Blood-pressure Sentence Examples
On the heart and circulation the effects are stimulant unless large doses are given, when the pulse becomes slow and blood-pressure much lessened.
The blood-pressure synchronously falls, and the heart is arrested in diastole.
The individual muscle-fibres contract and expand more perfectly, and thus the diastole and systole of the heart are rendered more complete, the pulse is slowed, and the blood-pressure is raised.
Persons who have followed the diet have reported changes in blood-pressure, blood-sugar/insulin levels, and depression, all of which required alteration of their normal dose of medication for these conditions.
It is the principal blood-pressure raising hormone and a bronchial and intestinal smooth muscles relaxant.
The doctor told me my high blood pressure put me at risk of developing an aneurysm in the future.
In small or moderate doses it is a powerful diuretic. Though Heidenhain asserts that rise in the renal blood-pressure has not a diuretic action per se, it seems probable that this influence of the drug is due to a rise in the general blood-pressure associated with a relatively dilated condition of the renal vessels.
It is only in very large doses that it weakens the intracardiac nervous ganglia, slows and weakens the pulse, and dangerously lowers the blood pressure.
The drug greatly raises the blood-pressure by causing extreme contraction of the arteries.
In 1996, 1,768 adult informants with three valid blood pressure readings were taking one or more of these medications.
AdvertisementFrying with more stable oils, such as olive oil, is not associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure.
Dandelion root tincture lowers blood pressure and keeps your heart and cardiovascular system healthy and happy.
A dramatic increase in blood pressure occurs, causing symptoms such as severe headache and sweating.
The corresponding additional reduction in supine diastolic blood pressure was 7 mmHg.
Alternatively, it can be added to 500ml of fluid and titrated against the blood pressure.
AdvertisementSerotonin allows for communication between brain cells and also helps to regulate breathing and blood pressure.
The fall in blood-pressure is not due to any direct influence on the vessels.
It is now coming to be recognized that increase of blood pressure alone is not sufficient to account for all dropsical effusions.
Welch produced oedema of the lungs experimentally by increasing the pressure in the pulmonary vessels by ligature of the aorta and its branches, but this raised the blood pressure only about one-tenth of an atmosphere, while in some of Loeb's experiments the osmotic pressure, due to retained metabolic products, was equal to over thirty atmospheres.
Thus differences in osmotic pressure may be much more powerful in producing oedema than mere differences in blood pressure.
AdvertisementPhysostigmine, indeed, stimulates nearly all the non-striped muscles in the body, and this action upon the muscular coats of the arteries, and especially of the arterioles, causes a great rise in blood-pressure shortly after its absorption, which is very rapid.
Not only is the respiratory centre stimulated but the cardiac centre is acted upon both directly by the drug and indirectly for a time by the enormous rise in blood pressure due to the contraction of the arterioles all over the body.
As the vaso-motor centre in the medulla oblongata is also stimulated, as well as the contractions of the heart, there is thus trebly caused a very great rise in the blood-pressure.
Clinically it is to be observed that the drug is cumulative, being very slowly excreted, and that after it has been taken for some time the pulse may become irregular, the blood-pressure low, and the cardiac pulsations rapid and feeble.
But whilst the characteristic action of atropine is to dilate the blood-vessels, its first action is to stimulate the vaso-motor centre - thereby causing temporary contraction of the vessels - and to increase the rapidity of the heart's action, so that the blood-pressure rapidly rises.
AdvertisementNitrite of amyl has the power of dilating the arteries; it has consequently been employed with much success in lowering the blood pressure and removing the pain in angina pectoris.
When iron is injected directly into a vein it depresses the heart's action, the blood pressure and the nervous system, and during its excretion greatly irritates the bowel and the kidneys.
When they are given by inhalation or by the mouth their first effect is to produce marked dilatation of the small arteries, with a fall of blood-pressure and a greatly increased rapidity of the heart's action.
Treatment for kidney disease focuses on blood pressure control using ACE inhibitors.
A type of medicine called an alpha blocker is sometimes used to treat high blood pressure and enlarged prostate.
Apart from high blood pressure and early atherosclerosis, which often lack symptoms, some form of pain is often frequent.
Urinalysis, blood pressure and weight checks, fundal height measurement and fetal heart auscultation are performed routinely at each office visit.
Therefore, the use of potassium supplements for lowering blood pressure should only be done under the care of a doctor.
The answer is that comprehensive lifestyle modification is the key to getting on top of moderately raised blood pressure [1] .
Intravenous administration of arginine has reduced blood pressure in humans in some reports.
Preliminary laboratory studies in animals 87 and humans 88 89 90 suggest that acupuncture may help regulate blood pressure.
As such it is not just a diet for people trying to prevent or treat high blood pressure.
This is as a result of a decreased blood pressure and heart rate, and improved venous drainage which results in less oozing.
During the procedure his systolic blood pressure remained below 90 mmHg.
Longer training distances also dampened systolic and diastolic blood pressure in a pretty consistent manner.
All people with high blood pressure need to quit smoking.
Vegetarians have lower blood pressure than do people who eat meat.
The clinic occurs every 2-3 months and assesses patients with increased blood pressure in the lung arteries.
In addition her blood pressure had so improved that her doctor could consider reducing her blood pressure medication.
On induction there is a marked rise in heart rate and blood pressure caused by central nervous stimulation and an increase in circulating catecholamines.
A sudden drop in your blood pressure could cause you to become dizzy, faint, or have a heart attack or stroke.
Anyway, my blood pressure is bang on, but my blood electrolyte levels are up (whatever that means ).
A three month study showed that Transcendental Meditation was effective in reducing blood pressure in people with mildly elevated blood pressure.
Blood Pressure was noted to be high and following recovery from his stroke his blood pressure remained elevated.
A randomized controlled trial to investigate the effect of a high fiber diet on blood pressure and plasma fibrinogen.
Infant formulas supplemented with these fatty acids have also been associated with lower blood pressure.
He had a quick look at my head, checked my blood pressure and drew on my new hairline.
High blood pressure put stress on a cat's organs just as it does on human organs.
Health issues, such as sleep disorders, hearing loss, even high blood pressure and anxiety, are caused by the insidious invasion of noise pollution into the natural environment.
Learning to prepare natural remedies for high blood pressure can provide a natural and inexpensive way to manage this chronic condition.
Drink as needed to lower high blood pressure.
Garlic has been proven to be one of the most effective herbal remedies for lowering blood pressure.
A diet that is high in fiber has been proven to help lower blood pressure.
It is notable that vegetarians have significantly lower blood pressure than the general population.
Fresh, juicy fruit and raw vegetables are the ideal form in which to take your vegetables to remedy high blood pressure.
This vegetable is high in phytochemicals that not only help reduce blood pressure but also lower stress hormones, which tend to constrict the arteries.
Potassium-rich fruits and vegetables help lower blood pressure.
Although it can be a potentially dangerous condition, a few natural remedies for high blood pressure can help you efficiently manage it.
Potassium keeps the tissues of your body in optimum health and helps to keep your blood pressure and heartbeat regulated.
The journal Atherosclerosis reports that pomegranate juice reduces angiotensin converting enzyme activity and thus lowers blood pressure.
Some blood pressure medications, called ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors, already work in a similar fashion through chemical means.
Reducing blood pressure with herbal medicine is a natural alternative to expensive prescription medications.
Although this option isn't for everyone, if your blood pressure is borderline or slightly elevated, try an herbal solution.
If these lifestyle modifications haven't done the trick, reducing blood pressure with herbal medicine or dietary changes may.
Hawthorne is a vasodilator that helps to lower blood pressure.
If you want to add fresh garlic to your diet to enjoy some of its blood pressure lowering benefits, be sure to eat it raw.
A natural sedative, valerian is effective at lowering blood pressure because it relaxes the muscles surrounding the walls of veins and arteries.
Natural ways to lower blood pressure can be found everywhere.
According to the American Heart Association, more than 73 million people in the United States over the age of 20 have high blood pressure.
Yet, high blood pressure is easy to spot by doctors and is usually highly treatable.
The good news is you can lower blood pressure naturally.
The following are 10 ways you can drop your blood pressure numbers gradually and safely without using prescription medications.
Doctors often recommend reducing your total body weight by 10 percent to lower blood pressure to a "normal" level.
It is a recommendation that you consume a small amount of saffron on a daily basis to see significant results in your blood pressure.
It is a belief that a cup a day of this tea will be able to reduce your blood pressure within two weeks.
In some cases, if used regularly, people have been able to reduce their blood pressure so much so that they were able to stop taking prescription medication, with their doctor's permission.
These natural ways to lower blood pressure are a great place to start, but a healthy diet really is the foundation for overall well being.
Be sure your diet contains the nutrients necessary to help you to reduce your blood pressure.
Black cohosh can have side effects including nausea, indigestion, vomiting, headaches, weight gain and low blood pressure.
Other less common side effects include constipation, vomiting, and low blood pressure.
There are many herbs for high blood pressure.
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is diagnosed by a doctor when, after several blood pressure readings, the patient's typical resting blood pressure rate is greater than 140/90.
The numbers in the blood pressure reading indicate the force, or pressure, of blood.
Untreated high blood pressure can lead to many serious consequences.
One elevated reading alone is insufficient to determine if a patient has high blood pressure.
If doctors suspect high blood pressure, they may request that patients return for follow up visits or monitor their blood pressure at home using a home blood pressure monitor and fax or call their readings into the office.
How much of each of these herbs you should take depends upon your blood pressure and the type of extract you are taking.
Make sure you tell your doctor about any herbs you're taking, since some can interact with pharmaceutical medications or lower your blood pressure too much.
Checking your blood pressure at home with a blood pressure cuff and keeping a log of your blood pressure readings is also useful.
Some people suffer from "white coat hypertension", or artificially elevated blood pressure that only occurs at the doctor's office.
Whether it's waiting for a busy doctor or just nervousness at seeing a doctor, their blood pressure rises dramatically in the office but is normal or high normal at home.
Taking readings at home also helps you monitor whether or not herbs, vitamins or supplements are helping to lower your blood pressure.
Many vitamins and supplements are thought to lower blood pressure or help the circulatory system.
Hypertension supplements, the a low salt diet such as the DASH diet, and specialized high blood pressure diets can help some people lower their blood pressure.
High blood pressure is nothing to play with, so be sure to follow your doctor's advice if you suffer from hypertension.
Herbal medicine, supplements, diet and lifestyle modification may help you get your blood pressure back under control.
Don Quai (also called Anegelica sinensis, tang kui and female ginseng) is popular for treating gynecological conditions, mild anemia, fatigue and high blood pressure.
Instead of resorting to medications as the only solution, talk with your doctor about additional steps you can take to get your blood pressure down.
Hypertension is a term used to describe consistently elevated blood pressure.
Normal blood pressure levels are 120/80 or below.
Hypertension is when the blood pressure levels are 140/90 or higher.
A constant elevated blood pressure can weaken the arterial walls and cause organ damage due to the heart being overworked.
Since losing weight and exercising typically have positive effects on high blood pressure, many traditional doctors prescribe diet modification as a part of blood pressure treatment.
In addition to dietary changes such as adding calcium, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, and flaxseed, herbal supplements also work well in helping patients reduce their blood pressure levels.
The easier flow takes strain off the artery walls and the heart does not have to pump as hard, thus reducing the blood pressure.
In the western world, it is used to treat high blood pressure as part of an overall diet and medication regimen.
It can cause headaches in some people and you should not use it if you have high blood pressure or are taking digitalis.
If you are diabetic or if you take anticoagulants, blood pressure medication or diuretics, you should discuss nettles with your doctor before you use this supplement.
In order to get ready for this, your heart may start beating faster, your blood pressure may rise and your muscles can become tense.
Medically it reduces anxiety attacks, helps reduce high blood pressure and decreases muscle tension.
When you are under anxiety, your immune system goes down, your heart beats faster, and your blood pressure rises.
Your body releases stress hormones that cause your heart to work harder, your blood pressure to elevate, your breathing rate to increase and your anxiety level to rise.
Heart disease is a major killer in our country, yet it is known that stress causes high blood pressure and other conditions known to aggravate such conditions.
Increased blood pressure caused by stress can increase your chances of having a stroke, especially if you are at risk.
Anger has a physiological component, which means you may experience an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.
In general, better education increases the likelihood that you will live longer because you are less likely to suffer from stress induced diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease.
Anger causes a rise in blood pressure and heart rate, an increase in blood flow, and stiff and tense muscles.
If you're willing to try new and effective ways to relieve your stress, consider these popular ways to lower blood pressure and bolster a positive attitude.
For some, the simple act of reducing caffeine in the diet can go a long way towards reducing stress and high blood pressure.
Caffeine increases blood pressure because it is a stimulant.
Doctors know that blood pressure increases when a person is under physical or emotional stress, and many believe that feeling constantly stressed can lead to the body maintaining these abnormally high levels.
To do this, your body goes through several procedures to motivate you to act on a stressor, such as increasing your blood pressure or heart rate and tensing your muscles.
There is a higher risk of cardiovascular problems including stroke, heart attacks and high blood pressure.
For example, the bread winner of the family may loose up to six months of work related to high blood pressure symptoms or heart conditions.
This stress hormone increases the heart rate and blood pressure and has other effects on the brain and nervous system.
If you have the symptoms of high blood pressure or heart disease, make some changes in the way you live.
When something stresses you out, your heart beats faster, your muscles tense and your blood pressure may rise.
Binge eating can lead to health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease.
Being overweight can cause high blood pressure and diabetes.
Along with that, they also prevent a host of obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart diseases.
Antioxidants purportedly lower blood pressure and have a protective affect against many diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.
They also contend that omega-3 fatty acids found in vegetable oil, salmon, and walnuts fight heart disease, reduce cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.
As part of the experiment, the participants' heart rate and blood pressure were monitored.
The Doctor immediately made a call to my primary physician to find out what medications I could take, because my blood pressure was off the charts.
My blood pressure was sky high and had been unchecked for years.
My blood pressure is normal and all my numbers are back to a normal range.
Do you have frequent headaches, severe heartburn, or high blood pressure?
For example, within 20 minutes, blood pressure and heart rate go down.
Other effects include increased temperature and blood pressure or an increased risk of seizures and strokes.
The user will be at increased risk of high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels, both of which preclude heart disease.
Using speed can increase a user's blood pressure.
With long-term use, abusers may begin to suffer medical problems because of their chronic high blood pressure.
If you have high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, a history of congestive heart failure or recently experienced a heart attack, you should be aware that this drug can increase your blood pressure.
After 20 Minutes - Your blood pressure and heart rate drop, decreasing the strain on your heart to pump blood to your body's organs and tissues.
Not only do pet owners have better physical health because they exercise with their pets, if you own a dog you can have lower blood pressure.
It only takes ten minutes with your dog to reduce your blood pressure.
There are many documented benefits of tea itself, including lower risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure.
Along with this, it also helps to prevent high blood pressure because it oxidizes and thins the blood.
People with high blood pressure or high cholesterol and smokers may also be putting themselves at risk if they pick up a shovel and try to clear their driveway themselves.
According to a study from the USDA, the biggest health issue afflicting seniors aged 60 and older is high blood pressure.
High blood pressure doesn't usually have any physical symptoms.
But if left unchecked, high blood pressure can have serious effects on the health and wellness of seniors, as well as younger adults.
Adults should be checked for high blood pressure at least once every two years, more often if they have certain risk factors.
High blood pressure occurs because of genetics, the food you eat and stress.
These activities can decrease high blood pressure levels and many people have decreased their medication dosage because of these increased activities.
Some centers offer classes on nutrition and blood pressure checks to their members.
Maintain a healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels and avoid smoking.
Medical issues - Sleep apnea patients are at an increased risk of high blood pressure and heart problems.
Weight gain and sleep apnea can cause a variety of complications include increased risks for heart disease, high blood pressure and even heart failure.
It's important to know that sleep apnea is a very serious health condition which can lead to several life threatening illnesses, including heart disease, heart failure and high blood pressure.
Others include allergy medications, heart medications, blood pressure medications, corticosteroids and other stimulants.
The disorder, which causes episodes of breathing cessation during sleep, is associated with numerous serious diseases, including heart attack and high blood pressure.
Untreated sleep apnea increases the risk of serious and potentially fatal health conditions, including stroke, cardiovascular disease and heart attack, and high blood pressure.
Medical issues such as high blood pressure can occur because of untreated sleep apnea.
The FDA also notes serious side effects that are less common but should be considered, including fainting and low blood pressure as well as long-lasting, painful erections.
A variety of medications can cause this condition to occur, but some of the most common are medications used to treat heart disease, cholesterol and high blood pressure or hypertension.
One type of drug linked to this is high blood pressure medications.
During REM sleep, the body experiences many cardiovascular changes, such as increased heart rate, breathing and blood pressure.
A study from Imperial College in London found that snoring sounds can significantly raise blood pressure in a person sleeping next to a snorer.
Insomnia can lead to psychiatric disorders like depression or anxiety, and it can increase your risk for infections and other diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes.
After playing the uncensored version of the aforementioned Mortal Kombat, male college students tested out as more violent and evidenced higher blood pressure when compared to similar students who played a censored Mortal Kombat.
Techniques that induce relaxation and reduce stress, such as yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, guided imagery, and relaxation training, may be helpful in controlling blood pressure.
Maintaining a healthy weight is important to prevent the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), and heart disease.
Management of high cholesterol-especially high LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels-high blood pressure and diabetes can help reduce the risk of a stroke.
Scarring of the liver can cause portal hypertension (high blood pressure in the portal vein, which is the main vein carrying blood from the intestine to the liver).
Drug overdoses cause a range of symptoms, including excitability, sleepiness, confusion, unconsciousness, rapid heartbeat, convulsions, nausea, and changes in blood pressure.
Diagnosis of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, however, may require a healthcare worker to review the child's medical history, document symptoms, and obtain blood pressure and temperature readings.
Anaphylaxis can result in difficulty breathing and a sharp drop in blood pressure.
Anaphylaxis-Also called anaphylactic shock; a severe allergic reaction characterized by airway constriction, tissue swelling, and lowered blood pressure.
The patient may develop high blood pressure if the blood supply to the kidneys is affected.
Another diagnostic clue is a significant difference (greater than 30 mm Hg) in the blood pressure on the right and left sides of the body.
Children who develop high blood pressure with one of these disorders are usually placed on a low-sodium diet.
If the brainstem is severely affected, the brain's control of such vital functions as heart rate and blood pressure may be disturbed, a condition that can lead to death.
Anorexics develop emaciated bodies, dry or yellowish skin, and abnormally low blood pressure.
Cardiovascular diseases are higher among persons with high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure.
A child with Marfan may be given drugs called beta-blockers to slow down the rate of aortic enlargement and decrease the risk of dissection by lowering the blood pressure and decreasing the forcefulness of the heartbeat.
The child's height and weight and blood pressure also are checked and recorded.
The blood pressure is often low, and there may be signs of bleeding from other organs (like coughing up blood, nose bleeds, blood in the urine).
Each year about 200 adults and children in the United States die from food-related anaphylaxis, an extreme reaction that causes swelling of the throat and bronchial passages, shock, and a severe drop in blood pressure.
When the mother has high blood pressure (hypertension) or blood poisoning (toxemia), the flow of oxygen to the fetus may be reduced, causing brain damage and mental retardation.
Malignant hyperthermia-A type of reaction (probably with a genetic origin) that can occur during general anesthesia and in which the patient experiences a high fever, muscle rigidity, and irregular heart rate and blood pressure.
Constriction of the aorta, as in COA, produces resistance to the flow of blood, resulting in raising the blood pressure above the narrowing and reducing blood pressure below or downstream from the narrowing.
High blood pressure (hypertension) affects parts of the body supplied by arteries that branch off the aortic arch above the narrowing.
To compensate for this, the heart works harder, and blood pressure rises.
Parents learn to recognize symptoms of high blood pressure or insufficient blood supply to the lower extremities.
Differences in blood pressure between the arms and legs may be noted.
Stimulant drugs increase blood pressure.
Methamphetamine causes increased heart rate and blood pressure and can cause irreversible damage to blood vessels in the brain, producing strokes.
During the physical exam, the child's blood pressure is measured, and a stethoscope is used to listen to sounds made by the heart and blood flowing through the arteries.
Other medications include Digoxin, which strengthens the contraction of the heart, slows the heartbeat, and removes fluid from tissues, and antihypertensive medications that treat high blood pressure.
It can be a side-effect of beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors, which are drugs used for treating high blood pressure.
In that situation, the person will have low blood pressure and a rapid pulse.
In coarctation of the aorta, the aorta is constricted, reducing the flow of blood to the lower part of the body and increasing blood pressure in the upper body.
Septal defects-difficulty breathing, stunted growth, and high blood pressure.
Increasing levels of exercise difficulty are monitored while the electrocardiogram, heart rate, and blood pressure are recorded.
Because medical conditions such as high blood pressure or low blood sugar can affect blood flow, these conditions are frequently accompanied by dizziness.
Some medications cause changes in blood pressure or blood flow.
Because circulatory problems often cause dizziness, medication may be prescribed to control blood pressure or to treat arteriosclerosis.
Withdrawal-The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for alcohol includes feelings of irritability or anxiety, elevated blood pressure and pulse, tremors, and clammy skin.
The risk of placental abruption is higher in multiple births and in women with high blood pressure.
Other symptoms include high blood pressure or a "whooshing" sound heard by the physician when he or she places a stethoscope on the abdomen.
Some older children or adolescents may experience fatigue or a drop in blood pressure from long immersion in a therapeutic bath.
When the kidneys have been damaged, high blood pressure may develop.
The more pressure the blood exerts on the artery walls, the higher the blood pressure is.
The size of arteries also affects the blood pressure.
When blood pressure is measured, the systolic pressure is stated first and the diastolic pressure second.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in Bethesda, Maryland released clinical guidelines for blood pressure in 2003, lowering the standard normal readings for adults to less than 120 over less than 80.
Although there are set blood pressure ranges for adults, normal blood pressure ranges for children vary according to age, gender, and height so that different levels of growth are considered when evaluating blood pressure.
In children, blood pressure normally rises during growth and maturation and varies greatly during adolescence.
Specific systolic and diastolic blood pressure percentiles have been established for each age, gender, and height group.
Children whose blood pressure is above the 95th percentile for their age/gender/height group are diagnosed with hypertension.
Children whose blood pressure is between the 90th and 95th percentile are diagnosed with pre-hypertension.
Adolescents whose blood pressure is greater than 120/80 also may be diagnosed with pre-hypertension.
Serious complications can be avoided by ensuring the child gets regular blood pressure checks and by treating hypertension as soon as it is diagnosed.
High blood pressure can make the artery walls thicken and harden.
Retinal damage becomes severe when blood pressure levels are high and remain elevated for a prolonged period of time.
The prevalence of high blood pressure among African-Americans and whites in the southeastern United States is greater, and death rates from stroke are higher than among those in other regions.
In the early 2000s, high blood pressure in children and adolescents is on the rise.
Researchers found a trend of high blood pressure in children ages eight to 17 years who were overweight or obese.
Many different actions or situations can normally raise blood pressure.
Physical activity and changes in position can temporarily raise blood pressure.
Stressful situations can make blood pressure go up.
When the stress goes away, blood pressure usually returns to normal.
Certain medications also may change blood pressure, but usually blood pressure returns to normal when the drug is discontinued.
These temporary increases in blood pressure are not considered hypertension.
A diagnosis of hypertension is made only when a person has at least three separate high blood pressure readings performed one to several weeks apart.
If the kidneys cannot rid the body of excess salt and water, blood pressure goes up.
As body weight increases, blood pressure rises.
High blood pressure develops about 10 years after a young person becomes overweight.
Although smoking is not directly related to high blood pressure in children and adolescents, those who smoke should stop to reduce their risk of developing other health problems such as coronary artery disease.
The arm cuff used to measure blood pressure in children must be appropriate to the child's size, or the reading may be inaccurate.
The physical exam may include several blood pressure readings at different times and in different positions.
For at least five minutes before the blood pressure reading is taken, the child should be seated in a chair, with feet on the floor and arms supported at heart level.
There is no cure for primary hypertension, but blood pressure can almost always be lowered with the correct treatment.
The goal of treatment is to lower blood pressure to levels that will prevent heart disease and other complications of hypertension that could manifest in adulthood.
Treatment should be provided by a pediatric cardiologist or pediatrician with special knowledge and experience in the treatment of high blood pressure.
Dietary guidelines are individualized, based on the child's blood pressure levels and specific needs.
Elevated blood pressure can be reduced by an eating plan that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods, and which is low in saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol.
Techniques that induce relaxation and reduce stress, such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, guided imagery, and relaxation training, may be helpful in controlling blood pressure.
Dietary supplements, including garlic, fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids), L-arginine, soy, coenzyme Q10, phytosterols, and chelation therapy may be beneficial, but the exact nature of their effects on blood pressure is unknown.
There is little scientific evidence that these therapies lower blood pressure or prevent the complications of high blood pressure, and most of these supplements have not been studied extensively in children and adolescents.
Medications are prescribed, however, to treat hypertension when the child has significant high blood pressure or organ damage, or when diet and exercise are not adequately controlling the child's blood pressure.
Follow-up care for hypertension includes home blood pressure monitoring.
The parent or caregiver checks the child's blood pressure at different times of the day and records the readings.
The doctor reviews this blood pressure record during the child's check-ups to evaluate the effectiveness of the child's treatment and to make any necessary adjustments.
Depending on the child's blood pressure levels and presence of other medical conditions such as diabetes, the doctor may recommend annual eye exams to detect the presence of vision changes and the development of retinopathy.
Therapy with a combination of lifestyle changes and sometimes antihypertensive medicines usually can manage blood pressure.
Sphygmomanometer-An instrument used to measure blood pressure.
Other symptoms include drooling, increase in blood pressure (hypertension), irregular heart beat, inability to open the mouth, high fever, kidney failure, and respiratory failure.
When a lot of blood is lost within a short time, blood pressure and the amount of oxygen in the body drop suddenly, sometimes leading to heart failure or death.
The pulse will be rapid and the blood pressure may be low.
Controlling blood pressure may slow the rate of deterioration of kidney function.
High blood pressure may be due to aortic constriction or to kidney abnormalities; however, in a majority of cases, no specific cause for high blood pressure can be identified.
Kidney problems are present in about one third of girls with Turner syndrome and may contribute to high blood pressure.
Kidney problems may also be corrected surgically, but there still may be a tendency for high blood pressure and infections.
A blood pressure monitor may be wrapped around the arm or leg.
Meditation and deep breathing can reduce stress, thereby lowering blood pressure and inducing relaxation.
There is profuse sweating, the heartbeat is rapid, the breathing fast, and the blood pressure is elevated.
For example, taking caffeine with the decongestant phenylpropanolamine can raise blood pressure.
Myxedema coma can cause unresponsiveness; irregular, shallow breathing; low blood sugar; and drops in blood pressure and body temperature.
In its most serious form, complications can include high blood pressure (hypertension) and renal failure.
Children who have had a recent injury, surgery, or blood loss are at risk, as well as teenagers who might be smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking beta-blockers for high blood pressure or a heart condition.
A rapid, potentially fatal increase in blood pressure can occur if foods or alcoholic beverages containing tyramine are ingested by a person already taking MAO inhibitors.
When in hypovolemic shock, systolic blood pressure taken in the arm is low or not detectable, the arms and legs are cool, and the nail beds may have a bluish or purplish discoloration.
Physical examination may reveal shock, rapid heart rate, and/or low blood pressure.
Venoarterial (V-A) ECMO supports the heart and lungs and is used for patients with blood pressure or heart functioning problems in addition to respiratory problems.
They have slow heart rates and low blood pressure and body temperatures.
Some researchers think epinephrine contributes to smokers' increased risk of high blood pressure.
In severe cases, a rapid fall in blood pressure may result in shock and loss of consciousness.
Maternal blood pressure is taken with each test.
The blood pressure can drop suddenly, cutting the blood supply to the brain.
Individuals receiving all shots will be monitored closely following each shot because of the small risk of anaphylaxis, a condition that can result in difficulty breathing and a sharp drop in blood pressure.
Its primary function is to help maintain a constant blood pressure by stimulating certain blood vessels to constrict when the blood pressure falls below normal.
The child's height, weight, and blood pressure also are checked and recorded.
Side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and low blood pressure.
When blood pressure drops, an individual may become disoriented or go into shock.
This, in turn, can cause life-threatening high blood pressure (hypertension) and irregular heart beat (cardiac arrhythmia).
Pheochromocytoma-A tumor that originates from the adrenal gland's chromaffin cells, causing overproduction of catecholamines, powerful hormones that induce high blood pressure and other symptoms.
The person's circulation is also evaluated by the pulse rate (number of heartbeats per minute) and blood pressure.
Arterial blood has a higher blood pressure than blood in veins.
Although both the artery and the vein retain their normal connections, the new opening between the two causes some arterial blood to shunt (be diverted) into the vein because of the blood pressure difference.
Surgery is used to connect an artery and vein so that arterial blood pressure and flow rate widens the vein and decreases the chance of blood clots forming inside the vein.
The individual may begin to drool thick saliva and may have dilated or irregular pupils, increased tears and perspiration, and low blood pressure.
Some food allergens may cause anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening condition marked by tissue swelling, airway constriction, and drop in blood pressure.
Anaphylaxis is marked by airway constriction, blood pressure drop, widespread tissue swelling, heart rhythm abnormalities, and in some cases, loss of consciousness.
Individuals receiving all shots are monitored closely following each shot because of the small risk of anaphylaxis, a condition that can result in difficulty breathing and a sharp drop in blood pressure.
Lead can damage almost every system in the human body, and it can also cause high blood pressure (hypertension).
They also prepare patients for procedures such as cardiac catheterization, then monitor blood pressure and heart rate.
Mothers with high blood pressure or herpes should not labor or give birth in water.
You will be required to stay in bed, be on a fetal monitor and have your blood pressure monitored.
Teen moms are at higher risk than older women for pregnancy problems like high blood pressure and anemia.
Dizziness. Changes in blood pressure and in how your blood vessels react can make you feel a bit lightheaded if you stand up quickly or remain standing very long.
Preeclampsia is a condition consisting of high blood pressure and problems with kidney function.
Hormonal birth control can affect blood pressure.
Some medications that you are currently taking may be important to treat a chronic condition such as high blood pressure or asthma.
Serious complications, such as high blood pressure or kidney damage, can increase the risk of a miscarriage or infant death.
Complications from pregnancy, like high blood pressure or gestational diabetes, might require extra post partum care.
This high blood pressure condition is diagnosed by measuring protein levels in the urine and with blood pressure monitoring.
Women who smoke, have diabetes, are older than 35, have heart conditions, or have high blood pressure should not take the pill.
Calcium helps to reduce the risk of a pregnant mother developing high blood pressure.
Your blood pressure drops in your pregnancy due to the increased blood volume.
Changes in blood sugar levels caused by the rapid changes in your body after conception and implantation, along with lowered blood pressure and increased blood production, also contribute to the feelings of fatigue.
It is a stimulant that can cause your heart rate and your blood pressure to increase.
Cardiovascular benefits of consuming more omega-3's include lowered blood pressure and improved ratio of the so-called "good" HDL cholesterol to "bad" LDL cholesterol, while simultaneously lowering overall blood cholesterol readings.
The study was conducted with diabetic patients who also had high blood pressure.
The downside is that it puts extra strain on your heart, possibly hiking your blood pressure just like regular coffee can do.
Among these results was a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure while maintaining good blood sugar control.
According to WebMD, probiotic supplements have the ability to lower the level of unhealthy cholesterol in the blood stream and ease high blood pressure.
They are also used to help balance blood pressure.
If you have high blood pressure or are at risk for it, vitamins and minerals for hypertension may offer ways to treat this condition.
High blood pressure indicates your cardiovascular system is working harder than it should to circulate blood throughout your body.
The top number of your blood pressure reading is your systolic pressure, while the bottom number is your diastolic pressure.
An optimal reading is a blood pressure of 120 mmHg/80 mmHg.
According to the American Heart Association, one way you can help prevent high blood pressure is through a healthy diet.
Research has delved into the role of diet and high blood pressure.
This effect may reduce your blood pressure by preventing the formation of plaque on the inner linings of your blood vessels, reducing their diameter and thus increasing your blood pressure.
When it comes to cardiovascular health, obtaining a doctor's advice is imperative, especially when dealing with a serious condition such as high blood pressure.
Every time you donate blood, your blood pressure and temperature are taken, not to mention pulse and hemoglobin rate.
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.
For example, an Associated Press article in 2006 noted a government study showing that heart patients who used meditation experienced improved blood pressure and insulin levels.
Many prescription plans allow for mail-order purchasing of maintenance drugs in higher quantity, such as blood pressure and cholesterol medication.
Quartz watches are known for their reliability and excellent time keeping qualities and this makes them a great choice for a nurse, who needs to track exact times for administering medications or taking blood pressure and other vital signs.
Ujjayi tones the lungs, soothes the nerves, and helps to regulate blood pressure.
Yale University School of Medicine research into yoga and cardiovascular health reports that a control group notably lowered their blood pressure in just six weeks by practicing yoga for 90 minutes per day three times a week.
Slow, steady, deep breathing in yoga not only improves oxygen flow in the body's tissues, it can also lower blood pressure and decrease one's rate of breathing.
The calming practice of yoga using breathing control such as pranayama can help to lower your blood pressure.
Ephedra has been banned in the United States due to its dangerous effect on blood pressure and heart rate.