Body Sentence Examples
Every muscle in her body was sore.
Only the machines kept his body working.
After the doctor left, Carmen stood over Destiny, looking down at her tiny body while she slept.
She snuggled close, letting his body draw warmth from hers.
The warmth of his body made her senses tingle with both need and happiness.
Pierre turned his whole body, making the sofa creak.
His scent drove her body wild, the mix of sweat, darkness, and man.
There won't be a body to bury.
Just then the buggy tipped slowly over upon its side, the body of the horse tipping also.
Jim's ears were standing erect upon his head and every muscle of his big body was tense as he trotted toward home.
AdvertisementHe leaned his whole massive body across the table.
He knelt beside Sean's body as he spoke.
Logan, I saw a body on the beach.
Her body was sticky with perspiration and her clothes were caked with dust.
She saw Cody's broken body again in her mind and pushed it away.
AdvertisementIn all his years, he hadn't found anything as soothing to his nerves as a woman's silky skin, heady scent, and warm body.
He looked at her again, taking in her warm features and shapely body.
He released one of her wrists and leaned over, slapping it, before returning to the warm body beneath him.
He couldn't shake the fire in his blood or the sense of how soft her supple skin, how warm her body felt beneath him.
He kissed her long and light, enjoying the sensations of her body as she became aroused.
AdvertisementDarian's voice reminded Dusty of the world outside Bianca's body.
He drew her into his body, reveling in the flow of her cool energy.
He smoothed her bouncy curls, wanting to let his hands continue down her body.
His body screamed for him to follow and let Toni handle whatever it was Iggy wanted.
His own body told her he was spent.
AdvertisementHe removed the bulletproof vest and the body armor on his arms and legs to help free his movement.
The storm roared in through the ceiling, hail and water pelting her body while thunder deafened her.
He'd stopped draining her healing power, and she felt a change in his body.
Her body was stiff from her father's blows, her blood racing.
Jenn ran small wand over her body, eyes expertly taking in her skin.
His eyes lit up, and Bianca flung herself into his arms, thrilled to feel her brother's lanky body again.
The poison she thought she'd cleared from his body lingered.
She loved his scent, the feel of his hard, warm body against hers.
He recalled how soothing her hug had been earlier and itched to feel her soft, warm body in his arms again.
He gathered her warm body in his arms and smoothed away the curls that clung to his face, breathing her deep scent before he dropped into the first peaceful slumber in ages.
His body sucked healing power from her.
The lingering sickness in his body fled, gone for good.
I put my hand on them and I wait for their body to tell me what's wrong.
If she didn't know better, she'd say whatever the poison was, it felt like what lingered in Jonny's body.
His eyes turned black, fathomless, and she knew whatever creature possessed the human body was loosening its grip on its powers.
Unaffected by Darian's magic, Bianca touched Jonny's lifeless body, recalling the Watcher's words.
She concentrated as hard as she could, listening for his body to speak to her.
She gasped as the mist swallowed his body and paused at Dusty's, creeping up his boot without harming him.
His body shook, and he flung his head back to the sky with a hoarse shout.
His body drank what healing she had to give.
She flung her arms around him, the sweet smell of innocence and softness of her body making him melt.
Bianca's cool magic ran through his body, repairing all but his exhaustion.
Damian's silver-white hair was braided down his back, his thick body causing him to sink two inches into the mud.
She turned, her body tense and her large green eyes swimming with fear and dread.
He wrapped her arm around her throat as he pulled her into his body and held her there with an arm across her chest.
She wasn't going anywhere in her position, and her body shook from cold.
His teeth rattled at the raw energy coursing within his body.
Her father had disappeared into thin air with the body of the man he called Jule.
The man before her looked pretty human himself, with beautiful brown eyes and a body unlike any she'd seen before.
The air between them shimmered with his body heat and her magic, and he didn't flinch away like normal people did.
She laid it across him then straightened it to cover his body.
He remained relaxed, his large body radiating heat in the cold room.
He ducked a fist and maneuvered around a kick, snatching the intruder's body and shoving it into the wall.
She tried to yank free, and he pulled her body against his, moving them both into the alcove.
Her body fit perfectly against his, warming him in the drafty hall.
Pain radiated through his body from where she'd shot him, and his normally pliant temper was near the snapping point.
There was a thump as the car smacked a body, and her eyes flew open.
She strained under the weight of his body, and they staggered to her car.
His body shook uncontrollably, and something warmed his side.
He pushed himself up, glancing at the Magician's body.
Yully moved towards him and dragged his fevered body close to the fire again.
They weren't safe together, especially since the powerful connection between them was driving her body crazy just sitting so close.
She pulled both into her body.
His body took it this time, and his soul didn't laugh at her as it had when she tried to turn him into a rock.
In fact, his sleeping body welcomed her energy.
Instead of responding, she concentrated on pulling his energy into her body then pushed it back.
She'd touched his soul, and now she touched his body.
Light and dark seemed to bend to avoid him, leaving a haze around his body.
His body rippled with angry power that made her keep her distance.
He'd never been human, and he had no idea how long it took for a human body to heal.
Jule ignored him and tested his body.
I found his body behind his bar.
Her grip on his hand tightened, while she loosened her grip on the foreign magic in her body.
Yully's eyes closed, and she focused hard on feeling something other than Jule, whose presence still lingered in her body.
The magic crept up through her shoes and into her legs, warming her body as it went.
Yully struggled to control the energies into her body, still leery of the invaders.
Jule, whose soul had somehow lingered in her body when she'd touched him, and who had become the only man she'd ever felt safe around.
She changed quickly out of her sleepwear and loaded her body down with weapons then drew a knife and her gun.
Jonny's body was bloodied and beaten, though his pulse was strong.
She stepped back over his body, unwilling to lower her guard against the large vamp whose gaze was on her.
Only two forms and a body draped in black remained on the cliff side.
The closer she stepped to Jule, the more her body hummed.
She did, stepping apprehensively to the foot of Sean's body.
Sean's body collapsed beneath the blanket, and the ocean's wind whipped the cloth into the air.
Jule's eyes glinted with the magic in his body, and the air around him shimmered in a different power than that of her father.
Her breath caught, and he pulled her into his body.
He felt cold as soon as he stepped away, and the urge to touch her again thrummed through his body.
Her body ached to feel whole again, as she had last night in his arms.
Jule positioned them around his body.
Her pulse was flying, and her body cold.
She cried out, body convulsing under waves of pleasure intense enough to push her towards unconsciousness.
Just as her body melded against his, he pushed her away.
Hot pain slid through him as his body contorted into the new form.
He.d come to keep an eye on her and, allegedly, to help his brothers on the Council, though not even he believed he had a decent bone in his body.
Rhyn gazed at her, and her whole body responded despite her fear.
That left him with one less body to bury.
Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the god he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead.
She strained against her own body again, panic floating through her at her helplessness.
The cool energy her body produced when she healed streamed through her, rousing her as it repaired the latest damage.
She heard the gunshots getting closer, one body at a time.
Darian lay on his back staring at the ceiling with brooding golden eyes, his horribly scarred body hidden under turtleneck and gloves and socks, even in the safety of his room.
The bed molded to her body with each movement, encouraging her to stay there even longer.
She rolled onto her side, body aching from exertion.
She changed and took the shears, hiding them against her body as she approached the door.
His cheekbones were high, his chiseled face matching the chiseled body.
She felt his body heat from the short distance between them and recognized his scent from the sheets.
She ate quickly, looking from his perfect body to her scarred forearms.
His body rejected the bullets, and they popped out of his chest.
Goose bumps rose all over her body, and he dried her as quickly as he could before draping a bathrobe around her.
He really didn't want her to lose the spark of life he'd found as appealing as her body.
He smoothed her hair from her face and rested his hand against the soft skin of her exposed thigh, admiring her body.
He pulled the robe over her exposed body, feeling the urge to run to the gym or call Jenn for a quickie to relieve the sexual spring within him.
Her breath caught as his body sucked up her cool energy.
Though his body didn't speak of it, she directed her power towards it as well.
She tasted like honey, and he reveled in the warmth of her body, her hot mouth.
A shadow crossed her screen, and she snapped the cell against her body.
The tension melted from his body at the sight of her petite frame and swirling silver-blue eyes.
His warm body materialized beside her.
Her father dragged half a body from the center of the site to the edge.
Yully's eyes went to Rourk's body.
Yully pulled what she could of his energy into her body.
Panting, he rolled onto his back, unable to regain his balance while his body twitched from magic.
His body seemed too weak to contain his newfound power.
Her eyes were glazed, her body too hot.
Yully's body bucked in his arms, and she opened her mouth in a silent scream.
He indicated the body of the Other at Xander's feet.
He looked at the body beneath him and kicked it.
She hit the punching bag harder, sweat dripping down her body and soaking her leggings and sports bra.
The mess in Ireland earlier made her body crawl in memory of the dangerous power.
He sat beside her bed, his large body awkward in the small chair.
His dark gaze was steady, his body rippling with the power she couldn't quite pin down.
You can have her over my dead body.
Her body was beginning to ache more, from her battered hands to her bruised cheek from when she'd fallen after fainting the night before.
A deeper ache, as if she had the flu and every muscle in her body was on fire, was made worse by sleeping on the cold floor.
Jake looked over at her still body, feeling somewhat guilty.
She'd stepped near him in her dream, until he swiped at her, and she tried to free a scream from her frozen body.
It didn't take much for her to imagine what the body beneath the tight shirt was like.
His hair was silver, his body broad-shouldered and muscular.
Her body was beautiful, curvy, with large breasts.
There was no denying the sensation of sweat dripping off her body.
His body responded with a surge of desire he gritted his teeth against.
A sheen of sweat coated his body, and his white-blond hair was back in a braid.
She'd never seen a man so strong, and she couldn't imagine talking to him without remembering how beautiful that body was.
You'll eventually have additional requirements to sustaining your body.
A slow, languid smile crossed his features, one that made her body flush and ache for him.
He clasped his hands behind his head, giving her an unobstructed view of his body.
She strained and bucked against the bindings, her body seizing.
Every instinct in his body ached to feel Sofia alive.
He sealed his skin around the tube, forced the flow downward, and placed his hands on her, forcing her body to accept his blood.
Dizziness washed over him, and he his body strained to Travel.
Her body bucked, and her eyes flew open.
She touched her face, her arms, her body.
A burst of need washed over her as her body responded to his scent.
It took every ounce of her willpower to keep from devouring his body with her eyes.
She closed her eyes, body on fire as she drank from him while imagining what his mouth could do to the rest of her body.
His head remained shoved under a pillow, and his body relaxed, as if he were falling back asleep.
He pulled her into his body, even as she refused to look at him.
She closed the door behind her, dressed in clothing that accentuated her large breasts and tight body.
His body was warm against hers, and she resisted the urge to wrap her arms around him.
His body drew her, and his scent surrounded her when he knelt beside her.
His gaze was trained on her with an intensity that made her body warm from the inside out.
Traci was stunning, from her supermodel body to her delicate, elfin features.
His presence was overwhelming, and her body reacted with both terror and lust so strong it made her head spin.
An eerie quiet followed, and she wasn't sure if he'd shed his human body and take out her and everything else.
Damian's head was bowed, his tense body still.
It was one thing to offer her body, but her heart, her soul … he would take all of her, consume her completely, irrevocably.
Just thinking of him made her body heat and her heart flip.
He'd tucked away the necklace thousands of years ago after finding it among the pieces of his brother's body.
He placed the ring on his finger, his body buzzing with lust and anticipation.
Sofia withdrew, staring at the dead body in front of her.
Renewed by the blood, more sobs wracked her body as she thought of Damian and how badly she'd destroyed any plan Dustin or Jule could make.
It involves removing your body parts, one at a time.
Unable to move, she panted, body convulsing with aftershocks from the attack.
Pierre led them to the empty, well-lit helicopter hangar, where several men crowded around a still body on the hangar floor.
He had a throbbing headache, and his body didn't respond the way it should.
Damian twisted, surprised to find his body stiff with the simple movement.
Her heart sang as she realized she hadn't lost him after all, her body echoing the desire on his face.
His eyes were closed, his body hunched and hands clenched together.
She turned to see his gaze on the ground, his body braced as if for a blow.
White-gray fur covered a body with moth-eaten wings, a hideous face and yellowed fangs.
It wheezed, its body bent by time.
As he spoke, he peeled off his shirt to reveal a whip-like, muscular upper body coated by a thin layer of tan skin.
Gabriel's body was built for power; Darkyn's was crafted for agility.
His skin was smooth and warm, stretched taut over an athletic body.
His body was covered with faded scars that fascinated her, made her want to trace the lengths of them with her fingers then her tongue.
Deidre found herself leaning into his solid frame without resistance, entranced by the combination of his hot, hard body and cool fire on her swimming senses.
He slid her dress free, his hands moving over her body possessively before he lifted her and carried her to the bed.
His body was solid and strong, the sensations of his skin against hers and his scents intoxicating her.
He eased into her body at first then made love to her hungrily, relentlessly pushing her deeper into the haze of pleasure and desire, until she arched beneath him, her body on the verge of shattering.
She bit his neck gently, not wanting to hurt him despite the strange dream and hunger in her body screaming to be filled.
His voice was hoarse, his body straining.
Deidre stopped fighting her body's cry for sleep and fell into a deep, dark slumber.
It was of his lean body pressing her into the bed while they made love.
It had to be a dream, except that she remembered the heat of the skin beneath his shirt and tracing the scars she knew covered his body.
Her body was trembling.
Her body responded to him in a way that made her angrier.
He pulled her into his body, and the intensity of the strange hunger within her expanded.
Darkyn responded by removing his hand from her body.
Sensing she was yielding, Darkyn drew her into his body.
Need was thick in her body, an inhuman craving she knew now how to satisfy.
Deidre eased against him, the tension fleeing her body.
She could neither control her body's reaction to it nor satiate it.
His solid body was on top of hers yet unattainable.
He alternately let her feed just enough to drive her mad then drank from her, while he commanded her body relentlessly.
Her body entwined with his, she breathed in his scent as deeply as she could.
Darkyn was quiet and still, his body relaxed for the first time since she'd known him.
Her whole body deflated at his mocking tone.
Darkyn rested his hands on her hips and drew her into his body.
It raced through her body, lulling her into a strange trance of heightened senses while he drank.
His gaze lingered then went over her body.
Without releasing her neck, Kin spun her and locked the arm around her body again.
The death dealer stripped off his shirt and weapons to display a muscular body.
He took her arm with one of the hands that had explored every part of her body not two weeks before.
She leaned into his body.
Deidre stopped only when they were toe-to-toe and leaned into him, needing the heat and solidness of his body to quiet her distress.
Deidre's body grew warm from the inside out as he nuzzled her neck, preparing to bite her.
The brief pain turned quickly into pleasure intense enough that she began panting, her hands roaming his body.
When he lifted his head, her body was roaring with need.
He wrapped an arm around her, securing her body against his.
She didn't move from Darkyn's body.
Wynn propped her upper body with pillows.
It showed him in battle, his hardened body moving with unearthly speed and agility against enemies that were obscured.
He wore black pants that hugged his lower body to reveal the lean hips and long, muscular legs.
He handled weapons as if they were extensions of his body, never dropping them or misplacing a strike.
His warmth was comforting, his hard body her home.
Chilled by the cold ocean wind, Deidre pressed herself against his warm body.
Her body trembled from emotion.
Too exhausted to move, she closed her eyes as he pulled her into his body.
Even if his features were young and his body lean, he wasn't able to hide what he was.
Her body calmed instantly.
His hands moved down her body, and he nudged her head aside.
His features were emotionless, his body not yet relaxed completely again.
Deidre approached him until close enough to feel his body heat.
The fire flared brighter, lighting up his body.
Except that, on his body, it was her name written in black.
She had been over every inch of his body numerous times without seeing the marking.
When he was finished, he pulled her into his body and bit her hard.
His hands ran down her naked body possessively.
The thought brought a shiver that coursed down her body as she tried to picture the scene as she and Caleb stumbled deeper into the mine.
He forced calmness into his voice as the thought of a wayward body resurrected very unpleasant memories.
Dean was hoping to find it or at least telltale signs that a body had decomposed on this spot, but no such evidence was apparent.
With the DNA you could tell whose finger it was, if you happened to have the rest of the guy's body or a few squirts of his liquids.
The time frame was right for it to be the body of Senior Dawkins's mine manager, slain there in 1961.
Lydia lived in a newly constructed condo on Oak Street as it drifted out of the main body of town and became the back road to neighboring Ridgway, ten miles away.
It wouldn't be very smart to leave the body in your own mine property.
Besides, Dean thought, Randy—single or married—probably has more sense than to get knocked on his ass by a zillion pounds of water pressure aimed at his body.
She continued to hold onto him, sobs wracking her body.
Billy Langstrom's body stared out from beneath the overturned Jeep, eyes open, a look of mixed surprise and horror on his young face as he lay in a pool of darkening blood.
His partner, a woman, lifted Dean's shirt from the body.
He changed into a clean shirt as he briefly described hearing the accident, climbing down to investigate and discovering Billy Langstrom's body.
He tried to formulate a non-accusatory question but the image of Billy Langstrom's crushed body kept getting in the way.
Getting shot isn't something I'm proud of, but I can assure my opponent, regardless of the body part hit, there isn't anything funny about it.
He sprinted, geared down, and just lolled along, experimenting with his body's reaction to the various phases and ultimately pleased with its response to his multiple tests.
If the body were there, someone would have discovered it.
Then the body might have been there for much, much longer.
Perhaps the body is much younger—only ten or twenty or thirty years old.
You said so yourself—you've got no real evidence a crime was even committed—you lost the body!
It never did say if they found his body.
Brandon Westlake sighed, the tiredness in his old body apparent.
The body was pretty far back and even then, we were lost before we crawled our way out.
Why didn't you bring the body over to the river?
Every time the phone rang for a year, we were sure someone had found the body.
His soul was … lost soon after we threw your old body into the deepest chasm in the mortal world.
Cool air made all the skin of her naked body prickle.
Something warm drifted through her, and her body felt like it was floating.
Just under seven feet tall and muscular, he wore all black with weapons strapped to various parts of his body.
The soft bed was warm from her body heat, and she found herself running a hand over the downy comforter while she tried to understand the emotions within her.
It wasn't coming out the way she practiced it, maybe because Gabriel was sitting close enough that she wanted to lean against him instead of the bed and place his large hands on the parts of her body hidden by clothes.
Could he then merge two souls together into a single body?
No matter how many Deidres were shoved into that perfect little body, she'd never have the control over him she once had.
His gaze traveled her body as she bent over the bed and stretched for a maroon sweater.
Gabriel drew her into his body, and she tucked her head against his shoulder, so she didn't have to look at him.
The warmth of her body made him not want to let go.
Gabriel knew they were loyal before he placed hands on their heads based on their body language.
Her lips were soft and warm, her body molded against his.
And yet, he couldn't deny that Deidre was back or at least, a woman who had the knowledge of the goddess and the body and heart of a human.
Her body was on fire, her hands shaking, her thoughts so scattered, she wasn't able to think.
She wasn't going to fall under the spell of Gabriel's strong body, his passion, his taste.
Those huge hands had started to explore her body in a way that left her feeling feminine, delicate, and willing to let him take control in a way she never permitted him before.
She shook her head, her body relaxing involuntarily.
Gabriel rose from his position crouching over the body of someone he knew.
You want Erik's body taken to the basement at the castle?
His gaze lingered on the body of his half-brother.
Of course, it was possible that Darkyn combined the souls into Deidre's new body, after raising her from the dead-dead.
Perhaps the other body hadn't been salvageable.
His scent and heat, the warmth of his magic, the heady sensations of being so close to him … She concentrated on placing her feet and not on his body.
His thick body was at her back, and he shifted close enough to remain in contact while his large hands settled on her arms.
She blinked, pulling her attention from the heat racing through her body.
The panhandle fed into the roughly circular main body of the lake, and she paused.
Her lean body handled the strenuous task easily.
Gabriel trailed her, resisting the urge to wrap her shivering body in his arms.
She didn't just have the body of a human and the knowledge of the goddess; she wanted to help him enough that she was willing to overcome her fear.
The human feared a relationship with someone who wouldn't share more than his body.
Deidre sank against him, and he wrapped his arms around her trembling body.
Her hands were soon roaming his body curiously, resting on his jaw and trailing along his neck.
He loved that she was curious about his body.
His one-night stand last week made him appreciate what it was to have a lover who was as infatuated by his body as he was hers.
He squeezed lightly then circled his arms around her, pulling her into his body.
She wasn't expecting his gentleness or the level of his interest in exploring her body, a combination that rendered her breathless before her clothes were off.
Dozing after his insatiable passion, she roused herself when one of Gabriel's hands moved down her body.
He took her arm with one of the hands that had explored every part of her body – or the body he thought was hers - not even a few hours before.
Dressed in the seductive clothing of Hell, her body's gentle shape appeared voluptuous, her narrow shoulders exposed, her round hips and breasts enhanced.
The black dress she wore fit her like a second skin, outlining every curve, dip and nook of her body.
Gabriel took in her body and face again.
She rose and paced, the dress tracing her movements in a way that made his eyes follow her body.
She turned to look at him without leaving Darkyn's body.
The body went limp.
By the trembling of her body, she wasn't going to be on her feet much longer.
All eyes were on him as he held the infant in front of him, one hand under her body and the other supporting her head.
Carmen lay still for a few minutes, soaking up the body heat from Alex.
Reluctant or not, his body heat was welcome.
Capturing his neck in the noose of her arms, she snuggled her body close to his.
Destiny touched its soft furry body and stubby ears.
His body smelled of sweat and liquor.
His hand was dirty and he smelled – body odor and liquor.
With her body no longer active and demanding attention, her mind was free to wonder.
Alex might be alive in body, but he was no longer the man she had married.
The idea of teasing him with her body was a little frightening, but if that was what it took...
Body language announced that he was emotionally reacting – something his facial expression didn't betray.
When his hands found her waist and drew her close, passion came without warning, completely consuming her body and soul.
She molded her body to his, capturing his neck in her arms and forcing his lips to hers.
His body was tense, his memories flowing unabated.
His gaze went from the sky to her to the body at her feet.
With forest colored eyes and an athletic body, she towered over most men.
There was a body at his feet.
No matter where the compass pointed, it led him to the correct body.
He knelt over the latest body with a glance at his forearm.
His body was hidden in the brush near a beach.
His elbows were propped on his knees, the trench falling back to show a lean body, flat stomach and muscular thighs outlined by the soft material of his pants.
Deidre was surprised to feel her body grow warm from the inside out.
She shivered, as much from the warm current working its way through her body as the cold ocean breeze.
Her sense of self-consciousness grew as the physical contact made her appreciative of the size and heat of his body.
She moved to face him, distracted by the fact he shifted his body to keep from breaking their physical contact.
Surprised at her body's eagerness, Deidre said nothing.
The heat of his body sank through her clothes, and the idea of his hot skin pressed to hers made her lower belly burn.
She wanted to feel his large hands on her body and to find out what it was about him that made her feel like he was the only real person she'd ever met.
He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into his body.
The desire lighting her body was hot and aching, as if her body innately knew how well he'd satisfy her.
There was something primal in his low growl that made her body boil.
His next kiss was consuming, hungry yet sweet, teasing her with a hint of promise and driving her body to new heights of awareness.
The restlessness was gone from his blood, his body relaxed in a way he couldn't remember feeling.
When her body ceased convulsing from an orgasm, she'd kissed him with tenderness and asked him how she could make him as happy.
His guard hadn't lowered; it crashed as he let himself experience every part of her body, her cries and the passionate spirit that held him captive on the beach.
Aroused again, he reached over but didn't feel her body.
He came back to search the body of Logan Myers and figure out what it was that Rhyn wanted him to know.
His body tensed to the point of snapping.
His body was wiry and lean, his skin golden from sun.
Her blood still raced whenever she thought of his hot touch branding her body.
Her body was humming with the stranger's weird energy.
She dropped to her knees, the vision of Logan's faceless body forefront in her thoughts.
Deidre paid the driver and hurried inside, her mind reeling and her body buzzing with the weird energy of the killer who'd marked her.
His body was stiff, as if he wasn't used to hugging her.
She found herself comparing him to the stranger, whose body had molded around hers, as if he was made for her and no one else.
She didn't let herself listen to the instinct that told her the body she'd seen was wearing the clothes she bought him.
Her thoughts clearing, she realized she needed to call the police about the body she found.
I found the body and I thought it was you and I lost it.
His head flew off in one direction while his body dropped.
For the second time in one day, she saw the dead body of her boyfriend.
He snatched her, pulling her into his body before she could struggle.
Her body roared to life at the scent of his dark spices while she fought the urge to break down into hysterics.
Wrapped in his warm body, she couldn't move if she wanted to.
She hadn't planned on jumping off her building, but the events of this night made the idea more appealing than having her head severed from her body or ending up a pile of bones in a bathtub.
He sat down across from Deidre, and she would've tried to run again, if her body worked right.
Her body grew heavy, and she slumped.
He'd managed to peel off his sweater and rinsed the blood off his body in the surf.
There were no trench coats outside of the underworld he'd consider wearing, but he pulled on a soft black t-shirt and strapped a few sheaths to his body.
Her petite, shapely body was clothed in jeans and a tank top.
The sight of his name across her shoulders made his body hot with anger and need that left him frustrated.
The softness of her body combined with the power of their bond jarred him.
He dropped his hand from her body before he turned into a liar about letting her choose.
No, she wasn't ready for Gabriel yet, no matter how strongly her body responded to his smallest touch.
Gabriel's strange magic tingled in her body, warming her.
She never did call the police about the body she found.
Relief flooded her as she saw the police tape around the area where she'd found the body.
If Logan's body was the one she found on the beach, who had been in her apartment?
Did you see his body?
Gabriel knew the body was there; he had to.
But if he hadn't killed Logan that night, what was he doing hanging around a dead body?
He'd calmed her with a simple touch last night and quenched her body two nights ago.
She'd run her hands over his perfect body, marveling at the smooth skin stretched over solid muscle.
Deidre wrapped her arms around his neck while his went securely around her body.
Her body ceased shaking, and her confusion faded, replaced by the hum of the bond between them.
His grip around her tightened at the tension in her body.
He'd drooled over her offer, after wrapping himself around her warm body.
She'd never seen such a beautiful body of water.
His bed was made, and there was no body on the floor.
Before you start to deteriorate and your body gives out on you?
Wynn being cornered by a demon and her body starting to give out on her.
Not that he wasn't armed; he wore a few sheaths strapped to his body.
With a low brow and piercing gaze, gravelly voice, a perfectly sculpted body and rugged features, Gabriel was the sexiest man she'd ever seen.
Their one night together made her feel alive, and his dark gaze alone was enough to make her body hot from the inside out.
Deidre's body betrayed her, giving a full-form shudder at the rush of heat and energy.
Trees whipped her body, but she drove herself forward.
Her body gave out.
Gabriel lay in front of her and nudged her, until her body opened to him.
It was followed by warm energy that Gabriel pushed into her body to calm her.
Gradually, his warmth sank into her skin, and she lay still, exhausted yet soothed by the heat of his body.
Deidre sighed, her body going lax once more.
His body relaxed in response.
Or going back to the one with the dead body in the tub.
He was already approaching her and stopped just before his body met hers.
It was harder and harder to justify not yielding to his arrangement, if only for the pleasure of his body.
She stood in the warm silence, senses intoxicated by their bond, his scent and body.
Her gaze swept hungrily over his body as he strode across the room, away from her.
She still felt his hands branding her body.
He made her head hurt, and her body ache.
For the first time in days, the tension in her body loosened.
It was dark where he emerged, but the body was where it should be.
He wore silk pajama bottoms and was barefoot, his muscular upper body on display.
He dropped the body and retrieved the soul.
His gaze settled on the body at his feet.
She's more than a body, and the things you can do are only limited by your imagination.
He hauled himself out of the cold waters and sat on the shore that turned to mud beneath his dripping body.
He willed the magic out of his body and channeled it into the blood-covered soul, visualizing what it was he tried to do.
Gabe handed him the soul compass he'd found on the demon's body.
She let herself stay where she was, intrigued by the electricity and calmed by the heat of his body.
Gabriel's arms tightened around her body, his chin resting on her head.
Her small body cradled in his arms, he wasn't able to remember the last time he felt so relaxed.
Gabriel watched her walk away, loving how much the clingy dress revealed of her body.
Her body began to shake, and her hands were clammy.
The material hugged the natural curves of her body, pooling at the top of her feet.
They adjusted around her like fingers, leathery and long enough to wrap around her body.
The second canine slid into her body, just below her collarbone.
The second sucked the strength out of her body and brought tunnel vision.
Instead of a third drink, a flash of cold fire was forced through the fangs into her body.
Leathery fingers wrapped around her body.
Shuddering, she touched the places where the beast's canines sank into her body.
She pushed herself off the bed and tested her body.
Aside from fatigue, her body moved and felt the way it should.
At least he wasn't burning or drowning or freezing or watching his skin being pulled from his body and screaming.
His body contorted, and agony floated through him as the sixty seconds of being whatever he'd been was up and he changed again.
She stepped back even more and clenched the purse to her body, distracted as a sleek black car pulled up to the curb.
Her eyes skimmed his perfect, buff body before the pain in her hand finally registered.
Any other day, she'd have stared at his hard body and the way his jeans hugged his muscular thighs and the round globes of his backside, or the T-shirt that fit so well.
A man walked calmly through the crowd, strange red tattoos glowing all over his body, similar to the tattoos she'd seen on David Kingsly's neck when he invited her to the gala.
Her teeth chattered and her body felt so hot she wanted to scream.
He snatched both hands in one of his, balancing her with his body as he placed his other hand against her forehead.
She pressed the front of her body against the building, dug her fingertips into indents in the stone, and slid her foot along the roughened ledge to the right, stepping slowly and forcing her head up.
He drooled at the smell, his gums and body aching for a taste.
Aside from its large, glowing green eyes, the creature appeared near-human with a lean body covered in some sort of leather jumper.
The creature repeated her name several more times while she examined her body.
Your body is stubborn, but you will heal.
You can do whatever you want to my body afterwards.
The sounds of Rhyn slamming his body into his cell and snarling awoke her sometime later.
Until she saw the spit with the human-like body roasting above it.
The robed man dropped her body on the bed, sealed the cage, and turned to Rhyn.
The healer's soft hands took away her headache, then the throbbing in her neck, and worked on the other parts of her body until she felt whole again.
Her body was weak but working, and there were more of the odd sugar cubes beside her pillow.
He certainly felt human with a massive male body expending heat and warmth.
His body was warm compared to the chill of the sea.
The music blared louder, the smoke became thicker, and the scent of food intermingled with body odor.
She heard the kid scream and hunched her shoulders, nearly vomiting at the sounds of his body being torn apart.
He gripped her throat roughly and pulled her against his body.
Her body shook, but she didn't dare fight him, not when he was so pissed.
By the stillness of the body at her back, he was deciding her fate.
He moved toward her slowly, body tense.
His solid, warm body atop hers immobilized her and he pinned her wrists to the bed, silver eyes blazing and elongated fangs resting on his full lower lip.
His words were controlled with effort, his body so tense, she thought he'd snap any second.
She wore a jumper that reeked of her own body odor.
My head hurts, my body hurts, and I was nearly sliced open before you decided to show up last night.
Instead, she tried to keep her trembling body upright and her vision from growing tunneled.
She stepped through masses of flesh and body parts, holding her mouth, until she
The three creatures continued to hunt through the fallen, sometimes eating, most of the times pushing body parts aside in search of something.
She smelled his blood, felt the weakness of his body when their skin met.
His body tensed so fast she didn't have time to blink.
Rhyn stared at her still body, uncertain what to do.
He was weak but alive, his body covered with his blood and hers.
Rhyn followed, painfully aware of the limp mortal body in his arms.
Rhyn was a wild animal with a wild beauty, harsh angles and planes, a body built for survival.
His gaze slid over her face and down her body to her breasts.
He snatched her upper arms and pushed her against the wall, his body close enough for their chests to brush when either breathed in.
His scent tickled her senses, his nearness making her warm body warmer.
Exhausted, she rested her head, then her body, against him.
She liked the way he smelled, how strong and solid his body was.
It was not a stretch, not with his muscular body pressed against her and his rugged features so close.
Her blood was thrumming even faster than the alcohol alone would have caused, her body growing too warm for comfort.
The familiar warmth, his intensity -- both lit her blood afire, and she couldn't help but imagine what his hot, talented tongue could do to other parts of her body.
The hot water pounded over her body.
She didn't want to think of him watching her bathe naked; the idea made her body thrum with something she didn't want to feel.
Left with her towel and her toiletries, she took her time applying the thick moisturizer and lotion over her entire body, then finished by combing through her hair.
He pulled out a small stack of clothing from the backpack and peeled off his shirt, displaying the lean, muscular body beneath.
He chuckled and lowered her onto the bed, his body atop hers.
When her mind had cleared and her body no longer thrummed with need, she tried to figure out what the hell had happened.
Her demon lover was gone and her body covered with a sheet.
Before she could blink, he snatched her and shoved her against the wall, pinning her to it with his body.
She wiped her face again and shook her head, pain thrumming through her body.
Her body sang in happiness at the closeness, and she felt herself relax.
She allowed him to wrap his arms and one heavy thigh around her body.
Her body was still exhausted from Kris's attack and a day spent with Hannah and her friends.
She wasn't beautiful, but she was pretty enough with a body she plainly took care of.
He hated how pale she looked, hated the scars on her body.
He met her gaze, and her body bloomed with warmth in response to the possessive gaze that swept over her from head to foot before his eyes settled on the demon.
The distance to the beach was short in her dream, her body full of fear and adrenaline.
If she stepped just an inch closer, she.d feel his body heat.
His hands were hot on her hips and his body blocked the cold wind whipping up the cliff.