Bogotá Sentence Examples
The congress appointed him to conduct an expedition against Santa Fe de Bogota, where Don Cundinamarca had refused to acknowledge the new coalition of the provinces.
In December 1814 he appeared before Bogota with a force of 2000 men, and obliged the recalcitrant leaders to capitulate, - a service for which he received the thanks of congress.
In July 1819 he entered Tunja, after a sharp action on the adjoining heights; and on the 7th of August he gained the victory of Boyaca, which gave him immediate possession of Bogota and all New Granada.
The species of Scytalopus are as small as Wrens, mostly of a dark colour, and inhabit parts of Brazil and Colombia, one of them occurring so far northward as Bogota.
Among the most famous were the expedition undertaken by Diego de Ordaz, whose lieutenant Martinez claimed to have been rescued from shipwreck, conveyed inland, and entertained at Omoa by "El Dorado" himself (1531); and the journeys of Orellana (1540-1541), who passed down the Rio Napo to the valley of the Amazon; that of Philip von Hutten (1541-1545), who led an exploring party from Coro on the coast of Caracas; and of Gonzalo Ximenes de Quesada (1569), who started from Santa Fe de Bogota.
Accordingly, having entrusted the government to a council nominated by himself, with Santa Cruz at its head, Bolivar set out from Lima in September 1826, and hastening to Bogota, arrived there on the 14th of November.
This view being confirmed by a resolution of congress, although it was not a unanimous one, Bolivar decided to resume his functions, and he repaired to Bogota to take the oaths.
In virtue of a decree, dated Bogota, the 27th of August 1828, Bolivar assumed the supreme power in Colombia, and continued to exercise it until his death, which took place at San Pedro, near Santa Marta, on the 1 7th of December 1830.
His remains were removed in 1842 to Caracas, where a monument was erected to his memory; a statue was put up in Bogota in 1846; in 1858 the Peruvians followed the example by erecting an equestrian statue of the liberator in Lima; and in 1884 a statue was erected in Central Park, New York.
The university of Mexico received much support from both church and state, but it never gained a position comparable to the universities of South America - Cordoba, Lima (San Marcos) and Bogota.
AdvertisementThe outbreak lasted four days and the volcanic dust and ashes erupted fell over a vast area, which comprised Jamaica, southern Mexico and Bogota.
The plain forming the plateau is well watered with numerous small lakes and streams. These several small streams, one of which, the San Francisco, passes through the city, unite near the south-western extremity of the plateau and form the Rio Funza, or Bogota, which finally plunges over the edge at Tequendama in a beautiful, perpendicular fall of about 475 ft.
Bogota is an archiepiscopal see, founded in 1561, and is one of the strongholds of medieval clericalism in South America.
The interest which Bogota has always taken in education, and because of which she has been called the "Athens of South America," is shown in the number and character of her institutions of learning - a university, three endowed colleges, a school of chemistry and mineralogy, a national academy, a military school, a public library with some 50,000 volumes, a national observatory, a natural history museum and a botanic garden.
Bogota was founded in 1538 by Gonzalez Ximenes Quesada and was named Santa Fe de Bogota after his birthplace Santa Fe, and after the southern capital of the Chibchas, Bacata (or Funza).
AdvertisementOn the creation of the republic of Colombia, Bogota became its capital, and when that republic was dissolved into its three constituent parts it remained the capital of Nueva Granada.
When geese were first introduced into Bogota they laid few eggs at long intervals, and few of the young survived.
Karsten also ascertained by experiments made at Bogota on C. lancifolia that the barks of one district were sometimes devoid of quinine, while those of the same species from a neighbouring locality yielded 32 to 42% of the sulphate; moreover, Dr De Vrij found that the bark of C. officinalis cultivated at Utakamand varied in the yield of quinine from I to 9%.
The last named affords a magnificent spectacle from Bogota, its level top which is 5 or 6 m.
The general elevation of this range is lower than paramo, or range, north-east of Bogota (16,700 ft.).
AdvertisementThe "sabana" of Bogota is a good illustration of the higher of these plateaus (8563 ft., according to Stieler's Hand-Atlas), with its mild temperature, inexhaustible fertility and numerous productions of the temperate zone.
Between Cocui and the southern frontier of Colombia there are no noteworthy elevations except the so-called Paramo de Suma Paz near Bogota, the highest point of which is 14,146 ft.
Of those named, the Funza drains the "Sabana" of Bogota and is celebrated for the great fall of Tequendama, about 480 ft.
Finally the Eastern branch, known as the Cordillera of Bogota, is composed almost entirely of Cretaceous beds thrown into a series of regular anticlinals and synclinals similar to those of the Jura Mountains.
Observations have been made and recorded at Bogota and at some other large towns, but for the greater part of the country we have only fragmentary reports.
AdvertisementThe sabana of Bogota and neighbouring districts are subject to these changes of season.
According to Uricoechea there are at least twenty-seven native languages spoken in the western part of Colombia, fourteen in Tolima, thirteen in the region of the Caqueta, twelve in Panama, Bolivar and Magdalena, ten in Bogota and Cundinamarca, and thirty-four in the region of the Meta, while twelve had died out during the preceding century.
At the time of the Spanish Conquest the most important of these tribes was the Muyscas or Chibchas, who inhabited the tablelands of Bogota and Tunja, and had attained a considerable degree of civilization.
As late as the year 1900 Mr Albert Millican, while collecting orchids on the Opon river, a tributary of the Magdalena between Bogota and the Caribbean coast, was attacked by hostile Indians, and one of his companions was killed by a poisoned arrow.
Bogota was reputed to be a centre of learning in colonial times, but there was no great breadth and depth to it, and it produced nothing of real value.
From Bogota the Spaniards constructed two partially-paved highways, one leading down to the Magdalena in the vicinity of Honda, while the other passed down into the upper valley of the same river in a south-westerly direction, over which communication was maintained with Popayan and other settlements of southern Colombia and Ecuador.
Tramway lines were in operation in Bogota, Barranquilla and Cartagena in 1907.
All the principal Caribbean ports and department capitals are connected with Bogota, but interruptions are frequent because of the difficulty of maintaining lines through so wild a country.
Maize, wheat and other cereals are cultivated on the elevated plateaus, with the fruits and vegetables of the temperate zone, and the European in Bogota is able to supply his table very much as he would do at home.
In compensation the famous emerald mines of Muzo and Coscuez are situated in an extremely mountainous region north of Bogota and near the town of Chiquinaquira, in the department of Boyaca.
Salt is mined at Zipaquira, near Bogota, and being a government monopoly, is a source of revenue to the national treasury.
The Pradera iron works, near Bogota, carry on some manufacturing (sugar boilers, agricultural implements, &c.) in connexion with their mining and reducing operations.
The legislative branch consists of a senate and chamber of deputies, which meets at Bogota biennially (after 1908) on February 1st for an ordinary session of ninety days.
The office of vicepresident is abolished, and the president is authorized to choose a temporary substitute from his cabinet, and in case of his death or resignation his successor is chosen by the cabinet or the governor of a department who happens to be nearest Bogota at the time.
It consists of a supreme court of seven members at Bogota, and a superior court in each judicial district.
The governor is assisted by a departmental council consisting of his secretaries and the president of the Corte de Cuentas, which places the political administration of the department under the direct control of the president at Bogota.
Although Bogota was reputed to be an educational centre in colonial times, so slight an influence did this exert upon the country that Colombia ended the 19th century with no effective public school system, very few schools and colleges, and fully 90% of illiteracy in her population.
There were universities in Bogota and Medellin, the former having faculties of letters and philosophy, jurisprudence and political science, medicine and natural sciences, and mathematics and engineering, with an attendance of 1200 to 1500 students.
There is one Protestant church in Bogota, but the number of non-Catholics is small and composed of foreign residents.
The rulers of the Church have learned by experience, however, that they can succeed best by avoiding partisan conflicts, and the archbishop of Bogota gave effect to this in 1874 by issuing an edict instructing priests not to interfere in politics.
The Colombian hierarchy consists of an archbishop, residing at Bogota, 10 bishops, 8 vicars-general, and 2170 priests.
In 1536-1537 an expedition under Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada made their way from Santa Marta inland by the river Magdalena, and penetrated to Bogota, the capital of the Muiscas or Chibchas.
Bogota was captured by the democrats in July 1861, and Mosquera assumed the chief power.
A congress at Bogota established a republic, with the name of the United States of Colombia, adopted a new federal constitution, and made Mosquera dictator.
Salgar, a Liberal candidate elected in opposition to General Herran, a treaty was finally concluded with the United States in connexion with an interoceanic canal, a bank was established at Bogota, and educational reforms instituted.
He was unable, however, in consequence of ill-health, to reside at Bogota and discharge the presidential duties, and consequently in August 1888 Senor Carlos Holguin was designated to act for him.
The Hay-Herran Treaty of January 1903, providing that the United States take over the Panama Canal was not ratified by the Colombian Congress, possibly because it was hoped that settlement might be delayed until the concession to the company expired, and that then the payment from the United States would come directly to the Colombian government; and the Congress, which had been specially called for the purpose - there was no regular legislative government in Bogota in1898-1903- adjourned on the 31st of October.
Eugenio Alvarado, a Spanish commissioner for the boundary delimitation of Colombia with Brazil in 1759, informed the viceroy at Bogota that the rivers Arivari and Guayabero rise between Neiva and Popayan, and unite to take the composite name of Guaviare.
The Meta rises on the opposite side of the Cordillera from Bogota, and flows with a sluggish current east-north-east across the llanos to the Orinoco, into which it discharges below the Atures rapids, in lat.
While on a flight out of Bogota, Lovato got out of her seat, punched Welch in the eye, and sat back down.
Paul's Gourmet Foods, Bogota, is a great source for gourmet preserved foods like olives, peppers and pickles.
When you first think of Paul's Gourmet Foods, Bogota, you might mistakenly think that this small company is located in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia.
That is not true - Paul's is actually located in Bogota, New Jersey.