Boarding-schools Sentence Examples
The Wanganui Collegiate School (Church of England) is one of the largest boarding schools in Australasia.
A paper on Female Education in Boarding Schools (1797) completes the list of his works.
Hence the attempts to train its growing manhood in clerically regulated boarding-schools and to keep it shut out from the external world in clerical seminaries, even in places where there are universities.
There are six boarding schools for Hawaiian girls, supported by private resources.
Besides its dayschools, Methodism possesses the Leys School at Cambridge, Rydal Mount at Colwyn Bay and prosperous boarding-schools for boys and girls in many parts of the country.
It has a 16th-century church with 12th-century tower, a race-course, and numerous villa residences and boarding-schools.
In and around Toronto are numerous boarding schools and colleges, of which those for boys are on the model of the great public schools of England.
In Seoul there were established an imperial English school with two foreign teachers, a reorganized Confucian college, a normal college under a very efficient foreign principal, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and French schools, chiefly linguistic, several Korean primary schools, mission boarding-schools, and the Pai Chai College connected with the American Methodist Episcopal Church, under imperial patronage, and subsidized by government, in which a liberal education of a high class was given and En-mun receives much attention.
There are English churches in the town, and numerous boarding-schools intended for English pupils.
She was educated partly at home and partly at one of the fashionable boarding-schools of the day, where she received the usual education of accomplishments.
AdvertisementIts objects embrace (a) admonition to those who fail in the payment of their just debts, or otherwise walk contrary to the standard of Quaker ethics, and the exclusion of obstinate or gross offenders from the body, and, as incident to this, the hearing of appeals from individuals or meetings considering themselves aggrieved; (b) the care and maintenance of the poor and provision for the Christian education of their children, for which purpose the Society has established boarding schools in different parts of the country; (c) the amicable settlement of " all differences about outward things," either by the parties in controversy or by the submission of the dispute to arbitration, and the restraint of all proceedings at law between members except by leave; (d) the " recording " of ministers (see above); (e) the cognizance of all steps preceding marriage according to Quaker forms; (f) the registration of births, deaths and marriages and the admission of members; (g) the issuing of certificates or letters of approval granted to ministers travelling away from their homes, or to members removing from one meeting to another; and (h) the management of the property belonging to the Society.
If peer pressure is the problem, there are many boarding schools and wilderness camps that pull your teen away from her current situation at home and school to give her some time to reflect.
Specialty Boarding Schools -- Also known as emotional growth schools, these facilities work to build up struggling teens through behavior modifications programs, mental health services and individualized academic studies.
Finally, sites like and offer a variety of links to Christian boarding schools across the country.
Christian boarding schools may just be the answer to your troubled teen's problems.
AdvertisementResearchers have estimated that more than 280,000 at-risk students in the United States are in alternative programs offered by school districts or private boarding schools (see below).
Private schools may be day schools or boarding schools.
Emotional growth boarding schools integrate therapeutic programs with academics to provide for students whose emotional, psychological, and behavioral issues prevent them from learning effectively in a traditional school environment.
Emotional growth boarding schools usually offer rolling admission; that is, students are accepted year-round and academics are available year-round.
Candidates for emotional growth boarding schools are enrolled from therapeutic wilderness programs or undergo psychological and educational testing to determine their academic and therapeutic needs.
AdvertisementOutbreaks among children are frequently reported at boarding schools and summer camps.