Blood-sugar Sentence Examples
Diabetes type II can be controlled through careful monitoring of blood-sugar levels, diet, exercise, regular health care, and medication if necessary.
Protein is great for dieting in that it is relatively low in calories compared to the amount of food you get on your plate, and protein doesn't mess with your blood sugar and insulin levels the way carbs do.
Treatment in the early stages includes intravenous sugar to return blood sugar levels to normal and plasma transfusion to restore normal clotting time in the blood.
This experiment showed that chitosan decreases blood sugar, and that the more chitosan is used, the more the blood sugar is lowered.
Good blood sugar control also helps to prevent long-term complications from diabetes.
There are free croissants that come round mid-morning, to give everyone a blood-sugar boost.
Acute administration in animals or man has occasionally induced a transient elevation of blood sugar.
Glucobay does not cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar ).
Holly has to inject insulin several times a day to keep her blood sugar levels under control.
If you wake up with a headache and feel unusually irritable, measure your blood sugar at about 3am.
AdvertisementYou should not exercise if your blood sugar is more than 14 mmol/l and you have ketones present in your urine.
All responded within weeks, with blood sugar levels that were on average 20% lower than the control group.
The artificial pancreas will measure blood sugar levels on a minute-by-minute basis with a continuous glucose monitor.
They also contain pectin, which helps to reduce high blood sugar.
It quickly passes through the stomach wall causing blood sugar levels to rise, then plummet.
AdvertisementVegetables increase satiety and keep blood sugar concentrations steady so that the muscle building, fat burning process isn't interrupted.
In addition to helping me control my weight, exercise has a direct effect of lowering blood sugar.
Researchers also discovered the vaccine was able to restore normal blood sugar levels without using insulin.
Vegetables increase satiety and keep blood sugar concentrations steady so that the muscle building, fat burning process is n't interrupted.
Dumping syndrome - This is a combination of things including nausea, retching, sweating, diarrhea and a drop in blood sugar level.
AdvertisementApparently tupelo honey has the least concentrations of the sugars that have the greatest effect on blood sugar.
Test your blood sugar level and your urine for ketones as soon as any such symptoms of hyperglycaemia occur as described above.
Weight gain and uncontrolled blood sugar increase your cat's risk of developing this serious health condition.
Lemon tea - Stabilize your blood sugar by stirring a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey into a warm glass of water, and sipping on it.
Cayenne helps to regulate and decrease blood sugar levels in diabetics.
AdvertisementIn fact, people who suffer with low blood sugar should be careful with cayenne as it can lower it even more.
Some companies that market Acai-based products also claim that their products will slow aging, regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics and improve vision.
The tea contains all-natural products such as hydroxycitric acid taken from the rind of the tropical garcinia plant to aid your body in making fat and blood sugar available for fuel.
A small number of studies have discovered an improved ability for cirrhotic patients with diabetes to control their blood sugar levels.
There is also some evidence that artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose may still have an impact blood sugar.
For those with diabetes and dieters who choose a low carbohydrate lifestyle, artificial sweetener's impact on the blood sugar may work at cross-purposes to their health goals.
It may also have anti-hyperglycemic affects, which can positively affect blood sugar.
The research has shown that whole leaf stevia has a regulatory effect on the pancreas, which can help to stabilize blood sugar levels.
Many diabetics are looking for drug-free ways to manage their blood sugar levels, including the use of Chinese herbs for diabetes control.
The literature review suggested that "lifestyle modification coupled with the use of Chinese herbs was twice as effective as lifestyle modification alone in normalizing blood sugar levels."
Chinese research studies have suggested that this herb may help to reduce blood sugar levels.
Bitter Melon or charantia is actually a fruit which may help to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
Cinnamon and blood sugar levels have been in the news ever since the first studies appeared linking an intake of cinnamon and reduced blood sugar levels, triglyceride levels, and cholesterol levels.
Here's what the research says about cinnamon and blood sugar levels.
Pure cinnamon pills were used in most studies of cinnamon and blood sugar levels.
After a 40 day period of taking the pills, both groups' blood samples were analyzed for blood sugar levels and various lipid profiles.
All three groups taking the cinnamon pills had reduced blood sugar levels, reduced triglycerides and so called "bad" LDL cholesterol, and improved HDL cholesterol.
Since the likelihood of cardiovascular disease increases substantially among people with Type 2 diabetes, the combined results of both lowered blood sugar levels and improved lipid profiles was especially promising.
Reuters News reported a study out of the University of Miami that also demonstrated that a little bit of cinnamon daily reduced blood sugar levels.
The volunteers had their blood sugar levels measured, then half the group was given a bowl of rice pudding with cinnamon, and the other half without.
After eating the pudding, their blood sugar levels were measured again.
They found that cinnamon tended to slow the rate at which foods moves through digestion, possibly resulting in a less dramatic rise in blood sugar levels.
First, the scientists in each article note that cinnamon appears to alter blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes only.
It doesn't seem to change blood sugar levels for people with Type 1 diabetes.
Chromium is a trace element linked to blood sugar regulation.
Some research shows that proper intake of chromium helps the body regular blood sugar and insulin production more efficiently.
They also rate fairly low on the Glycemic Index, which means less of a blood sugar spike than noshing on a candy bar or other sweet treats.
Numerous doctors advise reducing meat intake and over-processed "white foods" as an effective method to reduce weight, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar spikes.
If you suffer from diabetes, physical activity can help your blood sugar decrease.
Lactose intolerance occurs when, due to a deficiency of lactase, lactose is not completely broken down and consequently blood sugar levels do not rise.
The blood glucose level, or blood sugar level, indicates how well the body is digesting the lactose.
As a result, the blood sugar falls to abnormal levels (hypoglycemia).
Tremors and seizures caused by low blood sugar can occur.
A low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) will result from the insulin injected into the child's system, which may make some children light-headed or lethargic.
Birth defects can result from the variation in a woman's blood sugar level during the first eight to 12 weeks, which is the time period when the embryo is developing.
Gestational diabetes-Diabetes of pregnancy leading to increased levels of blood sugar.
Regular home testing of blood sugar levels is also important to make sure that the treatment is working effectively and to avoid a diabetic emergency such as hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).
Several common medications can cause chronic high blood sugar levels and/or promote insulin resistance.
Home testing can prevent dangerous highs and lows and help parents and children understand how food and exercise impact blood sugar levels.
Children with diabetes can lead an active life and enjoy most of the activities and foods their peers do, with a few precautions to avoid blood sugar highs or lows.
Because the symptoms of DKA can mimic the flu, and the flu can increase blood sugar levels, a child who comes down with a flu-like illness should be monitored closely and tested regularly.
Because medical conditions such as high blood pressure or low blood sugar can affect blood flow, these conditions are frequently accompanied by dizziness.
Some people experience a slight dip in blood sugar and mild dizziness if they miss a meal, but this condition is rarely dangerous unless the person is diabetic.
Low blood sugar associated with diabetes sometimes causes dizziness and is treated by controlling blood sugar levels.
Based on results of this study, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends routine glycated hemoglobin testing to measure long-term control of blood sugar.
Hypothalamus-A part of the forebrain that controls heartbeat, body temperature, thirst, hunger, body temperature and pressure, blood sugar levels, and other functions.
Outcomes include an increased risk of long-term neurologic and behavioral handicaps, possible intrauterine demise, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), and low body temperature (hypothermia).
A child who has lost consciousness due to hypoglycemia may require a glucagon shot to return blood sugar levels to normal.
Intravenous administration of a glucose solution to the newborn can help re-establish normal blood sugar levels.
The 15 grams/15 minutes rule is important to follow to avoid dramatic blood sugar swings.
Food should always accompany alcohol, and anyone who drinks in the evening should consider setting an alarm to test blood sugar levels during the night.
Fast-acting carbohydrate-A carbohydrate that causes blood sugar levels to rise quickly rather than slowly and steadily.
Hypoglycemic unawareness-A condition in which normal warning signals of a blood sugar low, such as shakiness, sweating, or rapid heartbeat, are no longer felt.
The muscles of many persons with Turner syndrome fail to use glucose efficiently, which may contribute to the development of high blood sugar.
Individuals with acromegaly or gigantism who have diabetes or diabetes-like symptoms should maintain a diet that helps normalize blood sugar levels.
Nutrient loss can be accelerated by bleeding, diarrhea, abnormally high blood sugar levels (glycosuria), kidney disease, malabsorption disorders, and other factors.
Cortisol-A steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex that is important for maintenance of body fluids, electrolytes, and blood sugar levels.
Causes of induced myopia include cataracts and elevations of blood sugar in diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetics.
She will need close monitoring of her blood sugar levels to reduce the risk of miscarriage or serious birth defects.
During pregnancy, some women develop a problem controlling their blood sugar.
When the mother's blood sugar is high, the baby's pancreas makes lots of insulin to help absorb the sugar.
If you have gestational diabetes, you'll need to keep your blood sugar under control.
The baby may also have trouble regulating his/her temperature and blood sugar.
Women who have diabetes or pre-diabetes should be monitored for blood sugar changes.
Imbalances in blood sugar levels can lead to itchiness, including itching in the vaginal region.
The combination of increased blood flow to the pelvis, lower blood pressure, and decreased blood sugar make the pregnant woman feel more tired than usual.
Changes in blood sugar levels caused by the rapid changes in your body after conception and implantation, along with lowered blood pressure and increased blood production, also contribute to the feelings of fatigue.
Promising research shows that these seeds may also help diabetics control blood sugar levels.
A slow rate of digestion also means a slower rate of glucose absorption, good news for diabetics who must carefully monitor their blood sugar and insulin levels.
Insulin is quite good at what it does, and often knocks down the blood sugar more than needed.
Among these results was a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure while maintaining good blood sugar control.
In a nutshell, it means the body has lost its ability to regulate blood sugar levels properly.
One key player in this is insulin, a powerful hormone that prevents blood sugar levels from reaching dangerous levels, among other things.
Much can be done to stabilize blood sugar with smart adjustments to eating and exercise habits, but some vitamins do indeed seem to have a proven impact.
While all antioxidants don't have a direct impact on blood sugar management, studies have shown diabetes uses up more antioxidants.
Insulin promotes fat storage, so they take vanadyl for the alleged insulin-sensitizing effect, ie. less insulin has to be released to control blood sugar levels.
Diabetics and pre-diabetics have a problem managing blood sugar levels, for example.
If you have diabetes and take fish oil, you may experience difficulty controlling your blood sugar.
For weight lifters with type II diabetes, it can aid your workouts by stabilizing your blood sugar levels.
Like alpha lipoic acid, it too can help stabilize blood sugar levels, an important benefit especially during intense workouts.
New research indicates that cinnamon pills, for example, may help diabetics manage blood sugar.
It helps regulate the digestive system and can lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
As it moves through your body, it helps with lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Soluble fiber slows down digestion, which contributes to a prolonged feeling of fullness and more stable blood sugar.
The condition is often associated with the development of Type 1 diabetes mellitus (Type 1 DM) or juvenile onset diabetes.Diabetes causes elevated blood sugar levels in your blood due to deficient insulin production within your pancreas.
Its dietary fiber can help stabilize your blood sugar levels, making it an excellent addition to a healthy diet.
It's important to keep your blood sugar up as your body's reaction to the process can cause some people to feel ill.
By eliminating the blood sugar swings that accompany carbohydrate binges, the South Beach Diet aims to make dieting easier.
Many diet strategies work with the glycemic index, which is a measure of how carbohydrates affect blood sugar.
Refined and high-sugar carbohydrates, which have a high glycemic index, will raise blood sugar when consumed.
According to Taubes, when you eat high glycemic foods, such as white bread, potatoes, brownies and jam, your blood sugar soars and insulin rises.
These foods will provide greater satiety by stabilizing blood sugar levels.
Cakes, pies, candy, juices, and even sweet potatoes can send blood sugar levels into overdrive.
It seeks to stabilize blood sugar levels, decrease cravings, and ultimately lower body fat while increasing heart health.
Selecting a low-glycemic diet can help you control your blood sugar.
For instance, chromium is a mineral with the ability to stabilize blood sugar levels and boost fat-burning metabolism for energy, but its use has not been proven to decrease actual body weight.
This is a great way to stabilize blood sugar and quiet the hunger pangs.
For diabetics, fiber can help slow the absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, thereby reducing fasting blood sugar levels.
The importance of this guideline enables blood sugar levels and insulin levels to be appropriately maintained in your system.
The higher the GI, the more of an increase in blood sugar, and the more insulin the body must secrete in order to maintain the proper blood sugar balance.
The fast-burning carbohydrates have a high glycemic index, indicating that they have a rapid effect on blood sugar levels and insulin production.
Slower burning carbohydrates have a lower GI, based on the less dramatic rise in blood sugar and insulin release they trigger.
Low-quality carbohydrates (high G.I.)are less complex, cause the blood sugar to rise sharply and then fall swiftly (a "peak" effect), and provide only short-term energy.
High-quality carbohydrates (low G.I.) have a gentler, more sustained effect on blood sugar -- a chart would indicate a gentle rise followed by a slow return to the initial blood sugar level.
The glycemic index measures a food's impact on blood sugar and "indexes" it in comparison with pure sugar (glucose), which has an index of 100.
Over time, the body can become desensitized to the action of insulin, so that greater and greater amounts of insulin must be secreted before the blood sugar is properly regulated.
Thus, the program is designed for people who have blood-sugar issues, such as diabetics, hypoglycemics, and insulin-resistant patients.
The program recommends eating foods that have a low in an effort to regulate blood sugar via its rate of absorption and the insulin response.
Basically, the faster a food and its carbohydrate content gets absorbed into the bloodstream, the higher the blood sugar, and hence the higher the insulin amount coming in to transfer the blood sugar to the cells of the body.
Diabetic meals and snacks require the correct diabetic foods in appropriate portions to create a day's worth of healthy eating for blood sugar regulation.
With the addition of a small piece of chicken or a slice of turkey, the white dinner roll ends up having a much less dramatic effect on blood sugar.
The reason for this is the intense reaction such foods have on blood sugar levels.
On the contrary, the company recognizes the importance of snacking both psychologically and to keep the body's metabolism and blood sugar levels in optimum ranges.
The goal of a diabetic diet plan is to take a proactive approach to controlling blood sugar levels via nutrition.
Eating meals regularly can be a big help in dealing with the mood swings that come from irregular blood sugar levels.
These types of carbohydrates are processed just as sugar is by the body, therefore causing an imbalance of blood sugar.
It teaches that, by balancing blood sugar levels, you can lose weight and be healthy.
Eating too much sugar at once can cause a spike in blood sugar while leaving you full, but empty of nutrients and likely to gain weight, none of which will help your health problems in the long run.
Carbohydrates are converted into glucose in the body and can cause a spike in blood sugar as surely as sugars can, When eating a lot of carbohydrates, it is important to eat protein as well.
The protein slows down the absorption of the carbs and keeps your blood sugar on a more even level.
These sweeteners do not affect blood sugar.
It is important to eat regularly when you have diabetes to keep your blood sugar on a more even level.
Whole grains are a great choice because they increase blood sugar more slowly, putting less stress on the body.
This happens when blood sugar becomes extremely high which in turn creates and acidic blood pH.
Other carbohydrates can and should be eaten, but it is a good idea to combine them with protein or other healthy foods to slow absorption and keep your blood sugar steady through the day.
Eating about every three hours-as well as eating the right kinds of foods-helps keep your blood sugar steady throughout the day, which also keeps you from feeling hungry and aids in losing weight.
Complex carbohydrates that don't cause the blood sugar spikes of simple carbs, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread and flour, legumes and the vast majority of fruits and vegetables are allowed on the diet.
Meals should not be skipped since that will cause a fall in blood sugar.
Developing a regular dining schedule is very important for controlling fluctuations in blood sugar.
Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are all full of fiber, which makes you feel full longer, keeps your blood sugar levels regular and can help clear out your system.
Conventional diet wisdom lately is that eating more often during the day prevents blood sugar spikes and makes you feel full, even if you're consuming fewer calories.
Fiber is excellent in that it fills you up and stabilizes your blood sugar levels.
Unbalanced blood sugar can cause intense cravings in addition to fatigue, weakness, and dizziness.
Good carbs do not cause dramatic changes in blood sugar level, while bad carbs cause a quick spike in blood sugar followed by a rapid drop.
Start easy, do a short "trial run" to assess how your body reacts, and don't get yourself into situations where blood sugar drops and dizziness may be dangerous (both of which are possible effects for first-timers).
This blood sugar roller coaster also makes you sluggish and snacky.
A 40 gram serving should be just about 160 calories, and having it before bed is not a problem since protein does not affect your blood sugar.
Few simple carbs - Simple carbs, ie. sugary, highly processed and white flour-based foods, tend to wreak havoc on the blood sugar balance.
When the blood sugar spikes after say drinking sodas, insulin is released to control the sugar.
Less blood sugar spike equals less insulin response, which enables your body to keep burning fat.
The same amount of sugar would be downright hazardous for the sedentary woman, wreaking havoc on her blood sugar levels.
The Atkins diet works based on body chemistry and maintaining steady blood sugar.
Additionally, diabetics and non-diabetics alike should strive to eat foods that do not cause a high glycemic response - or foods that do not quickly raise blood sugar levels.
It's true that cinnamon can positively control blood sugar; however, taking it with honey - which has the opposite effect on blood sugar - seems as if one effect would cancel out the other.
The 1800 calorie ADA diet is a diet set forth by the American Diabetes Association that can help diabetics control blood glucose levels by eating healthy foods with minimal impact on blood sugar.
According to the ADA, there is some controversy over whether the foods in this category have a negative impact on blood sugar.
Your doctor may ask you to include foods that lower your blood sugar as a regular part of your diet.
After checking with your doctor, starting an exercise program in conjunction with your healthy diet can help you lose weight and control blood sugar.
Educate yourself about the effects of foods on blood sugar.
The effects of large amounts of cinnamon are not studied, and may have a negative outcome for some, due to the decrease in blood sugar that may result.
Another possible benefit of green tea to dieters is its effect on blood sugar.
Since out of control blood sugar can lead to cravings, the blood sugar control conferred by green tea could lead to fewer cravings.
This creates a balanced body blood sugar level, which in turn prevents cravings and hunger.
Another plus for eating smaller meals throughout the day is the stabilizing of blood sugar.
If your blood sugar isn't stable, you're more likely to give in to those powerful sugar cravings.
While you can continue to experiment with a varied menu, always choose good foods that will maintain your blood sugar levels.
Fibrous vegetables are those vegetables that are high in fiber and have a minimal impact on blood sugar.
The carbohydrates in the bread are of a more slow burning type that don't cause large spikes in blood sugar.
The regulated sugar absorption leads to fewer spikes in blood sugar and insulin.
Eating a diet high in soluble fiber may be helpful in the prevention of diabetes and can help regulate blood sugar and insulin production in those who are already diabetic.
Diets rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables help reduce digestive problems, work to keep blood sugar levels steady and appetites in check.
Other effects of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) include fatigue, irritability and trembling.
This is often attributed to the fact that ketosis is mistaken for ketoacidosis, a condition found in Type I Diabetics whose blood sugar is out of control.
If you have any of the above symptoms, your doctor can perform a fasting blood sugar test or glucose tolerance test to determine if you are insulin resistant.
Soluble fiber can support your good eating habits by lowering cholesterol and stabilizing your blood sugar levels so you don't crash between meals.
Taking recommended diabetic snacks is one way you can maintain your blood sugar levels and help you cope with your diabetes.
Diabetes occurs when your body either does not produce enough insulin or it becomes resistant to insulin, interfering with its effects on your blood sugar.
Your diabetic diet will help you stabilize your blood sugar by eliminating the foods likely to cause a spike in your levels.
The benefit of these snacks is that they will not raise your blood sugar levels, so you are free to enjoy in moderation.
Like eating cakes or baked goods, these products can cause your blood sugar to spike.
The goal of your diet is stability of your blood sugar so that you have the fuel to support your everyday life.
If you miss a meal or find yourself languishing by mid-afternoon, a healthy snack can be just the ticket to raise your blood sugar and restore your energy and concentration.
A high fiber snack will take longer to digest and keep your blood sugar levels on an even keel to prevent overeating later.
Growing children need protein to build new muscles, stabilize blood sugar and increase feelings of satiety.
Fiber-rich foods sweep the colon, normalize blood sugar and reduce cholesterol.
Snacks low in calories help stabilize blood sugar levels.
Limiting carbohydrates works to keep blood sugar levels controlled.
People who don't understand counting carbohydrates and how they affect blood sugar look at this Induction Phase as an unhealthy and unbalanced diet.
The glycemic index measures how fast a specific food raises your blood sugar.
Complex carbs generally have a lower glycemic index because eating a carbohydrate with a low glycemic index helps keep your blood sugar from dropping during mild activity.
When we eat high glycemic carbs, blood sugar rises quickly and triggers a rapid response from the pancreatic gland.
It secretes enough insulin to take care of the extra blood sugar.
As an example, if you eat cold cereal for breakfast and feel your blood sugar spike as a result, you'll be hungry sooner.
The best low calorie snacks will keep your blood sugar level and leave you feeling satisfied until it's time for your next planned meal.
Healthy snacks regulate your blood sugar levels, give you a boost of energy, stoke your metabolism and help you to concentrate better.
It can also help your body maintain proper blood sugar levels.
People dealing with diabetes need to keep their blood sugar levels under tight control.
Individuals with diabetes cannot produce or properly utilize insulin within the body, leading to high blood sugar.
By working to keep your blood sugar stable, you will reduce your risk of developing complications.
Even though all diabetics share the same goal - to moderate blood sugar - each type of diabetes has its own peculiarities that warrants individual planning.
This will allow you to balance your insulin dosage and keep your blood sugar stable.
Work with a dietician to plan meals and snacks that are lower in calories, sugars and saturated fats to improve your total health along with your blood sugar profile.
Sugar and starch both cause immediate spikes in blood sugar, which requires the body to release insulin in order to return blood sugar to normal levels.
Any food containing sugar, natural sugars and sugar derivatives are extremely high in carbohydrates and cause an immediate and large spike in blood sugar.
While all grains are high in carbohydrates, whole grains tend to have less of an effect on blood sugar and cause less of an insulin spike than refined grains like white flour.
Most legumes are high in starch, however, it is a slow burning starch which has less impact on blood sugar and insulin.
Eating carbohydrates also causes a spike in blood sugar, and insulin is released into the bloodstream to help normalize blood sugar.
In people with diabetes, the body no longer has the ability to release sufficient insulin to control the blood sugar, so dietary blood sugar control is necessary.
This is because carbohydrates -- especially simple carbohydrates containing simple sugars -- lead to spikes in blood sugar that require more insulin to be released.
Because cinnamon addresses insulin resistance associated with pre-diabetes, some studies suggest it may consequently help people lose weight by changing the way the body metabolizes glucose, also known as blood sugar.
Diabetics need to carefully control their blood sugar levels via diet and/or medication.
Mannitol and erythritol have a negligible impact on blood sugar.
Low-carbohydrate diets keep blood sugar levels low, minimizing the amount of insulin in your bloodstream.
Some dieters report that sugar alcohols increase carbohydrate cravings and cause their blood sugar to rise.
This can help to keep blood sugar stable all day long and prevent the dangerous drops and spikes associated with this disease.
Please note that many individuals with diabetes require medications to manage their blood sugar and should consult a doctor before going off prescriptions or starting a new diet.
The nutritional exchange system was created to help those suffering with diabetes regulate their blood sugar levels and manage their symptoms.
The diabetic exchange system allows those trying to regulate blood sugar to easily see how much of each food group they should be eating.
How many servings of each group is determined by the individual and is based on a variety of factors like height, weight, age, and overall health, including blood sugar levels.
Higher fiber foods, such as oatmeal and raw vegetables and fruits are part of a heart-healthy diet and can even help to regulate blood sugar.
This diet is supposed to help you lose weight by regulating your blood sugar levels and helps your body become more effective at burning the fat in your body with foods that are typically in your kitchen.
This diet is calorie controlled and designed to help control blood sugar as well as lose weight.
In a nutshell, the body takes damage from too high levels of blood sugar.
This is where your body gradually grows insensitive to insulin, making it harder and harder to regulate your blood sugar levels.
Aerobic exercise makes the insulin receptors more sensitive again, while simultaneously burning off excess stored blood sugar.
This increase is closely tied with the rising obesity rate in the United States.Exercise specifically helps prevent your body from the resisting the effects of insulin to control blood sugar in several ways.
This hormone can then fulfill its function to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
A regular exercise routine can help control blood sugar.