Block Sentence Examples
It fled like a wounded animal and it was impossible to block its path.
She leaned over and picked up a block of wood.
Yes. I'm sorry so many buildings are gone but that one block is enough.
I walked down the entire block but there weren't any people.
Whatever he was going through, he was doing his best to block her.
The figure's arm was raised to block the blinding light.
Her footsteps echoed off the block walls.
A notebook lay on the table next to a few scrolls, an ancient manuscript and another block of stone with carvings too faint for Gabe to read.
So you could block others?
Dean looked over his shoulder, expecting to see a local postmark but read, written in block letters, Rollins, Kansas.
AdvertisementThree figures emerged to block her path.
Tim was the quiet one and when Jim cried, everyone on the block knew he was unhappy.
Usually I enjoy seeing the gentle flakes and they cause me little aggravation with their accumulation as I seldom travel more than a block or two when I secure provisions.
All the while, I couldn't block the vision of the wife I so loved, being herded at knife point.
They all feigned shock and surprise at this not-uncommon happening as Paulette huffily announced she'd absent herself with a walk around the block while they "took care of the matter."
AdvertisementWhen set, the eldest demonstrated a simple strike and block, then corrected her form as she followed his example.
It was a beat-up Camaro parked half a block down.
Another image flashed, and Deidre gasped, covering her face with her hands in an effort to block it.
I grabbed a hot dog with sauerkraut at a stand nearby and watched the theater crowd exit the latest block buster show.
At her hesitation, he motioned for her to sit again and turned, continuing to block Kris from sight.
AdvertisementHe'd tried to block all memories of a happier time for fear he'd never see such times again.
He raised a hand to block, but she kicked him in the groin, and then in the neck.
Katie whipped around the breakfast bar, eyes roving the kitchen for the knife block or something with which to defend herself.
All she wanted was the coziness of her studio, where she could block out everything and paint.
Dean gritted his teeth and dropped once more, just as a block of frozen mass as large as his head struck a glancing blow to his already aching shoulder.
AdvertisementEd lifted his head and nickered, but he continued to work on the salt block when she didn't call him.
Rose Tisdale first sighted the blue car circling the block and called Flora Watkins.
By taking a block of marble and carving a statue, or taking a handful of seed and growing a cornfield, you have combined your labor and know-how with something of little value and have created something of more value.
So did her sister who was visiting, and the old guy who owns the gift store on the block with the Post Office.
She repeated the sentence over and over to try to block out what her senses told her about the size of the monster.
The cell block fell silent, and he sensed the others also smelled the human blood.
I couldn't block out of my mind, my wife's statement a few days ago; think of all the children who he could be saving.
I don't know what I mean except I can't stop dreaming of little children, all hurt and bleeding and I don't want to see them because it hurts too much, but I can't block them out!
The words were familiar, the same words he'd spoken to Dusty thousands of years ago, when he'd discovered the youth who was not yet a man on a slave trader's block, bloodied and weeping for the family he'd just lost.
Jule's arm shot out to block the interloper's progress toward them.
He tried to block that day from his mind as he played out the coiled rope from over his shoulder and moved backwards down the slope.
Dean returned to Bird Song mid-morning, showered, and walked the three blocks to Diversions, a combination used book store, coffee shop, and local gathering place, on Sixth Street, a half block from Main.
Dean's suggestion about a public Internet connection a block away on Main Street was met with a dumb stare.
She closed her eyes, as if to block the tears.
And damn near impossible to see anything from down below, even if the overhang didn't block the view.
The sun wouldn't be up for another hour, but the block walls of the dairy loomed clearly in the white landscape.
It shot off the counter, hitting the block wall and bouncing off to roll across the floor and stop at Carmen's feet.
Rhyn ignored the demon and left the cell block, returning to the hallway before opening a portal. He crossed through the shadow world to the beach of the Caribbean Sanctuary. Toby was dragging Kiki up the beach by one leg.
Dean planned to send a patrol car by later to pick up some clothes but his trip home passed within a block of Parsons Street and on an impulse, he drove by the building.
Fred managed to get the license number by walking around the block and returning to the house from the rear.
No one on the block remembered the motor home, but the backyard was closed from view from the street, so unless someone was in the building it would not have been visible.
The vehicle careened down the block, narrowly missing a mail truck that honked its irritation, and sped around the corner before Dean had staggered to his feet.
The lodge was in the next block and once again mirrored the others he'd visited since this business began.
It also seemed perfectly reasonable to take the 1962 Nash Metropolitan for a spin around the block, even though it didn't have brakes either.
One morning she was greatly distressed by finding that one of the dogs had a block fastened to her collar.
But the coachman could not stop, for from the Meshchanski Street came more carts and carriages, and the Rostovs were being shouted at to move on and not block the way.
She tugged the top of the kitchen table to block the doorway, hoping it would keep the creature in the kitchen.
He heard Hannah crying and smelled the unmistakable scent of human blood before he took a step onto the block. He strode down the block and paused in front of Hannah's cell. She was curled up on the bed, sobbing. When he looked at the cell across from her, he saw why. Jared stood in the cell, covered in blood. The cell looked as if a human had exploded, and Rhyn saw a pile of bones Jared had gnawed clean then stacked neatly.
He circled the block, approached from the other direction, and parked up the block.
Quinn's settings placed Howie within a block and a half of the hotel.
The nagging question of Fitzgerald continued to block out the other important matters Dean should have been concentrating on.
The answers fell into place, one after another like a child's wooden puzzle, and even absent the last lingering block, the finished the picture was finally clear.
She closed her eyes, telling herself she'd survive this and figure out how to get the hell out of there, even if it meant bartering with the monsters on her cell block.
He took his time going back to the cell block.
On it, written in block letters, was Donnie Ryland.
I can go here and I can go out on the block.
Rhyn moved to the door leading to the block, unable to help the small tremble of his hand. Not only had he spent too long in this very place, he'd seen Katie hurt here and barely escaped alive with her.
Rhyn considered how he might use the demon, as he had once before. He didn't answer, pushing the door open to the cell block. Nearly all the cells were empty. "Where is everyone?" he asked.
Rhyn left the cell block to Toby's protests and walked with Gabe through the antechamber and into the hallway on the other side. Gabe's gaze was dark, his air brooding. Rhyn opened a portal, and they crossed through to Gabe's cabin in the underworld.
In 1876 a statue of Servetus was erected by Don Pedro Gonsalez de Velasco in front of his Instituto Antropologico at Madrid; in 1903 an expiatory block was erected at Champel; in 1907 a statue was erected in Paris (Place de la Mairie du XIV e Arrondissement); another is at Aramnese; another was prepared (1910) for erection at Vienne.
In the Gartsherrie machine of Messrs Baird, the earliest of the flexible chain cutter type, the chain of cutters works round a fixed frame or jib projecting at right angles from the engine carriage, an arrangement which makes it necessary to cut from the end of the block of coal to the full depth, instead of holing into it from the face.
On the western hill are the law courts, a fine block of buildings in classic style surmounted by a central dome.
A beer garden provides adult beverages, in the rear of the sprawling market, which spans a full city block.
The three-story building looked big enough to cover a city block.
After several attempts, the two older boys were satisfied and moved onto another strike and then another block.
He motioned dismissively towards the cell block.
The white block walls of the dairy remained solid, but the windows were dark.
He thought her ready to refuse, but when he struck, she made an effort to block as he said.
My allies will block their roads and take the fortresses at the borders, among other actions.
It had been many years - -before she inherited the demon - -since she was free of the cold block within her.
He could block the hole, but there was no way of knowing if he would be trapping them inside.
Taking a few steps back she gripped the ax half way down on the handle and slammed it down against the block of wood with a dull whack.
He lifted the ax, taking aim at a new block of wood.
After the dress dried, she ironed it with an old block iron she found in the closet.
Her first strike might as well have been in slow motion; no one moved like he did with brute strength that flattened her after a particularly harsh block.
Overly aware of his intent scrutiny, Jessi tried to act normal as she pulled a paring knife free from the block of sleek knives and sliced through the lemon.
But that did nothing to explain to him how an oblivious Natural who was able to block his mind power just happened to end up in his home.
Xander held out an arm to block her path.
To the south-west of the Forum are the remains of three small temples, one dedicated to Venus, and a well-preserved Mithraeum, with mosaics representing the seven planets, &c. To the south-west again is the conspicuous brick cella of a lofty temple, on arched substructures, generally supposed to be that of Vulcan, with a threshold block of africano (Euboean) marble over 15 ft.
It consists in the main of an Archean block or " coign,"which still occupies nearly the whole of the western half of the continent, outcrops in north-eastern Queensland, forms the foundation of southern New South Wales and eastern Victoria, and is exposed in western Victoria, in Tasmania, and in the western flank of the Southern Alps of New Zealand.
The breaking up of the old Archean foundation block began in Cambrian and Ordovician times.
Bound hand and foot he was thrown alive into a mould in which a block of concrete was about to be made.
The block containing his body was built into an angle of the Fort of the Twenty-four Hours, then under construction.
In order to see whether the heat came out of the chips he compared the capacity for heat of the chips abraded by the boring bar with that of an equal quantity of the metal cut from the block by a fine saw, and obtained the same result in the two cases, from which he concluded that "the heat produced could not possibly have been furnished at the expense of the latent heat of the metallic chips."
Thus, in the Crossley transmitter four hard carbon pencils were arranged in a lozenge-shaped figure, the ends of each pencil resting loosely in a small carbon block.
The Cumberland County Court House, of white Maine granite, occupies the block bounded by Federal, Pearl, Church and Newbury streets; immediately opposite (to the south-west) is the Federal Court building, also of Maine granite.
He left his wife for a mistress, Elizabeth Holland, was in discord with his family, and lived to see his two nieces, Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, and his son Surrey, the fiery-tempered poet, go in turn to the block.
The granite block from which she is said to have viewed the combat is still called the Queen's Chair or the Maiden Stone.
America is now following the lead thus set, and all the most important lines in the United States have adopted block working and interlocking, but a great deal still remains to be done.
At the western end of the lake is the Shelter Stone, an enormous block of granite resting upon two other blocks, which can accommodate a dozen persons.
The floor containing these old haulage roads now becomes the top slice of the one hundred-foot block of ground below and is mined out as described.
In 1919 he exhibited a head of Lincoln cut from a block weighing six tons.
It has come into very general use in recent years, and has practically superseded the older forms of block brakes.
The block A carries the disk D, B carries the roller R and counting gear.
It is this failure that has led to the present revolt against a " block universe."
As the name of a street changes with almost every block, according to the old Spanish custom, a list of street names is sometimes mistakenly accepted as the number of continuous thoroughfares in the city, so that it has been said that Mexico has 600 to 900 streets and alleys.
Two tablets at the mines of Wadi Maghara in the peninsula of Sinai, a granite block from Bubastis, and a beautiful ivory statuette found by Petrie in the temple at Abydos, are almost all that can be definitely assigned to Khufu outside the pyramid at Giza and its ruined accompaniments.
Mantell in the Wealden formation of Sussex, and a large part of the skeleton, lacking the head, was subsequently discovered in a block of ragstone in the Lower Greensand near i Skeleton of Iguanodon bernissartensis.
His idol was a huge block of basalt (still thought to be preserved in Mexico), on one side of which he is sculptured in hideous form, adorned with the feathers of the humming-bird.
In striking, the lower die was fixed into a block of wood, and the blank piece of metal laid upon it by hand.
The revolution of an eccentric A causes two short steel cylinders or cutters mounted on a block of iron B, suitably guided, to enter two holes in a plate fixed to the bed of the machine.
At the Royal Mint the blanks are passed between the parallel faces of a revolving steel plate and fixed block.
The plate has a circular groove in its face and the block has a corresponding curved groove.
The distance between the block and the plate is adjusted so as to be slightly less than the diameter of the blank, and the result is that the edge of the blank is thickened and its diameter reduced before it escapes from the machine.
In 1610 a vessel was despatched with merchandise suitable for traffic with the Indians, the voyage resulted in profit, and a lucrative trade in peltry sprang up. Early in 1614 Adriaen Block explored Long Island Sound and discovered Block Island.
They are the largest blocks known to have been used in actual construction, but are excelled by another block still attached to its bed in the quarries half a mile S.W.
From time to time the torpedo-craft tried to run in past the batteries, several attempts were made to block the harbour entrance by sinking vessels in the fairway, and free and deadly use was made by both sides of submarine mines.
Dumont d'Urville describes four such villages in the Bay of Dorei, containing from eight to fifteen blocks or clusters of houses, each block separately built on piles, and consisting of a row of distinct dwellings.
Their axes were made of tough stones, sawn from the block and ground to the fitting shape.
The free end is slung to a block running on the cable.
It contains a "hall of a thousand pillars," one of numerous such halls in India, the exact number of pillars in this case being 984; each is a block of solid granite, and the roof of the principal temple is of copper-gilt.
The persecutions, sometimes revolting in their cruelty, to which (on account of their pro-Ally sympathies) the Czechs were subjected during the first two years of the war, had the effect of uniting all the different political parties into one single national block; and when the Austrian Parliament was at length convoked in May 1917 the Czech parties made a unanimous declaration that it was their aim to work for the union of Czechs and Slovaks as one people in an independent state.
One of the most noted pieces of monumental art in the United States is the beautiful Tyler Davidson bronze fountain in Fountain Square (Fifth Street, between Walnut and Vine streets), the business centre of the city, by which (or within one block of which) all car lines run.
Micas and other platy minerals (such as chlorite), which naturally grow most rapidly on their edges, would show this tendency best, and such minerals usually form a large part of the best slates; but even Sketch (by Du Noyer) of a block of variegated slate from Devil's Glen, Co.
The material is sometimes won by the aid of channelling machines which make a series of cuts at right angles to each other in the face of the rock; a block is then broken off at its base by wedges forced into the cuts, and its removal permits access to other blocks.
The splitter places a block on end between his knees, and with chisel and mallet splits it into as many plates as possible of the usual thickness for roofing purposes - namely, a quarter of an inch more or less according to the size and strength required.
The present building is a block of palaces, containing a beautiful church, some of its parts dating from the 12th century, and lies on a hill 1200 ft.
Nor was it personal enmity on Elizabeth's part that brought Mary to the block.
The Hebrew "shekel of the sanctuary" is familiar; the standard volume of the apet was secured in the dromus of Anubis at Memphis (35); in Athens, besides the standard weight, twelve copies for public comparison were kept in the city; also standard volume measures in several places (2); at Pompeii the block with standard volumes cut in it was found in the portico of the forum (33); other such standards are known in Greek cities (Gythium, Panidum and Trajanopolis) (11, 33); at Rome the standards were kept in the Capitol, and weights also in the temple of Hercules (2); the standard cubit of the Nilometer was before Constantine in the Serapaeum, but was removed by him to the church (2).
Eleven weights from Syria and Cnidus (44) (of the curious type with two breasts on a rectangular block) show a mina of 6250 (125.0); and it is singular that this class is exactly like weights of the 224 system found with it, but yet quite distinct in standard.
These deities are not easily ' One of the most important sources for the ancient Mexican traditions and myths is the so-called " Codex Chimalpopoca," a manuscript in the Mexican language discovered by the Abbe analysed, but on the other hand Tonatiuh and Metztli, the sun and moon, stand out distinctly as nature gods, and the traveller still sees in the huge adobe pyramids of Teotihuacan, with their sides oriented to the four quarters, an evidence of the importance of their worship. The war-god Huitzilopochtli was the real head of the Aztec pantheon; his idol remains in Mexico, a huge block of basalt on which is sculptured on the one side his hideous personage, adorned with the humming-bird feathers on the left hand which signify his name, while the not less frightful war-goddess Teoyaomiqui, or " divine wardeath," occupies the other side.
But the idol in this Sivite temple was only a tall block or pillar of hewn stone, of a familiar kind.
And the stone block in this temple was enriched with a crown of jewels, the gifts of wealthy worshippers.
Ladies generally have the aid of a block or a groom's or escort's hand beneath the left foot.
Thus Long Island (fronting Connecticut, but belonging to New York state), Block Island (part of the small state of Rhode Island), Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket (parts of Massachusetts) may be best explained.
When, the region was broken into fault blocks and the blocks were uplifted and tilted, the back slope of each block was a part of the previously eroded surface and the face of the block was a surface of fracture; the present form of the higher blocks is more or less affected by erosion since faulting, while many of the lower blocks have been buried under the waste of the higher ones.
The Sierra Nevada may be described, in a very general way, as a great mountain block, largely composed of granite and deformed metamorphosed rocks, reduced to moderate relief in an earlier (Cretaceous and Tertiary?) cycle of erosion, sub-recently elevated with a slant to the west, and in this position sub-maturely dissected.
The tilting of the mountain mass was presumably not a simple or a single movement; it was probably slow, for Pitt river (headwaters of the Sacramento) traverses the northern part of the range in antecedent fashion; the tilting involved the subdivision of the great block into smaller ones, in the northern half of the range at least; Lake Tahoe (altitude 6225 ft.) near the range crest is explained as occupyilig a depression between two block fragments; and farther north similar depressions now appear as aggraded highland meadows.
The tilting of the great block resulted in presenting a strong slope to the east, facing the deserts of the Basin Range province and in large measure determining their aridity; and a long moderate slope to the west.
The altitudes along the upraised edge of the block, or range crest, are approximately 5000 ft.
The mountains in the southern part of the block, which had been reduced to subdued forms in the former cycle of erosion, were thus given a conspicuous height, forming the High Sierra, and greatly sharpened by revived erosion, normal and glacial.
The displacement of the mountain block may still be in progress, for severe earthquakes have happened in the depression next east of the range; that of Owens Valley in 1870 was strong enough to have been very destructive had there been anything in the desert valley to destroy.
Gold occurs in quartz veins traversing various formations (some as young as Jurassic), and also in gravels, which were for the most part deposited previous to the uplift of the Sierra block.
The University block (an office building owned by Syracuse University), the Union Building, the Onondaga county savings bank and the Syracuse savings bank are among the most notable business structures; and the Onondaga, the Vanderbilt House and the Yates and St Cloud hotels are the principal hotels.
They, however, block up the river channel to the extent of their height, and consequently raise the flood-level above them.
Sometimes a gall-stone which has found its way into the intestine is large enough to block the bowel and give rise to intestinal obstruction which demands abdominal section.
In the "Monk's Tale" a block of 88 lines (3565-3652) is transposed in most MSS.
The sword in the perron (stone pillar or block), the withdrawal of which proves his right to the kingdom, is the sword of the Branstock.
A new legislative palace is designed to occupy the block on the west side of the Praga Tiradentes.
The fact that the gases with which we are most familiar are not rendered luminous by being heated in a tube to a temperature well above a white heat has often been a stumbling block and raised the not unreasonable doubt whether approximately homogeneous oscillations could ever be obtained by a mere thermal process.
The streets are in some cases macadamized and in other cases block paved, and in still others asphalted.
The town also possesses a town hall situate on the market square and dating from 1737, a fine block of law-court buildings, several high-grade schools and a theatre.
In the valley between Ward Hill and the ridge of the Hamars to the south-east is situated the famous Dwarfie Stone, an enormous block of sandstone measuring 28 ft.
Each block formed a piece of the quay wall 12 ft.
It is situated at the foot of the Taragarh mountain, and consists of a block of white marble buildings without much pretension to architectural beauty.
Each of the twelve pillars of the portico is a single block of stone, quarried at Dalserf, midway between Hamilton and Lanark, and required thirty horses to draw it to its site.
The main object of the enterprise was to block the harbours of Zeebrugge and Ostend.
The object of the attack on the mole at Zeebrugge was first to seize the battery at the seaward end and prevent it firing at the block ships, and then to demolish the structures on it as far as possible.
P. Hobson had tried to block Santiago in 1898.
The Japanese had thrice attempted to block Port Arthur in 1904.
Carpenter had seen the block ships go in.
In Caucasus the women made a wooden block to represent Haman, which, on being discovered by the men on their return to the synagogue, was thrown into the fire.
The second is by casting it into a large rough block called an " ingot," and rolling or hammering this out into the desired shape.
Much as in the smith's forge the object forged rests on a massive anvil and anvil block, B and C, and is struck by the tup D of the hammer.
His demands were certainly large - the concession of a block of territory 200 m.
It was surrounded by a large colonnade, and the number of marble columns in the whole block has been reckoned at 296.
In 1905 no less than 198,000 tons of block zinc were produced, of which 16,500 tons were exported.
Even with the addition of the " Latin " (Rumanian and Italian) seats the " German-Latin block " amounted only to 257.
This " block " no longer exists in practice, as the Italians now tend to co-operate rather with the Sla y s than with the Germans.
Probably the first lorming was done by chipping and hammer-dressing, as in later times; the final facing of the hard stones was doubtless by sieans of emery in block or powder, as emery grinding blocks tre found.
Designs intended to be cut on wood, on the other hand, were usually drawn by the artist on the block and handed over for cutting to a class of workmen- Formschneider or Briefmaler - especially devoted to that industry.
He was indeed professionally and in the first place a painter; but throughout his career a great, and on the whole the most successful, part of his industry was devoted to drawing on the block for the woodcutter or engraving with his own hand on copper.
Catherine Howard had been brought to the block (1542) on charges in which there was probably a good deal of truth, and her successor, Catherine Parr, was a patroness of the new learning.
In August 1648, they crossed the border, leaving the fanatics to arm in their rear, but Cromwell, by a rapid march across the fells, caught and utterly routed them at Preston and on the line of the Ribble, taking captive the infantry and Hamilton, who was sent to the block.
To hold any such view would, according to the doctrine of the Noble (or Aryan) Path, be erroneous, and the error would block the way against the very entrance on the Path.
Another of about equal length, starting from the same, central water-parting of this mountain block, and included within the Oxus bend, follows a transverse direction at almost right angles to the Shiwa, and joins the Oxus valley near its debouchment into the more open Kolab plains, where the course of the Oxus has again assumed a direction parallel to the mountain strike.
In the east part of the state is the magnificent Sierra Nevada, a great block of the earth's crust, faulted along its eastern side and tilted up so as to have a gentle back slope to the west and a steep fault escarpment facing east, the finest mountain system of the United States.
Cadorna ordered the Carnia force to occupy Monte Maggiore and block the Val d'Uccea " at all costs," and sent up a division to support the troops on the Stol.
The term was first used in this sense by Flavio Biondo, whose "decades" was an attempt to block out the annals of history from 410 to 1410.
Re- d peating this process for each d block in succession there will be found the centres of pres sure C2, C3, &c., and also the resultant pressures R2, R3, FIG.
A case-containing several sheaves is called a block.
Indeed there is hardly a village in India which cannot boast of a shrine dedicated to Siva, and containing the emblem of his reproductive power; for almost the only form in which the" Great God "is adored is the Linga, consisting usually of an upright cylindrical block of marble or other stone, mostly resting on a circular perforated slab.
Blaeu's improvement consisted of putting the spindle of the screw through a square block which was guided in the wooden frame, and from this block the platen was suspended by wires or cords.
This block gave a more rigid platen, and at the same time ensured a more equal motion to the screw when actuated by the bar-handle.
But with half-tone process illustrations very little overlaying is required, provided the blocks have been brought up to the proper height by underlaying in the first instance - the various tones being already in the block itself - and it is little more than a matter of sharp, hard impression to give full effect to these, if both paper and ink are suitable.
For line process blocks a still different treatment in making-ready is desirable, so as to get rid of the hard edges which are nearly always found in this kind of block.
A number of Baptists settled on Block Island about 1663.
On the top of the hill is a small round platform containing a cavern, with a block of granite, bearing the impression of the feet of Data-Bhrigu, an incarnation of Vishnu.
These unsettled political circumstances checked any continuity of policy, and tended to block the passage of all useful legislation to help forward the economic development of the country and inhabitants; on the other hand, the financial situation was better by the end of 1899 than in the previous year, since all proposals for a fresh paper issue had been vetoed; and the elections for congress and municipal office at the opening of 1900 returned a majority favourable to a stable currency policy.
The central block, in imitation of the emperor Jahangir's tomb, contains the bed on which the Guru, after dying at will and coming back to life several times, ultimately died outright; it is an object of great veneration.
At the corners of the central block are smaller monuments commemorating the Guru's wives.
South of the railway lies a square block of territory, measuring roughly 300 m.
The western ridge culminates on the north in the peak of Kaisargarh (11,300 ft.), and the eastern in a block, or detached headland, on the south, where rests the immortal " zirat " or shrine (11,070 ft.).
South-west of the dividing railway lies the great block of Southern Baluchistan.
Apart from the legends of Arthur and his limestone block (shown in the market-place), the first event of note in its history is its connexion with the de Grey de Ruthyn family (the first lord died 1 353).
The buildings of the church and college (St Ignatius) of the Jesuits cover more than a city block; those of the Dominicans are equally extensive, and are architecturally imposing.
The Palace, an enormous structure covering a city block (it had 1200 rooms and cost more than $3,000,000), known as the oldest and most famous hostelry of the city, and architecturally interesting, was completely destroyed by the fire, but has been replaced by a new building.
In this way many fine mansions on Van Ness Avenue were destroyed, and the westward advance of the conflagration was stopped at Franklin Street, one block west.
They enter the state from the south, being continuous with the Archean block of north-eastern Victoria.
In its centre are the public gardens, in which is a handsome block of buildings in the Renaissance style, built in 1906-1908 at a cost of over 300,000, containing the town hall, municipal offices, public library, museum and art gallery.
The parish is rich in antiquities, but the most noted of them - the Stone of Deer, a sculptured block of syenite, which stood near the Abbey - was destroyed in 1854.
In 1764 Colonel Bouquet added to the fort a redoubt, the " Block House," which still stands, the sole remaining trace of Fort Pitt, and is owned and cared for by the Daughters of the American Revolution.
The Wasatch Mountain range constitutes the eastern margin of the Great Basin in central and northern Utah, and resembles the true basin ranges in that it is formed by a great block of the earth's crust uptilted along a north-south fault-line.
Each city block consisted of 10 acres divided into eight 14-acre lots, which were assigned to professional and business men.
Egyptian dynasty (1326-1300 B.C.), which is carved out of a block of Aragonite or hard carbonate of lime, now in the Soane Museum; of later date are the green porphyry sarcophagus and the terra-cotta sarcophagus from Clazomenae; both of these date from the early 6th century B.C., and are in the British Museum.
Thereupon President Kruger arbitrarily closed the drifts (fords) on the Vaal river, and thus prevented through waggon traffic, causing an enormous block of waggons on the banks of the Vaal.
In the turmoil over the " ` Trent' affair," it was Sumner's word that convinced Lincoln that Mason and Slidell must be given up, and that reconciled the public to that inevitable step. Again and again Sumner used the power incident to his chairmanship to block action which threatened to embroil the United States in war with England and France.
The whole legend of this stone, which is full of miraculous incidents, seems to have arisen from a misconception, the Maqam Ibrahim in the Koran meaning the sanctuary itself; but the stone, which is a block about 3 spans in height and 2 in breadth, and in shape "like a potter's furnace" (Ibn Jubair), is certainly very ancient.
A Gilbertine nunnery, founded later in the same century, stood adjacent to the church, and portions of the buildings appear in an existing block of almshouses.
This range is a large monoclinal block, with a trend almost N.E.
An alternative arrangement consists in providing two loose pulleys on the counter-shaft, driven by open and crossed belts respectively, and arranging two clutches on the shaft, so that by the movement of a sliding block, controlled by hand, one or other of the clutches can be put in gear.
In the arrangement shown there are three equal sheaves in each block, and each set turns on a pin secured in the framing.
In order to obtain a greater ratio of R to E, without using a large number of sheaves, various arrangements are used, of which the' Weston differential pulley block is a typical example.
An endless chain B, passing through guides C and D, encircles these pulleys and the single loose pulley E of the lower block, as indicated.
An objection to this form of block is the great length of the endless chain, which may drag on the ground and pick up dirt and grit, and thereby interfere with the smooth working of the mechanism.
The Moore and Head block has two equal chain-wheels A, B, fig.
The town hall (1880) and the corporation offices (1877) are handsome classic buildings; the Ramsden Estate buildings are a very fine block of the mixed Italian order.
From the gypsum beds near Fort Dodge was taken in 1868 the block of gypsum from which was modelled the "Cardiff Giant," a rudely-fashioned human figure, which was buried near Cardiff, Onondaga county, New York, where it was "discovered" late in 1869.
It carried off the highest honours in the dressed carcass competition at Chicago in 1903, and the championship in the "block test" at Smithfield Club Show was won for the five years1902-1906by Suffolks or Suffolk cross lambs from big-framed Cheviot ewes.
In series with this set of coils is another set, S, which forms a measuring arm, the resistances of which are generally I, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 30, 40, 100, Zoo, 300, 400, woo, 2000, 3000, 4000 ohms. The junction between each pair of coils is connected as above described to a block, the blocks being interconnected by plugs all of which are made interchangeable.
Ten brass blocks are arranged parallel to or around another brass block, and by means of a plug which fits into holes bored partly out of the common block and partly out of the surrounding blocks, any one of the latter can be connected with the common one.
It is a high grade block, or " splint " coal, remarkably free from sulphur and rich in carbon, peculiarly adapted to blast furnace use.
Most of the streets are numbered and named "East" or "West," "North" or "South," from their direction from the centre of the city, the Temple Block.
State Street is the official name of First East Street; and East Temple Street is called Main, and South Temple Street (east of the Temple block) is called Brigham.
A third variety, of which an 8th century B.C. example from Nimrild exists in the British Museum, is a rectangular block ornamented at the ends by cylindrical rolls.
Another from the same place was a small cubical block of limestone bearing a dedication to Heracles.
They fought long and bitterly, nor was this to be marvelled at, for Henry had a custom of executing as traitors all who withstood him, and those who had once defied him did well to fight to the last gasp, in order to avoid the block or the halter.
The king tried to save him from the block by banishing him before he could be tried.
The victorious Edward sent to the block the last Beaufort duke of Somerset, and nearly all Capture of Queen the other captains of rank, whether Lancastrians or Margaret followers of.
Cranmer remained archbishop and compiled an English Litany,while Catherine Howard soon ceased to be queen; charges of loose conduct, which in her case at any rate were not instigated by the king, were made against her and she was brought to the block; she was succeeded by Catherine Parr, a mild patron of the new learning.
Seymour was brought to the block, and the weak consent of the protector seriously damaged him in the public eye.
Jesuit invasion took place in 1580, and Campion went to the block.
The streets are narrow, and by a system called Kucheh-bandi (street-closing) established long ago for impeding the circulation of crowds and increasing general security, every quarter of the town, or block of buildings, is shut off from its neighbours by gates which are closed during local disorders and regularly at night.
Augusta, and the most important strategic centre, as commanding the passes of the Mons Aurasius, a mountain block which separated Numidia from the Gaetulian tribes of the desert, and which was gradually occupied in its whole extent by the Romans under the Empire.
This block of country lies just west of the line of the great East African trough, the northern continuation of which passes along its eastern escarpment as it runs up to join the Red Sea.
The crystalline massif, therefore, presents a solid block which has remained elevated since early palaeozoic times, and against which earth waves of several geological periods have broken.
In the African portion Ruwenzori is regarded by some geologists to be a block mountain or horst.
In about le N., below the town of Bussa, rapids block the course of the Niger, navigable up to that point from the sea.
The principal hills are - (1) the Maikal range, situated in the north-western extremity of the district; (2) a chain of hills forming part of the Vindhyan range, on the north; (3) the Korba hills, an off-shoot of the Vindhyas, on the eastern boundary; and (4) the Sonakhan block of hills, in the vicinity of the Mahanadi river.
The streets are paved mostly with asphalt and brick, though cedar and stone have been much used, and kreodone block to some extent.
He accompanied Balboa (whom he afterwards helped to bring to the block) in the discovery of the Pacific; and under Pedrarias d'Avila he received a repartimento, and became a cattle-farmer at Panama.
The nucleus of the island is a block of Archean rocks, which are not, so far as is known, extensively exposed.
The tank is filled with water, which is kept in agitation by means of a reciprocating paddle or piston; in this way the air escapes, and with proper care a block of great transparency is produced.
If perfectly transparent ice is required, the two sides of the block are not allowed to join up, and it is then called plate ice, which is often made in very large blocks, afterwards divided by saws or steam cutters.
Iron products were manufactured throughout the 18th century, nails were made before 1716 and were exported from the colony, and it was in Connecticut that cannon were cast for the Continental troops and the chains were made to block the channel of the Hudson river to British ships.
One of the convents, that of San Francisco, covers a whole block, and ranks among the largest institutions of its kind in the world.
The city proper of Rangoon with the Kemmendine suburb is laid out on the block system, each block being Boo by 860 ft., intersected with regular streets.
We we're in this shitty little apartment with drugies down the block.
He took an arm of each of the fashionable ladies and paraded one block uptown to Main Street, nodding to potential voters and ignoring the comments Fred muttered behind him that he looked like the crinkled cousin from Hicksville.
The rest of the freaks collected by Sasha, Rhyn's half-brother who aligned himself with the Dark One, were quiet on the cell block.
The immortals in the cell block threw out their best offers, and she couldn't help the sense of terror settling into her gut.
I.m too lowly a demon to know what, but I overheard them talking about it when they came to free us from our cell block.
The room even smelled like Sasha. Rhyn cursed his dead half-brother silently and left, traveling the black stone halls of the fortress in Hell where he'd spent most of his life. He reached the door before the block of cells where Sasha had collected his favorite creatures in Hell to create his own twisted, private zoo. They'd referred to the sick Immortal as the zookeeper, a creature as deserving of a cell as any.
The cell block fell silent. Even Jared looked at him in surprise. Rhyn took the talisman dangling from the demon's hand and pressed it against the wall of the cell holding Gabe.
The land is conveniently located adjacent to the main stable block.
The constructions include an adder, a sliding block memory, a memory cell and many more fascinating parts.
This property details how text will be horizontally aligned within the Block Section.
Novelist Sean is up against a serious case of writer's block and a shock announcement from his " perfect " new girlfriend.
Swap the impure positive copper anode with a pure block of the metal you want to form the coating layer.
The standard treatments, the 5HT3 antagonists, whilst effective, do not block all serotonin receptor sub-types.
A lovely, recently refurbished apartment on the ground floor of this portered block.
The front range was a single story block with a central gated entrance archway.
Start up the corner until you can move slightly right round the arete to reach a good spike level with the large block.
A longer PR implies first degree block, a shorter PR may indicate a vulnerability to supraventricular arrhythmias.
You may dodge arrows or bolts or use your shield to block them.
My private office is in the central block, with a glass wall overlooking the atrium.
Duties will include coordinating deliveries mainly automotive parts from the eastern block through out the UK.
The tire bale is a building block made from compressed tires.
The forward fuselage is completed by a curved balsa sheet top decking, with block balsa under the nose.
Against the glittering backdrop of the glass block wall the simplicity of the bespoke metal balustrade accentuates the clean, modern feel.
We can come players in the nfl the block bantam books.
The monument consists of a bronze bas-relief set into a block of dark granite.
To the right of the chamber above a large block leads to a very wide bedding plane which is choked after 40m.
Moor Piece This block of semi-natural woodland is dominated by birch, with a fringe of conifers along the northwestern boundary.
Excess oil makes the skin shine and can block the pores causing blackheads and spots.
I met the Station Commander at the entrance to the barrack block and he was accompanied by the Admin.
The grand stable block was designed by William Legg.
Housing is mainly tower block apartments around the city center.
Parking Area The apartment block has a secure private parking area below the building.
Then on Sunday Keith Davis turned his attention to completing the rear wall of the new toilet block from the outside.. .
A separate vagrants ' block was situated at the south of the workhouse.
The popup blocker may block the next step - you may hear a beep.
With an oval block it is necessary only to loosen the bolts.
He successfully represented bondholders in the litigation arising out of efforts to block the construction of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis.
The 7616 is a universal bongo stand, which will hold any model provided the bongos have a central support block.
Use three curly braces wrapped around the text to define a block quote.
If bare breasts, bare buttocks or genitals are present, block access to the site.
A new block of flats is to have the common area with an internal finish of exposed brickwork.
Minimize existing lines and help prevent new ones by using broad-spectrum Repairwear Day SPF 15 or Super City Block SPF 25.
A huge block of gold bullion, located in a dozen western European centers was also on offer.
Formerly a stable block, now converted into a spacious bungalow.
It ranges from Japanese horror to big block busters like Die Hard.
Outside, an L-shaped stable block offers 4 stables, tack room and also incorporates a double carport.
Here we had left five molds for bronze casting, two in one block.
Two FV engines glued together in vee formation by means of a magnesium block casting became the Double Four Valve or DFV.
Block that enzyme About one third of the dry weight of green tea leaves is made up of a flavonoid called catechin.
All of the blocks face good birding areas but we were particularly happy with N block which was reasonably central.
It is like the common areas of an apartment block but there is no management company to levy service charges and do the work.
The small block chevy has 2 big end crank journal sizes, known as small journal and large journal!
The 14th century tall, octagonal chimney to the west of the Hall Block served the adjacent northern block.
For information on pricing of DM modular block chimney system please visit our pumice chimney liners page.
The chip uses two block ciphers that are loosely modeled on DES.
The building is of steel portal frame construction, brick and block lower elevations with coated insulated steel sheet cladding and roof covering.
Defects in the external cladding of the office block had rendered parts of the outside unsafe.
I started to attend Relaxation classes which are held in an office block in the City Center where I go for my Momentum classes.
Local anesthetic agents may be administered intradermally or subcutaneously to block impulse conduction in local nerve fibers.
Every thread seems to deal with some stumbling block or other, or at least momentary confusions.
To correct this please write to the registrars giving them details and they will then consolidate your shareholding in one block.
To use the mono copier, located in block A, students must first purchase a copying card from the Computer Helpdesk.
Dan Cooney spoke on using block copolymers to produce nanoporous media.
The systems that I examine vary from simple melts of diblock copolymer to block copolymers with elaborate architectures.
The project will examine the synthesis and application of new conjugated block copolymers as light harvesting and charge transporting layers in organic solar cells.
However, there has been less work on phase transitions from oriented melt phases to crystal phases in block copolymers.
It has grown organically over the centuries; avoid the 1970s block and stay in the beautifully refurbished 1650 courthouse.
The epoxy filler will keep water from entering the lower crankcase of the engine block, where the oil is.
A banner rolls down an office block and the cheering reaches a deafening crescendo.
Great 3D laser cubes are made by directing a single laser beam through a crystal block to an exact point.
A two story main block had a central hall, surmounted by an octagonal cupola.
He draws the curtains on his bedroom window to block out the view.
Secure shopping for a knife block, Mundial knives and kitchen cutlery.
Wooden block floor with altar raised on a small dais; standard wall finish.
Dan O'Hara Saltburn, Cleveland New Kids on the Block We are all used to evolution deniers, holocaust deniers and moon-landing deniers.
For CS, a block should extend from S4 to the upper thoracic dermatomes.
One common reason for inadequate pain relief is a failure of the block to spread to the sacral dermatomes.
Then will be block diagonal with blocks of Furthermore, let and.
Because Hemp seeds are so digestible, scientists are suggesting their use in medicine to help block diseases and for treating malnutrition.
Fill up certain program provided percent pm dinnertime block.
Cash flow is a stumbling block for many people with growing small businesses yet they resist going to a factor or invoice discounter.
The block of marble now badly disfigured lay idle for years.
Raven sliding to block a through ball instead diverted the ball past the quietly effective Roque.
Mast End of spinnaker downhaul This is attached to the becket of a small block.
Sound isolating earphones feature a unique design to block outside noise.
You may be given earplugs or music to help block the noise.
The feed oxide is melted using graphite electrodes which then is allowed to solidify into a large block.
These changes have been described as follows " right bundle branch block with J point elevation and concave st elevation " .
Fish farms are represented by the filled rectangular block, with the areas of impacted seabed denoted by the filled ellipses.
Can we block new users around times of big matches (ESP red matches) - I bet you have already thought of this.
And be assured, in The Final Days of Simon Bacon the geezers knock existentialism 's block off.
All are fully multicoated with extra large pop-up eyecups to block unwanted stray light.
This block was rarely used and remained an empty eyesore for years.
In 1829 the block was condemned as the worse eyesore in the parish.
The top floor internal block walls are nearing completion but the external brick facings have only just been started.
These work to block the blood vessels, causing the fibroids to shrink and die.
Bush also faces the prospect of a democratic filibuster in the Senate to block his latest nomination to the Supreme Court, Samuel Alito.