Bodily Sentence Examples
He grasped her waist and lifted her bodily from the saddle.
We spend more on almost any article of bodily aliment or ailment than on our mental aliment.
The vice of the book is excessive classification of bodily faculties, and over-subtlety in the discrimination of diseases.
With a wild neigh of terror the animal fell bodily into the pit, drawing the buggy and its occupants after him.
The remaining months of his life were passed in great bodily weakness and suffering, and he became almost blind.
His courage, his bodily strength and size, his skill in the use of weapons, in riding, and in the chase, his speed of foot, his capacity for eating and drinking, his penetrating intellect and his mastery of 22 languages are celebrated to a degree which is almost incredible.
Four oboli a day, earned by copying manuscripts, sufficed for his bodily sustenance.
The service lasted just under an hour and consisted mostly of Reverend Humphries preaching against giving in to the devil's temptation for wicked bodily desires.
Now, given that, wouldn't you say whoever did the cutting might suspect it would cause Mr. Shipton a bit of bodily harm?
Mrs. Cummings, I think, suspects, though low health now keeps her to her bed and back, except for bodily duties, and to sit up for soup and toast a time or two a day.
AdvertisementNor does he deny them feeling in so far as it depends on the bodily organs."
But we gather that in two directions our reason is bound up with bodily conditions, which make or mar it, according as the will, or central energy of thought, is true to itself or not.
Unusual bodily vigour enabled him to combine severe devotion to work with facile indulgence in sensual pleasures.
In the tenth book of the Republic we find the curious argument that the soul does not perish like the body, because its characteristic evil, sin or wickedness does not kill it as the diseases of the body wear out the bodily life.
God, who is the cause of the concomitance of bodily and mental facts, is in truth the sole cause in the universe.
AdvertisementIt is also described as a bifurcation of two twigs, mental and bodily creation out of a common root.
They have shown that columns of water of very small diameter can so resist tensile strain that they can be lifted bodily instead of flowing along the channel, They suggest that the forces causing the movement are complex, and draw particular attention to the pull upwards in consequence of disturbances in the leaves.
His mind was as well cultivated as his bodily powers; he wrote well, and his observations are generally acute and accurate; he was brave, kindly and generous.
In cases where the route of a line runs across a river or other piece of water so wide that the construction of a bridge is either impossible or would be more costly than is warranted by the volume of traffic, the expedient is sometimes adopted of carrying the wagons and carriages across bodily with their loads on train ferries, so as to avoid the inconvenience and delay of transshipment.
The increased loading space required in the sheds is obtained by multiplying the number and the length of lines and platforms; sometimes also there are short sidings, cut into the platforms at right angles to the lines, in which wagons are placed by the aid of wagon turn-tables, and sometimes the wagons are dealt with on two floors, being raised or lowered bodily from the ground level by lifts.
AdvertisementThe rate of progress was necessarily slow, apart from any liability to interruption by other undertakings and failures in bodily health.
The paroxysm is followed by a definite interval in which there is not only no fever, but even a fair degree of bodily comfort and fitness; this is the intermission of the fever.
He died on the 13th of November 1640 at the age of about 103, preserving his bodily and mental faculties to the end.
The average man is pessimist or optimist not on theoretical grounds, but owing to the circumstances of his life, his material prosperity, his bodily health, his general temperament.
He starts from the Spinozistic thought that bodily facts and conscious facts, though not reducible one to the other, are different sides of one reality.
AdvertisementThe incubus and succubus of the middle ages are sometimes regarded as spiritual beings; but they were held to give very real proof of their bodily existence.
But bodily defect is largely a result of evil circumstances, in the prevention of which the physician is not unsuccessfully engaged, and the growth of sympathy means a stronger cement of the social structure.
The general scope of the polytechnics is to give instruction both in general knowledge and special crafts or trades by means of classes, lectures and laboratories, instructive entertainments and exhibitions, and facilities for bodily and mental exercise (gymnasia, libraries, &c.).
The whole pot, with its contents of viscous glass, is then removed bodily from the furnace by means of huge tongs and is transported to a crane, which grips the pot, raises it, and ultimately tips it over so as to pour the glass upon the slab of the rolling-table.
Leo, temperamentally stern, hard-working in spite of bodily infirmity, died at Rome on the 10th of February 1829.
This is also known as bodily injury liability insurance.
If the accident resulted in one or more fatalities, the bodily injury liability portion of the policy pays out a benefit for funeral expenses.
In a refinery in Nova Scotia a system has been introduced by which a travelling crane above the bag filters lifts up any head bodily with all its bags attached, and runs it to the mud and washing tanks at the end of the battery, while another similar crane drops another head, fitted with fresh bags, into the place of the one just removed.
Special importance was attached to the grave of the hero and to his bodily remains, with which the spirit of the departed was inseparably connected.
The brain-cavity was extremely small, and insignificant in comparison to the bodily bulk, which was equal to that of the largest rhinoceroses.
These animals are, in fact, descendants of the small ancestral ungulates which have retained all the primitive characters of the latter accompanied by a huge increase in bodily size.
There is the full series of 44 teeth, generally without any gaps, and most of the bones of the skeleton are separate and complete; while, in many instances at any rate, the tail was much longer than in any existing ungulates, and the whole bodily form approximated to that of a carnivore.
At the same time Commodus, proud of his bodily strength and dexterity, exhibited himself in the arena, slew wild animals and fought with gladiators, and commanded that he should be worshipped as the Roman Hercules.
The Latin word sacramentum originally meant any bodily or sensible thing, or an action, or a form of words solemnly endowed with a meaning and purpose which in itself it has not.
The provisions of the Truce of God were often incorporated bodily in municipal and district statutes such as the laws of Barcelona (1067).
His monks were allowed proper clothes, sufficient food, ample sleep. The only bodily austerities were the abstinence from flesh meat and the unbroken fast till mid-day or even 3 P.M., but neither would appear so onerous in Italy even now, as to us in northern climes.
At J the displacement is forward, but since the curve at Q is parallel to the axis the displacement is approximately the same for all the points close to J, and the air is neither extended nor compressed, but merely displaced bodily a distance represented by JQ.
His life was also happy, for he had pleasure in his work, he loved and was loved by his wife and children; he had a strong constitution, and retained his bodily and mental powers to the last; his faith in the religion of his youth was unshaken to the end; and he lived throughout his long life with the consciousness of rectitude.
The appalling austerities, however, to which she was allowed to subject herself quickly affected her mental and bodily health.
We can obtain a pertinent illustration from the motion of a vortex ring in a fluid; if the circular core of the ring is thin compared with its diameter, and the vorticity is not very great, it is the vortical state of motion that travels across the fluid without transporting the latter bodily with it except to a slight extent very close to the core.
Socrates had spoken of the higher pleasures of the intellect; the Cyrenaics denied the validity of this distinction and said that bodily pleasures as being more simple and more intense are to be preferred.
Such a distinction involves the assumptions that bodily pleasures are generically different from mental ones, and that there is in practice a clearly marked dividing line, - both of which hypotheses are frequently denied.
He, his immediate follower, Gilbert Tennent (1703-1764), other clergymen, such as James Davenport, and many untrained laymen who took up the work, agreed in the emotional and dramatic character of their preaching, in rousing their hearers to a high pitch of excitement, often amounting to frenzy, in the undue stress they put upon "bodily effects" (the physical manifestations of an abnormal psychic state) as proofs of conversion, and in their unrestrained attacks upon the many clergymen who did not join them and whom they called "dead men," unconverted, unregenerate and careless of the spiritual condition of their parishes.
Beginning in 1793 he boldly advocated evolution, and further elaborated five great principles--namely, the method of comparison of extinct and existing forms, the broad sequence of formations and succession of epochs, the correlation of geological horizons by means of fossils, the climatic or environmental changes as influencing the development of species, the inheritance of the bodily modifications caused by change of habit and habitat.
When Gnosticism recognizes in this corporeal and material world the true seat of evil, consistently treating the bodily existence of mankind as essentially evil and the separation of the spiritual from the corporeal being as the object of salvation, this is an outcome of the contrast in Greek dualism between spirit and matter, soul and body.
The remarkable phenomenon of nations so similar in bodily make but so distinct in language can hardly be met except by supposing a long period to have elapsed since the country was first inhabited by the ancestors of peoples whose language has since passed into so different forms. The original peopling of America might then well date from the time when there was continuous land between it and Asia.
Bodily infirmity, combined with mental aptitude, were eventually considered to indicate a theological vocation; he was, in 1584, placed at the seminary of Adelberg, and thence removed, two years later, to that of Maulbronn.
To put one extreme case, about the soul he could think at first in the Eudemus like Plato that it is imprisoned in the body, and long afterwards in the De Anima like himself that it is the immateriate essence of the material bodily organism.
In order to refer back to the Physics, the De Coelo, and the De Generatione, this work begins by stating that the first causes of all nature and all natural motion, the stars ordered according to celestial motion and the bodily elements with their transmutations, and generation and corruption have all been discussed; and by adding that there remains to complete this investigation, what previous investigators called meteorology.
Xenocrates took the tolerant view that it is the possession of appropriate virtue and noble actions, requiring as conditions bodily and external goods.
According to him, the good is activity of soul in accordance with virtue in a mature life, requiring as conditions bodily and external goods of fortune; and virtue is a mean state of the passions.
A man then is a third kind of substance, like a natural substance in bodily matter, like a supernatural substance in divine reason or intellect.
But in Ethics a man's individual good is his own happiness; and his happiness is no mere state, but an activity of soul according to virtue in a mature life, requiring as conditions moderate bodily and external goods of fortune; his virtue is (I) moral virtue, which is acquired by habituation, and is a purposive habit of performing actions in the mean determined by right reason or prudence; requiring him, not to exclude, but to moderate his desires; and (2) intellectual virtue, which is either prudence of practical, or wisdom of speculative intellect; and his happiness is a kind of ascending scale of virtuous activities, in which moral virtue is limited by prudence, and prudence by wisdom; so that the speculative life of wisdom is the happiest and most divine, and the practical life of prudence and moral virtue secondary and human.
Intelligence does not differ from sense by having no bodily organ, but the nervous system is the bodily organ of both.
All these "rodentmoles" are thoroughly adapted to a subterranean life, the eyes and ears being small and rudimentary, as is also the tail; while the bodily form is cylindrical, and the front claws are very large and powerful.
Although a man of large size and great bodily strength, he was "very temperate, eating little and sleeping less."
Aristotle had imputed to all living beings a soul, though to plants only in the sense of a vegetative, not a sensitive, activity, and in Moleschott's time many scientific men still accepted some sort of vital principle, not exactly soul, yet over and above bodily forces in organisms. Moleschott, like Lotze, not only resisted the whole hypothesis of a vital principle, but also, on the basis of Lavoisier's discovery that respiration is combustion, argued that the heat so produced is the only force developed in the organism, and that matter therefore rules man.
But, under the influence of Trendelenburg's attempt to reconcile thought and being by assigning motion to both, his Wirklichkeitsphilosophie, in a similar effort after a unity of being, lands him in the contention that matter is absolute being, the support of all reality underlying all bodily and mental states.
He holds that we pass without break from the phenomena of bodily life to the phenomena of mental life, that consciousness arises in the course of the living being's adaptation to its environment, and that there is a continuous evolution from reflex action through instinct and memory up to reason.
His theory of bodies involved an idealistic analysis neither into bodily atoms nor into mathematical units, but into mentally endowed simple substances.
The Spinozistic parallelism of extension and thought, and the Leibnitzian parallelism of bodily motion and mental action, incited Schelling and Fechner.
He carried metaphysical idealism to its height, by not only resolving the bodily into the mental, but also elevating the action of mind into absolute mental construction; not inferring things in themselves beyond, but originating things from within, mind itself.
Having thus rejected all bodily mechanism, he had to suppose that reciprocal action somehow takes place between immaterial elements.
At this point, having rejected both the Newtonian mechanism of bodily substances and the Leibnitzian automatism of monadic substances, he flew to the Spinozistic unity of substance; except that, according to him, the one substance, God, is not extended at all, and is not merely thinking, but is a thinking, willing and acting spirit.
It is an idealistic pantheism, which is a denial of all bodily mechanism, a reduction of everything bodily to phenomena, and an assertion that all real action is the activity of God.
Fechner's supposition was that the unity of consciousness belongs to the unity of the whole body; that the seat of the soul is the living body; that the soul changes its place as in different parts a process rises above the " threshold of consciousness "; and that soul is not substance but the single psychical life which has its physical manifestation in the single bodily life.
But, in thus adapting to his own purposes the Leibnitzian analysis of material into immaterial, he drew his own conclusions according to his own metaphysics, which required that the supposed centres of force are not Leibnitzian " monads," nor Herbartian " reals," nor divine modifications such as Lotze afterwards supposed, but are elements of a system which in outer aspect is bodily and in inner aspect is spiritual, and obeying laws of spirit.
He now compared the spiritual and bodily sides of a man to the concave and convex sides of a circle, as inner and outer sides of the same process, which is psychical as viewed from within and physical as viewed from without.
Combining with this the central dogma of Fechner that spirit extends throughout the world of bodily appearance, he concludes that the realities of the world are " wills," that bodies are mere appearances of " wills," and that there is one universal and all-embracing spirit which is " will."
Riehl elaborates this bare suggestion into the metaphysical theory that the single basis of physical and psychical phenomena is neither bodily nor mental, nor yet space and motion.
But the idealists are only too glad to get any excuse for denying bodily substances and causes; and, while Leibnitz supplied them with the fancied analysis of material into immaterial elements, and Hume with the reduction of bodies to assemblages of sensations, Mach adds the additional argument that bodily forces are not causes at all.
It is curious that Avenarius should have brought forward this artificial hypothesis as the natural view of the world, without reflecting that on the one hand the majority of mankind believes that the environment (R) exists, has existed, and will exist, without being a counterpart of any living being as central part (C); and that on the other hand it is so far from being natural to man to believe that sensation and thought (E) are different from, and merely dependent on, his body (C), that throughout the Homeric poems, though soul is required for other purposes, all thinking as well as sensation is regarded as a purely bodily operation.
Fechner added that the soul is the whole unitary spiritual process manifested in the whole unitary bodily process without being a substance.
If, then, these mental operations were merely actuality, they would be actuality of a man's bodily substance.
Lotze, as we saw, rejected bodily mechanism, reduced known bodies to phenomena, and concluded that reality is the life of God.
I am conscious only of myself as a person, and of my bodily signs.
I know the existence of other human persons and minds only through their giving similar bodily signs.
If the personal idealist consistently denies other bodies, then the bodily signs become, according to him, only part of his experience, which can prove only the existence of himself.
To infer another mind he must infer another body, and the bodily environment including his and other bodies.
Next, finding that He gives signs of bodily works, but no signs of bodily organs, we can infer that God is a Spirit.
This final distinction between bodily and spiritual substances we owe to Descartes.
The Scottish School never realized that every sensation of the five senses is a perception of a sensible object in the bodily organism; and that touch is a perception, not only of single sensible pressure, but also of double sensible pressure, a perception of our bodily members sensibly pressing and pressed by one another, from which, on the recurrence of a single sensible pressure, we infer the pressure of an external thing for the first time.
The three evidences, which are fatal to intuitive realism, do not prove hypothetical realism, or the hypothesis that we perceive something mental, but infer something bodily.
In the first place, the intuition of causality does not require will at all, because we often perceive one bodily member pressing another involuntarily; a man suffering from lockjaw neither wills nor can avoid feeling the pressure of his upper and lower jaws against one another.
On this assumption of a sense of sensations, but not of causality, he deduces that we could not from such data infer any particular kind of cause, or a bodily cause, e.g.
But the primary sense of touch perceives one bodily member causing pressure on another, reciprocally, within the organism, from which we infer similar particular pressures caused between the organism and the external world; but without needing the supposed stupendous belief and assumption of the uniformity of Nature, which is altogether ignored in the inferences of the ordinary man.
Lastly, he thought that, while other operations have, intellect (vas) has not, a bodily organ; and hence he became responsible for the fancy that there is a break in bodily continuity between sense and will, while intellect is working out a purely immaterial operation of soul, resulting from the former and tending to the latter.
It was regarded as doubtful whether his health could withstand the severity of English winters, and the delicacy of his physique and the languor of his manner helped to create the impression that, however great his intellectual powers might be, he had neither the bodily strength nor the energy of character requisite for a political career.
Harassed by severe bodily ailments, encompassed by a raging tumult of religious conflict and persecution, and aware that the faint hopes of better times which seemed to gild the horizon of the future might be utterly darkened by a failure either in the constancy of his courage or in his discernment and discretion, he exerted his eloquence with unabating energy in the furtherance of the cause he had at heart.
Following Parmenides, Philolaus regarded the soul as a "mixture and harmony" of the bodily parts; he also assumed a substantial soul, whose existence in the body is an exile on account of sin.
This was a critical time, and it was four minutes past midnight when the little "Daffodil" came up and pushed the ship bodily into the mole.
William, a loyal servant of the emperor Sigismund, died in 1435, leaving an only son, Adolf, who died five years later; and Ernest, distinguished for his bodily strength, died in 1438.
The descriptions of their bodily appearance, tribal divisions, manner of life and methods of warfare are such as are applied to either race.
Hence, for the basic process, spare converters must be provided, so that there may always be some of them re-lining, either while standing in the same place as when in use, or, as in Holley's arrangement, in a separate repair house, to which these gigantic vessels are removed bodily.
The popular ideas regarding his stature, strength, bodily prowess and undaunted courage are confirmed by the writers nearest his own time - Wyntoun and Fordun.
The monastic ideals prevalent were those of the Antonian monachism, with its hankering after the eremitical life and the practice of extreme bodily austerities.
In all these lesser orders may be discerned the tendency of a return to the elements of Eastern monasticism discarded by St Benedict - to the eremitical life; to the purely contemplative life with little or no factor of work; to the undertaking of rigorous bodily austerities and penances - it was at this time that the practice of self-inflicted scourgings as a penitential exercise was introduced.
He would then single out Man from the realm of nature, and, in a treatise De homine, show what specific bodily motions were involved in the production of the peculiar phenomena of sensation and knowledge, as also of the affections and passions thence resulting, whereby man came into relation with man.
His bodily health was at this time very far from satisfactory, and he appears to have suffered, not merely from acute dyspepsia, but from a kind of paralysis.
Similarly, just because fear, hope and remembrance add to the intensity of consciousness, the Epicurean can hold that bodily pain and pleasure is a less durable and important thing than pain and pleasure of mind.
The soul of man is only a finer species of body, spread throughout the whole aggregation which we term his bodily frame.
Bodily pleasures and all sensuous impulses must be abandoned as detrimental to the spiritual purity of the soul.
His life there was quiet and uneventful, but embittered by bodily weakness and chronic sores.
Here and there Mahomet speaks of visions, and appears even to see angels before him in bodily form.
At some subsequent time it was transferred bodily to Canterbury, where it received numerous interpolations in the earlier part, and a few later local entries which finally tail off into the Latin acts of Lanfranc. A may therefore be dismissed.
On the other hand at the south end of the Suez canal the land niay have risen bodily, since the head of the Gulf of Suez has been cut off by a bank of rock from the Bitter lakes, which were probably joined to it in former days.
Extreme bodily fatigue diminishes it.
In June Angus had prepared forces to punish the Border raiders, and James, rightly or wrongly, seems to have suspected that he was to be handed over bodily to his royal uncle.
The Four Intoxications are the mental intoxication arising respectively from (1) Bodily passions, (2) Becoming, (3) Delusion, (4) Ignorance.
Of the two existing generic representatives of the Camelidae (as the family in which they are both included is named), the Old World camels (Camelus) are characterized by their great bodily size, and the presence of one or two fleshy humps, which diminish or increase in size according to the physical condition of the animals themselves.
In the Lower Miocene occurs Protomeryx or Gomphotherium, in which there is a considerable increase in the matter of bodily size, the two metacarpal and metatarsal bones (or those which unite in the latter forms to constitute the cannon-bones) being double the length of the corresponding elements in Protylopus.
Year by year Luther had been growing weaker, his attacks of illness more frequent and his bodily pains more continuous.
While not directly causing death, morphinism so lowers the bodily powers that the patient is easily carried off by some intercurrent malady.
The lowered bodily health requires to be built up, and a long sea voyage under adequate supervision is usually recommended.
Broadly speaking, it is the sum of an individual's bodily, mental and spiritual growth; having its roots, as it were, spread over many lives, past and future.
The king's bodily weakness limited his real capacity, and his early death on the 25th of December 1406 cut short the promise of his reign.
In regard to steam, the old tower was so shaky that it was considered unwise to risk the effects of an explosion, and therefore the mercury column was removed bodily to a court in the observatory.
But mere bodily rigours were not enough for Teresa; she felt the need of rising to a state of complete detachment from all earthly interests and ties.
For of good habit and lusty are athletes, since they have fortified against the soul the body which should be its servant; but the disciples of wisdom are pale and wasted, and in a manner reduced to skeletons, because they have sacrificed the whole of their bodily strength to the faculties of the soul."
The second kind are the Idola Specus, idols of the cave, or errors incident to the peculiar mental or bodily constitution of each individual, for according to the state of the individual's mind is his view of things.
This measure alone would, however, have been of little service had he not at the same time enacted that henceforth no loans could be made on the bodily security of the debtor, and the creditor was confined to a share of the property.
Frequently when the temperature in the shade at Bushire is not more than 85 or 90, and the great humidity of the air causes much bodily discomfort, life is almost pleasant 12 or 20 m.
Thus a very strong heart, although it may be useful to its possessor for many years, driving the blood rapidly through the vessels, and supplying all his tissues with such abundant nutriment as to enable him to endure great exertion, mental or bodily, may in the end cause death by bursting a vessel in the brain, which might have resisted the pressure of a feebler circulation for years longer.
On the other hand, when it becomes atrophied the circulation becomes feeble, the face heavy and dull, the patient suffers from cold, the features glow lumpish, mental processes become sluggish, and bodily vigour diminishes.
The essence of this cure is to give to the patient rest, bodily and mental, by confinement to bed and isolation from the outside world.
The fishermen and fisherwomen form a quite distinct class of the people; both sexes are noted for their bodily strength, and the men for their bold and skilful seamanship. Tunny and sardines are cured and exported in large quantities, oysters are also exported, and many other sea fish, such as hake, sea-bream, whiting, conger and various flat-fish are consumed in the country.
His personal character was one of mere weakness, bodily and mental.
Which name he used to indicate that he would stand for ever, and had no cause in him for bodily decay.
It is plain that some eminent zoologists, regarding man as absolutely differing as to mind and spirit from any other animal, have had their discrimination of mere bodily differences unconsciously sharpened, and have been led to give differences, such as in the brain or even the foot of the apes and man, somewhat more importance than if they had merely distinguished two species of apes.
These " bodily effects," he insisted, were not " distinguishing marks " of the work of the'Spirit of God; but so bitter was the feeling against the revival in the more strictly Puritan churches that in 1742 he was forced to write a second apology, Thoughts on the Revival in New England, his main argument being the great moral improvement of the country.
He considers " bodily effects " incidentals to the real work of God, but his own mystic devotion and the experiences of his wife during the Awakening (which he gives in detail) make him think that the divine visitation usually overpowers the body, a view in support of which he quotes Scripture.
In spite of Edwards's able pamphlet, the impression had become widespread that " bodily effects " were recognized by the promoters of the Great Awakening as the true tests of conversion.
To what peculiar excitation of our bodily or mental organism, it is asked, are the emotions due which make us declare an object beautiful or sublime?
Goods are of three sorts - mental, bodily, external; but of all goods virtue is incomparably the greatest.
Still unsatisfied, longing always for a certainty that seemed ever just beyond his grasp, he had added vigil to vigil, and penance to penance, until at last, when to the wondering view of others he had become more than a saint, his bodily strength and his indomitable resolution and faith had together suddenly and completely broken down.
These texts he inserts bodily in the course of his dissertation; where they do not agree, he divides them into opposite groups and endeavours to reconcile them; but the really original part of his work are the Dicta Gratiani, inserted between the texts, which are still read.
All the Whittiers were men of stature and bodily strength, John Greenleaf being almost the first exception, a lad of delicate mould, scarcely adapted for the labour required of a Yankee farmer and his household.
One special feature was the importance attributed to the respiratory arrangements as a source of expression, and it was shown how the physician and surgeon might derive information regarding the nature and extent of important diseases by observing the expression of bodily suffering.
If the resolution be not genuine, the bodily washing, he says, profits nothing.
Among the many troubles which broke down King Henrys strdng will and great bodily vigour in those unhappy years, rebellion in England was not one.
In point of bodily size mammals present a greater range of variation than is exhibited by any other living terrestrial animals, the extremes in this respect being displayed by the African elephant on the one hand and certain species of shrewmice (whose head and body scarcely exceed an inch and a half in length) on the other.
That is to say, he believes that, with the exception of the duckbill and the echidna, the mammalian class as a whole can lay claim to descent from small arboreal forms. This view is, of course, almost entirely based upon palaeontological considerations; and these, in the author's opinion, admit of the conclusion that all modern placental and marsupial mammals are descended from a common ancestral stock, of which the members were small in bodily size.
Of course when bodily health and other circumstances require it, it becomes a duty; and as a means of self-discipline it may be used with due regard to the claims of other duties, and to the fitness of things.
Is the theory or tradition correct, that, after death and burial, Mary was bodily received into heaven and her graye left empty?
Flamsteed denounced the production as surreptitious; he committed to the flames three hundred copies, of which he obtained possession through the favour of Sir Robert Walpole; and, in defiance of bodily infirmities, vigorously prosecuted his designs for the entire and adequate publication of the materials he continued to accumulate.
Bodily pleasures and pains Aristippus held to be the keenest, though he does not seem to have maintained this on any materialistic theory, as he admitted the existence of purely mental pleasures, such as joy in the prosperity of one's native land.
Similarly, though like other men he will be subject to bodily pain, this will not cause him mental grief or disquiet, as his worst agonies will not disturb his clear conviction that it is really indifferent to his true reasonable self.
Among the primary ends of nature, in which wisdom recognized a certain preferability, the Stoics included freedom from bodily pain; but they refused, even in this outer Stoics and court of wisdom, to find a place for pleasure.
The Stoic claims on this head were the loftiest; as the well-being of their sage was independent, not only of external things and bodily conditions, but of time itself; it was fully realized in a single exercise of wisdom and could not be increased by duration.
The only good of man is the pure existence of the soul, which in itself, apart from the contagion of the body, is perfectly free from error or defect; if only it can be restored to the untrammelled activity of its original being, nothing external, nothing bodily, can positively impair its perfect welfare.
It should be observed that Plotinus himself is still too Platonic to hold that the absolute mortification of natural bodily appetites is required for purifying the soul; but this ascetic inference was drawn to the fullest extent by his disciple Porphyry.
There is no logical connexion between this theory and the doctrine that appetite of desire has always pleasure (or the absence of pain) for its object; but a materialist, framing a system of psychology, will naturally direct his attention to the impulses arising out of bodily wants, whose obvious end is the preservation of the agent's organism; and this, together with a philosophic wish to simplify, may lead him to the conclusion that all human impulses are similarly self-regarding.
He then exhibits the unhappiness that results from any excess of the self-regarding impulses, bodily appetite, desire of wealth, emulation, resentment, even love of life itself; and ends by dwelling on the intrinsic painfulness of all malevolence .2 One more special impulse remains to be noticed.
Further, so far from bodily appetites (or other particular desires) being forms of self-love, there is no one of them which under certain circumstances may not come into conflict with it.
Only in a secondary sense is approval due to certain " abilities and dispositions immediately connected with virtuous affections," as candour, veracity, fortitude, sense of honour; while in a lower grade still are placed sciences and arts, along with even bodily skills and gifts; indeed, the approbation we give to these is not strictly moral, but is referred to the " sense of decency or dignity," which (as well as the sense of honour) is to be distinguished from 1 In a remarkable passage near the close of his eleventh sermon Butler seems even to allow that conscience would have to give way to self-love, if it were possible (which it is not) that the two should come into ultimate and irreconcilable conflict.
He accepted bodily without farther questioning the hedonistic psychology by which the Utilitarians sought to justify their theory while he rejected the theory itself.
The argument, for instance, that intuitive and a priori beliefs gain their absolute character from the fact that they are the result of continued transmission and accumulation of past nervous modifications in the history of the race would, if taken seriously, lead us to the belief that ultimate ethical sanctions are to be sought, not by an appeal to the moral consciousness, but by the investigation of brain tissue and the relation of man's bodily organism to its environment.
In the same way in the year 1362 Oeraefajdkull, the loftiest mountain in Iceland (6424 ft.), swept forty farms, together with their inhabitants and live stock, bodily into the ocean.
In the midst of such labours, and enjoying still full bodily and mental vigour, he was carried off after a few days' illness by inflammation of the lungs, on the 12th of February 1834.
The Irish Catholic gentry were removed bodily with their servants and such tenants as consented to follow them, and with what remained of their cattle.
They think of sun, moon, wind, earth and sky as of living human beings with bodily parts and passions.
By reflection on dreams, in which the self, or " spirit," of the savage seems to wander free from the bounds of time and space, to see things remote, and to meet and recognize dead friends or foes; by speculation on the experiences of trance and of phantasms of the dead or living, beheld with waking eyes; by pondering on the phenomena of shadows, of breath, of death and life, the savage evolved the idea of a separable soul or spirit capable of surviving bodily death.
And the Pauline epistles are adopted almost bodily by Irenaeus, according to the ideas contained in them; his expositions often present the appearance of a patchwork of St Paul's ideas.
While in his zeal for legalism he virtually adopts the standpoint of Pharisaism, he is at one with Jewish Hellenism in substituting belief in the soul's immortality for the doctrine of a bodily resurrection.
All this activity on Mr Chamberlain's part represented a great physical and intellectual feat on the part of a man now sixtyseven years of age; but his bodily vigour and comparatively youthful appearance were essential features of his personality.
The system was taken up almost bodily by the Arab astronomers, it was embodied in the Kabbalistic lore of Jews and Christians, and through these and other channels came to be the substance of the astrology of the middle ages, forming, as already pointed out, under the designation of "judicial astrology," a pseudo-science which was placed on a perfect footing of equality with "natural astrology" or the more genuine science of the study of the motions and phenomena of the heavenly bodies.
He repudiated the ideas of a bodily resurrection and a material paradise, and on the ground of 2 Tim.
Io), to whom the offender is to be handed over for bodily destruction (v.
Cursor's strictness was proverbial; he was a man of immense bodily strength, while his bravery was AII.
Drugs or substances acting on the bodily heat.
In all sorts of bodily exercises, as swinging, wrestling, dancing, riding and hunting, they take great pleasure.
A third modification is the increasing length of limb (as well as in general bodily size), accompanied by a gradual reduction in the number of toes from three or four to one.
The prophets were not preserved from bodily afflictions in which category sorcery falls.
When we suffer from bodily pain there is bound to be mental affliction as well.
Here someone generates an afflictive bodily formation, an afflictive bodily formation, an afflictive verbal formation, an afflictive mental formation.. .
Were they actual bodily things, or things but not bodily things, or perhaps they didn't really exist independently at all?
Not only bodily elements arise and fall away, also what we call mind arises and falls away, each moment.
He scarcely stirred otherwise, but he lifted the chair bodily into the air with one hand and hurled it at Northover's head.
Control of established plants is by removing the docks bodily after plowing or during bare or bastard fallowing.
In an instant, he felt himself lifted bodily away from the wall.
He really wants to rub home to the Corinthians that Jesus rose bodily from death.
Jesus was raised bodily from that dark tomb, never to die again.
Is it the case that Mary was a perpetual Virgin, was conceived immaculately, and ascended bodily into Heaven?
She was thrown bodily into the air and landed on her back against the buoyancy tube in the bows of the boat.
So there is a tradition in the Bible of special people, going bodily from earth to heaven.
Campbell's Betty Boo's bodily contortions when entering and exiting the stage is side splittingly funny.
Loss of faculty can include disfigurement even when this causes no bodily handicap.
That is why the Bible says of Jesus, " For in Him all the fulness of deity dwells in bodily form.
Bird flu is transmitted from bird to bird by direct contact with bodily excrement and respiratory secretions.
A week ago the doctor entered my room with the marks of great exhilaration contending with pitiful bodily weakness.
Perhaps girls take your precious bodily fluids or something.
Eating is like other bodily functions -- sleeping, peeing, walking, and sneezing.
And this I do for fear lest thou shouldest conceive bodily that that is meant ghostly.
I heard he'd been sent to prison for grievous bodily harm.
Perhaps those with most to gain are the physically infirm who will be able to transcend their bodily limitations.
The accident involved bodily injury causing disability for more than 3 days or death.
In my opinion, these compensatory measures come to form part of the disabled person's bodily integrity.
Several detailed computer studies of the australopithecines have shown that their bodily proportions were not intermediate between man and living apes at all.
To add to the mayhem, is the total neglect of vital micronutrients so essential to the release of energy from bodily stores.
These chlorinated hydrocarbons work mainly by blocking nerve impulses necessary for normal bodily functions.
Its basic proposition is that neural events are effects of wholly neural or other bodily causal sequences.
Anthony Gormley's figures Mold, Hole and Passage are amusing as they display their major bodily orifices to the world.
Intimate samples include blood, semen or other bodily fluids, dental impressions or a swab from any body orifice other than the mouth.
The liver is involved in a range of bodily functions and is often overworked.
Given the extremes of Victorian prudery over anything bodily, let alone sex, this would make ideal " entertainment " material.
He had positive bodily pain a violent headache, and a throbbing intermittent pulse.
In the stillness of the night the Savior appeared to her in bodily form clothed in bright raiment.
For the pagans, the idea of bodily resurrection was simply a non starter.
Many people today struggle to accept the physical bodily resurrection of Jesus.
I did my best to ignore the fact that my bodily sensations were no longer agreeable.
These bodily changes can also affect the voice, making it sound tremulous, or disjointed by over-rapid breathing.
Wings of the mind, so weightless 1090 No bodily wings could ever be so.
Since true activity consists in knowing what one does and how one does it, I cannot be the author of any state of which I am unconscious; I am not conscious of the mechanism by which bodily motion is produced, hence I am not the author of bodily motion ("Quod nescis quomodo fiat, id non facis").
Being accustomed to gratify every sensation as it arises, they endure thirst, hunger, want of food and bodily discomfort badly.
He prepares the way, too, for a doctrine of evolution by his monistic idea of the substantial similarity of all things, inorganic and organic, bodily and spiritual, and still more by his conception of a perfect gradation of existence from the lowest " inanimate " objects, whose essential activity is confused representation, up to the highest organized beingman - with his clear intelligence.'
The Notice of Accidents Act of 1884, which obliges employers of labour to report to the Board of Trade, when "there occurs in any employment " as defined by the schedule of the act, " any accident which causes to any person employed therein, either loss of life or such bodily injury as to prevent him on any one of the three working days next after the occurrence of the accident from being employed for five hours on his ordinary work," affects railways in course of construction, but not, as a rule, otherwise.
It has already been seen that Gibbon's early ailments all left him on the approach of manhood; thenceforward, " till admonished by the gout," he could truly boast of an immunity well-nigh perfect from every bodily complaint; an exceptionally vigorous brain, and a stomach "almost too good," united to bestow upon him a vast capacity alike for work and for enjoyment.
In bodily form Diptera present two main types, either, as in the case of the more primitive and generalized families, they are gnator midge-like in shape, with slender bodies and long, delicate legs, or else they exhibit a more or less distinct resemblance to the common house-fly, having compact and stoutly built bodies and legs of moderate length.
Let the young man enjoy all the pleasures of youth, putting away everything painful, before the time comes when his bodily powers decay and he can enjoy nothing."To relieve the apparent Epicureanism of this passage, an editor has inserted reminders of the vanity of youthful pleasures, and admonitions to remember God and His judgment.
His last hours were spent, like the rest of his life, in devotion and teaching, his latest work being to dictate, amid ever-increasing bodily weakness, a translation into the vernacular of the Gospel of St John, a work which unhappily has not survived.
Manichaeans, again, holding their spiritual being to be unaffected by the action of matter, regarded carnal sins as being, at worst, forms of bodily disease.
Squirrels of this and the' other arboreal groups have the bodily form slender and agile, the tail long and bushy, the ears well developed, pointed and often tufted; the feet adapted for 1 ' climbing, the anterior pair with four toes and a rudimentary thumb, and the posterior pair with five toes, all the toes having long, curved and short-pointed claws (see Squirrel).
Fechner (1801-1887) affords a conspicuous instance of the idealistic tendency to mysterize nature in his Panpsychism, or that form of noumenal idealism which holds that the universe is a vast communion of spirits, souls of men, of animals, of plants, of earth and other planets, of the sun, all embraced as different members in the soul of the world, the highest spirit - God, in whom we live and move and have our being; that the bodily and the spiritual, or the physical and the psychical, are everywhere parallel processes which never meet to interact; but that the difference between them is only a difference between the outer and inner aspects of one identical psychophysical process; and yet that both sides are not equally real, because while psychical and physical are identical, the psychical is what a thing really is as seen from within, the physical is what it appears to be to a spectator outside; or spirit is the self-appearance of matter, matter the appearance of one spirit to another.
Besides, he was deeply impressed by the fact of man's personality and by the problem of his personal immortality, which brought him back through Schelling to Leibnitz, whose Monadologie throughout maintains the plurality of monadic souls and the omnipresence of perception, sketches in a few sections (§§ 23, 78-81) a panpsychic parallelism, though without identity, between bodily motions and psychic perceptions, and, what is most remarkable, already uses the conservation of energy to argue that physical energy pursues its course in bodies without interacting with souls ., and that motions produce motions, perceptions produce perceptions.
He borrows from Kant's "rationalism " the hypothesis of a spontaneous activity of the subject with the deduction that knowledge begins from sense, but arises from understanding; and he accepts from Kant's metaphysical idealism the consequence that everything we perceive, experience and know about physical nature, and the bodies of which it consists, is phenomena, and not bodily things in themselves.
By touch I perceive one bodily member reciprocally pressing another in myself, e.g.
On the other hand, the troubled and not impeccable past of the new pontiff was bound to excite some misgiving; while, at the same time, severe bodily suffering had brought old age on a man of but 53 years.
Tortured by bodily, and still more by mental suffering, the old pope reached Ancona.
On leaving Athens Basil visited the monasteries of Egypt and Palestine; in the latter country and in Syria the monastic life tended to become more and more eremitical and to run to great extravagances in the matter of bodily austerities (see Monasticism).
He goes on to narrate how Tell, irritated by his treatment, stirred up his friends against the governor, who seized and bound him and was conveying him by boat to his castle on the lake of Lucerne, when a storm arose, and Tell, by reason of his great bodily strength, was, _ after being unbound, given charge of the rudder on his promise to bring the boat safely to land.
But his failings of mind were exacerbated by his bodily infirmities; he grew more and more whimsical and capricious, morbidly suspicious and morbidly parsimonius; old friends were estranged or removed by death, and new friends did not come forward in their place.
At the same time, in his later view, Plato avoids the exaggeration of denying all positive quality of pleasure even to the coarser sensual gratifications; they are undoubtedly cases of that " replenishment " or " restoration " to its " natural state " of a bodily organ, in which he defines pleasure to consist (see Timaeus, pp. 64, 65); he merely maintains that the common estimate of them is to a large extent illusory, or a false appearance of pleasure is produced by contrast with the antecedent or concomitant painful condition of the organ.
Nor did they merely mean by pleasure (i/Sovi) the gratification of bodily appetite; we find (e.g.)Chrysippus urging, as a decisive argument against Aristotle, that pure speculation was " a kind of amusement; that is, pleasure."
The motor programs producing the elementary speech sounds can be redirected to produce bodily movement other than that of the articulatory organs.
Were Moses and Elijah bodily resurrected when they ' appeared ' to Peter?
With their Greek mindset they were struggling to come to terms with the bodily resurrection of believers.
Some liberal Christians do not accept a literal bodily resurrection, [3] seeing the story as richly symbolic and spiritually nourishing myth.
Why was the imagery of bodily reproduction at the core of the effort to revitalize what in Britain had become a somnolent art?
Employers ' liability Protection for employers against bodily injury sustained by employees.
She is curious about bodily functions and talks about what is going on with her body.
He is curious about his bodily functions and likes to talk about them.
Generally, liability insurance includes both protection against bodily injury claims and property damage.
The last thing you want is the person mowing your lawn to run over something that gets spit back in his or her face, causing bodily harm.
When you meet your yoga instructor for the first time, be sure to tell him/her about any injuries or bodily soft spots you might have.
This indicates some sort of bodily response that is more than likely linked to vibrations of the laryngeal muscles.
So, it is easy to see how entire bodily systems can be affected by a lack of thiamine.
Rich in vitamins and minerals, the seeds of the primrose also provide omega-6 fatty acids that are necessary for a host of bodily functions, including making insulin, regulating the heart and mood and promoting blood flow.
Many people end up in the emergency room quite sure they're having a heart attack because the bodily sensations associated with panic and anxiety disorder mimic a heart attack.
This means the body continues to function at this heightened level causing damage to bodily functions.
This prioritization of bodily functions is what causes the physical effects of stress.
This is also the part of the brain that controls heartbeats, breathing and other autonomous bodily functions.
The hypothalamus is a small area of the brain that helps control the reproductive functions as well as many other important bodily functions.
The truth of the matter is bodily fluids are exchanged during intercourse, causing a risk of pregnancy whether or not the guy happens to be a pull out champion.
Boys can expect to experience puberty and bodily changes between the ages of 9.5 to 14 years of age.
While pranks are often good, clean fun, some go too far and end up involving vandalism, bodily injury, hurt feelings and even crimes.
Potassium aids in digestive health, as well as maintaining bodily fluids and normal heart functions.
Since titanium doesn't react to sweat or other bodily fluids, it doesn't cause the body to break out in rashes or hives.
It does not only help you feel calmer and in some cases, depressed, it slows down vital bodily functions necessary while driving.
This drug excites the person as well as his or her bodily functions.
The most serious charges for the youngest Hogan was "reckless driving involving serious bodily harm" and he was tried as an adult.
Both ladies were arrested and charged with assault and Mr. Blonsky has been slapped with the much more serious charge of inflicting grievous bodily harm.
The San Diego District Attorney's office has charged Malil with attempted murder with special circumstances of premeditation causing great bodily injury and using a deadly weapon.
Brown is currently charged with assault with force likely to cause great bodily injury and making criminal threats.
We often referred to our own as "love sponges", because of the way they cuddle up against us, making as much bodily contact as possible.
As muscle control gradually fades, a dog may lose all control over his bodily functions.
The study, which documents animal attacks in the United States from 1982 to 2009, cites that of the 2257 documented cases of attacks that resulted in bodily harm, 1451, or 65 percent, were commited by Pitbulls.
One reason that fiberglass is such a popular choice for whelping boxes is the fact that the surface area is nonporous, keeping it from absorbing bodily fluids that may harbor unhealthy substances and making it is easy to clean.
Conceptually, the difference relies on the myth of an unmediated original bodily state-as though there were in the first place some raw "nature" untouched by culture.
Contemporary advertising favors smoothed, youthful surfaces, and it employs its own techniques, including image manipulation, to ensure that bodily ideals do not "disturb" us with signs of imperfection.
Once the minerals are in your body, they help it to assimilate the vitamins as well as support a wide range of bodily functions from circulation to healthy joints and skeletal system.
Workers who hold jobs where they may come into contact with bodily fluids must complete an approved blood borne pathogens training course every year.
Obviously a good son or daughter wouldn't pull a prank that would cause their parents immediate bodily harm.
Goggles can block sharp instruments or glass, preservation chemicals used in dissections, bodily fluids, dust, splatters, bacterium, or flying objects-all things you are likely to find in one type of science class or lab or another.
The brain is the center of higher processes, such as thought and emotion and is responsible for the coordination and control of bodily activities and the interpretation of information from the senses.
Metabolism-The sum of all chemical reactions that occur in the body resulting in growth, transformation of foodstuffs into energy, waste elimination, and other bodily functions.
By the age of six, children begin to understand that death is the cessation of bodily functions and that it is permanent.
Body language-Communication without words, also sometimes referred to as "non-verbal communication"; conscious or unconscious bodily movements and gestures that communicate to others a person's attitudes and feelings.
Therefore, pituitary dwarfism is decreased bodily growth due primarily to hormonal problems.
Nervous system-The system that transmits information, in the form of electrochemical impulses, throughout the body for the purpose of activation, coordination, and control of bodily functions.
As noted previously, the paramount concern is reaching the correct diagnosis as other causes of facial or any other bodily paralysis can be of a much more serious nature.
There are approximately 60 types of HPV that cause warts, each preferring a specific bodily location.
Beans, dried peas, popcorn kernels, hearing-aid batteries, raisins, and beads are just a few of the many items that have been found in these bodily cavities.
Although children eat small objects and stick things into their bodily openings of their own volition, they inhale them unwittingly while choking.
Movement disorders are a group of diseases and syndromes affecting the ability to produce and control bodily movements.
Other forms of exercise such as yoga will also help your dancing by increasing your bodily awareness, as well as fine-tuning your flexibility and strength.
An unfortunate misconception with the emo movement is that of severe depression and bodily mutilation.
Lab technicians work behind the scene, running tests on specimens like blood, urine and other bodily tissues to help physicians diagnose disease.
If you are indeed pregnant, the discharge is probably a normal bodily function due to increased secretions from the vagina and the cervix, as old cells from the vagina walls are shed.
These benefits include, but are not limited to, vital bodily functions like cardiovascular health, bone metabolism, embryonic development in pregnant women and maintaining genetic integrity.
This is in fact true, we do need calcium for strong bones and teeth and to minimize bone loss, but did you know its vitally important for other bodily functions as well.
While some believe that there's not enough of this important amino acid in turkey to actually knock you out, there's no arguing the fact that tryptophan is important for sleep, as well as many other bodily functions.
Vitamin D plays an essential role in several bodily functions.
Finding food sources of vitamin E is important in maintaining good health, because vitamin E is essential for a number of bodily processes.
Vitamin A plays a role in a number of bodily processes.
Given that there are only two dozen or so vitamins and minerals, each nutrient is responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of individual bodily processes.
Vitamin C plays key roles in many bodily functions.
Calcium and vitamin D work in concert to protect you from disease and optimize bodily functions; however, new research suggests that previous recommendations for these two nutrients may be too high.
These feelings and bodily sensations are so intense at times that you think of little else.
Gluten intolerance symptoms are acute, occurring at the moment of contact versus the chronic symptoms of celiac disease which are responsible for progressive bodily damage.
Continued ingestion of gluten can result in irreparable bodily damage.
Finally, under the brunt of bodily torture, he confessed anything she wanted to hear when she put a gun to his head.
Avoid contact with bodily fluids during the healing period since your piercing is an open wound.
Either way, both camps will emphasize a certain amount of bodily discipline that is valuable to most athletes.
While some cholesterol is healthy and necessary for many of your bodily functions, too much increases your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Fat is necessary for the proper function of bodily systems, especially the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and the production and regulation of hormones.
Bodily functions include everything from your respiratory and circulatory systems, to your kidney and liver functions.
They are converted into sugars in the body, which are then used to fuel the brain, muscles and bodily functions.
Potassium is necessary for several bodily functions including the beating of your heart.
These are the calories you need just to exist and support bodily functions such as respiration, heart beat and digestion to name a few.
Protein is important for all people, of all ages for a multitude of bodily functions.
Visit for more detailed information on dietary needs based on gender and age group.The best way to ensure you consume a balanced diet to lose weight and reduce bodily fat, is to speak to a registered dietitian in your area.
A vegan diet, for example, eliminates many bodily toxins related to chronic illness, and can be safely and healthfully followed over the course of a lifetime, not just over a few days.
Some professionals suggest following an every-other-day fast to prevent bodily starvation and many of the harmful symptoms listed above.
Included in your BMR are basic bodily functions like respiration and circulation.
While your body does need some fat to support bodily functions, the average diet contains far too much.
As previously noted, the cause of gout varies and may not be entirely preventable, especially if the development of the disease is related to genetics or recent bodily trauma.
High stress levels induce negative bodily changes, such as fatigue, clumsiness, and slowed reaction times.
The company offers third party liability (bodily injury and property damage) coverage, which is used to pay for injuries, lost wages and the cost of repairs to the other driver's vehicle and other objects damaged in the accident.
Bodily injury liability coverage is not required under Florida state law, but it's a good idea for drivers to have this protection in place.
Under the bodily injury liability portion of a policy, legal costs of defending a legal action by the injured parties is covered.
Bodily injury liability coverage, which pays for medical bills and lost wages incurred by the occupants of the other vehicle involved in an accident.
It also covers actual sustained losses, money and securities, forgery, liability for bodily injury and more.
Commercial vehicles involved in interstate commerce are required by federal law to carry at least $750,000 of insurance coverage to cover bodily injury and property damage.
You can't register a car in Florida if the car does not have insurance for property damage, personal injury and bodily injury, each at levels of $10,000 or more.
Bodily injury coverage - This is coverage that pays out for injury when you are at-fault in an accident.
It also covers certain instances of bodily harm, such as paying the medical bills of a visitor injured on your property.
Medical expenses are a leading reason for declaring bankruptcy in the United States, and buying as much bodily injury liability insurance as you can afford is a way to avoid this scenario.
You can buy bodily injury auto insurance to cover one person injured in an accident, with a cap set for all people injured in the same accident, regardless of the number of injured people.
Another thing you need to keep in mind in the case of bodily injury coverage is that healthcare costs are not going to decrease with time.