Bold Sentence Examples
They are also good farmers and bold seamen.
Anger washed over her in a bold wave.
That's a bold statement, coming from a sitting president and former general.
A few bold pigeons strolled by, looking for a handout but they waddled on down the path.
You are too bold.
The choice was certainly a bold one.
At least that would explain her bold behavior.
His broad head with its bold features and glittering eyes was resting on his hand.
Marked on it in bold letters were the words "Baby A" and "Baby B".
The Union Civica then decided to make a bold bid for freedom by attempting forcibly to eject Celman and his clique from office.
AdvertisementLife is more exciting when one treads away from the everyday path, seeking bold new horizons.
He sang of war, and of bold rough deeds, and of love and sorrow.
His actions were far too bold, and yet the feel of his warm muscular torso was comforting.
It was ridiculous... and exciting... bold and impulsive - everything she didn't want to be.
It was bold policy to confide Frederick to his greatest enemy and rival; but the pope honorably discharged his duty, until his ward outgrew the years of tutelage, and became a fair mark for ecclesiastical hostility.
AdvertisementIn our bodies, a bold projecting brow falls off to and indicates a corresponding depth of thought.
What felt comfortable only moments ago now seemed bold and foolish.
Only in the capitals, which are of extraordinary richness and variety, do we get any deep or bold relief.
There are no mountains of any considerable height in the Ogasawara Islands, but the scenery is hilly with occasional bold crags.
As a rule, nevertheless, the shores of South Island are high and bold enough.
AdvertisementSuch was the hatred of the people to the old regime that two influential councillors of Charles the Bold, the Chancellor Hugonet and the Sire d'Humbercourt, having been discovered in correspondence with the French king, were executed at Ghent despite the tears and entreaties of the youthful duchess.
The annual reports, of which he was the chief author, became controversial pamphlets; he published bold replies to criticisms upon the work of the Commission; he explained its purposes to newspaper correspondents; when Congress refused to appropriate the amount which he believed essential for the work, he made the necessary economies by abandoning examinations of candidates for the Civil Service in those districts whose representatives in Congress had voted to reduce the appropriation, thus very shrewdly bringing their adverse vote into disfavour among their own constituents; and during the six years of his commissionership more than twenty thousand positions for government employes were taken out of the realm of merely political appointment and added to the classified service to be obtained and retained for merit only.
He urged upon the administration the bold policy of protesting against the sailing of Cervera's fleet, on the ground that it would be regarded as a warlike measure not against the Cuban revolutionaries, who had no navy, but against the United States; and he advised that, if Cervera sailed, an American squadron be sent to meet him and to prevent his approach to America.
The town was once more burnt, in 1382, by the French after the battle of Roosebeke, but was rebuilt in 1385 by Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy.
Into later developments of this feeling an increasing element of illusion entered, and all other written embodiments of it known to us take the form of literary fictions, more or less bold.
AdvertisementThe islands of the archipelago nearly all present bold and picturesque profiles against the horizon, and at the same time the character of the scenery varies from island to island and even from district to district.
In the spirit of this utterance, steps were taken within a few days by the new prelate to suppress the assemblies of the Arians; these, by a bold stroke of policy, anticipated his action by themselves setting fire to their meetinghouse, Nestorius being forthwith nicknamed "the incendiary."
This nearly ruined Geneva, which, too, in 1477 had to pay a large indemnity to the Swiss army that, after the defeat of Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, advanced to take vengeance on the dominions of his ally, Yolande, dowager duchess of Savoy and sister of Louis XI., as well as on the bishop of Geneva, her brother-in-law.
The bold and patriotic Crabbe contrived to board the bewitched flagship, and was seen apparently laying about him with an axe on the water - which the spectators took to be a proof either that he was mad, or that this was the devil in his shape.
The sable and roan antelopes are distinguished from Oryx by the stout and thickly ringed horns rising vertically from a ridge over the eyes at an obtuse angle to the plane of the lower part of the face, and then sweeping backwards in a bold curve.
It was a bold conception - too bold for the medieval world, for which faith was primarily the obligation to believe.
On the other hand, his Boleslaus the Bold, &c. (Lemberg, 1859) would now be considered too romantic and picturesque.
Birney established here his anti-slavery journal, The Philanthropist, but his printing shops were repeatedly mobbed and his presses destroyed, and in January of 1836 his bold speech before a mob gathered at the court-house was the only thing that saved him from personal violence, as the city authorities had warned him that they had not sufficient force to protect him.
Much of Holbach's fame is due to his intimate connexion with the brilliant coterie of bold thinkers and polished wits whose creed, the new philosophy, is concentrated in the famous Encyclopedie.
About this time Early, freed from the opposition of Hunter's forces, made a bold stroke upon Washington.
The new general, whose bold and skilful leading had been conspicuous on most of the Virginia battlefields, promptly did so.
The monotonous Atlantic littoral is unbroken by any large inlet or estuary, and thus contrasts in a striking manner with the varied outlines of the Pacific coast, which includes the three bold promontories of Nicoya, Golfo Dulce and Burica, besides the broad sweep of Coronada Bay and several small harbours.
It is a picturesque town, the houses having the overhanging wooden roofs of Switzerland united with the heavy stone arcades of Italy, while the situation is beautiful, with the lake in front and the semicircle of bold mountains behind.
In 1788 he published Deputation aux Etats generaux, a pamphlet remarkable for its bold exposition of liberal principles, and partly on the strength of this he was elected deputy to the states-general by the Third Estate of the bailliage of Metz.
For ladies there are the Order of Sidonia, 1870, in memory of the wife of Albert the Bold, the mother (Stamm-Mutter) of the Albertine line; and the Maria Anna Order, 1906.
The conception of the "Day of the Lord" is frequent and prominent in the prophets, and the sense given to the phrase by the people and by the prophets throws into bold relief the contrast between popular beliefs and the prophetic faith.
According to the Memoirs of Sir James Melville, both Lord Herries and himself resolved to appeal to the queen in terms of bold and earnest remonstrance against so desperate and scandalous a design; Herries, having been met with assurances of its unreality and professions of astonishment at the suggestion, instantly fled from court; Melville, evading the danger of a merely personal protest without backers to support him, laid before Mary a letter from a loyal Scot long resident in England, which urged upon her consideration and her conscience the danger and disgrace of such a project yet more freely than Herries had ventured to do by word of mouth; but the sole result was that it needed all the queen's courage and resolution to rescue him from the violence of the man for whom, she was reported to have said, she cared not if she lost France, England and her own country, and would go with him to the world's end in a white petticoat before she would leave him.
Fraxinella is a very characteristic and attractive plant, 2 to 3 ft., with bold pinnate leaves, and tall racemes of irregular-shaped purple or white flowers.
Bold and showy labiates, growing in ordinary soil.
Other fine species are P. baldschuanium, a climber, P. sphaerostachyum, P. lanigerum, P. polystachyum and P. sachalinense, all bold and handsome.
Distinct liliaceous plants with bold ornamental leaves regularly folded and plaited.
After treating in vain for a marriage between one of his sons and Mary, daughter and heiress of Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, Albert handed over the government of Brandenburg to his eldest son John, and returned to his Franconian possessions.
By a bold march across Flanders, Maurice reached Nieuport on the 1st of July, and proceeded to invest it.
When this occurs, every member of each troop. sounds a bold roar of defiance at the opposite parties; and when one roars, all roar together, and each seems to vie with his comrades in the intensity and power of his voice.
The collapse of this bold attempt enabled him, however, speedily to regain his liberty.
Intellectually bold in the extreme, he was curiously timid in ordinary life, and is said to ha`e had a horror of ghosts.
Like the Cavour canal, the Villoresi is taken across the drainage of the country, entailing a number of very bold and costly works.
He was succeeded by Charles, afterwards known as Charles the Bold, his only surviving son by Isabel.
As part of Artois it came in 1237 to Robert, son of Louis VIII., king of France, and in 1384 to Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy, who promised to respect its privileges.
The successor of Louis, Charles VIII., restored the city to its former name and position, and as part of the inheritance of Mary, daughter and heiress of Charles the Bold, it was contended for by the French king, and his rival, the German king, Maximilian I.
Delcass, who had been prepared to maintain a bold front.
The north shore of Lake Superior is bold and rugged with many islands, such as Ignace and Michipicoten, but with very few settlements, except fishing stations, owing to its rocky character.
In the circumstances Baron Aerenthal determined on a bold policy.
After two years he gave up his cautious policy and took a bold move.
Agathocles, however, with Syracuse blockaded by a Carthaginian fleet, formed the bold idea of carrying the war into Africa.
It is situated in an elevate valley between the bold ridges of Hindhead (895 ft.) and Black down (918ft.).
In view of these provisions, Garrison, adopting a bold scriptural figure of speech, denounced the constitution as "a covenant with death and an agreement with hell," and chose as his motto, "No union with slaveholders."
Sometimes they approach the river in bold promontories, and at others are divided by the dry beds of ancient watercourses.
In the 1st Dynasty the large tombstones of the kings are of bold work, but the smaller stones of private graves vary much in the style, many being very coarse.
He went to France in 1427, and was then appointed papal legate for Germany, Hungary and Bohemia; and proceeding eastwards, he made a bold but futile effort to rally the crusaders at Tachau.
The Carboniferous lavas of the Campsie and Fintry Hills and of the south of Dumfriesshire and Roxburghshire likewise rise in lines of bold escarpment.
On the 27th of May he was with Angus in the castle of Edinburgh; on the 30th of May, by a bold and dexterous ride, he was with his mother in the castle of Stirling, with Archbishop Beaton, Argyll and Maxwell.
Rising out of the sea with bold and often precipitous coasts, Lombok is traversed by two mountain chains.
For pace and endurance no hunter approaches the English thoroughbred; and for a bold man who "means going," a steeplechase horse is often the best animal that could be obtained, for when he has become too slow to win races "between the flags," he can always gallop much faster, and usually lasts much longer, than animals who have not his advantage of blood.
In the Urnerspiel the name of the bailiff's servant who guarded the hat on the pole is given as Heintz VOgely, and we know that Friedrich VOgeli was the name of one of the chief military officers of Peter von Hagenbach, who from 1469 to 1474 administered for Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, the lands (Alsace, &c.) pledged to him by Sigismund of Habsburg.
As a ballad poet, Schiller's popularity has been hardly less great than as a dramatist; the bold and simple outline, the terse dramatic characterization appealed directly to the popular mind, which did not let itself be disturbed by the often artificial and rhetorical tone into which the poet falls.
Charles the Bold of Burgundy now seized the opportunity to intervene.
The carved totem posts of the Haida, standing in front of the heavily framed houses, or at a little distance from them, represent the coats of arms of the respective families of the tribes and generally exhibit designs treated in a bold and original manner, highly conventionalized but always recognizable in their purport by any one familiar with the distinctive marks of the animal forms portrayed.
He does not free himself from the current theology either by rational moralizing like Kant, or by bold speculative synthesis like Fichte and Schelling.
Exquisite as he is in his special mode of execution, he undoubtedly falls far short, not only of his great naturalist contemporaries such as 1Vlasaccio and Lippo Lippi, but even of so distant a precursor as Giotto, in all that pertains to bold or life-like invention of a subject or the realization of ordinary appearances, expressions and actions - the facts of nature, as distinguished from the aspirations or contemplations of the spirit.
He formed the bold design of combining the Irish Catholic millions, under the superintendence of the native priesthood, into a vast league against the existing order of things, and of wresting the concession of the Catholic claims from every opposing party in the state by an agitation, continually kept up, and embracing almost the whole of the people, but maintained within constitutional limits, though menacing and shaking the frame of society.
There were philosophic and philanthropic elements in his political faith which will always lead some to class him as a visionary and fanatic; but although he certainly indulged at times in dreams at which one may still smile, he was not, properly speaking, a visionary; nor can he with justice be stigmatized as a fanatic. He felt fervently, was not afraid to risk all on the conclusions to which his heart and his mind led him, declared himself with openness and energy; and he spoke and even wrote his conclusions, how ever bold or abstract, without troubling to detail his reasoning or clip his off-hand speculations.
Among the most prominent of these men in addition to Brae, Chevalier and Chabannes, were Tristan Lermite, Jean de Daillon, Olivier le Dain (the barber), and after 1472, Philippe de Commines, drawn from the service of Charles the Bold of Burgundy, who became his most intimate adviser and biographer.
The dissatisfied nobility found their greatest ally in Charles the Bold, afterwards duke of Burgundy, and in 1465 formed a "league of public welfare" and declared war on their king.
On the 28th of September he made a truce with Charles the Bold, and in October the treaties of Conflans and Saint Maur-les-Fosses, ended the war.
Charles, the king's brother, was given Normandy as an apanage, thus joining the territories of the rebellious duke of Brittany with those of Charles the Bold.
The death of Duke Philip, on the 15th of June 1467, gave Charles the Bold a free hand.
Balue thereupon joined Guillaume de Harancourt, bishop of Verdun, in an intrigue to induce Charles of France to demand Champagne and Brie in accordance with the king's promise to Charles the Bold, instead of distant Guienne where the king was determined to place him.
Charles the Bold, who had again invaded France, failed to take Beauvais, and was obliged to make a lasting truce.
The overthrow of Charles the Bold was the second great task of Louis XI.
After the death of Charles the Bold, Yolande, duchess of Savoy, was obliged to accept the control of Louis, who was her brother.
At the junction of the Eastern and Western Ghats rises the bold triangular plateau of the Nilgiris, and to the south of them come the Anamalais, the Palnis, and the hills of Travancore.
He at once gave the magazine the stamp of high literature and of bold speech on public affairs.
On the death of Charles the Bold, it sided with his daughter, Mary of Burgundy, but was besieged and taken by the forces of Louis XI.
In his fondness for mythological subjects (Hercules, Theseus) and his introduction on the stage (by a bold anachronism) of the poets Archilochus and Hipponax as rivals of Sappho, he approximates to the spirit of the latter.
But he was also bold and energetic, not only in his work but also in support and defence of his friends.
By a bold attack, in the manner of the Kharijites of yore, Tahir penetrated into the centre of the hostile army and killed Ali.
Erigena argues the question entirely on speculative grounds, and starts with the bold affirmation that philosophy and religion are fundamentally one and the same- "Conficitur inde veram esse philosophiam veram religionem, conversimque veram religionem esse veram philosophiam."
Corps in the Val Sugana, and the Austrians turned the right wing of the division by a bold and skilful advance by way of the Porta Manazzo.
He was bold enough to speak and vote for the "detention of Louis during the war and his perpetual banishment afterwards," and he pointed out that the execution of the king would alienate American sympathy.
The coast is bold and rugged and with very few good harbours; San Diego and San Francisco bays being exceptions.
In 1255 Colmar joined the league of Rhenish cities, and in 1476 and 1477 took a vigorous share in the struggle against Charles the Bold.
She did not give up her claim until after the death of Charles of Anjou (1285), when Philip the Bold succeeded in getting her to accept an income from the county of Anjou in exchange for her rights in Provence.
During the Civil War (1861-1865) the Indians were especially bold as they realized that the Federal troops were needed elsewhere.
In 1801 he returned to Egypt, in command of his regiment, and on the 9th of May distinguished himself by heading a bold cavalry charge at the battle of Rahmanieh.
In places the sands are fringed by long lines of Casuarina trees; in others, and more especially in the neighbourhood of some of the river mouths, there are deep banks of black mud covered with mangroves; in others the coast presents to the sea bold headlands, cliffs, mostly of a reddish hue, sparsely clad with greenery, or rolling hills covered by a growth of rank grass.
Though much of Riigen is flat and sandy, the fine beech woods which cover a great part of it, and the bold northern coast scenery combine with the convenient sea-bathing offered by the various villages around the coast to attract large numbers of visitors.
In these tribes the bold and active habits, the striking colours, or the fantastic diversities of structure,have so long attracted remark that recent investigations, while adding a multitude of new species and supplying the specialist with an infinity of new details, have not materially altered the scientific standpoint.
But Italian taste was all for bold, highly-coloured; slashing statements, that any one could understand; what it wanted was a method that should be at once intel lectually impressive, and free from the usual clouds that beset the scholar's path.
Agrippina's bold 'stroke had been completely successful.
Yet we must remember that this bold intuition of the abbot Joachim indicated a monastic reaction against the tyrannies and corruptions of the church, rather than a fertile philosophical conception.
The first, like the other ranges abutting from north to south upon the region of the prairie, rises abruptly from the plain and has a fine, bold outline.
Bancroft's opinion is that Polk was "prudent, far-sighted, bold, exceeding any Democrat of his day in his undeviatingly correct exposition of Democratic principles."
Ali is described as a bold, noble and generous man, "the last and worthiest of the primitive Moslems, who imbibed his religious enthusiasm from companionship with the prophet himself, and who followed to the last the simplicity of his example."
Not even so, however, did their witness agree together, so, as a bold stroke, Oates, with great circumstantiality, accused the queen before Charles of high treason.
Prerogative, despite Bacon's advice and efforts, clashed more than once with liberty; Salisbury's bold schemes for relieving the embarrassment caused by the reckless extravagance of the king proved abortive, and the House was dissolved in February 1611.
He had an intense admiration for the great generals of Napoleon, and his uncompromising spirit, bold uprightness and independent views marked him as a man to be suspected.
Supported by the young king, Louis XIV., he aimed the first blow at the greatest of the extortioners - the bold and powerful superintendent, Fouquet; whose fall, in addition, secured his own advancement.
He was a man of great learning, of a sound judgment, an able preacher, having great knowledge in divinity, law, physic, &c.; a bold and patient sufferer for the Lord Jesus and the gospel he preached."
The highest mountains are found in the north, the bold peak of Kebnekaise reaching 7005 ft., Sarjektjacko, 6972 ft., being the loftiest point of a magnificent group including the Sarjeksfjall, Alkasfjall and Partefjall, which range from 6500 ft.
The outline of the mountains is generally rounded, the rocks having been subjected to erosion from a very early geological age, but hard formations cause bold peaks at several points, as in Kebnekaise and the Sarjeksfj ?,ll.
In addition to these causes of offence he had appropriated the province of Seistan, over which Persia had long professed to bold the rights of suzerainty.
In April 1850, after a siege of more than eighteen months, fortune turned against the bold insurgent, and negotiations were opened for the surrender of the town and citadel.
Bishop's Island, a bold isolated rock in the vicinity, has remains of an oratory and house ascribed to the recluse St Senan.
Here the sea has greatly eroded the normal regular, harbourless line of the west coast of Africa, forming bold capes and numerous inlets or estuaries.
But the policy of complete trust in the Boers was a bold one, which was justified by success.
The peace of Varala saved Sweden from any such humiliating concession, and in October 1791 Gustavus took the bold but by no means imprudent step of concluding an eight years' defensive alliance with the empress, who thereby bound herself to pay her new ally annual subsidies amounting to 300,000 roubles.
His frame is shorter and more spare and wiry than that of his neighbour to the north, though generations have given to him too a bold and manly bearing.
The fishermen and fisherwomen form a quite distinct class of the people; both sexes are noted for their bodily strength, and the men for their bold and skilful seamanship. Tunny and sardines are cured and exported in large quantities, oysters are also exported, and many other sea fish, such as hake, sea-bream, whiting, conger and various flat-fish are consumed in the country.
It is dominated by high mountains, gashed by superb canyons of rivers, scarred with dry gullies and washes, the beds of intermittent streams, varied with great shallow basins, sunken deserts, dreary levels, bold buttes, picturesque mesas, forests and rare verdant bits of valley.
His language in approval of the resistance of the colonists was unusually bold, and perhaps no one but himself could have employed it with impunity at a time when the freedom of debate was only imperfectly conceded.
But though they generally had the best scholarship of England against them, they were bold, acute, well-informed men; they appreciated more fully than their contemporaries not a few truths now all but universally accepted; and they seemed therefore entitled to leave their mark on subsequent theological thought.
In1474-1475Charles the Bold of Burgundy besieged the town in vain for eleven months, during which he lost io,000 men; but it was taken and sacked by Alexander Farnese in 1586.
Towards the end of the century, the family took the part of the dukes of Burgundy, but returned to the side of France on the death of Charles the Bold.
A bold projecting balcony, richly ornamented, runs round each storey.
Graetz attained considerable repute as a biblical critic. He was the author of many bold conjectures as to the date of Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Esther and other biblical books.
He succeeded to the throne in 1380, at the age of twelve, and the royal authority was divided between his paternal uncles, Louis, duke of Anjou, John, duke of Berry, Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy,and his mother's brother,Louis II.,duke of Bourbon.
The question became a party one; Benedict was supported by Louis of Orleans, while Philip the Bold and the university of Paris opposed him.
The king's intelligence became yearly feebler, and in 1404 the death of Philip the Bold aggravated the position of affairs.
She was almost destitute, but was courteously treated by Charles the Bold, then count of Charolais, and so made her way to her father in France.
Possessed of a bold and intensely original mind, his activities radiated in many directions, apparently rather attracted than repelled by the unpopularity of a subject.
Contradictions are often copied down without the writer noticing them; and since the middle ages forged and falsified so many documents, - monasteries, towns and corporations gaining privileges or titles of possession by the bold use of them, - the narrative of medieval writers cannot be relied upon unless we can verify it by collateral evidence.
The land, generally undulating, is further diversified with hills arranged in groups or ranges, a common characteristic of which is a bold face on the one hand and a long gentle slope, with narrow valleys deeply penetrating, on the other.
In the 9th century Charles the Bald bestowed the fief on the bishop of Liege, and after being shared between Brabant and Flanders it passed into the hands of Philip the Bold, founder of the house of Burgundy, in 1384.
The intimacy between him and this "brown, beautiful, bold but insipid creature," as John Evelyn calls her, who chose to be known as Mrs Barlow (Barlo) lasted with intervals till the autumn of 1651, and Charles claimed the paternity of a child born in 1649, whom he subsequently created duke of Monmouth.
It is evident that the Samaritans were not to be outdone by the Jews, that Mount Gerizim was once more being set up against Jerusalem, and that a bold bid was being made by the hated Samaritans for a world-wide religion, which should embrace Pagans as well as Christians.
The coasts are rocky and surf-worn and the approaches are exceedingly dangerous, the land rising immediately from the coasts to steep, bold mountains.
The headlands, the deep indentations and the numerous islands in the bays and beyond produce a beautiful mingling of land and sea and give to the whole ocean front the appearance of a fringed and tasselled border; west of the mouth of the Kennebec River are a marshy shore and many low grassy islands; but east of this river the shore becomes more and more bold, rising in the precipitous cliffs and rounded summits of Mt Desert and Quoddy Head, 1527 and 1000 ft.
But the Free State was at that time ill prepared for a trial of strength, and at Mr Stanley's suggestion the bold course was taken of appointing Tippoo-Tib governor of Stanley Falls, as the representative of King Leopold.
In these circumstances the only possible deliverance was by a bold and decided stroke.
Forty miles to the west of the Saalburg there is a modern national monument, the colossal figure of Germania, which stands on a bold spur of the Taunus 740 ft.
During the reign of Charles the Bold (1467-1477) the Hollanders, like the other subjects of that warlike Charles prince, suffered much from the burden of taxation.
It soon passes beneath the bold pinnacle of the Oeillette or Aiguillette, beyond which formerly women were not allowed to penetrate.
As a preacher he was eloquent, bold and fearless.
This leisure was occupied in the composition of his remarkable pamphlet, Some Free Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs, which indicates his complete conversion to the bold policy of Bolingbroke.
On the north side they sweep gradually down towards the shore, but on the south they terminate in bold and lofty precipices.
He published an astounding pedigree, in which, starting from " Hercules Triptolemus," he wound his way through the royal Servian line to the kinship of Moldavian voivodes, and, having won the emperor Ferdinand to his financial and military support, succeeded, though at the head of only 1600 cavalry, in routing by a bold dash the vastly superior forces of the voivode, and even in purchasing the Turkish confirmation of his usurped title.
Constantius continued for some time implacable, and the bold action of the Western bishops only incited the Arian party in Alexandria to fresh severities.
The church of Notre-Dame contains a fine De Crayer (The Adoration of the Magi), Michelangelo's marble group of the Virgin and Child, and the fine monuments with gilded copper effigies of Charles the Bold and his daughter, Mary of Burgundy.
The scenery here becomes bold and picturesque.
In consequence of the north-east trend of the coast, already noted, several of these ranges end in the sea in bold bluffs.
Although the mountains present bold and picturesque outlines on their outward faces, the general aspect of the country north of the coast-lands, except in its south-eastern corner, is bare and monotonous.
Out of such conditions arose the buccaneer, alternately sailor and hunter, even occasionally a planter - roving, bold, unscrupulous, often savage, with an intense detestation of Spain.
Proceeding south the shore trends generally south-west and is marked with many deep inlets, the coast presenting a succession of bold bluffs, while inland the whole district is distinctly mountainous.
An Oxford Down ram has a bold masculine head; the poll well covered with wool and the forehead adorned by a topknot; ears self-coloured, upright, and of fair length; face of uniform dark brown colour; legs short, dark, and free from spots; back level and chest wide; and the fleece heavy and thick.
Though neither a fluent speaker nor bold pleader, in a very few years he was at the head of his profession.
Ere long they grew so bold that they would stay ashore for months, braving the forces of a whole kingdom, and sheltering themselves in great palisaded camps on peninsulas or islands when the enemy pressed, them too hard.
Those who were bold enough to remain behind had much to endure- John, openly rejoicing at the plunder that lay before him, declared the temporalities of all who had accepted the interdict, whether they had exiled themselves or no, to be confiscated.
He found a refuge with his brother-in-law and ally Charles the Bold, the great duke of Burgundy.
Charles the Bold, whom he had thus deliberately deserted in the middle of their joint campaign, used the strongest language about this mean act of treachery, and with good cause.
It was led by Lord Lovel, Richards chamberlain and admiral; but the insurgents dispersed when Henry marched against them with a large force (1486), and Lovel took refuge in Flanders with Margaret of York, the widow of Charles the Bold of Burgundy, whose dower towns were the refuge of all English exiles, and whose coffers were always open to subsidize plots against her nieces husband.
Unhappily, the king could not understand Pitts higher qualities, his bold confidence in the popular feeling, and his contempt for corruption.
The cabinet decided to do nothing that could wear the appearance of interference in the internal affairs of France; but Lord Palmerston, in conversation with the French minister in London, took upon himself to approve the bold and decisive step taken by the president.
In October the Porte, encouraged by the presence of the British fleet in the Bosporus, took the bold step of summoning the Russians to evacuate the principalities.
Guanaco are readily domesticated, and in this state become very bold and will attack man, striking him from behind with both knees.
If in the West Athanasianism is a datum, but unexamined, and not valued for its own sake, Augustinianism is a bold interpretation of the essential piety of the West, but an interpretation which not i even piety can long endure - morally burdensome if religiously mpressive.
There are a few plains, like that of David, in Chiriqui province, but irregular surface is normal; and this irregularity is the result of very heavy rains with a consequent extremely developed drainage system cutting river valleys down nearly to the sea-level, and of marine erosion, as may be seen by the bold and rugged islands, notably those in the Gulf of Panama.
At the same time, when viewed from the exterior, the main dome rises large, bold and commanding, with nothing of the squat appearance that mars the dome of St Sophia, with nothing of the petty prettiness of the little domes perched on the drums of the later Byzantine churches.
But just as he maintained at the time of the conflict, and after, that there would have been no Crimean War had not the British government convinced the tsar that it was in the hands of the peace party, so now he believed that a bold policy would prevent or limit war, and at the worst put off grave consequences which otherwise would make a rapid advance.
This was followed (1821) by The Spy, which was very successful at the date of issue; The Pioneers (1823), the first of the "Leatherstocking" series; and The Pilot (1824), a bold and dashing sea-story.
The Scandinavian portion of Lapland presents the usual characteristics of the mountain plateau of that peninsula - on the west side the bold headlands and fjords, deeply-grooved valleys and glaciers of Norway, on the east the long mountain lakes and great lake-fed rivers of Sweden.
He is as an artist inferior to Steingrimr Thorsteinsson, but surpasses him in bold flight of imagination.
A, general feeling that King Alexander contemplated changing the situation by one of his bold and clever coups d'etat increased the political unrest.
The famous "Strassburg oaths" between Charles the Bold and Louis the German were taken here in 842, and in 923, through the homage paid by the duke of Lorraine to the German king Henry I., began the connexion of the town with the German kingdom which was to last for over seven centuries.
The promontory terminates in a bold headland, the Montagne des Singes, with seven distinct peaks.
Yet his rationale of the tides in De Motibus Stellae is not only memorable as an astonishing forecast of the principle of reciprocal attraction in the proportion of mass, but for its bold extension to the earth of the lunar sphere of influence.
The great administrator and the bold innovator were united in him in an exceptional degree, and he allowed neither character to preponderate unduly.
In 1473 it was captured by Charles the Bold of Burgundy.
It is lower than the west though still bold in many places; the inlets are narrower and less deep, but more easily accessible, as appears from the commercial importance of the harbours of Cork and Waterford.
William Overy, a bold squire of Ormonde's, offered to arrest Richard as an attainted traitor, but was seized, tried before the man whom he had come to take, and hanged, drawn and quartered.
When it was too late to act with effect, Desmond himself, a vain man, neither frankly loyal nor a bold rebel, took the field.
To carry out his conviction, he had still only a timid will, working through petty expedients; but here again his confidence in the future made him bold.
The shores of the greater portion of the southern half of the island are low and flat, but in the northern half the coast is often bold and precipitous, the high land occasionally approaching the sea.
From the bold and picturesque coast a hammer-like peninsula (285 ft.) projects, separating North Bay from South Bay, and the modern extension of the town fringes both of these.
For more than two centuries they had remained prudently entrenched behind the earthworks that extended from Cologne to Ratisbon (Regensburg); but the intestine feuds which prevailed among the barbarians and were fostered by Rome, the organizatipn under bold and turbulent chiefs of the bands greedy for booty, the pressing forward on populations already settled of tribes in their rear; all this caused the Germanic invasion to filter by degrees across the frontier.
Thus the triple alliance of Adalberos bold and adroit imperialism with the cautious and vacillating ambition of the duke of the Franks, and the impolitic hostility towards Germany of the ruined Carolingians, resulted in the unhooked-for advent of the new Capetian dynasty.
His bold endeavour to, establish William Clito in Flanders ended in failure; and his want of strength was particularly humiliating in his unfortunate struggle with Henry I., king of the English and duke of Normandy, who was powerful and well served, the real master of a comparatively weak baronage.
Northern and eastern France recognized the suzerainty of the Capet, and Philip Augustus was now bold enough to attack Henry II., the master of the west, whose friendly neutrality (assured by the treaty of Gisors) had made possible the successive defeats of the great French barons.
Whatever were their views as to the relations between ecclesiastical and secular jurisdiction, the French clergy, ruined by the dues levied by the papal court, ranged themselves on the national side with the nobility and the bourgeoisie; whereupon the king, with a bold stroke far ahead of his time, gave tit for tat.
The death of the duke of Anjou at Ban (1384) gave preponderant influence to Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy, who increased the large and fruitless expenses of his Burgunclian policy to such a point that on the return of a last unfortunate expedition into Gelderland Charles VI., who had been made by him to marry Isabel of Bavaria, took the governMadness ment from his uncles on the 3rd of May 1389, and vi.
Because he's too bold – and we're not that far from the house.
The name was black against a band the color of red wine, both intricate and bold, with odd characters etched into the edges of the band.
The scientist is left to whimsically choose among a cornucopia of "bold conjectures," everyone of which is guaranteed to be false.
It is delightfully situated on a bold acclivity, one mile E. from the church.
Jill's message is you don't have to be a bold adventurer to enjoy the live aboard cruising life.
Entries in bold type are for societies affiliated to the The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers.
Yet whoever sets out to commit arson, arms his bold hands with fire.
Its present unfurnished state gives even greater emphasis to its bold architecture which is now regularly used to display contemporary artworks.
Checking this bold assertion is the point of my talk.
It includes baby-safe mirrors that encourage self-discovery and bold colors and patterns proven to keep little ones' attention.
As armies clash in epic battles, the actions of a handful of bold heroes can turn the tide of war.
Just make the boolean member bold of the record true.
If we meet I may be so bold as to ask for advice in person if all is not going well.
He used to cross quickly through the garden when Sylvester was still with me, but lately he's becoming rather bold.
The climb was originally very bold with the main protection being two pegs.
In damp conditions however the finishes, on the level, turf top can be quite bold.
The same lines across different versions become bold upon clicking.
I felt bold enough to try it solo in the open boat, thinking I would have Lesley for company.
There is nothing they enjoy more than sailing the sea, chasing treasure and being big, bad, bold buccaneers.
The unique designs of these bold and finely crafted night lights make them perfect end table centerpieces.
Take bold colors in purples russets, yellow and reds.
Julian Rothenstein favors bold layouts and flat muted colors reminiscent of Russian constructivism.
The stimulus (or neural activity) is then convolved with the assumed or modeled HRF to give the assumed BOLD response.
The risk factors appear to be hyped, with bold transfer deal dun, arbitration and the Alive & Kicking appeal always ongoing.
You will be struck by the individual design of our rooms, the use of simple bold colors and the cozy duvets.
Using bold color and fluid lines, my paintings are often embellished with print and stitch.
It is situated on a bold eminence, commanding extensive views of the surrounding country.
In true Groovy Girls fashion, each bag is draped in faux fur and trimmed with bold animal prints and colorful fabrics.
Visual browsers typically render H1 in a large, bold font.
Abraham BOLD, formerly sergeant in the 7th fusiliers, a warrior of thirteen battles and a hundred skirmishes, died recently in Huddersfield.
The buildings in the business district east of the harbor were finely constructed in a bold but not garish manner.
The tracery of the side windows - bold and very geometric with excellent buttresses.
A bold, honest genuine and talented horse who is a great confidence giver.
When Lilian died in 1935 Caroline erected a gravestone (pictured) with a very bold and unequivocal message to the world.
The blue male griffin has connections with a local legend concerning the Bold family, which once had strong associations with Farnworth Parish Church.
Clear, bold page headings have been used to reinforce understanding of the navigation system.
It's easier to tag something as H1 than to remember that level-one headings are 24-point bold Times centered or whatever.
References Main section headings should be in CAPITALS, sub-section headings in bold and third-order section headings in italics.
The rich blues of the globe thistle and sea holly against the bold yellow of the yarrow is a sight to behold.
Only the bold are happy to feed their partner by hand in a public place - the ultimate sensual indulgence.
It's also a highly anticipated installment in a series that was intended to reinvent the franchise in a bold, new way.
You can align text left, right or center, change the color of words and add italics, bold and underlining.
This removes all formatting (including bold, italic, etc.) from the current selection.
Is the text consistent in its use of bold, italics, font face, font size, etc.
May we be bold in bringing to fruition the golden dreams of human kinship and justice.
His bold and daring plan is to hold a leprechaun to ransom.
Has a date at the 4 position and big bold numerals and hands with super luminova luminescence.
The ms macros print headings in bold using the same font family and point size as the body text.
More like out of the loop It was a bold move shunning celeb mag fodder in favor of news.
This bold new production works with puppets, projections, machines and music to weave an irresistible magic.
Eleanor Bold appeared before him, no longer as a beautiful woman, but as a new profession called matrimony.
The previous saturday to rail about bold duke of late medieval on.
Others are bold and firm, but not meek and gentle.
The naked middleweight 's bold styling has been designed with an uncompromising and growing market in mind.
I know that bold moves are difficult in an election year.
Good exterior mosaic tile patterning and a big bold nameplate.
If in a sheltered nook He's run to earth, he eyes the bold invader With startled look.
The advertisements in fact put the solo oboe, clarinet or cornet players in big bold type.
All bold, underline and capital emphasis will be entirely ours.
All of them were bold and heroic, but somehow the Queen still outsmarted them.
Give an outside wall a coat of vibrant masonry paint or splash some bold stains onto garden furniture.
It is a bold curatorial decision, hanging such strong paintings together.
At the corners of the tower are bold buttresses, surmounted by octagonal turrets, with crocketted pinnacles.
M Raymond Bellour, the visiting British Film Institute " Research Fellow ", introduced this season with a bold pronouncement.
The glass pyramid entrance is a bold, highly successful modern addition to the Louver.
From the depths of the masses come vibrant echoes to every bold word, every truly revolutionary slogan.
Thor Heyerdahl Bold explorer who risked his life in reed boats to prove idiosyncratic theories of how early man crossed the seas.
The tropical look can be easily obtained when you choose plants with bold leaf shapes.
Figure 2. Wing of a great skua showing the bold white flash of feathers.
Recently, Stephen Hawking and Neil Turok have proposed a bold solution to this problem.
This exciting variety of dogwood provides a bold splash of color in winter.
Bold in premise, it does not shy away from subjects considered taboo by many people.
Dynamic young farmer James Peck set out to design a kitchen that would make a bold visual statement and stand the test of time.
It was a fine trout with a greenish tint to its markings and bold, dark yellow spots.
It features a bold tie at the waist and a pretty ruffled trim at the legs.
I have tunnel vision and cannot read text unless it is large and bold.
Do not use a bold typeface except to highlight certain words or terms.
This year's story is yet untold No one knows what to behold Just run for the future bold!
The King was bold, excellent facial expressions, and a good speaking voice.
He makes the bold claim that human beings are not inherently warlike.
This is perhaps mainly due to the bold religious positivism with which he assumes that spiritual experience is real and that faith has not only a legitimate but even a paramount claim to provide the highest interpretation of the world.
In the 16th and 17th chapters of the Differential Equations we find, for instance, a lucid account of the general symbolic method, the bold and skilful employment of which led to Boole's chief discoveries, and of a general method in analysis, originally described in his famous memoir printed in the Philosophical Transactions for 1844.
In Milton, on the 9th of September 1774, at the house of Daniel Vose, a meeting, adjourned from Dedham, passed the bold "Suffolk Resolves" (Milton then being included in Suffolk county), which declared that a sovereign who breaks his compact with his subjects forfeits their allegiance, that parliament's repressive measures were unconstitutional, that tax-collectors should not pay over money to the royal treasury, that the towns should choose militia officers from the patriot party, that they would obey the Continental Congress and that they favoured a Provincial Congress, and that they would seize crown officers as hostages for any political prisoners arrested by the governor; and recommended that all persons in the colony should abstain from lawlessness.
Schelling's theory is a bold attempt to revitalize nature in the light of growing physical and physiological science, and by so doing to comprehend the unity of the world under the idea of one principle of organic development.
In July 1863 Gorchakov was appointed chancellor of the Russian empire expressly in reward for his bold diplomatic attitude towards an indignant Europe.
The bold criticism of Middleton's recently (174.9) published Free Enquiry into the Miraculous Powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church appears to have given the first shock to his Protestantism, not indeed by destroying his previous belief that the gift of miraculous powers had continued to subsist in the church during the first four or five centuries of Christianity, but by convincing him that within the same period most of the leading doctrines of popery had been already introduced both in theory and in practice.
The valley is always broad, and especially from Warwick downward, through the Vale of Evesham, the scenery is very beautiful, the rich valley being flanked by the bold Cotteswold Hills on the south and by the wooded slopes of the Arden district of Warwickshire on the north.
In 1778, when General Thomas Goddard made his bold march across India, the state of Bhopal was the only Indian power that showed itself friendly; and in 1809 when another British expedition under General Close appeared in the same parts, the nawab of Bhopal petitioned earnestly but in vain to be received under British protection.
The richest grave of all was explored at Vaphio in Laconia in 1889, and yielded, besides many gems and miscellaneous goldsmiths' work, two golden goblets chased with scenes of bull-hunting, and certain broken vases painted in a large bold style which remained an enigma till the excavation of Cnossus.
Beacon Hill, so called from its ancient use as a signal warning station, is still the most conspicuous topographical feature of the city, but it has been changed from a bold and picturesque eminence into a gentle slope.
Soubise's chief exploit was a singularly bold and well-conducted attack (in 1625) on the Royalist fleet in the river Blavet (which included the cutting of a boom in the face of superior numbers) and the occupation of Oleron.
Subsequently, whether from the fact that such bold speculations were obnoxious to the general sense of propriety in Elea, or from the inferiority of its leaders, the school degenerated into verbal disputes as to the possibility of motion, and similar academic trifling.
An indispensable preliminary was the virtual elimination of oxygen-absorption in the earth's atmosphere, and his bold project of establishing an observatory on the top of Mont Blanc was prompted by a perception of the advantages to be gained by reducing the thickness of air through which observations have to be made.
Few things of the kind are superior to the sketch of the early barricade of the Fronde in which the writer had so great a share, the hesitations of the court, the bold adventure of the coadjutor himself into the palace and the final triumph of the insurgents.
It shows how a bold and p lausible adventurer, aided by the profligacy of a parasite, the avarice and hypocrisy of a confessor, and a mother's complaisant familiarity with vice, achieves the triumph of making a gulled husband bring his own unwilling but too yielding wife to shame.
It seems bold to conjecture that the Minaeans were in accord with the Romans under Aelius Gallus, yet it is noteworthy that no Minaean town is named among the cities which that general destroyed, though ruin fell on Nask and Kamna, which lie inside the Minaean territory.
But the bold expedients adopted by the engineer annulled the bending action.
What are called "feathered" flowers are those which have an even close feathering, forming an unbroken edging of colour all round, "flamed" flowers being those which have a beam or bold mark down the centre, not reaching to the bottom of the cup.
La Salle's expedition had aroused the French to the importance of the Mississippi, and they soon had a bold plan to occupy it, to close in from the rear on the English on the Atlantic coast, seize their colonies and even deport the colonists.
The homely terseness of his style, his abounding humour - rough, cheery and playful, but irresistible in its simplicity, and occasionally displaying sudden and dangerous barbs of satire - his avoidance of dogmatic subtleties, his noble advocacy of practical righteousness, his bold and open denunciation of the oppression practised by the powerful, his scathing diatribes against ecclesiastical hypocrisy, the transparent honesty of his fervent zeal, tempered by sagacious moderation - these are the qualities which not only rendered his influence so paramount in his lifetime, but have transmitted his memory to posterity as perhaps that of the one among his contemporaries most worthy of our interest and admiration.
Continuing for yet a little longer his course of feverous, almost frenzied, opposition to the throne, on the 3rd of July he electrified France by his bold denunciation of the king, not only as a hypocrite and a despot, but as a base traitor to the constitution.
The "tranquil bay" is Casco Bay, one of the most beautiful in the world, studded with bold, green islands, well fitted to be the Hesperides of a poet's boyish dreams. At the age of fifteen Longfellow entered Bowdoin College at Brunswick, a town situated near the romantic falls of the Androscoggin river, about 25 m.
He combined the power of patient and minute investigation with a singular faculty for bold generalization and the capacity for tracing out the effects of thoughts and ideas on political and social life.
This bold attempt is entirely factitious and verbal, and it is only his employment of various terms not generally used in such a connexion (axiom, theorem, corollary, etc.) that gives his treatise' its apparent originality.
No, I can't petition him myself--that would be too bold.
Entwine Wedding Stationery Graphic designer tailormade stationery with fine attention to detail - from bold and sassy designs to simple and sophisticated.
They are bold, stocky birds with a strongly curved upper bill.
Clean looking dial with bold numbers and discreetly placed tachometer scale on a tiered internal fixed bezel.
This is a most valuable copy of the Prophets, written in Egypt in the sixth century, in a fine bold uncial hand.
Combining hypnotic language with arresting dance theater, this bold and thrillingly new show salutes the underbelly of urban life.
This year 's story is yet untold No one knows what to behold Just run for the future bold !
Stephen Bold, with his slick, urbane style of bass guitar playing became an important piece of the jigsaw puzzle in February 2001.
You have a whacky side and ca n't resist making a bold statement with your car color and your fashion style.
He counter claimed for wrongful dismissal in a somewhat bold move.
By and large, entrepreneurs are bold risk-takers who want nothing more than to bring their product idea to life. Yet they are often the cause of many of the product release delays or related snafus.
If this plan didn't work out, the document's signatories would likely have been put to death; this was indeed bold risk-taking.
For example, if the theme is sports items, purchase a colorful hat rack/shelf combination that has the baby's name in bold letters or order a team jersey with the family's last name on it to hang on the wall.
Be sure you write his name in bold letters, and present his certificate to him proudly.
Rather than traditional baby colors of blue, pink, yellow and pastels, newer baby nursery designs include bold colors that would not be out of place in the rest of the home.
The front-loading models now come in several bold colors.
For instance, if you work closely with the public, you may want to consider a mild cologne, as many people have strong aversions to bold ones.
Whether you go with a dramatic, sexy bold color, or something a little more conservative and muted, nothing lights a face quite like lipstick.
You can apply sheer, delicate layers that highlight your skin tone, or thick, bold swatches that cover you lids in blue or green or red.
Do you want bold colors that stand out, colors that blend in with those of the lawn and garden, or maybe some neutrals that match the house or apartment colors?
Retro lawn furniture is typically made of metal (although sometimes you can find old plastic pieces) and can be found in very bold colors.
They'll also add a bright and bold punch to your patio and create a fun and welcoming atmosphere.
Other countries have already taken big and bold steps towards seriously reducing their carbon emissions, and all Americans should make an effort to get in step.
Frozen herbs retain their flavor and add bold accents to dishes throughout the year.
Larger rooms can handle darker colors and bold ceiling colors.
These are the areas in which you can inject more shades of color, both bold and subtle.
Pick up a light color from the counters in dark kitchens, or choose a dark shade for kitchens that get lots of light and which have a counter with a bold hue to offset it.
Victorian style is characterized by dark finished woods, like mahogany and walnut, intricate floral patterns and strong, bold colors.
Keep the decoration simple; lots of bold colors and patterns will overwhelm the room.
For a modern design motif, you should look to the bold styling of Thomasville's Salazar, Jewel, and Altessa lines.
Whether you prefer a bold stars and stripes approach to decorating with a patriotic flair, or if you like the Americana and folk art style, you can create a fabulous kitchen environment with patriotic home décor.
The key with introducing patriotic home décor into your home is not to go overboard with bold colors and patterns.
Use the bold colors sparingly and wisely, and you'll end up with a beautiful color palette and decorating scheme that is both attractive and patriotic.
Large-scale pottery and stone pieces can make a bold statement without creating clutter.
The colors used in tropical theme daybed covers should be bright and bold, like the brilliant colors you would see in your favorite island paradise.
When you are using a rooster theme in your room, be bold!
Bold colors that might be over the top in small rooms or with certain decors can easily be used as accent colors with paintable borders.