Bohea Sentence Examples
The instructions of 1700 directed the supercargoes to send home 300 tubs of the finer green teas and 80 tubs of bohea.
In 1703 orders were given for "75, 000 lb Singlo (green), 10,000 lb imperial, and 20,000 lb bohea."
Thea Bohea and Thea viridis, and it was erroneously assumed that the former was the source of black teas, while Thea viridis was held to yield the green varieties.
Of the foregoing, the teas of commerce are derived almost entirely from the varieties Viridis and Bohea.
From the variety Bohea, or from hybrids of descent from it, came the China teas of former days and the earlier plantings in India grown from imported China stock.
The Bohea variety is hardy, and capable of thriving under many different conditions of climate and situation, while the indigenous plant is tender and difficult of cultivation, requiring for its success a close, hot, moist and equable climate.