Bleary Sentence Examples
She leaned against his chest, staring out the window with bleary eyes.
Her cell rang, and she stared at it briefly through bleary eyes.
The day is bleary and dreary, or maybe it's too hot or cold to go outside.
So at 7.30am when Anna came down the rest of us were somewhat bleary eyed!
She blinked her bleary eyes, unwilling to move for fear of the distant headache intensifying.
As it was, we all arrived slightly bleary eyed, but dead on time.
She had just checked in two hours ago, bleary eyed from the four hour drive en route to her next concert in Seattle.
Next day and still slightly bleary eyed it was time to start the conference proper.
Josie has been really miserable; she came down with something that made her very hot and limp and rather bleary looking on Wednesday.
It was four somewhat shaken paddlers who emerged bleary eyed from the tents the next morning.
AdvertisementFor the big yellow mass of quivering bleary cross eyed blubber bulged from the crab pot in a manner totally inhuman.
We had had a terrible night and i was very bleary - i thought she seemed better and said so so he rang off.
My cheeks sagged, my eyes became bleary, my whole face gaunt, yellow and hideously lined.
Any of our infrequent visitors or friends asking about the operation quickly developed a bleary look when we tried to explain what we did for a living.