Blowing Sentence Examples
I guess I'm just blowing off steam.
Alex was at the last window, blowing her a kiss.
She sat in her room crying like a child, blowing her nose and sobbing.
This threat forced the latter to evacuate the town and retire over the Elbe, after blowing up the stone bridge across the river.
But I need to know everything the Others told you about blowing up a world.
Are you blowing your nose or waving a white flag?
A blowing snow storm delayed our flight north.
The sudden images of Jonny sending in a hit squad on Xander or blowing up his condo went through her mind.
But you believe in blowing out the brains of a woman beater.
Every natural development of the spherical form can be obtained by blowing and fashioning by hand.
AdvertisementAnd at that moment, though the day was still, a light gust of wind blowing over the army slightly stirred the streamers on the lances and the unfolded standards fluttered against their staffs.
The white sand blowing around looked like a Texas blizzard.
Under the old system the form of the bowl is gradually developed by blowing and by shaping the bulb with the sugar-tongs tool.
The foot starts as a small independent bulb on a separate blowing iron.
Under the new system the bowl is fashioned by blowing the slightly hollowed mass of glass into a mould.
AdvertisementThe blowing iron is constantly trundled, and the small lump of glass is squeezed and flattened into the shape of a foot, either between two slabs of wood hinged together, or by pressure against an upright board.
As soon as a blowing iron is in connexion with an air jet, the sections of the mould close upon the molten glass, and the compressed air forces the glass to take the form of the mould.
After removal from the machine, the tumbler is severed from the blowing iron, and its fractured edge is trimmed.
When the glass is being blown in the mould the blowing iron is twisted round and round so that the finished bulb may not be marked by the joint of the mould.
He had not gone far when he met a larger boy, who was blowing a whistle.
AdvertisementHe ran home as fast as he could, blowing the whistle as he ran.
If he isn't blowing smoke, it's a world-class opportunity.
The blower repeatedly heats the lower part of the mass of glass and keeps it distended by blowing while he swings it over a deep trench which is provided next to his working platform.
The blower places the glass in the mould, closes the mould by pressing a lever with his foot, and either blows down the blowing iron or attaches it to a tube connected with a supply of compressed air.
When the air has forced the glass to take the form of the mould, the mould is opened and the blower gives the blowing iron with the bottle attached to it to the " wetter off."
AdvertisementThe wetter off touches the top of the neck of the bottle with a moistened piece of iron and by tapping the blowing iron detaches the bottle and drops it into a wooden trough.
A bottle-making machine combines the process of pressing with a plunger with that of blowing by compressed air.
The ocean currents, the trade-winds blowing from the Australian mainland, and north-westerly storms from the Malayan islands, are no doubt responsible for the introduction of many, but not all, of these Malayan and Australasian species.
The mass of glass is rolled on a polished slab of iron, the " marvor," to solidify it, and it is then slightly hollowed by blowing.
The bowl is now severed from its blowing iron and the unfinished wine-glass is supported by its foot, which is attached to the end of a working rod by a metal clip or by a seal of glass.
It had been blowing hard from the S.E.
The allied army, raised by the junction of the Spanish troops in Galicia to 90,000, now concentrated near Toro, and moved towards the Pisuerga, when Joseph, blowing up the castle of Burgos, fell back behind the Ebro.
The second group represents, first, the birth of Mithras; then the god nude, cutting fruit and leaves from a fig-tree in which is the bust of a deity, and before which one of the winds is blowing upon Mithras; the god discharging an arrow against a rock from which springs a fountain whose water a figure is kneeling to receive in his palms; the bull in a small boat, near which again occurs the figure of the animal under a roof about to be set on fire by two figures; the bull in flight, with Mithras in pursuit; Mithras bearing the bull on his shoulders; Helios kneeling before Mithras; Helios and Mithras clasping hands over an altar; Mithras with drawn bow on a running horse; Mithras and Helios banqueting; Mithras and Helios mounting the chariot of the latter and rising in full course over the ocean.
The evidence, however, hardly warrants the abandonment of the simple process of blowing in favour of a process which is so difficult that it may almost be said to be impossible, and of which there is no record or tradition except in connexion with the manufacture of small beads.
A modern glassblower, when making an amphora-shaped vase, finishes the base first, fixes an iron rod to the finished base with a seal of glass, severs the vase from the blowing iron, and finishes the mouth, whilst he holds the vase by the iron attached to its base.
Having severed the body of the vase from the blowing iron, he heated and closed the fractured base, whilst holding the vase by means of the rod fixed in the neck.
If glass-blowing had been a perfectly new invention of GraecoEgyptian or Roman times, some specimens illustrating the transition from core-moulding to blowing must have been discovered.
Their moulds, both for blowing hollow vessels and for pressing ornaments, were as perfect for the purposes for which they were intended as those of the present time.
The hottest and wettest months are from December to March, but there is usually a fresh trade-wind blowing and the climate is healthy.
The vaporization of a substance below its normal boiling-point can also be effected by blowing in steam or some other vapour; this operation is termed "distillation with steam."
In this plant the aeration is conducted by blowing in air at the base of the condenser.
About 1893 a satisfactory machine was ready, and a new series of troubles had to be faced, for it had to be launched at a certain initial speed, and in the face of any wind that might be blowing.
A second battle, fought in the Dardanelles (July 17-19), ended by a lucky shot blowing up the Venetian flag-ship; the losses of the Ottoman fleet were repaired, and in the middle of August Kuprili appeared off Tenedos, which was captured on the 31st and reincorporated permanently in the Turkish empire.
The bottle is carefully cleansed by washing with soda, hydrochloric acid and distilled water, and then dried by heating in an air bath or by blowing in warm air.
According to Ekman's calculation with a trade-wind blowing at 16 m.
Trouble is, what I actually saw was somebody blowing down a stick of wood to a bunch of coffin dodgers.
It is splendid to feel the wind blowing in my face and the springy motion of my iron steed.
A still simpler form of siren may be constituted with a good spinning-top, a perforated card disk, and a tube for blowing with.
The change in pitch through motion of the source may be illustrated by putting a pitch-pipe in one end of a few feet of rubber tubing and blowing through the other end while the tubing is whirled round the head.
The Apennines shelter it from the cold north winds, and the prevailing winds in the west, blowing in from the Tyrrhenian Sea, are warm and humid, though Florence is colder and more windy than Rome in the winter and hotter in summer, owing to its being shut in among the mountains.
But the blowing up of the American cruiser Maine in the port of Havana added fuel to the agitation in the United States against Spanish rule in Cuba.
In the simplest cases the functions of two or more of these parts may be combined into one, as in the smith's forge, where the fire-place and heating chamber are united, the iron being placed among the coals, only the air for burning being supplied under pressure from a blowing engine by a second special contrivance, the tuyere, tuiron, twyer or blast-pipe; but in the more refined modern furnaces, where great economy of fuel is an object, the different functions are distributed over separate and distinct apparatus, the fuel being converted into gas in one, dried in another, and heated in a third, before arriving at the point of combustion in the working chamber of the furnace proper.
This principle is capable of very wide extension, the blast furnace being mainly limited in height by the strength the column of materials or "burden" has to resist crushing, under the weight due to the head adopted, and the power of the blowing engine to supply blast of sufficient density to overcome the resistance of the closely packed materials to the free passage of the spent gases.
Talon would've been happy blowing her up, if she'd been there, but Czerno wants her.
Damian glanced around Ballynoe once more, satisfied they'd resolved this mess without blowing up an international landmark.
He let her snuggle there in her silence, the only sound the swish of the windshield wipers blowing away the snow.
I think I even considered blowing away the little bastard.
It was strange how a man could feel comfortable blowing kisses, but paranoid about revealing his vulnerable side.
Not that she'd miss the right angle hell that made her edgy, but blowing up someone's home?
And the noise is just mind blowing; not even a Le Mans Jaguar sounds so aggressive, so purposeful.
You sniff the air You smile weakly - Jolen unwraps the bowl, peering at it still, blowing harshly to remove the dust.
I took my harpoon, put on my dirty red bandanna and was blowing sad while Bobby sang the blues.
I have since installed a side blowhole with a 5v fan blowing in air, which makes a huge difference.
The image of a child blowing bubbles is a commonly depicted theme by artists in 17 th century Dutch painting.
They have constructed the earth bund and inserted concrete posts down to floor level to prevent the fence blowing down in a gale.
The obverse (front) shows a cherub blowing a flashlight in an attempt to re-kindle it.
Or a junior clerk blowing the whistle on a multinational?
The Special Session is also blowing cobwebs off outdated UN ways of doing business.
Blowing the conch, you simply make Confusion worse confounded.
Grace is like a spark in wet wood, that needs continual blowing.
A tropical cyclone is a large storm rotating around an area of very low pressure, with strong winds blowing around the center.
How about even simpler, even more unassuming activities, such as having fun blowing a dandelion 's seeds into the air.
Bounty hunters also have thermal detonators, which are useful for blowing up objects.
Soot blowing is carried out twice weekly, although there are concerns that the steam may accelerate erosion of the boiler tube surfaces.
So here he is blowing the gaffe on the Czech connection.
There was an easterly gale blowing with a choppy sea.
The wind was blowing a strong gust from the east.
Near the end of the races, when people are blowing out their ass, before long I can see a nasty accident happening!
The next 4 days we spent in Port Said Very noisy ships hooters blowing every hour!
Dublin Port Radio advised of wind blowing 29 knots gusting to 36 knots gusting to 36 knots.
By the time race 2 began it was blowing a steady 18 knots with gusts to 25 knots with gusts to 25 knots.
I think it is a release valve that keeps people from blowing their brains out or having nervous breakdowns.
In areas where the soil or fill beneath the building is highly permeable blowing can work better than sucking.
The next day, Saturday, I called FedEx with the same cell phone from Blowing Rock to arrange the pickup.
None of these scientists suffered from the ethical qualms that might have lead to whistle blowing by western researchers.
For the last three days there has been a minor sandstorm blowing.
There's ample torque low down, but you can feel the steering wheel shimmy as the turbo starts blowing.
Yesterday we even had the blind blowing out behind a tightly shut window due to the draft!
In blowing, the horn reveals a very soulful disposition.
Visitors can also try blowing glass and cutting patterns onto a crystal tumbler for themselves on the VIP ' Hands-On ' tour.
I always expect to see tumbleweeds blowing along the high street.
She only succeeds in blowing up the open air urinal in the town square.
The westerly Atlantic gales which assist rare North American vagrants to England now were also blowing in the Anglo-Saxon centuries.
Let's complete our homemade weather station with a wind vane which will indicate which way the wind is blowing.
If the roof vents are required place some netting over them to prevent leaves blowing in.
As a logical consequence of this view of disease the mode of treatment among peoples in the lower stages of culture is mainly magical; they endeavour to propitiate the evil spirits by sacrifice, to expel them by spells, &c. (see Exorcism), to drive them away by blowing, &c.; conversely we find the Khonds attempt to keep away smallpox by placing thorns and brushwood in the paths leading to places decimated by that disease, in the hope of making the disease demon retrace his steps.
The " gatherer " gathers the glass from the tank furnace on the end of the blowing-iron, rolls it on a slab of iron or stone, slightly expands the glass by blowing, and hands the blowing iron and glass to the " blower."
In the case of the machine patented by Michael Owens of Toledo, U.S.A., for making tumblers, lamp-chimneys, and other goods of similar character, the manual operations required are (r) gathering the molten glass at the end of a blowing iron; (2) placing the blowing iron with the glass attached to it in the machine; (3) removing the blowing iron with the blown vessel attached.
The aeration of the water is effected by blowing air into the steam before it is condensed; as an auxiliary, the storage tanks have a false bottom perforated by fine holes so that if air be injected below it, the water is efficiently aerated by the air which traverses it in fine streams. After condensation the water is filtered through charcoal.
In the organ pipe - as in the common whistle - a thin sheet of air is forced through a narrow slit at the bottom of the embouchure and impinges against the top edge, which is made very p c. sharp. The disturbance made at the commencement of the blowing will no doubt set the air in the pipe vibrating in its own natural period, just as any irregular air disturbance will set a suspended body swinging in its natural period, but we are to consider how the vibration is maintained when once set going.
But extreme narrowness would not only cause the escaping gases to move so swiftly that they would sweep much of the fine ore out of the furnace, but would also throw needless work on the blowing engines by throttling back the rising gases, and would lessen unduly the space available for the charge in the upper part of the furnace.
Out of doors the wind was blowing.
The north wind had already begun to cool the pond, though it took many weeks of steady blowing to accomplish it, it is so deep.
And now, from the hints contained in his letter and given by the little princess, he saw which way the wind was blowing, and his low opinion changed into a feeling of contemptuous ill will.
The same faces, the same talk, Papa holding his cup and blowing in the same way! thought Natasha, feeling with horror a sense of repulsion rising up in her for the whole household, because they were always the same.
He was so much interested in that task that he was unable to sleep, and in spite of his cold which had grown worse from the dampness of the evening, he went into the large division of the tent at three o'clock in the morning, loudly blowing his nose.
It goes on a wild rampage of destruction, blowing the city apart.
The enemy advanced of the sap, blowing up a sandbag barricade leaving just one foot of its standing.
The conditions are frustrating with very light and fickle breezes blowing over the land instead of the strong sea breezes expected.
The NE wind was blowing along the length of the lake allowing a good long beat into the shifty conditions for all races.
There 's ample torque low down, but you can feel the steering wheel shimmy as the turbo starts blowing.
One of Kiernan 's creations in the sketch show Chewin ' the Fat is a short-tempered man always blowing his fuse.
Yesterday we even had the blind blowing out behind a tightly shut window due to the draft !
Today is looking a bit like drizzle or light rain with a southwesterly wind blowing - it's the Orkney forecast.
Turns out that the vacuum pump in the rear is blowing more than sucking.
Let 's complete our homemade weather station with a wind vane which will indicate which way the wind is blowing.
How does the ethically informed manager learn to handle the concept of ethical permissibility with regards to whistle blowing?
The rest entails actually blowing them up.
The leaves that you mulch turn into fine cuttings, eliminating the bagging and blowing process.
This will keep them from blowing away in strong winds.
Even in areas that have good wind, the supply is not always steady, and the strength of the wind can vary greatly when it is blowing.
If you plan to rely on wind energy as the sole source of power for your home or office, you'll need equipment beyond a simple windmill that will allow you to store wind energy for use during times that the wind is not blowing.
As for that - the answer is blowing in the wind.
Wind power is not always a reliable source of energy production, and alternative sources of energy are necessary when the wind is not blowing.
A compost bin keeps compost together in one spot and stops any risk of it blowing around the garden.
Then gather them using your preferred method of raking or blowing.
Obviously, if the wind stops blowing for an extended period of time, the turbine will fail to produce electricity.
Many industries and manufacturers are still blowing smoke and other harmful materials into the air, creating more than a little haze on the horizon.
Changing your backsplash is a cost effective way of giving your kitchen a facelift without blowing the bank.
At a birthday party, for example, most people take pictures of the cake, the birthday boy or girl blowing out the candles, etc. Those types of photos are expected.
Learning how to find scrapbook discounts is a great way to make the most of your hobby without blowing your budget.
One way to avoid blowing the budget is buying used tools and supplies.
Sometimes unexpected events, like the wind blowing away your beach umbrella or your child dumping sand on her head, are great fodder for creativity.
This shirt is rather charming with the bride of Frankenstein blowing a kiss that gives way to a puff of skulls and pink hearts.
They can’t be touched until a certain number of years without incurring a penalty, so you can be sure that your teen will use the money for something worthwhile instead of blowing it on something silly in the short term.
The blowing of shell horns to celebrate the new wedding is a very romantic moment!
Many celebrity weddings have celebrated their island weddings with the blowing of these shell horns.
While every bride wants a long flowing gown, the fabric should not be so abundant the dress spends more time blowing around in the breeze than draping elegantly down your body.
Discount wedding favors make it easy to express your thanks to your guests without blowing your budget.
Tables set up outdoors will need to be covered in heavy linens in order to keep from blowing in the wind.
Unfortunately, they're also very expensive, so unless you know a professional pastry chef who's willing to cut you a deal or make you a cake as a gift, you may end up blowing a lot of your budget on a custom cake.
If your ceremony is outdoors, use these little pumpkins to hold down the pages of the guest book or to keep the programs from blowing away.
I started blowing off obligations of all kinds and I physically felt like I was on a different planet.
From an international soccer star to a gorgeous supermodel to a teen heartthrob, the celebrities that are blowing out birthday candles in May are an interesting mix of talents!
These people are in their 20's and can't seem to resolve the simplest of conflicts without it blowing up into high school proportion drama.
The flight took a hard and fast landing at Tampa International Airport, blowing out the front tires and spreading debris on the runway.
Some people prefer blowing cellulose insulation into an attic.
Often times a kitchen can be expanded by blowing out the exterior wall and adding square footage to the room by expanding into the back yard.
Make sure the fan is sucking air out of the room and not blowing air in by placing the fan in the window backwards.
Make sure the filter is on before you begin vacuuming or else the vacuum cleaner will end up blowing it right back out.
The cellulose is then loaded into the blowing machine.
Simply blowing the dust away may be a better way of keeping the earrings dust free.
Note that a great suit at a low price can often be found by some of the best-known brands in the world, so it is worth the extra effort to really seek out something you can wear for years without blowing your budget.
If you are unable to change your air filter, then clean it by blowing air through it from the inside out.
The sound or feel of the air blowing from the CPAP mask may not be well tolerated by the user or sleeping partner.
A CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine works by blowing positive pressurized room air into the airway.
Check out some of these sites to get the designer look you're after without blowing a ton of cash!
Serengeti sunwear should be cared for by blowing any loose materials off of the lenses before polishing them with a soft cloth.
Hardcore shmup fans and veterans of games like Ikaruga and Einhander will find themselves blowing through this one like there's no tomorrow.
After blowing open the safe, Jericho unlocks Lazarus, the oldest and most powerful creature of his kind.
You build up your unwreck meter by blowing things up and causing destruction.
One game has you escaping from the belly of a giant snake, another blowing out a candle with the microphone, and a third has you fanning a fire to keep her warm.
A few examples utilized thusfar are recording small clips of speech, sounds, etc., shouting commands or blowing bubbles by breathing into the microphone.
Avoid "blowing" on the connectors in your old cartridge games.
Amazing technology comes with a mind blowing hefty price tag- $600 for the upgraded (and better) 60GB version, vs. the basic 20GB one for $400.
They provide the same soft glow, but the hurricane, or chimney, that surrounds the flame keeps the wind from blowing it out or spilling wax all over the place.
Once you're done blowing the water out of each line, leave one water faucet open and then turn off your air compressor and remove the blow plug from your water inlet.
And if along the way they were also creating a global drug cartel or developing Roman civilizations or blowing up aliens, well, that's just what makes Palm such a feature-rich product.
Various breathing techniques, cleansing breath, panting and blowing, are used for different phases together with the use of a focal point to enable the laboring woman to maintain control.
A variation on this technique involves blowing herbal smoke into the ear through homemade pottery cones.
A bead in a nostril, for example, can be popped out by blowing into the mouth while holding the other nostril closed.
Frostnipped fingers are helped by blowing warm air on them or holding them under one's armpits.
The most common cause of nosebleeds is injury from picking or blowing the nose.
Sometimes, it accompanies direct injury to the nose as in a sports injury or in picking the nose or too vigorous nose blowing.
Gently blowing the nose and not picking it will also prevent nosebleeds.
Achieve this look by first smoothing a serum into the hair prior to blowing it dry with a paddle brush.
An easier and more modern hairstyle involves simply applying mousse to damp hair and then blowing dry with a diffuser, working the waves with your fingers.
Follow up by blowing hair completely dry.
Without blowing your budget, you can nab some of the favorite items that appear in the celeb closets of Debra Messing and Cindy Crawford.
Blowing breaths help distract you from the pain and stress of the contractions and the birth itself; during this type of breath, you inhale through your nose for three counts and blow the air out of your mouth forcefully.
This exhalation is similar to blowing through a straw.
Surf boarders know that blowing sand can stick to the wax on their boards, making the surface feel like sandpaper rubbing against their flesh.
She wears a white scarf around her neck and there was evidently a fan placed before her as both the scarf and her hair are blowing in the breeze.
This fan in turn lifts a ball into the air; the harder the fan is blowing, the higher the ball begins to float.
Use a pin at the crossover point on the skirt to prevent it from blowing open.
You can try out one or two of the trends without making a full commitment or blowing your budget.
Blowing away the rest of the competition when it comes to features and durability, an All Clad slow cooker will be an investment you'll value for years to come.
For blowing fuses, the Magnetron (or the main unit that sends out the waves) may be faulty.
If a couple is using candle light as a form of lighting or to build an atmosphere, it is important that the candle does not keep blowing out.
A candle holder may shield the flame and stop it from blowing out or burning unevenly.
The Thuringia region of Germany was known for its glassmaking as early as the twelfth century, and one method of blowing glass developed there in the sixteenth century.
Costume Idea Zone offers hundreds of quick ideas, including many that rely on clever word play, like the "leaf blower" look accomplished by dangling a leaf in front of your face and blowing on it.
When you're single, blowing a lot of money on a date may not make a huge impact to your financial plans.
And am I just blowing this out of proportion?
Taurus is quite a hard worker, so it's not surprising that she would amass quite a bit of savings; it's rare to see the lovely bull blowing her paycheck on guilty pleasures.
The Sunny Patch line features adorable characters and outdoor toys for your child to use for helping in the garden, blowing bubbles or playing with water and nature.
It may offer little to no educational value, but Saturday morning cartoons are supposed to be about blowing off steam and having a good time anyway.
Parents can spend as little as $15 on a bubble machine (so they won't hyperventilate blowing bubbles themselves all afternoon), and a bubble game can be invented on the spot.
Children often enjoy blowing off steam playing a few fun games on the internet.
In fact, this can be a bit of a criticism if parents don't like their kids playing violent games - many of the games involve blowing things up, invading castles, or crashing airships.
All you need for this project is bubble solution, blowing wands and powdered tempera paint.
There's no risk of blisters, athlete's foot from the last person who tried on that hot pair of leopard print pumps, or blowing your diet with a cheese-stuffed pretzel and root beer.
These shoes are extremely wallet friendly and are perfect for stylish people who know that looking good doesn't mean blowing a months worth of rent.
This gives you a chance to get to know each other a bit, and also shows the artist you're not just blowing smoke.
Visiting them and watching glass blowing demonstrations is readily encouraged by many of the factory owners, for it's hoped that the tourists will then make some purchases.
Tours recommend that you bring a light jacket or sweater because the breezes blowing across the ocean can be chilly, especially when the sun sets.
The glass artists make the glass by hand using tools such as pliers, a blowing pipe and large glass cutters.
Blowing a knee or shoulder joint effectively puts you on the bench for weeks or months, derailing your whole effort.
After all, if you can see that you lost five pounds last month and another three pounds so far this month, the temptation of blowing off the scheduled runs in favor of pizza and beer in front of the TV shrinks considerably.
If you try to a cardio session (running, biking, aerobics tape etc) shortly after a big pasta meal, you'll be bloated and clumsy at best and blowing chunks at worst.
This Jay-Z duet is "blowing up the charts" as they say and is proof of Rihanna's claim to R&B royalty status.
The movie Stomp the Yard is blowing up the box office, and now, the soundtrack looks set to blow up the charts.
Most people choose to have their balloons helium-filled rather than blowing them up.
There's something about blowing bubbles that takes you back to your childhood.
The determined alien had stowed away for safety, but the quick-thinking warrant officer manages to make it into a pressure suit before blowing the intruder out of the airlock, along with all of the shuttle's atmosphere.
Without blowing all of the whistles, she keeps an eye on the scenes and draws out the moments of the game for readers to enjoy.
If a bee does land on you, try gently blowing on it.
Blowing her nose, she finally responded.
Maybe I'm blowing this all out of proportion.
By the time we were finished it was dark and the sand was blowing so bad we might have got lost, so we stayed in the cave until it let up.
The rain began, light at first, and he adjusted his helmet to deflect the droplets from blowing in his face.
Blowing it on a tissue, she rang the door bell.
Relieved, he pulled the blowing horse to a halt and grabbed Rissa by the scruff of her tunic, unceremoniously hauling her up and dumping her on the ground.
Owing to the hot winds blowing from Rajputana, the climate of Bharatpur is extremely sultry till the setting in of the periodical rains.
The climate is tropical and generally unfavourable to white settlement, the exceptions being the elevated localities on the Amazon exposed to the strong winds blowing up that river.
The "Tom Thumb," as Cooper called the locomotive, was about the size of a modern hand-car; as the natural draft was far from sufficient, Cooper devised a blowing apparatus.
He was the author of numerous inventions, including the cagniardelle, a blowing machine, which consists essentially of an Archimedean screw set obliquely in a tank of water in such a way that its lower end is completely and its upper end partially immersed, and operated by being rotated in the opposite direction to that required for raising water.
Sufficient glass is first " gathered " on the end of a blowing iron to form the bowl of the wine-glass.
One extremity of this bulb is made to adhere to the end of the leg, and the other extremity is broken away from its blowing iron.
The bowl is severed from the blowing iron, and the wine-glass is sent to the annealing oven with a bowl, longer than that of the finished glass, and with a rough fractured edge.
Cane is produced from a solid mass of molten glass, tube from a mass hollowed by blowing.
One workman holds the blowing iron with the mass of glass attached to it, and another fixes an iron rod by means of a seal of glass to the extremity of the mass.
A vase decorated with these simple or complex canes is produced by embedding short lengths of the cane on the surface of a mass of molten glass and blowing and fashioning the mass into the required shape.
A flattened cake of viscous glass-enamel is welded on to one side of the mass of glass after it has been hollowed by blowing.
A full account of the process of blowing crown-glass will be found in all older books and articles on the subject, so that it need only be mentioned here that the glass, instead of being blown into a cylinder, is blown into a flattened sphere, which is caused to burst at the point opposite the pipe and is then, by the rapid spinning of the glass in front of a very hot furnace-opening, caused to expand into a flat disk of large diameter.
Similar effects are produced in narrow waters by the action of tidal currents, and the influence of a steady wind blowing onor off-shore has a powerful effect in mixing the water.
The use of small auxiliary blowing ventilators underground, for carrying air into workings away from the main circuits, which was largely advocated at one time, has lost its popularity, but a useful substitute has been found in the induced draught produced by jets of compressed air or high-pressure water blowing into ejectors.
He found that the time varied between 551seconds when the wind was blowing most strongly with the sound, to 63 seconds when it was most strongly against the sound.
Hence the stream of air does work during half the vibration and this is not abstracted during the other half, and so it goes on increasing the motion until the supply of energy in blowing is equal to the loss by friction and sound.
But if the blowing is continued, usually in less than a second the sound dies away to a small fraction of that due to either alone.
There is no doubt that he saw which way the wind was blowing, and disliked Northumberland's scheme; but he had not the courage to resist the duke to his face.
The world was startled, however, on the 30th of September 1891 by hearing that he had committed suicide in a cemetery at Brussels by blowing out his brains on the grave of his mistress, Madame de Bonnemains (née Marguerite Crouzet), who had died in the preceding July.
The mode of blowing is peculiar, and requires some practice; an uninterrupted blast is kept up by the muscular action of the cheeks, while the ordinary respiration goes on through the nostrils.
The garrison of Almeida too escaped, after blowing up part of the fortress.
The custom of blowing the wakeman's horn every night at nine o'clock is said to have originated about A.D.
He also begins the rite of baptism by blowing in the catechumen's face.
As they lie near or under the equator, the monsoons blowing over them are less regular, and the rainfall, of large volume throughout the year, is dependent on the height and direction of the chains.
There was a gap between the "Intrepid" and the eastern bank; he steered into it, collided with the "Intrepid," rang the gong to signify the imminent blowing of the charges, went astern and then ahead.
In Italy a puppet representing Haman was set 'up on high amidst shouts of vengeance and blowing of trumpets.
Blowing over land and in the direction of the longitudinal valleys, the south-east wind is comparatively dry, and thus favours the formation of steppes in the north such as the Toba plains.
While inflating the bellows he would leave the suction port open and close the discharge port with a pinch of his finger; and while blowing the air against the fire he would leave the discharge port open and pinch together the sides of the suction port.
This heating was formerly done by burning part of the gases, after their escape from the furnace top, in a large combustion chamber, around a series of cast iron pipes through which the blast passed on its way from the blowing engine to the tuyeres.
Indeed, no limit has yet been found to the temperature which can be reached, if matters are so arranged that not only the carbon and silicon of the pig iron, but also a considerable part of the metallic iron which is the iron itself, are oxidized by the blast; or if, as in the Walrand-Legenisel modification, after the combustion of the initial carbon and silicon of the pig iron has already raised the charge to a very high temperature, a still further rise of temperature is brought about by adding more silicon in the form of ferro-silicon, and oxidizing it by further blowing.
The island is practically inaccessible for eight months of the year, but the inhabitants communicate with the outer world by means of "sea messages," which are despatched in boxes when a strong west wind is blowing, and generally make the western islands or mainland of Scotland in a week.
The chief scourge is the sirocco, which is experienced in its most characteristic form on the north coast, as an oppressive, parching, hot, dry wind, blowing strongly and steadily from the south, the atmosphere remaining through the whole period of its duration leaden-coloured and hazy in consequence of the presence of immense quantities of reddish dust.
The supposed figures of glass-blowers in early scenes are really those of smiths, blowing their fires by means of reeds tipped with clay.
For the same purpose a small quantity of water (up to 2%) may be added either by moistening the clinker or by blowing steam into the mills in which the clinker is ground.
One man is raking out the fire in a high furnace, while another behind is blowing the bellows.
Before the mass has reached that point the sulphides still present have been destroyed, either by the addition of solid nitrate of soda or by blowing air through the red-hot melt.
The climate is severe, as the town is much exposed to cold winds blowing from the snowy Alps.
In the Gulf of Suez the westerly, or "Egyptian," wind occurs frequently during winter, sometimes blowing with violence, and generally accompanied by fog and clouds of dust.
Although at various times he had helped to strengthen the law for the recovery of fugitive slaves, declining as secretary of state to aid Great Britain in the further suppression of the slave trade, and demanding the return of fugitives from Canada, yet he heartily supported the colonizing of the slaves in Africa, because slavery was the "deepest stain upon the character of the country," opposition to which could not be repressed except by "blowing out the moral lights around," and "eradicating from the human soul the light of reason and the law of liberty."
Bruce threw his infantry reserve into the battle, the arrows of the English archers wounded the men-at-arms of their own side, and the remnants of the leading line were tired and disheartened when the final impetus to their rout was given by the historic charge of the "gillies," some thousands of Scottish campfollowers who suddenly emerged from the woods, blowing horns, waving such weapons as they possessed, and holding aloft improvised banners.
If, however, the bird is fairly launched in space and a stiff breeze is blowing, all that is required in many instances is to extend the wings at a slight upward angle to the horizon so that the under parts of the wings present kite-like surfaces.
If, however, a stiff autumn breeze be blowing, it suffices if the boy who formerly ran when the kite was let go stands still.
This effect is well seen in the way in which the wind blowing directly up the Severn estuary is directed along the edges of the Oolitic escarpment north-eastward, thus displacing the centre of cold in winter to the east coast, and the centre of heat in summer to the lower Thames, from the position which both centres would occupy, if calms prevailed, in a beit running from Birmingham to Buckingham.
As to how far the narrow portion of the North Sea modifies the influence of the European continent, there seems reason to believe that the prevailing winds blowing up the English Channel carry oceanic conditions some distance inland, along those parts of the continent nearest to England.
The vapour-laden sea air blowing landward against the girdle of snow and glaciers on the mountain barriers a few miles inland drains its moisture in excessive rain and snow upon the lisiere, shrouding it in well-nigh unbroken fog and cloud-bank.
As early as 1764 it was necessary to stamp out mutiny by blowing thirty sepoys away from guns.
A prison erected here at this period gave place later to the House of Detention, notorious as the scene of a Fenian outrage in 1867, when it was sought to release certain prisoners by blowing up part of the building.
In all the attempts to make water gas, up to that date, the incandescence of the fuel had been obtained by" blowing "so deep a bed of fuel that carbon monoxide and the residual nitrogen of the air formed the chief products, this mixture being known as" producer "gas.
Where the" natural draught "is not sufficient, it is aided either by blowing air under the grate or else by suction at the other end.
For war the natives smear themselves in grotesque fashion with lime or ochres, and in some parts hold in their teeth against the chin a face-like mask, supposed to strike terror into the foe, against whom they advance warily (if not timidly), yelling and blowing their war-trumpets.
The countries bordering the Sahara are much exposed to a very dry wind, full of fine particles of sand, blowing from the desert towards the sea.
This music is roll up your sleeves, in your face, hard bop blowing at its best.
The weather had turned cold and a chill breeze was blowing.
It was blowing a hooligan, and despite the CSgt PW's barking welsh brogue, nothing could be heard over the howling gale.
Along the shores of the Adriatic, which are exposed to the north-east winds, blowing coldly from over the Albanian mountains, delicate plants do not thrive so well in general as under the same latitude along the shores of the Tyrrhcnian Sea.
Or perchance, at evening, I hear him in his stable blowing off the superfluous energy of the day, that he may calm his nerves and cool his liver and brain for a few hours of iron slumber.
From the study, like pistol shots, came the frequent sound of the old man angrily blowing his nose.
It made the clothing unit much less intimidating than Romas's lecture on matter and antimatter and how to store the two successfully without blowing up something.
And, I might need a few assassinations called in to keep things from blowing up on your side of the river.
Shouldn't you be back east, blowing up stuff?
His plan of blowing up everything hadn't included an innocent like Toby being hurt.
Art Farmer was blowing trumpet with the Horace Silver quintet in a piece called "Moon Rays" that Fred wouldn't have listened to on his own unless someone cut off his ears.
The hollow bulb is worked into the shape it is intended to assume, partly by blowing, partly by gravitation, and partly by the workman's tool.
If the blowing iron is held vertically with the bulb uppermost the bulb becomes flattened and shallow, if the bulb is allowed to hang downwards it becomes elongated and reduced in diameter, and if the end of the bulb is pierced and the iron is held horizontally and sharply trundled, as a mop is trundled, the bulb opens out into a flattened disk.
Whether they're blowing out a handful of candles like the young Justin Bieber, or have a cake that's a little more flammable, all of these celebrities have a reason to celebrate in March.
Just found it interesting that I.m not having issues blowing things up, he said.
A non-spherical form can only be produced by blowing the hollow bulb into a mould of the required shape.