from his grip with its first gust.
He broke through his bonds and gave a roar of fury.
AdvertisementThe state is practically free from debt, the only obligation of this character being $ 1 35,5 00 in 6% bonds, payable in 1910, which were issued in behalf of the Agricultural College.
The gold reserve in the possession of the Banca dItalia on September 30th 1907 amounted to 32,240,984, and the silver reserve to 4,767,861; the foreign treasury bonds, &c. amounted to 3,324,074, making the total reserve 40,332,919; while the circulation amounted to 54,612,234.
He hadn't killed her, because of the bonds and a deal she made without knowing how important it was.
Unwilling to admit to the bonds let alone talk about them, Deidre focused on the girl.
Sami pulled her hands free and tossed both dagger and bonds, doing the same with the bonds around her ankles.
AdvertisementIn 1896 a bill was passed by congress, which authorized the state by the issue of national bonds to assume the provincial external indebtedness.
The so-called " contracts," including a great variety of deeds, conveyances, bonds, receipts, accounts and, most important of all, the actual legal decisions given by the judges in the law courts, exist in thousands.
He struggled to free his arms from the invisible bonds, his eyesight darkening until he dropped into unconsciousness.
The bonds were negotiable, and afford us the earliest instance of the issue of government stock.
Two released Damian from the bonds and lifted him over his shoulders.
AdvertisementFor example, Michigan, in 1837, in the first session of its state legislature, made plans for the construction of 557 miles of railway under the direct control of the state, and the governor was authorized to issue bonds for the purpose.
Another state could do so, however, and in 1904, certain creditors having given ten of their bonds to South Dakota, the case of South Dakota versus North Carolina came before the Supreme Court.
The " Mecklenburg Declaration," which it is alleged was passed on the 10th of the same month by the same committee, " dissolves the political bonds " which have connected the county with the mother country, " absolves " the citizens of that county " from all allegiance to the British Crown," declares them " a free and independent people," and abounds in other phrases which closely resemble phrases in the great Declaration of the 4th of July 1776.
In 1909 the taxable real estate and personal property was valued at $108,663,716, and the city had no floating debt; on the 1st of February 1910, there were 810,706,318 worth of bonds outstanding, and the sinking fund was 82,011,857.
We cannot suppose that there occurred, at or about the commencement of the 19th century, a breach of historical continuity of such a character that institutions, customs, laws and social conventions were suddenly swept away, the bonds of society loosened, and the state and people of England dissolved into an aggregate of competing individuals.
AdvertisementMost of the state institutions secured Federal charters after the establishments of the national banking system (1863-1864), but the high price of government bonds and the large amount of capital required led to a reaction, which was only partially checked by the reduction of the minimum capital to $25,000 under the currency act of the 14th of March 1900.
Later followed the appearance of lights; quasi-human voices; musical sounds, produced, it is said, without instruments; the "materialization" or presence in material form of what seemed to be human hands and faces, and ultimately of complete figures, alleged to be not those of any person present, and sometimes claimed by witnesses as deceased relatives; "psychography," or "direct writing and drawing," asserted to be done without human intervention; "spirit-photography," or the appearance on photographic plates of human and other forms when no counterpart was visible before the camera to any but specially endowed seers; 3 unfastening of cords and bonds; elongation of the medium's body; handling of red-hot coals; and the apparent passage of solids through solids without disintegration.
The militia was disbanded in 1762, and Gibbon joyfully shook off his bonds; but his literary projects were still to be postponed.
At a time when all nationalities, and at the same time all bonds of religion and national customs, were beginning to be broken up in the seeming cosmos and real chaos of the Graeco-Roman Empire, the Jews stood out like a rock in the midst of the ocean.
The state subscribed $5,000,000, which was raised on bonds sold to Nicholas Biddle, president of the United States Bank of Pennsylvania.
The Democrats were successful, and the bonds were formally repudiated in 1842.
The decision was disregarded, however, and in the same year the Planters' Bank bonds were also repudiated by popular vote.
In the midst of these unhappy surroundings religion became more inward in men of real piety and the desire grew among them to draw closer the bonds that united them to one another.
Thrice Samson scoffingly told her how he might be bound, and thrice he readily broke the bonds with which she had fettered him in his sleep; seven green bow-strings, new ropes, and even the braiding of his hair into the frame of the loom failed to secure him.
Large sums of money and games and shows were provided for the people, and, in addition, all the arrears of taxation for the last fifteen years (about £10,000,000) were cancelled and the bonds burnt in the Forum of Trajan.
In 1871 7% 30 year bonds to the extent of $350,000 were issued and in 1873 another issue of 6% 30 year bonds to the value of $925,000 was made.
By 1901 all but $2671700 of the issue of 1871 had been retired and this amount was then refunded with 3% 50 year bonds which were taken by the Educational Fund.
The first part of this claim was refunded by a new bond issue, also taken by the Educational Fund, the second was paid from an Indian war claim of $692,946, received from the United States government in 1902, when $132,000 bonds of 1857, held by the United States government, were also extinguished.
Secondly, a medium now existed for drawing closer the bonds between English and American Congregationalists.
It just took the rest of us a while to shake off the bonds.
She sensed him testing his bonds.
During this period the bank-note circulation was increased to $161,700,000, and two mortgage banks - the National Hypothecary Bank and the Provincial Mortgage Bank (of Buenos Aires) - flooded the country with $509,000,000 of cedulas (hypothecary bonds).
The bonded debt of the state on the 31st of December 1908 amounted to $550,000, of which the state held an irredeemable bond for $380,000; the actual redeemable bonded debt of $170,000 was due to the investment of the school and university funds in the bonds of the state.
The revenues of the state come from two sources; about two-thirds from taxation and about one-third in all from the earnings of the penitentiary, from the fees collected by state officials, from the proceeds from the sale of state publications, and from the dividends from stock and bonds.
Then the number of single bonds is 2n - m-2p, and the heat of combustion becomes H,=nE+m77+p(2X - Y).
If triple bonds, q in number, occur also, and the energy of such a bond be Z, the equation for H becomes H = nE-+-mn -1-p(2X - Y) +q(3X - Z).
By experiment it is found that the thermal effect of a double bond is much less than the effect of two single bonds, while a triple bond has a much smaller effect than three single bonds.
It also acts as a chromogenic centre when double bonds or ethylenic linkages are present, as in fluorene ketone or fluorenone.
While very many coloured substances must obviously contain this grouping, yet in many cases it is necessary to assume a simple intermolecular change, while in others a more complex rearrangement of bonds is necessary.
She would favour them, but on the distinct condition that nothing was to be done to weaken the bonds of authority.
They were originally of the nature of mortgage bonds on the national lands.
In the same year another series of bonds (hazin g tahvili), bearing 6% interest, and repayable in 1861, was issued; in 1861 the term of reimbursement was prolonged until 1875.
In 1859 the settlement of palace debts gave rise to the issue of 1,000,000 purses of new interior bonds (esham-i jedide) spread over a period of three years, repayable in twenty-four years, and bearing interest at 6%.
Further 6% bonds, repayable in ten years, and styled serguis, were issued in the same year.
The interest on bonds amortized was to be added to the funds available for sinking fund.
The lottery bonds receive a special treatment both in regard to interest and sinking fund; full information as to the intricate arrangements made for these bonds will be found in the decree of Muharrem and the published reports of the council of administration of the Ottoman public debt.
In this manner an annuity of £T159,500 was set free, of which £Ti i,000 per annum was allotted as " extraordinary sinking fund " to series A and £T49,500 per annum each to series B, C and D; the lottery bonds were originally excluded from this arrangement, and special compensation was granted to these later.
Each series receives the benefit of the interest on bonds belonging to it amortized by this special annuity.
Series B, C and D (series A having already been completely redeemed by the action of the sinking fund) were replaced by the creation of new 4% bonds to a nominal amount of £T32,738,772, with a sinking fund of 0.45% per annum, bearing identical rights and privileges, and ranking immediately after, the priority bonds.
The rates at which the series were respectively exchanged against the new unified bonds were £loo series B against £70 unified, £loo series C against £42 unified and £too series C against £37, 10s.
Bonds of the old series not presented for exchange within a period of fifteen years are prescribed.
The amortization is to proceed by purchase when the unified bonds are below par, and when at or above par, by drawings.
Coupons and drawn bonds not presented within six and fifteen years respectively of their due dates of payment are prescribed.
Interest on amortized bonds goes to swell the sinking fund.
A variation from this was provided as soon as the priority bonds should become extinct; but these bonds having since been repaid (as mentioned below) by a further issue of unified bonds, this variation lapses.
The above 25% is to be employed as additional sinking fund for the unified debt and lottery bonds, in the proportion of 60% and 40% respectively.
The unified bonds and coupons are exempt from all Turkish taxation existing or to come.
Further special stipulations regarding the Turkish lottery bonds were made, but these are, as before, omitted.
The bonds are secured on the surplus of the revenues assigned to the guarantee of the Anatolian railway collected by the Public Debt Administration, on the excess revenue, after certain deductions, accruing to the government under the " Annex-Decree to the Decree of Muharrem " above described, on the sheep tax of the vilayets of Koniah, Adana and Aleppo, and on the railway itself.
Expenditures from the fund known as " The Internal Improvement Land Fund," derived from the sale of state lands, can be made only after the enactment for that purpose has been approved by the voters of the state; in 1881 the legislature, and in 1884 the popular vote, pledged the proceeds of this fund to the payment of Minnesota state railway adjustment bonds.
As we have seen, Grotthus imagined that it was the electric forces which sheared the ions past each other and loosened the chemical bonds holding the opposite parts of each dissolved molecule together.
By the canon law all resignation bonds were simoniacal, and in 1826 the House of Lords held that all resignation bonds, general or special, were illegal.
Special bonds have since, however, been to a limited extent sanctioned by law.
The Clerical Resignation Bonds Act 1828 makes a written promise to resign valid if made in favour of some particular nominee or one of two nominees, subject to the conditions that, where there are two nominees, each of them must be either by blood or marriage an uncle, son, grandson, brother, nephew or grand-nephew of the patron, that the writing be deposited with the registrar of the diocese open to public inspection, and that the resignation be followed by presentation within six months of the person for whose benefit the bond is made.
The declaration is to the effect that the clergyman has not received the presentation in consideration of any sum of money, reward, gift, profit or benefit directly or indirectly given or promised by him or any one for him to any one; that he has not made any promise of resignation other than that allowed by the Clerical Resignation Bonds Act 1828; that he has not for any money or benefit procured the avoidance of the benefice; and that he has not been party to any agreement invalidated by sec. 3 sub-sec. 3 of the act which invalidates any agreement for the exercise of a right of patronage in favour or on the nomination of any particular person, and any agreement on the transfer of a right of patronage (a) for the retransfer of the right, or (b) for postponing payment of any part of the consideration for the transfer until a vacancy or for more than three months, or (c) for payment of interest until a vacancy or for more than three months, or (d) for any payment in respect of the date at which a vacancy occurs, or (e) for the resignation of a benefice in favour of any person.
His vision of the ideal state was that of a patriarchial monarchy, surrounded and advised by the traditional estates of the realm - nobles, peasants, burghers - and cemented by the bonds of evangelical religion; but in which there should be no question of the sovereign power being vested in any other hands than those of the king by divine right.
Through confiscation of money, and deposits in banks removed to Russia, cancellation of shares, destruction of private and public bonds, and loss of interest, a loss of 379,- 000,000 gold rubles was caused by Russia, and 6,000,000 marks by Germany.
It was one of the first universities to admit women students to its classes and degrees, and its alumni are brought into close bonds of sympathy and activity by a students' union.
The property of the corporation was valued at £271,658 against a debt of £425,195, which was compounded for by the issue of 3% annuity bonds - the loss to the creditors amounting to 25% of their claims.
But of the three claims which he makes to immortality, the importance of his subject, his desire to liberate the mind from the bonds of superstition and the charm and lucidity of his poetry - that which he himself regarded as supreme was the second.
The issue of bonds for the construction of the new capitol building and other purposes has led, however, to a new debt, which at the beginning of 1910 amounted to $4,800,000.
Bonds were issued on the 8th of November 1892 for the construction of a new state house at Providence, the corner stone was laid in October 1896, and the building was thrown open to use on the 1st of January 1901.
Already events had shown that the feudatories, quite devoid of business experience, were not unlikely to dispose of these bonds and devote the proceeds to unsound enterprises.
Prince Iwakura, one of the leaders of the Meiji statesmen, persuaded the feudatories to employ a part of the bonds as capital for railway construction, and thus the first private railway company was formed in Japan under the name Nippon tetsudo kaisha (Japan railway company), the treasury guaranteeing 8% on the paid-up capital for a period of 15 years.
Moreover, all securities underwent such sharp depreciation that, on the one hand, the government hesitated to hand over the bonds representing the purchase-price of the railways, lest such an addition to the volume of stocks should cause further depreciation, and, on the other, the former owners of the nationalized lines found the character of their bargain greatly changed.
Prudent financial administration since 1815 had made possible the conversion of the state bonds from 5 to 4%.
In 1908 the state debt was $816,785, and the assets in bonds, railway mortgages and bank stocks exceeded the liabilities by $7 1 7,779.
The permanent public school fund is the largest of any state in the Union; in 1908 it included $38,406,222 in land notes, $15,136,808 in bonds, $7,915,257 (estimated) in leased lands, and $67,956 in cash awaiting investment.
The invested fund is largely in Federal, state and county bonds.
He did all he could personally to strengthen the bonds between the Norwegians and the royal house of Denmark, and though his endeavours were opposed by the so-called Swedish party, which desired a dynastic union with Sweden, he placed himself at the head of the Norwegian party of independence, and was elected regent of Norway by an assembly of notables on the 16th of February 1814.
The city, which then got its water supply from the Los Angeles river bed, in 1907 authorized the issue of $23,000,000 worth of 4% bonds for the construction of an aqueduct 209 m.
During the three or four years which followed the signing of the Augsburg Confession in 1530 and the formation of the Schmalkaldic League, England, while bitterly dep ouncing and burning Lutheran heretics in the name of the Holy Catholic Church, was herself engaged in severing the bonds which had for well-nigh a thousand of years bound her to the Apostolic See.
At Pittsfield and at Dalton is centred the manufacture of fine writing papers, including that of paper used by the national government for bonds and paper money.
In the case of all quasi-public corporations rigid laws exist prohibiting the issue of stock or bonds unless the par value is first paid in; prohibiting the declaration of any stock or scrip dividend, and requiring that new stock shall be offered to stockholders at not less than its market value, to be determined by the proper state officials, any shares not so subscribed for to be sold by public auction.
The proportion of holders of U.S. bonds among the total population is higher than that in any other state.
Bonds were issued and sold to the amount of $162,000,000.
As, however, this decline was accompanied with a considerable decrease in the proportion of the country's exports which passed through the port of New York, interest in the canals revived, and in 1903 the electorate of the state authorized the issue of bonds to the amount of $101,000,000 for the purpose of increasing the capacity of the Erie, the Champlain and the Oswego canals, to make each navigable by barges of 1000 tons burden.
Their houses, at first without bonds between them, soon tended to draw together and coalesce into congregations with corporate organization and codes of constitutions supplementary to the Rule.
What Austria desired to be was a state at once conciliatory and just, and it opposed no national demand which did not overstep the limits of state security; but this loosing of bonds unchained at the same time a number of national passions before which the state retired step by step.
But, besides this, the bank had also afforded credits to the State in other forms. In return for bonds given by the Austrian and Hungarian State they issued Treasury bills, and transferred the proceeds from them to the two finance departments.
She was able to display remarkable energy in visiting the sights of the city, and even went as far afield as San Gimignano; and her visit had a notable effect in strengthening the bonds of friendship between the United Kingdom and the Italian people.
Further defaults followed and in 1888 another adjustment was made by the issue of 6% gold-bearing bonds.
The European wars of the French revolutionary period interfered with the traffic with Spain, and so relaxed the bonds of a commercial system which hampered the manufactures of Mexico and drained away its wealth.
He, and his successor, Vice-President Gomez Farias (1833), assailed the exemption of the clergy and of military officers from the jurisdiction of the civil courts, and the latter attempted to laicize higher education and to relax monastic bonds.
In 1895 the 6% external debt was converted into a 5% debt, the bonds of which remained at a premium for 1902; in 1896 the alcabalas or interstate customs and municipal octrois were abolished, and replaced in part by direct taxation and increased stamp duties.
This reconstruction of its meaning seems to have been the peculiar revelation of the Lord to Paul, who viewed Christ's crucifixion and death as an atoning sacrifice, liberating by its grace mankind from bonds of sin which the law, far from snapping, only made more sensible and grievous.
The western portion, of 1480 m., from Winnipeg to the Pacific, was to be built, owned and operated by the company itself, the government guaranteeing bonds to the extent of 75% of the whole cost of construction.
Heracles burst the bonds which bound him, and, seizing his club, slew Busiris with his son Amphidamas and his herald Chalbes.
State bonds were issued and public lands were sold to secure capital, and the notes of the banks, loaned on security, became a medium of exchange.
The state endorsed railway bonds at the rate of $12,000 and $16,000 a mile until the state debt had increased from eight millions to seventeen millions of dollars, and similar corruption characterized local government.
In 1867 King George had agreed to accept Prussian bonds to the value of about 1,600,000 as compensation for the confiscation of his estates in Hanover.
Yet it had elements of federation within the bonds of its hierarchy.
He feared also whether we can explain the mystery of the Incarnation, and other things, unless real bonds or unions are added to monads and phenomena.
We hear also a good deal of witches and valkyries, and of charms and magic; as an instance we may cite the fact that certain (Runic) letters were credited, as in the North, with the power of loosening bonds.
At death it is released from its bonds, as from long slavery, and joyously soars aloft.
But throughout the ecclesiastical society traditional bonds were loosened and anarchy was rife, and this at the very moment when the enemies of the priesthood and its leaders redoubled their attack.
To raise money offices were systematically sold, and issue after issue of the two kinds of monti-securities, which may be roughly described as government bonds and as life annuities, was marketed at ruinous rates.
The constitution of 1873 and subsequent legislation have continued the commission, but the sources of revenue have been very much curtailed, being restricted to the interest on the deposits of the fund and interest on certain Allegheny Railroad bonds.
The total debt on the 30th of November 1909 was 82,643,917, of which the greater part were 32 and 4% bonds, maturing on the 1st of February 1912.
The sinking fund was formerly divided among certain favoured banks in such manner as would best advance the political interests of the organization which controlled the state; but just after the reform victory in the election of 1905 the sinking fund commission instituted the policy of buying bonds at the market price, and the debt is now being reduced by that method.
For effective control over a colonial empire Carthage had the advantage of situation over far-away Tyre; the traditional bonds grew lax and the ancient dues ceased to be paid, though as late as the middle of the 6th century Carthage rendered tithes to the Tyrian Melqarth.
We cannot say whose son he was, or what bonds bound him to the Merovingian family.
The South German Confederation, contemplated by the with 6th article of the treaty of Prague, never came into being; and, though Prussia, in order not prematurely to excite the alarm of France, opposed the suggestion that the southern states should join the North German Confederation, the bonds of Bavaria, as of the other southern states, with the north, were strengthened by an offensive and defensive alliance with Prussia, as the result of Napoleon's demand for "compensation" in the Palatinate.
On the 3 1st of March 1871, moreover, the bonds with the rest of the empire had been drawn closer by the acceptance of a number of laws of the North German Confederation, of which the most important was the new criminal code, which was finally put into force in Bavaria in 1879.
These external relations are, in fact, what Hume describes as the natural bonds of connexion among ideas, and, regarded subjectively as principles of association among the facts of mental experience, they form the substitute he offers for the synthesis implied in knowledge.
Pursuing a policy intended to reconcile the peasantry to Russian rule and to break the power of the Polish nobility, the Russian government promulgated, during the outbreak in 1864, a law by which those peasants who were holders of land on estates belonging to private persons, institutions (such as monasteries and the like), or the Crown were recognized as proprietors of the soil-the state paying compensation to the landlords in bonds, and the peasants having to pay a yearly annuity to the state until the debt thus contracted had been cleared off.
In 1885, after interest had been unpaid for i i years on bonds amounting to £1,505,400, an agreement was made for the issue of new scrip to the value of £850,000 in quittance of all claims for capital and arrears of interest, certain public lands being also ceded to the bondholders as compensation.
The whole tendency of the Reformation had The Ref or- been to relax the bonds which united the various znaaon elements of the state to each other and to their head.
It was notably the part played by Austria in supporting the German point of view throughout at the conference that strengthened the position of Germany in Europe, by drawing closer the bonds of sympathy between the two empires.
It not only secured an immediate market for government bonds, but it also provided a permanent uniform national currency, which, though inelastic, is absolutely stable.
This scheme included the distribution of a bonus of 25% to holders of treasury bonds.
These bonds had then reached a sum exceeding 20,000,000 and were held chiefly by French firms. The unification scheme was elaborated in a khedivial decree of the 7th of May 1876, but was rendered abortive by the opposition of the British bondholders.
And, though the various places of religious dignity are conferred by the sultan, no one can hold office who has not been examined and certified by older ulema, so that the corporation is self-propagating, and palace intrigues, though not without influence, can never break through its iron bonds.
The oath of abjuration of James was another cause of division, at least till it was watered down in 1719; and by 1726 a revival of the charges of heresy against Simson, with the increase of agitation against the majority of the Assembly who supported patrons, lighted a flame which burned the slight bonds that kept the extremists in union with the kirk.
The negative side, the qualities that have to be suppressed by the cultivation of the opposite virtues, are the Ten Bonds (Samyojanas), the Four Intoxications (Asava) and the Five Hindrances (Nivaranas).
And gladness springs up within him on his realizing that, and joy arises to him thus gladdened, and so rejoicing all his frame becomes at ease, and being thus at ease he is filled with a sense of peace, and in that peace his heart is stayed."9 To have realized the Truths, and traversed the Path; to have broken the Bonds, put an end to the Intoxications, and got rid of the Hindrances, is to have attained the ideal, the Fruit, as it is called, of Arahatship. One might fill columns with the praises, many of them among the most beautiful passages in Pali poetry and prose, lavished on this condition of mind, the state of the man made perfect according to the Buddhist faith.
At the general election in November 1908 the people of Illinois authorized the issue of bonds to the amount of $20,000,000 to provide for the canalizing of the Desplaines and Illinois rivers as far as the city of Utica, on the latter river, and connecting with the channel of the Chicago Sanitary District at Joliet.
The bonded debt on the same date was $17,500; these bonds ceased to bear interest in 1882, but although called in by the governor they have never been presented for payment.
From 1897 to 1903 the efforts of the Street Railway Companies of Chicago to extend their franchise, and of the city of Chicago to secure municipal control of its street railway system, resulted in the statute of 1903, which provided for municipal ownership. But the proposed issue under this law of bonds with which Chicago was to purchase or construct railways would have increased the city's bonded indebtedness beyond its constitutional limit, and was therefore declared unconstitutional in April 1907 by the supreme court of the state.
He had already in bonds one leader of revolution, whose hands were stained with blood - a striking contrast to the calm and silent figure who stood before him.
The history of the world is a scene of judgment where one people and one alone holds for awhile the sceptre, as the unconscious instrument of the universal spirit, till another rises in its place, with a fuller measure of liberty - a larger superiority to the bonds of natural and artificial circumstance.
For he left no heir to carry on his work; his death " loosened the bonds which restrained the disruptive forces always ready to operate in India, and allowed them to produce their normal result, a medley of petty states, with ever-varying boundaries, and engaged in unceasing internecine war."
In February 1905 Congress authorized the Philippine government to aid and encourage the construction of railways by guaranteeing 4% interest on bonds; the duty on imported materials used in the construction of railways and the internal revenue on Philippine forest products used for that purpose have also been removed.
Great Britain hastened to re-knit the bonds of her ancient friendship with Turkey; the powers, without exception, professed their sympathy with the new regime.
Until 1900, when an adjustment of the matter was reached, there was also another disputed debt to the national government, owing to the collapse in 1839 of a so-called Real Estate Bank of Arkansas, in which the state had invested more than $500,000 paid to it by the United States in exchange for Arkansas bonds to be held as an investment for the Smithsonian Institution, on which bonds the state defaulted after 1839.
His legal protections under such " title bonds " are much slighter than under mortgages.
An amendment to the constitution approved by a popular vote in 1884 provided that the General Assembly should " have no power to levy any tax, or make any appropriation, to pay " any of the bonds issued by legislative action in 1868, 1869 and 1871.
The state bonded debt in 1907 amounted to three and a half million dollars, of which all but $767,529.03 was represented by bonds purchased by the state and held for the school and university funds; for the common school fund on the 1st of July 1907 there were held bonds for $4, 8 9 0, 95 0, and $800,000 in cash available for investment; for the university fund there were held $751,000 in state bonds, and a large amount in other securities.
Americans supposed that Great Britain wished to exchange Mexican bonds for California; France also was thought to be watching for an opening for gratifying supposed ambitions; and all parties saw that even without overt act by the United States the progress of American settlement seemed likely to gain them the province, whose connexion with Mexico had long been a notoriously loose one.
This has been reduced as rapidly as the bonds permit, and on the 30th of June 1910 the debt was only $140,000.
In 1907 the total bonded debt of the state was $393500; the General Assembly in 1906 authorized the issue of $900,000 worth of bonds to fund outstanding military certificates of indebtedness incurred in suppressing insurrections at Cripple Creek and elsewhere in 1903-1904.
The question of issuing bonds for all outstanding warrants was decided to be voted on by the people in November 1908.
The bonds, rigorous and strange as they often appear to others, were a sacrament enshrined in the imagination of the lowliest follower of the Talmud.
If a person in fetters took refuge in his house he was immediately loosed from his bonds; and if a criminal on his way to the scene of his punishment met him and threw himself at his feet he was respited for that day.
The second aspect of his influence is the doctrine of redemption of the soul from its sensual bonds, first by the medium of art and second by the path of renunciation and ascetic life.
The bonds enjoy the full guarantee of the Russian government.
On the 18th of May 1895 a treaty was signed at Santiago between Chile and Bolivia, " with a view to strengthening the bonds of friendship which unite the two countries," and, " in accord with the higher necessity that the future development and commercial prosperity of Bolivia require her free access to the sea."
Each year $ 100,000 is set aside for the sinking fund for the payment of outstanding bonds as fast as they become due.
In its present form the constitution confers suffrage upon every male citizen of the United States who is twenty-one years of age or over and has resided in the state six months and in his township or ward twenty days immediately preceding an election; and any woman may vote in an election involving the direct expenditure of public money or the issue of bonds if she have the qualifications of male electors and if she have property assessed for taxes in any part of the district or territory affected by the election in question.
In entering upon the work of public improvements in 1837 the state borrowed $5,200,000, and the greater portion of the bonds were sold to the Morris Canal and Banking Company and to the Pennsylvania United States Bank, both of which failed when they had only in part paid for the bonds.
The finances of the country in the early summer of 1864 were in a critical condition; a few days before leaving office Secretary Chase had been compelled to withdraw from the market $32,000,000 of 6% bonds, on account of the lack of acceptable bids; gold had reached 285 and was fluctuating between 225 and 250, while the value of the paper dollar had sunk as low as 34 cents.
Through Cooke's activities the sales became enormous; the notes, issued in denominations as low as $50, appealed to the patriotic impulses of the people who could not subscribe for bonds of a higher denomination.
After leaving Congress he became one of the earliest champions of the "Ohio idea" (which he is said to have originated), demanding that the government should pay the principal of its 5-20-year 6% bonds in the "greenback" currency instead of in coin.
A state Board of Railroad Commissioners (three appointed by the governor), created in 1907, became in 1910 a Board of Public Utility Commissioners with jurisdiction over all public utilities (including telephones and telegraphs); its approval is necessary for the issue of stock or bonds, but it has no power to fix rates.
Wherefore he himself had come to free her from her bonds, and to confer salvation upon men through knowledge of himself.
In Congress he was conspicuous as a Radical Republican in Reconstruction legislation, and was one of the managers selected by the House to conduct the impeachment, before the Senate, of President Johnson, opening the case and taking the most prominent part in it on his side; he exercised a marked influence over President Grant and was regarded as his spokesman in the House, and he was one of the foremost advocates of the payment in "greenbacks" of the government bonds.
But the state was authorized by an amendment adopted in 1868 to issue bonds for the reimbursement of the expenses incurred by its cities, towns, and plantations on account of the Civil War, and these bonds, with those issued by the state itself during the Civil War, constituted the largest part of the state's bonded indebtedness.
The bonds of conventionalism were silently dissolving in the rising glow of his poetic nature.
In July 1887 bonds bearing interest (from January 1900) at 22% were issued to the amount of £443,000 to represent sums advanced to the founders of the state.
The bulk of these bonds (£426,000) were issued to King Leopold, but in January 1895 His Majesty cancelled the bonds in his possession.
In 1888 and 1889 bearer bonds to the amount of £2,800,000 were issued out of an authorized issue of £6,000,000.
The bonds are redeemable in 99 years by annual drawings, and are entitled to an addition of 5% per annum when drawn.
The state assumed the Territorial debt of $700,000, and has added to it a bonded indebtedness of $200,000; the bonds, formerly 5%, have been refunded at 31 and 3%.
Included are various charges on foreign bonds to bearer, to compensate for the advantage they have in escaping the transfer duty on deeds, through their passing on sale or mortgage from hand to hand.
During their centuries of slavery, they were organized into castes, as musicians, metal workers, masons, &c.; but after about 1850 the bonds of caste were gradually relaxed and gipsies began to intermarry with Rumans.
A few days subsequently the prince learned that the German railway contractor Strausberg was unwilling or unable to pay The rail- the coupons of the railway bonds due on the 1st of way crisis January 1871, which were mostly held by influential of 1871.
Expenses which ought to have been defrayed out of the ordinary budget, such as the erection of magnificent public offices at Bucharest, were frequently defrayed out of the loans; and the custom had arisen when money was scarce of issuing treasury bonds.
When the Conservatives came into office they found that the payment of 21 millions of these bonds would shortly become due, and there were no resources in the treasury to meet them.
Under the strong rule of Abdur Rahman these outlying territories were closely welded to Kabul; but after the accession of Habibullah the bonds once more relaxed.
The title of the issue was National War Bonds, and it combined the advantages of short-term securities, such as Exchequer bonds, and three sorts of longer-dated securities for seven and ten years.
Interest was stimulated in the National War Bonds by various devices from time to time, such as the use of " tanks " as collecting boxes, the institution of a " Business Men's " week and a " Feed the Guns " week, and the transformation of Trafalgar Square in Oct.
An issue of bonds (to be redeemed from the sale of public lands) for a privately built canal at Oregon City was authorized in 1870.
About $175,000 more of debt was incurred by Indian wars in 1874 and 1878; in the latter year the public debt amounted to more than $650,000, but about $350,000 of this was in 10% warrants for road-building, &c.; the bonds and warrants (with the exception of some never presented for redemption) were speedily redeemed by a special property tax.
Thus 0 2.4 indicates the presence of two double bonds in the molecule situated immediately after the carbon atoms 2 and 4; for example II.
These prophecies 1 The idea of " righteousness " (s-d-k), or loyalty, appears to have implied the mutual bonds uniting the community and its deity, see Journ.
County superintendents, county boards, and township trustees are also chosen, the latter possessing the important power of issuing school bonds.
The state issued bonds to the value of $io,000,000, a period of wild speculation followed, and the financial panic of 1837 forced the abandonment of the proposed plan and the sale to private persons of that part already completed.
The legislature authorized the issue of $1,50o,000 in treasury bonds, which by 1842 had fallen in value to 40 or 50% of their face value.
Even the earliest name Nigantha, which means "free from bonds," may not be without allusions to this curious belief in the sanctity of nakedness, though it also alluded to freedom from the bonds of sin and of transmigration.
In the same year a law was passed requiring that any corporation acting as a common carrier in the state must receive the permission of the state board of railway commissioners for the issue of stocks, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness.
He gave to his birthplace the free library and public baths, and, in 1903, the estate of Pittencrieff Park and Glen, rich in historical associations as well as natural charm, together with bonds yielding 25,000 a year, in trust for the maintenance of the park, the support of a theatre for the production of plays of the highest merit, the periodical exhibitions of works of art and science, the promotion of horticulture among the working classes and the encouragement of technical education in the district.
The explanations suggested were that he had made himself very popular at Rome and that his appointment was therefore calculated to strengthen the loosening bonds of the Triple Alliance, and also that his early close association with Bismarck would ensure the maintenance of the Bismarckian tradition.
The first public loans were made in 1881 by French banks at 714 for 5% bonds, and the expenditure had to be immediately increased to £1,240,000.
When in 1884 the new law of taxation was adopted, the situation became so serious that in 1895 a new scheme was adopted by which the government gave to the bondholders additional securities, the bondholders at the same time accepting the new 4% unified bonds in exchange for their old .5% bonds.
He also carried through Parliament an important Housing and Town-Planning bill compelling local authorities to provide housing schemes, and obtained parliamentary sanction to an arrangement for the issue by such authorities of housing bonds.
The first step towards repudiation was taken by the " carpet-bag " legislature of 1873, when it provided for the issue of consolidated bonds to replace the outstanding obligations at the rate of fifty cents on the dollar.
It shows a harmony with the Roman Catholic faith which caused Cousin to declare that "Italian philosophy was still in the bonds of theology," and that Gioberti was no philosopher.
Aquitaine, hitherto the common prey of all the Frankislh kings, having in vain tried to profit by the struggles between Fredegond and Brunhilda, and set up an independent king, Gondibald, now finally burst her bonds in 670.
Its foundation was the desire for self-knowledge and truth, untrammelled by the rigid bonds of any particular system.
His own imperialism was intensified by the way in which England's difficulties resulted in calling forth colonial assistance and so cementing the bonds of empire.
Finance.-The constitution limited the debt that the state might contract to meet casual deficits to $100,000, unless in time of war, and required taxes to be laid to maintain interest on such debt (bonds).
Education.-The public schools have been endowed by the United States, beginning in 1854, and by the state; in 1909 the permanent school funds derived from the sale of educational lands amounted to $ 8, 45 0, 557, invested in state securities, county, school district and municipal bonds.
No bonds can be issued without the assent of the board of estimates.
The debt was increased in April 1909 by the issue of bonds for $1,000,000 (out of $7,000,000 authorized in 1907).
Kriemhild came to him as he lay in bonds and demanded the Nibelung treasure.
With the hum of their bonds and the satiation of the blood exchange, she ventured a look at him.
From what he knew of demon blood bonds, they were restrictive on the two bound together to the point that they could never have another mate.
I am predominantly interested in intercellular adhesion mediated by receptor-ligand bonds.
Well, long-term interest rates are being kept down by foreigners who simply adore US Treasury bonds.
Do copper ions break down the ionic bonds between the polypeptide chains of egg albumen - thus causing it to denature?
The enzyme DNA polymerase joins the new nucleotides to each other by strong covalent bonds, forming the sugar-phosphate backbone.
The geometry of the polypeptide hydrogen bonds involving the peptide backbone atoms were also analyzed and shown to be fairly independent of sidechain influences.
The nearest Consols came to being bearer bonds were ' stock certificates to bearer bonds were ' stock certificates to bearer ' .
We asked a premium bonds boffin to calculate the odds against such an occurrence.
Both have worked hard to forge strong bonds with many of the prostitutes in the King's Cross area.
That allows the formation of covalent bonds between the two.
In the last lesson we saw that atoms can lose or gain electrons to form ionic bonds.
These molecules may be of different chain lengths, and may also have double bonds in some places.
It prints out all the possible hydrogen bonds to any of the three residue types.
Proteins are modified to be mis-folded by making new links between otherwise remote amino acids with disulfide bonds.
Once you apply enough energy to break the existing carbon-carbon bonds, that's it!
The rest will come from the issuing of domestic public debt in the form of treasury bonds.
Our bonds of kinship make some claims on us, bonds of kinship make some claims on us, bonds that I pray will always remain strong.
Hence the companies issuing higher-yielding bonds can and do go bust, sometimes leaving bondholders empty-handed.
Measurements of thresholds for bond breakage and the energy released into the photofragments allow very precise determinations of strengths of chemical bonds.
Thus the user can measure bond lengths, interatomic distances, angles between bonds and planes; create centroids and more.
Humans are social animals and the making of bonds helps group cohesion.
All have four conserved cysteines that probably form two disulfide bonds.
In bonds, they bet that interest rates will remain low, inflation benign and borrower default levels at unusually low rates.
But within the sacred bonds of marriage we may taste the divine.
There are several possibilities for CLA structures, all containing conjugated double bonds.
Breaking bonds can be referred to as bond fission.
Bond mutual funds As the name suggests, bond mutual funds invest in bonds and other debt securities.
However, these are spreads of corporate bonds over the benchmark gilt or treasury bill for the relevant maturity.
These two bonds act to stop the alpha helix forming.
Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons; they only contain single bonds.
Two polynucleotides running in opposite directions are linked by hydrogen bonds between the bases forming base pairs.
The ester is the only thing in the mixture which doesn't form hydrogen bonds, and so it has the weakest intermolecular forces.
Move the " other " oxygen to a position at which it can make the appropriate hydrogen bonds.
An earlier version of act excluded various N/O and O/O combinations, but this was causing genuine hydrogen bonds to be missed.
Bonds rose on sentiment that economic indicators might lessen the likelihood of central bankers cutting rates early next year.
Synchrotron infrared spectroscopy allowed the chemisorption bonds of both surface modifiers and reactant molecules to be probed with high spectral resolution.
Contact calls Many parrot species live in large flocks and most parrot species form strong pair bonds between two individuals.
The repulsive effect of multiple bonds will be greater than the repulsive effect of multiple bonds will be greater than the repulsive effect of single bonds.
In order for the correct bonds to be made, amino acid residues alone may be insufficient.
But in August 1998, Russia devalued the rouble and declared a moratorium on its government bonds.
Like precipice bonds and with-profits policies before them, target funds may be a mis-selling scandal in the making.
Alkanes are saturated as they contain only single bonds.
Bonds marked with b carry a benzo substituent, omitted here for clarity.
Susan kundrat becomes even more for your business bail bonds used.
New bond issue The Mozambican government is once more turning to domestic debt to raise funds, by issuing high interest bearing treasury bonds.
Capacity for work brought him places on important committees - he was chairman successively of the committee on military affairs, the committee on banking and currency, and the committee on appropriations, - and his ability as a speaker enabled him to achieve distinction on the floor of the House and to rise to leadership. Between 1863 and 1873 Garfield delivered speeches of importance on "The Constitutional Amendment to abolish Slavery," "The Freedman's Bureau," "The Reconstruction of Rebel States," "The Public Debt and Specie Payments," "Reconstruction,'" The Currency," Taxation of United States Bonds," Enforcing the 14th Amendment," National Aid to Education,' and "the Right to Originate Revenue Bills."
Rivadavia's term of office was likewise memorable for the constitution of the 24th of December 1826, passed by the constituent congress of all the provinces, by which the bonds which united the confederated states of the Argentine Republic were strengthened.
The sacrifice was a feast of social communion between the deity and his worshippers, Geniality and knit both deity and clan-members together in the bonds of a close fellowship. This genial aspect of Hebrew worship is nowhere depicted more graphically than in the old narrative (a J section = B udde's G) 1 Sam.
He who will cast aside the "Bonds," the "Intoxications," the "Hindrances," and tread the Noble Eightfold Path (see Buddhism) which leads to Nirvana, will attain the ideal, the "Fruit of Arahatship," which is described in terms of glowing praise in the Pali hymns.
The constitution prohibits special, local and retroactive legislation, legislation impairing the obligation of contracts, and legislation levying a poll tax for county or state purposes or a tax on state, municipal and public school bonds (amendment of 1905), and it limits the amount and specifies the character of public debts which the legislature may contract.
It is not to be supposed that there are any actual bonds of union between the atoms; graphic formulae such as these merely express the hypothesis that certain of the atoms in a compound come directly within the sphere of attraction of certain other atoms, and only indirectly within the sphere of attraction of others, - an hypothesis to which chemists are led by observing that it is often possible to separate a group of elements from a compound, and to displace it by other elements or groups of elements.
One of the most important applications of these values is found in the case of the constitution of benzene, where Thomsen decides in favour of the Claus formula, involving nine single carbon linkages, and rejects the Kekule formula, which has three single and three double bonds (see section IV.).
A substantial reduction however, had to be made in favour of the 5% " priority bonds, " which were bonds issued to the local banks before mentioned in satisfaction of their claims, and formed an annual first charge of T590,000 on the whole of the revenues ceded to the bondholders; the capital amount of the " priority bonds " was £T8,169,986, which was to be extinguished by 1906.
Gradually, however, it became apparent that it would be desirable to give Turkish state securities, of which those governed by the decree of Muharrem formed the principal part, a better standing in European financial markets than was possible for bonds bearing so low a rate of interest; to obliterate thus, as far as possible, the effects of the past bankruptcy; and, further, to give the Turkish government a joint interest with the bondholders in the progress of the ceded revenues.
In 1906 a further modification took place in the shape of the final and complete repayment of the priority bonds by the additional issue of £T9,537,000 of unified bonds for the purpose, taken firm by the Ottoman bank at 86.
The university is supported by a state tax of 0.23 mills per dollar on the taxed property of the state, by special appropriations from the state (for " deficiency," for School of Mines, and for salaries of teachers in the department of mines and engineering), by the interest on state bonds and land contracts purchased with the proceeds of Federal land grants under the Morrill Act of 1862, by Federal appropriations under the Morrill Act of 1890 and the Hatch Act, and by students' fees, &c. the total of this income was estimated in1906-1907at 8628,500.
The building was intended to be "a place of public meeting for all sorts and descriptions of people, without distinction, who shall behave and conduct themselves in an orderly, sober, religious and devout manner, for the worship and adoration of the eternal, unsearchable and immutable Being, who is the author and preserver of the universe, but not under and by any other name, designation or title, peculiarly used for and applied to any particular being or beings by any man or set of men whatsoever; and that no graven image, statue or sculpture, carving, painting, picture, portrait or the likeness of anything shall be admitted within the said messuage, building, land, tenements, hereditament and premises; and that no sacrifice, offering or oblation of any kind or thing shall ever be permitted therein; and that no animal or living creature shall within or on the said messuage, &c., be deprived of life either for religious purposes or food, and that no eating or drinking (except such as shall be necessary by any accident for the preservation of life), feasting or rioting be permitted therein or thereon; and that in conducting the said worship or adoration, no object, animate or inanimate, that has been or is or shall hereafter become or be recognized as an object of worship by any man or set of men, shall be reviled or slightingly or contemptuously spoken of or alluded to, either in preaching or in the hymns or other mode of worship that may be delivered or used in the said messuage or building; and that no sermon, preaching, discourse, prayer or hymns be delivered, made or used in such worship, but such as have a tendency to the contemplation of the Author and Preserver of the universe or to the promotion of charity, morality, piety, benevolence, virtue and the strengthening of the bonds of union between men of all religious persuasions and creeds."
The pernicious practice of livery and maintenance was now at its zenith; all over England in times of stress the knighthood and gentry were wont to pledge themselves, by sealed bonds of indenture, to follow the magnate whom they thought best able to protect them.
In the process, the two electrons in one of the carbon-oxygen bonds are repelled entirely onto the oxygen, leaving it negatively charged.
Lone pairs exert a greater repulsive force even than multiple bonds.
The repulsive effect of multiple bonds will be greater than the repulsive effect of single bonds.
They revealed the stricken life assurer may not be able to meet its minimum solvency requirement or to repay its £ 346m in bonds.
One particular area of expertise is advice to surety companies on performance bonds, particularly in PFI projects.
To counter this he has staffed the upper ranks with individuals tied to him by bonds of tribal loyalty or personal history.
This affects the ability of the bonds to rotate, and also the viscosity of the bulk polymer.
The rise in interest rates on government bonds has also contributed to a rise in the yen against the dollar further squeezing Japanese exports.
In addition, 9.54 billion yuan from the sale of treasury bonds was spent on these items.
Savings bonds are almost always appreciated for either gender!
According to Attachment Parenting International this type of parenting seeks to promote good parenting practices that create strong, nurturing bonds between parents and children.
Seasonal and promotional contests may be held throughout the year, as well with prizes like U.S. savings bonds, college scholarships, and more.
Savings bonds - For those who love planning for the future, a savings bond for baby may be the perfect gift that can certainly keep on giving.
It is a large responsibility and because of this you should never buy a pet as a gift for another person unless she's with you to choose the animal that she bonds with.
When you buy bonds, you essentially invest a specific amount of money in a company or the government, with the guarantee that you get the original amount back over a certain period of time, along with interest.
Consider the points below before buying bonds.
First you'll need to know the different types of bonds available for you to purchase.
The federal government issues treasury bonds-these bonds are not subject to local and state taxes.
Corporations issue corporate bonds, which usually yield large returns for purchasers.
Municipal bonds are issued by local governments to fund community projects.
These bonds are not subjected to federal taxes, and in many cases, local taxes too.
He or she will be able to tell you which types of bonds are available for purchase, as well as which types of bonds might be best for you to buy.
The most important thing you will need to figure out with buying bonds is how the interest gets paid out.
Bonds pay out interest monthly, quarterly and annually.
If you are a risk taker, check out junk bonds.
Corporate bonds are quite often the best way to go, as most are quite safe to buy and yield high interest returns.
You should get a good understanding of how interest rates work before buying bonds.
When you are ready to purchase bonds, do so through a full-service broker.
You must investigate the bonds you are thinking of purchasing for stability and interest return dependability.
TreasuryDirect offers customers the chance to buy saving bonds online.
If you want to purchase bonds independently, check out E Trade Financial.
You can open an account and begin buying bonds, stocks and mutual funds almost immediately.
If you are interested in purchasing mutual bonds, check out FMS Bonds.
Here you can learn about, search for and make purchases on mutual bonds, all with just a few clicks of your mouse.
Mutual funds are essentially a collection of investments, primarily stocks, bonds and certificates of deposit, you can buy with one simple purchase.
The client-owned investment company The Vanguard Group allows you to choose and manage not only mutual funds, but also IRAs, stocks and bonds.
E Trade Financial allows you to buy stocks, bonds, mutual funds and much more.
Sports cards have changed throughout the years, printing the faces of legends such as Babe Ruth and Joe DiMaggio while marketing modern stars, including Barry Bonds and Alex Rodriguez.
The answer to this question depends entirely on the type of bonds.
Savings bonds may be purchased, for instance, in denominations as low as pennies and as high as $10,000.
Savings bonds can also be purchased at different fractions of the face value of the bond, or at the face value of the bond itself.
Savings bonds may be purchased in electronic as well as physical form, and the cost for these bonds also varies.
While all of this may sound complicated, answering how much does it cost to buy US savings bonds is actually much simpler when broken down.
Following, you'll find the answers to the most common questions about savings bonds purchases.
These bonds cannot be transferred once they are purchased, and they can usually be purchased for less than the face value of the bond.
Most bonds are purchased at about 50 percent of face value, meaning the actual value in dollars of the bond is twice what is paid for the bond.
The cost of bonds varies, but determining cost is pretty straightforward.
The two bonds that are issued today are series I and series EE bonds.
Series EE (and before them, series E) bonds are usually given to children as a way to help pay off college expenses or to build a retirement fund.
Electronic bonds can be purchased at face value, in denominations as low as pennies.
Series I bonds are also purchased at their face value, so a $100 bond costs $100.
Series E bonds, which were issued until 1980, cost 75% of their face value.
Savings bonds are a particularly good choice for investors for several reasons.
Interest rates are competitive with other investments, and savings bonds purchased through the government are not subject to income taxes like other assets.
When paying for college, interest on these bonds is often exempt from taxation by the government.
Another reason to buy bonds is that, compared with other investments, they are extremely easy to purchase and to understand.
Bonds can be purchased online or through banks.
This is known as "cashing in" savings bonds.
Only Series HH bonds, which may only be cashed by the Federal Reserve, may not be cashed by a bank.
If you would like to cash in your savings bonds, you simply need to take the bonds to the bank-for bonds issued after 2003, only one year must pass before cashing in.
Bonds issued before that need only six months before they can be cashed in.
Buying and selling gold and silver bullion can diversify a portfolio and insure an individual against losses in markets such as real estate and bonds.
Buying silver coins offers an alternative to investing in the more traditional stocks and bonds.
Learning how to buy 30 year Treasury bonds will give you a tool to use in your investment strategy.
Because financial advisors recommend diversifying your investments (investing in several different ways instead of putting all of your money into one investment), Treasury bonds are another type of investment to add to your portfolio.
These bonds pay interest every 6 months until they reach their 30-year maturity date.
The minimum purchase is $100, and the Treasury sells bonds in increments of $100.
The rates for Treasury bonds depend on auctions, which may set a price less than, equal to or greater than the face value of a bond.
You can purchase these bonds from banks, dealers, brokers and the U.S. Treasury.
The U.S. decided to finance the war with a tax increase and the issuance of Treasury bonds.
The first Treasury bonds, called Liberty bonds, were in very high demand.
The Treasury issued $21.5 billion worth of these bonds, but was unable to pay them in full because of limited cash flow.
The government resolved this problem by issuing short-term maturities and paying back the long-term bonds.
Treasury bonds were often seen as a risk-free investment because they were backed by the United States government.
If you want to learn how to buy 30 year Treasury bonds, you'll need to understand this risk.
The biggest risk in owning these bonds is the interest rate risk.
Reinvestment risk is another risk associated with Treasury bonds.
Once you decide to learn how to buy 30 year Treasury bonds, there are several steps you must take.
Monitor the prices of the bonds you buy by using the Treasury Direct website.
You can also find out when your bonds mature.
The final step is to reinvest your money once the bonds have reached maturity or stopped paying interest.
The U.S. government used to issue paper bonds, which you could keep in a safety deposit box or home vault.
The Treasury now issues bonds electronically, so you either receive an electronic statement or set up an online account to monitor your bonds.
If you have old paper bonds, you can call the Treasury Department to convert them to electronic bonds. allows you to monitor your bonds and research other types of government-backed investments.
This site has articles on purchasing Treasury securities, investing in EE and E savings bonds and other types of investments.
It also offers Treasury Hunt, a database of savings bonds that have stopped paying interest.
The database only has bonds issued after 1974, but you may find that you have a bond that has reached maturity.
Learning how to buy Treasury bonds can be a rewarding investment experience.
Because the U.S. government backs these bonds, they have a lower risk than stocks and other volatile markets.
Understand the purpose of bonds and how to buy them before you invest your time and money in this type of investment.
The U.S. government uses Treasury bonds to pay for special projects.
One of the benefits of buying Treasury bonds is that you do not have to pay state and local taxes on the interest you earn.
Originally used to finance World War I, many people see Treasury bonds as an investment with no risk.
This is not true, as proven after World War I when the bonds matured.
The government did not have enough money to pay back those who purchased bonds, so the Treasury had to issue short-term bonds to cover the costs of paying the matured bonds.
Although Treasury bond risk is much lower than other types of investing, it is possible that the government will run out of money to pay the face value of the bonds.
Treasury bonds are known as marketable securities, which means that you can trade them after you purchase them.
Another benefit of investing in Treasury bonds is that they are very liquid.
One of the major advantages of bonds is that bonds issued after 1985 are not callable.
There are some drawbacks to learning how to buy Treasury bonds.
Although bonds are free of call risk and event risk, they do fall prey to inflation risk and interest rate risk.
Savings bonds are also debt securities that the U.S. Treasury issues to pay for government projects and debts.
Several types of U.S. bonds offer investors a variety of choices.
Series EE bonds are purchased at a discount equal to half of their face value.
The Treasury does not allow investors to buy more than $5,000 face value in EE bonds in a calendar year.
You can only purchase Series HH bonds if you have Series EE or Series E bonds to exchange.
You can also purchase HH bonds if you use the proceeds of a mature HH bond.
The purchase price of these bonds is equal to their face value.
The amounts range from $500 to $10,000 and the Treasury does not limit the amount of HH bonds you can purchase each year.
Unfortunately, Series HH bonds do not increase in value.
Series I bonds are similar to Series EE bonds, but you purchase them at face value.
The purchase limit for these bonds is also $5,000 in one calendar year.
The bonds grow in value based on inflation-indexed earnings and mature after 30 years.
There are some tax advantages to purchasing savings bonds from the U.S. Treasury.
You also do not have to pay local or state taxes on these bonds.
Another advantage of buying savings bonds is that they are registered.
This means that the U.S. Treasury can replace your bonds if they are lost, destroyed or stolen from your possession.
The first step to take in learning how to invest in these bonds is to visit the U.S. Treasury website.
This site offers a number of articles about bonds and tells you how to buy them.
If you have recently heard of zero coupon bonds you may be wondering how to buy zero coupon bonds and what they will mean for your investment portfolio.
Before you learn how to buy zero coupon bonds you will want to understand exactly what they are and how they work.
Educating yourself will help you to understand how these bonds perform and whether this is the right type of investment for you.
Zero coupon bonds are basically bonds that will not pay out any interest during the life of the bond.
Zero coupon bonds are attractive because these bonds are purchased at a discount off of the face value of the bond.
Zero coupon bonds are a great long term investment.
The appeal in these situations is that the bonds can be purchased at such a deep discount but the investment will grow over time.
While the zero coupon bond can be an excellent investment, you should know that the price of the bonds vary more than others in the same market, so they are considered more volatile than other types of bond investments.
If you are leaning how to buy zero coupon bonds your first step is education about how they work, but when you are ready to buy you need to visit your broker.
The face value of the bonds that are offered through different types of brokers are the same, so it makes sense to choose a reputable broker that will charge you less in the way of commission.
When choosing a broker to purchase zero coupon bonds with you should choose someone that has experience in dealing with these bonds.
The more investigating you do the more confidence you'll have investing in zero coupon bonds.
When you're learning about zero coupon bonds confidence is important.
Purchasing zero coupon bonds is a great idea if you want a safer alternative to investing in the stock market.
Bonds are not without their own risk, but they are a more predictable investment than some of your other choices out there.
You should always look at your zero coupon bonds as a long term investment.
The longer you keep the bonds the less risk associated with them.
Consider purchasing zero coupon bonds to save for buying a new house, retirement funds, or paying for a college education.
Remember that the more you pay for your zero coupon bonds the less you are going to make.
Like the idea of purchasing for zero coupon bonds but you don't want to pay taxes when the bond matures?
If so, you should consider purchasing tax free zero coupon bonds.
Even though cats are considered aloof, many cats form special bonds with their owners.
This is a good way to go if you know little or nothing about trading stocks, bonds, and options.
The good thing about most of these trading websites is that they provide information that will help you get a hang of how stocks and bonds work, and tips on how to go about trading.
Although it make take patience and time, once your new Siamese bonds with you and becomes comfortable in your home, you will have a companion that will stay by your side for years to come.
The litter material bonds with the feces or urine and "clumps" around it encapsulating the material before it gets to the bottom of the litter box.
Reading together can help foster strong bonds and good communication, which only becomes more important as kids grow older.
Don't forget to consider investments, old stocks, savings bonds, and retirement fund contributions.
Over the years, this assistant manager repeatedly took money from senior citizens who trusted her to deposit their funds in guaranteed investments or bonds.
Trust in oneself, God, and family is an important value that builds bonds between family members and helps strengthen their religion.
For many Greeks, church is not only a spiritual place, but it's also a place where the bonds of our heritage and our community are regularly renewed.
Online trading is what a person does when he or she wants to buy or sell stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other types of investment securities via the internet.
There are always risks when buying, selling or trading stocks, bonds, or any other types of securities.
Teens can make new friends, as well strengthen bonds with their existing friends.
Many teens form lifelong bonds with high school friends.
Five prizes of $1,000 are available as U.S. savings bonds.
Savings bonds are government bonds that earn interest and cannot be touched for a certain number of years.
You can typically purchase bonds in the amount of $50 to $10,000.
The benefit of savings bonds is that you can ensure the graduate will save the money for something important, since she won’t be able to use it for a certain number of years.
Savings bonds are a popular practical graduation gift choice because you’re investing in your teen’s future.
You can purchase savings bonds in amounts of $50 to $10,000 and accrue interest over several years.
In addition, parents participate in counseling retreats that are designed to strengthen the family bonds and communication.
More specifically, it bonds with the calcium that is stored in the brain, protecting cells and allowing them to stay alive longer.
There have also been instances where the bride and groom have given savings bonds, which are gifts that keep giving.
Anyone who has assets such as real estate, stocks and bonds, or substantial savings would be wise to consider a prenup.
Some banks offer financial registries that give the bride and groom an option of designing it for a home downpayment, an education fund, or even investments like CDs and bonds.
Cameras follow Dog and his Da Kine Bail Bonds crew, including his wife, as they chase fugitives.
When bonds have not been properly formed, some owners are frightened by the change in behavior.
As I have often said, I learn something new every day, which is a blessing because this strengthens both the bonds and the relationships I share with my dogs.
While that particular show faded, the look itself is still going strong, and websites such as Bonds House of Silk offer rich colors in silk fabrics in knitted or mixed-fiber options.
It's a great way to strengthen bonds and friendships while providing a better quality food for your family.
Stocks, bonds and money markets are the most common options.
Mutual funds are companies that pool money from all contributors and invest the funds in stocks, bonds, and securities.
Since a financial professional is directing and diversifying the investments, typically less risk is associated with a mutual fund than with investing in stocks and bonds directly.
The safest investment route is to hold government treasury bills and short-term government bonds.
Portfolios diversified into bonds, T-bills, and domestic and foreign stocks, provide the best return and lowest risk over time.
Consider rolling some funds into annuities or bonds for stability.
Senior volunteers and students develop bonds that may last beyond the volunteer placement period.
Polyunsaturated fat-A non-animal oil or fatty acid rich in unsaturated chemical bonds.
Because cat-scratch disease is usually not a life-threatening illness and people tend to form strong emotional bonds with their cats, doctors do not recommend getting rid of a cat suspected of carrying the disease.
People also believe this symbol strengthens the bonds of marriage.
In feng shui, peonies are not just symbolic but also enhancers often used to bring abundance to the couple in love and to strengthen their bonds of love.
The Mormon faith strongly encourages people to value family bonds, including connections with ancestors.
With this method, hair extensions are fused to natural hair with protein bonds.
Actually, the wig covers the entire scalp using a lace cap base that fits and bonds to your head.
Online forums are a great opportunity for patients to keep their anonymity and dignity while still developing tight bonds with others who share their plight.
The hair is then physically straightened and a neutralizing formula is used to reform the chemical bonds in the new straight shape.
Once the perm solution is applied, the hair begins to break down and disulfide bonds are added to the hair shaft.
These bonds create the waves and curl needed to completely change the texture of the hair until it grows out.
This rate can be used to determine rates on adjustable rate mortgages, securities, bonds and mutual funds.
Lenders often sell loans to mortgage investors that may be traded on the stock market like other financial instruments, such as stocks or bonds.
The $35 million needed to build the bridge was raised by selling bearer bonds.
The last bonds were retired in 1971, the capital and $39 million in interest all generated from the bridge tolls.
The citizens were asked to approve the issuance of 40-year bonds paying five percent - a total bond issue of $35 million.
From Willie Mays to Barry Bonds to Cy Young award winner Tim Lincecum, some of the greatest baseball players to ever play the game have proudly worn the orange and black.
Fiber-reactive beach towels use a special printing process that actually bonds the pigments to the towel, making it possible to create gorgeous, colorful designs that don't begin to fade out after the first few washings.
As foods are cooked they gradually lose the vitamin's healthy properties because cooking breaks down chemical bonds of the vegetables and destroys nutrients.
Endowment funds may be invested in various instruments such as stocks or bonds and are overseen by a professional manager.
For some active daters, it is a unique way to build bonds and possibly meet a future partner.
Compromise will go a long way in any relationship, and this is especially true for teen/parent bonds.
Technology is actually weakening the bonds of community creating less leisure time spent in the company of others and more time in front of computers.
Whatever the ultimate purpose, however, the distinguishing characteristic is that they denote a significant relationship, one that bonds two people together as surely as any formal vow.
The stunning Everlon eternity ring has strong symbolism that represents the close bonds of a relationship.
The interlocking shapes also represent the bonds of love.
As a result, bonds with other Taurus moon signs and with Aquarian moon signs do not often work well.
If you are a Scorpio moon, you require deep bonds in your relationships.
Some signs form stronger bonds together than other signs do, while others may have significant differences.
One of the main aspects that bonds this relationship is career.
Her reassuring acceptance is the glue that holds this relationship together and bonds them forever as only earth and water can.
Nonetheless, be prepared to feel jealous and resentful at times of those bonds.
It is well worth the effort, though, because time spent together forms happy memories and everlasting bonds.
If you begin with bonds early, they will add up by the time your child is ready for college.
Keep in mind that a high yield savings account is not a replacement for a more lucrative long-term investment, such as stocks and bonds.
Denise - She bonds with a wounded soldier, and Frank worries she is enjoying her independence too much.
In the Midnight Hour - Mark bonds with a patient's daughter while Sadie takes things too far with a procedure.
Then suddenly one day, a brilliant butterfly emerges from this dreary brown husk to lead a new life unfettered by the bonds of earth.
While it may seem as though a diagnosis of PDD-NOS like a catchall, it's important in providing insight into the common bonds people with pervasive developmental disorders share.
If you are looking for information about building wealth, a number of business investing stocks and bonds guides are available on the Internet.
More detailed information about bonds can be found by clicking on Bonds 101.
Another option when looking for business investing stocks and bonds guides online is
This informative site features a number of articles on the topic of investing in the stock market and several types of bonds.
The FAQs section provides answers to questions a new investor may have about investment basics, stocks, bonds, and more.
The different types of bonds (corporate, municipal, Treasury, bearer, convertible) are explained.
Online business investing stocks and bonds guides provide information for investors at various levels of knowledge and experience.
As always when considering information found on the Internet, take steps to determine whether the source is a reliable one before making a decision to buy or sell stocks and/or bonds.
A number of business investing stocks and bonds education training options are available on the Internet. is another source for business investing stocks and bonds education training.
As you can see, if you want to learn more about business investing stocks and bonds training education, there are a number of options available online.
This special cleaner bonds to the dirt on your vehicle, lifting it off gently.
Creating an unstoppable cheerleading squad does not happen overnight; it's built through team bonds, trust and skill.
Urine is bright yellow in most cases, the peroxide works to break down the bonds in the proteins and fades the stain out.
Before making your final decision, it's also a good idea to verify that any cleaning provider that you are thinking about hiring has proper insurance coverage and carries bonds on the members of its workforce.
Its special bonds allow it to grab onto wastes and move them out of town, or in this case, your body.
Just like an IRA, funds in health savings accounts can grow through investments, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and certificates of deposit.
One of the biggest advantages to a whole life policy is the fact that you can increase your payout by making investments in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
Money invested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, life insurance policies, mortgage life insurance, annuities or municipal securities, even if they were purchased through an FDIC insured bank or savings association.